13 January, 2025


Crazy Sirisena Says 2018 Constitutional Coup Was To Show He’s Got A Backbone

An irked Sirisena today lashed out against Cardinal Malcom Ranjith‘s speech yesterday at the Katuwapitiya church reconsecration ceremony, in an appalling display of his increasingly unstable mental state. Justifying his actions in October 2018, Sirisena said the Constitutional Coup was a show of the ‘strength of his backbone’.


Speaking at an event in Maharagama this afternoon, Sirisena said it is because he has a strong backbone he was able to remove the sitting Prime Minister from Premiership and appoint the former President instead.

It was made all too apparent that Sirisena waa terribly hurt about the Cardinal’s comments yesterday about present government leaders lacking a backbone.

“I heard the Cardinal has said present leaders don’t have a backbone…He has also told the government to go home. Of course we will go home! We didn’t come to stay here forever!,” he told the crowd angrily.

Sirisena also implied the Cardinal was biased towards politicos from elite or aristocratic families.

“The call to go home or comments about the backbone would not have happened if it was an individual from an elite or aristocratic family who was in this position,” he added.

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  • 2

    The word COUP is by Western propaganda machine. My guess is Western spies fooled Mahinda Rajapakse to do it. they call it a SOFT COUP. Other than that, well before the OCtober Revolution (OCOTBER 26th), by early October so many Agents, including military were in Srilanka.

    • 4

      Crazy Sirisena and the Horny Electritian,


      Sri Lanka, a Land like no other, has Crazy Presidents who “rape” the people, and Horny Electricians, who rape tourists and make them pregnant.

      A 2,500 year old Para-Sinhala Para-“Buddhist “ “ civilization “, that is an insult to Buddhism and to the Buddha.

      Even the Para-Sinhala monks do it. Monk Ganasara says, what happens in the Temples, stays inside the Temples. Good that boys and Samaneras, child monks do not get pregnant.

  • 9

    This idiot was at Ratnapura this morning handing out milk packets to the local children. Its his ‘country nurtured with milk’ programme. According to the news it is one packet per child per year.
    Neither backbone nor brain.

    • 11


      “Neither backbone nor brain.”

      Why do you expect politicians to possess both?
      Remember this is Sinhala/Buddhist country.

      • 2

        Just because he claims that he has a back bone by removing the sitting Prime Minister, he may not hesitate to have sex in public to prove his other “capabilities,”

  • 4

    Number 1 JOKER ….replacing PM what happened???? was it done correctly, he became an ASS a worse joker, he also appointed all candidates who lost election as MP s…the worst president S/Lanka ever had

  • 0

    MS could have an X-ray film to prove that he has a spine.
    The tendency to genuflexion at the sight of his former boss MR is curable.
    Ask Gnanasara Thera how.

  • 2

    This his benchmark. Funny way of measuring strength of backbone

  • 0

    Aftermath of the October coup country’s business segment still not come to terms after the backlash. All retail segments had a toll, still the back log of stocks and recoveries caused severe setback for the retailers and the stockist. President doesn’t seem to understand the complexity and he will never. It is a retribution when people choose a wrong person to this post to destroy country’s future.

  • 0

    “Sirisena Says 2018 Constitutional Coup Was To Show He’s Got A Backbone” – He did it wrong way, and even selected the wrong or right replacement, up to you; but that was a right decision. Even if RW had decided to impeach MS prior to that coup, that also would have been a right decision. Who initiated wasn’t important but the divorce was mandatory when Prez & PM don’t look at each other in the eyes & country suffers. Who knows, even Easter Sunday attacks could have been avoided..

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