15 January, 2025


C’wealth Respects Canada’s Decision, Makes No Comment On Funding Threat

In an apparent snub of the Canadian Premier’s statement on his attendance at CHOGM, the Commonwealth Secretariat says it respects Ottawa’s position and looks forward to a broad based participation and a successful summit in Colombo next month.

Sharma and Uku

“It is up to each member country to determine its level of representation at CHOGM. Canada has made that determination and we respect its decision,” Commonwealth Spokesperson Richard Uku said in a statement.

Uku noted that the Commonwealth Heads of Government collectively decided in Port of Spain in 2009 that Sri Lanka would host the 2013 CHOGM. The leaders confirmed their decision when they met again in Perth in 2011.

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced yesterday from Bali that he would be sending low level representation to the CHOGM in Colombo, a move that does not seem to disturb the Secretariat at all, as per Uku’s statement.

“The Commonwealth Secretary-General looks forward to the participation of the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and for International Human Rights, who will represent Canada at the meeting in Colombo,” the Spokesperson said.

Prime Minister Harper also announced that his Government would review funding to the Commonwealth Secretariat and programmes over the organisation’s decision to hold the major summit in Colombo that is accused of major violations of international humanitarian law.

Canada is the second largest contributor to the Commonwealth.

The Commonwealth Spokesman has made no comment on Ottawa’s funding threat in his statement.

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  • 0

    “C’wealth Respects Canada’s Decision, Makes No Comment On Funding Threat”

    Don’t worry, this is like a pocket money for us. our Saddarmadveepa Chakrawarthi will bear the full cost if the Canada is withdrawn from Funding as we are a very rich nation according to Central Bank Governor, Ajith Nivard Cabral.

  • 0

    How despicable!
    I am unable to find the EPG report, “A commonwealth of the People: Time for Urgent Reform”(2011) on the Commonwealth Secretariat website.
    It was most reluctantly released by CHOGM2011 on 30 October 2011 in Perth.
    That speaks volumes.

    But you can find it here:

    A good way of following what the Commonwealth is doing is to follow:

  • 0

    Despite being the PM of Canada, Harper behaves like a spoiled Sri Lankan brat. Now threatening the Commonwealth itself.

    What does the guy think? He can hold the Commonwealth to ransom for 12 million dollars in funding? Idiotic indeed.

    Harper’s behaviour is not very different from the way Rajapassa brothers behave when they cannot get their way. The impeachment of Sri Lanka’s CJ was a result of such frustrated behaviour by Rajapassa brothers.

    Wonder whether Harper and Rajapassa are distant cousins.


    • 0

      Go look at some of the other positions Canada has take in the recent past under his government -he is not simply targeting SL !!!

      As for the amount of money, whether you like it or not that represents one of the largest if not the largest contributions to the commonwealth, so it will create a dent in its actions -a severe dent.

      • 0


        Here are two positions Canada has taken in the recent past under Harper’s government:
        1. Canada voted against Palestinian statehood at the UN
        2. Canada voted against Palestinian membership of UNESCO

        Harper is a staunch ally of Israel. One of the worst HR offenders in the community of nations.

        So much for Harper’s human rights BS. You buy it. We don’t.


        • 0

          Isreal is the worst offender? Worse than our buddies China and North Korea

          • 0

            So can you update us on the principled position Harper’s taken in the recent past, Re: China and tar sands :D

          • 0

            China and North Korea are no Saints. Israel is in the same class with them.

            Israel ranks number 2 in the war index. Right after USA.

            Harper has no issue with that. While he singles out Sri Lanka.

            Human rights will not progress with this kind of blatant hypocrisy.


    • 0

      Whatever it is, our nation lovers ministers like Champika, & Wimal will some or other find funds, failing which they themselves will pocket out their own funds which earned legally and even illegally. There are so much of other billionaire Ministers like Basil, Rattaran, Mervin, Namal, etc in this regime whom they can keep this going on easily. So, what’s Canada can do?

    • 0

      Ben Hurling:
      You better check Canada’s record in matters such as this. It was one of the lead nations against South Africa in the matter of apartheid and is acknowledged internationally in that matter. Stephen Harper is anything but a “radical” and your immature assessment of this very conservative man and his government is only fitting of someone like you.
      This is probably the only progressive and mature thing that Harper has ever done in his political life and you don’t even understand that! Another Sri Lankan genius at work!

      • 0

        Palayang yako,

        I love Canada. It is a humanitarian nation. However, her Sri Lanka policy is cleverly manipulated by LTTE Die-Ass-Pora in greater Toronto area.

        I expose Harper against that back drop.

        Harper’s double game is further exposed by the despicable attitdue he has towards the struggle of Palestine.

        Harper is defending his political future in Toronto area. Not human rights.


        • 0

          Ben ,

          What have you exposed on Harper and Canada , there is nothing to be exposed , every body knows about Canada’s stand on Palestine . According to your logic Just because Canada voted against Palestine , Canada must follow the exact same rule evenly across the board , right ? I just don’t get it !
          Look , sovereign nations take their own decisions based on the best interest for their own countries , every thing else comes second . I’m a supporter of a Palestine and it was indeed dead wrong Canada to go along with the USA , these are the bitter truths of international geo politics my friend, according to your logic Obama should refrain from voting against the Palestine , I’m sure Obama wanted do just that , in real life can he do that and politically survive another day in American politics ?may I ask why did UK and Australia abstained from voting ?
          Harper is not an angel , but on SL ‘s issue he did exactly the right thing , SL has Blatantly violated all the rules in the book , he took the right decision not to attend , of course every body is entitled to view Harper’s non attendance stance on their own political angle , for me Cameron, Abbot and Key are the biggest hypocrites to ignore the monumental human right violations and continuous violations of common wealth values in SL for their own petty gains (Rolls Royce, Boat people and Fontera & a vote in UN)
          If you think just LTTE ‘s money and votes prevented Harper attending the summit , you are sadly mistaken my friend. Tamil population in Canada is about 0.6 %, in reality Tamil people’s vote can’t do much in Canadian National Politics Ben !

          • 0

            Sri Lal,

            I would love to corner Rajapassa too.

            But, as a Sri Lankan I will have no association or support from those who seek to rip our country apart in that struggle.

            It looks tempting given Rajapssa’s tyrannical rule. Coz’ we need all the support we can get.

            Yet, that struggle must be lead by those who love Sri Lanka.

            That’s all. Otherwise I appreciate your construtive input to the debate.


  • 0

    I commend Harper’s decision as he is steadfastly standing up for the true principles of the Commonwealth. If Sri Lanka is unable or unwilling to abide by the organisation’s tenets then it should voluntarily withdraw from it. If Sri Lanka is allowed to remain it gives a green light to other dictators to continue to abuse their citizens with impunity.

    Despite Harpers withdrawal his representative who also carries the brief for human rights will effectively challenge both Sharma and the Rajapaksa regime at the CHOGM.

    • 0


      “I commend Harper’s decision as he is steadfastly standing up for the true principles of the Commonwealth.”

      Ha..ha! Will Harper boycott UK too until Tony Blair is in the dock for War Crimes? And USA until Bush is behind bars?

      When will Harper steadfastly stand up against Netanyahu of Israel? Harper loves and admires that war criminal.

      PS: Why hide behind a low level rep. from Canada? If he has the courage of his convictions, Harper himself should come down and challenge both Sharma and the Rajapaksa regime at the CHOGM.


      • 0

        Ben Hurling,

        The subject is about Sri Lanka and Commonwealth. The subject is about Sri Lanka Government intentionally killing its own people and denying justice. It is about Commonwealth secretary Sharma colliding with a rogue regime which is authoritarian and denying the basic rights of a Chief Justice. You admire a war criminal. Isn’t it?

        • 0


          You must have misunderstood.

          I beleive Harper is a hypocrite. I have explained above why.

          However, I have no reason to support Rajapassa. He has to be and will be chased away by Sri Lankan people.

          Not by Canadians under hidden pressure & ulterior motives of LTTE monkeys in Toronto.


    • 0

      Canada has her own Human Rights abuses. So they should not be throwing stones at a real democracy as the TNA win shows. Now the Sri Lankan Governments should repatriate all the “refugees” back to Tamil Homeland and allow them to manage their own affair with the Forces supervising (LOL)

      • 0

        Peter Casie Chetty:
        Here we go with your (typically)stupid, “Pot calling the kettle black” arguments. Seems your funding must have been renewed so that, after a bit of a silence, you can start yammering your stupidities.
        And pray tell, how “democratically-conducted” was the NPC election? The behaviour of the SL government and its intervening armed forces, upto and including asaulting a TNA candidate and an election monitor is a matter of record.
        Incidentally, were you the editor of the newspaper made up to look like a Tamil daily telling everyone on election day that the TNA was withdrawing from the election?
        The TNA won despite the violence and anti-democratic behaviour of the Rajapassa forces, not because of some democratic miracle in the NP.
        Take your money from these b…rs and shut up without making a bigger fool of yourself than even you are!

  • 0

    Canadian delegation should bring a “no confidence motion” against the Secretary General at the next Commonwealth conference.

  • 0

    Good decision by Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper. Why can’t Sri Lanka at least experiment Federalism in its true spirit and cherish the civil liberties. Then the entire problem would be solved. Relying on China and Middle-East countries will not be of any use.

  • 0

    Hey people,
    just check yourself how many of CW member states are capable of making their independent decisions in terms of the attendance in upcoming CHOGM. Most of them are poorer than SRILANKA. This is for MR regime a world summit but not for many other developed nations (Germany, Switzerland, France and all other non-English speaking EU countries)

    1 Antigua and Barbuda
    3 Bahamas
    4 Barbados
    5 Belize
    6 Botswana
    7 Brunei Darussalam
    8 Cameroon
    9 CANADA
    10 Cyprus
    11 Dominica
    12 The Gambia
    13 Ghana
    14 Grenada
    15 Guyana
    16 INDIA
    17 Jamaica
    18 Kenya
    19 Kiribati
    20 Lesotho
    21 Malawi
    22 Malaysia
    23 Maldives
    24 MALTA
    25 Mauritius
    26 Mozambique
    27 Namibia
    29 Nigeria
    30 Pakistan
    31 Papua New Guinea
    32 St Lucia
    33 St Vincent and the Grenadines
    34 Samoa
    35 Seychelles
    36 Sierra Leone
    38 Solomon Islands
    41 Swaziland
    42 Tonga
    43 Trinidad and Tobago
    44 Uganda
    45 UK
    46 United Republic of Tanzania
    47 Zambia

    • 0


      Interesting comparison.

      I think our fake King is after UN votes of these unimportant, impoverished nations.

      King is clever in certain areas. A true political animal that will stop at nothing in his quest for pwoer.


      • 0

        Unimportant translate to non-white, impoverished translate to poor, your overall comment translate to arrogant and racist.

        • 0

          CW summit is nothing but just an issue for MR regime.

          The world would not even consider as HIGH LEVEL INTERNATIONAL SUMMIT.

          It is just an another wastage of colossal sums – that the rulers could better use for price reductions of the majority poor people of the country.

          Wait and see, how the summit would work on the regime ^s future.

        • 0


          It is not about being black or white. Or about being rich or poor. Not about arrogance or racism.

          Rajapassa is a cunning fox. A master of his game. He uses everyone. Blacks, Whites, rich & poor. Does not matter.

          Rajapassa suffers from a “Great Leader Syndrome”.

          He and his gigantic family will use photo ops with world leaders at CHOGM to consolidate his position in Sri Lanka.

          Poor Sri Lankan tax payers will just pay the bill for the party.


          • 0

            Ben Hurling,

            You say….Rajapassa suffers from a “Great Leader Syndrome”.

            I thought of a Blood sucking Leech.. aquatic bloodsucking or carnivorous annelid worm of the class Hirudinea, of which one species, who will not stop at anything to give in it’s power.

            Until now India has not mentioned if they are attending CHOGM or not.

            It will be a disaster for both Pres. Rajapakse and CW SG Sharma, if India does not participate.

            Crucial times ahead.

  • 0

    The most important question is why did Commonwealth SG Sharma sought legal advices/ opinions from two emminent judges on the propriety of impeachment of SL CJ and when the advice was “illegal, unconstitutional and a violation of international law” he did not act on it nor did he share it with the advisory body that make decisions. This looks suspicious of his conduct. Was he also indebted to Sri Lankan leaders as UN Official Nambiar was because of his brother’s advisory role to president Rajapakse. An investigation of Sharma’s relationship to Sri Lankan regime may reveal answers to the question of why he was acting like a ‘shill’ or stooge of the regime?

    • 0

      Panjabi Pakistan also voted for Punjabi Sharma’s 2nd term. UK also voted for Sharma because he broke the Indian investment deadlock in Northern Ireland. They awarded him a golden handshake- Hon. Chancellor of Belfast University. Manmohan Singh born in Punjab Pakistan, Musharraf was born in Punjab Pakistan . Especially when Congress is in power New Delhi is all Alu Porota. All this hindu/muslim; high/low caste wars is for the oxford/Cambridge club to stay in power and belch and fart. Sadly TN and JT’s never look beyond their nose even though Siva rules India from time immemorial whoever administers the centre. Wiggis moves so far are of wisdom let’s hope he brings freedom to all in the Island. When Modi (RSS>BJP) wins Basil will try Shiv Sena the anti SC tamils of Bombay but it won’t work if played right. Remember the 3 singing sister’s Lata, Asha Tamils all married maharashtrians. Vidaharba region maharashtra is the heart of Indian Independence and Nagpur is the second capital headquarters of RSS where the naked fakir was shot and the killing (1.5 million unarmed Hindus) stopped- did Pakistan win after that? NO. Rajaporkistan could go if played right. Wiggis first move asking TN to keep out was great because all SC support anti Shiv Sen.
      Let all citizens of lanka live at peace irrespective of ethnicity religion etc..

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