15 January, 2025


De Facto CJ Pieris Continues To Engage In Unethical Activities

Colombo Telegraph reliably learns that De Facto Chief Justice Mohan Pieris, despite stepping down from the three judge bench hearing the Golden Key case has not abadoned his sinister plans to take over the assets of the employees of the company in an unethical manner.

De facto Chief Justice Mohan Pieris

De facto Chief Justice Mohan Pieris

According to sources, Pieris has appointed two new judges who he holds in confidence – Eva Wanasundara and Buwaneka Aluwihare to the case, turning the three-judge bench into a five-judge bench when the three judges who were already hearing the case refused to partake in his unethical actions.

When concerns were raised regarding Pieris being a member of the three-judge bench hearing the Golden Key case, he stepped down and the new bench completed the case while reserving the judgement. At this point, Pieris had approached the three judges with his prepared draft judgement to influence them into delivering it.

However all three of them had declined it, expressing their objection on having to serve a CJ who engages in such unethical practices, which they had pointed out was an impeachable offense.

However, following the objections raised by the three judges, Pieris had obtained the assistance of Chocksy Jr. to file a motion requesting for the Golden Key case to be referred to a five-judge bench even before the order was delivered.

Thereafter, he had instructed the Supreme Court registrar to personally collect the original file from Justice Sripavan and had constituted a new bench including his two trusted judges. It has been noted that Eva has not disclosed some of the decisions that would be made and she herself would most likely face similar objections from the lawyers.

Colombo Telegraph learns that the two judges who were newly appointed to the case have consented to ‘copy paste’ Pieris’s draft judgement word for word.

In July, Pieris informed court that he received an anonymous letter that stated it was unethical for him to remain on the three-judge bench hearing the Golden Key depositors case was  as he was the former Chairman of the Seylan Bank and since he was the case was filed in 2009.

Latest comments

  • 4

    The controversial and compromising Chief (In)justice Mohan does not understand the meaning of the word ‘Unethical’.

    If he presides the case of Dr Nonis Vs Sajin Vas his (un)ethical verdict will be in favour of the lapdog- the Chandiya.

    Dear Chief (In)justice Mohan Peiris. These are the meanings for justice.

    fair dealing

    Please memorise this and practice with the sense of true feeling.

    Your Chief (In)justice position only delivers:


  • 7

    Its time SRi Lankan judges learn from their counterpart in India. The action taken against Jayalalitha clearly shows the standard of the Judicial Services in India. If the Judges who work under the Cheap Justice in Sri Lanka find that they cannot work independently, its time for them to refuse to work under the present Cheap Justice openly. The time is ripe for it. Sri Lankan Judicial Services had a very good name internationally until the last Chief Justice was impeached and the new Cheap Justice took over. Its the duty of the Judges in Sri Lanka to restore the good name they always had.

  • 1

    Does this CJ owe any money to any of our local banks , like the USD 478,000 the ex CJ has to pay the NDB?.

    If not what is the problem ?.

    Hasn’t he done the right thing to avoid any conflict of interest?.

    Or is it too hard for the current CJ haters to understand?…

  • 2

    Our judiciary must be the laughing stock of all judicial institutions, worldwide.
    Mohan Peiris “props up” the Rajapakse regime as and when necessary.
    In return, he is being allowed to subvert justice for his own ends.

    • 1

      Sooo true . KOtalawela should not have been allowed to move his assets around in the first place.mohan Peris was the attorney general, when this happened. Knowing full well that those fellows at Celinco group,who were not even O’Levels qualified were taking millions of rupees as salary for a month . With out making money and keeping women servicing them with depositors money’s. Should have frozen the assets then.
      At least he is trying to do some thing now hopefully.
      Kotalawela did the grand with depositors money’s. He should be behind bars. Not in a luxurious house bought with depositors money.
      Romesh Desilva or Faize Mustapha would have written this piece of fabrication. These scum bags can find out how these shares that were owned by Lalith K went to be owned by the employees. Look in to their loans .
      After 2008 if even,employees bought these shares they will have to be compensated by the black fattie Ganda in some way.

  • 2

    God save Sri Lanka!!!!! This shows how a crook can ruin a country. Sri Lankan judiciary saw its first crook in the form of Sarath Silva and now the worst of all, Mohan Peiris.

  • 0

    Now this is the right time to cook Kiribath, Lit Fire Crackers and dance in front of Aluthkade.

  • 0

    What did you expect? Justice? Sadly mistaken. This is the era of injustice. Bensen

  • 1

    Dear Sri Lankans,I do not know who, wrote this news item. It is most definitely written to mislead the reader. In 2008 when the Golden Key Debacle happened, Lalith, Secil duo owned 30% of shares. At some point in time these shares have been transferred to CEYSOT, and Lalith Cesil, and the Renganathan, accountant who is in his deathbed, are the trustees. ALL EMPLOYEES WHO OWN SHARES IN CEYSOT ALSO HAS LOANS OWING TO THE COMPANY ,TO SET THESE SHARES OFF.
    IF THE Chief Justice stands firm on this occasion and does the right thing ,that would be one right thing he has done!
    Way to go CJ! At least you have got some thing right

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