11 September, 2024


Crazy Sirisena Says 2018 Constitutional Coup Was To Show He’s Got A Backbone

An irked Sirisena today lashed out against Cardinal Malcom Ranjith‘s speech yesterday at the Katuwapitiya church reconsecration ceremony, in an appalling display of his increasingly unstable mental state. Justifying his actions in October 2018, Sirisena said the Constitutional Coup was a show of the ‘strength of his backbone’.


Speaking at an event in Maharagama this afternoon, Sirisena said it is because he has a strong backbone he was able to remove the sitting Prime Minister from Premiership and appoint the former President instead.

It was made all too apparent that Sirisena waa terribly hurt about the Cardinal’s comments yesterday about present government leaders lacking a backbone.

“I heard the Cardinal has said present leaders don’t have a backbone…He has also told the government to go home. Of course we will go home! We didn’t come to stay here forever!,” he told the crowd angrily.

Sirisena also implied the Cardinal was biased towards politicos from elite or aristocratic families.

“The call to go home or comments about the backbone would not have happened if it was an individual from an elite or aristocratic family who was in this position,” he added.

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  • 63

    Sirisena is a nutjob!
    But he is right about the cardinal being MRs lackey. Cardinal had nothing to say when journalists were assaulted and murdered, or those peacefully protesting for water were gunned down, during MR regime. Cardinal is a disgrace to the majority true Catholics.

    • 16

      Crazy Sirisena,

      RE: Crazy Sirisena Says 2018 Constitutional Coup Was To Show He’s Got A Backbone

      Sirisena says one thing,
      Announces something different,
      Does something completely different,
      Says he is a Sinhala “Buddhist”,
      Prostrates to crazy monks who molest children
      He says, 2018 Constitutional Coup Was To Show that he has Got A Backbone.

      What else can one expect from a Traitor, Sevalaya (sleaze), Pachaya (Liar) and Mala-Perethaya (living off the dead)?

    • 11


    • 22


      “ Cardinal is a disgrace to the majority of True Catholics”

      The Maha Nayakas and the Monks are a disgrace to the majority of True Buddhists.

      Sirisena is a disgrace to the majority of True Lankans. There are many others who are a disgrace.

    • 11

      Maithripala Sirisena and the Rajapaksas should be tried for treason for orchestrating CoupeLk and given the death penalty that Sirisena loves so much…

  • 60

    Sirisena and cardinal Malcom are both national clowns. They both need to go home holding hands together.

    • 11


      The people are bored watching the idiotic teledrams. So, the Cardinal and Sirisena are providing alternate entertainment.

  • 27

    Ranil remaining stoic against repeated provocation from Gamarala is a sign of weakness and lack of manliness. One does not have to imagine how JR, Premadasa and Gamini D would have retaliated. Gamarala saw Ranil was tamed by CBK. An entire properly constituted Govt was brought down then. Ranil did nothing about it. Gamaya, therefore, treats Ranil like dirt in the assurance Ranil does not have the backbone to hit back. 22 million innocents are made to suffer because of the 2 “leaders” at the helm playing cat and mouse.


    • 7

      Kettikaran i totally agree with your reasoning.

      Through his supinely inept lack of any kind of retaliation nay even a whimper, Ranil has shot the bolt on himself.

      His shelf life is over. He hasnt the guts to confront.

  • 34

    The constitutional coup didn’t show he had a backbone. Rather it showed a little clown trying to act like Napoleon. He is cruel, evil, nutty – all in one fruitcake. But today’s attack on Criminal Ranjith is the best so far. Apparently the comment on the backbone has pushed psycho Sira over the edge – because he knows the hat fits him. He is very sensitive to the Sevalaya put-down. Goes totally bonkers and utters “the Constitutional Coup was a show of the strength of my backbone.” WOW. This is sufficient to certify him and throw him into the nuthouse. Sometimes, no … most of the time, I think Sira has made a wrong career choice. He should have chosen entertainment. He’s a born comedian, a bit menacingly loony though.

  • 37

    If the October coup was to show that Sira has a backbone, it instead showed us that he has not a single atom of brain in his head.
    What a moron…
    Does he think we are in the kindergarten? I don’t know why people don’t boo him when he talks through his arse.

    • 21

      ” he has not a single atom of brain in his head. ”


      • 8

        Mallaiyuran – That is because President GonaSena’s brain is embedded in his rear!

    • 5

      Gemini cricket,

      Both Sirisena and Cardinal Ranjit have backbones. The issue Sirisena should have focused was the non-functionality of their respective brains.

      So, Sirisena had the coup because of non- functional brain. Cardinal Malcolm Ranjit’s brian is not much better.

  • 34


    • 3

      He was installed as Cardinal in August 2009……after the end of the war……before that, he was working at the Vatican!

    • 1

      Demala Catholic priests had lot to do with LTTE.
      According to a friend of mine, Kochchikade church was sealed for stock piling LTTE arms and explosives.
      Probably, Wahabis targeted Catholic churches because of such incidences.

      • 6


        Go Home.

      • 4

        Your friend is a liar

  • 11

    “Sirisena also implied the Cardinal was biased towards politicos from elite or aristocratic families.”
    When New King did a Coup against Ranil, flirting to his butterfly Old King, it showed he had a back bone. When he retreated it went away with his dhoti too.
    But the above is showing in addition to the back bone, he has big hump on the back to carry additional baggage of Aappa, the diesel to go for extra mile, in his political journey. Old King went out of gas in 2015, his butterfly still keep flirting.

  • 18

    This guy is dumb as lumber.

    • 6

      “This guy is dumb as lumber.”

      Ha ha ha ………

      And we elected him our supreme leader!

      Dumb and Dumber?

      Are we missing the forest for the lumber?

  • 6

    Send the bloody lot, with or without backbones into permanent exile!

  • 9

    you are a man of the church
    stop playing politics
    every knows you want the return of the rajapaksas that is why you wanted the govt to resign
    dont take your flock to hell

  • 3

    That is it Boys and Girls..
    Sira kicked his own goal to hand over the match to Kselwatta Kid .
    Who was by the side of His Highness Malcolm Ranjith, when His Highness called all Politrickster Leaders in Lankawe . Jelly Backs..-
    I don’t know why this Idiot President got his knickers in a knot..

    Does Sira feel more guilty than Dr Ranil ?..
    Now I tend to think it is i the case, because some one in the Yahapalana Hierarchy hid the Intelligence from the Cardinal..

    If Sira is like Hercules he should have stopped the Terrorists in their tracks ,
    Aand saved those innocent Catholic Lives including the 115 Men . Women and Children in Meegamuwa.

    This Sira has not said anything about the whole Yahapalana Muslim Cabal who took shelter under Dr Ranil’s Umbrella to defect the Heat from the Bible Belt.
    But he is hitting the Cardinal below the belt , when Dr Cardinal didn’t refer to anyone by name..

    It is nothing but disgusting and pathetic what Sira said in Public at the Sugathdasa Stadium.
    I am sure the brothers and sisters who are Sinhala Roman Catholics will respond in kind….

    What saddens me is how quick off the block, the Yahapalanistas here. who are from the UNP, Angilcan , Elite , Vellala , LTTE and the Diaspora communities to have flock together and condemn His Highness Dr Malcolm Ranjith for his bravery and honesty to speak up for his dear Community, who have never been subjected to anything like this ever in a country where Sinhala Buddhits are the majority, whom the same UNP lot have been calling Sinhala Buddhist , Racists Fascists..

  • 10

    Mr. President, you are a shame to the whole nation. Please do yourself a favour by keeping your mouth shut, and enjoy the last few months of your luxury Presidential life. The whole world knows how ungrateful, how inconsiderate, how selfish, how corrupt, and what kind of a backstabber you are. All the incidents you are talking to show the strength of your backbone, shows the above mentioned treacherous qualities. You are surely a psychopath to brag about the constitutional coup as a heroic action, which was defeated at the Supreme Court. Cardinal is not much of a different man than you are, if people remember the good priest Father Tissa Balasuriya, and what happened to him. But he is not our leader, so no damage to the nation.

  • 10

    This president is the vilest and daft leader, Sri Lankans have produced. Even clowns have scruples, but this guy has completely LOST it big time. Whatever he says and does, means either a disaster and should be brushed aside.

    Oh Cardinal, you had your fifteen minutes of fame. Please keep your mouth shut and you are becoming more of the vice clown to the big clown, the president.
    God help Sri Lankans.

  • 2

    In a couple of months time Sorisena will be having a new job. He will be in charge of his Flower shop ( Mal Salawa ) in A’pura. As for the Cardinal he has a lot of hard work to do in front of him.

  • 5

    Perhaps the only cardinal in the world who clamours Lucifer be installed as president of his country.

  • 4

    Pissu Case if ever there was one.

  • 4

    October act was not because of backbone but sheer madness. How much money was lost? Is it his grandfathers money? There are plenty of such back boners in the Angoda Hospital.

  • 4

    Crazy Sirisena Says 2018 Constitutional Coup Was To Show He’s Got A Backbone

    He has to get things right things why he lost the idea is wrong. where was the back bone to stop 4/21 terror attack. He damaged the back bone he could not stand firm 4/21. backbone for methodological development and new administrative technologies.backbone of any improvement of governance, its development as well as its protection from any form of wastage or excessiveness,

  • 6

    his way of showing a backbone is to light a fire and damage the country..i don’t blame sirisena ,i blame his father.If my son had lit a fire and destroyed my paddy field i would have given him the works.

  • 3

    “Crazy Sirisena Says 2018 Constitutional Coup Was To Show He’s Got A Backbone”

    The constitutional coup only shows he is a fool. He had to go back on it and give back the premiership from whom he took. That has nothing to do with his backbone.

    For him to say he has a backbone only shows he doubts it, so has to declare he has one. A person with good strength of character will never say he has ‘backbone’!

  • 2

    Nimal Fdo

    He will finally fall into deep slumber.

  • 1

    Excellent and very firm president in the world.
    Very moral and principled leader in the world.
    Incomparable and unsurpassed head of state in the world

    Sirisena Shame on you.

  • 0

    Yes you seems to have a back bone, which is crooked and Ranjith has a loose mouth which utters more racial politics than religion/compassion. What you people are missing is the “Gray Matter”. You guys are cunning fools.

  • 4

    Malcolm Ranjith is a dreamer if he thinks the Catholics are with him and he believes he heads the flock .Catholics are not fools anymore to blindly follow this disgraceful scumbage of a Cardinal.
    The suffering people of Negombo came to church to hear words of religious comfort not to hear a political speech which we have heard him repeat many times in favour of the Rajapaksas.
    Sirisena of course, should pack his bags and not go home but to Angoda.

  • 3

    cardinal got his cardinalship because of MR. Sili wants to be preseident so he will cut gotta, and win against ranil. MR Will wait till 2025 as he will want namal to compete.

  • 4


    You have proved time & again that you have no backbone & the ‘2018 Constitutional Coup’ made you a joker & a shameless stupid yob with no knowledge of the constitution or governance. Once again your public rant has confirmed your credentials.

  • 3

    Sirisena can give a good run to Trump, the blabber-in-chief

  • 2

    All are beating about the bush when the responsibility lye elsewhere. That is god the omnipotent. He could not prevent.

  • 3

    He was quoted as saying:
    “I am a son with pure blood of pure parents.”
    What on earth does he mean by this? That he is Sinhala only or that he is the legitimate offspring of both his parents?
    Anyway, what qualification is either to claim to be a wise, principled, open-minded, confident and far-seeing leader, free of petty prejudice of any kind?
    Is backbone something to do with blood and moral parents?
    Not that Sinhala blood has something more in it than any other blood. (Or have I missed the latest discoveries of R. Somadeva?

  • 2

    Not being born into an elite family or Not having a backbone is the least of Sira’s problems.
    Rather, His biggest problem is He’s being controlled by RAW agents. He was used as a tool by India during the 2015 election and even today it’s no different. Also he is incapable of picking the right people. His team sucks. Premadasa didn’t come from a elite family, yet he had a very good team around him. He knew how to pick talented individuals and get things done. Because of that People like Lalith Atulatmudali or Gamini Dissanayake couldn’t challenge him. Unfortunately Sira is not that bright. His presidency has been a total failure.

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