20 September, 2024


Covid-19 Pandemic Reaches Catastrophic Levels: Association Of Medical Specialists

An open Appeal to His Excellency the president, the Government and the General public 

We, the Association of Medical Specialists share the same opinion of the WHO experts, SLMA, public health inspectors and all the other health care providers on the imminent disaster caused by the raging infections of the Delta variant of Covid-19.

Borella Cemetery Pic via FaceBook/ Ishara Kodikara

All of our concerns, warnings and predictions are purely based on science, statistics and ground realities. (see WHO expert committee report)

Whilst appreciating all the measures your Excellency and the government has taken to impose stricter travel and other restrictions, we plead ONCE AGAIN for further clamping down of movements as recommended by the WHO expert panel before the spread of this delta variant becomes unstoppable and catastrophic.

It is no secret that almost all hospitals (state & private) have reached their full capacity and the preventive services are exhausted. Moreover, the number of patients requiring oxygen and other intensive care facilities have gone up to the dangerous levels which may result in inability to provide optimal care for both Covid and non Covid patients. To make matters worse, number of Health care workers infected with Covid-19 are increasing day by day.

Although it may be a little too late, we still believe that stricter measures implemented at this critical juncture could still slow down this HUMAN TO HUMAN spread and hence this alarming mortality and morbidity until our society reach adequate levels of immunity by vaccination.

If prompt and stern interventions are not adopted as recommended by the WHO experts at this critical juncture, we could face an unprecedented disaster overwhelming all the resources at our disposal.

We, as a responsible professional organization have brought many issues to the attention of your Excellency and the government very constructively, purely for the sake of our fellow citizens.

We also take this opportunity to appeal to all the religious leaders, community leaders and the general public to make individual or collective decisions to protect our citizens from the spread of Covid-19.

Therefore, we wish to appeal to all citizens of our country for a stricter self-imposed isolation. This is not only applicable to individuals but also for larger ventures like Department stores, shops, factories, offices and restaurants where owners and managers could decide on their behalf to take measures on self-isolation. Already there are such instances where certain trade associations have made collective decisions.

We plead all citizens of our country at this crucial juncture to adopt tougher measures, although they may be damaging to livelihoods, as this is the only practical measure at our disposal to save our LIVES.

Thank you

Yours sincerely,                                         

Dr LakKumar Fernando                                                                                      Dr R Gnanasekeram
President-AMS                                                                                                      General Secretary-AMS

CC: 1. Hon. Mahinda Rajapaksa, Prime Minister of Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka     
       2. Hon. Pavithra Wanniarachchi, Minister of Health
       3. Hon. Basil Rajapaksa, Minister of Finance
       4. Hon. Dr. Sudarshini Fernandopulle, State Minister of Primary Health Care, Epidemics and
           COVID Disease Control
       5. Hon. Prof. Channa Jayasumana, State Minister of Production, Supply and Regulation of
       6. Dr. P B Jayasundara, Secretary to HE The President
       7. Major General Dr. Sanjeewa Munasinghe, Secretary, Ministry of Health
       8. General Shavendra Silva, WWV RWP RSP VSV USP ndc psc Mphil
       9. Dr. Asela Gunawardena, Director General of Health Services, Ministry of health
     10. Sri Lanka Medical Association
     11. Government Medical Officers’ Association
     12. PHI Union of Sri Lanka
     13. Chairman, The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce
     14. All media Institutions

Latest comments

  • 7

    You need to be a person of courage to realize you’re not infallible, accept the advice of well-meaning people who know what they’re talking about, and do the right thing. I think that’s what Buddhism is all about.

    • 0

      @ Ajay: Yes, one has to be COURAGEOUS to say the ULTIMATE TRUTH. The bunch of laughing stock of the world i.e. the Sri Lankan PROFESSIONALS and DOCTORS WHO are connected with the govt., with the “COVID-Fakery” are a bunch of criminals who will lie through their posterior ends. This set of jokers who call themselves, shamelessly, as the “Association of Medical Experts” who did not have any science, nor any provable statistics and with imaginary ground realities when all of them consented and went along with the “Sinhala Racist Rajapakse’s Dark philosophy” in the BURNING OF THE DEAD Muslim Bodies, after they’ve been fakely declared as “COVID” deaths. In the first instance, the declaration of COVID is derived from the results of the DUMB-PCR testings, which can be manipulated as according to the agenda of the operators and the users of this silly machine that its inventor KARY MULLIS categorically claimed that THE PCR technology CANNOT detect any VIRUS, any Disease by whatsoever. It was designed to ZOOM into the cell biological materials to have a clear in-depth view and said “THE SCIENTISTS ARE DOING AN AWFUL LOT OF DAMAGE TO THE WORLD IN THE NAME OF HELPING IT.

      • 0

        Govigama Ruling Elite criminal Rajapakses have never stopped persecuting the Muslims. Even when during the Sirisena/Ranil rule, Rajapakse criminals along with the Racists groups led by Sarath weerasekera organised the riots against the Muslims under the guise of Sinhala people’s reprisals against the Muslim for the Easter Sunday attack for which Muslims are innocent. It was the intelligence group of the Sri Lankan govt sponsored Zaharan group who are reportedly responsible. As the latest method of persecuting the Muslims. Gota’s Nazi regime is fakely branding the Muslims as Covid positive, and are releasing lies as death numbers & the statistics are faked to force the Muslims to under go the stupid measures and rules that impinges the basic rights and religious rights. Some of the Muslim patients are killed in the hospitals to spike the fake Numbers of Muslim Covid deaths…. Covid and everything is a huge hoax….

  • 11

    An open Appeal to His Excellency the president
    You call him an ‘excellency’ ?

  • 3

    All of our concerns, warnings and predictions are purely based on science, statistics and ground realities
    No its purely based on lies and crisis acting

    • 0

      Exactly… these buggers do not know the meaning of being scientific. PCR testing is the biggest dumb scientific activity of the so called Ministry of Health. Rather you can call it the Ministry of Hell. All professionals and the so called educated fools are under the command of some criminal dumb asses by the name Rajapakses or better we call them the GOVIGAMA RULING ELITE MAFIA.

  • 4

    we plead ONCE AGAIN for further clamping down of movements
    Yes of course! More restrictions! Make more people lose their livelihoods and go destitute.
    You guys will get your fat commissions from big pharma which is what matters.

  • 8

    Dear Dr Fernando,
    We salute you. !!!!!
    Who thought that SRILANKEN POLITICAL LEADERSHIP fell in to the levels where the medical specialists in health care have to request the them this way.
    No any previous govt since independence reacted to the manner GOTA-MR regime did – meaning they relied on the medical specialists or any other specialists whenver the nation was destined by disasters.


  • 9

    where are the hospitals built by the army?
    was it a boru show? I am sure the 6.9 million are using it?

    • 4

      “where are the hospitals built by the army?”
      Good question. They are to be found on Facebook, staffed by the 200,000 doctors and nurses trained by the Army.

      • 2

        OC, you mean virtual hospitals. Damn that is innovative. But will it work in this case?? I believe Rajapaksas promised many things other than hospitals including testing kits, vents, probes —–etc and now the medical people are coming to realize it was all a big lie.

        • 2

          OC, What do you think about the new health minister Rambuk, who tried creating records by jumping walls when drunk. Looks like for those 6.9 million its out of the frying pan into blazing fire.

          • 5

            It doesn’t matter who the health minister is. From Gota down, they are all idiots.

  • 0

    If the dead is to advice by concerned to br cremated due to the spread of virus through water after filtering to many layers of soil and adviced form the doctors is heard by the government authority why not listed to the doctors that the present situation needs lockdown after many doctors going shortage due to the contacting of covid that is visible Many receive advice, only the wise profit from it.to eliminate the need of a physician The aim of lockdown is to prevent disease and prolong life

  • 0

    The AMS has consistently made appeals to the Powers that be to adopt measures to minimise the effects of the Covid-19. It appears that these appeals are being treated with contempt!

    Lord Acton had been futuristic when he penned those lines Power Corrupts…….

    What in effect the AMS is conveying is on these lines…………
    ……..Therefore, never send to know for whom the Bells Toll; It Tolls for thee…..
    English Poet- John Donne.

  • 0

    If I think I am God, I will not listen to any other. That is why we need the truth about the genuine character of the real creator God.

    • 2

      You want God’s character reference? Sorry, he’s suffering from the Covid virus he created.

      • 0

        Paul, You may not be aware that Covid 19 was created in the Wuhan Institute of virology by gene mixing forbidden by God. When Wuhan hospitals were treating patients, the data in the lab was erased on September 22nd but to create economic disasters in other unsuspecting countries, the military games were not stopped in October and all the nations that partook carried the virus back to their own countries. 2 months later only the world knew of this gain of function research to enhance humanity. Now China is enhancing DNA of soldiers. When these wicked are released by China, the world will understand. God will not redeem what he has not created and is forbidding mixing species. Evil satan pollutes creation.

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