15 February, 2025


Down–To-Earth: The Hard Truths Of Eelam War IV

By Michael Roberts

Dr. Michael Roberts

Dr. Michael Roberts

Just as in Kosovo if enough civilians died in Sri Lanka the world would be forced to step in” – Pulidevan of LTTE to a pal in Europe (quoted in Harrison 2012: 63).

Guided by a series of studies that I have indulged in over the years 2010-15, let me summarize my findings in point form. The focus is on the period 2008-to-May 2009. However, four facets of the broad historical context must be stressed initially: (I) Prabhākaran had one goal only: Eelam and a separate state; (II) the LTTE used two ceasefire periods in 1995 and 2001-06 as recuperating periods for renewal of their war effort; (III) as Ben Bavinck and the UTHR reports have insisted Thamilīlam under the Prabhākaran was a fascist state; and (IV) the Rajapaksa government which struggled for survival against the LTTE proved the validity of the Marxist dictum that there is an unity in any contradiction: it became distinctly authoritarian itself, albeit still populist in its self-convictions.

A. As Sivaram indicated, Prabhākaran had a capacity for long-term scenario-planning. By mid-2008 he would have seen the writing on the wall: viz. the LTTE was outgunned and outmanned and without its warehouse ships … and thus in danger of severe defeat.

B. Therefore, from mid-2008 the LTTE marshaled its propaganda arms and its many allies (both willing and gullible) to develop a spectre of “an impending humanitarian disaster” in the regions it held.

C. From early 2008 the Tamil civilian population had been persuaded & ordered to retreat ahead of the advancing GSL forces so that they constituted the wherewithal for this picture of “calamity” (presented as “genocide” in some Tamil circles abroad even at that stage).

D. As Ranil Wickremesinghe has recently insisted, the civilians were indeed “hostages” during the last five months of the war when they were all trapped within the “Vanni Pocket” in the north-east corner. So the LTTE engaged in an unprecedented act of international blackmail (see Pulidevan above).

E. That is only a part-truth that conceals a greater strategic objective in Prabhākaran’s thinking: the people were also to serve as a defensive barrier on the coast to obviate the possibility of a GSL amphibious operation that would box in the LTTE and prevent any hoped/for rescue operation courtesy of some international intervention. Thus, as DBS Jeyaraj indicated as it occurred, some 20,000 people from the Mullaitivu locality were moved to the eastern coastal strip in Mullivaikkal as early as December 2008. By mid-February 2009 the numbers here could have been as much as 260,000 (a guesstimate) and accounted for the bulk of the corralled populace.

F. This roughly 24-30 sq. kilometer stretch of coast from Puttumattalan to Vellamullivaikkal was also the hub of Sea Tiger operations and soon became the HQ command centre for Prabhakaran and his senior officers.

G. GSL, responding perhaps to international pressure and seeking diplomatic gloss, declared this coastal stretch, viz., the Tiger’s “Last Redoubt,” to be the Second “No Fire Zone” in mid-February 2009.

H. The GSL proclamation, G above, was legally invalid because both parties to a war must agree upon such lines of demarcation. It was also a strategic folly because the Tiger command centres and, eventually, by April 2009, a substantial proportion of their firepower, were located in that area.

I. In repeatedly deploying the concept “NFZ” in its communications both the American ambassador and GSL boxed themselves into a corner. When surveys of the war reiterate that concept today, they are misleading the world. No locality can be free of shellfire if it houses military personnel and weaponry.

J. The LTTE propaganda machinery deployed its many networks to sustain this picture of calamity by presenting images and statistics of casualties and “indiscriminate” GSL shelling, with its Tamil NGO & INGO functionaries and medical doctors serving as supposedly authentic sources of such details (part true, part bloated exaggerations).

K. These stories were swallowed hook, line and sinker by media networks and human-rights agencies in Colombo as well as the West. In Colombo Ravi Nessman of Associated Press and Gordon Weiss, the UN’s own media officer, were among those who accepted the horror tales without question – so that their reportage gave further credence to the LTTE propaganda pitch.

L. Many Tamil expatriates abroad who were not Tiger supporters were drawn into this agitation because of kinship ties and their subjectivity, that is what I call “Tamilness..” Stories retailed by word-of-mouth to each other and acquaintances in the host nations gave credence to the LTTE propaganda; while the huge demonstrations in Western cites in March/April 2009 underlined the scenario which the Tigers were painting.

M. Many Tiger fighters were not wearing uniforms so that the distinction between “civilian” and “belligerent” was not clear for either aerial surveillance or infantrymen advancing into the Last Redoubt in April and May 2009. One has to address this question: where an SL Army soldier spotted a foxhole entrance as he crawled forward at night during the final battles in April-May, could he avoid the standard practice of throwing a grenade into the hole?

N. Since the LTTE resorted on a large scale to the use of conscripts for the construction of fortifications and logistical supply tasks, these “civilians” were “belligerents” in legal war terminology. Yet the UTHR refers to “conscripts” as if they were not “belligerents,” while the UNPoE and other surveys consistently gloss over the difficulty of separating Tiger belligerents from dinky-die civilians.

O. Both SLA reports and the UTHR’s findings from oral testimony indicate that the LTTE killed a significant number of Tamil civilians as the latter sought to flee from their corralled hostage situation. This crescendo of murders peaked during the last week in mid-May 2009.

P. The LTTE deployed several suicide attacks during the last four months of the war, sometimes directing them at Tamil civilians seeking to escape and at other times aiming them at SLA forces. Some of these attacks in April/May 2009 were by speedboat deployed along the shore line.

Q. Given points O and P above, it is impossible for any agency to provide a definitive verdict indicating which fighting force, whether the GSL or LTTE, was responsible for more deaths of non-belligerent civilians.

R. In a remarkable military operation carried out between the 19th and 22nd April 2009, the SL Army forces enabled circa 103,000 civilians and fighters who had discarded their weapons to flee the crucible of war within the Last Redoubt. .This was achieved at the cost of perhaps 1500 dead (both civilian and LTTE belligerent) on the Tamil side from crossfire as well as the LTTE’s deterrent actions. In scale of proportionality this was a marvelous result, even miraculous. Thus far, no commentators or august agencies have recognized this fact.

S. Even well-meaning individuals in Lanka who observed this result continued to be swayed by their humanitarian concerns and sought a ceasefire in early May 2009, a step which would have enabled the LTTE to survive – thus rendering their strategy (D plus E above) a success. So, one sees a “moral compass” taken to an extreme wherein it became, in effect, a pliable asset for Machiavellian fascist forces.

T. In May 2009 the UN personnel in Colombo used their networks to compile statistics on the number of injured Tamils in hospitals and detention centres. Their definitive figure for injured was 18,749, while the tentative statistic for dead up to the 13th May was 7721. Anyone familiar with war-theatres knows that the number of injured soldiers (WIA) outweighs the dead (KIA): usually on a scale of three injured to one dead, sometimes even higher. The UN’s computation of 18,749 injured supports their statistic for the estimated deaths and indicates that perhaps 9,200 died during the last five months.(speculating that another 2000 were killed in the last week).

U. The UN computation above is on the same wave length as (i) the guestimate provided by Narendran Rajasingham who reckoned that 15,000 Tigers and civilians died in the five months of 2009 (arguing, sensibly, that one cannot distinguish the two categories) and (ii) the special GSL census of 2011 which deployed its Tamil officials and came up with a figure of 7,432 civilian dead. Ascomparative yardstick not that the SL security forces had 6261 killed and 29, 551 wounded during Eelam War IV (wikiepdia citing the Defence Minister).

V. Hard-headed realism is called for in this field. Guided by personal experience Narendran Rajasingham has brought this grounding into the consideration of “missing persons” by highlighting how bodies decompose. We must recognize that the demise of several fleeing civilians who drowned in Nandhikadal Lagoon or died in the jungle from crossfire or snake bite may never have been recorded.

W. Apart from judgments clouded by moral extremism and self-righteousness, the reading of the war has been marred by a strange phenomenon: where moral crusaders and agencies with “human rights” emblazoned on forehead indulge in detailed studies of the war which systematically refuse to encompass several detailed studies that would reveal flaws in their documentation. One such illustration is the document Island of Impunity? Investigation into International Crimes in the Final Stages of the Sri Lankan War presented by the Public Interest Advocacy Group of Sydney. When ethical forces are intellectually dishonest our future prospects in this world are dismal.

Ramesh 6X. There is a body of data, from oral testimony to pictorial evidence, that indicates that some senior LTTE commanders and functionaries were eliminated after they were captured at the tail-end of the war: see (1) Thangavelu, 2013 “LTTE Cadres Who Surrendered To The Army: Where Are They?” Colombo Telegraph, 18 August; 2013, https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/ltte-cadres-who-surrendered-to-the-army-where-are-they/… (2) Weiss 2012 “New Evidence-The Death of Colonel Ramesh,” 21 March 2012, https://www. colombotelegraph.com/index.php/newevidencethe-death-of-colonel-ramesh-warning-disturbing-images/; and (3) Roberts, 2014, “Cartographic & Photographic Illustrations in support of the Memorandum Analysing the War in Sri Lanka and Its Propaganda Debates,” 18 Nov. 2014, http://thuppahi.wordpress.com/2014/11/18/cartographic-photographic-illustrations-in-support-of-the-memorandum-analysing-the-war-in-sri-lanka-and-propaganda-debates/

Y. Where international human rights crusaders pursue prosecutions in such instances as X above, they must ask themselves why their pursuits are selective and why they do not add some symbolic LTTE figures to their secular witch-hunt – for instance Adele Balasingham, Rudrakumaran in New York and some high-ranking LTTE officers who are now abroad. While the LTTE is condemned verbally for atrocities, no remaining Tiger leader has been arraigned. Why?

Z. Currents of secular fundamentalism are pursuing their prosecuting thrusts through many Western countries: ancient paedophile aberrations in the Catholic Church and Salvation Army, high profile sexual predators (Bill Crosby, Rolf Harris) are a few examples. Human rights’ fundamentalism is one arena where this current is at work. Common sense suggests that in all fields the activists can only capture a few symbolic instances of “crime.” However, unlike the other currents, the moral crusaders targeting Sri Lanka seem to have (consciously) restricted themselves to the recent past. Not one whisper is presented about the atrocities committed by the GSL forces during Eelam Wars I, II and III. We know there were plenty then …. And then there is the tale of the IPKF reign of terror in the north. What about the Indian generals and political figures (e.g. Dixit) associated with that particular episode? The “judicious choices” made by the moral power-brokers are truly instructive.

Latest comments

  • 14

    The caravan has moved on my friend. The UNHRC report is in, the current government has accepted it.
    C4 video accepted as credible even by local commission. Time to let the silly stores you come up with die a natural death.

    • 9

      Can you give me a link where, C4 video was accepted as credible by a local commission?

      • 3

        Read Paranagama report Page 101 Section 421 onwards and 428 in particular.

        The report is available on Colombo Telegraph.

        • 4

          Burt and robert
          I have read this report. I don’t see it says c4 clip is accepted as credible. May be you two are excellent reading and comprehension experts. So please copy and paste this sentense for me and other readers.
          Thanks in advance

          • 3

            The primary error, if that was what it was, that ANY objective person knowing the source of the three commissions – the LLRC, the Udalagama and Paranagama commissions – made was ACCEPTING THEM IN ANY SHAPE, FORM OR FASHION. Every single one of these cover-up commissions was appointed by Mahinda Rajapaksa and he is simply a person who has displayed a propensity for avoiding the truth at whatever cost to the rest of the country at EVERY turn. If some people refuse to judge on the basis of repeated conduct of people like this they are either monumentally stupid or are complicit in the crimes committed.

            • 4

              How many more commissions do you want? Is it until a commission that says what you want to hear? What truth are you looking for? You know the truth and I know the truth! The truth is that these coward terrorists fought in civilian attire and used civilians as human shields. What do you expect? stop fighting?
              Give me a break, a terror group raised arms against the gov. and the people of Sri Lanka. And the gov. after more than 30 years finally took care of this failing to negotiate and do it with civility. Do you have any suggestions how else this could have been done? Are you saying that we should have handed over the country to these ruthless terrorists? Wake up and move on! You were lucky you had a another country to go and be safe from these blood thirsty terrorists while Sri Lankan citizens had no where to go but to get randomly suicide murdered. Did you write anything about this carnage? Did you look for truth then?
              For your information, I don’t care who judge whom on “someone’s repeated conduct”. I want terrorism wiped out from this country. And that is what every citizen of this country wanted, may be except you!

          • 1

            You sure do have a comprehension problem as such cannot make an inference based on what is written. Sorry no one here could help that has to be done by you.

            “other than to comment that many of the members of its Advisory Council have
            prosecuted cases at the highest level before international tribunals and are familiar with
            footage of the kind used by Channel 4. As the UN has used a number of pathologists
            and firearms experts of world renown, who have now corroborated this footage, the
            Commission has acted on the assumption, which of course can be displaced by
            evidence, that the images depicted are genuine.”

            • 5

              So, after reading this paragraph you proclaim “C4 video accepted as credible” by the commission??
              Do you know that there is a big difference between
              “accepted” and “assume” (“assumption”)?
              It appears that you are the one with a comprehension problem. I would give you a F for that!

            • 4


              Are you being serious?

              Nuisance is not interested in seeking truth nor is she interested in learning.

              Her only objective is to tire you down.

              So far her only achievement in this forum is repeatedly confirming her stupidity, bigotry, ………..

              I have been asking her a simple question for the past few weeks, either she hasn’t got an answer or she does not understand the quesion.

              The question is “What is the difference between you and a knife?” Can someone persuade her to answer the question?

      • 3

        Satisfied Eusense ?
        I think the country as a whole has accepted crimes were committed, except a few like you and Roberts.

    • 6

      The Rajapakshes have accumulated enough of black money to pay some of these shameless old retired so called ‘scholars’ who can still write some stories and sell them to the public. They are simply selling their earned education and the PhD title for a cheep price because this is the only way they can earn the bread and butter.

      This guy is trying to put all the war crimes committed by the SL armed forces on LTTE. Unfortunately, it’s a bit late now. The UNHRC has gone very much ahead of all these jokes.

      Anyway, thanks for all these JOKES Michael, LOL!
      Absolutely Hilarious!

      At the evening of your life, you may be able to write another book ‘a treasury of jokes’ by Michael Roberts. I am sure the Rajapakshe supporters will buy it at any price. Good luck!

      • 2

        This guy would have earned better from the Diaspora if he wrote similar stories in favor of the other side, but then they must have ignored him because hardly people read what this guy writes. Out of all those who have commented here, I am sure not even 25% would have read what he has written (including me).

  • 14

    The photos of dead LTTE women carders naked on the ground created some controversy.

    The army was accused of raping these women. However, that is not true.

    The Tamil suicide bombers presented an incredible challenge to the forces. Observe here.


    The bomb does not leave a visible bulge. So the only way to ensure the dead women did not conceal hidden bombs was to strip them naked.

    • 6

      [So the only way to ensure the dead women did not conceal hidden bombs was to strip them naked. ]

      oho, it is in the buddhist sin-hala way.

      These women were already dead. why to strip them naked?

      I “appreciate” your “mental”ity.

    • 2

      MR larky Vibhu:

      In Sinhalese you say “Konday Bandapu Cheenunta Kiyana Kata”

  • 8

    most in this forum would beg to disagree with you. My claims are as follows.

    . Dept of Census and Statistics Survey of 2010 . Compared with the Statistics of 2007 . the out Come was 148,000missing. People in the calibre of Bishop of Mannar and the Government Agent of Vanni have confirmed this.

    2011 Statistics of War Widows in the east alone 98,000 . You might want to add the Vanni + North + Families wiped out completely + widowers + Children – people went out by boats.

    People like us living the Capital and the South did believe what the MR gang spoon fed us with regards to the war etc etc. Now we are seeing the catastrophic disaster our fellow country men in the north went through during this time.

    Not to mention what we in the South went through in the 1988 to 1991 period in the South.

    Dr Roberts please do not try to use your Doctorate to claim credibility and try to white was the crimes of our Leaders and join the calibre of Dayan J . Palitha Kohonne as they have all been dumped in the Garbage and now they are doing Side kick Shows in Colombo , such as appearing in Derana Chat Shows and Reading Speeches on behalf of others.

    Sincerely hope you would get your facts straight and call the spade a spade and nothing else.

    • 9

      Would you have the numbers of all time LTTE terrorists fighters?
      The Tamils who left the country up to 2009?
      The number of Tamils kidnapped and shot and killed by the LTTE?
      Can you explain why not a single Tamil family has come forward to claim their family members were LTTE terrorists?

  • 6

    Four facets!!!!!!
    another Dr Rajan Hoole

    what about before Pirabaharan?

    Leave it the Tamil people to decide?
    Frustrating to see these Pundits in addition to the UN,US etc
    Tony Blair is now apologising for the crime he committed in Irag?
    He is a rich man!! could he bring back the dead including SH? Any accountability for the crime ? no way.
    Tamils will have to seek justice by themselves.
    with the recent outcome from the Geneva meeting, it is obvious we could see many ? Judge it yourselves?

  • 10

    This man is an apologist for Sinhalese nationalism and chauvinism. Writes a whole lot of crap. That is even refuted by the UN. The obvious truth of Sinhalese nationalism or ethnic/religious supremacy/hegemony over the island is the Mahavamsa myths and lies demonizing Tamils and others. Tamil nationalism is a reaction to the Sinhalese oppression of Tamils. As per this man the Rajapakse racists and the Sri Lankan armed forces were all saints who rescued the Tamils. Whom is he trying to fool with this crap. Please read all his articles all extremely pro Sinhalese

  • 2

    A burger has been implicated in Gota’s assassin team. That says it all.

  • 15

    A well compiled analysis by Prof Roberts that’s bound to get all the LTTE We Thamizh up in arms :D

  • 3

    You got to admire his persistence … despite all the evidence of war crimes michael roberts is still white-washing the Sri Lankan army – perhaps he is the Sri Lankan Goebbels not Dayan J.

  • 9

    Michael Roberts is not a [Edited out]. He is giving facts.

    Just like another one like him Chief Justice SanZoni said “If Tamils give up separatism they can have a good future in Sri Lanka.” (without going for unskilled jobs in Norway and Canada)

    • 3

      what about the sinhalese maids in Arbaia?

      • 7

        You mean like the Sinhalam maid from the We Thamizh homeland (Tamil Nadu) who recently got her hand chopped off by her Saudi slave master? Wait a minute….

        • 4

          Whilst this chat is too racist to really engage with – the Tamils who left Sri Lanka have prospered far beyond those who have stayed in the racist state that is Sri Lanka. Many Tamils who multiple houses (some own dozens of houses and a few own hundreds) in London and run hedge funds or banks. The first generation may have worked petrol stations – their kids are multi-millionaires – something that would be very difficult in racist Sri Lanka.

    • 2

      Justice Sansoni’s Report was found to be partisan and the Tamil political leadership of the time rejected it. While the Tamils were persecuted, de-housed by the thousands and attacked in 1977 Sansoni’s report made the Tamils look like the guilty party. His Report was constructed to please his friend and college mate JRJ, as the latter is reported to have expected when handing the job to Sansoni.

      Leaving all that aside for the moment, the Tamil political leadership has for sometime now pledged unambiguous support for an undivided country. Where is the evidence we are moving towards unity and reconciliation? Weerawansa, Dinesh G, Gammanpila, the JHU/NPM, MR’s supporters and the political Mahanayakas are all still seething in coarse anti-Tamil rhetoric insisting the island belongs entirely to the Sinhalese.

      Considering the importance of unity and reconciliation to the country at this stage, is it too much to ask the Mahanayakas of Malwatta and Asgiriya to undertake a personal visit to Jaffna and assure the Tamil Nation to let bygones be bygones reassuring them Tamils are welcome to live and work in all parts of South Sri Lanka. Such a move will reassure Tamils on the fence that serious unity and reconciliation is still possible. The international community will surely welcome such a statesmanlike move.


  • 12

    Now see how the professor’s well researched doc would receive the usual insults and calling him a sinhala racist (even forgetting he is actually not sinhala)…

    Try to counter him with FACTS

    • 4

      He is not a Sinhala racist but an apologist to Sinhala Racism because he gets handsomely paid to be an apologist to Sinhala Racism.

  • 12

    All the comments above denounce Prof.Roberts for his views but none contradicts what he says. Amazing how some people are so gullible as to still believe those LTTE propaganda as gospel truth.

    • 3

      It is because they CANNOT contradict him that they debase themselves thus.

  • 14

    Dear Dr. Michael Roberts

    Down–To-Earth: The Hard Truths Of Eelam War IV:

    *** Before I analyse your Article and comment on a few aspects I like to say that the number Alphabets in the English Vocabulary from A – Z (as you have eloquently summarised) is NOT ENOUGH to catalogue the ATROCITIES by Sinkalams.

    1) “Just as in Kosovo if enough civilians died in Sri Lanka the world would be forced to step in” – Pulidevan of LTTE to a pal in Europe (quoted in Harrison 2012: 63).

    *** This is a Travesty of Justice as more Tamils died in Sinhala lanka over 67 years than Kosovo which is a fact.

    2) However, four facets of the broad historical context must be stressed initially: (I) Prabhākaran had one goal only: Eelam and a separate state; (II) the LTTE used two ceasefire periods in 1995 and 2001-06 as recuperating periods for renewal of their war effort; (III) as Ben Bavinck and the UTHR reports have insisted Thamilīlam under the Prabhākaran was a fascist state; and (IV) the Rajapaksa government which struggled for survival against the LTTE proved the validity of the Marxist dictum that there is an unity in any contradiction: it became distinctly authoritarian itself, albeit still populist in its self-convictions.

    *** You cant Blame Prabakaran for having only one Goal. Like in Fooball it was a Match Tamil vs Sinkalam. There were only two Goal Posts. Sinkalams trying to destroy us and Tamils Fighting to SURVIVE. It was a Match without a Referee. It was not a friendly Match.

    3) A. As Sivaram indicated, Prabhākaran had a capacity for long-term scenario-planning. By mid-2008 he would have seen the writing on the wall: viz. the LTTE was outgunned and outmanned and without its warehouse ships … and thus in danger of severe defeat.

    *** The biggest mistake Prabakarn made was killing Rajiv Gandhi but Rajiv dug his own Grave.

    4) C. From early 2008 the Tamil civilian population had been persuaded & ordered to retreat ahead of the advancing GSL forces so that they constituted the wherewithal for this picture of “calamity” (presented as “genocide” in some Tamil circles abroad even at that stage).

    *** You are being unfair as the truth is different. Many of the Civilans were families of the Fighters ( as I know some) or willing partners who moved to Vanni when GOSL took over Jaffna and I have Clients from Vanni.

    5) D. As Ranil Wickremesinghe has recently insisted, the civilians were indeed “hostages” during the last five months of the war when they were all trapped within the “Vanni Pocket” in the north-east corner. So the LTTE engaged in an unprecedented act of international blackmail (see Pulidevan above).

    *** It is a bit rich coming from RW as the Tamils have been hostages of Sihalese Atricities presided over at some poinnt by his FIL.

    6) E. That is only a part-truth that conceals a greater strategic objective in Prabhākaran’s thinking: the people were also to serve as a defensive barrier on the coast to obviate the possibility of a GSL amphibious operation that would box in the LTTE and prevent any hoped/for rescue operation courtesy of some international intervention. Thus, as DBS Jeyaraj indicated as it occurred, some 20,000 people from the Mullaitivu locality were moved to the eastern coastal strip in Mullivaikkal as early as December 2008.

    *** This is Totally and Utterly incorrect and a falacy as the Choice was death at the hands of marauding Sri Lankan Army.
    Let me give you my version of events. The Soldiers were all stuffed with Narcoticts to get into a RAGE to fight and were sacrificed by GOTHA & SF the Criminals under the Stewartship of the Hambanthotta THUG.

    7) I. In repeatedly deploying the concept “NFZ” in its communications both the American ambassador and GSL boxed themselves into a corner. When surveys of the war reiterate that concept today, they are misleading the world. No locality can be free of shellfire if it houses military personnel and weaponry.

    *** The UN has Satelite evidence to show that the Civilians were herded into Safe Havens and deliberately shellled. The Crook Paranagama in his findings has said that Most of the Cilvilians were killed by LTTE Shelling. I dont think the Idiot knows anything about warfare. He thinks the LTTE used Boomerangs.

    8) M. Many Tiger fighters were not wearing uniforms so that the distinction between “civilian” and “belligerent” was not clear for either aerial surveillance or infantrymen advancing into the Last Redoubt in April and May 2009. One has to address this question: where an SL Army soldier spotted a foxhole entrance as he crawled forward at night during the final battles in April-May, could he avoid the standard practice of throwing a grenade into the hole?.

    *** Do me a favour and are you suggesting that GOSL operation was higly advanced to use Radioactive Isotopes to selectively Kill Cancer Cellls meaning LTTE fighters. The Army indiscrminatlely shelled Hospitals amounting to War Crime.

    9) Q. Given points O and P above, it is impossible for any agency to provide a definitive verdict indicating which fighting force, whether the GSL or LTTE, was responsible for more deaths of non-belligerent civilians.

    *** This is fairly simple.

    Killing by Shelling ( Sri Lanka Army)
    The supposed killing by LTTE targetting indiviuals with bare hands. What a load of RUBBISH ( I dont mean from you but those who are alleging like Paranagama)

    10) R. In a remarkable military operation carried out between the 19th and 22nd April 2009, the SL Army forces enabled circa 103,000 civilians and fighters who had discarded their weapons to flee the crucible of war within the Last Redoubt. .This was achieved at the cost of perhaps 1500 dead (both civilian and LTTE belligerent) on the Tamil side from crossfire as well as the LTTE’s deterrent actions. In scale of proportionality this was a marvelous result, even miraculous. Thus far, no commentators or august agencies have recognized this fact.

    By then the Mass killing by GOSL was over and fatigue has set in and there were not enough Narcotics to Inject the Soldiers with.

    11) U. The UN computation above is on the same wave length as (i) the guestimate provided by Narendran Rajasingham who reckoned that 15,000 Tigers and civilians died in the five months of 2009 (arguing, sensibly, that one cannot distinguish the two categories) and (ii) the special GSL census of 2011 which deployed its Tamil officials and came up with a figure of 7,432 civilian dead. Ascomparative yardstick not that the SL security forces had 6261 killed and 29, 551 wounded during Eelam War IV (wikiepdia citing the Defence Minister).

    *** With all due respect I amnot sure what you are suggesting or alluding to.

    12) Y. Where international human rights crusaders pursue prosecutions in such instances as X above, they must ask themselves why their pursuits are selective and why they do not add some symbolic LTTE figures to their secular witch-hunt – for instance Adele Balasingham, Rudrakumaran in New York and some high-ranking LTTE officers who are now abroad. While the LTTE is condemned verbally for atrocities, no remaining Tiger leader has been arraigned. Why?

    *** Have you gone out of your mind suggesting the above when “Karuna” is Roaming the Street and within easy reach.

    I am eternally grateful for you as you have reminded me of the Number of Alphabets. I used to remember them as ABCD Kilavnati Thadi if you know what that means. I am going to liaise with Shakespere and add a few more Alphabets as we need to add to the Injustice.

  • 3

    [Many Tiger fighters were not wearing uniforms so that the distinction between “civilian” and “belligerent” was not clear for either aerial surveillance or infantrymen advancing into the Last Redoubt in April and May 2009. ]

    It is implied from your claim that Aerial surveillance images showing that LTTE has prevented and shot the civilians are also false.

  • 3

    [O. Both SLA reports and the UTHR’s findings from oral testimony indicate that the LTTE killed a significant number of Tamil civilians as the latter sought to flee from their corralled hostage situation. This crescendo of murders peaked during the last week in mid-May 2009.

    P. The LTTE deployed several suicide attacks during the last four months of the war, sometimes directing them at Tamil civilians seeking to escape and at other times aiming them at SLA forces. Some of these attacks in April/May 2009 were by speedboat deployed along the shore line.

    Q. Given points O and P above, it is impossible for any agency to provide a definitive verdict indicating which fighting force, whether the GSL or LTTE, was responsible for more deaths of non-belligerent civilians.]

    you are contradicting yourself. what about Maxwell paranagama and UNHRC findings.

    you are thinking that you can fool the whole world including your conscience.

    Karma is a bitch/witch.

  • 8

    “The Soldiers were all stuffed with Narcoticts to get into a RAGE to fight”

    ROFL. Don’t forget the Special Forces Zomboid squad who ate the brains of 100% totally innocent We Thamizh civilians and the Bioroid platoon who used mind control laser-maser beams on the We Thamizh maveerans to make them hide under women’s skirts and forget to take their cyanide pills, Gali :D

    • 7

      Sinkalam Sarma:

      Truth is beginning to hurt. At least I give you Credit for agreeing with me.
      You will have your day in Court not the DOMESTIC CRAP which is for liars.But the one that will be set up by ICC after the next UNHCR. It is a long hard Slog. But we will get to you CRIMINALS. CRIME Never pays.

      • 10

        Yes of course Gali, and in addition to the matters of SLA Zomboids and Bioroids, the ICC will also be looking at the reported use of Kryptonite infused nuclear tipped chemical cluster bombs by the air force :D

        • 7

          Sinkalam Sarma:

          the ICC will also be looking at the reported use of Kryptonite infused nuclear tipped chemical cluster bombs by the air force:


          You are not stupid as I though. Some Sinkalams have brains.

        • 3

          Siva Sankaran

          Your Tamil father must be turning in the grave after realizing why he brought you into this world. If he had used a piece of rubber, he could have saved this world from an undesirable piece of crap.

  • 6

    Whoever spent their time to read this crap, has wasted their time.

  • 1

    Hard Facts about Michael Roberts

    was one time a successful academic working mainly on sinalese/Karava history in sri lanka, never on the tamils or northern part of sri lanka. his knowledge of the language or culture of the Tamils is restricted as he once claimed to the words he uses for his domestic servants.

    later changed disciplines in order to go abroad and became a temp lecturer of anthropology in Australia for which he has no training since he could not get a job in his field–which speaks volumes about his reputation in his chosen field.

    it is with this that he turned to write about tamils and the tigers. He undertook a brief trip to the north in 2005 which is the sum of all his experience in the north…

    thus he has become a so-called expert on the tamil struggle, the ethnic conflict and terrorism ever since…not bad for a guy who cant even read a word in tamil..
    it is sad to see such academic opportunism thrive.

    • 7

      So, We Thamizh can’t challenge him on any of the facts presented then? Quelle surprise :D

      • 2

        Sinkalam Sarma:

        So, We Thamizh can’t challenge him on any of the facts presented then.

        **** Change it to

        So, We Sinkalams cant challenge him on any of the facts presented in a proper court except in a DOMESTIC CRAP headed by CROOKS and there are plenty of you.
        Just to mention a few.

        and now
        RW who intervenes to release another Crook Wimal the Wansa

        Good Governaance has turned into Good Riddance.

  • 3

    Terrorism in any form is a crime.Before1956 most of the high posts in govt service were held by non sinhalese and mostly tamils. Still tamils led by G.G.Ponnambalam wanted 50% of all jobs Never Satisfied The sinhala only attitude changed it and made it worse leaving no proper communication among the communities This war was started by extremists and the whole country paid the price Politics in fighting a war caused more casualties especially when Denzil K led it. At least Mahinda and the armed forces led by Sarath Fonseka must be given the credit for finishing it.How can the forces trust terrorists even if they had white flags as they always betrayed their word when wa rwas stopped at different times even when Ranil signed a peace accord with them Now the leading surviving terrorists Karuna who killed 650 policemen who surrenedered is free and so is KP the main schemer and Financier Why is the international community quiet about them ?

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