25 April, 2024


Could We Heal The World By Sacrificing Virgins?

By Kasun Kamaladasa

Kasun Kamaladasa

One of the earliest memories of my childhood is from a magic show, performed by David Copperfield. In his show, he flies around like a ghost over the stage leaving the audience mesmerized! Ever since that day I have been fascinated by magic.

I put on my first magic show at the age of 7 which was my last public magic show. I think even as a child fake applause wasn’t what I was looking for. Later during school years, I started experimenting with magic to impress a girl which took a considerable amount of learning. After that, I slowly forgot about magic having found new interests and hobbies.

A few years ago however I found myself watching a magic show to support a friend with her school charity. Something I saw that day rekindled my curiosity and I started to watch “how-to” videos just to understand how people could do such unbelievable acts. Alas learning the secrets of the tricks meant that the “spark” of magic was dispelled for me. The biggest disappointment came one day, when I saw that sometimes acts involving disappearing animals, would mean that they are crushed into a pulp so to create that illusion of vanishing into thin air.

After that day I stuck with just watching the tricks and leaving the “how-to” part for the professionals. I didn’t want the awe to vanish from magic, Ignorance is bliss after all.

Magic of healers

In my travels to St. Petersburg I met a Mongolian travel guide who bunked with me in the same hostel. I spent a few days with him exploring parts of St. Petersburg I would never have seen in TripAdvisor or a tourist brochure. One such place was a Mongolian Buddhist temple, where he showed me a monk who had healed his hernia by using acupuncture. Being a medical student those days I was amazed to hear about the procedure. Thinking back, I realize that my medical knowledge was awful and that the hernia wasn’t cured by acupuncture, it was just not significant enough to cause complications. Thus a monk with no proper medical training had magically “cured” him and even though the hernia was still there, in my friend’s mind it had become less prominent.

Three years ago I met two parents who were seeking treatment for their child. They started to talk about their situation with their son who had suddenly stopped talking. As I was contemplating the situation and thinking whether I should refer them to a neurologist, psychiatrist or inform child services… one of my colleagues who was listening to the story suddenly said “this is a classic case of demonic possession”, we need to call a priest. Sure he wasn’t a doctor or nurse of any sort so I didn’t expect him to know the causes of selective mutism but his words caught me by surprise. After all, he wasn’t brought up in a village and he had been working in the healthcare industry for several years. Hypothetically the priest might solve the problem but it was very unlikely and mutism would not be cured by an exorcism.


One of the most popular forms of magic today is called mentalism. It portrays the artist as a mind reader or person with a highly developed mind that can solve impossible math questions in seconds. Various magicians use different methods to achieve this illusion but all of them admit it is a trick. They also teach people that these same tricks are used by so-called fortune-tellers, some of them even teach you how to become such a fortune teller yourself.

The most basic method of doing mentalism which I learned was cold reading. Once you have met enough people and asked the same questions, you can easily see patterns on how people react, how certain people from certain areas talk. Although discouraged professionally in medicine, to avoid biases, I have seen plenty of doctors apply the same tricks to understand and tackle patients. In societies that have less diversity, it seems to work quite well too, until it doesn’t.

Some of my friends who are true believers of traditional Sri Lankan medicine seem to easily fall into this trap because traditional doctors would diagnose you as you walk in the door. As legend has it, the knowledge of traditional medicine is so good that they can see the chakras and energies around people and diagnose them. I mean sure gaits, facial features, sweating, smell, and so many other things can all give away a patient’s illnesses but there is a reason we don’t rely entirely on subjective data. After all, unlike mentalists and fortune-tellers, doctors aren’t supposed to sell an illusion.


During my exploration of magic, I found a group of conspiracy theorists that were collecting “evidence” to prove that demons were helping some magicians perform their extraordinary tricks. David Blaine who has a sadistic style to his magic is often quoted and shown by these groups as a person who has performed a daemonic pact to receive “superhuman powers”. With all the how-to videos on YouTube these conspiracy theorists are dying out today but that wasn’t the case back then.

Even in traditional medicine, in some corners of the world, we can see so many such Beliefs that are sometimes even promoted by doctors who practice western medicine. Some do it to blend in and avoid confrontation others sadly are either true believers or opportunists who would sell grass as medicine if it gave a good profit. One might think that such practices are only done in dark corners but just a few days ago the vice president (Prime minister) of our country with the help of monks was preforming a ritual against daemons to fight the Coronavirus. The saddest part for me was that this ritual was happily promoted by fellow medical practitioners who either wanted to fool people or were fooled themselves.

Chaos Magic

The Witcher is a fantasy series of novels and short stories written by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski. In it he describes magic as a practice that organizes chaos. Having worked in well-organized hospitals and hospitals that each person fends for himself or his team I feel the lack of magic in these chaotic places. While patients who visit these well-organized hospitals go mesmerized as if been in a magical show, those who visit chaotic hospitals end up praying to God to save them. They would visit the village temple to give an offering instead of stepping a foot back in the hospital and for good reason.

Virgin sacrifice

Magic wasn’t really always about illusions but for centuries it has constantly been there to fool and trick people, that’s probably why Penn and Teller (Two of my favorite magicians) created the show; Fool Us. Watching their show has me convinced that the best illusions that “fool us” are the ones with mystical stories. Not that all stories need to be narrated by words, sometimes music and visuals can do that too.

Some of these narratives for centuries have fooled people to the extent that they were willing to prepare human sacrifices to ensure these illusions stand true. Hitobashira was one such practice in Japan, where people would bury a human alive near castles and bridges to prevent natural disasters. Such sacrifices were not rare throughout the world. Although argued by different historians, it is believed that Mayans, Aztecs, Greeks, Mongols, Scythians, early Egyptians, Indians, and many more cultures had such practices.

But the question remains and I will let the reader decide… “Climate change wasn’t a thing, when we were sacrificing virgins to the Sun God, right? did we anger the one true God, by foolishly stopping virgin sacrifices?”

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  • 3

    Kasun Kamaladasa ,

    RE: Could We Heal The World By Sacrificing Virgins?

    Thanks for an excellent article.

    All you have to do is brainwash the myth believers. That is done by the priests, monks, magicians , politicians and opportunists.

    “One might think that such practices are only done in dark corners but just a few days ago the vice president (Prime minister) of our country with the help of monks was preforming a ritual against daemons to fight the Coronavirus. The saddest part for me was that this ritual was happily promoted by fellow medical practitioners who either wanted to fool people or were fooled themselves.”

    What you have here are imbeciles, mean measured IQ 79, who have been brainwashed to believe whatever the monks and the magicians say.

    The Para-imbeciles, who follow BUDDHA-AGAMA, Buddha’s Religion, have been brainwashed to prostrate to the saffron clad monks, a “tradition” established by the Para-monks, after they came from India, claiming that they are the 3rd Gem of the Triple Gem,and they can get them to (the illusion of ), Nibbana , Extinction. The Politicians,( magicians) are riding on this illusion, as the imbeciles follow and believe this, and will vote for the politicians,.

    Will tying a Pirith Noola on the wrist protect from the Corona-virus or any other virus? The best protection is the immune system, and those with a better immune system will be protected, Porith Noola or not, while others with weak immune systems will not be protected, Pirith Noola or not. In the meantime, the Para-imbeciles, prostrate to the monks, who were abused in their backs when they were child monks, by the senior monks.

    • 1

      “, it is believed that Mayans, Aztecs, Greeks, Mongols, Scythians, early Egyptians, Indians, and many more cultures had such practices.”
      Kasun has left out a major religion which even now worships images of a tortured person nailed to a wooden structure. But at the same time it condemned people like Aztecs for a actually sacrificing people!
      Kasun’s writing reminds me of another young Doctor by the name of Carlo Fonseka, who became quite different in his old age. I do hope Kasun will stick to his principles.

  • 4

    Dear Kasun Kamaladasa,
    I wonder what new pieces of wisdom you will dispense to us next.
    With so much silliness around us, a guy like you who appears to be hardly out of your teens regularly surprises us with such wise articles that one wouldn’t expect hoary-headed guys to come up with even towards towards the end of their lives.
    If you ask me why the one true God is angry with us, I’d say that it was owing to the unnecessary respect that we show towards the clergy of all the religions practised in the world. No comments are visible yet, and I wonder what clever answer will beat me down from both pole position, and wisdom.
    Just see how much evil is embodied in these priests and bishop. It may take careful reading for a guy looking at this article to identify the evil bishop. What the priest-principal has done is clear enough.
    And yet these guys escape Justice.
    And it’s not just these fellows. There’s the Cardinal-politician; There are Gnanasara, and Ampitiye Sumane. Then the Muslim mullahs who continue to oppose the imposition of a minimum marriage age for girls. What I have heard is that Hindu poosalies (is that the word to describe the guys in Munneswaran kovil?) who perform animal sacrifices, are possibly even worse sinners.
    I’m not capable of providing a more convincing explanation. I’m really looking forward to reading some of the answers to the tantalising question. Come to think of it, didn’t old Tantalus do something terrible himself?
    Panini Edirisinhe aka “Sinhala_Man”

    • 3

      Dear Panini Edirisinhe aka “Sinhala_Man”,

      Looks like Kusun Kamaladasa does not belong to the group of imbeciles who prostrates to the monks, for protection from the cononovirus or to attain the (illusion of) Nirvana, extinction, unlike the Vice- President, the cronies and the “doctors”.

    • 1

      Panini Edirisinhe,
      Could you please ask you one “true” god to bring back people from the ltte war or the people from the easter bombings like he did to jesus? Could you at least tell him to appear in front of us? until then shove your one true god who has brought a cancer of a religion into this world up where the sun don’t shine.

    • 0

      Dear Panini Edirisinhe,

      My goal of writing articles is to help people see beyond black and white arguments.

      So I really don’t want to take political sides with or against people… Not even institutionalized religion.

      My loyalties lies in evolving ideas/understandings not with individual people.

      Thank you for sharing article, it was interesting.

      • 0

        You’re writing wonderfully stimulating stuff.
        That’s fine. Sticking to what you know properly is sensible.
        I’m glad that you found the Hoole article with some comments by me interesting. I also have written a handful of articles. This was the last:
        Glance at that, please don’t bother to read carefully. The situation has already evolved beyond that. If you find another article from me on more or less the same subject, read that carefully.

  • 2

    Are you married or single? Don’t you know that virgins (virginity should be the right word) are sacrificed daily all over the world? In SL, Hindus & Buddhists usually do on selected auspicious days. Isn’t that enough to make the Sun God happy. Why the Sun God wants them killed as well when blood is still spilled, though in a miniscule amount at a time?

    I mean, couldn’t you propose anything else except choosing misogynistic message to talk about the “climate change”, if that what you mean?

    Climate change certainly is a fact. As a matter of fact, according to a powerful hypothesis (turnover pulse) proposed by a well known paleontologists Elisabeth Vrba ( a woman!), human evolution itself may have triggered by an event of climate change about three millions ago in N Africa. The world is now in a warming trend of an interglacial period after the last ice age that ended about 10,000 years ago. At the same time, astronomers recently claimed that the earth may encounter a “mini ice age” lasting for about 30 years beginning this year due to a solar minimum (earth farthest from the sun). Of course, then there is the human factor of greenhouse effect from fossil fuel burning which may end sooner than expected thanks to Elon Musk and to new advances in solar energy technology developed in the field of nanotechnology.

    Humans are good at finding solutions to problems in hand but are very poor in predicting them in advance may be b’cos future is highly contingent. But, as far I can see, the most pressing challenge for the humanity in the near future may not be the climate change; rather, it will be the finding accomodation (food, shelter, healthcare, transportation etc) for the growing population!

    • 1

      Dear DP,

      I fail to see the misogyny here… At no point does the author refer to gender of virgins.
      If you look at recent archilogical findings near Aztec sacrificial pits they are sometimes equally non sexist in choosing who dies.
      It could be that the sexist you see in others may be a reflection of what you feel inside.

      • 0

        How do you know whether the sacrificed male were virgins? In any case, I really don’t know whether Kasun ever meant misogyny when he mentioned virgin sacrifices. I only said of a possible interpretation. In any case, you must agree with the fact that women are treated with unfair standard by expecting them to be virgins until getting married while no such rule for men. I think that the smell of misogyny is automatically entangled with the concept of virginity.

  • 3

    I think sacrificing Virgins might have been keeping the population under control and thus environment in balance; but that might not have anything to do of angering the God Sun. I like to believe in controlling the population rather than controlling the consumption to the population. Because, as always, it is the weak and the poor pay the price of any control. If a level of women freedom is achieved world over, population will be controlled rather than sailings the virgins to God, Sun.

    The environment was not in any balance as the population like to believe, now, after the scientist have warned of pollution. The reason for the fear is we are thinking of a very short time in the environment’s history. But in the long history, it is common it was always escalating and de-escalating or re-settling at a new balance. Now the overpopulation is only exaggerating the damage that can be caused by the overpopulation pollution by itself. All the legends are taking about tsunami and sea consuming lands or new islands appearing. The nature is convulsing to extradite the overpopulation of human being and result may move towards a balance of Nature too. Nature doesn’t want unproportioned human being compared to other species.

    Logic and education is important than magic for the human being live a useful, decent life. Jaffna University is setting the lesson for this. If a higher education center like it teaches only how to rape over phone or how to do sexual harassment on the Social Media, the thing left for the people is to ” vice president (Prime minister) of our country with the help of monks was performing a ritual against daemons to fight the Coronavirus. “ The gentlemen coming out of this type of higher education centers cannot behave anything different from the vice president of Lankawe. Unlike rest of the world’s medical graduates, they wouldn’t know how to treat a virus outbreak. Absolute donkeys are in that University.

  • 1

    Interesting stuff Mr Kamaladasa. In my own long life I have seen many instances of ‘magic’ in our own land of mystery. Late night kattadiya’s and Christian exorcists driving out demons, and I have wondered ‘how do they do it’.

    Possibly, the most riveting ‘magic’ I have seen has been has been been during our troubled times. In 1971 I saw magic resembling what you spoke about concerning missing animals – well, these were young men, and they ‘disappeared’ only to end up floating in the Kalu Ganga. How was that ‘magic’ performed?

    Then about ten years ago, a kind of ‘magic’ was performed in our beautiful land by a travelling group called ‘grease yakkas’ and they were capable of making people disappear overnight. How did they do it? And, will they come back?

    In the Northern and Eastern provinces there are many tales of loved ones’ who disappeared as if by ‘magic’. The grieving releatives are still looking for the magicians.

    Myself, I wear a pirith nool round my wrists in the hope that it will protect me from the ‘magic’ of these fantastical creatures that inhabit our land.

    • 1

      Spring Koha

      You must have forgotten one of the greatest disappearance acts performed by our own David Copperfields and their stage hands between 1987 and 1991. Though their apprenticeship started in 1971 they have had the biggest opportunities to hone their skills during the JVP’s second stupid uprising.

      Hope Mullivaaikkal was the finale.

      Those who were trained between 1984 and 1987 by the mercenaries and armed forces of the west must have done very well, many hold top official positions one has become the president, one is Defense Secretary, ….. The Keenie Meenie and regular regular members of armed forces of the west and Israeli security advisors must be patting their own back for their contribution to the successful elimination of perceived enemies of Sri Lanka.

      Do you know the purpose of US, UK … military attaches who have been stationed in Colombo especially from 1984 onwards?

      • 2

        Native Vedda

        Of course 1987-89 was an encore for everything that went before. How can I ever forget that evening in Negombo when I came upon a scene not far from the bus stand when a small group set upon an unfortunate man and garlanded him with a burning tyre. The whole operation took less than 90 seconds. Sirimavo set the standard when she called for help in 1971. In the eighties they were all queuing up: KMS, Mossad right at the head. Another source of intelligence training was in South Africa. Our contingent to SA were classified as ‘honorary white’ in order to enter some of their high security establishments – Can you believe it! The Military Attaches in Colombo couldn’t believe the things that some of our cowboys got up to. And the bullshit given to them by the spokesmen for the government. The bonus was the evening sunsets and the steady supply of birds. Still goes on.

  • 2

    Although the article is full of interesting ideas some of them are not really true. For instance, at one point the writer says “… traditional doctors would diagnose you as you walk in the door.” Exorcists may do so but not the professional traditional doctors. I can give you tons of true stories coming right from the horse’s mouth to prove this fact. However, since there are no proper laws, rules, and regulations to govern the traditional medical system, certain crooks posed as traditional healers become news!
    I live in North America but usea ‘Sarva Vishadiya’ for a certain physical swell which was really painful. Actually it was a swollen finger-tip since I had accidentally cut the nail too close to the skin. I used all types of Western medication but to no avail. Finally, my wife suggested and applied the above traditional medication whose meaning is ‘For all types of poisons’. It gave me some occasional pain during the night, but by the following morning the finger was completely cured and the swell was history.
    When I said this to a relative she said her daughter-in-law who is from an Eastern European country uses the same medication for bruises, swells, mosquito bites, and even cuts and wounds. What we should do is to find out the right balance between the two systems: traditional and modern!

    • 1

      Thanks for pointing this out, I agree with you to a certain point…

      Problem with traditional medicine isn’t about who is a “true” doctor… but It’s something I hope to address in more detail in a future article.

      I probably have made a mistake by stereotyping “traditional doctors” and even western medicine isn’t immune to non-evidence based practices due to political reasons, funding and convenience.

      I have also seen acupuncture used amazingly for pain relief, even though I didn’t mention it in the article… It isn’t easy to include every-single detail and viewpoint in to a single article. So thank you for expanding and adding to it with your comments.

  • 2

    The fortune telller did not predict the Tsunami is coming so that thousands of life will be saved even having techlnology earthe quick is unseable but when tsmami is travelling no one new ,despite the enormous number of human casualties many animals seem to have survived the tidal wave unscathed.
    The parrot in the cage dies for picking up the advice of future, but parrot out side survive. The fortune teller is responsible the death of parrot which is in his cage . Who can predict the tide coming

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