16 January, 2025


Jaffna: US Concerned Over Moves To Stifle Free Expression

By Colombo Telegraph

Issuing a statement the US Embassy Colombo says; “The United States Embassy in Colombo is concerned about recent threats to freedom of expression in Sri Lanka.  The November 28 beating of a reporter in Jaffna, harassment by Government of Sri Lanka officials of independent media outlets, and searches without warrants of journalists all serve to stifle media freedom.  Additionally, the Embassy is greatly concerned about reports of attacks on students in Jaffna.  We call upon authorities to exercise restraint and respect peaceful demonstrations.”

Latest comments

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    What is teh point of this concern. You supported state terrorism and annoucned thata liberation movement is a terrorist out fit and helped to eliminate the liberation movement. WHy are shedding crocodile tears

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    We Sri Lankans are also gravely concerned why you all are only issuing statements and doing nothing about it!

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    During the Iraqi War, the US effectively stifled ‘free expression’ by introducing the concept of ’embedded journalism’, whereby journalists travelling with the conquering Western Forces could only report what the Armed Forces chose to expose them to.
    When Al Jazeera chose to reveal the true state of affairs in Iraq, their TV Station was ‘accidentally’ bombed by state-of-the-art US Jets.
    To now hear the US express concern over perceived moves to stifle free expression in Sri Lanka is absolutely hilarious.

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      Unlike in Sri Lanka, journalists were allowed in Iraq and Afghanistan. What Sri lanka did was never allowed any journalist to war zone to hide mass murder of Tamil civilians. Srilankans who celebrated with fire cracks the victory day, the day of killing tens and thousands of Tamil civilians, do not deserve to talk about USA or any other country and they have blood on their hands.

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        Kabi only Western Journalists were allowed in Iraq and, Afghanistan .

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        NO! We will not and MUST NOT allow any foreign media to cover our issues affecting our national security. Take it or leave it.

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        The best way to show a racist Sinhala Buddhist man how afraid you are of him is to KILL HIM.

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    This is food for the gallery. The Americans are the master minds who are responsible for all what MR does, has done and will do in the future. Stiffle Free Expression or Subjugate the Judiciary, the US will only play lip service as this, but will do nothing to prevent MR committing same. This is just like in Venezuella where Chavez is allowed by the Americans.

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    Our country’s law and order is our responsibility. We will not hesitate to do the needful.

    We Sri Lankans are also concerned and aware that you killed more than 1,000,000 human beings in Iraq and Afghanistan and got away easily without giving any heed to anyone!

    In addition to that, you are robbing their natural resources and are leaving bitter divisions and violence among the communities… for your national security and profit.

    Hope you saw the proof earlier this month through Sandy that what goes around always comes around… although there sometimes could be delays due to ‘technical’ issues. Practice what you preach.

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    These US idiots has to make some statement like this to cover up their ASS

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    It is time for the peoples of the world to put a STOP to Sri Lanka’s racist aggression and war-mongering.
    Out the racist Buddhist Army occupation!!!!!
    Down with the racist Sinhalese and their murderous ways!!!!!!

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      Your country, Tamilnadu, is not far from Sri Lanka. Why go to the west instead and scream from there? We are ignoring you.

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