By Tisaranee Gunasekara –
“…it is not the elimination of racialism or nationalism that we want in this world today; it is the harmonisation of nationalism and racialism for future progress.” ~ Speech during the debate of The Citizenship Act
The News barely made the news. Defence secretary (retired) General Kamal Gunaratne and army commander General Vikum Liyanage were ordered by the Parliamentary Privileges Committee to apologise to parliamentarian Chandima Weerakkody.
Last October, the two generals threatened Mr. Weerakkody inside the parliament, at a meeting of the sectoral oversight committee on national security. During a discussion on downsizing the military, Mr Weerakkody deplored the wasteful expenditure of the top brass. He illustrated his point with examples, such as excessive vehicle-use and allocating Rs80million to landscape the army commander’s official residence. The two generals took umbrage and threatened the parliamentarian. The meeting was chaired by parliamentarian (and retired admiral) Sarath Weerasekara who did nothing to rein in his former colleagues or to protect the rights of his fellow parliamentarian. The Privileges Committee admonished him, telling him to conduct meetings impartially in future.
In a country where the rule of law and the primacy of civilian dominance are valued, the two erring officials would have been compelled to resign. For Sri Lanka, that is still a bridge too far. After all, here, a police officer convicted by the supreme court of torturing a suspect was not sacked but promoted to the post of acting IGP! Still, the mere fact of the two generals being compelled to apologise to the parliamentarian is a step in the right direction. Had the Rajapaksas been in power, the parliamentarian would have been forced to apologise to the generals, for impinging on the sacred honour of ‘war-heroes’.
In 1956, SWRD Bandaranaike made the seminal mistake of bringing monks into politics – and paid for that act of inane opportunism with his life. The JHU of Champaka Ranawaka and Udaya Gammanpila took this politicisation of the sangha to another level by sending monks – as representatives of the Sangha – to parliament. President Mahinda Rajapaksa remade the Pancha Maha Balavegaya by adding a sixth component: the military (‘war-heroes’). He and Gotabaya Rajapaksa worked relentlessly to militarise civil spaces, especially the economy. The military built and managed a host of public facilities, from parks, shopping arcades, cricket stadiums, and hotels/restaurants to a veterinary clinic, a beauty salon and a cruise ship.
The limited de-militarisation achieved during the 2015-19 period was rolled back once Gotabaya Rajapaksa was elected president with a massive majority. He inserted retired and serving military men into civilian administration, ministry secretaries downward. The military was given a host of new responsibilities, from purchasing paddy to recruiting and training 100,000 youths from low-income families to fill non-existing vacancies in state institutions.
This surge of militarisation has abated under Ranil Wickremesinghe. Yet, the military’s mindset of politico-economic entitlement remains, including the belief of absolute immunity and impunity. It is this mindset which made two generals threaten a parliamentarian inside the parliament. If left unacknowledged and unaddressed, this mindset could become a force for political and social regression; not to mention a serious threat to democracy and civilian rule. We do not have to look further than Pakistan to see the unenviable fate of countries that allow their militaries to become political actors.
The ‘75 lost years’: Where we went wrong
Wahat Al-salam in Arabic, Neve Shalom in Hebrew, Oasis of Peace in English: a small Palestinian-Jewish village situated midpoint between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. Set up by Bruno Hussar, a Dominican priest, on a barren hilltop leased from the nearby Latrun Monastery in the 1970’s, the village has an equal number of Jewish and Palestinian families. In here, religion is a personal matter, not a public concern. There is no synagogue, mosque, or church, but the village’s Spiritual Centre functions as a space for religious services of all three faiths. There’s a long waiting list of families wanting to join; no family which settled down here over the decades has left. There are tensions among the residents, especially now, but no violence.
This village is no utopia; it is merely an indication of what the land from Jordan River to Mediterranean Sea could have become: an oasis of peace instead of a theatre of eternal conflict for 75 years.
In Sri Lanka too, the notion of 75 lost years is a popular theme. There’s no question that we, as a country, have failed to fully realise the potential we possessed at Independence.
The question is, Why?
The popular answer is corruption, waste, and nepotism. Indeed, those factors are key causes of our national failure. But the main source of the Lankan malaise is politicians playing with and the electorate succumbing to majoritarian fantasies – and the resultant hell’s brew of blood-and -faith politics.
From Independence on, our path to a better future was impeded by increasingly virulent attempts to impose a Sinhala-Buddhist identity on an ethno-religiously pluralist land. The rot began with the disenfranchisement of upcountry Tamils in the very year we gained independence. A key motivating factor for Disenfranchisement was electoral/class; in many places, plantation Tamils were well-organised and tended to support the left. This, after all, was the locus of the famous Bracegirdle affair. The undivided UNP regarded plantation Tamils as an impediment to future electoral victories. Race and possibly caste added greater impetus. The Disenfranchisement was wrapped in patriotic linen, though there’s no evidence that a majority of Sinhala masses accepted the ‘Save the Nation’ narrative.
Two key proponents of Disenfranchisement, SWRD Bandaranaike and JR Jayewardene, would play decisive roles in driving Lanka towards linguistic division, ethnic conflict, and war. In 1956, SWRD Bandaranaike embraced the Buddhist Commission Report, won the election on Sinhala Only and presided over the first outburst of anti-Tamil violence. He stoked the fires of Sinhala-Buddhist maximalism and used monks as generals and foot-soldiers in his electoral assault on the UNP government.
His widow, Sirima Bandaranaike, aided the separatist cause with university standardisation and the brutal 1974 attack on the Tamil Conference in Jaffna. The government wanted this strictly cultural event to be held in Colombo. Most organisers insisted on having it in Jaffna. For that ‘crime’, police armed with rifles and tear gas invaded the event and attacked the participants. As senior journalist DBS Jeyaraj wrote, “A joyful cultural celebration was marred by the Sri Lankan police unleashing violence against Tamil civilians”. The police fired at overhead electrical wires, bringing them down. Seven participants died of electrocution; one of a heart attack. For the handful of Tamil youth dreaming of an armed struggle, the attack was a gift.
In 1977, JR Jayewardene reneged on his promise to politically resolve the ethnic problem. His government committed such civilizational depredations as the burning of the Jaffna library, and allowed Black July to happen. By falsely blaming the JVP for the riots and driving it out of the democratic mainstream via an unjust proscription, Mr. Jayewardene set the stage for the Second Insurgency.
If we had no Disenfranchisement, no Sinhala Only, and no University Standardisation, Black July, the long Eelam War, and the Second JVP insurgency could have been avoided.
Post-war, the Rajapaksas continued with blood-and-faith politics by creating a wave of anti-Muslim hysteria. The anti-Muslim riots in Aluthgama and Digana resulted. The seeds thus sown paved the way for the Easter Sunday Massacre, and the elevation of the supremely inept Gotabaya Rajapaksa as president.
A key outcome of blood-and-faith politics was the solidification of a persecution mania among the majority community. When one sees a real or potential enemy in every Tamil, Muslim or Christian, the services of a Hero-Saviour become essential. In this context, elections (especially presidential polls) descend into Saviour Pageants. When one saviour palls, the electorate condemns him/her; and the search for the next saviour begins.
So here we are, a bankrupt and a deeply divided country, waiting for a new saviour to come and rescue us from the consequences of our previous idiocies.
The deadly combination of political opportunism and racial/religious extremism was our original sin. Corruption, waste, and nepotism contributed, and continue to contribute to the national malaise, but they are not its root causes. Unless we understand this painful reality and address it, the next 75 years are likely to be another age of lost opportunities.
Monk-Military nexus: a growing problem
The Military and the Sangha: two Lankan institutions which are Lankan in name only. Lankan military is predominantly Sinhalese and mostly Buddhist in composition. Lankan Sangha is almost exclusively Sinhalese. Both are Sinhala-Buddhist supremacist in worldview and ethos.
The two institutions are symbiotic twins in terms of socio-economic origin. Most military recruits, like most novice monks, come from economically marginalised families. Children are ordained mostly due to poverty; young men join military mostly because they lack better employment opportunities. These are not choices, let alone vocations, but life-necessities.
The sangha and the military are regarded – and often regard themselves – as the ultimate protectors of Sinhala-Buddhist Lanka. The sangha was uncritically supportive of the military during the war years, rejecting out-of-hand any and all accusations of crimes and excesses. Most members of the sangha were also opposed to a political solution to the ethnic problem in general and the 13th Amendment in particular. They remain so to this day.
Post-war Rajapaksa effort to change the ethno-religious composition of the North and the East was spearheaded by the monks and the military. Temples sprouted next to military camps, in places with no civilian Buddhists. The temples were constructed, protected, and helped by men in uniforms. The camp-temple nexus became the new face of state-aided colonisation of the North and the East. The Sangha is opposed to the geographic de-militarisation of the North and the East, precisely because they want to propagate Buddhism there with the power of the gun rather than with Buddha’s word.
During the Rajapaksa years, Rana Wiruwa (war-hero) became established as a wholly virtuous entity, that is uniformly good, efficient, and law-abiding. This fantasy was used to sustain the myth of a ‘Humanitarian Operation with zero-civilian-casualties’ and to justify post-war militarisation of civilian spaces. This veneration of the ‘military uniform’ is similar to the veneration of the yellow robe (kaha sivura/cheevarya), the un-Buddhistic myth that the robe must be worshipped irrespective of the character and actions of the wearer. The uniform too has assumed quasi-religious status, conferring on its wearer a sense of not being subject to ordinary laws and norms. It is this patina of impunity which made two generals think that they have the right to threaten a parliamentarian within the parliament.
Once the Rajapaksas fell from the pinnacles of power and popularity, political ownership of the Sangha and the military fell vacant. Today both the JVP and the SJB are competing for the allegiance of these key institutions.
The JVP has taken the Rajapaksa project of bringing military into politics to the next level by organising retired military personnel countrywide. Aditana (Determination), a collective of retired military personnel, is a first in Lankan politics, and a worrying one. Lankan political parties have many ancillary organisations, from women and youth to farmers, workers, and even lawyers and monks. But this is the first time retired military personnel are being formally organised not as individuals but as a separate entity with a distinct identity. (The SJB is trying to play catch, not very successfully.)
The SJB has appointed a Sangha Advisory Council. The JVP is giving greater prominence to its monk-affiliate, Jathika Bhikshu Peramuna. In a development unprecedented in Lankan politics, both electoral front-runners are going out of their way to woo the most Sinhala-Buddhist supremacist institutions in the country. Whoever the winner is, that party will be saddled with a sense of obligation to the military and the sangha and to be mindful of their demands, concerns, and interests.
The future payback is likely to be both politico-ideological and economic. The JVP and the SJB are unlikely to descend into naked racism. Still neither party would be willing to break decisively break with blood-and-faith politics, for fear of antagonising the key support bases of military and the sangha. The economic paybacks would include not downsizing the military, not reducing defence costs, and restoring to the Sangha such freebies as electricity and water. A recent speech by the head of the JVP affiliated monks’ organisation was one long litany of economic grievances, from having to pay utility bills to devotees not being well-off enough to organise massive and elaborate religious ceremonies. “Instead of putting up huts, bringing the relics, and inviting the whole village for a dane as before, now our people are so poor they can only bring the dane to the temple…” the monk lamented.
Change is the current mantra. Perhaps, the next government will usher in meaningful and rational socio-economic and political changes. Hopefully, there will be less corruption, waste, and nepotism. But there will be no change where change is needed most. Trying to impose a mono-racial/religious identity on a pluralist land was how our path to perdition began – and continued. Whatever change 2024 may bring, a real departure from that path seems unlikely, given the assiduity with which the JVP and the SJB are wooing the main standard-bearers of Sinhala-Buddhist maximalism. Irrespective of who comes on top electorally, the ‘harmonisation of racialism and nationalism’ will continue to darken our future as it bloodied our past.
Plato / February 18, 2024
What a brilliant essay by Tisaranee . 75 years of the Srilankan political journey from Independence to date analysed with a crystal clear exposition.
There is only one sentence,which in my small way would amend.
…………From Independence on,our path to a better future was IMPEDED by increasing virulent attemts to impose a Sinhala-Buddhist identity on a ethno-religious pluralist land…………..
Instead of impeded the word SABOTAGED.
Sadly, 2024 appears to be also dim with the JVP and the SJB wooing the main standard bearers of Sinhala-Buddhist maximalism………….
old codger / February 18, 2024
“The Military and the Sangha: two Lankan institutions which are Lankan in name only. Lankan military is predominantly Sinhalese and mostly Buddhist in composition. Lankan Sangha is almost exclusively Sinhalese. Both are Sinhala-Buddhist supremacist in worldview and ethos.”
Maybe Lester can tell us whether TG is a Tamil, and of what caste /IQ?
nimal fernando / February 19, 2024
I don’t think …….. any of you fellow Sinhalese get it ………
This shows ……… Prabakaran was the greatest far-thinker in the entire history of the world!
That was Prabakaran’s ultimate plan …… to give the Sinhalese enough rope to hang themselves!!
If given the right impetus/catalyst, …….. he knew the Sinhalese would destroy themselves …… ……… more than any outsiders …… or his guns or bombs could.
What a bummer ……. the great Einsteins, the Sinhalese are …….. they buried Prabakaran in an unmarked grave …… no one can find …….
If not, we Sinhalese could’ve gone in droves and pissed on his grave …….. for the number he played on us!
Now, what to do? ……….. Except kill each other ……….
Native Vedda / February 19, 2024
nimal fernando
“If not, we Sinhalese could’ve gone in droves and pissed on his grave …….. for the number he played on us!”
Lets assume they knew where he was buried however do you think they would have known which direction the wind was blowing, given that he was seen awaiting for American ships to evacuate him near the seashore?
For men p*****g is also a difficult task.
nimal fernando / February 19, 2024
How Prabakaran is working on Ranil’s mind from beyond the grave to stiff the Sinhalese……… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iBI9OOOUqc
Native Vedda / February 19, 2024
old codger
If Lester is a patriotic born Aryan, Govi/Radala Sinhala/Buddhist why is he living away from his birth place and ancestral homeland (Tamil Nadu or South India)?
Lester / February 19, 2024
Those people wouldn’t take me back, as all “Sri Lankans” are low-castes in India. Don’t you know that zero Sri Lankan Tamil refugees in TN were granted citizenship? Don’t you know that Dalits (maybe some of your associates) in California filed a lawsuit against Google for casteism? Caste is like oxygen for Indians. By the way, how is the weather in Wilpattu these days?
Native Vedda / February 21, 2024
Recently I came to know about a secret deal between Ranil/State and Hindia to increase the number of daily scheduled flight between Palaly and Chennai Airports?
Do you see any conspiracy being hatched against Colombo by New Delhi?
Hindians want to expand the Palaly airport, which annoys a few, … Hindians also want to take over and run a few too. It should annoy all however except one or two nationalist/racist nutters rest are keeping quite. Have they effectively given up fighting for the country?
Kamala used to get Red Carpet Welcome on a monthly basis at Army camps. He is also quite.
Shavendra discovered an island near the north where he was planning to detain all the Kallathonies (like your ancestors) in those camps. He is also disappointed.
Even the noisy racists minorities are disappointed too and effectively given up.
Sadly watching them also made me disappointed.
Native Vedda / February 22, 2024
“Don’t you know that zero Sri Lankan Tamil refugees in TN were granted citizenship? “
Don’t you know Tamil Nadu is a transit point for those who want to travel further to Europe. Americas, Australia, …… Did you know Tamils helped the Anti Hindian born racist Somawansa Amarasinghe to travel to his ancestral land Tamilnadu by Kallathonie when the going got tough in early 1990s and then he went to Europe, so did many other JVP cadres.
The point is you are safe among your relative in Tamil Nadu than any part of this globe.
“Don’t you know that Dalits (maybe some of your associates) in California filed a lawsuit against Google for casteism?”
Those who filed lawsuit must have been upper caste lazy bumps, ….
“By the way, how is the weather in Wilpattu these days?”
Must be good, as long as you do not visit, Wilpattu will remain the best place.
chiv / February 19, 2024
OC, as usual TG is trying her level best to expose the racist Lankan politicians ( pseudo nationalist/ patriots ) thereby bring some sanity, but will she ever succeed in waking up the brain dead SillyLankans like Lester . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ????
Amrit Muttukumaru / February 19, 2024
Tisaranee Gunasekara
Ground reality would suggest that rational people will agree with your assertion “Irrespective of who comes on top electorally, the ‘harmonisation of racialism and nationalism’ will continue to darken our future as it bloodied our past.”
By inserting the word “Hopefully” even you have some doubt whether “there will be less corruption, waste, and nepotism” no matter “who comes on top electorally”.
I would replace your word “Hopefully” with the words “MOST UNLIKELY” for reasons which include:
1) On the crucial subject of ‘CAMPAIGN FINANCE’ even the Anura Kumara Dissanayake led NPP/JVP which would appear to be the best of a questionable lot to address private sector ‘corruption’ responsible for most of the corruption in this country, does not have a credible proposal for TRANSPARENCY in ‘campaign finance’. It must be emphasized that the private sector is in partnership with corrupt professionals (mainly accountants & lawyers) and politicians. It must be noted that the mainstream media owned by corporate honchos only refer to corrupt politicians.
2) ‘CONFLICT OF INTEREST’ which is a major cause of corruption is not even on the radar of this country which includes the NPP/JVP. For example, Duminda Hulangamuwa the Managing Partner of Ernst & Young in Sri Lanka is also the Chairman of the country’s premier business chamber – Ceylon Chamber of Commerce.
(continued below)
Amrit Muttukumaru / February 19, 2024
Tisaranee Gunasekara (continued from above)
Why is no one (even IMF) questioning how an auditor could be ‘INDEPENDENT’ when coalescing with business chambers? This must be a first in the world?
3) Did not the ‘Yahapalana’ government in which SJB leaders figured prominently and JVP supported, in effect FACILITATE money laundering when it repealed the Exchange Control Act No. 24 of 1953 and brought into law the new Foreign Exchange Act No. 12 of 2017?
4) The bottom line is that the bleeding of this country will continue no matter “who comes on top electorally”. For want of space, these are some random thoughts. My take is that for the most part it will be ‘BUSINESS AS USUAL’ even under a NPP/JVP led administration. Its track record in the ‘Yahapalana’ government it supported would suggest this.
On a lighter note, it is disappointing that CT is not following its ‘normal’ practice of inserting a photo of the author in the case of Tisaranee Gunasekara.
Amrit Muttukumaru
leelagemalli / February 20, 2024
In the developed world, social experts and other political scientists analyze the situation in their society. However, Sri Lanka, dominated by Sinhala Buddhism, depends on some foolish monks and their public statements about any form of politics. These monks are not even educated in Pali and Sanskrit.
So the doom of the nation is predestined or calculated is what came to my mind. what do you the rational thinkers make of this ? (please this request to all rational thinkers, LESTER does not belong to the category).
Those subjective thoughts can only lead society astray and create new kinds of problems.
whole lot of people in our hell are not used to use the brain but their emotions. We know how they were fooled to eat “milk rice ” on one-go, like asuchi eating dogs would not be able to hold up from that inevitable deed.
Wrong analysis, wrong results. It happened in this country for many years. It was this Pinguttara who sang songs in favor of cattle rustlers in Beliatte. There were consequences before our eyes today. Everyone is unhappy and criticises the other today. They point the finger at 76 years….. but truly saying did not we achieve anything for our good ?
LankaScot / February 21, 2024
Hello Amrit
A company that I worked for had an Ernst & Young Audit. The personnel that I spoke to were professional and discrete. I don’t know their policies on their representatives having other positions, however this might help https://www.ey.com/en_gl/global-code-of-conduct
From their site –
“Our Global Code of Conduct (pdf) provides a series of guiding principles grouped into five categories that cover the breadth of our activities. They are:
1. Working with one another
2. Working with clients and others
3. Acting with professional integrity
4. Maintaining our objectivity and independence
5. Protecting data, information and intellectual capital”
“Integrity is at the core of contemporary business and this means not only doing what is legal, but also doing what is right. We work with companies to design, assess and improve their compliance programs focusing on the right governance models for their organization and enabling the team to be strong business partners working to prevent violations of regulations and laws.”
“You’re looking for three things, generally, in a person. Intelligence, energy and integrity. And if they don’t have the last one, don’t even bother with the first two.”
So that’s what they say. Do they live up to it?
Best regards
Ruchira / February 18, 2024
Wahat Al-salam (Neve Shalom).
“This village is no utopia; it is merely an indication of what the land from Jordan River to Mediterranean Sea could have become: an oasis of peace instead of a theatre of eternal conflict for 75 years.”
May be its a case of size being a matter for peaceful coexistence in Wahat Al-salam or Neve Shalom.
What makes a small Jewish-Palastinian village peacful may not make the entire region from the river to the sea peaceful.
What makes Neve Shalom peaceful to begin with? It’s size? It’s absence of seperate religious centres for different religions? Or is it something else?
“There’s a long waiting list of families wanting to join; no family which settled down here over the decades has left.”
What makes it attractive for families as a place for settlement? Why don’t they leave?
What is the secret of Wahat Al-salam (Neve Shalom)?
Ruchira / February 18, 2024
Wahat Al-salam or Neve Shalom
“The Oasis of Peace made me understand that there is no such thing as an Oasis of Peace. Sure, Arabs and Jews coexist there in ways they don’t elsewhere in Israel, but they grapple with the same issues. In Israel, no one seems to be in a hurry to copy the model set out by Bruno Hussar in other communities. But at the same time, few people who have lived in Neve Shalom ever leave it. That says something. It is still there, it is growing, it exists.”
May be some (people) like to coexist while others don’t?
davidthegood / February 18, 2024
T G , “Trying to impose a mono-racial/religious identity on a pluralist land, leads to perdition.”You could not have said it better than this.
Raj-UK / February 18, 2024
A refreshing & relevant article that concerns SL today.
The NPP adding another bunch, this time retired military personnel, to their coalition, probably to indicate everybody is included & that there is more to SWRD’s ‘panchamaha balavegaya’ in modern times. What a bunch of geriatric tough guys who are only used to take orders from top can contribute to the country is my question. Maybe the military balavegaya is more powerful than the combined pancha balavegaya but will the NPP pickle taste better with new ingredients or more acidic & inedible?
Premadasas took over the ‘Bhikku balavegaya’ from SWRD & it has been their objective to increase the number of temples & Buddha statues in every street corner but even AKD, who I thought was critical of monks dabbling in politics, have got them on board. Maybe these monks are only concerned about paying their electricity & water bills but at a time when people are facing hardships & becoming desperate, I am sure solace through spiritual guidance could be provided without actively engaging in politics.
deepthi silva / February 19, 2024
What falls within this UK mans desires are good. Whatever he dislikes must be bad !
Was there justice under the LTTE ? Is Tamil Nadu a heaven on earth ? Millions applying to migrate to Tamil Nadu ?
Rohan25 / February 21, 2024
Tamil Nadu, your ancestral homeland may not be heaven on earth to you, but it is the second richest, industrialized and prosperous state in India, after Maharashtra and millions of North Indians and Bengalis have migrated there temporarily or permanently for a better life.
Ajith / February 18, 2024
The outcome of 75 years Buddhist Sinhalese politics finally resulted a bankgrupted country leaving the people to face nearly 100 billion dollars of the debt. Some of the culprits who took us to this stage have passed away but others still in power with the same Buddhist Sinhala politics wants to further to sell this country part by part to their masters. Not only they cheated us but also cheated Lord Buddha and his teachings. There is still some hope but the people should realise that we don’t need such cheaters and their Buddhist Sinhala Fundamentalism politics and move towards we all the children of this land and each and every one are equal.
nimal fernando / February 18, 2024
“recruitment of the civil service by competitive examinations” …….. 0:30 ………… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvopItE7bGY
competitive examinations …….. how better to favour the Tamils, eh?
Native Vedda / February 19, 2024
nimal fernando
“competitive examinations …….. how better to favour the Tamils, eh?”
Consider paying all people a “universal basic income” and encourage them to stay at home in order to minimise damages to the country and themselves. It would be cheaper to keep the entire Sri Lankan population at home than providing them with jobs prolonging the period of bankruptcy and agony.
Mahila / February 21, 2024
GEM of a True Reflection on State of Affairs, in Thrice Blessed Isle of Virtuous Paradise Sri Lanka!!! How else, could WE be any other than being ‘Bankrupt State’ – First in South Asia – Record Holder!?
Balanced View / February 18, 2024
I am awestruck by this article! What a brilliance?
In the final analysis, these blood-and-faith crusaders are not even helping their own sake, Sinhala-Buddhists, but themselves. They will not stop on anything, the real leave-no-stone-unturners, politicizing and racializing anything and every thing, but investing on high impact riches, the Sangha and military.
TG, could this article be translated into Sinhala and Tamil and published?
Colombo Telegraph, what is preventing from Sinhala and Tamil pages of CT? Is it the finances?
Ruchira / February 19, 2024
What the author Tisaranee Gunasekara forgets to tell us is that Wahat Al-salam or Neve Shalom is not a village that came to existence organically. It wasn’t a village that existed naturally. It was a creation. A conscious effort. An experiment of sorts.
Native Vedda / February 19, 2024
“It wasn’t a village that existed naturally. It was a creation.”
What is your point?
Ruchira / February 19, 2024
NV – The point is it is an experiment that has generated partially successful results within certain conditions. It may or may not not generate the same results under different conditions. And if you want similar results then you may have to consciously create such communities. For example the village has no mosques, churches or synagogues by design.
old codger / February 19, 2024
Yes, she does tell us that :”Set up by Bruno Hussar, a Dominican priest, on a barren hilltop leased from the nearby Latrun Monastery in the 1970’s:”
Another interfering Catholic priest 🤯🤯🤯
Ruchira / February 19, 2024
My Bad! She infact does. It simply escaped my attention.
SJ / February 20, 2024
Please tell me where I can find a natural village to spend my last years.
Native Vedda / February 20, 2024
“Please tell me where I can find a natural village to spend my last years.”
Kaixiangong Natural Village in China, Qidu Town, Wujiang District, Suzhou.
Please when you go take Rajapaksa clan, Lester, Udaya, ……………… with you.
old codger / February 20, 2024
You should apply to Gota, perhaps?
old codger / February 20, 2024
Sorry, it should be SJ.
SJ / February 21, 2024
There seem here more than one bilious joker that believes in natural villages.
That is nice, makes this space funnier.
SJ / February 21, 2024
You are right, Gota does have cranky ideas about things natural.
Ruchira / February 22, 2024
I think someone has made a comment about the difference between the letter of the law and spirit of the law, elsewhere here on CT, that may be applicable here too.
“…bilious joker that believes in natural villages.”
I see that there are new recruits to the bandwagon.
Interesting choice of words though…
Ruchira / February 21, 2024
Goes back to sleep….
Siva Sankaran Sharma / February 19, 2024
What a brilliant article and thank you for writing this, Tisaranee. You forgot the mention or are you aware that after the defeat of the LTTE in May 2009 the Sri Lankan authorities and the occupying Sinhalese armed forces in the north and east, especially in the north and in the Jaffna/Kilinochchi and parts of the Vanni, deliberately flooded these areas with drugs and forcibly recruited school children to sell drugs in schools, to deliberately get the local Tamil youth to get addicted to drugs and alcohol, so that the next generation will be useless and be subservient slaves to their Sinhalese masters and ruling classes and will not fight back. Just like the way the white colonial population did to the indigenous populations in Australia and other parts of America.
kugan2 / February 20, 2024
Forget to mention we had “greese Yakka”too to traumatize
Siva Sankaran Sharma / February 19, 2024
However evil always begets evil and now this has now got out of control and the profits from this imported drug trade was too high, that now this drug menace that started with deliberately targeting the Tamil youth by the powers and the occupying armed forces has spread to the entire island. You reap the evil that you sow. At least the LTTE did not stoop to such low practices and there was no such problem in the north or east. They would not have allowed this.
Lester / February 19, 2024
“If we had no Disenfranchisement, no Sinhala Only, and no University Standardisation, Black July, the long Eelam War, and the Second JVP insurgency could have been avoided.”
This analysis is far too simplistic. It’s like saying, “if I was born in 1920, I could have avoided COVID-19.” The problem is, if you were born in 1920, you would have experienced Spanish flu. When you try to change the past, you run into the so-called “butterfly effect.” The author does not comment on colonialism or casteism. Instead, she puts 100% of the blame on “Sinhala-Buddhism.” In fact, Tamils were making similar demands in India as early as 1926. In Tamil Nadu, they rejected “Hindi imposition.” The DMK actively campaigned for a separate state well into the 1960’s. There are still DMK members who want a separate state.
I will agree with the author on one point: much of the damage to the country came from the Bandaranaikes, especially Sirima and CBK. Are these people “Sinhala-Buddhists” or pretenders? Readers can decide for themselves: “The Bandaranayaka family is claimed to originate from Nilaperumal Pandaram, who was from India and served as high priest of the Temple of Nawagamuwa Pattini Devalaya.”
chiv / February 19, 2024
Jester, mind boggling, what a genius you’re. Now I request at least 20 GREENS by tomorrow. Do not forget your friend ( how long will that last ??? ) , share a few with him too.
Lester / February 19, 2024
I am not sure what your point is.
chiv / February 20, 2024
Lester , ” I am not sure what your point is “, which one, genius ??? or your friend ??? “Some are geniuses and some are refugees”. So sorry to hear your plight. I should be grateful, to continue my medical education in India, as an undergraduate with full scholarship and then post graduation in the U.S ( H 1 professional visa ), which helped in getting permanent residency in a very short time. Now give me, 20 GREENS.
Lester / February 21, 2024
Grateful for studying in India? The only good schools in India are the IIT’s and IIM’s. After completing your medical degree in India, you will have to take the USMLE. Even if you score high marks, you will not get a top residency, since those go to students who studied at US medical schools. You will wind up working in a small area for a lower salary.
FYI: Sri Lankan medical schools are superior to Indian medical schools. Of course, one has to be truly brilliant to get into an SL med school. Caribbean, India, Malaysia, China, that is where the jokers go for second-rate training. I personally know one girl who studied in the Caribbean, then did a residency in a London hospital, then never practiced medicine again.
Ruchira / February 21, 2024
Lester – AIIMS is supposed to be the best medical school in India. It is where the cream of the Indian crop goes to study medicine. But I do not know how they or even AIIMS compare with their Sri Lankan counterparts. But the thing with India is they have the best, the good, the bad and the downright ugly. Never heard of AIIMS giving scholarships to Sri Lankans though. Admission to AIIMS is highly competitive and only the best could get through. More than 50% of AIIMS graduates they say eventually end up in the US. It is a craze there. Everyone wants to go to US and there’s a whole subculture of people who want to go to US there, that is non existent in Sri Lanka. I met one guy at AIIMS who had come from a rural part of INDIA he was working as a Radiology Resident after graduating, while studying for USMLE.
Ruchira / February 21, 2024
Major part of his salary goes to buy USMLE preperatory books and attend USMLE classes. You can’t find a single notice board on campus atleast without one notice anouncing some USMLE class or study group or some such thing. That said I’m not sure if the US graduates who qualify withing the US needs USMLE for their residencies. It from what I know for externally qualified graduates. Like ERPM or ACT16 in Sri Lanka. We may have to give some credit though reluctantly to our friend chiv here if he is an alumnus of AIIMS.
Ruchira / February 21, 2024
Lester – In fact US students come to AIIMS to study Medicine so that thry could by pass the requirement of a Pre-Med bachelors degree to get into US med schools. Those US students that come to AIIMS eventually go back to US and do their USMLE and qualify ahead of their contemporaries who go through the US system.
Lester / February 21, 2024
“Never heard of AIIMS giving scholarships to Sri Lankans though.”
Great catch. There are no scholarships from the Indian government for foreign students who attend the MBBS at AIIMS Delhi. I presume it’s the same for the other AIIM’s. The tuition fee is $75,000 USD (annually). So it looks like our friend here has not exactly been upfront. Regardless, I wish him well in his imaginary journey’s.
“Admission to AIIMS is highly competitive and only the best could get through.”
Agreed. Based on the admissions rate of 0.08%. Although this being India, you can be sure there are a few pulling strings.
old codger / February 22, 2024
“There are no scholarships from the Indian government for foreign students who attend the MBBS at AIIMS Delhi”
Caught lying again. Oh dear!
“There are various All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) New Delhi scholarships for international students. Apart from the university-based scholarships, there are many other organizations including foundations, trusts, corporates etc. Who offer scholarships for international students”
Lester / February 23, 2024
Old Codger,
You are the liar, not me. This is from someone who attended AIIMS:
“But for the countries like Nepal and Sri Lanka, the tuition fees is to be bore by the student him/herself. But they have no bond to the government and are free to do whatever they want after their MBBS”
old codger / February 21, 2024
” Of course, one has to be truly brilliant to get into an SL med school.”
I suppose one only needs to have a weak sense of smell to work at your facility…..
chiv / February 21, 2024
OC , my lips are sealed. Some one seems to be pissed and ugly. As long it’s personal I don’t mind it. So I gave him a GREEN.
SJ / February 21, 2024
It is more fun to let him make an ass of himself, unassisted.
Lester / February 22, 2024
It’s better if you assisted. The fake scholarship is unlikely to offset his three-wheeler expenses.
SJ / February 22, 2024
I do not interfere when people can do their things themselves.
Can one add to perfection?
Ruchira / February 22, 2024
So chiv – please do enlighten us on the scholarship you received from AIIMS. Can the others, including Chinglakkam apply to it too? Or is it only for Tamil geniuses like yourself? May be it was a one time offer just made for you and only for you. You being the special one? Common tell us. We are eager to hear.
chiv / February 22, 2024
We know Jester well. But now that you’re his partner, are you hear to confirm my scholarship or discuss other important things. I know what I achieved and there is no reason for me to convince others , that too some stranger. But if you insist I may, but that will make you look very stupid. So think again and do not complain that I did not warn you.
Ruchira / February 22, 2024
@chiv – Well, no need to get all worked up. We or atleast I just wanted to find out if AIIMS offer scholarships to Sri Lankans and if so if the Sinhalese too could apply to them. Coz it’s a good school and I have above accepted that it’s not easy to get into AIIMs. So please do tell me, I am genuinely interested in it. OC says or seems to imply that its bcoz you are an OIC. So what was the scholarship you got if I may ask again for curiosity’s and interests sake?
Ruchira / February 22, 2024
Hello chiv – FYI I’m not Lester’s partner. We just happen to agree on certain things. It seems like you are a little hurt. I honestly wanted to find out how you being a Sri Lankan (which I assumed from your comments) got into AIIMS. If you don’t want tell us, that’s okay. It’s a good school. From what I know only the best 50 from India gain admission to it. Not sure if it’s still the same. I was also told that an average of 35 out of that 50 ends up in the US. So how come you returned? Having specialised in the US?
old codger / February 22, 2024
You seem pretty good at the making friends and influencing people thing……..
SJ / February 22, 2024
C, despite his biases, is not one who uses terms like Ch********.
chiv / February 22, 2024
Thanks SJ The fun part is I never mentioned ch…….. or AIIMS .But the two went on tangent ending up with, one asking me for further explanation?? Really amazing, enjoying the fun.
Ruchira / February 22, 2024
Nobody said he does…
Ruchira / February 22, 2024
Chiv – someone equated you being a genius. That’s how AIIMS slid into the conversation I think. So from where did you get the scholarship?
old codger / February 22, 2024
Ruchira and Lester,
Do either of you know what the acronym OCI stands for? If you don’t, please don’t get yourselves into further trouble…..
BTW, I don’t know anybody on this forum personally, Chiv included.
Ruchira / February 22, 2024
Oh – that’s how he got into AIIMS! That’s I must accept is a genius at work!
old codger / February 22, 2024
If you take an inveterate liar at face value, simply because he says things you
like, you put your own logic in jeopardy.
There are no scholarships from the Indian government for foreign students who attend the MBBS at AIIMS Delhi” says Lester
Caught lying again. Oh dear!
“There are various All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) New Delhi scholarships for international students. Apart from the university-based scholarships, there are many other organizations including foundations, trusts, corporates etc. Who offer scholarships for international students”
Lester / February 22, 2024
Old Codger,
How do you know he is an OCI? The only way he can he an OCI is if he is a descendant of a plantation worker. Even that is problematic, as all plantation workers were granted Sri Lankan citizenship by GOSL. Check OCI definition.Category (IV) likely applies in this case.
“A foreign national, – (i) who was a citizen of India at the time of, or at any time after 26th January, 1950; or (ii) who was eligible to become a citizen of India on 26th January, 1950; or (iii) who belonged to a territory that became part of India after 15th August, 1947; or (iv) who is a child or a grandchild or a great grandchild of such a citizen; or (v) who is a minor child of such persons mentioned above; or (vi) who is a minor child and whose both parents are citizens of India or one of the parents is a citizen of India – is eligible for registration as OCI cardholder.”
To be fair, he never said he went to AIIMS. I’m not the one who brought that up. It just proves my earlier point, excluding AIIMS, Sri Lankan medical education is superior to Indian.
Ruchira / February 23, 2024
OC – It was me who said that I haven’t heard of AIIMS giving any scholarships to Sri Lankan students not Lester. I don’t have to believe everything Lester says to agree on certain things he says. The crux of the matter is – I was simply interested in the scholarship chiv is said to have got and basis he got it. Haven’t run into anyone who has gone from SL to AIIMS on a schol. Entry criteria must be pretty high.
Ruchira / February 23, 2024
OC – on the contrary to your claim of Lester being a liar i thought he just debunked your 15 bodies theory in a mass grave innone of his recent comments.
Ruchira / February 23, 2024
OC – there are scholarships offered to international students by various universities that anyone could apply. Then there are scholarships offered to specific countries for their citizens to apply through government. I wasnt really splitting hairs in my mind as to the type of schol when I wanted to know how chiv got the scholarship but at the back of my mind I was thinking the latter type.
Ruchira / February 23, 2024
OC – “Ruchira,
You seem pretty good at the making friends and influencing people thing……..”
What do you mean?
Lester / February 23, 2024
Hello Ruchira,
It’s a moot point because he never went to the AIIMS. There are no scholarships for Sri Lankan students. He calls others “Jester” but he thinks he can cheat Americans with some third-class training from Toilet Nadu. Very, very unlikely he’ll get through the USMLE. If he does, he’ll get a residency in a rural area, treating Donald Trump voters for knee pain. Ignore OC’s conspiracy theories, that guy is clueless as usual.
old codger / February 23, 2024
Not all people of Indian descent are plantation workers, not that it matters.Check out who built the Khan Clock tower, who owns MAS, Expo, etc.
“How do you know he is an OCI? “
Because he said so himself.
“as all plantation workers were granted Sri Lankan citizenship by GOSL”
Another lie. Ruchira please note.
Lester / February 23, 2024
As you mentioned previously, Old Codger has some difficulty with English comprehension. He gave a link to a webpage that has incorrect results without bothering to read through the contents of the webpage. None of the scholarships on the webpage he gave are funded by the Indian government for international students. Some of the scholarships have nothing to do with medicine.
Below is the list of top 10 All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) New Delhi scholarships for International students:
SJ / February 23, 2024
“We just happen to agree on certain things.”
It is the points of agreement that reveal much about the pair.
Native Vedda / February 22, 2024
“FYI: Sri Lankan medical schools are superior to Indian medical schools.”
I suppose you have the comparative study stacked under your bump.
old codger / February 22, 2024
““FYI: Sri Lankan medical schools are superior to Indian medical schools.” says Lester.
–Could any Indian medical school have produced a genius like Anuruddha Padeniya, paediatrician/ geologist/ agricultural expert par excellence, who contributed at least 50% to bankrupting an entire country?
Ruchira / February 23, 2024
Regardless of all his quirks I would assume his medical credentials to be solid. Quirks are not results of his medical education, they are his own. He is a Paediatric Neurologist. Not a speciality for the light hearted or an easy one to master.
chiv / February 23, 2024
OC and Native, while they are at it , confirming my scholarship and qualification, according to today’s news ” GMOA claims currently more than 40,000 individuals in Lanka are masquerading as doctors including those without basic medical qualification, engaging in unauthorized medical practice and impersonating legitimate healthcare professionals ( is that a kind of a body double, like our politicians , very funny ). See DM online , ” GMOA slams health ministry over quacks ” by Sheain Fernandopulle. I wonder whether Minister Rambo’s relatives are included in that list. Anyway, Jester is right there is no parallel to Lankan medical schools and health care system. At least I’m registered and holding valid licence to practice, both in India and the U.S.
SJ / February 19, 2024
“I request at least 20 GREENS by tomorrow”
If it is for you, there will be a fee.
Payment before service I guess.
Ruchira / February 20, 2024
“If it is for you, there will be a fee.
Payment before service I guess”
He is halfway there as of 2.15 PM, 20.02.2024.
Lester / February 20, 2024
Some are geniuses and some are refugees.
Ruchira / February 20, 2024
“Some are geniuses and some are refugees.”
SJ / February 20, 2024
Cannot a genius be a refugee?
There were quite a few during WWII and after.
old codger / February 20, 2024
“Cannot a genius be a refugee?”
Are you trying to butter up Lester?
SJ / February 21, 2024
To roast?
old codger / February 20, 2024
How about the third category?
Both genius and refugee?
Lester / February 21, 2024
You mean the Ashkenazim with genius level IQ who created Israel. 0.2% of the world population. That is what you call an extreme outlier in the dataset.
Ruchira / February 19, 2024
Lester – Yes, I think you have said it somewhere quoting some philosopher, Aristotle may be, something to do with cause and effect. Some people for some reason are not able to view the history as a dynamic thing hence come up with narratives that portray a static picture with black and white perpertrators and victims. Too simplistic views looking for simplistic answers. No room for complexity or to show that there were conflicting dynamics at play throughout the history. Regardless of the accussations they make about you, you seem to be aware of this. I think it’s the language and the tone with which you comment that they partly object to but if you are nicer and polite, they will find fault eith that too. So in conclusion they are the inflexible ones. The intolerant. But they blame it on ‘others’.
Lester / February 19, 2024
I am merely stating well-known historical facts that are easily verifiable. It is a fact that the DMK wanted a separate state and this would have obviously impacted Tamil politics in Sri Lanka. If the author was truly objective, she would mention this.
“The basic objective of the Non-Brahmin political movement in the initial stages was to eradicate the “imbalance”. In the later stages, particularly when the dynamic E. V. Ramasamy Naicker (hereafter referred to as Periyar) 3 assumed the leadership of the movement, more radical postures and policies were adopted and the achievement of an independent sovereign federal republic of Dravidanadu consisting of the present Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Mysore became the principal objective of the movement.”
old codger / February 20, 2024
There is no point droning on about Tamilnadu politics in 1961.They achieved everything they wanted short of independence, and their per capita income is now higher than Sri Lanka. As to Hindi, it doesn’t even appear on road signs, except for federally-run highways.
Lester / February 20, 2024
I see you have vast knowledge of many affairs. Big corporations could benefit from your expertise. What do you think about this incident from Sept. 2023?
“The recent incident in Nanguneri – where a group of dominant Marvar caste students attacked their classmate, who belonged to a Scheduled Caste, with a sickle, causing life threatening injuries – has once again revealed the venomous casteism in the land of social justice.”
Do you have information about the per capita income of those who belong to the “Scheduled Caste?” Thanks in advance.
old codger / February 21, 2024
It is a fact that some Indian states have pulled ahead of SL, notwithstanding “lack of toilets”.
Don’t black refugees like you get beaten up by skinheads now and then? What is your point if any?
You still haven’t named even one Sinhala racist. I named two Tamil ones.
Why not?
chiv / February 21, 2024
OC , the current asset value of TATA group ( 365 Billion) is more than the GDP of entire Pakistan ( 345 billion).. The growth rate of India is expected to be around 7 – 8 % for coming 5 to 10 years. Foreign investment keeps pouring in and the markets keeps surging to new heights. The money I invested just few years ago towards children’s education ( long term) and retirement is now worth 2.5 times ( 250 %) Even a sceptic like me has eventually accepted above facts. Whereas poor Jester is still fixated with his misogyny and racial stereotypes.
Lester / February 22, 2024
Relatively speaking, India will never catch up to China, as I have explained multiple times. Besides casteism, there is far too much corruption, which hinders development. The huge size of the country combined with religious friction between different groups is also a hindrance.
FYI: I am not the one planning on cheating Americans with sub-standard Indian education (we know you didn’t go to AIIMS, since there are no scholarships for Lankans). I worked for everything (though it wasn’t necessary). The title of “Jester” goes to you and only you.
old codger / February 22, 2024
“Besides casteism, there is far too much corruption”
You seem so obsessed with caste. Is your Brahmin supervisor giving you trouble?
chiv / February 22, 2024
OC, I too was thinking on the same lines. Why is this guy so much fixated with caste, defecation and urination while there is rampant gun violence and daily killings in Lanka.
Lester / February 21, 2024
Since you want to go this route, Colombo 7 is probably more “developed” than most states in India, excluding population size. We can even use your favorite metric, per capita income.
Refugee? I took the plane, not the boat like you know who. 99.9% of Sinhalese don’t quality as “refugees.” You have to fall under some category of discrimination, physical abuse, fleeing a war zone, etc. You can’t just tell them, “I want a better job than clearing mines for STF, so I can afford 20 Rs eggs.”
old codger / February 22, 2024
How did Chamath Palihapitiya’s father claim refugee status? That’s the richest member of the Sinhala diaspora.
“I took the plane, not the boat like you know who”
It must have been the cold in the undercarriage compartment that caused your brain damage. Or did you pack yourself in a suitcase?
Lester / February 22, 2024
“”His family had come to Canada from Sri Lanka when he was 5; his father, Gamage, was an official with the Sri Lankan High Commission posted to Ottawa. In 1986, when it came time to go home, Gamage applied for refugee status. Chamath says his father had made enemies in Sri Lanka with his outspokenness about the needless violence on both sides during the civil war that was erupting there.”
The father probably applied for asylum, similar to Jon Snowden. If your life is in danger from the government, you can claim asylum. Journalists and political dissidents often do this. Frederica Jansz, etc. Chamath’s father lied. He was no refugee. He was working for the SL High Commission in Ottawa. What kind of refugee works for the High Commission?
Native Vedda / February 22, 2024
“I see you have vast knowledge of many affairs.”
Do you know why?
It is possible only by lifelong learning, keeping up with new developments, fact checking what one writes, it is also about learning to write than just typing.
It is difficult if you have a conditioned mind.
Lester / February 22, 2024
Rest assured. I have an open mind. Why don’t we assume you’re correct for a moment. The SB’s are racists with low IQ’s who abuse minorities. That is what you have been telling us since the age of dinosaurs and the age of the dinosaurs grandfather. In order to protect the minorities, “Tamil Eelam” must be created. Now my question to you is, what is the status of a “vedda” in Tamil Eelam? Can a vedda own property under so-called Thesawalamai law? Can a veddah take a p–s under that law? Why the (hole) do you support people who *hate* you because you were born the wrong way (caste) and will throw you to the sea? You assume a minority is automatically your friend, that is pure naivety. Exponentially squared.
SJ / February 21, 2024
They will need Hindi as there is a market for Hindi movies and Chennai movie business people have been earning on that front too.
old codger / February 22, 2024
Practically all of them can use Hindi, though they aren’t very keen on it. In the North, even English is rare. Rather like our deep South.
deepthi silva / February 19, 2024
Ruchi ,The writer does not say this village came up organically. It is obvious it was a creation of some people. Why such superficial observations
SJ / February 21, 2024
How does any village pop up without human intervention?
Paul / February 19, 2024
An awful indictment but its impossible to fault it.
Native Vedda / February 19, 2024
“An awful indictment but its impossible to fault it.”
With Lester’s IQ anyone can fault it without soma’s intellectual input.
Lester / February 20, 2024
You are on a 26 year losing streak. Keep it up. Maybe OC (landmine expert) can fund your next HR initiative. After Israel, it looks like Sooka, Solheim, Darusman, & the rest of the crew are hiding under the bed.
Native Vedda / February 21, 2024
“….. it looks like Sooka, Solheim, Darusman, & the rest of the crew are hiding under the bed”
Please keep this in mind Solheim, Hindia, US, West, enormously helped your cousin/brother Velupillai Prabaharan (VP) to defeat LTTE, and VP brilliantly destroyed LTTE for Mahinda.
Mahinda clan and the armed forces have been desperately longing for the return of VP and LTTE as they needed to justify their presence in this island, fortunes were made simply citing grave danger from the Terrorists/War/Child sodiers, suicide bombers, …, …..
Cicero / February 19, 2024
As usual, a brilliant article by Tissaranee. When AKD speaks of system change, the issue is whether we are really going to witness more of the same. He has already gone with trays of flowers to the Mahasangha and it appears that the JVP is cosying up to the army. Given that it is organised in accordance with military tenets, the JVP may become a more dangerous force once unleashed. Democracy in the hands of such a bunch may turn out to be a dangerous notion, as or more pernicious than democracy as rule of the Sinhala Buddhist majority. The country is sick to the core with the traditional politician from Ranil and his crooked coterie to Mahinda and his morons. So, they are looking for a change. Is this change a case of dropping from the frying pan into the fire?
Ruchira / February 19, 2024
(1) “The popular answer is corruption, waste, and nepotism. Indeed, those factors are key causes of our national failure.” (2) “But the main source of the Lankan malaise is politicians playing with and the electorate succumbing to majoritarian fantasies…”
The author seems to think that these are two different causes and fail to see the core common problem is the politicians playing with the electorate for selfish reasons creating first corruption and secondly communalism in the form of majoritarianism.
What could the electorate do without succumbing to their games? Was there ever an alternative? Even OLA albeit the sole responsibility is now thrown on SWRDB it I believe was also the UNP policy at the given election.
It is the leaders duty to set the agenda, decide on the message and tone of delivery balancing the electorate’s expectations and the ideals towards they want the electorate to be guided towards.
But if the objective is to preserve and consolidate power at any cost, leaders of such calibre are not created.
Ruchira / February 19, 2024
This is why the NPP’s coming out of age is important. They for the first time seem to offer a formidable alternative for the traditional political parties, all of whom have united against them.
If the electorate mis this window of opportunity it may never come back and the consequences would be felt and sufferred by generations to come.
old codger / February 19, 2024
“The popular answer is corruption, waste, and nepotism. Indeed, those factors are key causes of our national failure.” “
No, they aren’t. There are places where there is more corruption and nepotism than here, but they are far from bankrupt.
Ruchira / February 20, 2024
OC – It looks like that’s what is being offered by Ranil & Co. Corrupt but prosperous Sri Lanka by 2048.
chiv / February 20, 2024
OC, I agree with you in that corruption and nepotism are not the only factors for bankruptcy. What do you think about the recent report, “ShamLanka has the worst record among South Asian countries in not listing corrupt contractors in public procurement . The only country to NOT blacklist contractors engaged in fraudulent activities and default on contractual obligation”. Remember Rajapaksa govt spending MILLIONS to move a stone , thereby eating up the whole budget allocated to build a primary health care center. Procurement guide lines were changed by Rajapaksas in 2006 so that they control almost all public procurement, except for few Pharmaceutical procurement. Even then minister Rambo found ways to procure fake live saving drugs. Must be , ZERO corruption , ZERO war casualty, Zero foreign reserve, Zero morality . . . . . . . . .
chiv / February 20, 2024
OC, “The popular answer is corruption,waste and nepotism. Indeed those factors are key causes of our national failure”. That to me is , too simplistic views looking for simplistic answers, no room for complexity or to show that there were conflicting dynamics such as SB racism , fascism, systematic cleansing, violence against minority . . . . . .at play through out the history of prosperous and splendid ShamLanka.
Ruchira / February 20, 2024
OC – “No, they aren’t. There are places where there is more corruption and nepotism than here, but they are far from bankrupt.”
She doesn’t say there aren’t.
Having corruption as a side dish is one thing, it being the main course is completely another.
Nobody said banckruptcy was due to corruption alone.
old codger / February 20, 2024
“Even OLA albeit the sole responsibility is now thrown on SWRDB it I believe was also the UNP policy at the given election.”
It wasn’t the policy per se, but the way it was carried out, like Gota’s fertilizer policy.
Leave alone the Tamils, SWRD emasculated the police force and the Railway by driving away senior Burgher officers., ultimately reducing both to what we have today.
But then, who voted him in?
Ruchira / February 21, 2024
History can not be changed, not matter how many books or works of serious scholars you read. Who want the same clans to prevail for another 75 years should be the question!
Lester / February 22, 2024
“History can not be changed”
Exactly. Other countries have gone through far worse things than a race riot or language policy. A simple example: tens of millions died under the collectivism of Mao. Human rights is not essential for economic development; China is still authoritarian. But these separatists are so stupid, they really think the entire “fault” goes to the SB’s, who were anyway disenfranchised under colonial invaders.
Ruchira / February 22, 2024
Lester -True. Holocaust happened within the last century. Look at where Germany is now.
“But these separatists are so stupid, they really think the entire “fault” goes to the SB’s, who were anyway disenfranchised under colonial invaders.”
They, the separatists, will soon lose their credibility. That’s forsure.
old codger / February 21, 2024
SWRD also destroyed professionalism in the police, paving the way for thugs like Deshabandu to rise to the top.
Ruchira / February 22, 2024
OC – From the same write up: “S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike who had been born and baptised as an Anglican before reverting to Buddhism …..”
And you still blame it on Sinhala Buddhism and Sinhala Buddhists.
SJ / February 21, 2024
The railway did pretty well despite the handicap until JRJ wrecked it with mass dismissals in 1981. There were good engineers who headed the department in the 50s and 60s and modernised
Did the police rely as heavily on the Burgher community? (There was fair Malay presence in both army & police.)
We had lost a healthy tradition of Burgher scholarship comprising researchers on subjects like history, archaeology and wildlife.
old codger / February 22, 2024
The railway suffered from lethargic administration latterly. There are old photos of the KV line with neatly trimmed tracks, not the jungle it is now. Politicians should have allowed it to raise prices gradually even to a break-even level.
There were an unusual amount of Burgher officers. Like the Malays, this might have been due to the policy of letting one son into the service on preference.
It is true there was genuine scholarship in Burgher circles.
SJ / February 22, 2024
A problem was created when trained staff were sacked because they took part in the strike.
Maintenance was an area that was ignored.
Besides the railway staff had some pride in the Railway and a sense of belonging
Saw what was done to the workshops.
All good training locations for mechanical engineers in the country were wrecked, willfully I would say.
Paul / February 19, 2024
Hello NV, you are quieter than you were in the days of Edwin Rodrigo and Taraki, I hope you are keeping well.
Native Vedda / February 20, 2024
There are too many media outlets too many writers too many b**********s, hence I find very little time to spend here. However I try my best keep abreast with latest developments (especially Breaking News).
Mallaiyuran / February 22, 2024
” Still, the mere fact of the two generals being compelled to apologise to the parliamentarian is a step in the right direction. “
IMF is the PR agent for Evil’s political campaign for his ever first Presidential election victory, though his presidential life will have to be ended as early as possible for the people’s lives to start to heal from the 76 years of UNP-SLFP tyranny. That apology gimmick is only to give the stick to the IMF to run for Evil. Appe Aanduwa has reduced the electricity rates many times, in the talks. No use in taking those propaganda issues to serious discussion. The important thing is, Mr. Evil did not even touch about minority issues in his last throne speech. But has invited all people to come together as Sinhala Buddhists, so he can put the Langkang back in place. Don’t we remember right after the 2009 genocide war Old Rowdy King declared in Langkang there is only one race (i.e. Sinhala Buddhists)? Then what is his partner Evil Emperor asking for? Unfortunately, people don’t want Langkang to return from the initiations the Protest 2022 started.
Mallaiyuran / February 22, 2024
Recently American South Asian Secretary Lu said the Langkang has made a world record on recovering from its bankruptcy. The contradictory issue is that CBG Lalavinodam still has to publicly accept that the country was ever bankrupt or ever defaulted on any payments. At the start of defaulting on the payments, Harsha had been asking what the loan Cabal, the earlier CBG was paying. Media was arousing suspicion that those were Rowdy Royals’ Sovereign Bonds. All were wondering what plane loads of secret (Media suspected as money and government’s secret documents) materials the Langkang Ambassador was taking to Uganda. If the American Envoy LU didn’t come to know about this secret deal, he must ask the FBI, CIA to find out what they were dealing which involved CBG, Uganda Ambassador, Old Rowdy Royals, and the current president who suppressed any inquiries into that, including other CB’s fraudulent acts.
Mallaiyuran / February 22, 2024
” Had the Rajapaksas been in power, the parliamentarian would have been forced to apologise to the generals, for impinging on the sacred honour of ‘war-heroes’.
This is Tisaranee Gunasekara’s campaign for the Evil Emperor.
Mallaiyuran / February 22, 2024
A key motivating factor for Disenfranchisement was electoral/class; in many places, plantation Tamils were well-organised and tended to support the left. This, after all, was the locus of the famous Bracegirdle affair. The undivided UNP regarded plantation Tamils as an impediment to future electoral victories.
Convoluting queen rewriting her own Mahavamsa, she wrote in the past in CT. Don Stepen was sent to Lanka by the Devil to destroy the country. He followed Mahanama & Don David’s preaching to establish Sinhala Buddhist Island. He organized the 1915 riots. Then ensured the Only Gentleman Sir Pon Arunachalam not getting a seat in Colombo. The State Council refused any minister position to Tamils. He did his best to make Tamils as the enemies of Britain by deviating the freedom to Dominion State. He refused to participate in Soulbury commissions’ sitting to deny Tamils minority protections. He spearheaded the 50:50. Junius Richard invented the National and Shuwabasha education to oppress Tamils. The sweet lady putting everything on Solomon West Ridgeway Dias. But he asked for Federalism, including for Tamils. He proposed the Banda-Chelva pact too. Nobody ever convoluted the Langkang Mahavamsa as much as our ladyship. SWRD’s daughter agreed (2000) to put back Federalism in its perspective. UNP Evil, who insists that he only will follow Don Stphen, physically set fire to that. Irrelevance of Ladyship Evil agrees doing those.
Mallaiyuran / February 22, 2024
“The Disenfranchisement was wrapped in patriotic linen, though there’s no evidence that a majority of Sinhala masses accepted the ‘Save the Nation’ narrative.
That is only hiding the whole pumpkin in a plate of rice. Bravo for the ladyship’s artistic rhetoric. But that is a fatally deceiving statement! Is the Ladyship in denial of the Jihadi Campaign victory of 2019 with Sinhala Buddhists’ only voting? Ladyship appears to be more fraudulent than the Sinhala Buddhist political frauds. Our writing is still in CT telling the Sinhala Viyathmahas “Save the people to save the nation; Save the nation to save the country; Save the country to save the Sovereignty”. This I conceived after Sampanthan Aiyya’s, very earnest, persuasive speech for Old Rowdy King Parliament to give chance to the “Secret Solution Constitution”, after he returned to parliament as the victor of the Local Council election, campaigning with the national issue in local council election: “You want one country or two countries”, to brainwash the Sinhala Buddhist Modayas. But the Slap Party went with “One country- Two country issue” in the national election also, after the Yahapalanaya Administration had organized the Jihadi War with the help of Muslim Ministers. Hakeem and Rishard were that much against changing the constitution giving any recognition to Tamils.
Mallaiyuran / February 22, 2024
”Bandaranaike embraced the Buddhist Commission Report, won the election on Sinhala Only and presided over the first outburst of anti-Tamil violence. “
But it was only after the auspicious debut of Evil UNP’s Kandy Walk. Ladyship is putting too much effort to protect the UNP tyrant Evil and exposing her motive of her campaign for Evil for the (probably not-coming) election campaign. The bottom line is, if any Tamils are not voting for the NPP, they will not be going to the presidential election if one takes place. This will be the least North East Tamils participated in the election of Langkang. But it is unlikely any Tamil prominent figure actively campaigning to boycott the election. The Tamils have been turned off by Sinhala Buddhist Intellectual writers like Tisaranee Gunasekara and humiliated by politicians like UNP’s Evil Emperor and SLFP (Slap Party) Old Royals. Suren Surendran handing over the Tamils’ future in the hands of Bald Heads is the last straw that broke the camel’s back.
Mallaiyuran / February 22, 2024
“ When one saviour palls, the electorate condemns him/her; and the search for the next saviour begins.
So here we are, a bankrupt and a deeply divided country, waiting for a new saviour to come and rescue us from the consequences of our previous idiocies.
Here we go. That passage answers the question of “ though there’s no evidence that a majority of Sinhala masses accepted the ‘Save the Nation’ narrative.
“ The sangha and the military are regarded – and often regard themselves – as the ultimate protectors of Sinhala-Buddhist Lanka. “ That is true and it was the Evil who claimed that he saved the Military by knocking out the ICC from Lanka also true. Evil’s promise in Resolution 30/1 to sign the Rome Accord was not honored.
” If we had no Disenfranchisement, no Sinhala Only, and no University Standardisation, Black July, the long Eelam War, and the Second JVP insurgency could have been avoided. “
Many things could have been fixed by now if UNP Evil had gone ahead with Resolution 30/1 and authorized UNHRC to refer the Rowdy King to ICC. The country would not have been bankrupt if the Hitler king was in Hague prison. Evil, again, broke CBK’s hand on signing the Rome Accord. Then he called UNSG’s Expert Panel Report as the Dharsman report!
Mallaiyuran / February 22, 2024
It is this patina of impunity which made two generals think that they have the right to threaten a parliamentarian within the parliament.
This is absolutely ridiculous. These all-Rapist Army tyrants (42 of them) were accused as War Criminals in September 2014 UNHRC report. Which was the statement Lemon Puff released in the Yahapalanaya time. Evil used American diplomats to delay UNHRC releasing that report. Prince resigned from UNHRC high commissioner position. Then, Evil, demoting Magala and sending others to UNHRC, had the resolution nullified. That is how the war criminals like Kamala, Savage Indra, Old Rowdy King, Hitler King all are roaming around. It is undeniably, well known fact that Evil is the one protecting the War Criminals. Hiler selected the enemy party candidate to carry on his mandate of protecting the nation is the overwhelming evidence why Evil needs to be come back to power. The Old Rowdy Family has said if Evil stands in the election they will not place a candidate. But that is not what they say for Valaiththodam or Anura. What does that mean? Why is Tisaranee Gunasekara not talking about it? Their aspiration is Evil has to last beyond the next September UNHRC sitting so the Evil can use the IMF and a few anti-Tamil members in the Biden Administration to keep the UNHRC resolutions inactive to save the war criminals.
Mallaiyuran / February 22, 2024
“ a real departure from that path seems unlikely, given the assiduity with which the JVP and the SJB are wooing the main standard-bearers of Sinhala-Buddhist maximalism.
Though expected to be atheist socialists, JVP is unlikely to force the members to abandon the Sinhala Buddhist Culture. The best can be expected is a secular government if they come with reasonable majority and not many impediments from UNP-SLFP union. But they are, without China and IMF backing, so cannot run “Loan -White Elephants” economic sagas. They must resort to farming, small industries and handicraft industries to gain some income to pay back the $85B loan, which UNP plans to leave behind even without a loan restructuring program. If the NPP honestly cares about the economy, without selling the country to the UN Vetro vote of China, Tamils will be able to get their justice, and this will bring the reconciliation at the base-foundation. Now the UNP’s policy of “starving the Tamils will only make happy the Sinhalese” and the Old Rowdy’s claim of “there is only one race, that is ‘Sinhala Buddhists’ in Langkang” are the two making the China veto and IMF loan so badly needed protection for War criminals of Langkang. JVP can start from Batalanada by arresting Evil first. Remember, as soon as Evil became president asked Anura to hand over the guns to police?