By Mohamed Harees –
An interesting article appeared in Colombo Telegraph written by Dr Sarath Gamini De Silva with a plea to the Muslims of Sri Lanka to look into the mirror, and ends it thus: My dear Muslim Brethren, Recent changes visible in your appearance, attitudes and behaviour are contributing to the current racial disharmony to a significant extent. As such, a long lasting solution to ensure peaceful coexistence depends to a great extent on your ability to look inwards and make amends.(underlining mine). The learned medical doctor, despite his claim of maintaining ‘a cordial relationship with mutual respect with hundreds .. in the Muslim community for over 50 years’, however fails to read the whole picture, and started pointing blaming fingers without exploring the whole gamut of reasons for Peaceful Co-existence’ to be still elusive in this Dharma Dweepa, thereby missing the woods for the trees.
This does not mean that there are no plausible reasons for the Muslims to look inwards in building an inclusive nation; in fact there are and already an impassionate discourse has started off within the community in recent times, to address and rectify fault-lines if any which have been obstacles in promoting national reconciliation and integration. However, looking inwards and into the mirror is not a task to be undertaken by the Muslims alone as the writer suggests; rather one which should be undertaken by all communities; more so the initiative should be led by the Sinhalese community being the majority community (as the elder brother in the Lakmavage Pavula). The theme of Dr De Silva’s article thus looks unidirectional overlooking the key hurdles, having got into the same ‘Islamophobia’ bandwagon, where the racist lobbies are in.
To start with, before exploring the local scenario, the writer seems to set the background tone by painting a tainted picture of the present day global Muslims as an ‘evil force’ which tries to dominate by subduing others, through oft quoted so-called ISIS’ style Islamic terrorism’ and by refusing to integrate with the mainstream like others. He thereafter by extension attempts to point a blaming finger towards the local Muslims too, for trying to look different and also failing to integrate with the other communities in this country. This is exactly the main crux of the global Islamophobia campaign too, which has become a cottage industry in the Western capitals of the world- which Dr De Silva himself fallen victim to. Nathan Lean,, in his well-researched book ‘Islamophobia Industry’, clearly lifts the veil on the multi-million dollar Islamophobia industry which consists of a nefarious network, of business, political, religious and media organizations and individuals who employ rank bigotry to promote their interests and purposely nurture it and use it as a socio-political strategy. Lean shows how deep the rabbit hole goes and exposes the dirty secrets of those who manipulate public opinion against the Muslims, through an influential Western Media network. John Esposito, another expert researcher on Islamphabia too points out ‘Islam is often portrayed as the cause rather than the context for radicalization, extremism and terrorism’. Besides, it is now well-known that the Iraqi war created the conditions for terror groups like ISIS to emerge. Thus , ISIS to be highlighted as Islamic groups consisting of Islamic soldiers trained in Islamic madrasas is palpably false and misleading and ignores many geo-political realities of the MENA region. In fact, many ME Muslim refugees seeking asylum in the West are victims of Western military adventures in the region and fleeing away from ISIS terrorism. (Dr De Silva should well know that most victims of ISIS Terrorism are Muslims).
The learned doctor also refers to the Bahmian Buddha statues being destroyed by Taliban in recent times, but ignores the historical fact that those same statues were preserved by the Muslims for centuries, until this unfortunate destruction happened, which was condemned by Muslims all over. In fact, Buddhist heritage is still being preserved in many Muslim countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh and Indonesia, Moreover for these extremist fringe elements like Taliban or ISIS, nothing is sacred. The suspected ISIS also placed bombs in mosques and places of Muslim religious importance; not even the precincts of Prophet’s mosque in Medina was spared.
Then, he enters into exploration of the local situation and laments,’ Unfortunately none of the so called moderate Muslims amongst us have publicly condemned such violence and other forms of intimidating behaviour in the name of Islam. Their silence is naturally interpreted as collusion by others as well as by the extremists. Compliance with their intention of creating an Islamic state in the entire world is thus accepted by default’. He is merely parroting the rhetoric of the Islamophobic Industry and Media – asking Muslims to assume collective guilt for the crimes committed by the terror elements under the banner of Islam. Although this charge is unjustified to say the least, as Muslims need not apologize every-time a person or a group commits a crime in the name of their religion, as much as Buddhists need not apologize as a group for the widely documented war crimes committed by their co-religionists against Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar, mainstream Muslim civic organizations and religious bodies have issued many statements of condemnations both at the global and national level in Sri Lanka against any types of ‘religious’ terror used against innocents ( if Dr De Silva cares to dig into the archives). In fact, Muslim voices have been subdued and silenced in mainstream Western and Eastern discourses tainted by Islamophobia and instead, highlighting only extremist points of view by design have been routine. Besides, the absurdity of this charge of asking Muslims to ‘jump up’ whenever some fringe groups sporting Muslim names commit terror acts and assume collective guilt, was laid bare in the aftermath of the recent racist anti-Muslim attacks too, carried out by extremist Sinhala groups supported by political strategists to gain power.
It can be recalled that when Minister Kiriella opined that Sinhalese should apologize for these racist attacks, all hell broke lose. Many leading Buddhist monks and even some politicians and intellectuals exploded and queried quite rightly why the Buddhists should apologize when the groups involved in the attacks, although being clearly identified as Sinhala goons, were acting clearly as tools of a political project of disgruntled politicians and when the attacks were clearly as a result of abject failure of the government and law enforcement authorities to maintain law and order. In short, it was a law and order problem and anyone taking the law into their hands should be dealt with. Some Sinhala writers referring to this call for Sinhala-Buddhist apology, in fact empathized with the Muslims and wrote that they now understand how global Muslims would have felt when they were likewise asked to apologize when some fringe elements were committing crimes in the name of their religion. Many conspiracy theorists have emerged in recent times about the Muslim expansion and plans to bring the growth rate of the Sinhalese race, which is widely circulated by hate groups via the social media and believed by many at the grass-root levels despite being refuted by the experts. It will also make sense for Dr De Silva to explore why this well-orchestrated anti-Muslim hate campaign cropped up in the Post War Sri Lanka and was virtually absent during the War? Don’t these developments point towards a well planned political project to alienate the Muslims after having ‘dealt with’ the Tamils?
Dr De Silva has in fact talked of the positive contribution of Muslims in Sri Lanka in the past and then refers to a negative trend in the attitudes, such as change in attire-styles and mushrooming mosques etc, recently, which aspects , as stated earlier, has been part of the process of reflection within the community. However, to lay the blame on the Muslim community, to the great extent citing these aspects, is to re-stress ‘miss the woods for the trees’. The writer has quoted Wilpattu and like scenarios to bolster his arguments that Muslims are all out to –culturally and socially invade this country – a charge not substantiated by many centuries of history. Please explore how Muslims acted during the challenging times of the 30 years old war. Charges like Wilpattu invasion (whether substantiated or not) and the mainstream media and the hate groups trying to project individual actions of Muslim persons or politicians committing crimes as communal crimes(like the road rage incident in Digana or corruption of Muslim politicians,) are rule of law issues and not a collective Muslim action and should be treated as such. Even Muslim attire whatever our views may be, is a fashion and lifestyles ‘ issue, viewed in the backdrop of recent developments. Many members of Maha Sangha have referred to the ill-dressed women folk frequenting the Panselas and in the public space. How much changes are we experiencing in the change of dress-sense and lifestyles of Sinhala women when compared to their predecessors – Saariya, Osariya and Reddai and Haettai have given way to miniskirts, jeans and trousers? Even among the Muslims, there is a minority group donning the full face cover dresses while majority have adopted Islamic Hijab adhering to fashion styles in those range of dresses. The Muslim men oppressing and imposing the type of dress on their women is a myth propagated by Islamphobia lobbies. Shouldn’t Islamic women have the right to dress as they think it fit like their sisters in other faiths? There is also the right to ‘over-dress’ when there is the right to ‘underdress’!
Then the writer declares that the Sinhalese and other non Muslims appear to have become a threatened majority. Hence the demand for protective action thereby ‘tries to portray racism as justified anti-Muslim backlash. He in contrast fails to capture the fear and insecurity of the Muslims living in Post War Sri Lanka in the country of their birth, and ‘be happy with the anti-Muslim attacks’,as Mahinda Deshpriya says most Sinhalese are, which in my experience is not only untrue, but insulting and’ un-Buddhistic’ as well.
As repeatedly stressed, the obstacles for national reconciliation and peaceful co-existence in Sri Lanka are many. Some of them highlighted by scholars and social analysts were: (1) institutionalisation of Sinhala Buddhist nationalism, inability to accept the multi ethnic nature of the nation, political role of the Buddhist monks and the ‘minority mindset of the Sinhalese( read KM De Silva, Nira Wickramasinghe, Jayadeva Uyangoda, Amungama, Dr Tambiah), (2) Inability of the SL political leaders to act as courageous national leaders with foresight, for all communities and continued failure of Post-Independence Govts. to solve the Tamil question. (3) Govt’s failure to address concerns and major grievances of the majority race (4) Corrupt political culture and electoral system like PR (5) lack of fair-handed law enforcement and judicial arms to identify, deal with hate speech & Racist plans, apprehend the culprits and punish them (5) The ethical failure of Tamil nationalism, as writer Qadri Ismail (2000 223-24; 2005) has argued (6) lack of credibility of the Muslim political leadership to represent the interests of the community(7) Muslims’ failure to be Muslims of SL, for example by adopting Arab lifestyles and modes of attire in recent times leading to some fears in the Sinhala community (8) failure of the educational system to promote national reconciliation (8) use and misuse of the social media to spread hate among communities. So, to re-phrase Dr Silva’a plea: Dear Sinhala/Tamil and Muslim brethren! It is time for all of us to look inwards and make amends and change the course of our journey of mutual mistrust and racism , to make Sri Lanka an inclusive nation and reap the benefits of prosperity in a spirit of ‘one Lankan’ness.
Jim softy / April 8, 2018
Lakman Harees: Itis stupid for Sinhala Peole to believe youmuslims writers are ignorent. Sri lankan govt will not solve sinhala – buddhist problems. Because, they are getting money from middle eastern countries. Probably, CIA is making them, unconsciously obliged to muslims. So, if BBS learned something when met with LTTE tamils in Norway, that is good. Sinhala People and sinhala buddhists have to take care ourselves. Ranil, Mangala, CBK, Rajitha Senarathne are so-caled buddhists who have openly declared war on Sinhala buddhists. I think BBS should go home to home explaning what is happening in Srilanka and they should do it to rural people for sure. Itis better to assume that you are writing as a NGO and it is for money. Becuse, there CIA understands that Asia cannot be won while buddhism is active. This is my strong suspision. YOu muslims donot know how to live with others. YOU try your best to eventuall disintegration. Remember rohingya problem in Maynamar, thailand has similar problems are all one and the same.
Ralli Ameen / April 10, 2018
Jim softy the Junkie
Yes we remember Rohingya. Killed and destroyed people of Myanmar who were cannibals long before Buddhism came there Do you have 2500 years old civilized history or barbarian’s history like Myanmar cannibals? May be these racist and Gnanasara have cannibal history, they always wants to eat Muslims. India together with other Muslim countries in Asia constitutes a huge population compared to small Buddhist population leaving out China because it is a 90% atheist country. What nonsense you are talking. You are not only a junkie but a donkey too.
Al-faqurlah / April 10, 2018
Ralli Bin Balli, yes we remember Sumerians, killed and destroyed by Arabs who were cannibals long before they were civilised. Yes we remember Buddhists, killed and destroyed by Mugals who were cannibals long before they were civilised. Yes China is atheist because of communist suppression, but they have a glorious Buddhist and Confucius/Taoist past. Very soon they will over run Pakistan and Maldives. Stop your nonsense, by which you have become not only a donkey but also a swine.
Jim softyj / April 8, 2018
This is that same attitude. IT is no one critices our Mohommad or the Quran. but, we can criticize anything and everything. YOu people think you all are invinsible. We think that everything is cyclicle, come and go.
Dignityforall / April 9, 2018
Take your medication without a brake my friend. Your condition needs continuous attention.
Jim softy / April 8, 2018
Those statues were preserved for centuries. but the Spread of Wahabism is destroyong those. Even Saudi Arabia says, Wahabism is not religion itis our culture. We have under control it. but, those who were educated in it, In Srilanka those who worked there, follow the same teaching else where. that is how Afghsnisthan happened. In Syria where muslims and Christians live togher, they destroyed ancient artifacts recently. Itis because of AHABOIs who are also ISIS, DAESH, aL NUSRA, ISLAMIC state. IT is you muslims who are stupid and because your teachings lead you that way. Do not think muslims are conscious about other religions. See how Maldive Islands did to ancirnet statues in their Museum. See how Bangladesh muslims destroyed buddhist lthere because of rohingya problem,.See how Batticaloa wahabi, Hakeem and the group bulldozed Seruwila.CBK OKEd it.
Jehan / April 8, 2018
A writer like u without foresight,
More Muslims were living peacefully when the caliphate was there. Now due to bombings by the Americans, Russians , even munafiqs the caliphate was made to suffer. Now Assad kills millions, and u staying in Britain want to cover the kaffir British ass.
Muslims in SL are also targeted because their is no Muslim power which could help, Islamic state was destroyed mostly by munafiq muftis making Muslims sheep . And people like u who are working to make Muslims sheep.
Jim softy / April 8, 2018
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy
Niro / April 10, 2018
The correct simile is ” mistaking the trees for the forest” not -the-woods-for-the-trees. Muslims are good at making money but never masters of European Languages. Stick to Arabic or Tamil – Lukman
dheshapremiya / April 10, 2018
Niro . don’t display your ignorance. Check the internet for the meaning and usages of ‘missing the woods for the trees’ . Nikan Bakapadithaya wenne nethuwe.
Thanos / April 8, 2018
Sorry Mr. Mohamed Harees, despite your honest pleas sir, the Sinhala-Buddhists won’t change. They don’t trust Muslims. From my observations, it is different and lot more deep-rooted than the racism towards the Tamils. If there are 2 shops, one owned by a Muslim and one by a Tamil, the Sinhala-Buddhists will go the Tamil shop assuming prices are comparative. I think many Muslims don’t have a grasp of how much they are distrusted by the Sinhala-Buddhists. I have had the (mis)fortune of talking to many different variations of Sinhala-Buddhist racists and I’ll tell some of them will side with LTTE than support a Muslims. I don’t have the answers as to why this is, so I’ll leave it at that.
Fathima / April 9, 2018
Thanos, So what?
Native Vedda / April 9, 2018
“Thanos, So what?”
What did you mean exactly. In what context did you type “So what”?
The above typing is not a complete sentence.
Fathima / April 9, 2018
Hello Native,
“I think many Muslims don’t have a grasp of how much they are distrusted by the Sinhala-Buddhists” – So what? I live on my legitimate earning, why bother if others trust me or not? For me, if they trust me or not, business as usual, as long as I respect the rules and laws of the land. Should Muslims or Tamils for being minority pine for trust as mercy from the majority to coexist?
Trust needs to be there among the communities, but non-existence (due to whatever reasons) does not mean that minority will have to live in fear or expect violence. Or the other way (though this is what is happening).
Native Vedda / April 9, 2018
“So what?”
Are you still a teenager who “can not be bothered” explain what exactly did you mean?
Fathima / April 9, 2018
“So what” is an expression, meaning “it’s not important” OR “I don’t care” – as in the Cambridge dictionary.
I used to be a teenager few years back, not any more.
Native Vedda / April 10, 2018
“I don’t care”
If you don’t care what the hell are you typing in this forum.
If you are lazy to explain yourself you must consider withdrawing yourself from this forum.
You seem a teenager.
Fathima / April 11, 2018
Yes, I am a teenager, so what? ;-)
Native Vedda / April 11, 2018
“Yes, I am a teenager, so what? ;-)”
If you are still a teenager you should be exploring your sexuality, completing your homework and cleaning/tidying your room.
Thanos / April 9, 2018
You missed the point by few million light years. My apologies if you thought I was blaming Muslims. This is not the fault of the Muslims or Tamils. Sinhala-Buddhists are inherently insecure and the distrust towards Muslims is even worse. This does not mean something is wrong with you. On the contrary, it is Sinhala-Buddhists at fault. You being a perfectly law abiding, decent hunam is not going to matter to a bunch of crazy, insecure lunatics. We saw bit of that in Kandy and Aluthgama. Perfectly law abiding Muslims lost their entire livelihoods. Without strong measure by the government this is going to get worse and If someone like GR comes to power, we are all doomed.
Pol Banda / April 9, 2018
“So What”
You are Kaput…
Hamlet / April 9, 2018
In answer to your Questions, it is in the nature of the Present Sinhala/Buddhists to be Suspicious of anyone who seems to be different from themselves!
In our day we went into any shop that stocked the items we needed, and did not worry about who Owned it!
It may be because of the recent change in Dress Codes by Muslims, that this form of Racism has Arisen.
As Dr de Silva observes, Look at yourselves in a Mirror! Why do you want to look so different from everyone else, after all this time? Why grow so much Hair on your Faces, Why cover yourselves in Black from Head to Foot? Why are Sri Lankan Muslims imitating Middle Easterners?
ABM / April 9, 2018
Partially agree. One reason may be that Singhalese may have adopted some things from Tamil culture, not two ways though. Sinhala worship most of the Hindu gods, for example. Celebrate same new year. With respect to culture, Muslims are total aliens to sinhala.
Al-faqurlah / April 10, 2018
Muslims are not total aliens to Sinhala. When Arabs came they co-habited with low caste Sinhala women, so Muslims are 50% Sinhala. It is to hide the social stigma that the Muslims are deviating from Sinhalese claiming to be a separate ethnic group.
MYM Siddeek / April 13, 2018
Then how come they killed each other until recently? What are you trying to prove?
Isharath / April 9, 2018
Lukman Harees: Well written piece. “Bigotry and ignorance are the height of insecurity”.
Sarrij / April 9, 2018
Well balanced write up and timely.
Unfortunately communal tensions is a difficult problem to deal with in third world countries like Sri Lanka, India, and Pakistan where religion gets mixed up with politics for political gain.
The medical doctor is out to lunch as for the cause of the present conflict; perhaps there is a political motive behind his delusional thinking.
Amarasiri / April 9, 2018
Mohamed Harees ,
RE: Dr Silva’s Plea To The Muslims (Only) To Look In The Mirror: Missing The Woods For The Trees!
“However, looking inwards and into the mirror is not a task to be undertaken by the Muslims alone as the writer suggests; rather one which should be undertaken by all communities; more so the initiative should be led by the Sinhalese community being the majority community (as the elder brother in the Lakmavage Pavula). The theme of Dr De Silva’s article thus looks unidirectional overlooking the key hurdles, having got into the same ‘Islamophobia’ bandwagon, where the racist lobbies are in. “
Thanks for the write up by both Dr, Silva and you.
“95% of the solution, is identifying the problem” – Bertrand Russel Philosopher.
So where is the Problem? The Paras and their Para culture.
When the Paras came Bharat, India, they bought their Para languages, Para Culture and Para-beliefs, that was contrary to the native language, beliefs and culture. The Para-Sinhala and Para-Tamils forget that they are Paras, and established that culture.
When the European invaders and colonialists came, the Paras wore the sarong, and the women went topless. Many used the attire of India including the sarong and the saree.
Gradually the men gave up the sarong and wore pants, The women gave up the redda, saree and wore skirts and pants. The Muslims wore the sarong, and the saree, until the 1970’s and 1980’s when the Satan, Devil Following Wahhabi-Salafis introduced their Alien culture and dress code to the Land for the many stupid Muslims ( mean IQ 79) to follow.
Follow they, did, women becoming Goni Billas, and the men becoming ghosts. and alienated themselves from the rest of the society..They transformed the Muslim into aliens in their own land. They attacked the Sufis who introduced Islam to the land. They themselves became a target for the Para-Sinhala “Buddhists”, as they appeared very alien.
Mohamed / April 9, 2018
Dr Sarath Gamini De Silva might be wrong, but it does not mean that SL Muslims are right either. These dumb, selfish and greedy people should learn to live in a land that does not inconvenience the non-Muslims. Even though these non-Muslims point at the dress, it is really the attitude of the Muslims they hate internally. Some ugly women, the moment they wear the black Abaya think that they are in KSA. They don’t even look at other people in the eyes and talk, or does not talk at all and all the talking is done by their long bearded hubbies. So, the strange dress + strange behaviour + 90% of Muslims would definitely create suspicions among the people who experience a sudden change, while these Sinhalese and Tamils are expecting friendly mingling.
Honestly, I hate SL Muslim and their public behaviour also. For example, even the teen and young men of Sinhalese or Tamils do respect women in public places, but not the Muslim young men. This only shows the irresponsible bringing up of Muslim mothers and fathers.
John / April 9, 2018
Nonsense, Nonsense, Nonsense !!!!!!!!!!!!. You can’t deny how aggressively the Muslimization has been taking place in Sri Lanka since 1980s. Muslimization of Sri Lanka has been funded by Arab countries. Mosques and future terrorists breeding Madrasas are being built all over the island. Muslim people have been settled strategically to send more Muslim politicians to the parliament. Muslim politicians and Muslim organization have been smuggling Muslims from South India and Maldives into Sri Lanka, and giving them fraudulent birth certificates, national IDs.
Muslims in Sri Lanka are canny business community but there are millions of poor Muslim, where are the hell have they come from?????? And, there are plenty of rock solid evidence to prove the Muslimization of Sri Lanka.
Why do the civilized world had enough with Muslims? Answer is , Muslims’ narcissistic behavior. Muslims expect non-Muslims to pamper them, if Muslims don’t get their own way, they throw hissy fits.
Lukman, instead writing nonsense , tell your fellow Muslims to leave Kuragala, Dewanagala, 10000 acre Muhudumaha viharaya, 15000 acre Digawaiya, Dabulla holy city, Anuradhapura holy city, WILPATTUWA, and other Buddhist archeological sites without making any demands or conditions.
Sinhalese have suffered at the hands of Eelamis Tamils for so long and they are not in the mood to put up with Muslim shenanigans as well.
Real Siva Sankaran Sharma / April 9, 2018
Sinhalese have suffered at the hands of Tamils! Oh yes they suffered so much that they made over a million Indian origin estate Tamils stateless , after living in the island for eight generations of more and earning most of the foreign exchange at that time. As their imagined suffering and pains could still could not be alleviated, that they found another victim to torment. The island’s indigenous Eelam Tamils. Over the next 30 years they systematically denied them language rights, education , employment and used all state resources and the armed forces and police to ethnically cleanse thousands of Tamils in the north and east from their lands and settle Sinhalese on these lands . This also did not reduce their collective schizophrenia and imagined sufferings , so to entertain themselves they , Sinhalese led state organised the burning looting of Tamil homes, properties and businesses and raping and killing of Tamil civilians by the suffering Sinhalese masses, cheered on by the Buddhist clergy , Sinhalese politicians and armed forces , police, at regular intervals. Finally the long suffering Tamils could not bear all these torments by the insecure Sinhalese with their inferiority complexes and imagined sufferings , that they revolted. It was the Tamils who really suffered even during these war times. The Sinhalese hardly suffered More than 300000 innocent Tamil civilians were deliberately killed 99% of them killed by the Sri Lankan armed forced. 145000 in May 2009. 1.2 million indigenous Tamils were displaced and a million of them ran to the west , where they now live. Tamils are still suffering in the north and east , with a racist Sri Lankan occupying armed force stealing thousands of acres of their lands and building Buddhist temples and settling Sinhalese., In the east they not only have to contend with the recently arrived Sinhalese settles . Sinhalese armed forces but also Islamic extremism and opportunistic Muslims trying to steal more of their land. Yet these Sinhalese who created all this suffering and hardly suffered , still complain of suffering.
Dignityforall / April 9, 2018
John bass. If Muslims have such forward thinking political leadership like you conspiracy theorists think, our community would have been far ahead. Muslims MPs are equally in corruption like others. Further you also suggest that there are lot of poor among the Muslims while the community is seen to be rich. This is one of the facts.most Muslims are poor although there is a business class which shows off..
If you think that Muslims will be beaten down the way you did to the tamils, you will be sadly mistaken. Muslims are taught to face these type of cheap Conspiracies and overcome.
If you want Sinhalese to prosper, you need to look inwards rather than be jealous and attack other communities. Your scholars and monks have told you so and you don’t listen. You have made a mess of SL
Jay Chambers / April 9, 2018
I implore the Sinhalese to be careful and realise that every Moslem writer in this forum is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. I have carefully read every single Moslem writer and also read between the lines. Dr. Silva is another naïve Sinhalese imbecile who thought he could talk sense to these vile, Moslem fanatics. He deserves everything hurled at him by the Moslems for his stupidity. Silva should be the best example to all Sinhalese pansies who is still imagine that these hordes of long bearded, menacing barbarians and the ghosts wearing head to toe black dress are anything but the first omen of destruction of the beautiful Sinhalese Buddhist civilization.
They have sent their sons in the hundreds to fight for ISIS in Syria and the Lankan bureaucrats hide the statistics, and when finally discovered, the family of the dead “shahid”(martyr in Arabic, barbaric retard to all civilised people) are sent to Pakistan. Lankans leaders also hide the real numbers of Moslems and the projections that show the Moslems will be the majority by as early as 2030.
Lankans must realise that Moslems have declared war on the kaffir unbeliever, whether Buddhist, Christian or Hindu. The Jihadi attack that killed the innocent driver in Kandy will soon be something that will happen on a regular basis all over the country.
Sinhalese, throw out the pansies like Dr. Silva and Wickremasingh, and rally around a leader who can save you. Your days are limited!
Dignityforall / April 9, 2018
I don’t know which chamber you are in. Probably in an underground chamber. When you can’t meet arguments intellectually, you people just display your stupidity.
What we Sinhala people should do is to reflect and look inwards where we have gone wrong instead of finding faults with other communities
Rukmal De Alwis / April 9, 2018
Are those silly school boys detained for spreading racial tensions released? Or, is this lowlife the master of them carrying out on behalf?
Oh no, this could also be a guy realized Eelam is a sour grape. CT, let’s check the WP comment org IP, VPN no matter, will trace. These are the people trying level best to show Sinhalese as extremist to the world.
Jay Chambers, How much you charge per 50 words venom spreading package to destroy peace in Sri Lanka? You better stay away.
Socrates / April 9, 2018
Mr Hatrees
The civilizational responsibility of unbelievers is to phase out Islam with least physical harm to the brainwashed. From far it appears that the Buddhists in Sri Lanka, Mynamar
Thailand etc are in an undue hurry and crossing their own rules. They must be patient and step along with Israel and CIA. It will take another five hundred years minimum.
In the meantime Muslims must be educated over the eventually.
Dignityforall / April 9, 2018
I don’t know which chamber you are in. Probably in an underground chamber. When you can’t meet arguments intellectually, you people just display your stupidity.
What we Sinhala people should do is to reflect and look inwards where we have gone wrong instead of finding faults with other communities
Rtd. Lt. Reginald Shamal Perera / April 9, 2018
You don’t need to worry about which chamber he is in. You only need to worry about his message.
You are the one who is displaying stupidity by talking about his chamber rather than his post.
If you think Moslems are not trying to overwhelm us and overtake us, may God help you.
If you don’t think the Moslem writers here are obscuring facts and distorting the truth. You are part of the problem. The problem of the eradication of the Sinhalese species.
For thousands of years, the Sinhalese defied the Kalinga/Magha invasions, they chased the British, they sent the Burgher buggers packing to Australia, they sent Tamil terrorists to the gates of hell.
But unfortunately, they’ve met an enemy against which it has little defense. And it’s because of people like YOU.
dignity for all / April 10, 2018
Rtd Lt.
I think you should stay where you are, in your retirement as you seem to suffer from historic amnesia. You too are in an underground chamber. You also don’t have the ability to counter arguments with facts. Why do you say the writer is distorting the truth when he is quoting Sinhala writers and scholars to say that it was primarily the Sinhala Buddhist nationalism which brought havoc to SL . Read their writings. before jump up and show your foolish self.
Your and jay chambers pure racism is apparent . It is because of racist bigots like you and corrupt and inefficient Sinhala leadership that SL has become failed state even after 70 years of independence, and a hell hole for the minorities. All you morons can do is to be jealous of other communities . :Lazy lot who have made a mess of SL
Desapremiya / April 10, 2018
RATARDED Late Shameless Perera,
Yakko PISSA, did you take your medication? We know tablets are expensive and most of our retired and a few retarded servicemen like you can’t afford. but their is a better solution and cure for you. We can stuff you and send you to a funeral parlor which the JVP can do for a very affordable price.
Rtd. Lt. Reginald Shamal Perera / April 11, 2018
First learn how to write a proper sentence.
Al-faqurlah / April 11, 2018
When Muslims have overwhelmed Tamils in eastern province in 400 years, it is sure that they will overwhelm Sinhalese in the entire country in 1000 years. We do not want our descendants to blame us and hence our defensive action.