By Mahinda Rajapaksa –
There only a few more months left for the next presidential election. Is there any point in holding a debate on constitutional reform at the tail end of the tenure of a government? An initiative to amend the constitution should be taken when a government has been newly elected to office, not as the final task before leaving office. This government was elected on the pledge that they would amend the constitution within their first 100 days in office. At that time, the only reform proposals they spoke of was the abolition of the executive presidency and changing the system of elections.
My 2015 presidential election manifesto stated very clearly that if I was re-elected to office, we would amend the constitution and also hold a referendum to have those amendments directly endorsed by the people. But the yahapalana manifesto said that they would amend the constitution only to the extent that a referendum was not made necessary. What was the problem in holding a referendum? A referendum is a case of going before the people. It is always better to have important constitutional amendments endorsed by the people at a referendum.
The yahapalana manifesto said that the Constitution would be amended only to the extent that a referendum would not be made necessary because they never had any intention of abolishing the executive presidency after being elected to power. A fundamental Constitutional change of that nature cannot be carried out without a referendum under the present law. Though they said that they were going to abolish the executive presidency during the election campaign, once elected to power, they pointed to their election manifesto and said that since constitutional amendments can be made only to the extent that a referendum is not made necessary, the executive presidency cannot be abolished. So from the very beginning, the constitutional reform process of this government was riddled with deception and perfidy.
Then they presented to Parliament, the 19th Amendment which has given rise to the present confusion as to whether power lies with the presidency or the cabinet. When the then opposition expressed misgivings about the provisions of the 19th Amendment, the President came to Parliament and said that the 20th Amendment which would change the parliamentary elections system would be presented to Parliament in a matter of weeks. It was on that undertaking that the opposition MPs voted for the 19th Amendment. If the parliamentary elections system had been changed, Parliamentary governments would have had a working majority and the balance of power would have shifted to Parliament. Though our MPs had serious misgivings about the 19th Amendment, we voted for it on the promise that the 20th Amendment would be introduced in Parliament expeditiously. So this government has cheated the opposition as well.
After that, the government convened the whole Parliament as a Constitutional Assembly on 9 March 2016 in order to promulgate a new constitution. After holding many discussions and releasing numerous reports over a period of more than two and a half years, on 11 January 2019 the Prime Minister tabled in Parliament a document which was described as the report of the panel of experts of the Steering Committee of the Constitutional Assembly. Even in presenting that document to Parliament, the Prime Minister insisted that its contents are not the views of the government but only of the panel of experts that compiled the report. Ultimately the report that was tabled in Parliament had no owner. How can a constitutional reform process succeed when nobody takes responsibility for the drafts that are tabled in Parliament?
We are resolutely opposed to the draft constitution that was presented to Parliament by the Prime Minister. It would have had the effect of dividing Sri Lanka into nine semi -independent states. It contained proposals to set up nine separate police forces, and provisions that would have made it impossible for the center to take back any powers devolved to the provincial units. Some say that I too spoke of ’13 Plus’ – a system of government going beyond the provisions of the 13th Amendment. I once told the then Indian Foreign Secretary that I was thinking of establishing a second chamber of Parliament made up of representatives of the provincial councils so as to get provincial leaders to participate in national affairs. It was the Indian Foreign Secretary who described my idea as 13 Plus. So it should be understood that what I meant by 13 Plus was not dividing the country into nine semi-independent units as proposed in the draft constitution that was tabled by the Prime Minister.
That draft constitution did have provisions to abolish the executive presidency and to change the parliamentary elections system. However the elections system proposed in that draft constitution was very similar to the systems that were put in place for the local government institutions and the provincial councils in 2017. After the 2018 February local government elections, even those who participated in introducing that new elections system are now opposed to it. We are completely opposed to the introduction of that unworkable system at the Parliamentary level as well.
The draft constitution that was presented to Parliament was prepared by Parliamentarian Sumanthiran and some NGO activists. After presenting it to Parliament, the Prime Minister repeatedly denied ownership of the document. Ultimately it appears that this government had taken the Tamil National Alliance too for a ride.
There is nothing that the TNA has achieved over the past four and a half years. Parliamentarian Sumanthiran always drafts constitutional amendments that will lead to a separate state without the name. They have stated their views very clearly on paper. But at the ground level, the TNA has been directly responsible for depriving the people of the North and East of the two Provincial Councils that my government gave the people. The Eastern Provincial Council stood dissolved nearly two years ago. The Northern Provincial Council also ceased to function nearly one year ago. Elections cannot be held to the provincial councils that have ceased to exist because the government changed the system of elections to the provincial councils.
Due to the fact that the delimitation of electorates for the provincial councils has run into problems, the entire provincial councils system is now defunct. Without the votes of the TNA, the government would not have been able to obtain the two thirds majority in Parliament to change the PC elections system. Ironically, it is the TNA that has rendered inoperative the provincial councils system which was introduced as a solution to the North-East problem.
Even before the war ended, my government held elections to the Eastern Provincial Council in 2008 and give the people of that province their democratic rights. In 2013, we held elections in the North and for the first time established the Northern Provincial Council as well. The TNA in collaboration with the UNP has ensured that both Councils are now no longer operational.
After the end of the war, my government developed the infrastructure of the Northern and Eastern provinces and took steps to improve the livelihoods of the people. Then the government changed. During the past four and a half years, the TNA has worked very closely with the government. However there has been no improvement in the lives of the Tamil people of the North and East. People of all communities have been placed at a disadvantage after this government came into power. The Tamil people of the North and East may have been affected to a greater extent than other communities.
Today, the people of those areas have no livelihood. Tamil politicians have now begun openly saying that the poverty of the Tamil people in those areas is being exploited in dastardly ways by certain unscrupulous elements. That would never have happened if our government had been in power. In such an event, the livelihoods of the Tamil people of the North and East would have improved and they would have been living with dignity. Some time ago I saw a media report which said that when Tamil youth had confronted some TNA Parliamentarians and told them about their problems, the MPs had said that they will achieve liberation first and then attend to the problems of the people.
What they mean by liberation is changing the Constitution and obtaining a separate Tamil state in the North and East. In 2014, I invited the TNA for a discussion about what they deem to the problems of the Tamil people. After a few rounds of discussions, the TNA Parliamentarians stropped coming for those discussions. By that time they had decided to defeat my government and to achieve their aims by helping to get the ‘common candidate’ elected. Today the TNA is neither here nor there.
Participating in constitutional reform under this government is not a feasible option. They introduced the 19th Amendment and rendered the country ungovernable. They changed the system of local government elections and threw the entire local government system into confusion. They changed the system of elections to the provincial councils and today the PCs have ceased to exist. The unscrupulous manner in which this government manipulated the legislative process has also given rise to suspicion and damaged their credibility. The way they made changes to the local government and provincial council elections systems was by bringing committee stage amendments to Bills that had been introduced in Parliament for completely different purposes.
The people had no way of knowing what the government was passing into law and the Supreme Court also could not be moved to verify the constitutionality of the reforms. Even when the 19th Amendment was passed certain words and sentences had been surreptitiously excised from the Bill during the committee stage. Due to the atmosphere of mistrust that the conduct of the government has brought about, the opposition cannot collaborate in any constitutional reform process with this government. Furthermore there is no point in talking about constitutional reform at the tail end of the tenure of a government. This matter has to be taken up by a new government elected by the people.
We will put forward a set of proposals to reform the constitution at the forthcoming presidential elections. This country cannot move forward without clearing up the confusion created by the 19th Amendment. Once a new government is in power, we hope to obtain the support of all political parties represented in Parliament for the new constitution. Those who genuinely wish to see constitutional reform taking place in this country can join hands with us at that stage. We will not deceive the people by saying that we will amend the Constitution only to the extent that a referendum is not necessary. We will definitely hold a referendum to get the new constitution endorsed by the people.
*Translation of the text of the speech made by Opposition Leader Mahinda Rajapaksa in Parliament on Friday the 26th July 2019
chiv / July 26, 2019
Hello, there. Here comes our Lankan Mandela in reincarnation. The guy who went to Geneva for human rights violation as a budding politician. A hypocrite to the core now. I am sure there are naive and ignorant people who follow you around 24 /7 will agree with what ever you have to say and you sure is surrounded by “yes sir” cattle and then people of he ilk of Wimal , who have their own self serving scheme of plans, to exploit your name and influence. But we as citizen have thoroughly understood you after seeing you as the head for almost 10 years. You come here and say things which you and your family had exploited, abused and violated in the past, never did anything constructive but caused irreparable harm and just like any typical Lankan politician coming now, with new and more promises, and finding fault at everyone except for you. Dude stop blaming the UNP, TNA and other minorities. Instead look at what is wrong with you , your family, people around you and your so called party. You fooled us shame on you you fool us again shame on us. There are plenty of new born and infants around who may listen to your shit. Try telling them.
Steve / July 26, 2019
Sir, you certainly have on your payroll a good speech writer.
Lankan / July 26, 2019
Oh. My dear..
This looks like a crocodile tears.
He has made all the mess to the constitution now; he wants to make reforms..
The reform you make the more trouble you create in SL politics ..did you see how MR tried to capture power from back doors .
What a joke this is ?
Do you think public are fool like your groups of thung in politics
Rwkd / July 26, 2019
Dear sir
When u at the outset mentions that ur 2015 manifesto stated that u would have brought in reforms to the constitution u were elected in 2015, u omitted to mention that ur earlier election pledges also promised the same thing but when u were elected u conveniently forget these pledges. Is there anyway for us to believe that u would have been true to the pledges if u were re-elected? Ur past records says otherwise.
Maharage, / July 26, 2019
Hellow MaRa….
You are the most corrupted leader in the history of Sri Lanka and what you have written is non-sense. What you have done during your 10 year reign of terror and corruption is not a secret. Here is brief snapshot of your despicable record:
1. Stealing $800 million of Tsunami funds through fake NGO called Helping Hambantota set up with assistance from Willie Gamage and depriving poor families of their right to rebuild their lives devastated by Tsunami
2. Taking 19 billion US dollars as commissions from Chinese government corporations through white elephant useless development projects such as Hambantota Harbour, Airport, and southern expressway
3. Putting Sri Lanka economy into an endless misery by taking high interest loans from China and pocketing in 40% of that money
4. Nurturing an unprecedented culture of corruption and political victimization with immunity
5. Killing and attacking journalists, judges, innocent civilians for 10 years
6. Appointing an uneducated GoTa as defence head and stealing the credit of ending the 30 year war from SF, the true hero who led the final war against LTTE
7. Making a synthetic lawyer of an idiotic son who couldn’t even pass his GCE (OL)
8. Killing the most famous rugby player on behalf of another moron son
9. Soliciting sex from girls of the families that lost their loved ones due to Premadasa Terror campaign in exchange of your service as a human rights lawyer in 1980s
10. Raping girls in villages from down south on the promise of jobs
Champa / July 26, 2019
What a fluent bulls………..
— 1) and 2) are not proven. In fact, Ranil W has proved that he is the Mother of All Frauds by orchestrating the Central Bank Bond Scam.
— 3) applies to the slave government which has taken loans to a tune of 7 or 8 trillions of Rupees within 4 years. What have they done with this colossal amount and the exact amount are yet to find out as all loans taken by the slave government haven’t gone through the Treasury which is a violation of the usual government financial practices that are in place for transparency, accuracy and incorruptibility.
— 4) Ha ha ha, you are talking about the current slave government. Thank you.
— 5) Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa is not responsible of any killings or attacks on journalists or judges. From 2010 to 2015 there were no such cases. If you have evidence, go to the CID and prove it.
— 6) Gotabhaya had enough education to be the Defence Secretary. He was instrumental in defeating LTTE. SF was appointed on the recommendation of “your so called uneducated” Gotabhaya. What are you saying? Are you saying that his recommendation was wrong? On the other hand, if not for Gotabhaya, SF would never have become the Army Commander.
— 7) To become a lawyer, one has to have, minimum A/L 3 passes (I guess). You agree that he has passed A/Ls, right?
— 8) Most famous rugby player? That is not true. Man, you had 4 years to prove the case. What are you waiting for? Go to the CID and tell them that you want to be an eye witness. End of the story.
— 9) and 10) You are talking about former President Premadasa, right? It is everybody’s knowledge that girls and children were abducted to perform some obsessive hoodoo rituals. Do you remember? What happened to them after the rituals is still a mystery.
Anything else, Machang?
Maharage, / July 26, 2019
Champa Machang,
Nice try ….. but in vain.
If you have any doubts, ask Willie Gamage who happened to be the architect of Helping Hambantota to help MaRa steal $800 million tsunami funds. Willie is still around in Colombo hanging about GoTa and MaRa.
By the way, are you another apparition of Mara family?
chiv / July 26, 2019
A proposal on constitutional reform was handed to MS by Jeyampathy in person, in presence of Sam, Sumanthiran, Mustafa, Nimal and few others, which MS denied/ lied of not receiving. So when we have a habitually lying President and then you a rogue politician for opposition leader nothing productive is expected to be accomplished. Your only political goal, is to see, not to have any reforms or reconciliation.
Champa / July 26, 2019
There is no need to reform the current Constitution.
If there is any necessity to do that, we should have the people of J R Jayewardene’s or Colvin R de Silva’s calibre.
Do we have anyone in the current setting?
The country has already suffered an unprecedented anarchy and setback due to 19th Amendment which was formulated by amateurs.
Both 18th and 19th Amendments have catered for certain political aspirations.
Sinhalese have never made a request to reform the Constitution.
Only TNA and Muslim parties want a change in our Constitution in order to break apart the country.
I guess this statement by my loving former President is to woo TNA and Muslim parties for future votes.
These proposed changes to our Constitution IS CERTAINLY NOT FOR SINHALESE.
Therefore, if there is any proposals to reform the current Constitution at the next Presidential election, Sinhalese should REJECT THEM POINTBLANK.
JD / July 26, 2019
Electoral process changes, every thing related to the very corrupt Parliament (a Place full of clowns), constitution, ICCPR, Monetary policy changes. (Country is famous for money laundering) are all what was needed by MCC/Heritage foundation (a Conservative Think Tank, located in Galla, promoting american values). They are mostly to make Sri lanka new colony and to remove chinese influence.
IT is pretty sure, Ranil and Mangala are puppets of the MCC gang which destroy country. Even United Nationas and it’s affiliated organizations are there to fulfill teh funding agencies agenda. IMF and world are also the same.
So, Srilanka has to change the electoral process, and all these Draconian laws.
Ranil and his UNP must lose. since 2015, everything Ranil, Mangala and their gang did were to destroy Srilanka and some one else’s agenda.
The major problem is Sri lanka did not have proper politicians. they all were focused on them and their political Families. Rajapakse is not the only political family. Mangala has his brothers working as ministers, MP and Secretareis. Like wise, almost everybody is the same.
JD / July 26, 2019
It is the UPFA and UNF destroyed Sri Lanka by making minorities are powerful than the majority. I think both parties got the instructions from IMF/world bank etc. and they ruined the countries. Implementing ICCPR like legislation has been happened in Cambodia too. ICCPR is there to weaken the majority and empower minorities. So that both the majority and minorities are equal. Even though it comes from UN is their funding agencies world that they make laws for.
They do not allow countries to develop. Only the countries moved away from them are becoming decent societies. They try to use impartial countries to implement their agenda. One such country is India. Pakisthan and Sri lanka are ruined. they may complete it within the next five years.
Mahinda Rajapakse knows most of these things and how he was influenced to do these things. Even those who implemented do not understand only when things went wrong they might say ” OHH, I know how it happened”.
So, the advisers need to be very sophisticated people.
Do not disturb Maithripala sirisena for petty gains. The best thing is if majority Sinhala people can get organized.
JD / July 26, 2019
Election part of the Constitution is a disaster. They can fulfill their wishes only when the country is destabilized. SO, the parliament, all the draconian laws, Monitary policy and financial management, culture are destroyed.
JD / July 26, 2019
When the political leaders are corrupt, the country can not go along the correct path. I think Venezuela is holding because of that. Because, the foreign powers can not achieve what they want when the politicians are not corrupt It must be finance Ministry must be one of the most corrupt places that is ruining the country.
Plato. / July 26, 2019
MaRa has not spoken a word about his aborted attempt to become a fully -fledged Prime Minister with a rouge cabinet.He is now shedding crocodile tears on behalf of the people including the Tamil People!
Well, if and when MaRa returns to centre stage it would be akin to a well-known Sinhala adage which refers to the plight of those who went to seek solace at a Temple, but found the roof collapsing on their heads!
Ajay / July 27, 2019
Mahinda, nobody believes in this drivel written by somebody – probably your poor secretary you once yelled at in public – and read by you in parliament. When I say nobody that includes you as well.
Mallaiyuran / July 27, 2019
“ At that time, the only reform proposals they spoke of was the abolition of the executive presidency and changing the system of elections……………………
But the Yahapalanaya manifesto said that they would amend the constitution only to the extent that a referendum was not made necessary. “
That is not correct. GLP is out of touch what happened in the past. Single Issue Common Candidate – restoring the Democracy. Restoring Law and Order by investigating the tranny took place in Chitanta government and Devolution of power was the important promise in the elections. That is why Unity Government formed with first 42 UNP MPs and those 19A had the clause about the unity government too. This was an arrangement done by Secretary Kerry after chasing Old King out of temple Tree House.
How could have been GLP was a “Low Professor”? Is that possible to amend a constitution from EP based government to parliament based, but without referendum? Then why didn’t he point it out to the mass that time? 100 days promise was in the EP election only. In Jan 2015 Ranil had only 42 MPs. So they could not go beyond 19A. Another reason was Ranil did not hard press it because he dreamed of coming as EP too. Though now somersaulting that time Jayampathy also worked with Ranil to cook up 19A in Ranil’s favor.
“they pointed to their election manifesto and said that since constitutional amendments can be made only to the extent that a referendum is not made necessary “ Again GLP is blind folded. First, It was not they. Then, Draft 19A had severe restrictions on EP and tried transfer the EP power to PM without out abolishing EP. But CJ Sri Panavan blocked it. He said Transferring power is similar to abolishing EP, so it cannot be done, that time. In the Parliament election 99.9% of the voters voted for parties’ proposed constitutional change. That was more than a referendum. Old Royals twisted and blocked Constitutional change.
Mallaiyuran / July 27, 2019
“This government was elected on the pledge that they would amend the constitution within their first 100 days in office.
That is completely wrong, it was Only New King elected on that promise. All the Old Royals are still under the EP, New King in SLFP. He is Appa eating Judas and a White Flag murders accused. He duped the entire world. When he was asked by Secretary Kerry, at UNGA meeting in 2016, about why he had done the changes he promised in the election, he replied Old King was blocking the parliament by splitting SLFP under the new name Joint Comedy Club so he was not able to go ahead with it. GLP should start to read news before drat things like this.
“What was the problem in holding a referendum? Referendum was avoided only for 19A and Parliament was dismissed, in April 2015. Then all parties obtained mediate for constitutional change. Old King did not in any party that time. So he needs not to give any promise, to anybody. New King, through his SLFP promised for a Constitutional Change. He, in EP election and Parliament election openly said that he will make only Ranil as PM. And in both elections he said he would not give any important position to Old King. GLP is probably finding Jaffna Rapist Army’s Kerala Ganja in good deals. Old King was just SLFP election coordinator. Not the policy making Party Chairman in September 2015. SLFP, UNP, JVP and TNA they all talked only about New Constitution. That amounted 99.9 % wanted a new constitution. No 99 days here. But TNA tried to negotiate with Yahapalanaya before the end of 2016. That time Old King started to split SLFP into SLFP and Joint Comedy Club. That shameless Old King is still in the SLFP to hang around in parliament. But he took constitutional issue to LG election and insisted making a new Constitution would only divide the country.
Mallaiyuran / July 27, 2019
Sampanthar and Sumanthiran very effectively countered Old Royals contesting on a different platform than SLFP and denying the SLFP’s promise in 2015 election but still hanging in SLFP to come and go Parliament. The biggest comedy ever happened is Old King is not even a member of Slap party yet. GLP is the president. Slap Party is the only one started to deny the election promise of Constitutional solution at LG election. GLP is the president of that party.
“When the then opposition expressed misgivings about the provisions of the 19th Amendment, the President came to Parliament and said that the 20th Amendment which would change the parliamentary elections system would be presented to Parliament in a matter of weeks. It was on that undertaking that the opposition MPs voted for the 19th Amendment.”
There was no opposition that time. New King was the SLFP Chairman. He was working with UNP, until the first Unity Government was dissolved in April. He couldn’t be the Opposition Leader and President at the same time. He did not want be either. Nimal Sri Pala De Silva was only SLFP’s group leader. But some dissidents, who were worried about their future by the fact ofOld King was ousted and was not even an elected MP that time. Jayampathy and Sumanthiran like drafters submitted to SC’s opinion on the draft. Sri Panvan recommended removing the three provisions practically transferring the EP’s power to PM. If GLP had fallen asleep during that parliament, the original Draft and SC’s recommendations are in CT in PDF form. He should read it.
“we voted for it on the promise that the 20th Old King was not in the parliament, but by confusion, GLP has put “We Voted”. Damn the hell, he was eating Kavvum at home, GLP. Old King was standing in at the door & watching during first NCM; he did not vote against Ranil on that either.
Mallaiyuran / July 27, 2019
“Ultimately the report that was tabled in Parliament had no owner. How can a constitutional reform process succeed when nobody takes responsibility for the drafts that are tabled in Parliament? “
This happened, when Old King, in behalf of GLP’s party (, the Slap Party) went out of way and creating a racial tension in LG election. Ampari and Digana riots broke out of these speeches. Ranil cares about Muslims. So UNP shrank back to shell, or even it openly participated in the September Coup with Old Royals. Again, GLP should read Sampanthar’s speech in the parliament right after the LG election to understand how Old King planned and staged these games.
“We are resolutely opposed to the draft constitution that was presented to Parliament by the Prime Minister. It would have had the effect of dividing Sri Lanka into nine semi -independent states. “ Tamils are not worried how Sinhalese wanted to divide the country; Nine or 26 or 346. It was JR’s ( and Old King’s 13+)idea to divide into nine under 13A. Tamils just want their land in one unit. If that is not working out, hereafter Tamil will join Muslims to manage the Sinhala Governments. Hezbollah has already challenged if any one of Sinhala Parties can become EP without Muslims, they should do and show him. Tamils are with Hezbollah on that. That means no SLFP or Slap Party member can’t become an EP, hereafter.
“After the 2018 February local government elections, even those who participated in introducing that new elections system are now opposed to it. We are completely opposed to the introduction of that unworkable system at the Parliamentary level as well. “ I don’t get what is GLP’s point is here. It was SLFP and UNP (there is no Slap Party MPs in Parliament) brought the election law. Now UNP MPs who lead that don’t want that law. Then what the heck GLP imbecile is talking on that? Without any points, just Blaeh Blaeh?
Mallaiyuran / July 27, 2019
“ Even before the war ended, my government held elections to the Eastern Provincial Council in 2008 and give the people of that province their democratic rights. In 2013, we held elections in the North and for the first time established the Northern Provincial Council as well. The TNA in collaboration with the UNP has ensured that both Councils are now no longer operational. “
When Eastern side war was over, Old Royal split East and North and conducted election for Eastern Provincial Council, which (East) is not in 13A. That is a violation of 13A. TNA democratically protested election because Rapist Army and Pillaiyan were asked to lead the East. Pillaiyan latter blamed he was hired to finish off New King. He said he didn’t have the authority even to appoint a peon. But the 13A had given North East province Land and Police authority. Then North election was conducted 4 1/2 years after the war. Even that happened because Manmohan Singh had broken all relationship with Old King. That time, until Manmohan Singh put full pressure, Nimal Sri Pala de Silva was working on abolishing the 13A under a Presidential Commission. . GLP should ask Old King what happened to grand drinking party set up in Waldorf Astoria, New York Hotel. Other than Ahmadinejad, Nobody, including Manmohan Singh went even to part hall door.
“Supreme Court also could not be moved to verify the constitutionality of the reforms “ All the problem here is only the worry of Mokan Pries is no longer there. He gave a verdict in Nirmalarupan’s murder in hospital that Tamils have no fundamental rights to know anything about how he was killed in the hospital. But in regard to 19A, CJ Sri Pavan had given his opinion – verdict. Imbecile GLP cannot read it and understand the SC justices’ verdict. Nobody can do anything for that.
Mallaiyuran / July 27, 2019
“Due to the atmosphere of mistrust that the conduct of the government has brought about, the opposition cannot collaborate in any constitutional reform process with this government.
Those who genuinely wish to see constitutional reform taking place in this country can join hands with us at that stage. “
When Old King was running away from Temple Tree House, Ranil went there and promised to save that family from all criminal accusation even the about the one in Expert Panels’ report (Ranil calls it Darusman report). Media reported as this happened in Jan. 9th 2015 morning. Further Media was reporting Ranil was aware of a Coup that was progressing that morning. Ranil did in all the promises is protection criminals like “No leader, No Commander, No Soldier will be prosecuted” , In that atmosphere what was the conduct of Ranil broke the trust between the criminals and the government? Opposition never cooperated with the government in Tamils matter from 1948. That is why Sate US State Secretary had forced to form a Unity Government. Then they offered all support to arrest the criminal. But the crooks cheated as soon as he ended his term and went home. The referendum is not about holding one. But getting it won in the Sinhala side satisfactorily to Tamils. Otherwise international countries have to start to recognize Tamils’ self-determination rights. All war criminal’s whose names were mentioned in OISL report must be taken to Hague and prosecuted and sent to UN electric Chair, whom all are found guilty.
chiv / July 27, 2019
There is pictures of MS/MR together in today Daily Mirror worth of thousand facts. Lankans are fooled otherwise . MS/MR are together in taking the country down back to white van days. When MR is complaining of a eleventh hour attempt by government, he him self with MS put every hurdle in blocking reforms. Hence MS had to lie about not receiving recommendations from Jeyampathy, , which he did in front of his own party members. In the MR goes around calling , every one cunning except his family and self.