25 April, 2024


Dalai Lama’s Message To The World On Religious Harmony

By Lakshman I.Keerthisinghe –

Lakshman Keerthisinghe

A Biased Mind cannot grasp RealityThe Dalai Lama

The valuable message given by the Dalai Lama  at the inter faith seminar on the ‘Preservation of Religious Harmony, Co­existence and Universal Peace’ organised by the International Association for Religious Freedom (IARF), Ladakh group. should be cherished by all peace loving and right thinking people.

The great religious leader venerated by all the peace loving people in the world stated thus: ‘As far as the Muslims are concerned it is appropriate for them to have complete devotion to Allah while praying in the mosques. This is also the same with Buddhists who are completely devoted to the Buddha when they pray in Buddhist temples. A society, which has many religions should also have many prophets and sources of refuge. In such a society it is very important to have harmony and respect amongst the different religions and their practitioners. We must distinguish between belief and respect. Belief refers to total faith, which you must have in your own religion. At the same time you should have respect for all other religions. This tradition of believing in one’s own religion and having respect for others is in existence in Ladakh since your forefathers. Therefore you do not have to invent it. The most important thing at the moment is to preserve and promote this tradition. I would like to thank all of you for working hard regarding this and request you to continue to do so in the future.

Speaking further on religious harmony His Holiness stated :’If a harmonious relationship is established amongst societies and religious beliefs in today’s multi-ethnic, multi-religious and multi-cultural world, then it will surely set a very good example for others. However, if all the sides become careless, then there is a danger of imminent problems. In a multi­ethnic society  the biggest problem is that of between the majority and the minority. For instance, in the capital Leh, Buddhists constitute the majority of the population whereas Muslims belong to the minority community. The majority must consider the minority as their invited guests. The minority, on the other hand, should be able to sensitise with the majority. In other words, both sides should live in harmony. In order to sustain this harmony, both sides should not take lightly the sensitive issues between themselves. Indeed, the majority should pay attention to and appreciate the views and opinion of the minority. Both sides should discuss and clearly express what they think about the other’s view and opinion. The minority, on the other hand, should be careful about where the sensitive issues of the majority lies and express whatever doubts they have in their minds. If problems are resolved in such a friendly manner; then both sides will gain. Suspicion of each other will only harm both communities. Therefore, it is very important to live in harmony and analyse where the opinion of the other lies. The best way to do this is to engage in dialogue, dialogue and dialogue

The Dalai Lama described himself as  a  religious practitioner, who follows Buddhism. He said that  ‘More than a thousand years have passed since the great religions of the world flourished, including Buddhism. During those years, the world had witnessed a lot of conflicts, in which followers of different religions were also involved. As a religious practitioner, I acknowledge the fact that different religions of the world have provided many solutions about how to control an agitated mind. In spite of this, I still feel we have not been able to realise our full potential.I always say that every person on this earth has the freedom to practice or not practice religion. It is all right to do either. But once you accept religion, it is extremely important to be able to focus your mind on it and sincerely practice the teachings in your daily life. All of us can see that we tend to indulge in religious favouritism by saying, “I belong to this or that religion”, rather than making effort to control our agitated minds. This misuse of religion, due to our disturbed minds, also sometimes creates problems.’

Speaking about different faiths Dalai Lama stated that:’’For example, the concept of God in Christianity and Islam and that of wisdom truth body in Buddhism are metaphysical, which is not possible for an ordinary person like us to realise. This is a common difficulty faced by every religion. It is taught in every ­religion, including Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam, that the ultimate truth is driven by faith.I want to emphasise that it is extremely important for practitioners to sincerely believe in their respective religions. Usually, I say that it is very important to distinguish between “belief in one religion” and “belief in many religions”. The former directly contradicts the latter. Therefore, we should resolutely resolve these contradictions. This is possible only by thinking in contextual terms. A contradiction in one context might not be the same in the other. In the context of one person, a single truth is closely associated with a single source of refuge. This is of extreme necessity. However, in the context of society or more than one person it is necessary to have different sources of refuge, religions and truths.In the past it was not a major problem because nations remained aloof from each other with their own distinct religion. However, in today’s close and inter-connected world there are so many differences amongst various religions. We must obviously resolve these problems. For example, there have been a lot of religions in India for the past thousand years. Some of them were imported from outside whereas some have grown in India itself. Despite this, the fact is that these religions have been able to coexist with each other, and the principle of Ahimsa has really flourished in this country. Even today, this principle has a strong bearing on every religion. This is very precious and India should really take pride in it.’

Speaking of Happiness His Holiness said “According to Buddhist philosophy, happiness is the result of an enlightened mind whereas suffering is caused by a distorted mind. This is very important. A distorted mind, in contrast to an enlightened mind, is one that is not in tune with reality. Any issue, including political, economic and religious activities human beings pursue in this world, should be fully understood before we pass our judgement. Therefore, it is very important to know the causes. Whatever the issue, we should be able to see the complete picture. This will enable us to comprehend the whole story. The teachings offered in Buddhism are based on rationality, and I think are very fruitful.

The line of Dalai Lamas began as a lineage of spiritual teachers; the 5th Dalai Lama  assumed a political authority over Tibet. For certain periods between the 17th century and 1959, the Dalai Lamas sometimes directed the Tibetan Government, which administered portions of Tibet from Lhasa. The 14th Dalai Lama remained the head of state for the Central Tibetan Administration (“Tibetan government in exile”) until his retirement on March 14, 2011. The Dalai Lamas have also functioned as the principal spiritual guide to many Himalayan kingdoms bordering Tibet, as well as western China, Mongolia and Ladakh. The literary works of the Dalai Lamas have, over the centuries, inspired more than fifty million people in these regions. Those writings, reflecting the fusion of Buddhist philosophy embodied in Tibetan Buddhism, have become one of the world’s great repositories of spiritual thought. The current Dalai Lama is often called “His Holiness” (HH) by Westerners (by analogy with the Pope), although this does not translate to a Tibetan title. “The Art of Happiness” published in 1998 described as an intriguing encounter between East and West by its narrator Howard C.Cutler contains narrations of interviews with the Dalai lama and became an international bestseller.

Particularly at the present time in Sri Lanka, when the ugly head of religious conflicts and dis-harmony seems to be raised in our country there are many lessons that the Sri Lankans could learn from the noble teachings of the Dalai Lama to avoid such conflicts among our people. The writer fervently hopes that all Sri Lankans would strive to live together in peace, harmony and happiness accepting the valuable advice given by the Dalai Lama as well as their own faiths as one family in time to come in our own beautiful motherland.

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  • 0

    well said and all people should appreciate this timely need advise to Sri Lankans. People sometime forget the truth of this peaceful religion.

  • 0

    Rev. Dalai Lama is a wise man. Well said. The Sri Lankan “Sinhala” “Buddhist” Monks need to be sent to Rev.a for retraining from their Monk Mahanaa MYTHS and to learn True Buddhism.

    “In such a society it is very important to have harmony and respect amongst the different religions and their practitioners. We must distinguish between belief and respect. Belief refers to total faith, which you must have in your own religion. At the same time you should have respect for all other religions. This tradition of believing in one’s own religion and having respect for others is in existence in Ladakh since your forefathers. Therefore you do not have to invent it. The most important thing at the moment is to preserve and promote this tradition”

    Rev. Dalai Lama, can make a non-Buddhist into a Buddhist. A Sufi can also turn a non-believer into a Sufi.

    However, the so called Budu Bala Sena, or BBS Terrorists will turn a Buddhist into a non-Buddhist, if they do not know what Buddhism is.
    Similarly, Al Qaeda and Wahhabi will turn Muslims into non-Muslims.

    Francis Bacon is supposed to have said, ” They will not change their myths, if it was myth, not reason, that got them there in the first place”

    Was it the Monk Mahanama Myths that got them, BBS and Sinhala Buddhists there, terrorism and violence, in the first place? The data supports that.

  • 0

    BTW – Dalai Lama is a paid US agent…

    He’s been a keep of the US for decades… I dont see what he says has any credibility if that is the case.

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  • 0

    The words of the Dalai Lama reflect his wisdom and practice of the real tenets and principles of Buddhism. The message of peace and humanity is common to all religons. It is only a small section of misguided extremist who distort the teachings and spend their time and energy to attack others and sow hatred in the world. We must all reject the teachings of these hate mongers.

  • 0

    Nandana, (if it is the case as you say) Concentrate on what is said not on the person who said ( a saying by Ali bin Abi Thalib)

  • 0

    Let alone the Dalai Lama come and advise the Sri Lankan Buddhists, the man was denied a Visa by the “Sri Lankans” (Dept. of Emigration & Immigration) to come to this land. Even the Sri Lankan cricketers were barred by the “Sri Lankans” (Ministry of Sport/SL Cricket Board) even to go and visit him in Dharamsala.
    The Dalai Lama has as much chance in “Sri Lanka” as a ‘Snow flake in Hell’.

  • 0

    Tibetan Buddhism is a mixture of shamanism, Mahayana and Theravada. Their ideology is far removed from the more intellectual Theravada which focuses solely on the advancement of mental faculties through the eightfold noble path until you achieve a mental state capable of total detachment which supposedly leads to enlightenment ( Nirvana ).

    Poor Dalai Lama’s preaching is far removed from today’s reality. The message of peace which Buddhism represents is outdated in modern society, which is based on the cut-throat “survival of the fittest principle” at individual, communal and national levels.

    Hence the religious clashes seen all over the world. Theory is all good and nice but practice is a different ballgame altogether

  • 0

    Dalai Lamas Message. Be Fair, treat equally. No Discimibation.

    Even the Monkeys know that, even though they are NOT Buddhists.


    Look, even Monkey’s, Capuchin Monkeys, do not put up with such blatant discrimination.

    Cucumber for the Muslims, Grapes for the Terrorist BBS!

    Arrest Assath Salliue and NOT arrest the Real Terrorist Law Breakers, Budu Bala Sena.

    Is this Buddhism?

    Fairness Study. Cucumber and Grapes.


  • 0

    ‘Their ideology is far removed from the more intellectual Theravada ‘
    Do you mean to say Sri Lanka practises a more intellectually abvanced form of Buddhism? For a non buddhist looking from outside: thats news. :)

    • 0

      Did I say Sri Lankans practice proper Theravada ? No.

      I was comparing the ideologies of Tibetan Buddhism and Theravada Buddhism.

      Maybe as a non-Buddhist you did not grasp the meaning of my statement.

      Hence maybe I am the one who deserves the last laugh :)

  • 0

    I have added my own thoughts to the thoughts of Ben Silva and others.

    1. Many scientists are of the opinion that religion is a thing of the The famed science fiction writer, Arthur C Clark, who once denigrated religion as “a necessary evil in the childhood of our particular species. He was so anti religion that he did not want any religious rights at his funeral. Russell: I regard it as a disease born of fear. Einstein: A man’s ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties and needs; no religious basis is necessary.

    2. Religion is also a threat to rationality and science. That is why Islamic Science stopped, because the Mullahs took and upper hand and elevated Revelation above reason. Read the writings of Islamic Philosophers and scientists, such as Hamid Ghazali. Religion can overwhelm our best judgment and cloud our critical faculties – Daniel Dennett. This has to be taken seriously as our own survival in a highly competitive global economy will depend on us being rational and able to make use of science. Western Science was able to split away from Christian dogma in the 16th and 17th centuries and made progress science and technology, which the Islamic countries were not able to do, despite a head start.

    3. For example, as there is not a shred of evidence for Nirvana, Sansare or rebirth. There is no evidence for the Monk Mahanama Myths. These unproven Indian myths are just humbug. People who believe them appear to be living in a dream world. This impervious to reason is the property that we should most fear in religion. In fact the Wahhabi clerics in Saudi Arabia do not want students to learn philosophy.

    4. Dawkins, suggests that religious belief in the “faith-sufferer” typically shows the following elements: It is impelled by some deep, inner conviction that something is true, or right, or virtuous: a conviction that doesn’t seem to owe anything to “http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evidence”

    or reason, but which, nevertheless, the believer feels as totally compelling and convincing

    5. Nrvana, rebirth, Sansare appear to be ancient beliefs in Hindu, Tao, Jain belief systems etc, that has crept into Buddhism and do not have a shred of evidence supporting them. These unproven beliefs appear to be Harry Potter stuff and appear to be man made as the concept of God of ancient people. Same with Heaven, Hell, Purgatory and other way stations of Judaism., Christianity and Islam.

    6. Religion has been a creation and a main part of the ancient world. Indians, Egyptians, Aztecs, Mayans and many other groups practiced religion, generally to do with betterment in the life after death. Ancient Indians believed in Nirvana, Karma, Sansare, rebirth etc and we do not have any evidence to support these beliefs. Same with Heaven, Hell, Purgatory and other way stations of Judaism., Christianity and Islam.

    7. Religion however has a positive therapeutic effect on people, especially those in distress. Buddhism is extremely valuable due to its contribution to ethics and morality. So is Christianity and Islam, with self-restraint and other philanthropic activities for the fellow man.

    8. The negative effect of religion is that it can influence the mind of a person and can act like a mind virus, preventing that person from thinking clearly, and harm the fellow man who has similar genes. The real problem happens when one believer is opinion that his method is the ONLY was to salvation.

    This is what Budu Bala Sena is trying to do.

    This is also what the racists are trying to do.

    The Southern Indian gene pool.



  • 0

    meanwhile this is what is widely posted in anti muslim SL
    websites… see the Caption in Sinhala


  • 0

    Either the writer or the person who spoke these words do not know much about Buddhists. he writes in the 2 nd paragraph “This is also the same with Buddhists who are completely devoted to the Buddha when they pray in Buddhist temples”. We “Buddhists “, followers of Dhamma as explained by Buddha DO NOT pray ! yes we show our respect and but we dont pray ! Dalai Lama was silent when Tamil terrorists trained by Indian govt was killing innocent people, setting off suicide bombs and even massacring Buddhist monks in monasteries and on pilgrimage in mass. He was silent when Tamil terrorists mascaraed Muslims in prayer at a mosque in the north of Sri Lanka. Sadly Dalai lama’s comments or lack of them have indicated to us that He is just another monk with political affiliations. For one I have changed my opinion of him.

  • 0

    This amarasiri fellow jumps in where ever he can attack Buddhism and the BBS. Can he give any example where a Muslim cleric or even a Christian saint has spoken like the Dalai Lama? Dalai Lama is living in exile because of his conciliatory ways which are taken advantage of. Look what is happening in Burma(Myanmar). Pretty soon Buddhism will be wiped out there and may be in Sri Lanka too which people like this amarasiri fellow wants.

    • 0


      So you want to be a Myth believer. You can go on believing in the many Myths, of Sun going around the Earth, Joshua stopping the Sun, Buddha visited Lanka 10 times, was born in Lanka etc.

      There was a civilization in Lanka and India before the introduction of Buddhism, Lanka could have done all right perhaps much better without the hegemony and overheads and support costs of the Monks.

      Post independence and even now, a good part of the problem is Monks. Bali Island that is 94% Hindu have no such problem.

      Mahanama Myths say’s Vijaya;s grandfather was a Lion? What other Myths do you believe?

      Want to know the facts with supporting data?

      Here is some information as to where the gene pool originated, and as to how you can test to find your own genealogy.


      All,except the Africans, descended from Africans by way of Arabia, before they spread out.

      Africans stayed in Africa.




      The Genographic Project Confirms Humans Migrated Out of Africa through Arabia. New analytical method approaches the unstudied 99% of the human genome.

      WASHINGTON, D.C., – 02 Nov 2011: Evolutionary history shows that human populations likely originated in Africa, and the Genographic Project, the most extensive survey of human population genetic data to date, suggests where they went next. A study by the Project finds that modern humans migrated out of Africa via a southern route through Arabia, rather than a northern route by way of Egypt. These findings will be highlighted today at a conference at the National Geographic Society.


      There is a Table There that shows the gene diversity and original location of the genes.
      Mediterranean 4%
      Northern European; 2%
      Southwest Asian” 58%
      Southeast Asian 35%

      5. Nrvana, rebirth, Sansare appear to be ancient beliefs in Hindu, Tao, Jain belief systems etc, that has crept into Buddhism and do not have a shred of evidence supporting them. These unproven beliefs appear to be Harry Potter stuff and appear to be man made as the concept of God of ancient people. Same with Heaven, Hell, Purgatory and other way stations of Judaism., Christianity and Islam.

      6. Religion has been a creation and a main part of the ancient world. Indians, Egyptians, Aztecs, Mayans and many other groups practiced religion, generally to do with betterment in the life after death. Ancient Indians believed in Nirvana, Karma, Sansare, rebirth etc and we do not have any evidence to support these beliefs. Same with Heaven, Hell,

  • 0

    Is this man lecturing to only the Buddhists? He does not seem to realize the cause for the rise of the BBS. In search of popularity?

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