11 September, 2024


Easter Sunday Bombing: Questions To Minister Of Defence, Law & Order Of Sri Lanka

By Arun Kumaresan

Arun Kumaresan – Air Vice Marshal (Ret’d)

Cost of manipulating Higher Defense Management – National Security Council

It was a sad and horrific day for all humans not only Sri Lankans nor Christians. Tentacles of religious fundamentalism and extremism have consumed many innocent lives on the day they were celebrating the resurrection of Christ. But as the reports indicate there had been a pre warning; not general but specific to violent acts targeting the Christians. 

Mr. President: You have been pre occupied in your attempt to seek a second term; in such course you have increasingly taken all aspects of higher management defense & security into your hands. Before coming into this specific incident; there are questions that are related to your conduct as the Minister of Defense relating to higher defense management.

Mr. President: You are aware that the higher defense management of the Nation is tasked with the National Security Council. It comprises, in addition to you, the Prime Minister, Ministers of the subject of Finance, Law & Order and Foreign Affairs, Secretaries to the subject of Defense, Finance, Law & Order & Foreign affairs, Service Chiefs and the IGP. When required, Heads of Intelligence Services are called in for specific briefings to take stock of threats to National Security. This is the way matters relating to higher defense management are conducted and courses of action formulated in any Democratic Nation. However, in contrast on your specific instructions, many a times such meetings have been conducted in the absence of the PM & other UNP Ministers from 2015. In addition, instructions have also been given to the participants who have been cleared by you to attend such meetings, to keep the time and venue secret, to shield it from the PM & other UNP Ministers.

Mr. President: Question 1 – In your pre-occupation of your secret agenda to consolidate power, did you violate the ‘Norm & Form’ of the conduct of the higher defense management by intentionally omitting legitimate members in such high value discussions?

Mr. President: I wish to remind you, that after you intentionally violated the Constitution and appointed Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa as Prime Minister, you took over the subject of Law & Order under Ministry of Defense. Even after the defeat of the political coup initiated by you, you continued to hold this portfolio under your purview. Hence, the entire security apparatus of the Nation was under your total command and control. It is now a public knowledge that there was a pre-warning by the Intelligent Services that attacks were being planned by a religious fundamentalist group targeting Christians especially during Easter.

In this context, the statement by the Hon. Prime Minister has great relevance – Quote “Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe had noted that although intelligence units had provided information on a possible attack, adequate precautions were not taken to prevent it. He has further added that he and the ministers were not informed of this as well.” This substantiates that such serious matters affecting national security have again been kept away from the Prime Minister who is a legitimate member of the National Security Council and reinforces the earlier assertion of the conduct of illegitimate National Security Council meetings under your stewardship.

Mr. President, the above sounds very serious; you may have no sense and fear to trespass Constitutional boundaries; but now your acts disturbing higher defense management structures has resulted in Loss of lives, bloodshed and mayhem. It only reflects your foolish arrogance, self centered decision making and utter incompetency of governing the Nation.

Mr. President: Question 2 – Aren’t you culpable of the offence of ‘Manslaughter’ due to your intentional actions to marginalize the National Security Council and not acting on the credible intelligence that was in hand to prevent this catastrophe?

Mr. President, you have the right to visit Thirupathi in India. For a person “doing the right” to his fellow countrymen, the God will visit him or her. A person not doing the right to his people, will not and should not be tolerated by anyone leave alone the God. You by your in-actions mis and selfish actions coupled with petty thinking have aided and abetted this “manslaughter”.

Note to Readers

The main issue Mr President discusses at these illegitimate National Security Council meetings sans UNP members; was to check what UNP government is up to. For him it was National Security. 

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  • 11

    We have no argument about of that MS of President has an accountability as head of State of Sri lanka.on going that range of killing by ruthless political Terrorism by that Terror out-fits . .
    What about life’s of foreigner been victims of this attack of Eater Sunday of 21 April Sunday 2019 .
    This is a matter of collective security of whole nation that must be undertaken by current regime.head of govt.MS RW of unp ,CBK of slfp TNA and JVP. The citizens of Lankan has that UNP regime unable to deliver the security of Nation. Result of that the country has Lost of 390 or closed 400 citizens including foreign citizens.
    Those lost lives of People that purely on depend mismanagement and misdeeds of President and Primer-Minster of Ranil Wickramasinghe and his Minister .They are lack of discharge own duties and responsibility as govt of country who came to power by 2015 January 8th.

    In fact that Current regime has not successful at any sector of that Political Democracy, Economic development,social harmony and including Nation security has been totally failure last 4 year and 4 months .One and only option remain in left before that UNP regime? Must Resign or relive their duties promptly.They lost the confidence of the People’s as whole .

    Head of that UNP’s Primer of Ranil Wickramasinghe and his Cabinet must resign immediate an effect.

    We want to an overcome on going that National Security Crisis solution for the post – War 2009 era by that nation security threaten by Terrorist .Hence Current leadership of at the Ranil Wicks of UNP is an incompetent governances nation any more !
    We are looking for NEW Caretaker govt that must be RE-established until NEXT PARLIAMENTARY ELECTION under present President Mathripala Sirisena.

    • 32

      Mr. Yalagala

      Do you understand English? If so, did you understand what the author of this article asking? You have written a lengthy garbage in response to very valid questions.

      You seem to be a man with a political agenda. At this point, we all know that the country is under attack by some mad dogs. America, England, India and several other countries were attacked by mad dogs. People in those civilized countries did not ask the government to resign but united at difficult times. All peace loving citizens should unite and help the goverment at this time to at this difficult time regardless of their political or religious agendas.

      You seem to be another mad dog. Sorry to say this but what you wrote point me in that direction.

      • 1

        Even before the blood is washed away ……… the political point scoring has already started.

        The catalyst for the security lapses/inaction resides in the Sirisena/Mahinda putsch of October last year ………. and Ranil’s inability to effectively navigate the aftermath

        Just imagine what heroes these bombers would be if they had blown away these imbecilic leaders and rest of the parasitic politicians ……….. instead of the poor innocent easy/soft targets.

        I do not condone violence ………. but just the mere thought ……………

      • 0

        If you think Piyadasa has written garbage and does not understand English , that makes Two of You.Les

    • 25

      The whole country is disgraced by the selfish action of your master Silli. Knowing the threat he left the country with his family on his gala trip. How selfish and utter callous behaviour of a President who is in charge of the security forces. They perhaps ( the security forces) waited for his command which never came upon ! Instead because of the callous attitude nearly 300 people including tourists and their young families.
      How is he going to get out of this mess he created.
      A government means which works hand in hand in decision making. Our country was exposed between 2 warring parties ruling our country.
      One DOESNOT tell the other even when there was an imminent danger to its people and visitors.
      How good is that? What more in store from this almost separated but not divorced relationship of the government.
      The country and its people are suffering , how long for??
      Answer is not the traitor family from the Medamulana, certainly not.

    • 21

      I dont know you should have been sit on your head to leave the kind of statments.
      Not just locals, but entire world condemned the way SIRISENA betrayed the mandate given to him by 26 Oct 2018. Not just that, but country s supreme court branded him as one who had been very unconstitutional…
      The very same President to have held SECURITY COUNCIL MEETINGS since last October, but not informing PM and minister of the govt elected after that coup. Was that right according to you ?: If you would have been insane only, you or anyone would find it constitutional….. this partiuclar man who got elected by 6.2 mio voters has been very unusual by his acts. He does not seem to take it serious, when it even goes for National Security.
      TOday his very bunch, is making every stateements, that they were informed about the warnings, however, they as opposition had not kept the people informed about the danger. That Wimal buruwanse, the condom of Rajakahes seems to have the temerity to challenge that the govt should have to take the responsiblity. Just for that matter only, PM seems to be the leader, for them, for all various other issues, president is the leader of the country. How come ? I think, had BP Rajakashe let the elected govt to do the job , going by norms, things would no thave gone this far.
      Today, Rajakashes has succeeded in rabblerousing … the nation for two groups within the govt. THat is the reason, SIRISENA as President to have behaved without paying no serious attention to national security, even if he keeps the minister of external affair incl. law and order under him.
      And the fact that President had been out of the country for last few days, but not having appointed an acting minister to do the job during his absence how irresponsible the bugger has been ? Sorry,

      • 0

        nobody condemned when Sinhala Buddhist were murdered. so somebody in the west created this to deliver a message to Sinhala Buddhist to say “We sympathies with Tamil Tigers and Singhalese Christian who supported Tamil Tigers.”
        This cannot be more clear than that
        I saw all Tigers in Tamil country of Canada so- called Toronto sending condolence messages to Sinhalese Christian and “Portuguese Government of PM Ranil and Minster Mangala who voted for Banky Moon to put Sri lanka army on War crime charges

    • 1

      What are you talking about? Very clearly articulated by the author the underlying reasons that contributed to this tragedy.
      All you want to talk about a CARE TAKER government……we need to get to the root cause of this gigantic security lapse!!!

    • 1

      If one man excludes all others from participating then it is he who should be blamed when things go wrong no? Don’t you get that simple logic. He owns it you cannot go washing his shit here. Sri Lanka is full of idiots like you. It is why the country will never prosper.

  • 46

    He was in thirupaththy looking for “divine” wisdom. He didn’t even brief the P.M., and the Deputy Defence Minister!

    AIYO, Sirisena!! And you say you are most vilified leader!

  • 60

    sirisena must resign immediately he has blood on his hands

    • 1


      Sirisena, the Sevalaya, won’t. He is like a leach. You can pee on him. He won’t drop, You need a lighted cigarette butt, and burn his butt. The parliament must impeach him. He won’t resign even if half the country is dead.

    • 1

      While Sri Lanka is on fire, Sirisena was busy on pilgrimage to the Thirupathy Hindu Temple in South India.

  • 21

    Why blame Sirisena. He is merely the insignificant person under the Ranil regime.

    The Ranil regime: The regime in the midst of the Trump Presidency, who invited the Clinton-staff, Samantha Powers, to dismantle the Lankan security forces, invite in Saudi funding, and merge with the South India. New plan of the LTTE: All to become Islamic! It’s time Trump stepped into Sri Lanka!

    • 19

      Granny has been smoking that stuff again…
      Naughty Naughty
      Please sober down madam.
      It sound like you are talking through your rear end.

    • 0

      nobody condemned when Sinhala Buddhist were murdered. so somebody in the west created this to deliver a message to Sinhala Buddhist to say “We sympathies with Tamil Tigers and Singhalese Christian who supported Tamil Tigers.”
      This cannot be more clear than that

    • 1

      Ramona; Go back to school and attend classes in the subject -CIVICS

  • 51

    Mr President we voted you to power not to see all this violence & loss of life. You are a traitor. Your petty political agenda has ruined the nation. Pack your bags & go home.

  • 5

    Hyenas !

    Ever heard of the peaceful Buddhists From the World War 2 to Myanmar Genocide to Most recently Digana/Kandy/ Anuradhapura??? I guess not..

    • 0

      nobody condemned when Sinhala Buddhist were murdered. so somebody in the west created this to deliver a message to Sinhala Buddhist to say “We sympathies with Tamil Tigers and Singhalese Christian who supported Tamil Tigers.”
      This cannot be more clear than that

  • 4

    Intelligence reports did not say which churches would be attacked. On the other hand, Even bush, before the 911, did not know where would the AL Qaeda attack. UK did not know about their the Railway tube train station attacks. India did not know the Star Hotel attacks. UNP govt is not trust worthy. Ranil, PEnthouse RAVI, Mangala are all supporting to wreck thecountry.

  • 24

    The Writer must be thanked for his forthright questioning H.E.

    Knowing how our patholaya of a President works, he will secretly negotiate with
    Pujitha to tender his resignation whilst promoting him as an Ambassador,
    shifting the blame elsewhere and go public that the failure was not his but his

  • 27

    I fully agree with Auni Gunasekera, that Sirisena should pack his bags and go home. If he refuses he should be impeached and chased out.

    • 1

      I agree with Christopher Sirisena should be impeached and chase out

  • 4

    With all due respect to the writer of this article and the commentators, this is not the time for MY3 bashing. We voted MY3 + RW combine to do a job of work to achieve a thing called “Yahapalanaya”. Much to my disappointment, that team fell out because their was some secret competition and subsequently cold war amongst them, culminated by allegations that drug lord Madush was to be given a Police weapon to assassinate MY3. The result of this is the current setup. Of all the people in the world it is highly inappropriate for a retired senior officer of the forces to drag history at this stage, especially lampooning that RW was kept out of the loop. People are mourning. The last rites of some the dead are yet to be performed. Still there are bomb explosions here and there. Remember in the early days when Tigers were attacking, it was the same uncoordinated state of affairs that is taking place right now. I would have much appreciated had the author with his experience suggest some remedial measures at this stage although it may amount to closing the stable doors after the horse has bolted. We all must have a Sri Lankan brand of human values. That is what is lacking in the foremost.

  • 7

    Prime Minister, Defence Minister, President must resign immediately. This is a major and an embarrassing neglect of duty. Most international TV stations are openly questioning the fact that the government was warned almost 10 days before the carnage.
    This is what results from sending the best intelligence officers behind bars to appease the “international community”.

  • 1

    Sirisena should resign immediately. He is totally responsible for this situation. No security council meetings for months, when these should have been held at least once a week. He has no experience or the ability to handle security. Took over internal security to take revenge and has made a mess of it. Only thing in his head is to stay in power despite his election promises and more importantly his pledge at Sobitha Thera’s funeral. He calls himself a good Buddhist when he doesn’t even follow the 5 precepts. Come on Sirisena. Give up and go home for the sake of our country.

  • 7

    Actually speaking it is Ranil who is liable for this barbarism . He is the one who blatantly diluted the intelligence forces and promoted Islamic expansionism to prosper. When Mawanella Buddhist statues were vandalised had he taken appropriate measures to thwart it , this genocide would have been prevented . This writer has not mentioned the dodgy way how minister Harin has acted.

  • 11

    The President, the Prime Minister and the Ministers do not behave like adults but like spoil children.

    They are always quarreling, forgetting in the first instance why they are there.

    Are they not responsible to the people who had elected them.

    Are we-the people were put in this unenviable situation in to sit in judgment of who is right? and send the wrongdoers to hell?

    Enough is enough, for the god’s sake go! GO

  • 10

    Everyone should accept that when one Ayathuray Rajasingam wrote about Islamic terrorism in Sri Lanka and its development in the Colombo Telegraph. It was like an alert. But it is sad that Sri Lanka politicians were bent on getting the support of the Muslim politicians. From the time of Chandrkia Bandaranayake, Ministry of Shipping & Harbour were held by Muslim Ministers and arms & ammunitions were transported to the East in addition to smuggling during Fowzie’s period. Moreover, he warned about the activities of Hisbullah and what was surprising President Maithripala Sirisena appointed Hisbullah as the Governor for the Eastern Province at a time Hisbullah lost the election. Moreover, it appears that how President Maithiripala Srisena all of a sudden became the third richest politician in Sri Lanka. Now there is a news item to the effect that there was a rehearsal attack in the East. Why can’t the Muslim Ministers be stripped of their portfolios. Are the Sinhalese politicians scared about the 200,000 labourers employed in the Middle East?

    • 0


      i don’t think the anti muslim direction is the way to go for the country.then we will be playing into the hands of the bhuddhist and hindu and muslim extremists.The sooner the country stops thinking of sri lankans as tamil,sinhala and muslim the better.All these problems we are having since independence is because of that way of looking at the identity of the person.We have to just think of everyone as sri lankans only and little by little build up the sri lankan identity.What you are advocating is opposite.

  • 7

    TRUMP had phoned Ranil but not Maithripala Sirisena. Political analysts say, this 2020 election is very important and crucial for the USA. The way every thing has happened, it is for sure, they want to dismantle Forces and say they are incompetent (but Ranil did or tried to dismantle Intelligence again, he did the same during LTTE by giving Information to LTTE about Intelligence cadres staying in colombo). With this Bomb blast,International community wanted to ask MS to hand over or share Srilankan Defence with Ranil or the Cabinet. I think Penthouse RAVI and MANO Ganeshan went to meet Ven.GalabodaAtthe Ghsanasara. I do not know whether they planned to release the Bhikku and begin the bomb blast..So, it becomes abuddhist – Muslims conflict. How ever here only the Catholic churches are attacked.
    I can not understand why Ranil informed SUMANTHIRAN about the bomb blast. does Ranil have to report to Sumanthiran or IS HE PLAYING DOUBLE GAME BOTH THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY/NGO AND THE COUNTRY’S VOTERS. Why DID TRUMP phone Ranil and not MS. Why International community, in this case USA and EU,are very arrogant

    • 1


      Trump must be made aware of the fact that the head of the state is the president even though his power has been reduced through 19A.

    • 2

      For once Trump is right. He knew who could understand his English!

    • 2

      I do not agree with Jim Softy Galaboda Atte Ghsanasara was given a hired YELLOW ROBE made him a monk just create trouble to Muslims by the previous Head of the Goverment,this guy have to roll the YELLOW ROBE on his head we Sri Lankan’s are jointly let it be Sinhalese,Tamil,Muslim,have to face the consequences,the attackers had warned the President of this attack weeks before he is the minister of defense just ignored.first Sirisena should be impeached and chase out

    • 0

      Hey Jim Soft

      Trump called Ranil and not MS because MS has problems with the language.

      Get it?

  • 5

    Muslim – NAtive MAjority problems are found in Phillipines, Indonesia, Thailand, China, MyanMAr and Srilanka. WEAPONS SALE IS ALSO IMPORTANT.

  • 14

    The nation is grieving and bleeding. Hundreds killed and injured, suffering pain,no fault of theirs, decent human beings paying respect to their God and looking forward to enjoying Easter Sunday with friends and family. Foreigners lured by the beauty of sri lanka so happy to be here to enjoy the sun and white sandy beaches and experience the warmth and kindness of its people and carry away such memorable reflections of a great holiday. On Easter Sunday they thank god for keeping them alive and giving them the opportunity of visiting paradise. Little did they realise that their lives were soon to end, cut short and destroyed, blasted and flesh ripped, blood streaming and body parts scatterred. 300 dead and 600 injured so far and more to come. Senseless, brutal, savage, heartless, murderous cowards are these terrorists. If this is what your religion teaches you, then i say fuck you and your religion. Scum like you must be fed to then pigs. Death penalty a must. Depart from this earth you scum. Take with you the son of a bitch president of sri lanka. This prick must be impeached for breaking the constitution. This mutt has sidelined the government and not communicated with the pm and others. The role of defence has been ignored and the country sacrficed to terrorists by this mutt. The mutt must be brought before the courts for manslaughter. The people demand that the mutt be kicked out of office because this scoundrel will never resign as he does not understand decency. The mutt was alerted about the terrorist threat but did not care as this hound is only interested in
    junketing around the world with family and scavengers pilfering treasury funds. President prick,we ask you in god’s name fuck off. You are not fit to be president.

    • 1

      ?fully agree that this fucking idiotic scoundrel sirisena must be impeached and hung by his balls. The bastard allowed this terrible tragedy to occur and the mofo does not give a shit about the nation. I curse this bastard and wish all the evil in this world befall this scum. May the pain of all those who died and were injured seep into the fucking body of this rat and our curses on this rat eventuate.

  • 7

    Muslims are peace loving people who would not hurt a fly. No matter what happens we must be nice to them. Even if they are responsible for this mayhem we must brush it off and move on.

    You know all those 290 people who died are just a statistic now. We cannot upset the sentiments of these Muslims just because of these statistics.

    • 0

      SHAMAL PERERA: PBH with you..

    • 0

      Mr.Shamal Perera, That is a great wish by you. It is a balanced view. I have many Muslim friends and pray that they will not suffer, because of this mad lot.Do hope that the likes of Ramona and the giddylock heads lot will follow.

    • 0

      what a retard

  • 2

    Arun Kumarsen: If your argument is correct, based on that explain, were the defence, defence ministers or Secretaries, intelligence establishment in every developed country, had terroist attacks, WEAK . If so Why ?

  • 15

    To JVP: Please, IMMEDIATELY draft an “IMPEACHMENT MOTION” against the President and obtain the required number of signatures of Parliamentarians and hand it over to the Speaker with a request to include it as an urgent matter to be debated and passed according to the provisions of the Constitution. This President has “VIOLATED” the Constitution as UNANIMOUSLY decided by the Supreme Courts and now “WILFULLY” neglected and failed in the performance of Constitutionally duties as the Minister of county’s Defence; Security and Law & Order. Let us see who and how many would support such a “Motion”.

    • 1

      Absolutely correct

    • 1

      Absolutely right.

  • 15

    We say Buddhism is the sole state religion of Sri Lanka, but our leaders believe Lord of Thirupathy is …….? I am confused. All leaders do not fail to visit or worship Lord of Thirupathy donates lavishly even at the expense of poor citizens of Sri Lanka.

    • 0

      It is like LTTE Tamils whining. Here a different group. Some say, It is Multi-every thing country. That is to finish off the already destroyed Sinhala buddhist country. Another group say Buddhism is the sole State religion but they kill. Get rid of protestants particularly every Evangelist and Wahabis. Every thing will be peaceful. Then only the International community and INGOs are left for Terrorism.

    • 0

      We say Buddhism is the sole state religion of Sri Lanka, and what more it is enshrined in th constitution as well…..this is to fool the people and the Sangha ….
      our President binned the intelligent report …and ran to Thirupathi to pray to become the next President…

  • 19

    The President has no concept of international terrorism. After the NZ attack leaders of all countries were reviewing their security status. My3 was checking the quality of his cashew and playing cat and mouse game with Ranil and Mahinda.

    This guy is not fit to be the president of the country an what a joke the Defense and law and order is under this joker.

    • 1

      We the people appointed him and Ranil to govern the country. Have we the people made the biggest mistake of our lives?

    • 2


      The President is the Minister of Defense. Looks like he thinks it is an honorary title, and no need to do anything and can sleep. Even Gamaralas are awake.

      He did not want to appoint the capable field marshal Sarath Fonseka, due to selfish reasons.

      Now we have 310 dead and 500 injured.

  • 0

    It is like LTTE Tamils whining. Here a different group. Some say, It is Multi-every thing country. That is to finish off the already destroyed Sinhala buddhist country. Another group say Buddhism is the sole State religion but they kill. Get rid of protestants particularly every Evangelist and Wahabis. Every thing will be peaceful. Then only the International community and INGOs are left for Terrorism.

  • 0

    Objectives of this bomb blast must have been very much political, to discredit PResident who is the Defence minister. To subjugate MS and to promote Ranil as a Presidential candidate. Because both KAru Jayasooriya and Sajith can niot deliver the goods for them. To discredit Triforces, particularly Army and Police and probably to check the strength of the Sri lankan Intelligent establishment. Ranil Weakened and to see how weak it is.
    There is another theory is the PERPETRATOR of the PLAN, he himself informed that there going to be a Terrorist attack.. they might help to renovate Churches too (Who knows ask Ranil and Mangala).. I think they had more sinister plan than this and the Police and Srilanka could solve it FAST.

  • 1

    Last year gamarala Sirisena destroyed the Sri Lankans getting profited by “Best country to travel”
    Now Sirisena did not as the minister of defense did not act responsibly to avoid this massacre. My deepest sympathies to the peopl who lost thier lives and who were injured.
    Now tourism will be going down the drain for unfortunate sri lanka for many years to come and the economy will be screwed again.
    SIRISENA SHOULD RESIGN HIMSELF. HE should be punished for this also for the last year constitutional violations. He should end up in jail.

  • 2


    Quote “Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe had noted that although intelligence units had provided information on a possible attack, adequate precautions were not taken to prevent it. He has further added that he and the ministers were not informed of this as well.”

    “The Army says the Police did not share any intelligence report of a possible attack on churches and other locations.

    Army Commander, Lieutenant General Mahesh Senanayake said that there was a lapse in intelligence sharing.”

    Report was received on 4th. of April. Easter Sunday was 21st. That’s a lapse of over two weeks.

    “Intelligence services in India and the US told Sri Lanka of the threat in early April, officials said. One of the warnings was so specific that it even gave a list of suspects. In the runup to the most holy day in the Christian calendar, the warnings seemed to increase in frequency and urgency.
    But none made any difference.
    When suicide bombers walked into three churches around Sri Lanka, and three upscale hotels in Colombo, none faced enhanced security. As worshipers closed their eyes in prayer, and as hotel guests lined up for breakfast, the attackers detonated their devices — and the effects were devastating.
    It was unclear on Monday why the red flags went unheeded. But Sri Lanka has been wracked by political divisions since a constitutional crisis last year, when President Maithripala Sirisena attempted to replace the incumbent Prime Minister, Ranil Wickremesinghe, with a favored candidate. Wickremesinghe was reinstated in December but the government remains deeply divided.”

  • 1

    From the day arms & ammunition were transported to the Eastern Province when the late Minister Ashroff was Minister of Harbour during Chandrika’s period, the Sri Lankan politicians should have been alert. In fact, I was read those articles of Ayathuray Rajasingam of those days in the Colombo Telgraph, which should be considered as message of alertness and it was in the best interests of the public. Everything is happening of what he said. How can the politicians ignore such facts. They should have monitored the activities of the Muslim politicians. The writer, Arun Kumaresan was posing some questions to which the answer lies revolving the secure of power and Muslim politicians had taken an upper hand to achieve their objectives. Do the Muslim politicians have any links with the ISIS. Is it not desirable to snatch their portfolios and what will be the reactions of the Muslim politicians.

  • 0

    Emotions fade. Atrocities recorded. The killers have punished themselves instantly. Rather before by fractions the innocent victims. The organis rs have way out. Seldom another sent from o gallows.
    One is certain: take care. When and how is the next.

  • 0

    Many thinngs have been said after the fact, Yet the fact remains the intelligence gathered already pointed to Church attacks as well as potential perps, one minister was told by his daddy, did the son tell his buddies, his boss Ranil, I cannot believe he did not. Just imagine you have just lost all your children, and you know the government knew the danger but neglected to inform the public, imagine the desperation you would feel, the anger, the depair, and then you watch the press briefing, the laughing ministers, the beaming president returning and you wonder are we ruled by a group of psychopaths?

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