By Izeth Hussain –
I have been arguing against the notion that a political solution to the ethnic problem can be found through devolution on an ethnic basis. I have also been arguing that the only solution is through democracy, meaning a fully functioning democracy as in the West, with adequate safeguards for the legitimate interests of the ethnic minorities as in the West. I have since come to believe that those safeguards, such as the Race Relations Boards, may operate smoothly in the West but not necessarily in countries such as Sri Lanka. After enquiries I gather that even in the West such institutions are difficult to operate, which could mean that in countries such as Sri Lanka where ethnic relations have been deeply envenomed over many decades such institutions could well compound the ethnic problem. It might be best therefore to eschew anything that gives salience to ethnic identities and focus on entrenching a fully functioning democracy, seen as the matrix from which a political solution will emerge.
Am I being theoretical and fanciful, ignoring practical realities on the ground, in making the proposal in the preceding paragraph? Not at all, as I have in mind a concrete example to show the feasibility of what I am proposing. I refer to what should be regarded as the most spectacular of the success stories in the management of ethnic relations in the modern world, namely Hindu-Muslim relations in India after 1947. The Indian model of devolution has been extolled as worthy of our emulation. It is true that under that model, based on linguistic identity, various ethnic groups such as the Tamils, the Punjabis, the Bengalis, the Gujaratis and so on have been living together in peace, amity, and co-operation, except that there have sometimes been problems over the sharing of water resources. However, we must note that relations between those linguistically defined ethnic groups have never been hostile. It has been very different of course between the two groups identified by religion, the Hindus and the Muslims. I need not go into details about the horrors of Partition in 1947, nor into the violence between them in the pre-Partition years. Subsequently there have of course been the Gujarat riots of 2002. But by and large the more than one hundred and seventy five million Muslims in India have managed to live in a reasonable degree of peace, amity, and co-operation with the Hindus. The striking fact is that there has been no devolution for the Muslims on the basis of religion, except in the case of Kashmir due to very special historical circumstances. The success of Hindu-Muslim relations outside Kashmir is clearly due to the fact that since 1947 India has had a fully functioning democracy except for a couple of years under Indira Gandhi’s Emergency.
Why should that model of handling ethnic relations under a fully functioning democracy not succeed in Sri Lanka as well? I believe that the major reason is that the Eelam project is still on. There are obvious reasons why the LTTE would want to abort any attempt at a political solution that falls short of Eelam or a de facto Eelam in the form of a confederal arrangement. It began credibly as a national liberation movement and ended ignominiously by using three hundred and thirty thousand Tamils as human shields. By 2009 it had brought unparalleled disaster for the Tamil people. Also, it had arguably brought total disaster for itself: it had failed not only in its objective of national liberation; it also failed to establish the Tamil lower middle class as the dominant group among the Tamils. At this point I must explain that I am in disagreement with the Marxist notion that the only authentic revolutionary force in the modern world is the proletariat or the people. The facts show that since the seventeenth century the authentic revolutionary force in the world has been the middle class and then the lower middle class, with the people serving only to entrench those classes in power and never itself becoming dominant. Significantly among the Tamils the Vellalas have re-established their dominant position. It has been shown in Sri Lanka, through the failure of the JVP and LTTE rebellions, that the lower middle class and the people as a whole can best rise to power through the ballot, not the bullet.
So the LTTE has excellent reasons for wanting to abort any and every attempt towards a political solution, in the hope that is of redeeming itself by establishing Eelam or something close to it. Probably that is the explanation for what looks a schizophrenic split between Sampanthan and the TNA on the one hand and Wigneswaran and his group on the other. The former represent the kind of politics established by Chelvanayagam and Naganathan, and continued by Amirthalingam, Neelan Tiruchelvam and others. They are predominantly of the Vellala caste, upper class or solidly middle class, representatives of the Westernised Tamil elite. With them it should be possible to reach a political solution through a fully functioning democracy. But that is most unlikely with the forces represented by Wigneswaran – essentially the LTTE – unless there is compulsion by India. As Wigneswaran is a representative of the Westernised Tamil elite there is suspicion that he is acting under compulsion – that is under threat of assassination by the LTTE, which was the main reason why Sampanthan and others went along with it. Or perhaps he is comparable to SWRD the Sinhalese aristocrat who led the upsurge of the Sinhalese lower middle class. In any case there is a schizophrenic split between the accommodativeness shown by Sampanthan and the provocative belligerence shown by Wigneswaran – behind which one senses the force of the LTTE.
The question arises whether I am attributing far too much importance to the LTTE. After all, it is only a rump LTTE that is left after the devastating military defeat that it suffered in 2009, at the conclusion of which its entire leadership was eliminated. However its international institutional network has been left intact, it has plenty of financial power, and the assault on Ambassador Ansar at the Kuala Lumpur Airport showed spectacularly the kind of power that can be wielded by one of its clones. It was not so much the assault itself – savage though it was – as the impunity with which it was carried out, with the airport authorities playing the role of passive onlookers, that was disturbing. We must bear in mind also that although the LTTE is not identical with the Tamil diaspora, which is very extensive in the most powerful countries of the world, it can use that diaspora through front organizations and other means to promote its main purpose: Eelam.
The question that has now to be addressed is what should be done to counter the Eelam project, which will be the subject of the next part of this article. In concluding this part I will emphasize one point: the LTTE and the Tamil diaspora are able to influence electoral outcomes in several important and powerful countries. Those electorates consist not of automata or animals but of individuals who are among the most educated in the world and are therefore quite capable of thinking things out for themselves instead of being led by the nose by LTTE propaganda. I am assured that in France public opinion is solidly sympathetic to the Tamils who are seen as victims, and I suspect that that is the case all over the West and in Australia and New Zealand. That means that in a powerful segment of the international community the people as a whole could be sympathetic to the idea of Eelam under certain conditions. I believe therefore that we should urgently work out a sensible strategy to counter the Eelam project. The first step should be to jettison the absurd notion that the LTTE was no more than a terrorist group.
*To be continued..
Perriappa / October 8, 2016
*To be continued..
When will his articles ever be short? Have you not heard the beauty of brevity?
Stop flogging the same dead donkey !
Ajith / October 8, 2016
[Edited out]
bandito / October 8, 2016
All you mighty monkey’s! Listen please.
සාතන් පද ( satanic verse) VS புலி குசு (Puli Kucu)
Paci பசி, බඩගිනි baḍagini UNDER THE SUN WINS
“I would never die for my beliefs because I might be wrong.”
― Bertrand Russell
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / October 9, 2016
India has clearly stated for the last several years that it will not allow the creation of a separate Tamil state in Srilanka. There is also no support from it from any other countries. Even if Sinhalese grant Ealam to Tamils, India will annexe it forcibly rather than permitting it to function as an indpendent state.
No country in the world obtained independence on the platter. The only exception is the peaceful separation of Checzo-Slovaks. In every other case independance was by international intervention either diplomatically and if it failed militarily. Prabaharan never understood this reality and took Tamils on a garden path.
On the part of Sinhalese not to grant legitimate rights to Tamils to rule themselves their lands of historic habitation, with this geo-political scenario of non support for a separate Tamil state is due to atravastic fears and supremacist mentality. It is now increasingly clear that Sinhalese are the intransigent lot.
This leads to the position that international intervention is absolutely necessary to bring about justice to Tamils, like what NATO forces are doing in Kosovo. However if Sinhalese refuse to comply with international concerns, and particularly India thinks that Ealam is the answer, no Sinhala government could prevent it.
shankar / October 9, 2016
“No country in the world obtained independence on the platter.”
we did.
ceylon got independence due to ghandhi’s agitation and roosevelt’s pressure on churchill to get rid of his colonies after world war 2 ended.when india got independence ceylon too got it on a platter.
if tamils want eelam someone should agitate for it in srilanka like ghandhi did (not outside by diaspora) and US and EU(like roosevelt) should put pressure on india to give up its anti eelam policy and agree to a referendum.Modi might say okay sometimes if sri lanka is stubborn and won’t give sufficient autonomy for tamil areas.
however having said that i feel that the best future for the tamils is being part of one country with devolved powers to run their own affairs without interference from the is a win win situation for both tamils and sinhalese whereas seperating a small country like this will be a loss loss situation for both.
at some point world powers including india will have to make a decision.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / October 10, 2016
There was a small movement for independence in Srilanka led by Samasamaja party. At that time all leftists in Srilanka were united and supported LSSP. There is no comparison to what happened in India where there was a mass agitation. Only a few people demanded independence while people like Senanayakes, Bandaranayakes, Jayawardenas and Rajapakses were all behind British for perks and positions. Some members of LSSP had to run to India and hide. The eldest son of Philip Gunawardena was born in India while they were hiding and aptly they named him Indika. I think the marriage of Leslie and Vivienne Gunawardenas took place in India. when British decided to give Independence to India they thought holding Srilanka will be a liability and granted Independence to Srilanka on the platter. This does not mean that no Srilankan agitated for independence.
bandito / October 10, 2016
Way back 35 years ago speaking (privately but with almost all GA’s present at the round table) to R. Paskaralingam the biggest lingam you got in government service when he was Premadasa Secretary.( he was famouse then for being able to handle numerous calls at the same time.
Government servant’s family’s analogy must always be taken with a pinch of salt.
They did not just go to India and hide but went close to Madras Presidency (even VOC administration came from here) where the very first British Raj mounted police was, and the administration of Ceylon came from. Question that arises is did the Tamils of Jaffna waylay their horsemen and obtain schools and perks ;)
How do we have horses and races at race Course Avenue? Your family did not live there to know horses and ride them. DSS fell off a horse and died.
Madras Oil storage tankers were bombed by Hitler’s pilots WW2. Most of British Raj holdings were bombed by a combination of Germans and Japanese from their `aircraft carriers` Colombo was bombed by Japanese `WE ‘defended it while Tamil and Sinhalese were in pits at Colombo and Rangoon.
Churchill and Britain had no money to rebuild London that was blitzed and few men left. Therefore to keep India it needed more money which was not there. The unelected monster Big Boy, Small boy Had all the resources to fund Marshal plans for hardworking intelligent and advance societies UK, Germany, Japan (they were 50 year loans) but India was still creepy pyjama and sarong men sleeping with cows, monkey, astray etc.(in Truman’s eyes) . So Truman decided to hand over the subcontinent which Churchill had to reluctantly agree because he had no money for UK reconstruction. English have no fear they are Pirates in their own right and have a great sense of humour. How was it partitioned (please refer how the dreaded Martha Army lost the 3 war to Welsh Clive the Nabob and EIC- thereby losing the whole of India to East India company. It’s when the English at home complained to Queen Victoria about the Nabob life style that she nationalised the company and became emperor of India. Muslim seduced Trump and obtained the land. Some got citizenship from ladies’ man Dudley in this fashion.
rouges of royal that is school life we do not even talk of our university life once we.
Hum Kisise Kum Naheen.;)
bandito / October 9, 2016
The fact remains as to who is going to carry the civilization to lanka china or inda or usa. The quickest way to shutup a man who believes he is right, and who shows the propensity to argue, is to hang him.
Passion rather than reason rules the world.
Islamist received 1 million Sq.Km of Hindu land from Truman and called it Sharia Law land of Pakistan East and West. PASSION rules the world like it or not.
Ceylon got it against Nehru’s wishes but the Jaffna Vaddukodai village demala spoilt it for all.
Indira’s kindness parripu drop support (she was not even aware of RAW traing of the `boys` was mistaken for weakness by demala speaking demlas.
Native Vedda / October 8, 2016
“Countering The Eelam Project”
Eelam project died on 14 May 1976.
Hindians brought the coffin in 1983 and buried the dead body in May 2009 with immense help from VP.
Didn’t anyone take the trouble to let Izeth Hussain the death and burial of Eelam Project?
I just noticed my great grandmother who is physically fit has the habit of asking the same question every 10 minutes.
Where are you?
Rajash / October 8, 2016
Hi Native
how r u mate.
I am just ignoring Izeth.
Rajash / October 8, 2016
He is countering the imaginary Eelam Project in his mind
in other words hallucinating
Native Vedda / October 8, 2016
“He is countering the imaginary Eelam Project in his mind in other words hallucinating”
Was it Somaaass who supplied the pills?
soma / October 8, 2016
Coming color is not good.
Proverbial AchIlles’ heel of your Ealam project. Rather a dead block on the path.
Soon they are going to beat you in the number game(already have?)
We can watch the show between Vingeshwaran boys and ISIS clones. Save our energy.
interesting times.
Burning Issue / October 8, 2016
The Eelam project is dead and buried and you very well know it so is Hussain!
Hussain is using this to whip up the Sinhala hatred towards the Tamils; this is his existential interest. His belief is that, as long as Sinhala and Tamils quarrel, Muslims can prosper!
You also know that Vigneswaren is not advocating Eelam. Your problem is that, Sinahla must not concede even an once of the land to the Tamils! The Sinhala unique history spanning 2500 years of inimitable civilaisation cannot accept the perceived foreign Tamil rule! Autonomy to North and East is something you cannot come to terms with. you ostensibly and dishonestly use the number game to justify your chauvinism! The Tamil population distribution is drastically changed during the last 30 years owing to the war. You know this too but you still harp on and on about the number game! How do you sleep at nights with such devious disposition?
Native Vedda / October 9, 2016
“We can watch the show between Vingeshwaran boys and ISIS clones. Save our energy.”
The way things, I am not sure Vigneshwaran worried about numbers game. However I can see that you are highly worried about the numbers, in fact you are paranoid about the “rise of Muslim” population.
I know if you recover yourself from your mass Paranoia you will cease to live as a people.
Now that your brethren VP is dead and gone how are you going to stop the rise of Muslim number? Are you missing him?
Amarasiri / October 9, 2016
“We can watch the show between Vingeshwaran boys and ISIS clones. Save our energy.”
So, the Para-Tamils First fought and still fighting the Para-Sinhala, then they fought the Para-Indians, then the Para-Muslims were ethnically cleansed and now want to fight them too.
Is stupidity a virtue among the Para-Tamils? What about the Para-Sinhala and Para-Muslims? Just wondering.
cholan / October 9, 2016
@ Soma
Where were you hiding in London during the LAST visit of Murderpakse ?
Why don’t you stop Tamils hoisting LTTE flags in London back bone ?????
Another visit will never ever possible for this butcher many people are waiting with arrest warrants for this animal .
Are you also one of the Sinhalese working at establishments run by SL Tamils ?
Amarasiri / October 8, 2016
Native Vedda
“I just noticed my great grandmother who is physically fit has the habit of asking the same question every 10 minutes. “
Is she still on the Paleolithic diet of her ancestors and fasting , and not on the Para diets of the Paras? Good for her!
Why fasting bolsters brain power: Mark Mattson at TEDxJohnsHopkinsUniversity
jamjar / October 10, 2016
Proof by analogy is fraud.
maryland where the slaves were brought in had tropical disease. Johns Hopkins University
The former kuddu PM had brain disease and they regularly fed him with cassava/manioc.
keep fasting like Muslim while Ameradeva(muslim sings Buddhist songs)
Mohideen Beg- same same
good over evil.
Amarasiri / October 11, 2016
jamjar, Dimwit, Nitwit, Blockhead,
Stick to the facts. This has nothing to do with religion or ethnicity. it has everything to do with evolution, metabolism and biochemistry.
That is the real problem with Dimwits, Nitwits and Blockheads. They need better nutrition.
Sinhala_Man / October 8, 2016
Eelam is just a dream for many Tamils, and the only way for us to let it die in its slumber is not to waken it.
I know that this is not a very sophisticated response, and there must be a horrible mix of metaphors, but I, for one, am tired of us Sinhalese fighting them Tmails for ever and ever.
Let the Tamils select their own leaders; they are much more weary of war than we are, and will reject the next lot of people who urge them to fight. Unless we provoke them. And that I am afraid is what we are doing. An exhaustive list of our provocations was given by Dr Brian Senewiratne a few days ago. No doubt he exaggerates, and is no longer familiar with the ground situation, but if a large number of Sinhalese started talking like him, most problems will be solved.
Amarasiri / October 9, 2016
“I know that this is not a very sophisticated response, and there must be a horrible mix of metaphors, but I, for one, am tired of us Sinhalese fighting them Tmails for ever and ever.”
It is a characteristic of Para-Sinhala and Para-Tamils.Both are Paras and claim the Land of Native Veddah Aethho, conveniently forgetting that they are Paras.
What a shame, but the Paras have no shame.
Can’t Ranil Wickramesinghe , the Prime Minister of the Paras, have an agreement with India to send the Paras hack to their homeland, India Bharat, Damba Diva?
He seems to be interested in getting more Para-Indians to the land of Native Veddah Aethho, which will make matters worse.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / October 10, 2016
Ealam is not a dream but a reality. Ealam means land of the Elu people, who are the original settlers. Srilanka is a mythical name first mentioned in Ramayana. However Tamil Ealam is a dream at present as there is no international support for it. Who knows what will happen in the future. Who predicted the birth of several new states within the last 25 years. At present Kurdish homeland is a dream and anything can happen. If the Sinhalese continue to suppress Tamils without granting their right to self rule within Srilanka as advocated by many states, there may be a change of mind giving birth to Ealam. Prbaharan played his cards wrong being intransigent to any plitical solution and banking on a military victory due to his ignorence of geo-political realities. Now the situation is different with Tamils taking correct path of demanding a solution within united Srilanka.
Kettikaran / October 10, 2016
Dr. Gnana
Succinctly put. That is the real situation. I agree entirely. Do the Sinhalese have what it takes to engage reality or will it be further bloodshed again?
bandito / October 10, 2016
Aftermath of WW2:
Only Israel was taken by force and the moral was agreement not kept.
Kuwait denied having spirited away $80 billion Oil( Halliburton Company) though UN asked Kuwait to pay. Therefore villager Saddam invaded Kuwait and he is dead like Velu ka pillai ilai from the fishing village VVT.
Even Samson pooed in his lion cloth to the power of woman.
Kurdish?? more and more Muslims are enjoying refugee status and green cards than kurds.
being tilted, you can’t be rational.
Lester / October 11, 2016
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam:
“Now the situation is different with Tamils taking correct path of demanding a solution within united Srilanka.”
Tamils are not stupid like the halal eaters, but they will never have the numbers to obtain an Eelam. My personal belief is that highly intelligent groups of people like the Tamils and Jews deserve their own country. In the perfect world, we could kick the head choppers out of KSA or UAE and give the Tamils their own country there. What a waste of resources; you have billions of dollars coming out of the ground (literally), and these idiots, instead of using the money wisely, follow the Wahhabi philosophy of some illiterate pedophile caravan driver. Anyway, Sinhalese will never give up some Sri Lanka, at least not voluntarily. There is too much history involved.
SinhalaPropaganda / October 8, 2016
Write an article about why you’re against the Palestine and Kashmir projects!!!
Rajash / October 8, 2016
for god’s sake you are blowing out of proportion someone punching someone at KL airport.
you are just repeating the same old crap.
forget the LTTE rump. why don’t you write about your Muslim brothers. Have you ever been to Mecca?
write about the ISIS , Syria and the danger to the world order and peace from Muslim terrorist organisations.
I sense a regret in all your articles.
I think you regret that you are a Muslim.
Rajash / October 8, 2016
“I sense a self regret…”
Sockalingam / October 8, 2016
Rajash who pointed out your horrible English?Hope It is not Izzeth whose mastery of the language is legendary.
rajash / October 9, 2016
He did send me an email…hope that makes you happy
Sockalingam / October 9, 2016
Rajash, your honesty that Hussein helped you is admirable.
Rajash / October 9, 2016
you can be fooled so easily
cholan / October 8, 2016
@ Rajesh
Are you dreaming ?
If this Maradana Izzeth Nanna comment about ISIS time he can’t enter Mosque .
This is the style of Time Machine invented by camel riding scientist in 4th century ..called Islam.
Jai_Bolo / October 10, 2016
He can as night rider headless horseman with you on his shoulder kissing him naana my marriakde bro you are slow to the minaret.
walla o wackabar boom!
bandito / October 8, 2016
“”Am I being theoretical and fanciful, ignoring practical realities on the ground, in making the proposal in the preceding paragraph? Not at all, as I have in mind a concrete example to show the feasibility of what I am proposing. “”
Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion,
for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric.
― Bertrand Russell
Please CHOLA,& Co Auditors சமூகத்திலிருந்து (excommunicate) this thief as his pop never paid part of fees before he left (he never won any prizes at school either) ex of St Josephs College Mariakade He did not Go to fee paying Zahira College further up.
I.Hussain NANA, Thoppi Welendek Dawasaka Enawa.
cholan / October 8, 2016
[Edited out]
shankar / October 8, 2016
” I refer to what should be regarded as the most spectacular of the success stories in the management of ethnic relations in the modern world, namely Hindu-Muslim relations in India after 1947″
izzeth,i’am afraid you have gone completely off course here however unpalatable it may sound.the spectacular success of india is weaving together about 25 different ethnic groups into one country through the thread of devolution.
as for the current reasonable hindu muslim relations in india you have to take your mind back to the partition of india.At that time hindus lost a great chunk of their ancient land to the muslims by giving away pakistan and bangladesh.
the muslims left in india would have been a small number but due to quran forbidding birth control have outpaced the hindu birth rates and become a sizable minority now.they know that they have had a good deal here with their muslim brethren taking land for themselves in pakistan and bangladesh and they also being allowed to breed like rabbits in india and live there comfortably.If india had brought in a two child policy since independence for both hindus and muslims then there would have been unrest among the muslims.India did not do that and also india gave federalism which meant that muslims in a particular state can become a political force there for example a friend of mine who went to kerala said that the hindus there are only a small amount with christians and muslims far outnumbering muslims can run their own affairs in kerala without any interference and control from the GOI.
however the most important factor that you have not taken into consideration is the green eyed monster jealousy.muslims in india have not outpaced the hindus in economic development.So there is no jealousy there from the hindus.
In srilanka it is another matter altogether where minorities are perceived by the sinhalese as doing economically much better than the target is always to destroy their economic base more than to kill them.i july 83 the focus was more on burning buildings and looting than in killing tamils.
in the aluthgama riots too there was no concerted effort to go for the man.Instead with military precision economic establishments were targeted.
read the latheef article in CT again and refresh your mind.You had commented in it how great an article it was and how you are going to send it to all your contacts,but have not undestood the real reason for that riot i seems which latheef has beautifully gieven with all the incidents where even a mall owned by a muslim was destroyed but a mall owned by a sinhalese which had muslim businesses on it was not touched.also read about the curfew which was used to facilitate the the government was also involved lock stock and barrell it seems to finish off the life earnings of the muslims.
shankar / October 8, 2016
sorry,forgot to give you the link to refresh your mind and clear it of amnesia.
Izeth Hussain / October 11, 2016
shankar – I am surprised you have swallowed whole Islamophobic nonsense about Muslim demography. I have earlier blown up that nonsense sky-high, citing mainly the work of Emmanuel Todd and Youseff Courbege.
Your important point is about the green eyed monster jealousy. I will deal with that in a further part of my article. At one time employment in Government Service was immensely important to the Tamils. Not so now.Today no young man of real ability wants to go into Government Service. They can do well enough in the private sector. That’s happening right now and that’s where the solution lies. – IH
cholan / October 8, 2016
[Edited out]
cholan / October 8, 2016
When the state of P-A-K-I-S-T-A-N was proposed in England by a young student during 40s many people including Jinnah laughed at him….
Eelam also same …….
Izzath Naanaa can jump as he can to please his Sinhala masters …by writing anti-Racisit articles permuted by CT but my comments are deleted ..
Eastern Province where Tamils are majority now being ruled by a Muslim CM … these Thoppies want a Muslim CM in North also …
Muslims also think backwards ..this is because their religion take them always to 4th century ..Izeth nanaan is not exceptional though he is a converted Hindu Tamil.
I challenge Izzeth naanaa to stop talking Tamil at home ..stop his grand children to study in Tamil ..there shouldn’t be a place for Tamil language at racist homes.
cholan / October 8, 2016
LTTE rump he he he
Naanaa why then your so called Muslims leaders waited for hours to meet LTTE leaders in Mullatheevu including ex.Gampaha school principal Badui Deen Mohamad who had destroyed the world class education of SL?
Estate Labourer / October 8, 2016
That is a fake, assembled picture. Where is his neck?
Real Siva Sankaran Sarma / October 9, 2016
Yes your are correct. Noticed it now they have super imposed Pirapakaran’s face on the body. There is no neck. very unnatural. Izzath meaning the honourable respectful one in Urdu/Arabic, should be ashamed to publish this photo. This is just to cause mischief
cholan / October 9, 2016
@ R. S .S .S
This is nothing new followers of Islam always speak lies ..always cheat .
Izeth Hussain / October 11, 2016
Real Siva Sankaran – the photograph was inserted by the Editor, not by me.Sorry to disappoint you – IH
Kettikaran / October 9, 2016
Estate L,
The Sinhala media, at the behest of the army and Sinhala extremists, circulated many fake photos and stories about LTTE leaders living it up. This is not uncommon during times of war where disinformation is used by both sides of conflicts. This photo is definitely a fake. VP is far too smarter not to be relaxing in a pool around him. This would have been a sitting target for the air force bombers, often piloted by foreign airmen, that even tracked to the mark Orphanages during the War. As we all know, it does not take much to fool the average Sinhalese – particularly those semi-educated simpletons in the interior. Pictures such as this made the ordinary, uneducated Sinhala soldier in the North really mad with Prabakaran and the Tamils they came across in the Front. As the saying goes those who believe in absurdities committed, in this case, incredible atrocities.
K . Navaratnaraja / October 8, 2016
C.V Wigneswaran’s tantrums recently indicates that the Eelam Project is still alive.Mr Hussein’s article is timely and indeed relevant.We Tamils who lived through the conflict in the North went through a hellish existence under the murderer and tyrant Pirbhakaran .In a way Hussein’s articles are a wake up call for us Tamils…least we forget.We have had enough of suffering.As Northerners we must say no to calls for reviving the Eelam Project.This is a plan by those who live comfortably in other countries but at our expense.True things are not ideal but they are much better than Pirbhakaran’s day.Enough is enough.Dont use us as your pawns.
Kettikaran / October 8, 2016
K. Navaratnarajah
When and where, recently, did Wigneswaren call for Eelam? If you are a Tamil I am afraid you are doing much dis-service to all of us. On the other hand, if you are a Muslim writing under a Tamil name, then that’s a different matter.
Sockalingam / October 9, 2016
Rajash, your honesty that Hussein helped you is admirable.
Real Siva Sankaran Sarma / October 9, 2016
I don’t think he is a Tamil but a Chingkalam or Muslism posting under a Tamil identity. to show many Tamils support their third rate status. Just like a fake Siva Sankaran Sarma using my name and identity.
Native Vedda / October 9, 2016
K . Navaratnaraja
Are you first person to swim across Palk Strait in 1954?
shankar / October 11, 2016
which way here to there or there to here?
my great great grandaddy was the first from there to here.he did not go back becos he fell in love hre.his name was K.Tony.have yu heard of him?
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / October 13, 2016
That was late Navaratnasamy the first Srilankan to do so. Later his nephew late Anandan repeated the same feat.
Lester / October 9, 2016
K. Navaratnaraja:
“This is a plan by those who live comfortably in other countries but at our expense.”
That is correct. The UN should be going after the Tamil diaspora for bankrolling the criminal activities of the LTTE for 30 years. These include the use of child soldiers, drug smuggling, assassination of diplomats and heads of state, illegal weapons smuggling across borders, money laundering and ethnic cleansing. Certainly, the use of child soldiers and ethnic cleansing are considered “war crimes” by the UN, so the Tamil diaspora should be held accountable as accessories. My personal belief is that the whole idea of “war crimes” is rather silly. However, since they are so eager to hit GOSL with a “Geneva Resolution”, they need to apply the same metrics to the Tamil diaspora/LTTE to balance the judicial process.
Native Vedda / October 9, 2016
“The UN should be going after the Tamil diaspora for bankrolling the criminal activities of the LTTE for 30 years.”
Unusually you have a good point, however when is UN going to go after the Sinhala/Buddhists who wanted good war since 1956, those who paid to finance the state to kill innocent people, and those who killed innocent people since 1971 and those who protected the killers, ……………. ?
Lester / October 9, 2016
Native Vedda:
The only people who have never waged war are the peaceful Veddas and their Aborigine cousins who were content with loin cloth and axe. As societies evolve, resources become scarce and the “spoils” go to the victor. Sinhalese & Tamils have been fighting since Eelara days, while your people watched quietly from the coconut tree.
rabbi- la / October 9, 2016
[Edited out]
tatcher / October 10, 2016
Native Vedda ,
“”Unusually you have a good point, however when is UN going to go after the Sinhala/Buddhists who wanted good war since 1956, those who paid to finance the state to kill innocent people, and those who killed innocent people since 1971 and those who protected the killers, ……………. ? “”
I hope CT does not ignore this when it comes to Portuguese masquerading pirates of the world with the muslim blood.
Hardworking man.
There is no hope as socialism has become a mere slogan!!
Why doesn’t men and women listen? Is stupid Marx embedded in their pedigree? Maggie then Cameron, Boris both center of right saw it right and gave it a whiff of breath. Tamils like to bang and boast then there is no toast.
There was a famous jockey called Lester Piggott backed by the turf accountants until he was caught in the act of doping.-
double whammy;) plus aki.
The UN will not investigate the crimes against Tamils for the Tamils- the desire of knowledge in excess caused a man to fall;
But in charity is no excess, neither can man or angels come into danger by it.
(Paper missing-All history terminals end at Holy Rome- fact of the Portuguese crusade)
That act of Gotabaya and wife audience sealed the deal- father forgieve them for they do not know what they do.
Former top refugee official now secretary general – ‘he bears 99.9%’ of blame
He said Europe “must accept up to 200,000 refugees” as part of a “common strategy” to replace their “piecemeal” approach to the migrant crisis, the BBC reported.
Guterres, who headed of the U.N. refugee agency, said the E.U. must mobilize “full force” for the crisis, calling it a “defining moment.”
As it turned out, the 200,000 was just a small downpayment on what the U.N. high commissioner for refugees had in mind for Europe. Nearly 2 million “refugees” would eventually come — almost none of them from the persecuted Christian communities in Syria.
The same trend occurred in the United States, which took in 12,587 U.N.-selected Syrian refugees in fiscal 2016, and only 0.5 percent were Christian. Most of them were selected by Guterres, who served 10 years as high commissioner for refugees up till Dec. 31.
Good student / October 10, 2016
Well said Lester, very well indeed.
Shan / October 8, 2016
There had never been a single state as Sri Lanka or Ceylon before the amalgamation into a single administrative entity by the Britishers. They colluded with the Sinhala aristocrats, formulated a constitution almost totally unacceptable to the Tamils and left in the lurch the minorities just as it had always been their tactics feinting the Tamils’ demand at that time of departure. Until a constitution granting equal rights for the Tamils to exercise freely is promulgated and implemented satisfactorily it is by all means unfair to condemn action or activity like ‘Ezhuga Tamil’ and nobody has the moral right to say so.
Lester / October 8, 2016
Switzerland is now planning to repatriate Sri Lankan Tamils. This means the West, or at least the EU, no longer sees Sri Lanka as a dictatorship under which Tamils are routinely “oppressed” or victims of “genocide” such as Rudrakumaran and the gang claim. So, there will definitely not be an international intervention (East Timor, Kosovo) to create a de facto Tamil state; e.g. of the type Norway was envisioning. This means the Eelamists must exploit the domestic political scene to achieve their end. The pathway begins with a federal state and culminates in Tamil Eelam. The primary stumbling block at the moment is the large presence of the Sri Lankan military in the North and East, which keeps a close eye on civil affairs. The other stumbling block is that the Eelamists do not have any sympathizers (Sinhalese politicians) in the GOSL. The most they can do is pressure foreign governments to impose sanctions on SL, such as we see with the Geneva Resolution. However, the effect of this pressure is now dwindling, given the more moderate government in Colombo.
The best pathway for GOSL going forward is to focus on economic development, thereby increasing the standard of living. Gradually, the military presence in the North and East can be reduced. To do so now would be a mistake; unemployed youth are easy recruits for a new LTTE and the international Tamil diaspora has been brainwashed with glorious depictions of Eelam to the point where constructive dialogue is impossible.
cholan / October 9, 2016
@ Lester
SL Tamils never throw grenades ..or blast bombs …or take hostages during concert in the western countries and kill people .They obey rules and regulations of their country of residences.
Above all SL Tamils never marry locals just for residency then divorce them like Quran readers ..western governments know about this .
FYI there are 50,000-SL Tamils live in Switzerland most with PR or Citizenship.
Sinhalese will live with fear for LTTE from cradle to grave.
Lester / October 9, 2016
“Sinhalese will live with fear for LTTE from cradle to grave.”
Eelam idea was doomed from the start. First of all, Tamils did not have the numbers. Indian Tamils did not join the fight. Secondly, there is the caste issue. Once LTTE took over, the Vellalas packed up and left for the West, so even less numbers. VP tried to make up for the lack of forces by recruiting women, Eastern Tamils, and children. To a point, this worked as long as the Sri Lanka Army was disorganized. But once the East fell, the game was over for LTTE, as the best fighters were trained under Karuna.
Secondly, other than some brief support from India, LTTE did not have a benefactor in the form of a foreign country. That means the Sri Lankan Army had leverage when it came to weapons. That means the LTTE could only wage limited offensives. It could capture something like Elephant Pass, but never Jaffna. You can see the difference with ISIS, which has captured multiple cities in Iraq and Syria. ISIS is supported by Turkey, KSA, Jordan, etc. and has recruits from all over the world. ISIS would have captured Iraq (Iraqi army is weak) if the USA did not intervene.
Lastly, the event of 911 changed the paradigm on how the West approaches militant groups. After this event, it would have been difficult for the LTTE to convince the West they are not “terrorists.” Only Norway came to the rescue, but it was too late. Mahinda formed alliances with Russia, China, and India to secure weapons and intelligence. Whatever “peace talks” he engaged in were a smokescreen to buy time while the Army gathered intelligence and re-organized. When the final offensive came, the LTTE fell very quickly.
cholan / October 9, 2016
@ Lester
Poor fellow Sinhala media education stop your brain thinking
Your current government is fanning the flames of Eelam once again.Sinhala .politicians are talking exactly like during 60 s….challenging Tamils …
When Tamils started to challenge you ran and hide under bed coward.
There are 1000 s of kids growing in N-E asking where are their fathers ,,mothers ..sisters..brothers ..cousins and what happened to them .
No worries another Tsunami on the pipe line .
Of course you can dance for free liquor
BTW a photo like above minus neck was released by Murderpakse and Modapakse to fool Sinhala Modayas so Maradna Naanaa did the same.
Backlash / October 8, 2016
By titling this week’s boring trash “Countering the Eelam Project” the notorious Izeth Hussain continues his anti-Tamil project. Looks like the anti-Tamil venom has totally contaminated his blood-stream. He cannot write a para without demonising the Tamils – usually under the cover of Eelam or Tamilnadu. Surely, Sampanthan and the TNA, speaking for the Tamil Nation of Sri Lanka, have declared in and out of Parliament they are now committed to an undivided Sri Lanka. So what less than hatred of the Tamil Nation is this disturbed man continuing to spread. As for the Sinhala people Hussain is wasting his time – because they are now chartering a new course to come to terms for peaceful coexistence with the Tamils. Further bad news for Hussain and his ilk is the BTF and other former pro-LTTERs in the UK, the Canadian Lankan Tamil outfits and the others in the Tamil Diaspora in other countries are working towards rapprochement with the Sinhalese.
Naturally, going by their known record, Izeth Hussain and fellow travellers in the Muslim community, find this more unbearable than unacceptable. We might as well get ready to endure further weekly verbal diarrhea from this ageing and wounded Muslim version of
Cervantes’ Don Quixote.
mama Sinhalam / October 9, 2016
Bring Back the BBS
K Navaratnaraja / October 9, 2016
You are asking me above for evidence of C V Wignesewaran’s separatist tantrums. Obviously you were not born in the 1976, when the infamous Vaddukodai Resolution was passed not by terrorists bout educated moderate Tamil politicians.At that time many of our people supported it believing these people.Who paid dearly in the end? It was people like me and many others who lived in the North.We had no opportunity to leave the country and saw at first hand how our so called saviour Pirbhakaran who was mollycoddled by Tamil moderates ran berserk kidnapping and murdering our people for him and his family to live in comfort as the above picture shows.Our children were kidnapped and even killed brutally by this tyrant.That is why I said though things are not ideal now it is far better than in Pirbhakaran’s day.Atleast we can sleep in peace even on an empty stomach.You have to expirience what we went through to understand my feelings.
The other day I read about Gary Anandasangaree, son of the TULF leader and now a Canadian MP saying how happy he and his family were to be in Canada and not in Sri Lanka.He was here recently.Now I see how such hypocrites like this cruel man are using us to feather their nests because he told us when he was here that he is here to help us.There are many of our Tamil people like this man who are using the suffering people for their gain.May be they are happy to do this.If these people are so concerned why don’t they join us here?
So to answer your question, Wigneswaran may not have have directly called for the revival of the Eelam Project but by making irresponsible comments and having demonstrations asking the Tamils to rise reminde me of 1976. He will say these things and if things get bad he will runaway to Colombo or may be to a foreign country leaving us to suffer once again.I am now 86 years old and a retired school Principal who began life as a graduate English teacher Iwas born in Nallur and worked almost my entire life in the North..I do not wish my 3 great grand children or myself to suffer again.That is why I appeal to my Tamil brothers who are living comfortably with their families in Colombo or in foreign countries ,please don’t support the revival of the Eeelam Project if you ever care for us.
Kettikaran / October 11, 2016
Dear Mr. Navaratnaraja, Sir
I respect your views and your passionate feelings. I do not have to remind you the Lankan Tamil Nation, by nature and ahimsa in their veins, abhor violence. The thought of a Separate State (1976) came in only when they were pushed into it with no other peaceful alternative – for over a decade. All peaceful, lawful protests of the Tamil people for years were unreasonably ignored by the Sinhala State – who, in many instances, used violence against unarmed demonstrators. Today, even Sinhala extremists are shocked and ashamed at the behaviour of Sinhala thugs and the Police against Tamil Parliamentarian Satyagrahis at Galle Face Green in 1957/58. The main source of income of the Tamil Nation – State employment – was gradually removed from them through the carefully constructed device of The Sinhala Only Act in a Constitution where 29C was an Entrenched Clause. The victory of the Tamil politicians in Courts against the State in the Kodeeswaren Case was nullified through political perfidy.
Those multiple thousands of Tamils trading in the Sinhala South for generations were also gradually chased away through periodical racial pograms where violent thugs, while the Police and army looked on, stole the assets of helpless Tamils. Many Tamils were brutally killed in the process. The LTTE and the Tamil resistance groups were born. They were the inevitable creations of Sinhala political bankruptcy.
Till about the mid-1980s VP/LTTE and other insurrectionists gave armed leadership to the struggle that engaged the general endorsement of the Tamils. Sadly, they made political miscalculations since then. The Tamil Nation, as you point out, suffered more from him than the occupational Sinhala armed forces. It was foolish of the LTTE to wage a war against far better-equipped State armed forces of a government. All Tamils suffered, as a consequence. As Sumanthiran pointed out in his TV interview in Sinhala, SWRD’s 1956 mischievous policies – that propelled him to power – removed Tamils from the family of Lankan citizens in the country – an aberration for which the Sinhalese should accept both blame and consequences. Do you recall the double-standards by which both the SLFP and UNP lead governments treated the JVP insurrectionists and those of the Tamil side? The JVPers were generously forgiven, released from jail and found places in the front rows of governmental political power. As opposed to this, multiple thousands of Tamils youth are still incarcerated – some for over 20 years!!!!
As to your critique about Tamils who left the country, please remember it is the vast influences, resources and unabating struggle of the diaspora on behalf of the Lankan Tamil Nation that keeps us and our political project alive. Imagine our fate if Mahinda & Gothabaya Rajapakse, Sarath Fonseka as head of the army – were all in power. They would have by now ensured the entire Tamil population in the North is decimated to less than a third of what it is now – with willing support from the politicsed army and the anti-Tamil Buddhist priesthood.
BTW, that photo of VP in the pool is a fake – a computer trick, where a picture of his face has been used.
Perhaps the good news is Ranil, CBK, Maitripala, Mangala and team are aware the Sinhalese will eventually lose if Tamils are going to be continuously ill-treated. The heat generated by the UN/international community is beginning to manifest. Have you noticed the attitude of the influential upper Buddhist priesthood has also changed towards reason and better understanding.
jim softy / October 9, 2016
.Mr. Hussein:
Tamils can jump up and down as much as they want.
Even If Sinhale people gives it, Hindia will not allow it.
So, don’t worry.
Pbakaran though he is to be the almighty, angel of Jesus.
timbuttu / October 9, 2016
Mahabodi sausage party softy jim,
The Mark of the Beast.
74% unable to romance with 10% but carry out murder,
looting the inbuilt power of the beast.
you fear to love in the open but do it in the shade unknown to folk.
It’s because you fear life.
You fear life and are dependent on your enemy for protection.
you feel comfortable in twisted knickers I suppose so.
The `Irony`Lankawe – Sunil Perera; Singnore etc.
The irony is true
cholan / October 9, 2016
@ jim softy joker
If India like she can divide this cursed land within days .
but certainly this cursed country will divide soon …either by India ..China ..or U.S
India already tested and know well that this Sinhala majority has no backbone to raise even their finger by IPKF invasion …
.Muslims thoppies will go any side for comfort according to their holy Quran teaching.
Think twice before supporting this Maradana Nanna Izeth ..and you know very well that Maradana thoppies are well known for pickpocketing and kudu business in Colombo.
He He He
Real Siva Sankaran Sarma / October 9, 2016
[Edited out]
Real Siva Sankaran Sarma / October 9, 2016
He first stated Muslims are an ethnic group and now admits there there is no such thing called a Muslims ethnicity in India or elsewhere (which also means Sri Lanka ) but a religious identity and the animosity in India against the Muslims is based on religion and not ethnicity.
It is largely so in the northern central and western parts of India as Islam largely came to these parts of India through conquest and the sword and the Hindus in these regions suffered immensely, whereas in the deep south of India in what is now Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Islam largely came through peaceful means( if you ignore Tippu Sultan and his forced conversions of Hindus in northern Kerala and parts of Tamil Nadu) This is why there is hardly any animosity against Muslims in these two states of India. In the rest of India other than in Bengal and Punjab, Muslims tend to speak Urdu but in the two southern states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu the local Muslims strongly identify with their Malayalam and Tamil ethnicity and speak Malayalam and Tamil as their mother tongue
Izath if Islam and being a Muslim was such a uniting factor then why did the state of Pakistan that was the only nation that was formed on the basis of religion and as a home for all of India’s Muslims break up into Bangladesh and Pakistan on the basis of ethnicity language culture and race? Even now in the former West Pakistan now Pakistan the Baluch and the Sindhi hate the ruling Punjabi/Pathan majority and want to secede. The Punjabi is suspicious of the Pathan and vice versa. The people of occupied Pakistani Kashmir want to united separate Kashmir and all of them hate and do not like the multi ethic Urdu speaking immigrants from India whom they derogatively call the Muhajir, meaning and immigrant in Urdu and Arabic.
Leave Pakistan, in the middle east The Muslim Arabs, Turks and Iranians hate each other and then they all hate the Muslim Kurds. Sunni Muslims hate the Shia. All of them hate the Christians and other minorities. Ethnic and religious. It is full of hate. In Malaysia the Malay Muslims do not treat the Indian Muslims( largely Tamil) as equals. All the privileges are only reserved for them and not for people who identify themselves as Indian Muslims. Shows that religion has never been a uniting factor otherwise Pakistan would not have broken up and now Iraq and Syria are on the verge of breaking up on religious and sectarian lines. It is only a common origin heritage language and culture that unites people. This is the reason Sunni Muslims Kurds sided with the Yazidis who are Kurdish by ethnicity and fought against the Sunni Arab led Isis. During the Bangla Desh crisis Hindu Bengali from Indian west Bengal sided with the Muslim Bengali from the former east Pakistan. Within an ethnic group a people may fight on the basis of religion but will always unite against an outsider. Just like Christian and Muslim Palestenian Arabs unite against the Jews.
Of course the Muslims of Sri Lanka are an aberration to this as they have been brain washed to hate their real Tamil heritage and worship anything Arab.
Izzat in Urdu and in Arabic means respect honour. Please act according to this beautiful name. DO not become Be Izzat.
cholan / October 9, 2016
All Islamic countries treat minorities in a cruel way…but when these Muslims became minority in western countries they request equal treatment he he he what a joke ?
In fanatic Saudi Arabia a western woman can’t dress as she like …even a woman head of state from west ..must cover her body …else this is against Islam..but in western countries Muslims women must wear in their way ..another joke of Islam.
Not only Tamils here every one hate Muslims all over the world …there is anti-Islamic political patties are emerging all over the world.
Today in Germany another attempt to detonate bomb and police are hunting a Syrian guy …this is what Islam teach them ..kill the people who saved your life…
What else you can expect from this Maradana Izzeth Nanna ?
Real Siva Sankaran Sarma / October 9, 2016
Read this half of all Australian population want Muslim immigration banned. The biggest shock was this was not only coming from Australians who vote for right wing parties but was coming from very liberal minded voters who vote for the Greens and the Labour. This wide spread concern against further Muslim immigration caught all Australian politicians by surprise, as formerly this was part of the loony right wing but now. most Australians belonging to many ethnic groups do not want them and feel uncomfortable around them, as they feel that they do not integrate well and once established. like in the Tamil east try to take over and only clamour for their own rights and demand everything for them and do not want to conceded anything to the rest.
jim softy / October 9, 2016
Read this half of all Australian population want Muslim immigration banned.
Only sunnis which is the dominent muslim population in Sinhale and Wahabis should not be allowed. Other muslims are peaceful.
I think the Sinhala govt should use the laws, that western countries use to keep away muslims, and should send Tamils back to their homeland.
Bandula Wijenayake / October 9, 2016
Cholan,you better brush up your knowledge.You refer to Islam having its origins in the 4th century, whereas its origins are in the 7 century AD.Hope you know what AD stands for.Secondly don’t confuse the Arab dress code for the suggested Islamic dress code which only asked its followers to dress modestly.I find that the Tamils too dress modestly,even though MIA the rapper has deviated significantly from it.Who knows a cute Tamil girl may soon emerge soon in bikini on the beaches of France!!
Kettikaran / October 10, 2016
Reader Bandula Wijenayake notes “I find that Tamils too dress modestly” It is time Wijenayaka learnt the white dress code of Arab, Muslim pilgrims are, in fact, inspired from the Hindus of India. I need not remind him while Islam is about 14 centuries young Hinduism (Sanatana Dharma) is estimated to be over 10,000 years old i.e. around the time man as hunter-gatherer went into a more settled life based on agriculture along river banks.
Incidentally, our pilgrims to Mecca started wearing this Hindu-like white dress (Veshti and Mundu) only in recent decades. Certainly, nothing wrong there. One has to learn from somewhere.
Bandula Wijenayaka / October 10, 2016
Mr. Kettikaran,
You and Cholan seem a little bit carried away too far with all things Hindu.While Hindus wear the Veshti and Mundu, our Muslims friends wear only a single piece of white cloth whilst on pilgrimage.So there is no chance in hell or heaven of the Muslims having picked up their dress mode from Hindus.Now what will you tell us next?Perhaps you will say that the Hindus discovered the colour white?Or you may hit closer home and say the Tamil ( Vellalars)discovered the colour white!!!
Kettikaran / October 10, 2016
Bandula W
You write “Muslims friends wear only a single piece of white cloth”
I am afraid you err there. They wear a two-piece dress. A white sarong type below the waist and a separate shawl to cover the upper part of the body. The ancient Hindus do not have to make bogus claims. They are accepted and respected by the world for over 10,000 years.
Are you short of a Muslim name. Why hide behind a Sinhala one – which, at any rate, is all Indian – if you know what I mean.
Bandula Wijenayaka / October 9, 2016
Mr Hussein,Excellent article. The Eelam Project should be stopped dead on its track.Otherwise it is a disaster waiting to happen.I am told you had prophesied the out break of the Cultural Revolution while serving as a diplomat in Peking.Therfore your insights into the dangerous Eelam Project of CV Wigneswaran and company could be taken lightly only at our own peril.Thank you again and hope you keep writing despite the howling mob of separatism.
Native Vedda / October 9, 2016
Bandula Wijenayaka
Eelam project died on 14 May 1976.
Hindians brought the coffin in 1983 and buried the dead body in May 2009 with immense help from VP.
Didn’t anyone take the trouble to let know the death and burial of Eelam Project?
I just noticed my great grandmother who is physically fit has the habit of asking the same question every 10 minutes.
Please start worrying about the Sinhala/Buddhists ghetto builders who continue suffer from paranoia and hide their sins behind dead Eelam.
Backlash / October 10, 2016
This so-called Bandula Wijenayaka offers credit to Izeth H for prophesising the historic Cultural Revolution in China. That’s a new one.
For us, however, sitting right here in Colombo less than 40 miles away, we know this great seer could not predict the coming of the Aluthgama
incidents that caused his community so much of harm and sorrow.
There is a saying in Tamil if you have to lie do so convincingly.
Native Vedda / October 10, 2016
“This so-called Bandula Wijenayaka offers credit to Izeth H for prophesising the historic Cultural Revolution in China.”
Actually Bandula Wijenayaka hates Izeth. However, by praising Izeth he is trying to get at the anti MR pro democracy commentators.
Hela / October 10, 2016
The establishment of Tamil Eelam will not be decided by Tamils or Sinhalese. It will be decided by the political establishments of USA, UK, EU, Canada & India. It will not bring any solace to ordinary Tamils though. The decision by the new colonial rulers will depend on how far Sinhalese will be willing to be living in a colony of these powers. While Tamils are cooperating with the colonial powers in the hope of realising a mono ethnic Tamil utopia, Sinhalese continue to resist colonial hegemony and ethnic based demarcation of the country. History will tell us who will prevail.
Native Vedda / October 11, 2016
“The establishment of Tamil Eelam will not be decided by Tamils or Sinhalese.”
You should be living and talking about the Hela Province of Papua New Guinea.
Who gave you permission to discuss my ancestral land?
Kettikaran / October 11, 2016
Wise reading. If Eelam arrives due to the pressure of the international community it is possible the relations between the N&EP (Tamil Homeland) and the South will remain hostile. I believe the Yahapaalanaya team is trying to overcome this by providing some form of mutually-acceptable internal rule to Tamils short of a Separate State. But the Ranil-Wiggie tussle, the adamancy of those hawks like Shivajilingam and Company on the Tamil side insisting on “Eelam or Bust” the obstinacy of the Sinhala ultra-nationalists including the army; some of the Mahanayakas; delays the coming of even a modicum of peace. Personally, I like a formulae in which the Sinhala majority,, on their own, grants acceptable terms to the Tamil side rather than an imposition from outside. I think that changed priest late Ven. Madulwewe Sobita Thero was working along these lines.