By Dayan Jayatilleka –
The Gotabaya presidency has pressed the re-set button. The Aragalaya must do so too, or else it will be fighting with the old tactics against a target that has reconfigured.
‘The concrete analysis of the concrete situation’ is the heart of politics according to Lenin. There is a new situation or in Marxist terminology a new ‘conjuncture’ with a new balance of forces. Any party or formation which thinks strategically must grasp that fact and adapt to it in order to transform it.
With the appointment of Ranil as PM the administration will get some traction, some section of the people will cut it some slight slack, and the Aragalaya will find that it does not enjoy the same near-universality of support it did. Quite a few sympathizers of the Aragalaya may move to the neutral or let’s wait and see column. The reason is that the target profile of the enemy has changed: it’s no longer Gota plus Mahinda. It is no longer an overt Rajapaksa family regime. It is no longer top-heavy with Rajapaksas.
If Gotabaya’s re-set project fails, it doesn’t mean the Aragalaya succeeds. The next move may be an outright military junta with or without Gota, and as several public opinion polls show, though few people support military rule, most people are pro-military. Outright military rule is not the only option. There could be a civilian-military rule with the military chairing the political negotiations which Gota is now chairing. The behaviour of the political parties maybe quite different then, and in any case as in the Pakistan of old, the military may regulate and restructure the political-governmental space. I doubt that the Aragalaya leaders are aware that things are not back-and white and there are varieties of “intermediate regimes” (Michael Kalecki).
Antonio Gramsci, the founder of a Marxist political science and one of the greatest political scientists ever, rejected Trotsky’s approach (unfairly says Perry Anderson) as “the theorist of frontal assault at a time the balance of forces is such that it could only lead to failure”. Whether or not it was accurate about Trotsky (unlike in Lenin’s case sometimes it was, sometimes it wasn’t, as far as I can tell), Gramsci’s point is valid.
When I hear a prominent Aragalaya youth leader talk about “street fighting” I recall Gramsci’s stricture. If students are shot by the Army it won’t mean the outbreak of the Revolution when it is a recomposed Government in office—and in any case the Army knows that riot-guns with birdshot have non-lethal results.
The slogan Gota Go Home remains valid but it cannot be fought for by the old methods of frontal assault. Gota will not go home and he cannot be sent home right now–not with the military backing him and a new PM bringing some degree of hope. Gota Go Home must be recalibrated, not as an event but as a process of transition. As Gramsci famously said, it must not be a strategy of frontal assault but a war of position, of attrition.
The Aragalaya made a big mistake. It had won a major strategic battle by mid-day on May 9th when it beat back the Mahinda mob and prevailed politically with the resignation of Mahinda Rajapaksa. History may record that this was the highest point of the Aragalaya as it had evolved from the Mirihana uprising of March 31st.
The strategic blunder began after that victory of mid-day May 9th. That was the lethal character of the mob violence that caused 9 fatalities and injured Kumar Welgama, the first anti-Gotabaya politician, as well. It is not that the Aragalaya perpetrated that violence but it did not condemn it though there was real time social media and mass media coverage available to it. Today is May 15th and the condemnation is yet to be heard.
The strategic blunder was consummated on the night of May 9th into the early morning of May 10th with the mob violence outside Temple Trees, the successful attempt to break through the gates and enter the premises. Fires were also started by the attackers. The attack started after dusk and went on till pre-dawn the next day. There was plenty of coverage on TV news and social media. Given the bloodthirsty rage of the crowd there was no doubt that the former President and Prime Minister would have been lynched, together with his family. The Aragalaya leaders and the political party leaders associated with the Aragalaya failed to call for restraint. They have still not condemned the incident.
The result of the attempted lynching of Mahinda Rajapaksa was that it gave the military the chance to intervene and a legitimate reason to do so. The Anti-Hijacking and Hostage Rescue Unit of the Commando regiment effectively held the line and performed the rescue. By the morning of May 10th 2022, we were in a different territory. The military had been infused into the situation and the Army Commander’s remarks were determined yet serious. The military was in the game and the power-equation.
This also stiffened the back of the Gotabaya presidency, but it did so without causing either him or the military to sound like there had been a shift to military rule, because that is not what has happened. Addressing the nation, he didn’t sound more autocratic than before nor did he come across as quite as insensitively autocratic as he used to be. The Aragalaya had clearly shaken him but not enough to leave; only enough to make him more flexible when earlier he was totally inflexible.
What has happened is that Gotabaya now has both a stick and a carrot.
The stick is the military and the Police backstopped by the military. The real center of gravity of power for the moment is the Ministry of Defence (MoD).
The carrot is a recomposed Government and a set of reforms which include a partial presidential retreat. Gota has publicly promised the repeal of 20A and the return of 19A, also indicating that the door and the road were open for the abolition of the executive presidency. The Opposition must relentlessly push him on that.
As Nicos Poulantzas, the most famous Marxist political scientist since Antonio Gramsci pointed out, the state apparatuses are not a monolith; they are cross-cut with contradictions, are porous and permeable. Democrats fighting against dictatorships should aim at working those contradictions and shifting the lines of force within the state. This is the strategy that was successfully adopted by the Spanish Communists led by Santiago Carrillo.
That is why I advocated that the SJB to take the space available and use the 19th amendment to shift the balance of power. I urged that the SJB to operate as a pincer with the Aragalaya and penetrate the system, get its hands on the levers of power.
What then is the path to victory for the Aragalaya and the Opposition? Lenin provides an answer in Leftwing Communism: An Infantile Disorder. The masses must learn by their very own experience, of the correctness of the vanguard party’s slogans, which must be calibrated according to each stage of the mass consciousness. Therefore, the Aragalaya and Opposition strategy has to be two-fold:
Firstly, though the Aragalaya may be difficult to broaden and may lose some of its breadth, it can be deepened, by resisting unfair economic hardships caused by creditor-and-IMF driven cutbacks and launching new waves of struggle.
Secondly, change the main slogan of the Aragalaya to that which was raised by Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa on March 15th 2022 during the first demonstration at the Presidential Secretariat, and recently renewed in modified form by the smartest strategic mind of the pro-Aragalaya Left today, KD Lal Kantha of the JVP: demand EARLY ELECTIONS. Of course, with Gota still around, with or without the 20th amendment, that has to include Presidential elections too. In 1988-89, with two civil wars raging and foreign troops on our soil, we had several rounds of Provincial Council elections followed by Presidential and Parliamentary elections. Both Presidential and Parliamentary elections can and must be held within this year.
RBH59 / May 15, 2022
Aragalaya means it has its condition to consider it is part of the solution not part of the problem it is not a victory request basic need of people
US past president Obama said when people went to moon first no one had experiance but they suceeded and Obama without any experience ruled 2 terms apoint a new one same example like US, and follow transperancy & rule of law and Make people to do great things
old codger / May 15, 2022
“Firstly, though the Aragalaya may be difficult to broaden and may lose some of its breadth, it can be deepened, by resisting unfair economic hardships caused by creditor-and-IMF driven cutbacks and launching new waves of struggle.”
Really? What is Dr DJ suggesting, in his smokescreen of pseudo-Marxist rhetoric?
There is no fuel . Hydropower will last only as long as the rain. Food has to be imported, thanks to Gota’s stupid fertilizer ban. How is the Aragalaya supposed to resist? By refusing to buy food or fuel ? By refusing to pay enhanced taxes? Or by starting another orgy of looting and arson? What will either solve?
Dr DJ should tell us precisely what he means.
Soundra / May 15, 2022
Now, When the nation is in the state of uncertainity the Indians are trying a master stroke to turn the attention of the people. They have invented a novel idea to help the Rajapaksa dynasty resurrectiong an LTTE theory.
I know people will not buy into it. Indians once nurtured this terrorist outfit, trained them armed them until the assasination of Rajiv Gandhi.
Now they are just meddling in the affairs of Sri Lanka in order to divert the attention of the demonstrators so that there will be mayhem in the country that would give breathing space to these Rajapakse goons.
I am sure we Sri Lankans are smarter than these Indian goons.
Do not fall for this new invention my countrymen.
Ajith / May 15, 2022
“They have invented a novel idea to help the Rajapaksa dynasty resurrectiong an LTTE theory.I know people will not buy into it.”
Don’t assume that the people will not buy it. They have to buy it. You should not forget that Easter Bombing. You may still think it is the work of Muslim Terrorists and you may think Indian intelligence was wrong but it happened. All Muslim Terrorists suicide bombers and they were killed. None survived but over 250 killed. Over 500 injured. Most of the Sinhalese believed that it is Islamic Terrorism. Do we know all the facts? There are people within Tamils who can be hired or volunteered by the Ruling regime to complete another massive Bomb blast which might bring back the strong man group again. Sinhala masses are lving under fear for nearly 70 years and the Power will not allow them to realise the truth.
Soundra / May 15, 2022
Yeah you are right. People with low IQ and those who are pandering to the Rajapakses will not understand what I am trying to highlight.
We are living in a world with such people.
How sad it is.
SJ / May 16, 2022
“You may still think it is the work of Muslim Terrorists and you may think Indian intelligence was wrong but it happened. “
A, do you suggest that it was not Muslim terrorists?
What do you think was suggested by Indian intelligence: It was the work of Muslim terrorists OR not the work of Muslim terrorists?
Ajith / May 16, 2022
I understand that on 13th Hindu reported citing Indian intelligence that LTTE is regrouping to launch an attack in Sri Lanka after the Prime Minister resignation followed by violence in the South. Similar Indian inteligence warning also came and The Easter Bombing happend in between the removal of Prime Minister Mahinda and Presidential election in 2020. Both Indian intelligence warnings came at a time when Rajapaksa family facing problems in politics. It is true that Muslims were involved in the Easter Bombing but some reports suggest that the bombers are very familiar or close to Rajapaksas and some suggest they were in the paylist of them. They carried out bombing so they are Terrorists but did they do on behalf of a International Terrorist organisation or internal Terrorist organisation is questionable. Why cannot happen with the recent warning?
SJ / May 17, 2022
Please do not go at a tangent as usual.
“What do you think was suggested by Indian intelligence: It was the work of Muslim terrorists OR not the work of Muslim terrorists?”
The question arose from what you said.
Why cannot you answer it straight?
SJ / May 16, 2022
“Sinhala masses are lving under fear for nearly 70 years and the Power will not allow them to realise the truth.”
How is one so sure?
Were/are the Tamils any braver? The Muslims? The Hill Country Tamils?
For whatever is worth, it is predominantly the Sinhalese out on the street.
They protested against fertilizer ban as well.
Ajith / May 16, 2022
I am not saying Tamils, Muslims or Hill Country Tamils are braver than Sinhalese. I am saying that Sinhalese Politicians made to believe that Tamils and Muslims are danger to Sinhalese and Rajapaksas also used that fear to come back to power and once they may come back again.
SJ / May 17, 2022
You keep making sweeping statement attacking whole populations.
I only commented on the absurdity of one such.
I did not accuse you of saying anything that you have not said.
I would rather that we stuck to the subject.
Soundra / May 18, 2022
You are absolutely correct. Where on earth did Sinhalese live in fear except the whole Sri Lankan population during 1983-2009 era?
Every Government since independence were marginalising all the minorities which also includes people who are not followers of Buddhism.
This is a fact. No one can deny that.
VanguardII / May 17, 2022
Sinhala masses not knowing the truth voted in Gotabaya , that is what you are saying right? So these Sinhala masses not knowing the truth will vote in exactly who?
They not knowing the truth voted in Sirisena – and Ranil W.
Truth and Sinhala masses are enemies – are you saying the Sinhala people are fools, like they say in their own language?
Jit / May 15, 2022
“………..With the appointment of Ranil as PM the administration will get some traction, some section of the people will cut it some slight slack, and the Aragalaya will find that it does not enjoy the same near-universality of support it did. Quite a few sympathizers of the Aragalaya may move to the neutral or let’s wait and see column………….”
DJ, I dont like your politics ……but endorse that comment 100%
People will wait as RW the ‘economic whizkid’ will get the rich countries +India to deliver gas, petrol, flour, parippu, ….oh the list is too long…
I pity the ambitions of the people….but this IS A TRAP…..!!!
Ranil cometh as the savior of the country/economy….but in true sense he is saving the R gang as well……He will divert people’s anger towards the Indian ocean and start an exit plan for those world class rogues with no punishment…
That is what happened in 2015 !! He asked Dilki to resign from the Bribery Commission so that R gang will be safer…..
History will repeat …again and again…..if RW has a grip on it…!!!
old codger / May 15, 2022
It wasn’t Ranil that forced Dilki to resign, it was Sirisena. As early as 2016, he was already plotting with the Rajapaksas. Also, don’t forget Wijedasa Rajapaksa’s role in the Avant Garde case.
Give credit where it’s due.
Jit / May 16, 2022
OC, the story I heard is, Ranil was the one who requested her resignation under pressure from Rajapaksha gang. It may have come from Sirisena or Rajapaksha camp, but the final request had come from Ranil for whatever the reasons. Why didnt he defied the president then if he was so clean?? Then who ordered to release Weerawansha when he got caught with 2 passports? I was in Colombo late 2014 campaigning five weeks for a friend who had strong connections with yahapalanaya pioneers. We mingled with many in the movement, so I know how dedicated heaps of people both from the right and left were determined to pack the R gang for good and see the dawn of a cleaner governance. They all wanted R gang to be punished and they trusted Ranil to do that than Sirisena! Ranil knew those aspirations very well. People achieved the win in Jan 2015 but did Ranil do the NEEDFUL to sustain that win? Sirisena was bought in by R gang early on but if Ranil came out and told the country the truth, people would support him unconditionally!! Fake bond scam? Easter attacks?? He could have defended those quite effectively – but didn’t!! Why did he keep mum???
old codger / May 16, 2022
“Fake bond scam? Easter attacks?? He could have defended those quite effectively – but didn’t!! Why did he keep mum???”
Ranil’s major problem is his supine attitude to criticism.About the bond scam, he did say that if he explained it, nobody would understand because it is complicated. That created the opening for opportunists to make all sorts of ludicrous estimates of a “loss”. So far, not a single “expert” on CT has produced detailed figures. A couple have said they don’t have the time! I threw an open challenge 4 years ago.
“Why didnt he defied the president then if he was so clean?” Politics is the art of the possible. Probably the Snake Maithri threatened political consequences.
Weerawansa was only bailed out. He was finally released by Gota. You must also remember that DIG Vaas Gunawardena, Duminda Silva and Sgt Ratnayaka were all given death sentences under Ranil’s governance. Remember who released two of the above murderers?
Idealism is fine, but nobody is perfect. Ranil also got Ravi K to resign when he got caught for bribery.
leelagemalli / May 16, 2022
WIth all what you added being the truth, however, who sacked that IRON LADY – Dirukshi Wickramasinghe within an overnight ?
RR was sent to jail, by prevailing law in SL, but those like RAJAPAKSHES that violate the law from dawn to dusk to allow to fire the livelyhood of the people ?
Anarchy is partly governing in our hell – curse should go to BPs born to DA Rajapakshe cave.
Was it not singlehandely done by THIRISAN BALLAHA Sirisena ?
I am not supporting anyone, but SIRISERNA should be made respoinsible for all the mess, not to have punished RAJAPAKSHES….. by Oct 2018 he proved it as no others having created that 52 day short lived govt. My wife was in SL, but I could not believe the message she sent to me on that highly controversal step taken by BP Sirisena:
Not those men in regional levels, but SOYRSENA, Mahinda, Gota, Kaputas, and all should have been burnted down long ago… if done so, things would have been much nicer for us the public, as of today.
grconstantine / May 15, 2022
DJ makes sense.
The political dynamics in our country has drastically changed. The political situation that has emerged in the last 2 months is something that has never been seen in Sri Lankan politics before. This change became noticeable with the start of the Galle Face struggle. Our entire political dynamics is happening between the two polarized groups, on one side is the politicians and on the other is the civil society. The civil society politics is driven mainly by the youth, especially from the Galle Face and other protest sites. Whereas the politicians are engaged in their conventional party politicking without realizing that they are responding to the mass protest.
During the last 30 to 40 days the civil society with the leadership of the youth has clearly established their power over the conventional politicians. This has made politicians virtually helpless. The cabinet reshuffle, stepping down of the prime minister and the dissolution of the cabinet are major achievements of this youth driven civil protest. For the first time in the Sri Lankan history this mass uprising has made even the religious leaders from all sects to step out and show their solidarity with the masses . One thing is very clear, though the slogans in this protest are mainly addressed towards the president and the prime minister, there is a general disillusionment about the present political system.
Champa / May 15, 2022
One-seat Party leader Ranil Wickremasinghe’s appointment as the Prime Minister is illegal, unconstitutional and criminal.
As I said, ultimately the Sinhalese Buddhists were taken for a ride! The well known American
bootlicker has been appointed as the PM again!
This is the same Prime Minister who looted the Central Bank in 2015.
This is the same Prime Minister who didn’t take any action until nine Muslim suicide bombers killed innocent people in six locations. Had he imposed curfew when the first suicide bomber blasted himself at a church, hundreds of lives could have been saved.
This is the same Prime Minister who tried to introduce a Federal Constitution to divide Sri Lanka.
This is the same Prime Minister who tried to sell the country to the US for US$ 500 million.
This is the same Prime Minister who sold national assets for pittance.
This is the same Prime Minister who denied the rights of the Buddhists. Do you remember, he even tried to loot the temple Pin Ketaya (Charity Box).
Hold on, I have a long list. We fought against Ranil-Maithri slave government for 5 years! This country is run by traitors, looters and criminals who are supposed to be in jail!
old codger / May 15, 2022
“This is the same Prime Minister who tried to sell the country to the US for US$ 500 million.”
Don’t you think that would have been a good deal, considering that the Treasury is down to zero dollars now?
Native Vedda / May 16, 2022
old codger
Champa has a huge problem.
All her lover boys including Weerawansa are in hiding.
Chapa forgets it was her hero Gota who signed two documents with Uncle Sam, respectively Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement and Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA).
What can we do?
Champa / May 16, 2022
Native Vedda
“The tongue of slander is too prompt with wanton malice to wound the stranger.” – Aeschylus
leelagemalli / May 16, 2022
In todays context, RAJAPAKSHES would be ready to sell even ” Shiranthi; Anoma and all other wives of them” if DOLLARs would be gained instead.
Champa being a brain dead person, I dont care what the poor woman is adding here.
Her thoughts are twisted for some reasons. NCC would be welcome by very same BPs next days, if they would not find any straw to hang on…
Free fall of the country is nearing…. the scenes of dead bodies of people not having essential foods and medicine – will be inevitable. Aljaseera and all other foreign TV channels worry that much about the future of the country, IRONICALLY our bps would not even know the gravity of the DANGEROUS situation before the nation.
Like or not, believe or not, now we are on the edge of a precipice- any support should be welcome…. but who would be ready to support ?
China ?
Champa / May 16, 2022
old codger
You have no idea what you are talking about.
I can confirm with absolute certainty that under the guise of a US$ 500 million MCC project, the US tried to open a bioweapon laboratory in Sri Lanka when Ranil’s slave government was in power.
Since 2017, I have written over 400 comments against the US’s MCC project. I couldn’t figure out the reason for the US seeking 1.2 million acres of land covering ancient Buddhist sacred pilgrimage cities in Sri Lanka FOR 200 YEARS. Then, a document prepared by the slave government stated that “a reasonably higher share of the FUTURE POPULATION (approximately 35-40%) of Sri Lanka will be settled in lands proposed in the MCC agreement.” I was very suspicious. I knew the US planned to build a military base, but their choice of location, where hundreds of thousands Sinhalese Buddhists gather on full moon poya days, didn’t make sense. Then, they wanted “diplomatic immunity” for visiting US military personnel. It was obvious that they planned to carry out some secret project. At the time, I was unaware of bioweapon laboratories. I learnt about Pentagon-funded bioweapon laboratories only after Russia’s revelations at the UN.
Mahila / May 16, 2022
“This country is run by traitors, looters and criminals who are supposed to be in jail!”
Are you for real??
Are you fully aware, what is happening in Sri Lanka??
Starvation, Queues?
Prices escalated from 50% to 250% on essentials?
Families unable to have 3 square meals, or even i when you are nicely chomping away on whatever you can lay your hands??
Your dream boy Maestro, mismanaged2.5 years andgot his Goons to thrash, wholesale families silently and peacefully protesting the hardship being encountered dueto mismanagement??!!
Get real and see the reality??!!
Otherwise, there is no better fool than you?
Working for your ill-found pay master!!
old codger / May 16, 2022
You can’t argue logically with Champa. She lives in a world where Lord Buddha was born in Mahiyangana, Ravana invented everything worth inventing, and she is a Russian re-born as a Sinhala Buddhist.
Mahila, please don’t endanger your sanity.
Champa / May 17, 2022
old coder
Of course, all Buddhas were born in ancient Lanka. When translating our ancient history, British writers have changed our history with malicious intent. The story that the Sinhaese were descendants of Vijaya Hora who was said to have arrived from the Vanga kingdom was ‘invented’ by the British. I have proof. Even the Rama Sita fake story was changed. In the time of the Portuguese Ceylon, the villain who abducted Sita was Vishnu, and the God people worshiped was Rawana (I have a book where a Portuguese writer has mentioned this story.) In the time of the British Ceylon, Rawana became the villain and Vishnu became the God! British colonists transported all our palm leaf books written by Rawanas to India and created a fake history for India. There was no language called Sanskrit. Sanskrit is a form of a writing system where Sinhalese alphabet was used. Barbaric British Governors had erased all traces of Rawana civilization from our land. But, I have terrific news about Rawanas (plural – there have been 10 Rawanas).
Guys, Gayan, Asela, Mr. Tilak Kandegama, Asanga (Siyatha), our ancestors have been to Russia. They have left some ‘clues’. You don’t believe what I discovered.
Champa / May 17, 2022
old codger
“… a Russian reborn as a Sinhalese Buddhist…” So, you too believe in rebirth?
My ancestors have ‘marked’ a very special place in Russia which I believe is meant to be ‘activated’.
As for Russia’s security matters, blocking Ukraine’s access to Black Sea is the only way to discourage NATO. Anyway, Russia’s military operation is aimed at demilitarization and denazification in Ukraine. Confining Azov Nazis to a bunker marked the liberation of Mariupol. I am happy to note that President Vladimir Putin has taken action to look into healthcare and social issues in the region.
As regards the latest news on the conflict, I highly admire President Vladimir Putin’s unhurried, smart reaction to the decision of Finland and Sweden joining NATO, which I am sure was a great disappointment to Britain. NATO has two heads (the US and Britain) and many ‘tails’. The two heads spread Russophobia among European countries with an aim to create conflict and destroy the continent. They even persuade neutral countries to become ‘tails’ by assuring them with weapons, intelligence and troops to challenge Russia, knowing fully well that ultimately it is the ‘tails’ which will be destroyed.
SJ / May 17, 2022
“NATO has two heads”
You probably have double vision.
Go to the nearest ophthalmologist.
Champa / May 17, 2022
old codger
Now that you have brought up the subject, I thought I should write more about Finland and Sweden’s bid to join NATO. After Finnish President had a telephone conversation with President Putin, the former gave an interview and he didn’t look confident. In any case, President Putin has already warned Britain. I thought Russia had only one Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) until I saw their victory parade!!! Well, I can’t stop President Putin. I can only warn others. I checked the Scandinavia map with one eye closed and saw a perfect straight line for an ICBM through Finland, Sweden, Norway (will be caught in between) and Britain! How long will it take? Only 7.5 minutes!
I most sincerely urge President Putin, oh, I saw you at the CTSO meeting. You looked so confident and relaxed. How could you be so relaxed when you are threatened by 30 countries? Does that mean you have already made a decision?
old codger / May 19, 2022
I may have broached the subject, but I wasn’t expecting verbal diarrhoea. Please take your pills regularly.
Mahila / May 16, 2022
(Part I)
Your reference,
1. One-seat Party leader Ranil Wickremasinghe’s appointment as the Prime Minister is
a. Illegal,
b. Unconstitutional and
c. Criminal.
Please detail, which article of the constitution violated?? Political Bluff!!!
2. Sinhalese Buddhists were taken for a ride! How? Better than MaRa Hoodwink??!!
3. The well-known American bootlicker has been appointed as the PM again!
Is it worse than, the US citizen swearing allegiance to US constitution as Finance M?!
4. This is the same Prime Minister who looted the Central Bank in 2015.
a. What did he loot??
b. How much did he Loot??
c. Explain looting process of bonds?? (giving money to state?? Explain please)
5. This is same Prime Minister who didn’t take any action until nine Muslim suicide bombers killed innocent people in six locations.
6. Had he imposed curfew when the first suicide bomber blasted himself at a church, hundreds of lives could have been saved.
7. This is the same Prime Minister who tried to introduce a Federal Constitution to DIVIDE Sri Lanka.
a. Pray tell us and educate us,
– How USA federal state Nation is divided??!!
– How Switzerland a federated state Nation Republic is divided??!!
Mahila / May 16, 2022
(Part II)
– How The United Kingdom (UK) a federated ‘Kingdom’ is divided??!!
– Malaysia, a federated state Nation Republic is divided??!!
– Australia, a federated state Nation Republic is divided??!!
– India, a federated state Nation Republic is divided??!!
ALL LIVE IN COMPARATIVE AMITY THAN SL? Why they do not support your ill-found theory in practice???
Certainly, I am waiting patiently for your explanation, and I bet you have one, that is very convoluted I may find difficult to understand!
8. This is the same Prime Minister who tried to sell the country to the US for US$ 500 million.
a. Explain, how development attributed GRANT (not even loan) became SALE?
b. Misinformation by Pohottuwa 5th standard educated idiots to win Polls 2019!
9. This is the same Prime Minister who sold national assets for pittance
a. Please name one or two, which you have in mind??
b. For your emancipation and intellectual enhancement that was SLFP/SLPP!!
10. This is the same Prime Minister who denied the rights of the Buddhists. Do you remember, he even tried to LOOT THE TEMPLE PIN KETAYA (Charity Box).
a. Name Temple please? And
b. Information source validity?
c. Charity Commissioner?? Yes/No??
SJ / May 17, 2022
– How The United Kingdom (UK) a federated ‘Kingdom’ is divided??!!
– Malaysia, a federated state Nation Republic is divided??!!
– Australia, a federated state Nation Republic is divided??!!
– India, a federated state Nation Republic is divided??!!
Of the four only two are rederations
India is a UNION.
NONE a federation of nationalities.
Australia (like the US) addresses no national question by federation.
Malaysia was federated by bringing in former British colonies to ensure a certain ethnic majority. It quickly expelled Singapore. The federation is not based on the ethnic groups living there.
Mahila / May 16, 2022
(Part III)
Hold on, I have a long list.
11. We fought against Ranil-Maithri slave government for 5 years!
a. What did you fight for Starvation? or
b. 2meals instead of 3 per day?
c. shortages, of Gas, Fuel, electricity to cook?
d. Long queues due shortages, of essentials for day-to-day livelihood?
e. Human Rights abuses,
f. Pardoning and setting free murderers and Rapist into society, roam freely?
g. Even assault?
12. This country is run by
a. Traitors – who bribed LTTE withhold franchise of North Eastern votes 2005? Plane chartered free by LTTE Rump!!?? They are patriots?!!
b. Looters – You mean funds USD, shipped in “planeloads” to East Africa??
c. Criminals – which criminals??
– Murderers, released under Presidential Pardon
– Cases withdrawn by executive pressure on judiciary and AG?
– Who are supposed to be in jail! Name a few, all your favourites??!!
Simon / May 15, 2022
Dr. (?) DJ: You say in the article: ” Today is the May 15th and the condemnation is yet to be heard”. What a “Moron” (I am compelled to use that term) you are? Where were you living up till “May 15th”?
Beyond that sentence, I didn’t read the article. It was disgusting to read that statement from you.
ramona therese fernando / May 16, 2022
It will cost about 8.5 billion rupees to finance a general election. That is about US$24-million. Let there be a donation fund for this cause. Also appeal to places like IMF, ADB, World Bank to finance some of the costs in the interests of free and fair outcome that will be conducive to their business ventures.
srikrish / May 16, 2022
Dayan had made an about turn in some of his most uncompromised position
He was for years defending Executive Presidency as a bulwark/safety net against extensive power sharing leading to separatism.
Now he is comfortable with abolition of Executive Presidency with power sharing and return to Westminster type parliamentary system.
Dayan is always consistently inconsistent.
srikrish / May 16, 2022
First system changes and only then back to elections for democracy to flourish.
Economic collapse led to aragalaya and “Gota- Go Home” slogan in its literal interpretation is for mere regime change, but hidden, were systematic changes that punish the wrong doers and make far reaching constitutional and institutional level playing field.
Without these radical changes having elections will not change anything, but replaces one set of rogues with another set and history repeats..
VanguardII / May 17, 2022
For the record, Dayan has warned against restoring the parliamentary democracy.
In the early stages of the current President’s election campaign, he left the project due to differences of opinion, which is consistent upto now.
Politicians are thinking very short term, Sajith for example, while RW is having the medium term in mind.
VanguardII / May 17, 2022
Dear Dr. Dayan, once again a sterling attempt to lay out the current state of affairs – and you have succeeded. You have criticized both sides, very well, however there are some things you have missed. Mistakes were made by all, SJB, MR, (although MR is trying to show his power?)
This is the second time MR had to leave Temple Trees and be concerned for his safety. He must have been very concerned when Sarath Fonseka refused to accept the election results – remember that? The people of Sri Lanka have to sort out this pro- Mahinda Rajapaksa and Anti-Mahinda Rajapaksa thing, it is a swinging pendulum.
Firstly, do not mistake the JVP for the rabid mad dog that it is, if you watch carefully enough you can see the animal bare its fangs on Galle Face Green. Hopefully we have some sort of a defense against this thing.
Lester / May 19, 2022
I was the only one on this website to predict that the only serious threat to Gotha’s hegemony would be violent protests. My prediction was close. As soon as the protests became violent, MaRa resigned (voluntarily). I also said on this very forum, Raja clan might try to leave the country in the middle of the night. This may have gone through, had the SC not blocked it.
“Gota will not go home and he cannot be sent home right now–not with the military backing him and a new PM bringing some degree of hope.”
The first point is correct, the second is rather amusing. By replacing MaRa with RW, Gotha has strengthened his hand. MaRa was a moderating force, RW is a yes-man. A comparison to Churchill’s butler is more apt, given that support for RW in the Parliament (forget about the masses) is close to nought.
Keep in mind my next prediction: Long-term, Sri Lanka will have a Muslim President. LTTE killed off the Tamil intellectuals while Muslims wield significant economic and political clout. Short-term, expect a Raja dynasty.
leelagemalli / May 19, 2022
How come you, LESTER, the most known backpleaser of Rajapakshes, are still alive ?
I thought you were among those who were thrown to Beira Lake lately.
Our fight will continue until MEDAMULANA meeharaka is imprisoned basta. Yesterday, he is said to have entered parliament, but Mahinda should be arrested for his vicious plan on the 9th. This man s true face is not yet clear to even his totally stupid wife. I had some respect to him being a human being, but last night 9th and the manner bps acted against our youth caused me to call the bugger et al as THIRISANNU without reservations.
Lester / May 19, 2022
Try again, Leela. The protests were good for Raja clan. They can gauge the weakness in the Opposition. While testing the loyalty of the military at the same time. Opposition could not even field a candidate for PM, what does that tell you? Some joker tried to sell the country to terrorists, now comparing himself to Churchill. Given a ceremonial position by his opponent to keep the West happy. This is the state of the “Opposition” or “Left” in the country. Raja bosses have to solve the energy issue, that is the main thing. With that, protests will go away.