15 January, 2025


Declare A General Pardon To All Dissident Karu Tells Ranil

Issuing a much needed call for party unity, the former Deputy Leader of the United National Party Karu Jayasuriya urged the leadership to declare a general pardon to all dissident members and strive to end internecine fighting that was weakening the main opposition politically.

Jayasuriya who has been a consistent proponent of the UNP pulling together in order to be a credible and forceful opposition against the incumbent Rajapaksa administration, delivered a special message to UNP Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe during a news conference today.

“We must defeat attempts by the Government to destroy the UNP,” Jayasuriya charged. “This party must stop fighting internally and join hands to fight for the cause of democracy on behalf of the people of Sri Lanka,” he said.

Dismissing a need to be given a position in order to work for the UNP with dedication, Jayasuriya urged Wickremesinghe to drop all disciplinary inquiries against dissidents accused of violating party directives and regulations.

“If necessary declare a common amnesty and go forward uniting all. If we can unite as a party, then we can unite the opposition,” he emphasised.

Recalling the UNP’s glory days, Jayasuriya said that with the party’s Jana Bala Meheyuma of 2000, the party then in opposition had been able to force the Kumaratunga regime out of power.

“If we can do such a thing today, we will be doing a great service and justice to the country and the people,” he said.

As a senior member, Jayasuriya said he would not impose conditions on the party leadership but would remain a loyal worker for the UNP.

“The United National Party is not a party owned by Ranil Wickremesinghe, Sajith Premadasa or myself. I don’t need positions to work as a loyal member of this party,” he explained.

Rapprochement talks have commenced between the UNP Leadership and several dissident factions within the party in order to put up an united front ahead of the upcoming provincial polls. Accordingly the disciplinary inquiries against UNP MPs Palitha Range Bandara and Asoka Abeysinghe were dropped by the party leadership this week. Bandara and Abeysinghe were being investigated for violating party regulations when they attended a Sarath Fonseka backed rally late last year against a party directive.

Moves are underway to mend the Wickremesinghe-Jayasuriya relations that have been somewhat strained ever since the latter challenged the UNP leader to a leadership battle in December 2011, party sources said. Jayasuriya once defeated lost his place as the party’s deputy leader and was never reinstated in the UNP Working Committee, its apex decision making body.

Latest comments

  • 0

    Good move.Ranil with the inefficient members. Ranil must grant the deputy leadership to Karu, if united no game with rajapase family business. Unite with the Gen. Fonseka also.People need this. JR took assistance as premadasa for his weak area covered by him,

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      • 0

        yes he had betrayed not once but twice. However the present move is a crying need at te present time

  • 0

    For the sake of our beloved mother Lanka why not abandon Ranil and form a common Opposition to save the Country? We all know that UNP has no chance as long as the Joker Ranil remain the Leader.

    • 0

      Agree with you Nimal!
      What I do not understand is why the likes of Karu, Sajith …. did not form a eg; NUNP (New United National Party)instead of letting the members join the Govt just because of Ranils dictatorial attitide!
      Its time Mr Wikremasinghe stepped down from his cloud of dreams and let the younger generation work towards elevating this country from the hell hole we are in!

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    I don’t see the use of pardoning the departed. Why not try and attract fresh talent — look at what TNA did and learn!!

    • 0

      I think what you have suggested need some reconsideration which will be in the best interests of the UNP.

  • 0

    No future for U.N.P. under the leader ship of Ranil. leadership must change otherwise next election also same result. we don’t know why the Sajith and the young elephants are silence.forming a new party is only supporting the government ruling party. we learned from past. dissidents form D.U.N.F. and divide the party and give the way easy to Chandrika. only way is kick off Ranil and his henchman from the party and reform the party with new young elephants. U.N.P.ers ready to march for the victory of the party but not with Ranil. now people are talking about the leaders like Premadasa.Gamini,Lalith,no one talking Ranil.every one asking Ranil to go. if Ranil want to do any thing good for the party the best thing is leave the party alone. every one pray for their leader for a long life but here every one want to see the death of the leader. every one know that Ranil wont go till he die.we cant change the leader but we can pray him for peaceful death as soon before next defeat of U.N.P.

    • 0

      Excellent Mohamed, displaying your stupid mind set. So you pray and pray to Allah for Ranil to die. What a JOKER you and your Allah are. Not only you, even Killi Mahendran of Maharajah & Company, who started this campaign of attacking Ranil to be removed, when RW did not oblige his request for Two Ministerial Portfolios to benefit his Organization was denied. Similarly you also must be lining up the Sajiths, Karus, Dayasiris, Rosies, et al to replace Ranil expecting to benefit when the UNP returns, since RW will not oblige individuals, other than doing something for the whole country. So Ranil Wickremasinghe is bad for you buggers. Mohamed what is your line of business? There was another Mohamed in this blog then, claiming to be a great UNPer in the past, who hated Ranil as he did not benefit. He was unable to say what his honest business was?

      • 0

        Gamini, You seem to be having access to some of my emails??? That is OK by me.

        Snakes and traitors should be kicked out of the party is my advise to the UNP….

        I agree with Gamini’s comments.

    • 0

      Premadas Gamini lalith were leaders at different era . Had they lived there approach at the current era will be same as Ranil

    • 0

      I don’t know if you are a Muslim as you appear in Muslim
      name.As this is a month of fasting which is so special for
      Muslims,in no way one can,let alone pray,even think of
      any harm comes to any creature.If you are genuinely a
      Muslim then an apology is the least remedy I advise.And
      remember,he’s a leader.It’s disgusting to read this type of
      comments.Please take your words back.

  • 0

    People that grieve the loss of that young boy – speak out. The translation of below audio tape can be a great evidence for CW summit participants to rethink about the HR state of the


    The particular police officer, A Senanayake has guts to speak the truth – GOTABAYA has commanded army to go against unarmed civilians. Defence secretary has no mercy when it goes to attack own folks – in 2009 they were tamil srilankens, in this incident – they are sinhala srilankens. These villagers insist that MR regime has not saved the nation as they boast of, rather they have killed the innocent civilians in the heavy battle at the end of the war in 2009.

  • 0

    Dr Karu Jayasuriya must again appoint as Deputy Leader of UNP.
    No doubt UNP win again by election 2015.

  • 0

    Let alone the country even a family to be successful there should be discipline. One can see the discipline of the MR regime. MR is unable to take action against his Ministers who are involved in murder, rape and robbery of public funds much against the wishes of the public. Therefore imagine if Ranil is placed in a similar situation what benefit the society will have unable to uphold Law and Order as is the case now. Hence all the critics of RW should understand that the path he has undertaken, maintaining discipline in the UNP, is for the greater good of the country and not for his own or his family. I am for a general pardon, but the dissidents and every one else must remember there is one Captain and all cannot be Captains if we are to defeat this cesspit of Corruption MR.

    • 0

      Are you living on planet earth when you say:
      MR is unable to take action against his Ministers who are involved in murder, rape and robbery of public funds much against the wishes of the public.
      MR is not unable to take action because he and his family are the one directing the killers, thieves and thugs!

  • 0

    Pre 77,JR got Premedasa as deputy leader as he was grass roots popular,great oratorical skills kept Gamini and Lalith in check,really knew to give best man for the job united the party and won handsomely,these and more are not what we should say but known already by RW and his circle.
    Do same with present UNP’ers,make peace with all past and present,give hope,confidence to rank n file and go forward.Weliveriya is yet another blatant abuse of power and Hayleys too should be blamed for the deaths.

  • 0

    Yes! NUNP is the only way forward!!!!

  • 0

    So Karu has a one man press conference and tells Ranil to stop disciplinary inquiries against members who violated party rules! He also wants all such members to be pardoned. Is the UNP to be run as a disciplined party with rules that need to be followed or a party of wild jackasses who can go off and do what ever they please. A party where murderers are tolerated, a party where loosers with indebtedness of their own making are somehow provided free money? This is our collective disease where we cannot accept any decisions made by a party that does not go our way where we think it is our entitlement to live the high life and expect our fame to come to our assistance and be bailed out. Pure selfish self interest trumps party unity. For all of that there is the current GOV. Please go and join them. GROBER I say to all of you.

  • 0

    I meant GROBR (Good Riddance Of Bad Rubbish)

  • 0

    Well said Haramanis. The story is very
    right but old as the UNP is. Can RW
    ensure a disciplined and united party?
    If he can, he should show it. Of course,
    Karu and others, who are backstabbers,
    are snake under the grass for Ranil. He
    should be aware. RW should indeed resort
    to GROBR. Karu can go back, if he wants
    to. He betrayed RW. Now he has betrayed
    Sajith too. What a world and what a shame!!

  • 0

    It is like a meeting between Tom
    and Jerry. Nothing will come out.

    Another opportunity is missed by
    the opposition leader Ranil Wickremesinghe.

    He talks and talks about taking to the
    streets. Here is a good opportunity to
    speak for the people after the Weliweriya

    Is he worried? He thinks a statement, as mild
    as it could be, in Parliament would save the day
    for him. Probably he might plan an overseas
    holiday now that he has spoken.

    What a spineless leader of the opposition? What
    a spineless former deputy? He dropped Sajith and
    tried to go back to Ranil’s fold again and is
    paying the price. What an old fool he is!!!

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