In August, Amnesty India launched its first major campaign in India. In just a day, more than 50,000 people from all over India called or sent an SMS to us to show their support and solidarity for the victims of injustice in Sri Lanka. Tomorrow, 1 November, marks the start of Sri Lanka’s review before the United Nations’ Human Rights Council, as it conducts its Universal Periodic Review. Today, the campaign has more than 1 million supporters. Our first campaign: “Demand Justice in Sri Lanka,” has raised more activism than we could have anticipated, showing that human rights is indeed a boiling issue in India. And this is just the start.
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Siva Sankaran Sarma / October 31, 2012
“show your support by giving a missed call”
Man oh man. Desperate much?
Jegath / November 2, 2012
Missed call is a very smart move, less time consuming but shows people care, I understand your frustration though..
GL Peries who flew to two counries on the same day during last UNHRC session and the late Lakshman Kadirgamara flew all around the world crying about LTTE and its child soldiers, desperate much…
Bedrock Barney / October 31, 2012
Wow, congrats, now 0.012% of the Indian population agrees with you and are willing to say so.
Jegath / November 2, 2012
0.012, multiplys to another 0.012, that multiplys to another and nowadays with Youtube, FB and Twitter who knows it may spread without you even realising it, then it is too many people and their votes for politicians in India to ignore..
Senaka / November 1, 2012
Gota the BRILLIANT white van goon is fabricating stories now that a war crimes trial in the Hague is getting closer!
Latest tall tale is that the military after the storms in the east has has “found” buried LTTE heavy weapons!
This is pure fiction. The “discovered” artillary belongs to the Sri Lanka military and was used to shell civilians in Mullaitivu.
Gota is trying hard to mislead everyone on who is the real war criminal by finding LTTE guns and spreading fictitious stories and inventing “evidence” almost 4 years later in order to avoid his war crimes trial!
Godaya / November 1, 2012
The latest news about these “discovered” artillary is that they are of Chinese make.
If so did the Chinese give arms to the LTTE and to the Govt.??????
kaputa / November 1, 2012
That picture is more like the people of Tamil Nadu lining up along the street to do their morning bowel release. Look at their faces with the feeling of relief. This is a regular seen across India where 300 million people use street as their toilets.
Mango / November 1, 2012
I’m surprise that AI haven’t taken this to Facebook, where another 10 million real and fake FB users can click ‘like’ on their campaign.
Jegath / November 2, 2012
“Fake FB”, it takes an email to create a FB, an email takes 4 minutes to be created, so if 1million emails are to be made then that is an awful lot of time and tamils are lazy, so no “fake FB” here, although you wish it was…
Mango / November 2, 2012
Hi Jegath,
Where were these hard-working people when Prabha desperately needed their manpower on the battlefield? They were too busy setting up Facebook protests, dancing, demonstrating and going on fake hunger strikes instead of going to Sri Lanka to fight for Eelam.
Some even made cupcakes for Eelam, which really frightened the SL Army troops.