19 January, 2025


Condemn Saudi’s Travesty Of Justice

By Ameer Ali

Dr. Ameer Ali

The most barbaric of murders ever committed in the history of journalism and shocked the civilized world was, when Saudi-born Jamal Khashoggi, an insider turned critic of Saudi regime, chopped into pieces inside the premises of Saudi Consulate in Istanbul, and his dead body reported to have been dissolved in chemicals by a team of butchers especially dispatched to accomplish that barbarity by a member of the Saudi Royal household. Lies after lies were loaded through the media by Saudi regime to cover up the savagery. World could not be silenced.  All international and independent investigations soon revealed that the master mind behind that heinous crime was none other than the Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman, the so called visionary who wants to modernise the desert kingdom.

It was Donald Trump, before anybody else, who absolved the Prince of that murder, because to the President of America profits from selling weapons to killers are more precious than life of a truth-seeking journalist. Saudi largesse had successfully bought the support of the super power and muteness of its allies.

However, the world of journalists, civil rightists, academics and intellectuals, peace activists, justice seekers and every other civilised voices demanded the Prince to be brought to justice. Even the United Nations condemned the murder. But, in a mockery of a trial conducted in secret by Riyadh’s criminal court and stage managed by the royal palace, five of the accused were sentenced to death, three sent to prison to a total of 24 years without individual breakdown for each, and another three were found not guilty and released. The master mind was not even brought before the court.

Leaving aside the rest of the world for a moment, the question posing world Muslims is too agonising to ignore. How could the world of Muslims and the fifty-seven member countries of OIC go on tolerating Saudi Government’s barbaric excesses, and continue to accept the regime’s claim to be the guardian of the two holiest of mosques in Islam, to which millions every year go on pilgrimage, and fill the coffers of that regime? Wasn’t the Saudi regime that produced Bin Laden and the first batch of Muslim terrorists? Isn’t that same regime and on the order of the Crown Prince that is now killing tens of thousands and impoverishing millions of Yemenis, while at the same time washing off its hands from the cause of Palestine? Isn’t the same regime that wants to trade with Israel while wishing to destroy Iran, a proud contributor to Islamic civilization? Isn’t the same regime that coalesced with the US and sabotaged the 2011 Arab Spring in Egypt? In short, if the world of Islam has lost its pride and prestige in the international arena, especially after 1980, it is largely because of the Procrustean politics of the Wahhabi Saudi regime.

Why is the Sunni Muslim world leaders continuing to tolerate this intolerable regime? Because, the simple answer is that the US tolerates and befriends, and no Muslim leader would dare crossing the US line.  President Roosevelt’s meeting with King Ibn Saud on 15 February 1945 on U.S.S. Quincy over Suez Canal began that “eternal friendship” between American weapons and Saudi oil. Today, it is the power of Saudi petrodollar that speaks loud and covers all the evils of that barbaric regime? Even the obedience of Saudi citizens is bought with petrodollars.  Sooner the scientists and technologists help the world to switch completely to an affordable non-hydro-carbon energy source, all Arab oil kingdoms and sheikhdoms will collapse and natural environment will have a sigh of relief.

What should the Muslim world do now? At least it should start agitating to get the two holiest mosques removed from the jurisdiction of Saudi Government, and bring them under the management of a consortium of Muslim countries. What this regime has done to the mosque in Mecca and its historic surrounding is inexcusable by any measure.  In the name of modernization, the rulers have destroyed its history and transformed that place from a spiritual enclave to a mega shopping centre for rich Muslims and tourists to display their ill-gotten wealth. Mecca has lost its pristine glory. It is fitting to quote in this context, a lament about Mecca by the Prophet (peace be upon him) himself, “O Mecca, I love thee more than the entire world, but thy sons will not let me live” (Shibli Nomani’s Sirat al Nabi and quoted by Ziauddin Sardar, Mecca: The Sacred City, London 2014, p. 47).  The modern sons are gradually destroying even his memory. The removal of Mecca and Medina from Saudi government’s jurisdiction will knock out the hold Saudi regime has over the Sunni Islamic world at least. Which Muslim leader is going to bell the cat?  

In the meantime, will Sri Lankan Muslim leaders including the mufti of ACJU join the International Human Rights Group and condemn Saudi travesty of justice in Khashoggi’s scandalous murder trial? It will be great if President Rajapaksa and or his Prime Minister raises the country’s concern about the trial with the Saudi Ambassador. After all, Saudi Arabia, through propagation of its ultraconservative religious ideology, has done more damage to Sri Lanka’s inter-religious harmony and tranquillity than any other foreign powers.

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  • 5

    Dr. Ameer Ali,
    Part 1

    Thanks for your article.

    “ In short, if the world of Islam has lost its pride and prestige in the international arena, especially after 1980, it is largely because of the Procrustean politics of the Wahhabi Saudi regime.”

    Q1. Is Wahhabi-Salafism and the ideology followed by its clones Islam or Iblis-ism or Satanisam? Wahhabis say it is Islam, while Islamic Sources say it is Iblis-ism, Satanisam , from the Horn of the Devil. The reference is given below. The question is why the this Islamic Source evidence is not widely distributed and informed among the Muslims that their religion was taken over by the Devil, Satan , Iblis Followers, including the two holy places? Wahhabi money? Wahhabi brainwashing? Wahhabi propaganda?

    Hadith of Najd.


    The Hadith of Najd is a hadith with several chains of narration about three geographical locations, one of which is prophesied to be the source of calamities. While all Sunni Muslims accept the group of hadith as authentic, the exact location of the area referred to as “Najd” is disputed.[according to whom, Wahhabis?) Possible locations listed are the areas around Yemen, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia. The data clearly shows Wahhabi Saudi Arabia.

    According to two narrations in Sahih Bukhari, Muhammad asks Allah to bless the areas of Bilad al-Sham (Syria) and Yemen. When his companions said “Our Najd as well,” he replied: “There will appear earthquakes and afflictions, and from there will come out the side of the head (e.g. horns) of Satan.” In a similar narration, Muhammad again asked Allah to bless the areas Medina, Mecca, Sham, and Yemen and, when asked specifically to bless Najd, repeated similar comments about there being earthquakes, trials, tribulations, and the horns of Satan.

    • 4

      Dr. Ameer Ali,

      Where is Najd? Where is the Horn of the Devil coming from. What does the Islamic Sources say?


      Saudi Arabia.

      Your article gives additional circumstantial evidence, that Wahhabism is Satanic and is Islis-ism. The Wahhabi propaganda and money has bought the silence of the Muslims, especially the Ulama, who want to maintain their hegemony, including the ACJU.

      217 years ago, on the Wahhabi infamy day, April 21, 1802, the Wahhabis sacked Karabala and killed 5,00O people.

      On April 21, 2019, Easter Sunday. the Para-Sri Lankan Wahhabis who follow the Satanic Ideology, killed 250 People in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho

      All this is circumstantial evidence, data in support of the hypothesis that the Wahhabi Salafis follow the Devil, the Firn if Satan.

      • 1

        Absolutely and irreparably ignorant Amarasiri puts in motion his standard and boring tirade about Wahhabism.

        • 1


          Read up from the Islamic Sources, on the Prescient Hadith of Najd, and the actions of the Wahhabis and their clones. Then, if you have any common sense left, save yourself from Hell Fire.

    • 5

      what about the travesti of justice in srilanken judiciary in following murder cases ?

      1)Lasantha W was murdered EDITOR of SUNDAY leader news paper, even if repeated times they the victimized patties requested it to be investigated, not much is done sofar…. what stand on the way is also not clear, but with alleged criminals being the masters of the country today, they family can just forget if they ever dreamt of being served with justice

      2) As my mother as sinhalese, victimized mother of murdered rugherite Thadjudeen is made out of human flesh and bones – but former president protected the alleged high criminals ? Today, I feel, SIRISENS president should be arrested no body else ? Not just the criminal investigation, but several other investigations, were blocked by SIRISENA by himself. If we are to see justice being servered, these men inlcuding Rajakashes siblings should be hung by their balls for all the high crimes. oR NOT, then only we can have a real CHRISTIMAS or VESAK in this country.

  • 6

    Dr. Ameer Ali,
    Part 2

    “Why is the Sunni Muslim world leaders continuing to tolerate this intolerable regime? Because, the simple answer is that the US tolerates and befriends, and no Muslim leader would dare crossing the US line. “

    Saudi Arabia MBS, Mohamed Bin Salman, the Crown Prince, the caretaker of the two Holy Mosques? Blackmails, the Pakistanis.

    Imran Kahn, the Prime Minister of Pakistan, was called in to Saudi Arabia by MBS and told to withdraw and not to attend the OIC KL summit because of Turkey and Iran.

    Now, they are doing damage control.

    First do the damage. Then control the damage.


    Erdogan had ‘unveiled’ that Saudi Arabia threatened Pakistan to withdraw its financial assistance as well as to expel millions of its workers if it attended the gathering of Muslim leaders in Malaysian capital.

    Saudis pressure forced Pakistan to skip KL summit: Erdogan

    Following the Turkish newspaper report, Pakistan’s foreign office issued a brief statement saying that Islamabad did not participate in the Kuala Lumpur summit because time and efforts were needed to address the concerns of major Muslim countries, regarding possible division in the Ummah.

    Saudi Arabia however dismissed the claim as ‘baseless’ and insisted that its relationship with Pakistan is beyond the realm of threats. The Saudi Embassy in a statement had also clarified that Riyadh neither threatened nor stopped Islamabad from attending the KL summit.

  • 7

    Ameer Ali, I agree with your views and opinion on this, and as you can see I have been vociferous through out, on this matter. But remember there has been more than 40 or so Journalist killed in our Sorry Lanka, and I am sure some of murders , would have been much more barbaric and heinous than we think. Sadly there is no such international outcry or any investigations conducted as in Khashoggi,s case. The similarities have been the same (which I had mentioned else where) yet no end results what so ever. If at all the alleged suspects are provided with immunity by our own govt and rewarded further with position and power.

  • 4

    This might give some insight into the troubling relationship between Trump, his son in law Kushner, and the killer Bin Laden:

    “The new Democratic majority in Congress is unraveling the many ways that Donald Trump’s administration has been beholden to Saudi Arabia since its earliest days. In a report last month that got lost in the crush of other news, House Democrats detailed how top Trump administration officials, including Michael Flynn and Jared Kushner, pushed to provide the Saudi government with technology to build nuclear power plants. That could put Saudi Arabia on the path to developing nuclear weapons, and further destabilize the Middle East.

    Kushner’s role is particularly troubling because, as the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser, he has cultivated and shored up the relationship between Trump and the ruthless Saudi crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman. The Kushner-Prince Mohammed friendship is at the heart of the US-Saudi relationship today, and it’s one reason that Trump has tried to shield the crown prince from blame for the murder of the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Trump and Kushner, both used to shady real estate deals, adapted quickly to Saudi Arabia’s system of patronage and clientelism: unwavering support from the Trump administration for the promise of weapons sales and other business deals.” The Guardian UK

    Kushner is Bin Salman’s advisor, who has helped him deal with the PR after the brutal killing of Khashoggi, and supporting him. When the US Congress passed a resolution to stop supporting the war in Yemen, Trump refused to sign it into law. Those Riyals and the oil, are precious to many leaders and nations.

    Sri Lankan Muslims better get smart about those Saudi’s, as they radicalize Muslims in many nations, and become a hazard to peace and living among non Muslims.

  • 1

    Mr. Amarasiri,
    Don’t waste bandwidth.

    • 1

      S C Pasqual,

      If Amarasiri can convince some Muslims to be on the lookout for the Wahhabi-Salafi Devils, per Hadith of Najd, and be non-Wahhabi-Salafies, it will save them from Hellfire and will be a better place for everybody else.

      Sufis, Shia and Ahmedia Muslims will certainly agree with. Amarasiri.

      An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.

  • 2

    kashogi was trying to start an insurrection in saudi arabia, and he was financing social media personnel. he was very stupid to go to the embassy. The saudi government knew about it at got him killed. same thing happened in new york jail to Epstain, he was the guy sourcing underage girls for prince edward and clinton and many rich and powerful others. got killed inside the jail, the guard was a russian mma fighter, who could have strangled him with a choke hold. case closed suicide. shit happens>

  • 5

    Mohamed Bin Salman alleged to have paid US$ 100m to Evanka Trump’s “Slush Fund” during the Jamal Khashoggi murder controversy in October 2018. Senator Lindsay Graham who was making a big noise against MBS at the same period suddenly took a surprisingly muted stance ! – for how many million$ from MBS, only God knows” –

  • 3

    What can do Muslim ummah to punish Saudi. 30 Million Saudi is making trouble to 1.6 billions Muslims and yet, bloody Wahabi and salafi idiots do not know about it…Oil money is public money according to Islamic law. It is not property of kings, princes and royal family. this kings and princes are not Islamic at all. Prophet was not a king at all. So, this oil money they loot from public is wealth of entire Muslim Ummah. It is not property of some. How did not MBS fooled Imran. He bullied Imran Khan. Because MBS warned him to send back all Pakistanis who works in Saudi,
    What can we do. Some Muslim scholars says Muslim community must boycott hajj to punish these idiot Saudi rulers not saudi people. What about this boycotting hajj for a year to teach a lesson. After all, all hajj taxes and income go to Israel to kill poor Palestinians : Our Wahabi and Salafi would not agree on this because they live on Saudi money.

    • 2

      It is said that Saudi will fight any war waged against it until the last “Pakistani soldier”
      exists – KSA & Pakistan are inextricably linked.

  • 5

    Ameer Ali, Please keep your thoughts to your self. We regret what has happened to Khashoggi, but Sri Lankans have to live. This country is almost bankrupt and can’t afford to have a rift with Saudi Arabia or for that matter with any other country. Our Muslim friends and politicians should not get involved in this issue.

    • 5

      J de Alwis

      Well said. How right you are.

    • 1

      Dr. Ameer Ali,

      Just like Jayantha de Alwis says, with all that external debt, debt payments and 500,000 workers in Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka cannot afford to be blackmailed, just like what happened to Pakistan.

      On the other hand, the Satan following Wahhabism has caused enough disruption globally and in Sri Lanka.

  • 2

    Yes, Dr Ameer Ali, I fully endorse your excellent piece, exposing, not only the Bani Sauds, who are an affront to Islam, but also the minions in our motherland, who have ensconced themselves in powerful positions, with the backing of Saudi petrodollars. It is more than evident now, that, if justice is to prevail in its real sense, then Saudi Arabia, which Britain had created in 1932 for its agent, Abdul-Aziz the desert brigand from Najd following his blood-soaked occupation of Hijaz the Land of Divine Revelation and the desecration of Islam’s holiest sites in Mecca and Medina, should cease to exist and the entire clan of criminals meted out the punishment they deserve.

    • 1

      Stayed Mohamed,

      “Saudi Arabia, which Britain had created in 1932 for its agent, Abdul-Aziz the desert brigand from Najd following his blood-soaked occupation of Hijaz the Land of Divine Revelation and the desecration of Islam’s holiest sites in Mecca and Medina, should cease to exist and the entire clan of criminals meted out the punishment they deserve.“

      According to the prescient Hadith of Najd, the Horn of the Devil , Satan, will come from Najd, Saudi Arabia.

      According to Islamic Theology, those who follow Satan will burn in Hell Fire until eternity.

      So the Wahhabis are trying to burn and kill the people here on Earth. What happened on April 21, 1802 in Karabala and on April 21, 2019 in Sri Lanka?

  • 7

    Ameer Ali

    Is the Khasshogi murder the biggest problem facing the Muslim world?

    Any way, why should it be a matter of concern for Sri Lankans who have seen many journalists brutally murdered, threatened and forced to flee Sri Lanka in the recent past?

    If you must write to the Media in Sri Lanka, write on subjects that concern the majority of Sri Lankans – 90% -who are non-Muslims. Please STOP Wasting our time with matters that are of little interest to the Vast majority of Sri Lankans and find the right Fora to address your concern for Muslims, if you are SERIOUSLY Worried about the Muslim Ummah.

    • 1


      Amarasiri differs from your comment. What Dr. Ameer Ali is saying is that the “Ideal” Muslim held by the Wahhabi-Salafis is not correct, and they are following their own Saudi path, having taken over the the two holy mosques. Besides, Amarasiri gave references from Islamic Sources that the Wahhabi-Salafis are followers of the Devil, Satan per the prescient Hadith of Najd.

      It was the Wahhabi-Salafi clones who carried out the Easter Terrorism. Same about the sack of Kalabala 217 years ago, on the Wahhabi infamy Day, April 21,. No Wahhabism, none of these would have happened.

      Like a virus that has morphed into different strains, Wahhabi Salafism too has morphed into different strains, and claiming to be Muslims.

      The Muslims have their hands full dealing with the Satan following Saudi funded Wahhabism, that has spilled globally including Sri Lanka, the Land of Native Veddah Aethho.

      • 3


        Don’t forget that the article by Ameer Ali is NOT about Wahhabism but about Khasshogi’s brutal murder. What has that got to do with Wahhabism?

        Furthermore, journalists and Media personnel have been under attack all over the world including our own Sri Lanka. Khasshogi is not the ONLY one. If one were to make a comparison of journalists/Media men who have been persecuted in the recent past, Easily the worst off must be Julian Assange who has been on the run for almost a decade since 2010. He has been held in prison in London under such Deplorable conditions that more than 60 Physicians have signed a letter in November last saying that he ‘Could Die’ in U.K. Jail.

        Hasn’t Ameer Ali heard about Julian Assange? If he is REALLY concerned about journalists/Media men, shouldn’t he talk about Julian Assange first and foremost?

        Obviously, Ameer Ali is NOT at all objective. He seems to be having his own axes to grind. Let him find other Fora to pursue his puerile ideas instead of WASTING our time.

        • 1


          “Don’t forget that the article by Ameer Ali is NOT about Wahhabism but about Khasshogi’s brutal murder. What has that got to do with Wahhabism?”

          Saudi Arabia is Wahhbi, and it is all about Wahhabisam.

          Just google Wahhabi sack of Karabala, where 5,000 Muslims were killed. It is ingrained in their Wahhabi Satanic ideology.

          Isn’t MBS a Wahhabi? The basis of Said Arabia is Wahhabisam.

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  • 1

    Shhhhhh …. Everyone !!! you are NOT supposed to say anything against the Saudi barbarians. After all they are Sri Lanka’s slave masters. BTW it reminds me of an old Jewish saying which goes like this: WITH MONEY IN YOUR POCKET, YOU’RE WISE, HANDSOME AND YOU SIN WELL TOO !

  • 1

    Ameer Ali

    As if to answer your Call, today’s Sunday Island Editorial is captioned: “The Khasoggi case”.

    Let me quote the last two sentences in that Editorial.

    “Saudi Arabia is not the only country in the world where intelligence services undertake such operations. While we here in Sri Lanka have not taken a condemnatory approach to what happened, given that Saudi Arabia employs thousands of our housemaids, buy a considerable amount of our tea and hosts thousands of Haj pilgrims from here, enlightened self-interest would dictate that whatever our beliefs, it is best to keep our mouths shut.”

    Very disappointing for you, eh?

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