By C.V. Wigneswaran –
A Journalist asked me; You have been a Judge of the Supreme Court covering the entire Island. Your sons are married to Sinhalese. You were CM of NP. Now you are MP for Jaffna. Do you think the enmity between the Sinhalese and the Tamils will ever end and amity and peace will dawn on this Island?
My response was; As a Judge who had settled hundreds of cases I am pretty sure the Sinhala -Tamil enmity as you call it is not deep rooted. It is a created enmity. The culprits have been the politicians. Most Sinhala politicians at the start in the early part of the 20th century, were born Christians. Their forefathers had imbibed the Western way of life. With Independence they had to make the transition from being Brown Sahibs to so called Nationalist Leaders. Buddhism, the National Dress and mouthing Anti Tamil sentiments gave them the necessary tools to make the transition. Most of them ostensibly converted to Buddhism or simply shed their Christian background, donned the so called National Dress and paid lip service to Sinhala language and Buddhism in order to ensure sufficient Sinhala votes from their constituents in a changed atmosphere where the British had consented to give Independence to the Island.
A person like SWRD Bandaranaike who had openly canvassed for federalism for the IsIand in 1926 on return from Oxford, had brought in the Sinhala Only Act in 1956. Why? Because he had to fight against the villainy of D.S. Senanayake who overlooked SWRD’s claim to seniority and made his son Dudley as the Prime Minister. Dudley after sometime resigned and Sir John Kotelawala became Prime Minister. To beat Kotelawala at the general elections, SWRD asked for the support of the pancha maha balavegaya in return for the making of Sinhala as the only State language. The Buddhist clergy, Ayurvedic Physicians, Teachers, Farmers and Workers all rallied round to make SWRD win the general election in 1956 and he was therefore forced to grant their request to make Sinhala the only Official State Language. Actually the Sinhala language was ill equipped to take over as the official State language having come into existence only in the 6th and 7th Centuries AD. But the Sinhalese borrowed a lot from Hindi and other languages. When Professor Malalasekera was Ceylonese High Commissioner in India, he searched and compiled many Hindi and Sanskrit technical terms to be used in our official glossaries after adopting them into the Sinhala language. Professor’s son Indra and I were classmates at Royal. I got this information through him.
Sinhala music and dance forms received their inspiration from North Indian States and States other than Tamil Nadu in the South. My sitar master at the Chitrasena School of Music and Dance had his degree in music from the Bathkande University.
The Russian ballet forms too inspired Sinhala dance and drama.
Thus the Sinhala language and its fine arts are recent and largely borrowed.
What is interesting is that ethnically too they are somewhat hybrid! They are Dravidians speaking a language owing its origins to Tamil and Pali. Recent DNA tests have identified the Sinhalese to be Dravidians. Until about 6th century AD the lingua franca of the Island of Sri Lanka was Prakrit. Buddhism ushered in a new language taking its roots from Tamil, Prakrit and Pali around the 6th Century AD. Prior to 6th century AD there was no Sinhala language nor Sinhalese Race. The Mahawansa, the Choolawansa and the Atta Katha all were written in the Pali language. There is no reference to the Sinhalese language nor race in any of these old texts. The Sinhalese were born with the birth of the Sinhala language.
Thus there was no Sinhala language before 6th Century AD. The first inscription found in Sinhala is dated 7th Century AD. The first Sinhala Grammar book came out in the 13th Century AD.
The theories of Aryans coming to Sri Lanka from abroad have been banished from our history books since that theory is no more valid! So ethnically the Sinhalese and the Tamils are not different. It was a political conspiracy hatched by the Sinhalese Politicians in the early part of the 20th Century which brought about schism between the Sinhalese and Tamil speaking people. The linguistic differences within the same race have been accentuated.
When this is realised the chances of continuing with the created animosity between the two linguistic groups would slowly diminish.
But for that we must have a genuine impartial ancient history of our Country to be caused to be written. This could be done by the Government with aid from the UNESCO. Indian and International historians too must be included in the Committee working on this project.
Lots of genuine historical facts need to be brought out in these books on history.
For example,
1. that the Tamil language is the oldest language spoken in this Island.
2. Buddhism was introduced initially among the Tamils and there were considerable number of Buddhists among the Tamils living throughout the Country. Mahawansa refers to thirty odd Tamil Chieftains being overcome by Dushta Kamini (in the present Eastern Province) during his journey towards Anuradhapura from the South. There is no reference to any Sinhala Kings or Chieftains. In fact, Dushta Kamini was a Buddhist Tamil while Ellalan the King in Anuradhapura was a Saivaite Tamil. There were no Sinhalese born yet!
3. That the Sinhala language is very recent. It was a mixture of Tamil and Pali.
4. DNA tests have confirmed that the present day Sinhalese are Dravidians.
5. Even in recent times during the coronation of Don Juan Dharmapala, Tamils from Madurai were brought here and they mixed with the Sinhalese and call themselves Sinhalese today.
If these truths are brought out officially by the Historians both local and International the chances of the Sinhalese shedding their false beliefs and willing to grant federalism to the North East would improve. Only the granting of true federalism, more relevantly confederalism, would solve the problems of the North East Tamils permanently and give way to peace, reconciliation and amity.
Justice C.V.Wigneswaran M.P.
paragon / August 12, 2023
MR.VICKEE What you are telling has been spoken in parliament from 1948 by SJV SELVANAYGAM AMITHALINGAM AND SIVASITHAMPARAM AND Few others.The singala educated and well mannered guys knows the truth and reality but they mind their own business and have allowed uneducated thugs to lead them in politics especially after DUDLY’S 1965 GOVERNMENT only had 15-16 cabinet ministers and more than 5-6 tamil speaking permanent secretary’s including AUTHER RATNAVEL .IN 1972 SRIMAVO-COLVIN New .constitution made it to bring outsiders to srilanaka administrative service and they were responsible for creating a wide between singalays-tamils division in government service.THIS ANTI-TAMIL CANCER IN THE MIND OF SINGALAYAS CAN NOT BE ERASED EVEN IF LORD BUDDA BORN IN SRILANAKA AGAIN.-JAYWEEWA
Fairmindedone / August 13, 2023
Poisoned mind and not poisoned body. The Nazi Party had control of the minds of Germans just only seven decades ago and look at Germany today. Generational changes will move towards better learning of facts.
I am a Ceylonese and I do not have any dislike, let alone hatred, against another Ceylonese. JR and SWRD propagated an entitlement for the Sinhalese at the expense of the Tamils. They have been instilled in their minds a concept of majoritarian entitlement and they can be made to understand from the current pathetic state of the nation, it is just an illusionary concept.
The Ceylon Tamil community and Sinhalese value system even after so many decades of hatred build up is more closely linked to each other than between any other ethnic groups.
There will be light at the end of this very long dark tunnel.
leelagemalli / August 13, 2023
Dear Impartial Readers,
Following videos caused me to question myself the dangerousness of our hell with increasing number of toxic people.
Wiggies articles keep stressing me over and over again. As someone who struggles with the “whys” and causes of so many things in this age of revolutionary information technological era,
My curiosity of eyes dance again and again to learn how the brains of such toxic people normally work. However, it is the kind of politicians who are breaking all the peace building bridges being attempted by Honorable MP Sumanthiran and his forces.
Either these incompetent people need to shut up or see where they went wrong.
Mahila / August 17, 2023
The video links provided were emancipating!!!
Thanks a Lot!
SJ / August 12, 2023
“A person like SWRD Bandaranaike who had openly canvassed for federalism for the IsIand in 1926 on return from Oxford, had brought in the Sinhala Only Act in 1956.”
Too much credit is given to SWRDB for his federal idea.
Leonard Woolf was the only one whose proposal of a federal structure showed some understanding of the national question.
SWRDB’s proposal was about power sharing by three elite groups, namely the Kandyan Sinhalese, Low Country Sinhalese and Tamils of the north and east. The Muslims and Hill Country Tamils do not enter his sums.
The time of his proposal was still one in which leaders were maneuvering and manipulating to secure crumbs of political influence falling from the colonial dining table.
‘Sinhala Only’ was a cynical move by one who spoke in that language only to the domestics. The bill could have been presented without the ‘only’ to be less offensive to speakers of Tamil and less frightening to those who spoke English at home.
The Tamil elite were quite happy to have English going on as official language, and their interest in Tamil was only a counter to Sinhala in top spot.
The next generation of leaders, educated in Tamil, faced issues other than language, which were at the root of the communal conflict. That also brought into play the national identity of the Muslims and later that of the Hill Country Tamils.
While standardisation seemed to unite the N&E Tamils, the District Quota scheme opened new wounds of intra-Tamil rivalry even within what was the Jaffna District.
I will stop here as I doubt if Mr CVW can imagine national politics beyond the Sinhala-Tamil conflict.
srikrish / August 13, 2023
Actually there is no “only” in the title of the official language act.
-Refer to Lawnet
The short title refers it as as the Official Language Act, No. 33 of 1956.
Unfortunately in the popular mined it was referred to as Sinhala only official language.
srikrish / August 13, 2023
One day it will end!
Nothing is permanent.!
Change is the norm, but when is the question?
We had seen so many changes in our lime changed dramatically over a short time.i will narrate s few
1 The official language for public servants,now parity for both Sinhalese and Tamils after 16th Amendment to the Constitution!
2 The Indian citizenship Act-A large percentage got citizenships and many civic rights in education , health , employment and many more
3 The 1957 number transport number plates plate
Through these changes, the bitterness was removed may not be to the full satisfaction of the affected.
Patience will grant relief in the long run !
Native Vedda / August 13, 2023
“The short title refers it as as the Official Language Act, No. 33 of 1956.”
Long Title
Official Language Act (No. 33 of 1956) –
Any chance you are a close associate of SJ?
srikrish / August 14, 2023
But the Act does not prevent another languages to be added to the parent Act
Native Vedda / August 14, 2023
“But the Act does not prevent another languages to be added to the parent Act”
Please clarify what does the following phrase mean:
SJ / August 14, 2023
” there is no “only” in the title”
But does not the Act declare Sinhala to be the sole official language? Does Lawnet say otherwise?
How was it presented to the electorate?
How do the Tamil politicians still refer to it?
It was not the popular mind that called it anything, but it was called that way during the entire parliamentary debate.
srikrish / August 14, 2023
“The bill could have been presented without the ‘only’ to be less offensive to speakers of Tamil and less frightening to those who spoke English at home’.
My response was that there was no only in the original official language Act of 1956
srikrish / August 14, 2023
But the Act does not prevent another languages to be added to the parent Act
Mahila / August 17, 2023
Sri Krish,
Which of these “MANUFACTURER’S OF TRUTH” would want to do that??? Rascals would lose the MOMENTUM of the GAME!!! If so, why do it!!! Instead continue the confusion and resultant MAYHEM??
Mahila / August 17, 2023
Media and Politicians are the Main Culprits for “ANY AND ALL” CONFUSIONS and resultant Convulsions!!!???
Native Vedda / August 13, 2023
“SWRDB’s proposal was about power sharing by three elite groups, namely the Kandyan Sinhalese, Low Country Sinhalese and Tamils of the north and east. The Muslims and Hill Country Tamils do not enter his sums.”
How did your great socialist leveller Pandaranayakam who could make no mistake excluded Muslims and Hill country Tamils from his sums?
“The Tamil elite were quite happy to have English going on as official language, and their interest in Tamil was only a counter to Sinhala in top spot.”
Forget the Tamils for a minute, what about your old crush the weeping widow who could have put everything right yet worsened the political climate?
As usual Tamils, Muslims, Hill country Tamils, Madras state, DMK, Annadurai, Burghers, …. US imperialism, British Colonialims, Veddahs … should be blamed for what had happened in the 1950s. Actually they were the ones who should take responsibility for Pandaranayakam’s (weeping widow’s) language, social, educational, …… religious policies.
Hill country Tamils should blame themselves for their state of legal status, expatriation back to South India, and living conditions. In fact Tamil leaders all over the world caused their neo slavery.
The great levelers couldn’t do a thing to improve their living condition.
SJ / August 14, 2023
Back to normal, I guess.
Ratnarajan H / August 17, 2023
Sinhala_Man / August 12, 2023
Dear Wiggy,
All that you say is true, and yet there is enmity.
Sadly it looks as though it will never end.
Getting out history right may be the key. It’s not the academic history that is lacking; I think that Professor Indrapala’s History is wonderful – judging by reviews that I have seen. It is not available. Can’t it be re-printed and made available at a reasonable price?
Much more important would be for the State Education Department to re-do the way that History is taught in all schools. That is what this humbug President whom we have ought to get done instead of talking about implementing the 13th Amendment to divide us further.
What can you do – for a start? Tell Ranil Wickremasinghe clearly that althougb you want devolution of power you are not willing to accept it from him and his corrupt supporters in Parliament.
Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela (NIC 483111444V).
There is nothing wrong in what C.V.Wigneswaran says. He is absolutely correct. Every one should accept the fact that Buddhism was introduced in Sri Lanka after King Devanampiyatissa’s period. But Devanampiya Tissa’s father was one Periya Sivan, was a Hindu. Some stupid politicians like Gammanpila and others are falsely making statements that Ravana was a Sinhalese when he was born in the village of Noida in Uttara Pradesh. If they allege that he was a Sinhalese, how is it that he was described as a strong devotee of Lord Shiva. If that is so, why should the Archeological Department ear marks some Hindu temples and begin to construct Buddhist Vihares. Moreover, the Sinhalese are under the impression that Buddhism was in existence in North Sri Lanka, just because there are bo-trees around Hindu temples. Do the Buddhist monks know that Lord Ganesha was found seated under the bo-trees, long before Lord Buddha meditated under the bo-tree. On the other hand, more Sinhalese are also seen at Lord Vinayagar’s temple at the junction of IBC Road & Marine Drive, when they heard that VISA can be obtained easily & other problems can be solved after worshipping him. He is known as VISA Vinayagar.
Tony / August 12, 2023
What a load of lies!
Fairmindedone / August 13, 2023
Everything has an element of truth in it.
Just try to convince Trump that he had lost the election after over 70 election related court cases by him or his supporters were thrown out immediately after the election. He may indeed believe that he had won but that is hallucination.
If Vijaya and his men did bring hundreds of young women from Madurai for marriage and raising the families shortly after arriving to Ceylon in 400 BC. Just imagine of the nth generation.
Mahila / August 17, 2023
Undoubtedly Pandiyan’s!!!??? That’s why they claim Weerayas!!!
RAVI PERERA / August 13, 2023
What else have they got other than believing in these lies. This man has repeated these crap about sinhala race for the last many years, now he himself believes them to be true. He says king Dutugemunu was Tamil (Buddhist). I wont be surprised if he (or any Tamil) claims princess Diana had Tamil ancestry inspite of her unmatchable beauty.
I wonder how and where the sinhalese race appeared in the island in the 6th century and today continue live in the most lushest area of the country. The Tamils according to them were the original inhabitants of Sri lanka but are only 11% of the country despite Tamils in the Tamil homeland of Tamil Nadu is home to 80 million Tamils despite the country being only twice the size of Sri lanka. Alo they live in the most arid areas of the country. They themselves know the present day Tamils (Refered to as malabars until early 2oth century) are mostly people who arrived with the colonial forces. Also they themselves know very well they are a defeated group of people. What matters is what the international community thinks about Lankan history. (The embassies in Colombo etc)
Let these fellows talk any rubbish, who cares. At least they amuse themselves, specially the ones in their twilight years.
Native Vedda / August 13, 2023
The Sinhala Speaking Demela
“Also they themselves know very well they are a defeated group of people.”
So was the so called Sinhala speaking people.
Cholas, Pandyas, Portuguese, Dutch, Brits, Rama and his Monkey Army Engineers (don’t say it didn’t happen Amit Shah BJP enforcer and Pissu Weeresekera – replacement for Nalin de Silva, will be very cross with you) , … IPKF, … LTTE’s many victories, for example Battle of Pooneryn, Elephant Pass, … Battle of Kokavil, LTTE over ran Mullaitivu camp in 2006, Mangulam (Kamala ran away from the garrison) … …
As a representative of doomed people, politics, … country stop your bravado, try help Ranil and others find food and other essentials for people’s day to day living. Because of you (brave smart and begging) the country is in such situation. The way things are Even Somalia will lend you for …..
You should be humble enough to receive charity. Do not deny Sinhala and Tamil speaking people charity from outside the island because of your foul mouth.
How long Stalin (your cousin Tamil Nadu Chief minister) is going to feed you lot?
You can say whatever you want to say once the country has recovered from bankruptcy.
Fairmindedone / August 13, 2023
Pity Ravi, the name Lanka itself was borrowed from that “… Rama and his Monkey Army Engineers….” Would you know that seelan (Ceylon) is as understood by Portuguese colonialist of the original name eezham.
History is not written by the vanquished and how one interpret the old Ellalan fight with young Dutta after 2100 years. We had a beautiful country called Ceylon that began to get dismantled after independence of its character and now driven to the ground. If we do not understand ourselves now, we are all doomed.
RAVI PERERA / August 14, 2023
“Would you know that seelan (Ceylon) is as understood by Portuguese colonialist of the original name eezham.”
Wow… You better let University of Madras about this. University of Madras takes the view that Eelam was derived from Sinhale. Also a professor from Velvettirai says eelam is derived from Hela.
We had a country called Ceylong which should have been changed back to Sinhale but was changed to Sri Lanka (still better than Ceylon).
Sri Lanka will survive and will thrive. You Tamils in Sinhale are doomed
RAVI PERERA / August 14, 2023
demala vedda,
Stalin has done enough damage by sending his toilet Nadu people to sinhale.
We will be humble to everyone other than you demalas who are a defeated people.
Native Vedda / August 14, 2023
The Sinhala Speaking Demela
“Stalin has done enough damage by sending his toilet Nadu people to sinhale.”
Are you being serious?
Stalin was born on 1 March 1953, only 70 years old, much much younger than you are. The Brits who ruled Eelam started bringing your ancestors from Tamilaham only about 200 years ago.
Probably your ancestors who arrived 200 years ago and after must have had toilet habits like others. It was your colonial masters who deprived them of toilets. Then of course when the Sinhala/Buddhists converts took over the affairs of this island they continued to deprive most essential amenities to your ancestors.
No wonder 2012 (2021) census confirms 95,000 persons did not have access to Toilet facilities in this island. Is it because Stalin refused to provide toilets for your kith and kin?
By the way when exactly did your ancestors land on the shores of this island and when did they actually convert themselves to Sinhala/Buddhism?
“We will be humble to everyone other than you demalas who are a defeated people.”
Its so happened Stalin who fed you during the last crisis is a Demela. Be polite to him for you would never know when he has to send you rice, oil, medicine, parippu…..gas, …. next.
Fairmindedone / August 13, 2023
Just keep an open mind; it won’t hurt.
It will be good for you to know that Ceylon Tamils and Tamils in India are of two distinctly different ethnicities, as different as Tamils and Telugus in India.
Ceylon Tamils, known or millennia as Eezhathamilar, have distinctly different social, legal and community set up from that of their written linguistic brethren in India. Jaffna food habits are more closely aligned with Malayalis (yes, Malabaris).
Ceylon Tamils and Malayalees use millennia-old Tamil; whereas Ceylon Tamils kept the old Tamil and Malayalees with Sanskrit influence formed the new written language about 600 years ago.
These are just facts, just as Sinhalese and Ceylon Tamils never had a communal conflicts for millennia until after the independence.
Native Vedda / August 14, 2023
“….. just as Sinhalese and Ceylon Tamils never had a communal conflicts for millennia until after the independence.”
Please remember 1915, …. and advent of the public racist Anagarika Homeless Dharmapala, Monks attempt to kill Nayaka king, the war between Dutta and Ellalan was described being a racist war, …..
Pandi Kutti / August 14, 2023
It is obvious to everyone here, from your family name that your ancestors, like the ancestors of half the present-day Chingkallams arrived on the island during the Portuguese and Dutch colonial era, or were imported by them from then Thamizh Kerala( Malabar region) or from present-day Thamizh Nadu,(Coromandel) to do menial service work or to work as slave labour in the huge southern spice estates. Others migrated from these two Thamizh areas for other reasons, like Neela Perumal the ancestor of Pandaranayakam and Thambi Mudaliyar the ancestor of the Jayawardene family, or all the Pandian and Madurai Thamizh Naickers to rule the Kandyan kingdom or various parts of the low country. The ancestors of the Kandyan Radalas and low country aristocrats with names like Mudali( Muthaliar) Pilli( Pillai) or Arachchi or Hetti( Chettiar).
Pandi Kutti / August 14, 2023
Now all their Chingkalized descendants, both low-born like you, MuthuKarupan, the Prince of Darkness /VeeraSekeran, Lankalies Chenali and Komalika or that Silva who has now wants Thamizh heads, and highborn like Chirimavo Ravathai, her husband Pandaranayakam, the Junious, Chenanayakams all now beating the anti Thamizh drum and dancing to a fake Chingkalla Aryan Baila, and calling the island’s indigenous Thamizh from the north and east who have lived on the island for more than 3000 years ago and are largely descended from the indigenous Dravidian Naga as outsiders and do not belong and go to Thamizh South India, the very same place from where their immigrant South Indian Thamizh ancestors arrived, including yours, the vast majority of them to work as slaves and a minority to rule.
leelagemalli / August 13, 2023
Do you think sinhala tamil hatred will ever end?
I think it is a misunderstanding between the two nations, not animosity. Every effort should be made to gather religious leaders, teachers and other professionals and aspirants from both sides to allow live their lives as one nation. If men of wisdom make every effort to divide instead, it can only sow the seeds for new waves of hatred.
I may have heard such a word from a teenager, but I never thought it would come from a top law and order practitioner who lived in Colombo and was related to Sinhalese families of his own generation. We should be ashamed to hear this from a former judge who has served for so long in the Sri Lankan judiciary.
If various types of wrongs have been committed in the past, we should all try to reconcile the communities in every possible way so that only certain sections of the society grasp the need of the times and work for harmony rather than the opposite. Wiggies current wording may make the injury worse. Does he or she have similar feelings but never think about the underground realities?
Our mentally ill senior citizens need to address these issues before jumping to publicly criticize their opponents.
leelagemalli / August 13, 2023
Two communities, not two nations
Fairmindedone / August 13, 2023
Tiny island of Singapore has four official languages and it is in the major league of nations economically and in stability. A Nation is defined.
Mahila / August 17, 2023
“If various types of wrongs have been committed in the past, we should all try to reconcile the communities in every possible way so that only certain sections of the society grasp the need of the times and work for harmony rather than the opposite. Wiggies current wording may make the injury worse. Does he or she have similar feelings but never think about the underground realities?”
You are on the Money and on the correct path!!!??? Not Gananasara Medication??? Certainly Not?
Big question is who will dare do it!!!???
SJ / August 14, 2023
“Tissa’s father was one Periya Sivan”
Never heard of Periya Sivan. Anyone who has come across that name?
Any evidence of Siva worship in South India in the pre-Christian era?
What is the earliest reference to Siva in Tamil literature?
Anpu / August 16, 2023
“What is the earliest reference to Siva in Tamil literature?”
Is it a reliable site?
“In Tamilnadu the earliest references to the worship of Shiva date back to the Sangam period. Sangam literature, which comprises the ‘Ettuthogai’ (or the Eight Anthologies) and ‘Pathupaatu’ (or the Ten Idylls), are replete with references to Shiva, who was held as the Primal Being by the Tamils. It is interesting to note that the deity is only referred to by other names attributed to Him. “
SJ / August 16, 2023
“… are replete with references to Shiva, who was held as the Primal Being by the Tamils” (Do you know what replete means?)
Siva enters the picture in late Sangam literature. Siva as main god happens much later.
Of the handful of references to Siva none uses the name Sivan but to Puranic mythology (totally alien to Tamil).
The Brahminic religion had entered Tamil country before the Christian era, with Siva as yet another god, when the identity of all five Tamil ‘gods’ are ‘Sanskritised’ with four merging with ‘Aryan’ gods.
Muruhan acquires six faces and twelve hands with conflicting origins of Muruhan who is vaguely linked with Subramanyan (with a passing mention in the mantras). Skanda is most probably after Alexander (with a multitude of versions). Kanthan is Tamilised Skanda. It is absent in Sangam literature. (Thirumurukaattruppadai has absolutely no reference to Kathan.).
I do not trust any Tamil website in matters of language and religion.
I check and cross check with credible sources. That helps to discover what is truly great about the language and the way of life of the Sangam period.
Anpu / August 17, 2023
“(Do you know what replete means?)”
Your main problem is you try to insult people.
Do you know the meaning of insult?
You asked “What is the earliest reference to Siva in Tamil literature?”
I gave you a link and myself put this question – “Is it a reliable site?”
“I do not trust any Tamil website in matters of language and religion.” That is your loss.
“I check and cross check with credible sources.” That is what many of us do.
Mahila / August 17, 2023
How could someone who amused himself ‘Playing Truant’ at High School, due lack of Intelligence to gain Knowledge at least, History, now anything about King Ravana’s Birthplace or anyone else!!!???
Pretentious “Humbug of the Superlative” order!!??
He keeps on fooling around, only to be believed by Foolish, uneducated Rural Folk!!!???
Ajith / August 13, 2023
I agree with CW that most of the Sinhala politicians were converted to Christianity and their Sinhala Buddhist national cry is a creation of this century by the Westernised rich Sinhala families. How can they claim that this is a Buddhist country which was brought to this island by Indian born Vijaya? How can they now join China and Pakistan against India which is the origin of Buddhism and Sinhala? Almost all those who govern this country for many centuries before Europeans invaded this island. Only Prabhaharn fought against a foregin Indian army in this centuray and Tamil kings fought against Eupropean invasion, not the so called Buddhist Sinhala leaders.
SJ / August 14, 2023
“How can they claim that this is a Buddhist country which was brought to this island by Indian born Vijaya? “
Rather amusing!
Pandi Kutti / August 14, 2023
You are also trying to be very amusing and witty but always end up being pathetic and silly and an object of amusement.
SJ / August 16, 2023
Are you not amused that “a Buddhist country…was brought to this island by Indian born Vijaya”?
But then, pigs are not known for a sense of humor!
ramona therese fernando / August 13, 2023
Even if Sinhalese admit to all wrongdoing, and to all the accusations on being Tamil, Tamils leaders will still say, “No mercy, we still want the Whole Island and/or Separatism.” (Note the and/or….they’d want the financial center of the Whole Island i.e., viz, Colombo after Independence ). Masses of both sides want unity however. Give it to the JVP=NPP as they work for both Masses!
Native Vedda / August 13, 2023
ramona grandma therese fernando
““No mercy, we still want the Whole Island and/or Separatism.”
I don’t know about Tamils wanting whole island for themselves but whats wrong with them demanding separation, when one spouse abuses the other, physically, emotionally, sexually, ….. wouldn’t the you want Separation with hefty settlement?
There is an alternative, how about deporting both Tamil and Sinhala speaking people back to their ancestral home in South India?
old codger / August 14, 2023
Wijeweera wanted the whole Islad. Prabhakaran only 1/3. Who was worse?
shankar / August 13, 2023
there has been no enmity between sinhalese people and tamil people.I never felt any enmity towards me by sinhalese people ever just because i was a tamil.Sinhalese people know very well the history of this country and how their own genes may be mixed with tamils and vise versa.POlitics is the cause of the problems between tamils and sinhalese.Both sides the politicians must behave more responsibly.On one side SWRD stated it all after independence pandering to the bhuddhist monks and ironically a monk killed him.On te otherside amirthalingam created the fankenstein monster prabharan knowing fully well that india will like a 500 pound gorilla block the road to eelam,and the monster he created finally devoured himself and the rest of the tamil politicians.What a mess.
leelagemalli / August 13, 2023
Thanks Shankar.
Your words of wisdom will soon guide them.
There are hateful people everywhere in the world.I have no doubt, you too have such life experiences. What matters is whether they are the majority. Are we the majority Sinhalese branded like that? Never have. However, in every society there are certain sentiments, and they are disturbingly racist. These scams are inevitable. It may have something to do with their genes and how they were raised. The best examples are in front of you – no one in the Rajapaksa family is trustworthy and non-racist.
In the places I travel for work and personal Europe (Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy, Austria and UK), I have enough knowledge to look around and offer my opinion here. I have been living in Europe for the past few decades but I go back home to visit my family at least 1-2 times a year. Technically speaking, to help some poor people in my home country and give me some energy on my way back to Europe.
davidthegood / August 14, 2023
LM, You say no one in the RAJA family is trustworthy, may be from their genes and how they were raised. Early christian MPs messed up the land created by God for all and called it SB for politics. They will reap the consequences when their last breath leaves and their eyes behold.
SJ / August 16, 2023
“On one side SWRD stated it all after independence pandering to the bhuddhist monks and ironically a monk killed him.”
This is the only version of SWRDB that Tamils are allowed to know. The Sinhala right curses him for many other things that uplifted the poorer sections.
The one that really pandered was Dudley Senanayake in 1960 and again in 1965–69, with the FP and ACTC as his partners
RBH59 / August 13, 2023
Do You Think The Enmity Between The Sinhalese & The Tamils Will Ever End & Amity?
People of the world are traveling for people-to-people connections, The People in Power will always be Against the People in Popularity, Stop treating people like numbers. If only the goal to attract numbers for popularity or attract people for engagement? Engage to grow your connections, not just to grow your numbers, will backfire and undermine historical facts.
Buddhist1 / August 14, 2023
As long as the Tamil politicians do not understand the fact that in a democracy the majority rules and the Sinhala politicians do not understand that Tamils are also Sri Lankans and they are more powerful in those countries where SL trades, there will be no solution.
The only solution is for Ranil to dissolve the parliament and call for a general election. During the election campaign, he should declare that he will at all costs bring 13A forward.
This will show that average Tamils and the Sinhalese are not RACISTS like the politicians who sit in the parliament. People will vote and bring to power a party or a coalition that would treat all Sri Lankans with equal rights and Sri Lankans.
Pandi Kutti / August 14, 2023
In all democratic countries the majority rules, but there are a lot of safeguards for racial, ethnic, linguistic and religious minorities. in their constitution, so that their own identity, language, religion, culture, history and lands are protected from the majority and they do not trample on them and they are safeguarded. Eg federalism, minorities are given more representation in the parliament than their population percentage. Eg the Thamzh 25% of representation Muslims 15% and Chingkallams 60%, the majority are kept in check but still rule but can never use their majority unfairly to trample the minority. The same percentage is done for the public sector and recruitment for the armed forces and police and in minority areas the public servants, police and armed forces reflect the population. This is done in India, Switzerland, Canada and everywhere else.
Pandi Kutti / August 14, 2023
In another country, if a politician had stated something so obnoxious, and racist, threatening to kill and behead, certain religious, ethnic or linguistic minorities, there would have been an uproar, and the person would have been forced to resign, arrested and charged for spreading hate and inciting violence against others. However not even whimper here, meaning the vast overwhelming majority of the Chingkallams, from the English-speaking westernised elite to the peasant, agree and approve. The funny thing is it is obvious from his family name that he is directly descended from South Indian Thamizh immigrant indentured or slave labour, that was imported into the island during the Portuguese and Dutch era. Now beating the anti-Thamizh drum and inciting violence of hatred against the island’s indigenous Thamizh in the name of Chingkalla Buddhism.
SJ / August 16, 2023
“In another country, if a politician had stated something so obnoxious, and racist, threatening to kill and behead, certain religious, ethnic or linguistic minorities, there would have been an uproar”
Must be very true.
In countries like Sweden, Denmark and France, streets were filled by demonstrators objecting to offensive reference to Islam and Prophet Mohamed.
But the media somehow suppressed the stories.
shankar / August 15, 2023
bhuddhist 1
i think as you say a general election is very important.Ranil should also say that after the election he is going to ask the members of parliament to vote for the abolishment of the presidency.As for the 13 A he should say a referendum should be held in every province and if in any province the majority say that they don’t want it,then the 13A should be implemented only in the provinces that say yes to it.
Mahila / August 17, 2023
That’s an absolutely EXCELLENT IDEA and fully democratic!!!
The public view is respected and in the process, the country would save lot of Funds as renumeration, allowance and Transport to PC members!!!???
If the people of any respective province don’t want PC’s, why enforce it on them!???
davidthegood / August 14, 2023
Elections are simply not only about votes. This increasing lawlessness and murders so rampant all over SL, is just the picture of where the world is heading today. We need the fear of God to correct this crazy trend.
Pandi Kutti / August 14, 2023
A Chingkalla politician and a former member of the Rajapussy cabinet has openly stated he wants Thamizh heads or to chop their heads and bring them to the south in order to save all the illegally built Chingkalla Buddhist Viharas on private and public Thamizh lands, on top of destroyed Hindu temples and or on top of the ruins of an ancient Thamuzh Buddhist Vihara, in order to change history and falsely claim this ancient Thamizh Buddhist site as Chingkallam and settle outside Chingkallams. So far other than Thamizh no one else has condemned this horrible racist comment openly stating he wants to behead Thamizh and bring their heads down south. The Chingkalla state, the politicians, president, ministers, prime minister, elite, the news media, the civic society, the Buddhist clergy( now that is not a surprise), Chingkala Christian clergy, especially the Cardinal but we know that he has never spoken up for the Thamizh, including the Thamizh Catholics, only started to cry when a few Chingkalla Catholics died during the 2019 Easrer bombing. Even the Western, Indian and other overseas diplomatic circles. This means the anit minority, especially anti Thamizh comments, threats, and open statements like I will kill them, behead them is fine and acceptable to everyone, including the international community.
Pandi Kutti / August 14, 2023
Thamizh people living on the island are subhumans for all of them and their killing, murder, genocide and war crimes are acceptable. This why even the UN, west and India ignored what happened in May 2009 and tries to minimise it and never accepts what happened or what is happening is genocide but far fewer killings in other parts of the world and atrocities against others are called genocide and war crimes.
Maybe he is following what a former President stated openly on TV in July 1983. ” If I kill and starve the Thamizh the Chingkallams will be happy”. This has happened many times and is happening and will happen far worse and they will be happy, this is why they keep on electing these racists, despite them looting the country’s wealth and bankrupting the nation and starving them. Imagine if a Thamizh had stated something similar. The uproar.
SJ / August 16, 2023
“…even the UN, west and India ignored what happened in May 2009”
Why don’t we figure out why it happens?
Why don’t we figure out why Tamil leaders are running behind them?