By Izeth Hussain –
As I have written two articles on darkness at noon on the ethnic front, it might seem to the reader that I am taking joy in being contrary by immediately afterwards writing an article on dawn on the ethnic front. I am not being contrary because I have placed a question mark at the end of my title. It is meant to signify that the dawn may take fifty years, or five years, or five months, or it may never come at all. What is important is that we should bear in mind the difference between the physical and the human realm: in the former the dawn comes automatically as the result of cosmic processes beyond human control, while in the latter the dawn will never come unless we prepare for it.
In an earlier article I quoted Hegel’s observation that it is only when the shades of night are falling that the bird of Minerva – meaning the owl symbolizing wisdom – spreads its wings and takes flight. It is precisely now, when it is darkness at noon, that we must rethink the ethnic imbroglio and try to attain at least some measure of wisdom to put an end to our decades-long criminal murderous ethnolunacy. The basic reasons why it is darkness now are these. The TNA wants far more than 13A while the Government wants to give far less. In fact it is doubtful that the Government wants any political solution on the basis of devolution. Furthermore its implicit ideology is quasi neo-Fascist and racist, which means that it is to an appreciable extent inimical to the idea of giving fair and equal treatment to the minorities. As for the outside world, it is more threatening than ever before since 1948. International investigations into war crimes are threatened and sanctions are in the offing. It is precisely this darkness that can push us into an earnest rethinking of the fundamentals of the ethnic imbroglio.
There is another reason why we should prepare for the dawn. I have in mind an essay that I read some weeks ago by the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr. Rowan Williams, which much impressed the former Labour leader Gordon Brown. In a Nigerian figure of speech – which I take from a novel by Chinua Achebe – Dr. Williams’ words have entered my ear and built a house. He argued that all the military victories of the English over the other constituent peoples of Britain were never complete because Britain consisted of islands and the defeated could not make their getaway, which meant that they had somehow to learn to live with each other in peaceful accommodation. At the time that Britain was being formed, frontiers on the Continent were ill-defined and porous, and they remained porous for a long while even after the nation states and firm frontiers were established. The conquered could therefore move elsewhere. That option was not open to the inhabitants of islands where the conqueror and the conquered had to live with each other in peaceful accommodation. That evidently was the basis for the long tradition of tolerance in Britain which came to be envied on the Continent. It was an example of geography determining history.
In the case of Sri Lanka, also an island, we can argue that over long periods of history our ethnic groups have lived together in peace, amity, and co-operation, and that despite all the invasions from South India that has been true also of the relations between the Sinhalese and the Tamils. Indeed the relations between them have been in important ways symbiotic. All that might be explained in terms of the geographical determinant of Sri Lanka being an island. But history has also counted, and it has counted in ways that have been terribly destructive to our ethnic relations in recent decades. However, I would emphasize two inescapable facts. One is that our ethnic minorities cannot all be killed off, and they cannot all go abroad. The other is that there are contradictory propensities in human beings: to belong to groups and also to transcend them. These facts dictate that there is no alternative to our living together, and also that we can make a success of it. Much depends on our attitude. We can say that we are doomed to live together. Or we can say – and make it true- that we are privileged to live together.
There are therefore two factors that can make us work towards dawn on the ethnic front. One is that the challenge of darkness could provoke the response of our working towards the dawn. The other is that we, the ethnic groups of Sri Lanka, have no alternative to living together on this island, and we can do so either miserably, as at present, or reasonably happily after attaining dawn. What in concrete terms should we do to work towards that dawn? We have to look at what can be done externally and internally.
Sri Lankan preoccupations are now focused on the forthcoming UNHRC meeting in Geneva. Some powerful Western countries seem decided on international investigations into alleged war crimes and also on sanctions against Sri Lanka. We have no clout at all with the powerful Western countries, while we have some clout with the Afro-Asian and Latin American countries. The present expectation is that the UNHRC vote will go against us. I believe that the best way of countering that possibility would be to try to get India to act on our behalf, not necessarily openly but effectively. There are several reasons why India could have very special clout with the Western bloc. It is a regional power and an emerging great power, for which reasons the Western bloc would very probably be prepared to recognize Sri Lanka as India’s turf.
I have in mind two other reasons as well. As I have been arguing in earlier articles the Sri Lankan Tamil ethnic problem is really an Indo-Sri Lankan ethnic problem because Delhi can never ignore the fall-out in Tamil Nadu of what happens to the SL Tamils. India is therefore an integral part of the SL Tamil ethnic problem, not just an ancillary factor. The Western bloc would therefore probably recognize that India should have a legitimate say in any action to be taken against Sri Lanka in connection with the SL Tamils. My other reason why India could have very special clout with the Western bloc is my theory propounded in 2011 that the US and India were engaged in a benign conspiracy to make Sri Lanka move towards a political solution and ethnic reonciliation by using the threat of war crimes investigations as an instrument of pressure. My guess, for all these reasons, is that the US – which will be the prime mover behind any anti-Sri Lanka Resolution – will go along with India if the latter adopts firm positions against war crimes investigations and sanctions.
But will India act on our behalf? We can assume that India would genuinely want a political solution to our ethnic problem and ethnic reconciliation, so that it will be rid for good of what has been a major nuisance for decades. It follows logically from that assumption that India would be against international investigations into war crimes. To use that as a threat is one thing; to proceed to actual investigations would be quite another thing. That would polarize and envenom our ethnic relations, destroying – for very considerable period – the spirit of accommodation that is a sine qua non for moving meaningfully towards a political solution and ethnic reconciliation. There are many imponderables in this situation on which I don’t want to speculate. What is certain – for the reasons that I have given above – is that the outcome in Geneva depends not on the US, not on the EU, not on the international community, but on India.
I come now to what w can do internally to bring about dawn on the ethnic front. I have pointed out earlier that we should think of a political solution not as something that ensues automatically on making certain Constitutional changes and setting up certain institutions, but as a process of organic growth. I will illustrate what I have in mind. At present the TNA wants more than 13A and the Government is willing to give much less. Suppose that both sides put that aside and co-operate in making 13A, even in its truncated form, a success. Much can be done through limited devolution to meet the needs of the people at the grass roots level. The success of the NPC could come to be emulated by the other Provincial Councils, and that could be enormously beneficial to the country as a whole. Suppose, in addition, that the 18th Amendment is repealed and a fully functioning democracy is put into effect. The needs and legitimate aspirations of the Tamils, as well as all the others, can be met and there will result through an organic process a solution to the ethnic problem.
There is nothing, absolutely nothing, that is fanciful about the processes that I have outlined above. They are quite commonplace processes, and yet we know that they are not going to come into effect, leading to a political solution. Why not? I will not try to provide the answers. I have presented a case to show that we need to do much rethinking about the fundamentals of our ethnic imbroglio.
Ajith / February 15, 2014
History has shown Tamils and Sinhalese can live peacefully with helping each other within a united framework. For example, Kandian kingdom, Jaffna kingdom, and kingdom of Kotte. Almost all heads of governments of Ceylon in the post independence have agreed for a solution based on devolution to North East. You don’t find peace or security unless you find a solution based on devolution.
John / February 15, 2014
All the minority writers now expect foreign powers to deliver, since the war is over, but during the war as far back as in 1987 they rejected outright even Indian solution.
What a set of hopeless jokers are they ??
They should look at mirror & find lot of monkeys there, doing monkey dancing.
Robert.R / February 15, 2014
What will the majority leaders find if they look in the mirror? Donkeys there, doing donkey dancing?
jansee / February 15, 2014
Well if, as you say, they were behaving and dancing like monkeys then, is the SL regime doing any better now? Worse, it is behaving like a donkey, screwing up and squandering all the goodwill that emanated from the overwhelming international and Indian support, and this support was contingent on the various promises and undertakings by the SL regime/state. If you are attempting to draw lessons to be learnt form earlier episodes, perhaps the lessons the regime had learnt has been negative and regressive. That the SL regime has pushed itself to a corner, and with the hindsight of your observation, do you think the regime is any better or has been even worse? The transposed view, which gets stronger by the day, is that what Prabhakaran could not achieve militarily when he was alive would be hand delivered by the Rajapaksas and yes, we are indeed very happy over that.
LEVI / February 16, 2014
Dear John
“Prabhakaran could not achieve militarily when he was alive would be hand delivered by the Rajapaksas and yes, we are indeed very happy over that.”
Please also remember Rajapakse Owes something more to Prabhakaran. The bribe he made to him alone does not cover the price of his being made a king.
So he is setting up a situation mentioned above. He wants to make Praba’s dream come true. it is as simple as that.
Piraña / February 18, 2014
John what sort of a monkey are you?
ramona therese fernando / February 16, 2014
Would only happen if the whole of Sri Lanka becomes communist, or all decide to go in the market-gardening and goad herding ways of yore. Nowadays it is gross competition between neighbors, with every other one building up nuclear facilities and bombs.
Best is to have a strong central government, so majority of residents of country are not compromised for any selfish gain or resentment of another.
rahul / February 15, 2014
I would say “fear” is the key word. The majority sinhalese are afriad of devolving power to tamil-majority provices lest they declare independance. And a majority of Tamils are afraid of being discriminated negatively in all spheres of life under an autocratic Sri Lankan state.
Is Sri Lanka going in the way of Cuba? Sucking up to one bully to escape the pounding by another bully? Will China genuinely protect Sri Lanka against potential aggression by India (and/or US+EU)?
In the Cuban scenario the significant diaspora community in the US forced US politicians (and continue to) to prevent the economic integration of that country with the rest of the world – helping keep millions there in utter poverty.
Will the SL Tamil diaspora play a similar role in hampering the economic welfare of people in SL? If this is the case, then inevitably both SL sihnalese and tamils will suffer.
Are there any courageous politicians in SL (tamil/sinhala/muslim etc.) that can take on the nationalist elements from both sides and bring about policits of moderation and power sharing?
Who benefits from an ongoing SL ethnic conflict with international dimensions? India? China? US+EU? Diaspora Tamils?
How can we minimize such benefits so that all of these geo-political players/bullies are forced to support a united Sri Lankan nation?
Ajith / February 15, 2014
You cannot continue to oppress Tamils using fear as an excuse. The “FEAR” is not real, it is political opportunism used by few Sinhala Nationalists. You wouldn’t have Tamil diaspora question if the SWRD-Banda pact was implemented and there was no 1958,1977 and 1983 massacre of Tamil civilians. Sinhalese Nationalists created the fear among Tamils for their existence under Sinhalese rule. What is the alternative for them?
jansee / February 15, 2014
Fear itself should be preceded by IGNORANCE.
Bensen Burner / February 15, 2014
The processes mentioned by Izeth Hussein are indeed fanciful in terms of his own definition of State racism in relation to the racist state of Sri Lanka as previously defined by himself.Bensen
bensen Burner / February 15, 2014
My apologies for misspelling Hussain’s name. Bensen
Safa / February 15, 2014
When there is disagreement and conflict, these can be resolved by peaceful means though dialogue, discussion and negotiation. This will happen only if both sides are ready to come to a common consensus. It will be neccesary to abandon hard and inflexible positions and negotiate on common grounds to come to a solution.
What characterizes the continuation of conflict is the hard and emotional positions taken by the antogonist. Neither is prepared to compromise. However it must be realised that there are the basic fundamentals or Human Rights of people that can enevr be compromised unless under extreme duress.
Where there is a will there is a way and the benefits of peace, unity and stability are known to all. The fruits of these and true democracy far outweigh the temporary advantages gained by gaining victory or suppressing ones opponents. Good if our leaders and people will realise the futility of hate and conflict.
Davidson Panabokke / February 15, 2014
Another alternative is:
” ……………………………………………
Let me conclude by making a request to you – the academic community and the intelligentsia of society:
Exert your influence on the Southern polity to make them understand the needs of the North and East in the post-war context.
Counter the false propaganda carried out in the Sinhalese and English media by explaining that the Northern polity is committed to non-violence and a political settlement within a united Sri Lanka.
Act as leaders across ethnic divide who could engage in and enrich debates in the public sphere on critical issues of national importance.
Ensure that you promote and support the Rule of Law, democracy and fundamental freedoms.
Foster a climate to come up with innovative models of cooperation and governance models between the provincial councils and central government to enable each province to develop based on its needs and aspirations in keeping with democratic governance principles.
use your persuasive skills to persuade the Governments to keep their promises and commitments. If they do Sri Lanka would become a better place to live in!
As Einstein said fundamental problems we face today cannot be solved by the same level of thinking we were at when we created it! What is needed now is a shift in paradigm and you are best placed to provide it!
Thank you” – Justice C.V.Wigneswaran, National conference on post-war socio–economic development and constructive engagement with Sri Lankan diaspora, 13 February 2014,
Senguttuvan / February 15, 2014
Or will the Southern Polity, with the Ven. Sobita Thero and fellow theocrats in hand with their current frame of mind, enable the Mahaweli to meander to regions not in the proximity of Manipay and Maviddipuram – at last? Yarlini and Ellaventhan will cosy up to the Yakko cousins if we are fortunate to accomplish that Rainbow Dream of reconciliation Bishop Desmond Tutu sang praises of in his turf.
Truth teller / February 16, 2014
And you go back to your box Mr Pana-Bokke.
Thank you .
Spring Koha / February 15, 2014
What Mr Hussain appears to have missed is the new Lanka that has sprouted before our very eyes in the aftermath of the historic May 2009 ‘victory’? That event empowered MR to bravely go where no other national leader has ventured. His vision; a society with no minorities, an island kingdom with NO no-go areas and a land where terrorism will never again be allowed to take hold. Alas, this vision has spawned a Sinhala-Buddhist hegemony whose tentacles have spread to every corner of our nation. Witness the tacit licence to the cancerous saffron brigades that now operate at will. MR and his regime will continue to deny, obfuscate and procrastinate the efforts of all within and without to bring about reconciliation and justice. MR and his brothers see themselves as the anointed saviours of the race for the foreseeable future. They hold all the cards now. The harder they are pushed, the tougher they will fight. Don’t forget that they have shown the will AND the capability to fight dirty. Any takers?
Kiri Yaka / February 15, 2014
“MR and his brothers see themselves as the anointed saviours of the race for the foreseeable future.” – Prabakaran Reply. This time on the Sinhalese.
Kiri Yaka / February 15, 2014
Sorry Replay. But perhaps reply form the point of view of the Karmic cycle.
Fathima Fukushima / February 15, 2014
What is the “success” of NPC?
It is a damn failure!
NPC councilors killing other councilors life Delft over women!
Stop looking at everything from the racist point of view. That is your problem.
jansee / February 15, 2014
Yes, I quite agree with you. When the problem was between the North and South, why create the PC. It should be the ISGA at least.
Fathima Fukushima / February 15, 2014
There are NO Tamils, NO Muslims, NO Sinhalese.
Only humans.
If 51% of humans want X and 49% of humans want Y, give X to all.
Race does NOT matter at all.
Thiru / February 15, 2014
If 51% want the 49% to be exterminated, would you grant it, mad fellow?
That is what Hitler wanted to do, that is not democracy; that is sheer crazy!
Kiri Yaka / February 15, 2014
Agreed Fathima.
But what about your good self ? Are you human ?
Your consistent racist views make you sub-human. So if you leave yourself out of it. I will most gladly agree with you. :)
jansee / February 15, 2014
What a great intellectual argument? If the 51% of “humans” want to murder the majority of the 49% then it does matter, doesn’t it? It all depends.
Piraña / February 18, 2014
Fart fuku
I keep telling you to take your medicines as your mental health has gone from bad to worse you need to be given an electric shock . Angoda hospital should arrange that for you.
shankar / February 20, 2014
“If 51% of humans want X and 49% of humans want Y, give X to all.”
fartinmarse,don’t you see the TV headlines where Egypt’s morsi,Thailand’s Thaksin’s sister and ukraine’s president have all got into trouble by following that policy that you advocate.The moment you become the head of state you have to change your mentality and govern for all,not only for a majority.You are the head of state for the whole country,so if you are an astute leader you will always look at the whole picture and not only a part of it.In the example you gave a clever leader will try to get a compromise between what the 51% want and what the 49% want.So something somewhere in the middle that will make the 51% satisfied,but not very happy and the 49% too not entirely unhappy as your proposal would have.If governing was that easy the way you say by ignoring sections of the population then we can all govern easily.
John / February 15, 2014
All the minority writers now expect foreign powers to deliver, since the war is over, but during the war as far back as in 1987 they rejected outright even Indian solution., what a set of jokers are they ??
They should look at mirror & find lot of monkeys there, doing monkey dancing.
Thiru / February 15, 2014
“In fact it is doubtful that the Government wants any political solution on the basis of devolution.”
The above intent of the rulers of Sri Lanka now, and in the past is the Sinhala Buddhist hegemony over the whole island: This is in line with the Mahavamsa thinking to transform the island into a Sinhalese Buddhist Republic, where minorities will not have any significant rights or equality.
The rulers have been doing everything in their power to cow down the Tamils into submission: This included discrimination, pogroms, genocide, rape, land grabbing, destroying property, etc.
The ruling elite think they are on the verge of achieving this when the international community comes in the picture.
There is a lot of ha ho among the thinkers subscribing to the above view to twist and turn facts to accomplish their goal.
Will they succeed? Let’s turn towards Geneva for a solution.
Thiru / February 15, 2014
I understand that the latest Channel 4 movie on unbelievable, but true, cruel and ghastly Sri Lankan genocide scenes of Tamils (taken by Sri Lankan soldiers) during the war is coming soon.
Let it tear the masks of the embedded writers and analysts propping up the genocidal regime and its henchmen.
These are the barbarians and the state the writers want Tamils to reconcile with!
Better to perish than living under the jack boots of these barbarians.
This movie must be shown in Geneva in March 2014.
Thiru / February 15, 2014
“I believe that the best way of countering that possibility would be to try to get India to act on our behalf, not necessarily openly but effectively.”
This tactic of the author has been thwarted by India whose Foreign minster said that they will vote against Sri Lanka in Geneva 2014!
Let anybody not forget that Sri Lankan Tamils have 70 million of their kith and kin across the Palk Straits, unlike for the British minorities across the English Channel. In the long past when the two lands were connected they were one people.
Spring Koha / February 16, 2014
Thiru: India did come very close to implementing the ‘full Turkish’ solution. They held back because they could not trust the Tigers – the thinking being that they, the Indians, would be the common target between the warring factions. India is very unlikely to contemplate that option again. They will however make life for Sri Lanka, and us Sri Lankans, very, very uncomfortable. The visa snub is only the first little stone in our shoe.
Thiru / February 15, 2014
” At present the TNA wants more than 13A and the Government is willing to give much less. Suppose that both sides put that aside and co-operate in making 13A, even in its truncated form, a success. Much can be done through limited devolution to meet the needs of the people at the grass roots level. “
The above is a cunning ploy of the author to let the regime continue with the structural genocide of Tamils: No amount of talk of political solutions ignoring what is happening on ground will be bought by Tamils:
The Sinhala colonization of North_East, and dispossession of Tamil people’s land, employment, raping of Tamil women etc with huge Sinhala military presence must be reversed.
Izeth Hussain / February 17, 2014
You quote me as saying a) that the TNA wants more than 13A while the Government wants to give less, and b)much can be done through limited devolution to meet the needs of the people. How on earth does that lead to your conclusion “The above is a cunning ploy of the author to let the regime continue with the structural genocide of the Tamils”.
At the time I sent in my article for publication I had not seen Chief Minister Wigneswaran’s address of 13th February. He clearly wants to make a success of limited devolution to meet the needs of the people. Is he also engaged in a cunning ploy?
UOFCOL / February 15, 2014
[Edited out]
Please write instead of posting links – CT
Thiru / February 15, 2014
“There is nothing, absolutely nothing, that is fanciful about the processes that I have outlined above. They are quite commonplace processes, and yet we know that they are not going to come into effect, leading to a political solution. Why not? I will not try to provide the answers.”
The answer is: The Sinhala psyche is well immersed and soaked in the Mahavamsa mindset of hatred towards Tamils, and ‘others’ too.
They will never voluntarily agree to yield even the slightest concession under Tamil control: Two separate states is the only practical solution.
After all that was the stable situation before the British decided to put the two peoples together in 1832.
Let Britain, and the West, undo the folly of their ancestors.
Fathima Fukushima / February 15, 2014
US resolution against SL is because SL is harbouring Al Qaeda groups. There are villages by the name Saddam Hussein in SL!!
No wonder USA is against SL.
jansee / February 15, 2014
The time has come when Mahinda Rajapaksa will sleep even with the devil.
Ravi Perera / February 15, 2014
“The above intent of the rulers of Sri Lanka now, and in the past is the Sinhala Buddhist hegemony over the whole island: This is in line with the Mahavamsa thinking to transform the island into a Sinhalese Buddhist Republic, where minorities will not have any significant rights or equality.”
Like the changes that are happening in South Africa, changes started happening in Sri Lanka too after we got independence.
Your Tamil Nadu is the only state that does not accept Hindi language or any other languages for that matter inspite of the fact Telegu people are over 10%. Your biggest problem is the deep rooted inferiority complex.
Anpu / February 15, 2014
“changes started happening in Sri Lanka too after we got independence. ” Yes that change is called TAMIL GENOCIDE.
” Your biggest problem is the deep rooted inferiority complex” in other words your superiority complex.
Piraña / February 18, 2014
Ravi perera
The Tamilnadu Telugu population is not over 10% it is about 5.4 % and dwindling. In Eelam Tamils are not a minority. Your analogy between Tamilnadu and Srilanka / Eelam is false as there is no comparison between the two. Tamils are the pioners of Srilanka . Sinhalese language wasn’t born when this Dravidian island had early Tamil settlers videSir Paul Peris.
Piraña / February 18, 2014
Tamils in the north and east of Srilanka are a majority constituting about 70% of the population in the Tamil homeland. The Tamils in Eelam want a complete separate state or a federal state. Further more unlike the questionable origin of the Sinhalese the Tamils or their proginators have been living in Srilanka for over 10 thousand years and have been known by various names such as nagas, Ravana’s people etc .
Sinhalese are yet to establish their origins ie Aryan, Dravidian or Austranesian etc. the pseudo Sinhala historians are trying to write their own bogus history to claim antiquity in the Island but when a common sensical approach is taken it becomes abundantly clear that the island of Ceylon belongs to the Tamils and it is an integral part of south Indian mainland.
Ravi perera
Your attempt to say that the Sinhalese are a Dravidian people is also a suspect and once again an attempt on your part to claim legitimacy to live in Srilanka as otherwise your homeland lies younder in Orissa or Bangal where you must rightfully belong.
For real tell me what is the origin of the Sinhalese? Is it still a Lion mating a woman and giving birth to Sinhalayas. Although your Sinhala ethnic behaviour is animal like do you have any other empirical evidence t o prove that Sinhalese are actually half animal half human?
Sirimal / February 15, 2014
“The immature conscience is not its own master. It simply parrots the decisions of others. It does not make judgments of its own; it merely conforms to the judgments of others. That is not real freedom, and it makes true love impossible, for if we are to love truly and freely, we must be able to give something that is truly our own to another. If our heart does not belong to us, asks Merton, how can we give it to another?”
― Jon Katz
Kiri Yaka / February 15, 2014
Izeth sad to see you hallucinating. What do you mean by “But will India act on our behalf? “
What do you mean by “our”. There is no “our” in Sri Lanka. There are only racists Sinhalese in Power. Racists Tamils De-powered and the Muslims caught in between.
We wont be in this state if there was an “our” there was none and may not be an “our” in the future. There will only be “our festering wounds” the origins of which the world will come to understand in all its gory details.
Long live the burgers. They buggered off in good time.
Spring Koha / February 16, 2014
Not only the ‘burgers’ but the ‘lingam sausages’ the ‘seeni sambolayas’ and the ‘halal chickens’ too took their chances to bugger off. Soon, only the Jarapassas, the kunu Mervyns, the kaha kaputas and the ofcourse Rajpukkapal will be left in sunny Lanka.
Izeth Hussain / February 17, 2014
We may hate each others guts, but we share a common fate – “our” fate – as long as we live together on this island.The term “our” will be felt in its full force if sactions that really bite are applied to us
ela kolla / February 16, 2014
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/
Fathima Fukushima / February 17, 2014
A bomb attack targeting Sunni mosques in Pakistan has killed 98 people today.
We are talking about a non existent ethnic problem in SL!!
shankar / February 19, 2014
As usual a good article,very practical.I like that one “we are doomed to live together”.Maybe it should continue as,doomed to live together and love together.Maybe the ultimate best solution is a mixed race evolving by screwing each other like rabbits. Srilanka Ethnic groups-mixed race 75%,sinhalese 15%,tamils 5%,Muslims 5%.Problem solved for ever.
The government must encourage a mixed race to develop in the official statistics.Those who don’t want to be called sinhalese,tamils or muslims can enter themselves as mixed race of people.USand brazil have a big %.
Ravi Perera / February 21, 2014
“Tamils in the north and east of Srilanka are a majority constituting about 70% of the population in the Tamil homeland. The Tamils in Eelam want a complete separate state or a federal state.”
Tamils Do constitute a majority in the North. Not in the East.
Besides you are talking about provincial boundaries drawn by the British.
“Further more unlike the questionable origin of the Sinhalese the Tamils or their proginators have been living in Srilanka for over 10 thousand years and have been known by various names such as nagas, Ravana’s people etc”
Your homeland is Tamil Nadu. Nagas were one of the 4 hela tribes.
“the pseudo Sinhala historians are trying to write their own bogus history to claim antiquity in the Island but when a common sensical approach is taken it becomes abundantly clear that the island of Ceylon belongs to the Tamils and it is an integral part of south Indian mainland.”
When a common sensical approach is taken it is abundatly clear that this island (which gave birth to the sinhala people) belongs to the Sinhalese.
It is abundantly clear with 70 million demalas in Tamil Nadu it is also abundantly clear that demalas in Sri Lanka are migrants over the years.
In an earlier article you agreed with me that the sinhalese are indigenous people of the island (You agreed with the view taken by JHU). Now you are having a different opinion.
“Your attempt to say that the Sinhalese are a Dravidian people is also a suspect and once again an attempt on your part to claim legitimacy to live in Srilanka as otherwise your homeland lies younder in Orissa or Bangal where you must rightfully belong.”
Most sinhalese get angry at the idea of even suggesting that sinhalese are more Dravidian than aryan. That is because of the stigma associated with the word Tamil.
About the Bengalis and the Orissa people contributing to the evolution of the sinhala race , yes we can be proud about that. My home land is Sri Lanka the homeland of the sinhalese the cuntyry that gave birth to the sinhala culture and the sinhala civilisation.
Without Talking rubbish you go back to your homeland Tamil Nadu where you belong.
About the sinhalese being animals, you are still smarting from defeat are you not ???
By the way how is your nuclear bomb coming along with the money of the rich Tamil Diaspora (which is suppose to be 5 times bigger than Sri lankas economy)You buggers are full of cock talk.
Anpu / February 22, 2014
“Tamils Do constitute a majority in the North. Not in the East.”
Tamils used to be majority in N & E.
What the successive Sinhalese govts did to the east from 1881 to 1981 (Tamil STRUCTURAL GENOCIDE). See the tables below.
Now the Tamil structural is continued in North and East.
TABLE 1: Changes in the Ethnic Composition of Trincomalee District, 1881-1981
YEARS Sinhalese Tamils Moors
Number % Number % Number %
1881 935 4.2 14394 64.8 5746 25.9
1891 1109 17117 6426
1911 1138 16913 9529
1921 1535 4.4 18138 53.1 12662 37.1
1946 15706 20.6 30443 40 22136 29.1
1953 15156 17.9 35132 41.5 28016 33.1
1964 39950 28.9 51060 36.9 41950 30.3
1971 54744 29 66688 35.4 59436 31.5
1981 86341 33.6 86743 33.7 74405 28.9
1981 85406 9134% 73349 502% 68659 1068%
TABLE 2: Changes in the Ethnic Composition of Amparai District, 1911-1981
YEARS Sinhalese Tamils Moors
Number % Number % Number %
1911 4702 7 24733 37 36843 55
1921 7285 25207 37901
1953 26450 39985 29 69376 51
1964 62160 29 49220 23.5 97990 45.6
1971 82280 30 60519 22 126365 47
1981 146371 38 78315 20 16148 41
1981 141669 3012% 53582 216% 124638 338%
Anpu / February 22, 2014
I forgot to add the source http://tamilnation.co/conflictresolution/tamileelam/cnfUS96/manogaran.htm
pirana / February 23, 2014
Ravi perera
All these while I treated you with some respect as
I am a firm beliver in treating even my enemy with respect.Furthermore,it is my honest belif that the Sinhala ignorance is mainly due to the wrong education system where in from day one false hood is taught as truth and mythology is taught as genuine history prime example Mahavansa.
It is a fact now a lot of Sinhalese scholars are beginning to accept that they are as Dravidian as The Tamils are and that most of the Sinhalese have pure Tamil blood in them and it is only the struggle to control the territory/ throne in this Island that different clans have fought amongst themselves. Sinnhalese are a Dravidian clan with a high level of Tamil input from the Pandya Kingdom who fought with Tamils who were already on the island and who were joined by other wave of Tamils /Dravidians from other parts of South India.it is like Chera , Chola, Pandyas querraling amongst themselves for power and control of territory etc.
Nagas are original Dravidians/ hela people who later got absoberd in to the Tamil fold. Yakkas on the other hand are also Dravidians/hela people who received the higest percentage of east Indian ( Orissa & Bangal)blood in to them and became sinhalese. As you can see the Srilankan Tamils and for that Matter South Indian Tamils and the sinhalese are a different branch of the same race of people namely Dravidian.
For your information there were Nagas in southindia as well.Not so long ago Tamilnadu and Srilanka were one land mass.scientist belive the seperation of the island of eelam from South indiand mainland had taken plce not during the ice age but very recntly with in the last 5 thousand years.Refer to the NAsa sattilite pictures of S.India and Srilanka to understand this fact.
Your saying that it is the Stigma associated with the word tamil is making the Sinhalese to renouce any connection to Dravidians is understood. If Sinhalese are not Dravidians but racially Aryan then they couldn’t have even come from Orissa and Bangal as the east indians are also Dravidians or Dravido mongols and not Aryans. If as you suggest that most of the Sinhalese are or belive that they are Aryans then they don’t belong in this Island called Eelam or Srilanka, they can go to there Aryavartha in afganistan or Iran.
If You say the Sinhalese are Dravidians then as i said above you are a kinderd race of the Tamils and you belong to the island as much as the Tamils do. otherwise you are a forigen Aryan invader who do not belong to this part of the world.
ravi perera
Tamilnadu is not the homeland of the Eelavar, your anal fixation with the phrase Tamilnadu is the homeland of the DEmalas stinks of hypocrasy. In that context even your homeland is Eelam/ Tamilnadu.
I don’t care what other Tamils think as most of the Tamils these days firmly belive that the Sinhalese are not entierly human and part animals, but I like to still belive my above contention that sinhalese are also Dravidian is right and the Sinhalese despite some of their tendencies are still human who can still be won over for a reasonable settlement in Srilanka peacefully.
Ravi Perera / February 23, 2014
Anpu [Edited out].
In response to your Reply above I am writting something which I have written over and over again when ever the so called demographic change in the East is being taked about,
READ THIS WELL AND IF YOU UNDERSTAND ENGLISH WELL you will not have difficulty in absorbing the CONTENTS.
Who created the Eastern province ? Before British there was no Eastern Province. When the British arrived the three Kingdoms were Kotte , Jaffna and Kandayan. Eastern province was part of the Kandyanm Kingdom. Eastern province was part of the Kandyan Kingdom. Relatively thickly populated Coastal belt of the East (about 10 miles from the shore) was annexed to a large tracks of sparsly populated sinhala purana villages and created the eastern province. Does that make you the owners of east ?? ABSOLUTELY NOT.
There is clearly no justification for once racial group claiming proprietary , exclusive rights over the others within these two boundaries set artificially by the British merely because there are more members of that group over the others. If there is any validity in such contention it would follow with even greater force from the same principle, since there is and always has been within the natural borders of Sri Lanka, am overwhelming preponderance of Sinhalese, the entirety of Sri Lanka is the homeland of the Sinhalese.
Also Go back to the territory of the Kandyan Kingdom and the Tamils in the east were a minority in the Kandyan Kingdom Secondly the Tamil speaking Muslims are a separate entity with a clear separate leadership and they will not accept their areas being put under a Tamil administration.
[Edited out]
Ravi Perera / February 23, 2014
Anpu [Edited out],
I am writting something I have written a million times before.
If YOU UNDERSTAND ENGLISH the you should be able to understand the CONTENTS
Who created the Eastern province ? Before British there was no Eastern Province. When the British arrived the three Kingdoms were Kotte , Jaffna and Kandayan. Eastern province was part of the Kandyanm Kingdom. Eastern province was part of the Kandyan Kingdom. Relatively thickly populated Coastal belt of the East (about 10 miles from the shore) was annexed to a large tracks of sparsly populated sinhala purana villages and created the eastern province. Does that make you the owners of east. There is clearly no justification for once racial group claiming proprietary , exclusive rights over the others within these two boundaries set artificially by the British merely because there are more members of that group over the others. If there is any validity in such contention it would follow with even greater force from the same principle, since there is and always has been within the natural borders of Sri Lanka, am overwhelming preponderance of Sinhalese, the entirety of Sri Lanka is the homeland of the Sinhalese.Also Go back to the territory of the Kandyan Kingdom and the Tamils in the east were a minority in the Kandyan Kingdom Secondly the Tamil speaking Muslims are a separate entity with a clear separate leadership and they will not accept their areas being put under a Tamil administration.
[Edited out]
Ravi Perera / February 23, 2014
[Edited out]
ravi perera / February 23, 2014