By Lakmal Harischandra –
Perhaps, no other past President in our Post Independence history may have provided this amount of entertainment and clownish performance, like Sirisena, the present crackpot. What is referred here is not the recent humorous ‘Cutting the ribbon’ episode without caring for the countdown, which made people to make tons of memes about it, and laugh all day. Seriously, there are tinfoil-hatted comics performing on street corners who make more humour like this, than this political clown occupying the highest seat psychotic President, who brought this Island nation to utter ridicule and a laughing stock in the eyes of the world within a space of 5 years. Two of his most notable comical, idiotic dramas which he enacted, inter alia among many, have been his pivotal role in engineering the infamous October 2018 coup and gross misuse of the presidential pardoning powers vested on him as per the Constitution.
Brought as a common opposition candidate few years ago as an antidote to the then prevailing Mahinda brand of authoritarianism and supremacism, this misfit has brought more shame to the office of executive presidency than any of his predecessors. Despite some successes like freedom of expression and RTI, the government of national unity led by Sirisena and PM Ranil, failed to stand by many of its commitments on democracy, reconciliation, anti-corruption and justice. He will be leaving behind a legacy of impunity and arbitrariness, apart from his ineptness and gross inefficiency, and not forgetting the roar of laughter and humour he raised in most of us, which would have certainly made Ven Sobitha Thero, the architect of the 2015 political revolution to turn in his ‘grave’.
On October 26, he attempted a coup d’etat by appointing Mahinda, his predecessor as prime minister, which ended in a comedy of errors. Because this appointment was unconstitutional, the sitting PM Ranil, despite his own idiosyncrasy, was right in refusing to acknowledge his removal. The President then suspended Parliament, and his insidious dealings, including behind the curtain efforts to buy MPs who backed Ranil to change sides, to thwart the democratic process in Sri Lanka, earned the ill-will of the nation. This wholesale violation of the constitution—especially in relation to a transfer of power—was unprecedented. the nature of the attempted coup itself, had a chilling effect. The coup followed by a return to the norms of self-censorship, violence and fear that were characteristic of Rajapaksa-era politics. The schemes of Sirisena, finally blew up in his face, when the Supreme Court suspended his order dissolving parliament and called a snap general election. Sri Lanka, went from one prime minister to two prime ministers to no prime minister in a span of 20 days. This unconstitutional change of power thus put at risk Sri Lanka’s democracy itself, which, while deeply flawed and regularly failing to represent and protect ethnic and religious minorities, nonetheless has been providing an important safety valve for conflict over the decades.
Then the gross abuse of Presidential pardoning power is another area Sirisena indulged with gay abandon, despite expert advice to the contrary. Those safeguards exist to correct miscarriages of justice and are to be exercised with extreme caution and gravity. The abuse of Presidential Pardon is an abdication of the state responsibility to control crime. However, for this crackpot , all these legal provisions made no sense . Even when the court found State officers or convicts guilty, he sought to abuse his powers under the Constitution and grant them pardon. Thus, the impunity is guaranteed even against court orders. The latest case of such abuse is the murder convict Jude Jayamaha escaping death row with the controversial presidential pardon. The convict hailed from a wealthy, high-profile family but was sentenced to death after being convicted of murdering a Swiss teenager Yvonne Jonsson in 2005. Reaction on social media was scathing, with one Twitter user decrying the ‘monstrous act by a failed president’. Jonsson’s sister Caroline wrote in a Facebook post about her concerns over Jayamaha’s pardon before the amnesty announcement. Observers say, that Sirisena may have pardoned Jude Jayamaha to test the water ahead of possibly pardoning another high-profile death-row inmate whose family owns radio and television stations that support him- (Yes! You guessed it right- It’s Duminda Silva). He, for the second time brought the process of justice thereby to ridicule.
This abuse of pardoning powers is thus not new for this crackpot President . Few months back, his act of pardoning Ven. Gnanasara Thero by abusing the Constitutional powers vested in him, raised a hornet’s nest too. The pardon of Gnanasara Thero cannot be called a fit and proper exercise of that power by any metric. The pardon itself amounted to an undue interference with the legal process. He least cared. Gnanasara Thero was jailed by the Court of Appeal for committing the offence of contempt against the Magistrate’s Court of Homagama. The conviction and sentencing happened after the learned Magistrate complained to the Court of Appeal, and after a trial at which he was afforded every opportunity to defend himself. His appeal to the Supreme Court was later dismissed. This was the one instance when the Thero was dealt with under the law when his conduct in instigating violence against the Muslims and Christians never drew any action against him by the law enforcement agencies. However, when the call of the hour was to be severe on all purveyors of hate equally, the President’s act of showing extreme leniency to a hate monk sent a very wrong message to the country, taking Majoritarianism to yet another level. Days later after his release, Gnanasara Thero joined Ratana Thero, another hate monk, to further aggravate the anti-Muslim hate campaign. In fact, Ratana Thero was instrumental in obtaining pardon for Jude Jayamaha.
In the hands of a crackpot like Sirisena, this pardoning power is like a barber’s knife in the possession of a monkey. What this means to the ordinary citizen is that he or she will have to live in a bewildered state having no one to protect them from criminals. This power should be either removed or subjected to judicial review. In a ‘Study on pardoning power of president with special reference to Rajiv Gandhi assassination case’ by Akash and Renuga, it is stated in the Indian context which is equally applicable in our context too, ‘the power to pardon is a constitutional scheme which has been reposed by the people in the head of the state who enjoys high status and such power rests on the advice tendered by the executive to president .The lack of any standards or checks on the exercise of the clemency power has not stood the Indian system of justice in good stead .Today’s changing political climate underscores the need for principal exercise of the clemency power. Harsher sentencing standards and public sentiment in favour of capital punishment have resulted in an increasing number of death penalty cases finding their way into the clemency process…
‘As judicial review is a basic structure of our constitution, pardoning power should be subjected to limited judicial review. if this power is exercised properly and not misused by the executive, it will certainly prove useful to remove flaws of the judiciary’
Before the pardoning of Ven Gnanasara, a group of lawyers urged Sirisena to refrain from doing so. They said, “The President’s power to pardon a convict is subject to judicial review. In our view, prior to pardoning a criminal, report should be called from the Attorney General and Ministry of Justice. We are aware that neither the Attorney General nor the Minister of Justice has submitted any report regarding the pardoning of this convict. These observations become indispensable as the pardon that will be administered will be for the offence of contempt of court and will signal to the public that it is possible to act in such threatening manner in a court room and with complete disregard to the judiciary and officers of law, and thereafter use the fact that the criminal belongs to the priesthood and through political influence obtain such a pardon. A pardon if not exercised with due diligence and careful consideration of the rule of law implications will contribute to a culture of impunity’.
The Sri Lankan experience with presidentialism has been a negative one when viewed from the perspective of constitutionalism, the rule of law and the protection of liberal democratic values and institutions. Our democratic traditions have been seriously undermined as a result of presidentialism. In 1971 when the proposal to introduce the presidential system in Ceylon/Sri Lanka was made, one of our most distinguished liberal Prime Ministers, Dudley Senanayake made this statement which has turned out to be prophetic-
” The presidential system has worked in the United States where it was the result of a special historic situation. It worked in France for similar reasons. But for Ceylon it would be disastrous. It would create as tradition of Caesarism. It would concentrate power in a leader and undermine parliament and the structure of the political parties. In America and France it has worked but generally it is a system for a Nkrumah or a Nasser, not for a free democracy.”
Dr. NM Perera wrote on the Executive Presidency that “it is said that the president of United State is a dictator for four years; in the case of Sri Lanka, this dictatorship extended by two years”. NM’s prophesies that the JR Constitution would gradually transform our country into a dictatorship were proved correct. Despite the 19th Amendment which removed powers of the executive presidency, the struggle against JR’s constitution begun by NM however cannot end as that amendment which was passed by Parliament still retains the basic framework of the JR Constitution. The present amendment has not gone far enough to remove the powers of the Executive Presidency to the extent required to prevent the growth of a yet another dictatorship. Sobitha Thero’s dream of abolishing the Executive Presidency is therefore still to be achieved.
Under Rajapaksas, Sri Lanka’s image as a vibrant democracy took a beating internationally.After the election of Sirisena, Sri Lanka once again rose to international attention, for the wrong reasons, different from those relating to Rajapaksas. During the constitutional crisis last year, there were wide appeals to the effect that the country will have to give its urgent attention to the task of completely dismantling and abolishing the Executive Presidency. The current Executive Presidential system suffers from a total lack of transparency, with no one knowing the thinking processes of a President, with his advisers and those who help him to arrive at decisions being unknown to the public.
Rajapakse’s and Sirisena’s terms of Presidency convinced everyone about the repercussions of an Executive Presidency, how dictators, crackpots, narcissist and demagogues elected to the highest office of power can dismantle entire democratic systems and make a mockery of the systems of law and justice. The executive presidency was established in 1978. Since then there has never been as much necessity for its abolishment as there is right now. Public resentment against the post of an executive president has been both widespread and longstanding. The holding of absolute power has resulted in political killings and widespread corruption. Incumbents have been using this absolute power to greatly weaken democratic institutions and justice systems. It is majoritarian and benefits from ethnic divides. There have been many reports in the past that the executive presidency was going to be abolished. There have been many assurances by political leaders that the executive presidency would be done away with. There have been some attempts also in that direction. None has succeeded so far. All reports of the executive presidency being abolished have bene greatly exaggerated so far. Against that backdrop one cannot but help wonder whether JR Jayewardene’s executive presidency model will ever be abolished at all.
Still, the people appear to have not learnt lessons and even in this forthcoming Presidential elections happy to walk along a two-party continuum both of which wreaked havoc in the Post-Independence history spanning over seven decades. Gota belongs to a dictatorial and divisive Rajapaksa tradition whereas Sajith has been part of a fake Yahapalana regime which failed miserably to realize the dream of Ven Sobitha Thero for a corrupt-free, racism free and a transparent nation. Both are promising many things which they could not implement during their hey days. Only NPP is actually addressing the underlying problem of changing the political culture and put forth a sustainable program of action to end the impunity culture and switching to a policy based political vision. Anura has shown his mettle to give credible leadership to this drive- a person who can be believed to abolish this executive presidency system once for all and restore sanity to the diseased political system in this country. Only a political overhaul can cure our political ills and any cosmetic changes will only serve towards continuing a warped political system which has brought nothing but disaster and ridicule.
Lankan / November 14, 2019
his life will go into dust bin of history.
He lost his sense in politics.
so poor performance and so ungrateful man.
his reputation is shattered.
look How JR; CKB protected their names but MR and M&s applied their name ..
n bandara / November 14, 2019
MY3 is the most incompetent,inefficient fool we had to have as a president. He did nor rob our money though.. Now that he is going we don’t need a tyrannical heavy footer to rob our money for for him and his family.
Nandamal bahubutha / November 14, 2019
N.Bandara, you should seek the assistance of the US papers before you provide a character certificate to this goat.
devadatta / November 14, 2019
Together with the memory of his friend Amarabandu Rupasinghe.
Eagle Eye / November 14, 2019
CKB was branded as ‘Chura Regina’ (Bandit Queen).
MR was venerated as King Dutu Gemunu.
Sinhalayo consider MS as a traitor. The ‘Royal Gang’ got the opportunity to ruin this country because of MS.
Paddy / November 14, 2019
Better a crackpot than a despot for a President.
Thappu / November 15, 2019
When did he have a reputation, unless you want to call his undercutting his reputation!
Janaka from Matara / November 16, 2019
..I will have a drink tonight, not so much celebrating the new president, but seeing the back of the olmorondan old moron.
Dear Lakmal: Well written article. Do yourself a favor. Change your reading glasses to clear with a larger roundish non-black frame. all the best.
Nirutha / November 14, 2019
Crackpot President… well suited for banana republic Sri Lanka. This crackpot pardoned THUG gnanasara hoping the SL fools will support him to become president again. That didn’t work out .. now he pardoned a billionaire murderer for his retirement money.
rbh / November 14, 2019
He is always in the jumping mode before the count down he does the job the jump from that party to party jump for choosing prime minister before the election.He always feel a sense of urgency.
JD / November 14, 2019
Common candidate project failed. Because of that, NGO Dollar kaakkaas are really pi$$ed off.
Why you people are not talking about bond Scammers and the ones emptying the Treasury with foreign exchange scams.
D. P / November 14, 2019
If a gentler crackpot could commit such harm to SL reputation by trying to jump the limitations of the constitution (19 A), can you imagine the danger coming from a guy like GoRa whose criminal conduct may be caused by anger management problem known as “Bipolar Syndrome”? Can constitutional limitations can ever be able to stop a “crackpot devil”?
rbh / November 14, 2019
A known devil better than an unknown angel?
Jey / November 14, 2019
Sri Lankan, you are to blamed as you sow the seed to instability and bad government. No point blaming President, PM, Ministers and the parliamentarians. You elect them based on the “gobble de gook” promised they give you. Sri Lankans , you have to wake from your slumber , vote with your head not your heart . Cast away the prejudices against each other and behave human. Ask yourself, am I really a good Buddhist, a good Hindu, a good Christian or a good Muslim or even a good atheist!!
nalmen / November 14, 2019
crackpot or lunatic?
Real Revolutionist / November 14, 2019
As a matter of fact
When did it start?
Just hours prior to the previous presidential poll; as this person with the name of common candidate, taken to the fore in a deceptive manner, due to the political impotency of UNP leadership; even Sajith was considered not potent enough @ that time.
It’s not the presidents clownishness being exposed today but of those came as community front etc.
See the difference, Sajith considered politically impotent to defeat MR is set to defeat Gota today.
Craig / November 14, 2019
A despicable and demented crackpot indeed.
K.A. Sumanasekera / November 14, 2019
We all know that Sira did the dirty on the Dalits..
But he finally woke up after Dr Ranil and his mates raided the EPF to”Fix” the first tranche of Yahapalana Bonds.,-
Since then he tried hard to protect the country and keep it in one piece.
I got to give it him for saving that 12000 Sq Kilometers from total Yankee Control..
Native Vedda / November 14, 2019
KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera
“Since then he tried hard to protect the country and keep it in one piece.”
By appointing the crook and the war criminal as the prime minister of this island of poor inhabitants through back door in a coup which fizzled out after few days. Are you sure you have made peace with Hopper Sirisena and with yourself?
“I got to give it him for saving that 12000 Sq Kilometers from total Yankee Control..”
On the other hand uncle Sam has complete control over Gota whose protector US had already caught him by his b***s hence his heart and mind will follow his b***s.
You should wise up a little if at all possible.
Spring Koha / November 14, 2019
Lakmal Harischandra has written well.
Once upon a time, in our desperation, Sirisena was our great hope for a President that would bring us good governance. We elected him in desperation. It was a case of ‘all the people can be fooled some of the time’. Democracy has a habit of occasionally allowing a lemon to get elected. Those who voted for Sirisena have lived to regret their mistake. Now, we the voters are forced to have another ‘stab in the dark’ – elect another lesser of two evils. Pray Mother Lanka is watching over us as we make our mark.
The next incumbent at Janadipathi Mandiraya had better check that the cutlery is still there!
Uthungan / November 16, 2019
“Lakmal Harischandra has written well”.
Yes in deed.
Especially with reference to Dr. N.M.’s prophecies of SL’s Executive Presidency with reference to that of the US and the diabolical extension of the SL one by two years which had
in the hands of a crackpot President is like a barber’s knife in the hands of a monkey.
nalmen / November 14, 2019
he does not need to steal the cutlery as the jayamahas have looked after him
the other guys on the roofttops dont have their kind of money
Gamini / November 14, 2019
Let us be thankful that MS came forward to chase away the all powerful, criminal and despotic MR and his gang, when everybody thought they were invincible and unbeatable. But thereafter, he betrayed those who voted for him. A man with no gratitude. Sooner we see the back of him, the better. It appears he may have stood in the way of the Government implementing its policies and honouring its promises. A slimy character, indeed!
Thappu / November 15, 2019
MS has not chased away MR; MS has given a new lease of life to MR. The threat we face today is even more scary than the one we faced in 2015. A wrong vote today will be an irredeemable mistake!
Raj-UK / November 14, 2019
Sirisena was the choice of RW & CBK because with his humble village background, he was the closest they could nominate to appeal to the village voter to counter MR’s popularity with the same. CBK had no option other than to nominate MR as her successor as leader of the SLFP because of his long standing loyalty to the party & seniority but once in power, he outdid CBK & all other corrupt leaders in leaps & bounds. Perhaps, CBK thought the humble illiterate grama sevaka would be easier to control but once again, the worm turned & even tried to do better than his predecessor in the corruption stakes.
Sirisena is a joker all right but the the joke is on the poor citizens of SL who had to pay for his (& his family’s) up keep. The sooner he is kicked out to obscurity in his village the better but I hope that who ever come to power will investigate Sirisena’s time in power for mismanagement, abuse of power, nepotism & corruption. After a life in luxury at the tax payers’ expense, a spell in jail would seem right but I know its only wishful thinking.
Oliver Cromwell / November 15, 2019
Raj, agree fully. He was either a courageous man to come against MR in 2015, or a fool, who rush in where angels fear to tread! But his back-ground of being a “grama sevaka” was totally inadequate for the stupendous task. To add to that, RW never gave him the gentle, realistic assistance. Instead, RW, being the rotter he is made every effort to ahort-circuit the President. RW is the bigger culprit.
Fred / November 14, 2019
‘Slimy character’ – that sounds like a contradiction in terms. The fellow has been slimy alright but as for character, there’s been none. To start with whoever was prepared to trust a double crossing low life, who had no qualms about stabbing in the back, his previous night’s dinner host, the way MS did, cannot have been any judge of character. We can all be thankful he will soon be gone. But having done the country irreparable harm, made SL an international laughing stock and generally made an ass of himself, he has not done too badly for himself. Remember one of his first acts on taking office was to appoint his brother to a plum position, he’s looked after his near and dear all right, travelled far and wide, dined and wined all at state expense. What about all his promises? Was he not going to reveal the full details of the alleged conspiracy to kill him, within 2 weeks? That was in October last year. We are still waiting. Anyway, good riddance of bad rubbish.
chiv / November 14, 2019
Got to give to Lankans. Here I may have to agree with Amarasiri,s IQ theory. A “mother of all crooks ” was replaced by pathological liar and a clown. Next may be the sociopath and murderer. It is our immoral retards, who keep bringing these scums . What do people expect ?????? Irony is people who did not agree with VP,S militarism are now agreeing with his foresight. He told his community to not to expect any good from successive Lankan Governments ,and the community seems to suffer even after his absence. He also warned the same outcome for the rest of minority and today, Muslims and Christians are at the receiving end.
Good Sense / November 14, 2019
The author chooses to describe the departing president as a crackpot and perhaps a clown. Who is responsible for this? To some extent the voters who voted for him without inquiring deep into his background and that includes myself. A large amount of culpability lies on the team that endorsed him for nomination of the Presidency. When he was speaking sweet as a candidate we got the impression that he was duly groomed as a President who would do right and put things right. Electorally he was helped by the UNP. The first few months went smooth sailing. Cracks began to appear with the PM collecting dirty linen of the son especially his breaking into a night club. Then came the bond commission and so forth. We as voters, rightly expected both of them to work as a team, despite politico-ideological differences as they as a team got our votes for them to be in power. Alas! All that is history. We were defrauded. My contention is that the message should go to the voters at large of the need to have citizens groupings to protect the human and other rights as I see that all major candidates cannot tolerate a different point of view and they would go to any extent to crush dissent. More than electing a President we must be wary of the sweeteners offered to us to lure and control the sovereignty and the territorial integrity of the country by various countries. An eternally vigilant groups of citizens spread island wide could be an effective block against extra-judicial kidnappings and executions.
Backlash / November 15, 2019
Perhaps the last days when young journos like Lakmal have the chance to write
freely, fearlessly and openly. In a few days the fascistic Rajapakse regime will
hijack our free system of governance. The island will be turned into an open prison.
Journos like Lakmal will have to join Frederica, Noyar and many others in forced
exile. The country will be turned into an Orwellian dystopia. Like the once well to do Zimbabweans and Venezuelans young Sri Lankans – Sinhala, Tamil and others – will be forced to flee in dangerous dinghies in the open seas.
You get what you asked for is an old American cliché. 15 million innocent Lankans will have to suffer for at least another generation for the folly of a few who control the State apparatus – in shady ways.
In the late 1940s that wise lawyer-politician SJVC in that Bill to de-franchise Tamils – who were already voting and whose ancestors have been toiling in the country for over a hundred years – said “We (the local Tamils) will be next. Others will follow”
Prophetic words indeed. VP attempted the first insurrection against the State to save his people under various forms of political subjugation. The whole long planned DSS project of the early 40s was to enable the Sinhala Buddhist majority to prosper at the expense of the Tamils and other minorities. The idea was for the UNP to be in power for a long time. But what do we have today? The Sinhala youth revolted in 1971. The dissatisfaction remains. A few Cabinet Ministerships or minor political positions will not quench the thirst of the Sinhalse. Today young Sinhalese are risk their lives in the open seas trying to escape political and economic hardship in the otherwise doomed island. Many will perish in the seas. The Navy, Police and Army kidnap and often kill rich Tamil children – for ransom. It will be worse when the Rajapakses resume their 2nd innings.
chiv / November 15, 2019
A public with sense will not put up with such shit heads. They rise to the occasion in defending their country and there by future generations. Right now in a prosperous country like Hong Kong, people are out in streets protesting for months against what they perceive as threat, to their freedom and existence. I remember in South Korea the frustrated public took matters into their own hands and physically send their leaders home or into retirement. (by naming and shaming) . In Pakistan, a sitting CJ lead a nationwide protest against a military dictator.In India in certain states, the sitting MP,s or even union ministers were barred from entering their own constituent . Where as in Lanka the public knowingly and repeatedly keeps bringing such shit heads expecting change ???? A clown like MS should have been send home on retirement but, except for a surprising court action ,he continued to stay causing further damage and kept breaking the Law and our very own constitution (or is it constipation) until his final act (hope it is final) of pardoning convicted Murderers and Criminals.. Gotha is standing for election to bring more of “White Van Culture”. Mahinda is promising to come back at the earliest , for more economic mismanagement. Ranil tried the same but some sense seems to have prevailed (still not the end).
galbanda / November 15, 2019
absolute nincompoop
Upali / November 15, 2019
I don’t know how to translate the sinhala idiom ”Balla Wellawata Nagga Wage” is it ”Dog in the Manger”
chiv / November 15, 2019
I keep hearing the words economic development, brighter future and all kind of rubbish dished out by candidates and their followers. All I have experienced is ” our country has gone to dogs” . During Srima ,s time there was food for ration and JVP up rise, during JR time it was autocracy and creating Tamil rebels. Amid, the citizen may have had economic hardships but were still provided with decent/basic education, health and Law and Order. But Rajapaksas, took the country to a different level which is , rapid downhill decline where we as a nation truly “hit the bottom”.Just see where we have reached. We do not have education, (even the common man is selling his property to get private services), health services ( doctors not showing up without notice), broken down public transport (Srilankan airways is turned into liability), a laughable “low and odor”, judiciary where AG dept and judges working for politicians, marked rise in violence against women and children, drug related crimes, lack of journalistic independence, bankrupt economy, sky rocketing debt levels which realistically cannot be repaid , unemployment, corruption and dysfunctional civil/public services. Mean time the politicians and some businessmen have become filthy rich . (cont)
chiv / November 15, 2019
When 80% of the population is struggling to make ends meet, 10% which includes politicians, businessman who are financing and supporting such crooks and people with political influence have become filthy rich. Businessman who were millionaires have overnight turned Billionaires, low level politicians who started with few lakhs in bank balance are now having in millions, even bureaucrats lackeys and cabals have amazed money in a very short time. So much so that they get their medical checkups and health services abroad, go on holidays abroad, wine and dine in five stars, hold extravagant family ceremonies, hold night time car races and gamble in millions (including stock markets). The same shit heads are the ones now promising to take us “to the future”, must be theirs definitely not ours. If the 80% population is blind of their own suffering , then they sure deserve what they ask for, because, even the good Lord , will have no mercy for such stupid creatures.
Plato. / November 15, 2019
Would it be a case of from the frying pan into the fire after the 16th Nov:?
The fact remains that the Rajapakses have been the beneficiary of the Sirisena Presidency!
senna / November 15, 2019
Remember when Dr. N.M. Perera while debating executive presidency asked ” what if a madman became president” with all these powers. Now you know what happens. We have the mad man, he’s gone bat shit crazy and there is nothing anyone can do about it.
chiv / November 16, 2019
Rajapaksas “road map to future” has already begun. Enjoy the ride. Bus loads of Muslim voters,travelling from Mannar to Puttalam to vote, were shot and ambushed by Rajapaksas SLPP men. Also Army has set up illegal road blocks all over North and East, against EC rulings, to intimidate Tamil voters. ES has officially complained against this move.
soma / November 16, 2019
One day Sirisena will say Mahinda Rajapaksa saved the country from Velupillei Prabhakaran and I saved the country from Ranil Wickramasinghe.
T.j.miskin / November 16, 2019
This joker aiyo Sirisena and bond scam Ranil are the worst rogues the country ever had. They have really brought Sri Lanka to bankruptcy.