10 September, 2024


Cremation Vs. Burial: Expert Panel Revises Recommendation To Include Both Cremation And Burial Of COVID-19 Dead Bodies  

The 11-Member Expert Panel appointed by the Ministry of Health has revised its recommendation to include both cremation and burial of COVID-19 dead bodies in Sri Lanka. 

The panel chaired by Prof. Jennifer Perera, Senior Professor in Microbiology in its recommendations submitted to the Ministry of Health this week said, “’While firmly standing by on the previous recommendation and guidelines on exclusive cremations of dead bodies as the most appropriate method of disposal which was based on the understanding at the time, the expert committee has revised the recommendations on disposal of bodies to include both cremation and burial, while adhering to the specified safety precautions.” 

On 24th December 2020, the Ministry of Health appointed a panel of virologists, microbiologists and immunologists to provide their expert opinion on the safe disposal of human remains of COVID-19 infected people. The members of the panel comprised of Prof. Neelika Malavige, Professor in Microbiology, Dr. Geethani Galagoda, Consultant Virologist, Dr. Janaki Abeynayake, Consultant Virologist, Dr. Rajeeva de Silva, Consultant Immunologist, Dr. Kanthi Nanayakkara, Consultant Vaccinologist, Dr. Malika Karunaratne, Consultant Microbiologist, Dr. Saranga Sumathipala, Consultant Virologist, Dr. Nadeeka Janage, Consultant Virologist, Dr. Rohitha Muthugala, Consultant Virologist and Dr. Dulmini Kumarasinghe, Consultant Virologist.

In a communication dated 24th December 2020, Dr. S. H. Munasinghe, Secretary to the Ministry of Health requested the panel to provide scientific evidence and expert opinion on the behavior of the SARS CoV-2 virus remaining in a corpse of a COVID-19 infected person after death. 

Dr. Munasinghe also requested the panel to provide recommendations on whether burial can be used as an option for safe disposal of corpse of a COVID-19 infected person. The expert panel was also requested to provide guidance to be adhered to, for the safe disposal of corpse of a COVID-19 infected person if burial is considered an option for disposal and to also provide recommendations on the involvement of family members and religious personnel during the cremation or burial processes used for disposal of the body.

In the recommendation submitted to the ministry, the expert panel said that key points and scientific evidence were considered in drafting the report. The report stated that the viruses cannot replicate in the body once an infected person dies and the remaining virus in the body dies over a period of time with the death of a person as there are no more living cells. 

The panel also highlighted that the SARS-CoV-2 virus infection is not a water-borne disease. “Contamination of water by residual virus in a corpse leading into the water table through layers of soil to reach levels of the infectious dose is very remote as any residual infection virus continues to die. Furthermore, any residual infectious virus that reached the water table gets diluted in the large volume of water. Therefore, the amount of virus in water is insufficient to lead to infection either by ingestion, contact with mucus membranes, or through contaminated hands as the minimal infectious dose of the virus is quite high. For the same reasons, there also has been no evidence of transmission through water contamination from burial by SARS or influenza. However, water contamination could be avoided to a large extent by wrapping the body using virus impervious material such as use of non-biodegradable body bags.”

In the four-page report submitted to the Ministry of Health, the expert panel also provided further recommendations for the disposal of a body from the health facility/mortuary to the crematorium/burial site and participation of family members and religious dignitaries. 

The recommendations were: 

  1. The dignity of the dead and their families should be respected and protected as far as possible throughout the process used for the disposal of the body.
  2. Designated healthcare personnel should only do the handling of the corpses. 
  3. The body should not be handed over to the relatives for cremation or burial. 
  4. Ensure all those who interact with the body (the healthcare and mortuary staff) apply standard infection prevention and control (IPC) precautions. Continuous and adequate hand hygiene supplies, PPE, cleaning and disinfection supplies should be made available. 
  5. The bodies for cremation or burial should not be embalmed. 
  6. The cremation or burial should be carried out within 24 hours, once the order for disposal of the body is given. 
  7. The body should be laid inside a double layered body bag, prior to placing in the coffin. The body bags should be of 300 um thickness, padded with absorbent material, leak proof and non-biodegradable. 
  8. Viewing of the body will be permitted only within the healthcare facility/mortuary.
  9. If the family wishes to view the body, open/unzip the body bag and allow them to view the body at a one-meter distance wearing a mask and keeping a distance of one meter from each other. Touching the body or the belongings of the dead person is not permitted. The body should not be removed from the body bag for viewing.
  10. Only 4 persons from the family will be allowed to view the body. Two persons at a time should be allowed to view the body and a maximum period of 5 min/per two persons should be allowed for viewing the body under supervision. A total period of 10 min is allowed for viewing the body. 
  11. When the body is transported to a crematorium/burial site by health authorities, a maximum of 4 persons from the family could be permitted to accompany the body in a separate mode of transport. 
  12. The crematorium/burial site designated by the healthcare authorities should be used for disposal of the body.
  13. The coffin shall not be opened for any reason at the crematorium or the burial site. 
  14. Allow 10 minutes for any religious activity under supervision at the crematorium/burial site prior to cremating/burying while observing social distancing and standard precautions. Only one religious dignitary and 4 persons from the family will be permitted to be present during the religious activity. 
  15. The bottom of the grave should be 1.5 m from the ground surface and 1.2 m above the water table. The distance between burial site and field drains should be 10 m minimum. The distance between burial site and drinking wells, boreholes, and wells should be 250 m minimum. The distance between burial site and springs and water courses should be 30 m minimum as per current recommendations by global experts. 
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Latest comments

  • 7

    Ok there you are.

    The panel of experts have spoken. They are virologists and microbiologists.

    Now as for the Thambias who did not make it to heaven I say these donkeys have no chance to make it to heaven anyways. And they are in Sri Lanka, that should be heaven for them ..

    • 22

      A great decision, driven by science, not racism . All the more laudable because of the heavily Sinhala Buddhist composition of the committee. At least there are some Sinhalese who can think independently. Already the crackpots of the SB lunatic fringe are up in arms.

      • 17

        This gives the govt a face-saving chance to get out of the hole it dug for itself.
        Some religious beliefs are not negotiable. Even Buddhism has such taboos. Racism thrives in such situations. Would the govt have acted this way if the Buddhist custom was not cremation?
        The reasonable action would have been to find a compromise early, not make the country a laughing stock by trying to export corpses to Maldives.

      • 1

        “The body should be laid inside a double layered body bag, prior to placing in the coffin. The body bags should be of 300 um thickness, padded with absorbent material, leak proof and non-biodegradable”

        • 1

          It is said that Covid19 Virus won’t live in a dead body. Then why all this precautions?

          I will not be surprised if the experts say that you can cremate the body and bury the ashes, thereafter?

          • 0

            “Then why all this precautions?”
            It’s to reduce the possibility of leakage to zero. Like wearing a seat-belt even though you are stopped at a traffic light.

    • 11

      People wanted a hitler, now he is there.

      No matter anything and everything would have been upside, President stays as if he is fed with clay.
      No hopes about the vaccine yet for the people. Even if their self proclaimations made them WEERAYAS for the lower common denominator.

    • 7

      Now as for the Thambias who did not make it to heaven I say these donkeys have no chance to make it to heaven anyways.

      In front of the world arbitrary decisions taken Health authority will be looked as Unscientific minded while the world advice is instantly available.

    • 13


    • 11

      only a donkey can tell another donkey. with buggers like you sri lanka will be hell.

  • 37

    Pray that GoSL will heed the recommendations.

    • 13

      Is it going to be an end of Rajapakse family or Buddhist Monk violence?

      • 10

        No, but the ill-will will surely effect the economy.

    • 14

      Body bags should be biodegradable. After a year, the body would have disintegrated into soil; covid dead after a few weeks. The disintegrated body soil can then be soil for the earth. It is better to breath oxygen into the earth than carbon.

  • 13

    Sri Lankan Experts ! Sounds like a contradiction !

    Our climate, culture ,religion, habits, work ethic will not allow the growth of any expertise which is accepted as the best in the world.

    It will always be ordinary and unremarkable. It will always feed off the research and intelligence of other cultures.

    Having said that ,in this situation, we meet an all encompassing religion which believes the creator of the entire universe also gave advise on every detail, circumcision, women’s conduct, prayer time, number of prayers, burial methods of a life species (humans) on a small planet, which in relation to the universe is very insignificant.

    Although many of these were actually customs of a waterless , near inhabitable and unhappy desert and the beliefs of illiterate uncouth tribesmen, these customs are now given a religious force and are forced down on every country, regardless of their differences.

    The hold these primitive thoughts have on people shows that human beings are essentially irrational and tribal.

  • 40

    Let’s not mince words about what has transpired here; the fact that such a situation actually happened where extremist sinhala buddhists were by force ceasing and forcefully cremating the bodies of Muslim and Christian covid 19 victims is such a grave human rights violation. People from all corners of the earth were in shock as to the inhuman treatment of the minorities by the extremist sinhala buddhists.
    Let’s pray that this year those who are responsible for the human rights violations of; forceful cremation, murder/rape warcrimes, state sponsored terrorism are all held responsible and sanction by world bodies. Foreign countries/banks should implement harsh sanctions on individual extremist sinhala buddhists as they are sure to pack their bags and run to the US, Europe or Australia after looting the country.

    • 2

      How many Muslim dead bodies have been cremated so far by Sinhala Buddhists?
      How many Muslim Covid patients have been treated and cured so far by Sinhala Buddhists?


    • 5

      ‘Moda’ Muslims who still live in Stone Age are unable to understand the rational behind the decision to cremate Muslim dead bodies. With cremation the risk is zero whereas with burial the risk is unknown. By allowing a few Demala Muslims to go to Heaven the Government can’t put the lives of the living into danger. IF virus spreads due to burial who take the responsibility?
      For Muslims the fastest way to go to Heaven and have a great time with Angels is to become a suicide bomber.
      This dumbo want the International community to impose sanctions for not allowing a few Demala Muslims to be buried. The International Community is not dumb like the Muslims in this country.

  • 7

    Drop these superstitions. SL has decided to cremate. Stick with it. If cremation spreads COVID-19 more than burial then burial can be considered. Not the case. Do not turn this into a tribal affair. One law for all.

  • 4

    There was a recent article which I thought should have been titled as bats,rats. Politicians,’myth, charlatans (including double talkers) and know it all ( with onedays resolution in trying being humble). Todsy authority days cremation? Burying or both are safe
    Brother CICERO thanks for that valiente effort in assuring the benefits of a vaccine in this dire situation but then remember you are talking to the deaf and dump, among whom some seems pretending. Most of my family members, few relativess and friends have already received theirs and they all are alive and seems healthy today.

    • 7

      As I had mention? Lanka is negotiating with China. The same trial which was suspended in Brazil due to some adversity. 20% is promised by WHO which are approved by many. This will be given to Rajapaksas government people , politicians, religious heads and financiers. Rest may end up with China or Russian ones.

  • 43

    “The report stated that the viruses cannot replicate in the body once an infected person dies and the remaining virus in the body dies over a period of time with the death of a person as there are no more living cells.”
    Finally some sensible advice to the fumbling government in the grip of racists and witch doctors. But I doubt whether the lunatic fringe of SB nationalism who think science is a western thing will be convinced. They have no living cells in their brains for the idea to take hold.

  • 6

    Our bio-safety has been sacrificed to Islamic fundamentalists. This is not a scientific decision, but a political decision. Even science has been corrupted by Islamic fanaticism and Islamic religious superstition. Virologists taking decisions on depositing corpses infested with a deadly imported virus, totally disregarding the geological, hydrological and topographical realities of this island, is a disgrace, and a slap on the face of the people and animals of this island.
    If this decision, taken by ill informed politically influenced virologists without any consideration to the ground realities stands, we can look forward to a time, when we cannot even pluck gotukola without being sure that it is not contaminated with the deadly SARS-Cov-2 virus, spread by Islamic burials. Its plain and pure disgusting to even think of corpses rotting inside non-biodegradable plastic body bags ….

    • 21

      What part of this don’t you understand?
      “Therefore, the amount of virus in water is insufficient to lead to infection either by ingestion, contact with mucus membranes, or through contaminated hands as the minimal infectious dose of the virus is quite high. For the same reasons, there also has been no evidence of transmission through water contamination from burial by SARS or influenza.”
      People driven by blind racism, who don’t know the difference between bacteria and viruses, manufactured this totally unnecessary crisis and made the whole country a laughing stock. A few days ago you asked why the Muslims can’t wait for the committee report. Now you don’t want to accept it. This is exactly what Prof. Pieris recommended. Do you want the opinion of “Pani Baas” too? Demand a “peer review” too? PP., access to Google doesn’t make you a scientist.
      Now shut up and let the govt wriggle out of its self-inflicted embarrassment.
      Oh, if you’re worried about covid-19 in Gotukola, please feel free to consume it. Nobody will object.

    • 4

      Mr Punchi Point of Tamil Nadu descended karawa caste, why are you so racist? The whole world outside your hate filled cesspit mind rubbishes this laughable claim of water spread covid.

  • 25

    Cicero I too had treated tens of Covid patients. Obviously some regular readers who write comments here seems to have much more experience than me without even getting close to a single patient. It is also obvious few among them keeps changing there opinions according to convenience
    Guys were claiming Covid was under control and we have already won the war within 2 to 3 moths of pandemic and further accused people who questioned as jealous and unpatriotic .Now the virus has reached the parliament, speaker, opposition leader offices, their security , canteen and toilets.Now the same people question the safety of vaccine which they may never get. Most of the comments here were on burial vs cremation ‘, very less on the threat of spread.
    Funny isn’t it

    • 5

      chiv ,

      The article is about Expert committee report on Cremation vs
      Burial . I wonder , what is funny about it ! And the funniest
      thing that’s happening in some other parts of the planet is , there is
      a vast number of people who don’t believe in this pandemic yet !
      There are even some volunteers who want to get infected by this
      virus ! Very funny isn’t it ? So , more funny things are happening
      around the globe about this Virus of which forced Cremation vs
      Burial is a Funny Political Drama of ” Straw” Man or a Bunch of
      Straw Men you can call it ! You rightly put it , ” Guys were claiming
      Covid was under control and we have already won the war,,,,,,” Yes ,
      they have Kali Amma on their side , Kelaniya Temple Snake on
      their side and on top of all that the Army of Shavendra is fighting
      the Terrorist Clandestine Covid -19 on all fronts with his Hero
      soldiers ! Sinhala Buddhists must sit back and ponder who plays
      with their life ! Tamils , Muslims or their false Sinhala leaders ?

  • 12

    Pardon for spell checks unintended auto correction because rightnow I am in bed recovering from a minor surgery and worse my kid too is competing in typing own message.

  • 15

    Great news indeed from the experts panel!
    How can a virus that is killed by hand sanitizer be so deadly?!! Covid-19 is a big Pfizer and big drug companies vaccine opportunity!

    Let’s hope that this is the beginning of a comprehensive review of the GoSL’s Covid-19 policy response of WHO’s idiotic ‘advice’ to lock down and destroy the economy. Lanka needs to stop using the military to implement shut downs while targeting poor communities and minorities, meant to Divide, distract and Rule by the crashing empire as it runs it HYBRID WAR in the Indian Ocean.
    Covid-19 has shown that Sri Lanka needs to end its Economic dependence on Covid-19 and other virus including FALL ARMY WORM bio terrorism spreading Western Tourists and focus on Asia countries for its tourist market and growth in general.

  • 24

    At least the government seems to have done one sensible thing, but is it not a bit delayed !

    • 1

      Aanduwa used this to release Duminda.

      You need to wait for some time to find out the real outcome of these two actions.

    • 1

      “the government seems to have done one sensible thing”??

      Or, is the Govt. trying to save face and trying to extricate itself from a grave it dug itself? Anyway, it is too early to come to a conclusion as there is no certainty that the Govt. will accept the Expert Committee’s Report. After all, the Govt. has to consult its own Special Sinhala Buddhist Racist Experts and get their ill-considered opinion.

  • 7

    The “Expert Panel” hasn’t provided any SCIENTIFIC BASIS for their decision in support of burials.
    I have a plethora of questions to be asked from them.
    1)What made the Expert Panel comprised of Virologists & Microbiologists believe that COVID-19 infected dead bodies do not transmit the virus? Only Forensic Pathologists can certify such a decision.
    2)Was there a Soil Scientist in the Expert Panel? If so, when did he/she conduct a research and analysis on OUR soil in terms of transmission of coronavirus from buried dead bodies.
    3)On what basis the Expert Panel recommended non-biodegradable body covers, which will take 1000s of years to decompose, are suitable for burials?
    4)What future impact do non-biodegradable body covers have on OUR soil, OUR microorganisms, OUR ecosystem and OUR aquifers and flowing groundwater, most importantly during heavy monsoon rains and floods?
    5)If the Expert Panel is so sure that bio fluids of COVID-19 infected dead bodies do not transmit the virus to the water table, why didn’t they follow WHO guidelines and recommend cloth bags instead of non-biodegradable body covers?
    The answer is, to avoid any risk, right? So, they believe that THERE IS A RISK that comes from burials. The Expert Panel shouldn’t have given opposing reasoning such as this in support of burials.

    • 5

      Let’s see the ABSURDITY of this decision.
      7)How long does the Expert Panel believe that COVID-19 will remain and how many people in Sri Lanka will be infected in the future? I can accept an approximate figure.
      8)Based on the answer to 7) above, in the Expert Panel’s opinion, what percentage of Muslims in Sri Lanka will be infected in the future?
      9)Let’s do simple math.
      —The current death rate of COVID-19 infected Muslims in Sri Lanka is approximately 10%.
      —According to 2012 Statistics, there are 2 million Muslims in Sri Lanka.
      —As COVID-19 is unpredictable and has no racial bias, if half of the Muslim population in Sri Lanka is infected, there will be 100,000 dead bodies to be buried.
      —In such a scenario, how does the Experts Panel propose to find “suitable burial grounds” for 100,000 Muslims?
      —-Ok, I know Buddhist monks of the Ramanna-Amarapura Nikaya have grandly issued a statement in support of burials. That means, TEMPLE PREMISES of Ramanna-Amarapura can be used AS BURIAL SITES for COVID-19 infected Muslims & Christians.
      But, would that be enough?
      How would the people react to possible 100,000 new burial grounds in their villages?
      10)What made the “Expert Panel” to IGNORE QUALITATIVE PROBABILITY, UNPREDICTABILITY & UNCERTAINTY surrounded by COVID-19?

      • 17

        What part of this don’t you understand?
        “Therefore, the amount of virus in water is insufficient to lead to infection either by ingestion, contact with mucus membranes, or through contaminated hands as the minimal infectious dose of the virus is quite high. For the same reasons, there also has been no evidence of transmission through water contamination from burial by SARS or influenza.”
        People like you painted the govt into a corner. Now it’s found a face-saving way out. Stop ranting about things you don’t understand.

        • 1

          Old codger
          You seem to understand the subject well.
          You quote
          “Therefore, the amount of virus in water is insufficient to lead to infection either by ingestion, contact with mucus membranes, or through contaminated hands as the minimal infectious dose of the virus is quite high. For the same reasons, there also has been no evidence of transmission through water contamination from burial by SARS or influenza.”
          Can you enlighten us on the following:

          “The body should be laid inside a double layered body bag, prior to placing in the coffin. The body bags should be of 300 um thickness, padded with absorbent material, leak proof and non-biodegradable”

          Thanking you in advance.

          (I am strongly in favour of permitting Muslims to bury their dead.)

          • 0

            See below.

  • 1

    If Burial is allowed, Rajapaksas go home in 2024. Game over!

  • 4

    These are the True inbuilt expertise is learned from long experience with good feedback on mistakes. as the most appropriate method of disposal which was based on the understanding at the time, the expert committee has revised the recommendations on disposal of bodies being with skill and expertise Microbiologist has the enlightened the doctors those who take arbitrary decision create good teachers. Instead of getting advice from hook worm specialist having said and confirmed by the WHO health authority from the world there acceptance for the burial. Expert advice matters

  • 17

    Expert panels may decide that burial is safe, as indeed most other countries, if not all 210 of them, allow burial of covid-19 corpses. Sri Lankan soil conditions cannot be unique on the planet. It would be quite similar to many other tropical Asian states. The government needs the support of the international community to help repay foreign debt interest. Therefore it would probably reverse the “cremate only” order while gently and inconspicuously saving face in the process. Meanwhile syrups and clay pots of holy water in rivers will help divert attention from galloping inflation in consumer goods.

    • 1

      In most of the countries the running government will lose in elections.


  • 3

    Loku Premayata Dasa Lebbe reduced the cutoff point from 12.5% to 5% to get Muslim votes and paved the way to mushrooming of ethnic and religion based political parties which has become a curse to this country.
    Podi Premayata Dasa Lebbe is playing politics with Muslim dead bodies to get Muslim votes. God knows what will be the outcome of his stupid decision.

    • 3

      “God knows what will be the outcome of his stupid decision.”
      Why would you be interested what happens to us? Ask the leaders of the country you ran away to.

  • 9

    Hurrah! The end of the “Road Show” staged by the “Saffron Clothed Brigate” and the Minister of Justice Ali Sabri well organized by “Paid” goons of “GR Regime”. Now the next STEP would be to hold a few “Media Shows” through Derana & Hiru and declare: “We protested and demanded the President to grant burial rights to Muslims. The President “LISTNED” to us and “AGREED” to grant our demand. Now Muslims, listen to us, we know how to get things done from the President. for you”. Now the “Muslim Problem” is over. What’s the next “Road Show”?

  • 2

    Problem of the dead solved.
    Can we export the live to the Maldives?


  • 2

    “The body should be laid inside a double layered body bag, prior to placing in the coffin. The body bags should be of 300 um thickness, padded with absorbent material, leak proof and non-biodegradable”

    • 11

      Soma’appu’ I hope they can put you in a bag like that soon to shut your stupid mouth.

      • 0

        Tamil trom Canadian north
        Why didn’t you swallow the Cyanide pill your Thalaivar gave you?
        It is not too late.


      • 0

        His and that of Eagle Eyes are pathological.

        Please study the comments, EE should be a hired person while SOMA behaves as if he is fallen back to his puberty.

  • 0

    Old codger
    You seem to understand the subject well.
    You quote
    “Therefore, the amount of virus in water is insufficient to lead to infection either by ingestion, contact with mucus membranes, or through contaminated hands as the minimal infectious dose of the virus is quite high. For the same reasons, there also has been no evidence of transmission through water contamination from burial by SARS or influenza.”
    Can you enlighten us on the following:

    “The body should be laid inside a double layered body bag, prior to placing in the coffin. The body bags should be of 300 um thickness, padded with absorbent material, leak proof and non-biodegradable”

    Thanking you in advance.

    (I am strongly in favour of permitting Muslims to bury their dead.)

    • 1

      “The body should be laid inside a double layered body bag, prior to placing in the coffin. The body bags should be of 300 um thickness, padded with absorbent material, leak proof and non-biodegradable”
      This is what Prof. Malik Pieris too recommended too. This will keep any harmful stuff in situ for a long time. Viruses won’t survive for long without living cells to replicate in. Another way would have been a layer of lime in the grave. Whether viruses are living things or complicated chemicals is still being debated.

  • 5

    Someone here asked what is funny about Srilanka .1) in the pretext of controlling invisible virus letting mega human viruses, parasites and maggots free in public. 2) create hysteria about cremation vs burying just to insult and humiliate religious sentiments of a community 3) trying to get kickbacks and curry favors in purchasing vaccines.4) amidst community infection conducted election fooling public on getting 2/3 and much dreamed 20 A (5) used the opportunity in establishing military admin. More have been rushed to fight the losing battle, so to save more lives.. Where as real experts are used for such research in finding ways to dispose or export dead bodies. Yet if you conduct s survey majority SB will want to keep Rsjapakasas in power for different reasons. If this ain’t funny you tell me something which is more funnier.

  • 5

    By the way wish you all vista’s of splendor and prosperity in 2021.. you guys deserve it.

  • 3

    Military is promoted overnight and rushed to reinforce to fight a loosing battle. Where as real experts ( refer to name and titles) are sitting round table and working on disposing or exporting dead bodies. If this is not funny what else will be more funnier. please humor me instead of tickling

  • 5

    Who ever concerned of burying those few deceased brothers and sisters should be worrying more about , loads of viruses disseminated through excreta, urine .sweat, feces ,Droplets and other body fluids of thousands who are infected and roaming around undetected. Random test performed in Galleface detected 7 positive cases
    Sri Lankan airlines catering had 40 odd, police station, garment factories, parliament canteen , other staff and
    Security Turned out positive
    So drink your home made sugary drink and try not showing off your YouTube acquired knowledge.

  • 0

    SJ , Mr. Know it all , now that you are retired why don’t you take English writing classes free at cost for some poor kids living in your neighborhood . If there are none you still have your wife and grand children. Stupid narcissistic Lankan

    • 0

      Spelling and punctuation are important for precise communication.
      Sadly you are unwilling to learn.
      Look for a chip somewhere on your upper torso.

  • 0

    Islamic authorities including Malaysia and the UAE, have already ruled that coronavirus vaccines are permissible, even if they contain pork gelatin, which is used to stabilize many inoculations. ???

    Amir Ali – you want burial at risk to all; but ok to take vaccine with pork?




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