15 January, 2025


Delays In Justice As A Major Cause Of Economic & Political Catastrophe

By Basil Fernando

Basil Fernando

Delays in justice as a key factor that destroyed the economic and political system.

Everybody’s talk during the last few months has been about the catastrophic economic crisis in the country and also the crisis of the political system. The link between the two has been well understood by everyone.

However, in the discussion of the causes, what is usually mentioned is about certain wrong decisions taken mainly by the present Government of Gotabaya Rajapaksa and also earlier decisions which were taken to borrow money without a proper system for regenerating income and paying back the loans. As that matter has been rightly discussed at length and has more or less been well understood in the country, it is also time to go into deeper factors which made the neglect of the economy and the political system so disastrous to the country.

It is about one such factor that this article deals with. Although it is one of the factors to the disaster we are dealing with in Sri Lanka, it is perhaps one of the most important factors which made the neglectful behaviour of those who managed the economy and the political system possible. This factor is the extraordinary delays in the delivery of justice in Sri Lanka.

Criminal Justice

The argument is not that there was a delay in dealing with commercial disputes mainly. It is the delays in the adjudication relating to criminal justice that is much more important. This needs to be understood if the required changes in order to overcome the present state of neglect in the management of the economy and also the bitterly criticized defects of the political system are to be dealt with in any significant manner.

Criminal justice does not merely apply to murders, theft, robbery, rape and the like. It is the operation of criminal justice that makes the environment for creating a proper management in all public institutions within a country. The system of punishment for the failure to carry out basic duties can only be created by a properly functioning criminal justice system. If a system of punishment does not exist for the criminal neglect of duties, the consequence is that the discipline within the public institutions will break down. That the discipline in all public institutions in Sri Lanka has broken down is a fact that everyone is complaining about not only in this critical time but also over a long period of time.

Impunity for Financial Crimes

Thus, impunity does not merely imply the failure to hold the culprit of a certain crime liable. In fact, it applies to the failure to hold all who are guilty of criminal neglect to be held liable.

While in Sri Lanka, criminal justice is an area that is very much limited to what we call ordinary crimes in developed economies, more emphasis is made on the crimes which are relating to finances and matters like corruption and the abuse of power. However, those who are responsible for such acts are not the ordinary people but mostly people who hold high positions and who belong to a different social status. Unfortunately, in Sri Lanka, the criminal justice system did not develop to hold those who are holding higher positions and also those who belong to more fortunate income routes to be brought under criminal justice except on very rare occasions. This limitation of the criminal justice system is one of the very important factors that have contributed to the breakdown of discipline within all public institutions.

There is an obvious reason as to why these persons from higher social status have been virtually left out of the purview of criminal justice. This is due to other things such as the ability of those who are more affluent to challenge any accusation brought against them by the use of their relatively stronger economic strength and also due to social influence. Sri Lanka’s criminal justice system is a very weak one. Its’ capacities for investigations are quite limited. Even from the point of view of training and also the facilities available for inquiries into more serious finance related crime is rather poor. Although modern technology has provided enormous possibilities for better investigations into financial crimes, this area of criminal investigations into finance related crimes has not received a priority within the policing system.

However, the greater cause for the inability to develop a proper criminal justice system lies in the displacement of the principle of the rule of law as the most important fundamental premise on which the entire criminal justice system should have been rooted. Particularly since the introduction of Republican Constitutions, the foundational notion of the rule of law has been displaced.

It is within this context that a highly confused system of criminal justice has developed in Sri Lanka. The major factor that helps the perpetuation of this weak and untrustworthy criminal justice system is the delays in justice. Through the manipulation of delays in justice, it is possible to derail any attempt to hold people liable for serious crimes in every area of life.

Impact On Public Institutions

Thus, delays in criminal justice are not merely a matter of inconvenience. It is a matter of the highest importance in order to maintain a properly functioning public institution which guarantees the possibility of having a credible system of managing an economy. It is also the precondition for holding those who are engaged in political life liable for any form of abuse of power or corruption.

In these times when the need for a system change has become a major demand, it is essential to consider not merely what outwardly appears as the most obvious economic issues and political system issues but it is also to connect these matters to the overall system within which the administration of justice completely rests. Overcoming the delays in justice is an essential ingredient for a proper functioning economic system as well as a political system.

Latest comments

  • 6

    Delays in the justice system are further complicated by the system of “Law Enforcement” comprising investigation, identification and presentation to/at the vast network of primary, civil and criminal courts of law..
    No case, criminal or civil in nature is heard without delay, due to the thousands of cases already pending in the courts.
    Cases are often postponed due to reasons of availability of judges and lawyers.
    Civil cases involving property disputes, take years to be heard and decided.

  • 18

    Dealays in Justice?? There is no bloody justice in this land whatsoever!!

    • 14


      “Dealays in Justice?? There is no bloody justice in this land whatsoever!!”

      It so happened Wijeyadasa Rajapakse was in Jaffna earlier today, (perhaps Saffron clad Batticaloa thug Ampitiye Sumane hiding behind his back) intent to ensure the missing person issue is made non issue.

      He is another Sinhala/Buddhist racist who is visiting North with the view to assure his Saffron supporters that he would take care of everything that is necessary to eliminate minority resistance, and facilitate land grabbing under various guise.

      He should find ways and means to feed the people rather than turning this island into a Sinhala/Buddhist ghetto.

      • 13


        Here is Wijedasa’s close association with saffron clad thugs:

        Justice minister and his secretary contradict each other : Wijedasa’s boorish conduct shakes judiciary to its foundation !

      • 6

        NV, Wijedasa is one of the most despicable characters SL politics ever produced!! His hideous character has no limits of shame, playing multiple faces with different regimes – all for personal gains. He is the one who started demolishing the Yahapalanaya while being a lead minister there, declaring that he will never file cases against ‘Ranaviru Rajapakshas”. He is also one very good analogy to show how rotten SL Buddhism is and the level it has gone down to!!

      • 2

        Native Vedda,
        “He should find ways and means to feed the people rather than turning this island into a Sinhala/Buddhist ghetto.”
        Sinhale, (until British changed to Ceylon) has been a Sinhala Buddhist country for thousands of years. Sinhale was changed to a Sinhala Buddhist ghetto by Dravidians (Demala), Portuguese, Dutch and British who colonized this country and oppressed indigenous Sinhala Buddhists. At the time Portuguese arrived in 1505, large majority of the inhabitants (98%) of this country were Sinhala Buddhists. Few Malabars (Tamils after 1911) who colonized Yapanaya after 13th Century were confined to Yapanaya peninsula. Few Dravida Muslims who came as refugees were confined to coastal areas. When these Muslims faced persecution by Portuguese, they were saved by Sinhala Buddhists and allowed to settle down in interior parts of the country.
        Dramatic change took place after colonial rulers converted Sinhala Buddhists and Demala Hindus to Christianity and bringing millions of Hindu Dravidians (Demala) as laborers from Hindusthan to work in their plantations.
        Attempts by indigenous Sinhala Buddhists to project this country as a ‘Sinhala Buddhist Country’ after independence is thwarted by anti-Sinhala Buddhist mafia.

        • 15


          Is there an address where Amazon can ship you a copy of “The Joy of Sex?”

          Or will ye read only the “Sinhala Buddhist” version of it?

          Like all the yellow robed priests, you have had a life of self-denial …….. and the frustration manifests in ……… causing problems/trouble for others. :))

          For once in your life, enjoy life buddy ……. or what’s left ….. :))

          • 6

            nimal fernando

            Where would he find a partner with all those negative vibration coming out of his bigoted head?

            Watch this link please:
            I found his honesty unusual for a leader and unbelievable.
            He said everything I want him to say in public.

            This man is the leader, He criticised his own party

            Please ask your mates to watch it.

          • 2

            “Is there an address where Amazon can ship you a copy of “The Joy of Sex?””
            Ah, but you underestimate our bird of prey. He did post a link on CT that led to one of those sites with disrobed ladies.
            Inadvertently, of course.

            • 2

              How do you think EE’s Sinhalayo increased and multiplied? Vegetative propagation?

              • 2


                People could still do it …… leaving the Joy out! :))

                I’m not trying to teach EE and his ilk how to do it …… but have joy while doing it.

                If not, the lack of joy clearly manifests in bitterness! :))

                Just have a mental picture …… EE going at it …….. :)))

                The bitterness and twisted-ness multiplies with the progeny ……

        • 3

          TUCO Eagle Eye

          Please provide reference to all your absurd claims.
          Don’t ask me to read Raj Somadeva, give us the name of the book, articles, source, page no, year of publication, state whether peer reviewed, …….
          Please avoid quoting from Champika, Udaya, Malinda, Channa, ……. ……… Darshanie Ratnawalli, Wimal, HLD M, Bandu (de Silva).

          One more thing, let us know when and whence exactly did your ancestors arrive on my ancestral land?

          By the way do you know who TUCO is?

        • 4


          You are totally stupid, living in denial, or your racial hatred prevents you from thinking rationally. Either way, you are pathetic. I am sure CT readers are familiar with your one sided views, so just shut the f**k up if you are unable to comment outside the box you live in. This is the 21st century & it is the 6.9m Sinhala Buddhist ‘patriots’ like you who are to be blamed for situation the country is in today.

          • 0

            “…or your racial hatred prevents you from thinking rationally. Either way, you are pathetic.”
            I replied to a statement made by Native Vedda using facts without attacking him personally. Like that, learn to attack or challenge the contents of my reply without attacking me personally. Then only we can have a meaningful debate on the issues that we deal with.
            The Comment Policy says:
            “1. We welcome debate and dissent, but personal attacks (on authors, other users or any individual), persistent trolling and mindless abuse will not be tolerated. The key to maintaining the website as an inviting space is to focus on intelligent discussion of topics.”
            I cannot understand why the Moderator allowed a personal attack like this. Need an apology.

            • 1

              I have little tolerance for racists & bigots, & only utter contempt for most current politicians, particularly, the hypercritical Bandaranakes & the Rajapakses, who have exploited the Sinhala Buddhist sentiments with folklore & unsubstantiated historical facts for their political gain but I find those considered as having some education unable to think critically & rationally, believing in this rhetoric & living in denial, as pathetic. This is the 21 st century & whether or not foreigners exploited SL or the ethnic minorities held back the Sinhalese is history but it is the current so called ‘patriots’ who are responsible for the backward economy of SL since independence. Your point of view has been repeated like an old record stuck in a groove & its not ‘meaningful debate’.

            • 3

              EE, you used facts or farts? It seems like you are ‘ALWAYS’ using farts!!

            • 3

              EE the dumbo, you want to have a meaningful debate? Hahahaha. We can have a meaningful debate when you have something with meaning written down. When you present your brain farts in words, then the same response is what is expected.

    • 9

      I am in full agreement with you.
      Sataka BPs and their crime records were btw public secret.
      Nevertheless, people got Rajapakshe penises tatooed on their chests.
      So how can anyone explain as to why people were misled again and again – Democracy restricts to elect them only. This is why I repeatedly say, not only politicians, but also the people are to be blamed. Yet today, not many would utter a single word against SATAKA Ballige puthas.

      • 11


        Seriously where are you?
        Do you want food, medicines, …. or not?
        We have just received another ship load of Food Aid, if you need any ration please knock your local handlers’ door.

        I have been telling you for donkey’s years, your cousins in Thamil Nadu are not bad people.

        • 1

          There were rumours, that he was found in Baira Lake in that dipping exercise.
          I really don t know whether it is truth.
          MaRa s men would take another few years to realize the gravity of the issues.

      • 6

        LM, ha..haa…I wonder whether that guy with MR tattoo in his arm is to be seen in the public these days…!!

        • 4

          Not just one, but many in villages were encouraged to tattoo his pic on their bodies. I wish I could know what went through their sutpid heads at the time, those buggers got MR’s pics tattooted on their body? Might have thought, MAHINDA Rajapakshe is the Führer as Derana/Hiru TV channels branded it.
          please discuss this with Kadamandiya community. We are interested in their thoughts today. Kahandagama family has promised, whoever whatever being said and done, their God would be Rajapakshes.

          Not stererotyping but our people (the average) are to be blamed. Once upon a time only, Ethiopians behaved so, but to everyone’s surprise, today Ethiopians are not against europeans. Markets are filled with vegetables and flowers imported from Ehtiopia.

    • 5

      Spot on Jit. It is not a delay but total absence of justice.

      The latest I heard was another political thug, Ranathunga, was sentenced to jail but sentence suspended. In such a scenario, any chance of him paying compensation the court has ordered? Immediately after the sentencing, he sits with pardoned murderers, thugs, drug barons, oligarchs & yobs in Parliament while an outspoken politician rots in jail for 6 yrs for commenting on the judiciary. With no law & order, nor justice, but blatant corruption at all levels of the govt., any wonder why the country is in such a mess?

    • 6


      Human Rights
      are not important in a world where SINHALA BUDDHIST MONKS (monkeys) (buddhagama Monks) are held as ” SHAKRAYAS aka almighty men”. No matter almost every buddagama temple is reported to be filled with paedophiles, cheevardhariyas (fake monks – in numbers 80% out of all monks in the country).

      See yet today, ATHANA METHANA RATHANA is roaming in the city, even if the racial attacks that were singlehandely generated by the bugger, destroyed Safi s family.. not just few days but 3 years. In a civilized world, they get just their deserts without delay… but in our hell… nohting seem to work cornering the high criminals.

      Kelaniya Rajamaha viharaya has turned out to be a brothel as of today – if anyone would against the truths – please come with facts…
      Going back to my childhood days, there was a saying – if you worship Kelaniya once, all sinns you accumulated over a period would be erased away… ඔබ වරක් කැලණිය විහාරස්ථානය වැඳපුදා ගත්තොත්, රැස් කරගත් සියලු පව් සෝදා හරිනු ඇත.
      Today, thanks to Rajapakshes, srilanken buddhism is tarnished as of today…

      • 4

        thanks to Rajapakshe politics, srilanken buddhism is tarnished today.

  • 9

    Basil Fernando commands respect as a writer. He writes well. Should that stop me poking at his thoughts.
    … This factor is the extraordinary delays in the delivery of justice in Sri Lanka, says he.
    Honestly, is delays the worst of our legal system? Tell me an instant where justice was served by our courts! Aren’t delays better than unjust rulings!!

    • 8

      Dear Nathan,
      What you say is true, but hasn’t this been gone over many times?
      Basil Fernando has started off from a point further on in this debate. He’s examining particular types of crime; those pertaining to what wealthy crooks and the top politicians in the country commit.
      The working of justice in these matters, for which all citizens pay by seeing their country ruined (whilst being unable to analyse matters for themselves), is such that before you catch these fellows, they are back in power, and now are trying to change the Constitution itself after it is patently clear that the people no longer approve of the government now in place.
      Since the basic points have been proved, we have to allow writers of this sort to proceed to the next level. We are delaying Basil, by dragging him back to what he assumes we have all agreed upon.

  • 10

    Some time back Anura Kumara Dissanayake of NPP said in public: ” The moment you know the name of the accused in a case, the verdict could easily be predicted”.

    Hasn’t that statement been proved with the so many cases against prominent politicians and bureaucrats being announced and said: “NIDOSKOTA NIDAHAS”. (Acquitted of all charges and Released) That is the “Justice System” we have in Sri Lanka.

    Compare this situation in the USA where the Ex Ambassador, Jaliya Wicramasuriya was charged both in Sri Lanka and the USA with the same crime of “Fraud”. In the USA this accused has been found guilty and would be sentenced in July while the case in Sri Lanka is STILL in “SCHEDULE” to be heard. Even the two “Sureties” that stood for this accused Jaliya Wickramasuriya have “Escaped” to USA. That is our “Legal System”.

    • 1

      “Compare this situation in the USA”
      Simon, would you like a list of people including murderers who got away lightly?
      Politicians get away with crime lightly, if not for a Black security guard (who remains unknown in the media), the Watergate scandal would not have come to light. Yet, Nixon was allowed to resign. End of story.

      • 4

        “Compare this situation in the USA”
        Are you saying that the case against the Ex Ambassador, Jaliya Wicramasuriya was charged in the USA was wrong and it should have delayed or cancelled?

    • 5

      In the days to come, the very same convictions would corner BASIL Rajapakshe.
      Gone were the days, srilankens were known to the world as ” experts in many fields”. Today, Rajapakshes have changed it proving SRILANKENS being champions to money laundering acts and various other high crimes.

      This may be the main prerequisite, why those MOBs demolished the monuments built on the cost of the public, on that boxng day…. 9th MAY 2022.
      Yet SATAKA man MaRA is now shying away from the camera…. see …. how deep he is fallen…. wrecked Charlton palace (Medamulana cave) is not yet displayed by any media institution… meaning…. they are scared of MaRa….. yet today.


    • 5

      Dear Simon,
      In the days to come, the very same convictions would corner BASIL Rajapakshe.
      Gone were the days, srilankens were known to the world as ” experts in many fields”. Today, Rajapakshes have changed it proving SRILANKENS being champions to money laundering acts and various other high crimes.

      This may be the main prerequisite, why those MOBs demolished the monuments built on the cost of the public, on that boxng day…. 9th MAY 2022.
      Yet SATAKA man MaRA is now shying away from the camera…. see …. how deep he is fallen…. wrecked Charlton palace (Medamulana cave) is not yet displayed by any media institution… meaning…. they are scared of MaRa….. yet today.


  • 4

    Delays in justice as a key factor that destroyed the economic
    This is very true.
    If the freemasons and tares had been identified and thrown out power,
    they would not have had the chance to damage the economy.

  • 6


    Seriously where are you?
    Do you want food, medicines, …. or not?
    We have just received another ship load of Food Aid, if you need any ration please knock your local handlers’ door.

    I have been telling you for donkey’s years, your cousins in Thamil Nadu are not a bad lot. See they are feeding you without being asked.

    I think you should go back to your motherland, South India and live there happily ever after.

    • 5

      “….I think you should go back to your motherland, South India and live there happily ever after…..”

      NV you’re wrong! South India has become the step mother who feeds the kids now. Because the mother is dead and long gone now!

      • 2

        That is the truth. Well said.
        Since the always smiling “Appachche” has been unable or disabled!!

      • 4

        I really dont know when it would come to reality. But as MLK wanted to see a nation where all be treated equally, I wish to see, justice be served to all caught by Rajapakse mafia…… the worst is … yet today… whole lot of people constantly defend the dog Mahinda Rajapakshe…. ?
        My dream is to see one day in near future, one behind the other all Rajapakshes and their wandibattas ( backliking squads) be convicted to jails for all high crimes they deliberately committed during the last 15 years.
        Nishshanka senadhipathi
        Delete Jayaweera
        Bandit queen/gold business woman (shiranthi)
        Pandora bitch
        Basil s wife – the owner of Gampaha palace
        Rohitha Rathanarana
        Jonhnsten the dog
        all others that should NOT have right to be scot free
        Not to forget, those CHEEWARADHARIYAs incl Muruththettuwa senile man in robes
        Ghanasara the Dadoriya
        Madagoda Abeypussa
        Iththakande bp
        Kollupitya Ananda aka Chief monk aka VC of Kelaniya U
        Tattooed man in robes
        And all…
        People in this country, tax payers have every right to see these men be BEHEADED in an open ceremony…. keeping them before ARAGALAYA youth, that are born to save this falling nation.
        Period !

  • 7

    Lankan pols sell what people buy ……… demand and supply …….. supply and demand.

    6.9 million bought this.

    Look at the photos ……. all the pols are appropriately dressed to sell …… from Mahinda down ……..

    What we have, is a result of the visuals ………… :))

    pull peoples’ eyes out …………. then their minds will work better ………..

    • 4

      “6.9 million bought this.”
      Yes 6.9 billion in the foregin reserve lost and made 69 billion debt added or robbed by the Rajapaksa regime voted by 6.9 million.

  • 4

    This country will be a First world country if native vedda is made President and Old codger becomes Prime minister. They seem to know so much !

    • 4

      deepthi silva

      “They seem to know so much !”

      Somebody has to do it, learn as much as possible.

      When you stupid lot (6.9) refused to learn, learn from past mistakes, see beyond your nose, listen to the wise counsels, stop digging, recruit right people for right job, appoint honest people, ….. . When crooks and murderers claim to belong to Sinhala/Buddhism you lot have blissful multiple or**sams.

      When innocent unarmed people are being injured or killed you lot achieve blissful or**smic permanent state. So far you haven’t condemned the perpetrators of May 9 which shows you do not want to recover from your blissful state.

      Have fun until it last.
      In case if you haven’t heard the way the people are in very bad shape.
      By the way SJ is only worried about Hindia and USA.

      • 1

        (Part II)
        After the sole has departed, that the person, could be “recreated as a Buddhist”, for people at large to believe their ‘beloved’ Foreign minister, who contributed immeasurably to the defeat of the LTTE (alienating them by proscription as “terrorist organisation” by International community), was indeed ‘Buddhist and not a Christian’???!! Melodrama or clairvoyance to fool the masses??
        The greatest misconception of the emancipated Sri Lankans, is that only 1 sect are intelligent, able to Govern justifiably and efficiently!!
        So what we have got,
        1. What we deserve? or
        2. What we as a democratic country, Chose by Majority Choice!?
        No amount of complaining on that would help nor mitigate??!! We need undoubtedly a paradigm modality change, electing people to govern and election commission officials more duty-bound and conscious of their responsibilities, from nomination to delivering election results!!!
        if ever, this country is to have a good leadership and governance to excel, it would only become a reality – sad, abhor it, but reluctantly, seems only path) by Autocracy and then Patricide, Matricide, Fratricide and killing each other, in search for the successful person??!! This is replete, well documented in 2500 year heritage!!!
        Pray to God for Alternative methodology!!!

    • 3

      (Part I)
      Deepthi Silva,
      There are so many in Lanka, who would have administered and made this country, a world class state!!
      Unfortunately, they are unelectable or devoid of power to govern, because they do not belong to the lineage preferred by the elitist majority of Sri Lanka?!!!
      This country, never believed in Meritocracy, but delved into see what community, Caste and Religion one belongs to, enable be elected to govern!!!
      Even Lakshman Kadirgamar (LK) – the person acclaimed by one and all as the best Foreign Minister Sri Lanka had, in the 75 years of Independence, was deprived of being buried posthumously in the precincts of the Christian section of the General Cemetery!!??
      LK as an adherent, an Anglican Christian, well known follower of Church of Ceylon, who was always demonstrative of his Christian faith, being present in the 1st pew at the Cathedral, Sunday mass, except when he happened to be overseas on work!!!
      He had to be cremated according to Buddhist tradition and adherence, though not a follower!???
      Otherwise, it would besmirch the Buddhists majority of this country!? Really or is it fantasy!????
      Couldn’t believe that by that act of cremation of an ardent follower of Christianity,

      • 14

        You are trying to turn LK’s death into some anti-Buddhist campaign. At the same time contradicting yourself. First of all, why do racist Sinhala-Buddhists have a Tamil foreign minister? Secondly, the same guy was assassinated by low-caste Hindus. Nepotism is an issue in Sri Lanka, but not religion or race. If LK was around today, he could have challenged GR in an election. Caste and class are only issues for Tamils. Tamil militancy was a by-product of class warfare, not Buddhism.

        “In 1981, the UNP leaders, who shout themselves hoarse about democracy, summoned their military thugs and burnt down the Jaffna library, the biggest library in Southeast Asia. About the same time, caste fanatics in a small village, Ezhudumattuval, near Jaffna, threatened Dalit children at a school, seized their books and notebooks and set them afire. “Why did Tamil society choose to condemn one incident and remain silent on the other?” – Dominic Jeeva, Dalit author

  • 4

    “Delays in justice as a key factor that destroyed the economic and political system.”
    Is it the INJUSTICES done to the Tamils since Independence is THE main cause of current pathetic state of having to carry begging bowl around the world?
    Have we not made Mother Lanka into a Bhikkuni looking for alms

  • 16

    Financial crime is a complicated business. Rajapakse became wealthy mostly through kickbacks from Chinese development projects. The loss to citizens is in the form of future interest payments or some opportunity cost, e.g. when said infrastructure like cricket stadium or port in Hambantota goes unused. Whether kickbacks are illegal or legal – that is a question for lawyers. Bond scam is much more serious than kickbacks. Money is stolen directly from taxpayers, while the integrity of the Central Bank (and the banking system in general) is brought into question. Then there are various pyramid and other ponzi schemes, especially insider trading, run at the level of financial markets. Here again, Arjuna Mahendran is implicated. Retrieving the stolen money is difficult. It is hidden in Switzerland or tied to shell companies, not necessarily in Sri Lanka. Most big banks, all over the world, are involved in insider trading. They generally pay a small fine and the regulator looks the other way. Kickbacks are also normal. Look at the weapons going into Ukraine. Large profits for Western bankers and politicians.

  • 0

    judges should be appointed and promoted through the merit principle.Their cases should be analysed by a independent committee consisting of non politicians and thy should scrutisise the judgements and how many time they got it wrong and right.The presidents right to selection should be abolished.

    The presidents right to pardon should also be abolished.

    unless we do this we will never have a truly independent judiciary.

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