15 January, 2025


Desperate Sirisena Seeks To Abolish 19A Before Prez Polls

Sirisena who met with the media heads this morning has spoken in no unclear terms of his intention to abolish the 19th amendment to the Constitution before the upcoming Presidential election.

President Sirisena

Addressing the media heads gathered this morning Sirisena said he admits the country is in deep political instability and the reason behind the situation is the 19th amendment.

He also said irrelevant of who is elected as the next President of Sri Lanka, any individual who loves the country must join forces to abolish the 19th amendment.

“It is a curse to the country and drafted on NGO requests!” he said.

Sirisena forgets that he came into power with the election pledge of bringing a ‘19th amendment’. What he is now seeking to crush is the people’s mandate.

The 19th amendment passed in April 2015 and was hailed by many parties as a progressive move that tamed arbitrary powers of Executive Presidency while cancelling the adverse blows against democracy via the 18th amendment passed by Rajapaksas during their tenure to consolidate their power.

He also pledged to implement the death penalty for four convicts.

“I have already signed the death penalty for four drug dealers. They will be carried out in the near future,” he added.

He also lashed out at the state owned Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation and Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation for spreading fake news about him. Sirisena claims it has falsely misquoted the numbers in his delegations during foreign tours.

Latest comments

  • 3

    this bu,,er shud not talk he does not know

    • 0

      Mr President;
      1. Be a Man
      2. Have a backbone.
      3. Walk the Talk.
      4. Be intelligent
      5. Finally be smart & learn from the learned and wise.

  • 1

    He brought in the 19th Amendment and PROMISED to abolish the Executive Presidency. He ALSO promised to be a one term president! Had he kept his promises, 19 A would not be a ‘curse’. The man is quite unsuited to hold this office and just cannot be trusted to keep his word. He is ignorant of the constitution and should be impeached for his October coup! The curse of this country is that we have so called ‘leaders’ like him, who took 24 hours to return from Singapore after the Easter Sunday slaughter!!

  • 2

    Nothing wrong with 19A President you are just blaming everyone and everything 19A strengthen democracy and transparency and removed dictatorial powers of the president please hold presidential election on time no one trust you more you talk more unpopular you get .

  • 0

    sira went to the 2015 election pledging to bring in the 19A according to this article.So he cannot try to abolish it before the presidential election.He can take it to the people at this presidential election and say he wants to abolish it after the election.He has to show some respect for the people.He considers them only when he wants their vote.After that they do not exist shown by the way he made national list MP’s of those rejected by the people,just after he had become the president.

  • 0

    My Dear Sirisena the Joker
    Once your period is over there is bed reserved for you in Angola Hospital You can take with you few of your legal advisors Please honorably withdraw from contesting again Your farm is waiting with the bulls You can be an addition to those bulls Make sure you don’t burn the farm. An Easychair is waiting for you at your home

  • 0

    An interesting TV “Talk Show” titled “Aluth Parlimenthuwa” took place on 26th June. There was one participant, for all what is worth, he is none other than “Rear Admiral” and “Dr.” Sarath Weerasekera, the one and the only MP who voted against the 19th Amendment. I was really keen to know why he VOTED AGAINST. At this TV show, I got the answer. He, this “Dr.” said: “19th Amendment was brought to achieve “ONE” thing and i.e to “Destroy the MR Family”. He went on to explain how that was done, by (1) Preventing MR contesting for a third time and beyond (2) Prevent those holding “Dual Citizenship” contesting (Basil & Gota) (3) Prevent anyone below 35 years of age contesting (reference to Namal) But this “Learned “Dr” did not know that even Namal, who was below 35 yrs voted “FOR”. In addition he said: “We need a President voted by the People to have command on all affairs of Governing”. He did not realize that such a “Peoples’ President” even could be a “DICTATOR” and in fact, he was such a “Dictator” (MR) and also the country previously had such “Dictators” beginning with the very architect of the Constitution. One participant, referred to “Hitler” who was elected and became a “Dictator” and a curse to the whole world.. This “MAN” is the “MIGHTIEST” of all who run to Geneva to “Defend” the country. Can you now judge what “QUALITATIVE” stuff, we have in Parliament and also representing the “War Heroes” in Geneva. The “REAL” “War Heroes” – please make a note of these guys who really tarnish your image. Please watch that TV programme of 26th, and then you will understand to what LOW DEPTHS our country has fallen with these types of self proclaimed “PANDITHAYAS” roaming around the country.

  • 0

    With the many ropes his advisers hand him he will hang himself,, but who will take over, from the frying pan into the fire, whoever it is right now.

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