14 December, 2024


Dr. Imtiyaz On Use Of Symbols In Identity Politics

A chat with Dr. A.R.M. Imtiyaz, of the Temple University in Philadelphia on the use of symbols in identity politics – a topic he has conducted researched on. Dr. Imtiyaz, the Asian Studies and Department of Political Science, Temple University, Philadelphia, teaches courses on Modern India, Modern China and comparative politics such as nationalism and ethnic conflict and foreign governments and politics. His most recent research examines issues pertaining to Muslims in Sri Lanka and China. His scholarly pursuit has born fruit as publications in leading journals such as the Journal of Asian and African Studies (JAAS), the Journal of Third World Studies (JTWS), Journal of South Asia and Asian Affairs.



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  • 1

    Singhala Buddhist is under the imagination of an extra bone grown unto them after the War victory, they think Muslims also should be submissive like the Tamils.

  • 1

    Sinhala – Theravada Buddhist nationalism has been constructed on the false and imaginary doctrine: “Aryan” – Sinhala – Sinhalaese – Theravada Buddhism – Lanka with one to one correspondence. With the military defeat of the LTTE, the Sinhala – Theravada Buddhist nationalism has reached its galloping stage. Thus it will be difficult or impossible for HE Mahinda Rajapakse or any other Sinhala political leader to reject the Sinhala – Theravada Buddhist nationalism in words and deeds and find a political solution in our country!

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