21 January, 2025


Einstein And Buddha: Convergence Between Science And Eastern Philosophy

By Mahendra De Silva –

“Buddhism has the characteristics of what would be expected in a cosmic religion for the future: It transcends a personal God avoids dogmas and theology; it covers both the natural and spiritual; and it is based on a religious sense aspiring from the experience of all things, natural and spiritual, as a meaningful unity.

“If there is any religion that would cope with modern scientific needs it would be Buddhism.  . (Albert Einstein)

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein is possibly the greatest scientist mankind has ever produced. His general theory of relatively created a revolutionary change on how scientists have viewed the world. He discovered that time and space is always related to the observer. His famous equation  E=MC2  revealed that matter and energy are interchangeable forms of same substance. Einstein being a genius did not confine his interest only on science. The views he has expressed on Religion, philosophy and politics indicates that he was a great thinker who tried to bridge the gap between science and philosophy or religion. Buddha gave us a great teaching which would lead to tap the maximum potential of the mind which will eventually lead to the understanding of everything happening around us and finally to liberate from the cycle of Sansara (Cycle of Birth and death). The difference between Einstein and Buddha is that while former was keen in finding answers to the phenomenon of outside world, Buddha used his own powers of observation within his mind (introspection), intellect and reasoning, grounded in reality, to guide him to his enlightenment. Both Buddha and Einstein did their research on a scientific basis. Buddha advised his followers NOT to accept what he was teaching them at face value or to take his beliefs “on faith.” Rather, he counseled them to test his theories for themselves, and if they didn’t prove true, then reject them.  Buddha found what he was looking for. Einstein after all his discoveries has to admit mankind does not have the wisdom to understand the all the mysteries of the nature. The purpose of this article is to examine the relevancy of some of Einstein’s statement to Buddhist teachings and also to present Einstein’s view about the religion.

Einstein upheld the need for morality and rightness of the mankind. But he believed that morality should not come from fear or punishment expected from ‘God” or any other force. He said – A man’s ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties and needs; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death. If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed- (Albert Einstein, “Religion and Science”, New York Times Magazine, 9 November 1930

Einstein denied the existence of a personal God but he could not provide an answer behind the beauty and methodical way universe has been formed. This he expressed in following way.

I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it. I believe in Spinoza’s God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with the fates and actions of human beings.  (Albert Einstein, 1954)

Who is this Spinoza’s God Einstein is refereeing to?  Spinoza was a Dutch philosopher, who claimed that God is nothing but the NATURE According to Spinoza there is mass, energy, atoms, molecules, life, thought, people, societies, galaxies and perhaps even multiple universes but there is nothing outside nature, including spiritual visions and other phenomena we don’t yet understand. If they exist, they are part of nature.  According to Buddhism there are five natural laws at work in the cosmos that cause things to happen, called the Five Niyamas. . Karma is only one of these factors. Present circumstances are the result of countless factors that are always in flux. There is no single cause that makes everything to be the way it is

The following statement clearly indicates that although Einstein rejected God he is not an atheist.

I have repeatedly said that in my opinion the idea of a personal God is a childlike one, but I do not share the crusading spirit of the professional atheist whose fervor is mostly due to a painful act of liberation from the fetters of religious indoctrination received in youth. I prefer an attitude of humility corresponding to the weakness of our intellectual understanding of nature and of our own being.

Buddha rejected the traditional Hindu view that world was a creation by God and also rejected materialism of atheists. He became the first philosopher to reject the belief ‘Soul’ is a permanent entity. It appears that Einstein accepted both these positions. In the above statement, Einstein was humble enough to admit the inadequacy or limitations of his knowledge to find the answer to the ‘mysteries’ of the world.

Just examine following statement of Einstein

A human being is part of the whole, called by us ‘Universe’; a part limited in time and space.  He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest – a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.  This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and affection for a few persons nearest us.  Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole nature in its beauty.  Nobody is able to achieve this completely but striving for such achievement is, in itself, a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security.”

Physical concepts are free creations of the human mind, and are not, however it may seem, uniquely determined by the external world. -Einstein

It is amazing to know that Buddha, 2500 years back, expressed almost the same view in different words   “All such notions as causation, succession, atoms, primary elements…are all figments of the imagination and manifestations of the mind. – -Buddha

According to Buddha, Self is not a rational concept. Self is only an emotional feeling- Therefore consciousness is an illusion and the feeling of ‘Self” is only an activity of brain. People live unconsciously in dream like state believing their existence. As a result they become attached to names and forms, not realising that they have no more basis than the activities of the mind itself. Buddha declared that due to this error in view, liberation of the mankind would be blocked. Buddha called it ignorance what Einstein described it as a delusion of consciousness. Buddha’s solution to free us from prison is by developing and purification of mind, following a clear path towards it (8 FP and 4NT). Buddha’s path also involves widening selfless compassion to all human beings. According to Buddha the attachment (Lust) brings suffering and would also prevent one from escaping the prison.  Einstein says that this prison restricts   our affection only to our loved ones (Becoming Selfish). He suggests that to free from the prison the compassion should embrace all living creatures. (It is interesting Einstein did not confine compassion only to human beings)

Einstein’s attempt to discover the mystery of the world can be seen from this statement.

The most beautiful and most profound experience is the sensation of the mystical. It is the sower of all true science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead. To know that what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their primitive forms – this knowledge, this feeling is at the center of true religiousness.  (Albert Einstein – The Merging of Spirit and Science)

Here again Einstein admits that human mind cannot comprehend all the mysteries of the world. But he admired the beauty and methodical way nature operates it. He admitted the answer comes with more wisdom and he also termed it as true religiousness.  Buddha’s approach for what Einstein has been looking could be evident from following interesting Dialogue between Buddha and one of his disciples.

“Most respected one; can you please tell me what the size of the universe is?”

Buddha replied:

“Will the size of the universe help you end suffering?”

The disciple answered:

“No, most respected one”

Buddha then answered:

“So why are you asking questions of little importance and not ask questions on the ending of suffering?

Buddhism avoids speculative metaphysical questions as irrelevant distractions. According to Buddhism, nothing happens without a cause; therefore the universe is infinite with no real beginning. However, it does run in cycles, so there can be a beginning for each particular era.

This Parable of the arrow has often been used to illustrate the Buddha’s teachings that “practitioners who concern themselves with the origins of the universe and other topics are missing the point of religious practice.”

Suppose someone was hit by a poisoned arrow and his friends and relatives found a doctor able to remove the arrow. If this man were to say, ‘I will not have this arrow taken out until I know whether the person who had shot it was a priest, a prince or a merchant, his name and his family. I will not have it taken out until I know what kind of bow was used and whether the arrowhead was an ordinary one or an iron one.’ That person would die before all these things are ever known to

In short, work on being here (The Present moment) before you consider why or how you came to be here.

Once Bertrand Russell   explained why he accepts the Buddhist view on origin of the world. -” Among the founders of all religions in this world, I respect only one man — the Buddha. The main reason was that the Buddha did not make statements regarding the origin of the world. The Buddha was the only teacher who realised the true nature of the world.” (Bertrand Russell)

It is interesting to note that Modern scientists and psychologists pay great attention to research on brain and mind.  Buddhist mediation methods of loving kindness, breathing mediation and mindfulness are widely used in western medicine and psychology. It would be great if more scientists like Einstein come forward to bridge the gap between the science and eastern philosophy in future.

Latest comments

  • 5

    Very interesting facts.Thanks for sharing!

  • 9

    This is a well presented piece having put together useful quotes from Einstein in particular and the Buddha. It deserves wide readership. I thought by responding with a comment I will be showing my respect to the writer’s effort.
    One must not take the comparison between the Buddha and Einstein too far as there are important aspects where the two world views clash. Einstein did believe in a pantheistic version of God as Spinoza did. God was to him some sort of force that “lived” in the universe. It wasn’t exactly an equation with nature. Buddha didn’t have such a vision. Besides this mystery that he experienced in nature Einstein was rigorously rational. I don’t think Buddha was rational to that extent. Despite Kalama Sutta, the Buddha did seem to borrow the prevailing world view of rebirth that the Vedas and Upanishads brought forth. He did give a twist to these beliefs but that was not a fundamental difference. Besides rebirth and samsara, where our lives are being recycled, the Buddha had been very rational.
    One has to realize that the Buddha lived in times when the human base of knowledge was very low-unlike the times of Einstein. One cannot understand reality by merely meditating under a bo tree. A fuller grasp of reality could be had only by advanced observation techniques that scientists have in possession today,

    • 3

      “One cannot understand reality by merely meditating under a bo tree.”

      What is?? They can understand reality by owning Benz cars and can attain the highest order by owning Lamborghini with garage number plates for the 1 in 1000 only variety.

      Buddha was born at HumBugTota nede?

      He died Jain style therefore the Tri Murti,

    • 1

      Einstein did believe in a pantheistic version of God as Spinoza did. God was to him some sort of force that “lived” in the universe is surely a mis-statement.

      Even spinoza did not believe in “some sort of force”. Einstein was explicit in his reply to Rabbi Goldstein who asked him if he believed in such a divine force. Einstein explained that it is the existence of physical laws that governed every aspect of the universe (and not some capricious god, or force) that he euphemistically called God. This does not mean that physical laws, although totally deterministic at one level, remain so at higher levels of complexity. But Einstein could not understand the failure of determinism at the utmost microscopic (quantum)level. In the end he was proven wrong regarding the quantum theory, as his “Einstein-Podlosky-Rosen” paradox was shown experimentally to definitely rule against Einstein.

      Similarly, the author’s quotes attributed to Einstein like “Physical concepts are free creations of the human mind, and are not, however it may seem, uniquely determined by the external world. -Einstein” suggest that Einstein was some sort of idealist, supporting the “Mano-Pubbang” point of view of simplified Buddhism.

      This is completely misleading because it is out of context. What Einstein says here is that the brain adds a lot to what we think we conceive. In fact, even in Einstein’s time the physiology of vision was sufficiently advanced to show that about 80% of what we “see” is made up by brain circuitry, and only 20% comes in as inputs from the two optic nerves.

      Einstein had no doubts that the mind is a product of the brain, and here he agreed largely with Schrodinger In his book what is life?). In that sense Einstein was a materialist, except that Matter and Energy were proven to be the same thing since 1905 by Einstein !

  • 7

    Dear Mahendra De Silva –

    Buddhism is a philosophy, not a religion.

    “If there is any religion that would cope with modern scientific needs it would be Buddhism. . (Albert Einstein)

    Buddhism as a Philosophy was turned into a religion. If natural philosophy were turned into a religion, it would have come on top of Buddhism, without the Rebirth Dogma.

    Einstein, Newton, Galileo, Aristotle, Ptolemy and may others have made their mistakes. That includes Buddha too, and he tried two incorrect experiments before he settled on the final philosophy, but it still has the errors of rebirth.

    • 6


      Lord Buddha had not talked anything about REBIRTH. It is you WHO understand a REBIRTH.

      FIRST UNDERSTAND THE WORD ANATHMA. Then try to talk Rebirth and see whether it matters.

      I like if you guys post an article on that in CT.

      • 3

        JIM SOFTY,

        “Lord Buddha had not talked anything about REBIRTH. It is you WHO understand a REBIRTH. “
        “FIRST UNDERSTAND THE WORD ANATHMA. Then try to talk Rebirth and see whether it matters.”

        Very interesting thought, because it separates Buddhism as a Philosophy vs. Buddhism as a Religion. Most, if not almost all are brainwashed from early childhood and as adults. I did a quick survey and research to find out what those who spent their whole lifetime since childhood on Buddhism has to say about the subject. Given below is a quick summary and the citations. Make your own conclusions, with very good support and reason, not dogma.

        1. Buddhist View on Death and Rebirth by Ven. Thich Nguyen Tang


        To Buddhism, however, death is not the end of life, it is merely the end of the body we inhabit in this life, but our spirit will still remain and seek out through the need of attachment, attachment to a new body and new life. Where they will be born is a result of the past and the accumulation of positive and negative action, and the resultant karma (cause and effect) is a result of ones past actions.

        This would lead to the person to be reborn in one of 6 realms which are; heaven, human beings, Asura, hungry ghost, animal and hell. Realms, according to the severity of ones karmic actions, Buddhists believe however, none of these places are permanent and one does not remain in any place indefinitely. So we can say that in Buddhism, life does not end, merely goes on in other forms that are the result of accumulated karma. Buddhism is a belief that emphasizes the impermanence of lives, including all those beyond the present life. With this in mind we should not fear death as it will lead to rebirth.


        What Reincarnation is Not

        Reincarnation is not a simple physical birth of a person; for instance, John being reborn as a cat in the next life. In this case John possesses an immortal soul which transforms to the form of a cat after his death. This cycle is repeated over and over again. Or if he is lucky, he will be reborn as a human being. This notion of the transmigration of the soul definitely does not exist in Buddhism.

        The World

        Traditionally, Buddhism teaches the existence of the ten realms of being. At the top is Buddha and the scale descends as follows: Bodhisattva (an enlightened being destined to be a Buddha, but purposely remaining on earth to teach others), Pratyeka Buddha (a Buddha for himself), Sravka (direct disciple of Buddha), heavenly beings (superhuman [angels?]), human beings, Asura (fighting spirits), beasts, Preta (hungry ghosts), and depraved men (hellish beings).

        Now, these ten realms may be viewed as unfixed, nonobjective worlds, as mental and spiritual states of mind. These states of mind are created by men’s thoughts, actions, and words. In other words, psychological states. These ten realms are “mutually immanent and mutually inclusive, each one having in it the remaining nine realms.” For example, the realm of human beings has all the other nine states (from hell to Buddhahood). Man is at the same time capable of real selfishness, creating his own hell, or is truly compassionate, reflecting the compassion of Amida Buddha. Buddhas too have the other nine realms in their minds, for how can a Buddha possibly save those in hell if he himself does not identify with their suffering and guide them to enlightenment.

  • 0

    Is Creation or origin of the world so important to normal person and his spirituality? How many would have any sense of theory of Big Bang?
    Buddhism focus on selfish inner liberation, less emphasis on loving others, forgiving others, or selfless giving..
    Humans are imperfect. … Jesus believed loving others, forgiving others, selfless giving would liberate imperfect people, he didn’t talk much about direct inner development.
    Christianity –> Outer development –> unity –> materiel prosperity –>less violence… Buddhism –> Inner development –> separation –> poverty –> poverty leads to violence
    Just my thoughts …

    • 2

      “Big Bang” does not mean creation. That is a misunderstanding. There are many singularities in spacetime. Some are black-holes (where spacetime blows-up inwards, sucking everything in). Then there are “whhite-holes” where spacetime blows out. The big bang is the result of such a very rapid inflationary bubble in the fabric of space time. There are many such big-bangs going on, just like there are many bubbles forming at the bottom of a kettle. We happen to be in one of those bubbles that we identify from experiments as our “big-nag”.

      • 2

        Can someone please tell me what happens if we take Mahendra De Silva to a black-hole and push him over the event horizon?

        I think he will attain instant Nirvana because there is no way he is going to be reborn in this universe!

        According to relativity, no event (his death) inside the horizon can influence an outside observer (a child birth).

        In the case he is reborn in another universe, I’m pretty curious how Buddha managed to see the causality between events even when they are not in the same universe.

        When Buddha was not aware that it was a simple but highly contagious virus that was causing “Smallpox”, how could he have understood physics that remain elusive for humans even today?

        • 2

          Navin – “When Buddha was not aware that it was a simple but highly contagious virus that was causing “Smallpox”, how could he have understood physics that remain elusive for humans even today?”

          Navin if you have not already heard this quote from the Buddha’s Simsapa Sutta, I will reproduce it below. Maybe it will answer your question above.
          Please read the Sutta on Google for the full story.

          “In the same way, monks, those things that I have known with direct knowledge but have not taught are far more numerous [than what I have taught]. And why haven’t I taught them? Because they are not connected with the goal, do not relate to the rudiments of the holy life, and do not lead to disenchantment, to dispassion, to cessation, to calm, to direct knowledge, to self-awakening, to Unbinding. That is why I have not taught them.”

          • 2

            This is all fine. A religion is something you take by faith. If you have enough faith to take that as a convincing explanation, well good for you.

            However, the moment you try to establish “truth” or investigate the veracity of claims or claim that Buddhism is not a religion but a philosophy or look down upon other religions (e.g. Buddhist rituals) you need to answer these questions and at that point this kind of Buddha is above everybody else in terms on knowing the truth doesn’t apply.

            Buddha will have to subject his discoveries to the same kind of peer reviews that any scientist has to go through.

            Any scientist providing a new solution/proof to any one of millennium price problems in mathematics for instance will have to break down his solution in such way that he addresses problems having more limited scope before he present his general solution.

            If you know the different between special and general theory of relativity you will appreciate that one is a special case of the other and you can solve many interesting problems without appealing to the general theory.

            Any reviewer reading your manuscript is going to run many sanity checks on your claims before he spends good amount of his time reading your 1000+ page paper.

            Your answer is good for the faithful. But we are not in the business of convincing faithful here right? Why do we need to compare what Buddha said with what Albert Einstein or some other famous scientist said for that? Why do we need to involve science at all?

            If you want to establish Buddhism as a doctrine or a philosophy you need to subject it to the same scrutiny like any other thesis.

            I’m afraid Buddhism in that respect doesn’t pass even the most rudimentary sanity checks!

    • 7

      AVB – Have you not heard of the Buddha’s 4 Brahma Viharas?

      They are Meththa – Loving Kindness, Karuna – Compassion, Muditha – Joy in the Success of others, Upekkha – Equanimity.

      Buddhists should be made more aware of these qualities, rather than just giving Alms to Monks, which seems to be the most important aspect of Dana!

  • 2

    Mahendra – Tell all this to the BBS and their cohorts, not to mention all the ‘Buddhists’ who are immersed in ritual and meaningless actions (like those loudspeakers blaring from temples).

    PS: And don’t forget to inform Professor Kapila Abhayawansa as well!

  • 7

    Even the theory of relativity of Einstein is being challenged by the frontiers of science, proving the limitations of human knowledge and scientific data.


    Similarly, the apparent discovery of faster-than-light particles raises more questions than it answers. Fictional starships aside, nothing should travel faster than 186,282 miles (299,792 kilometres) per second – a cosmic speed limit determined by Einstein more than a century ago. Then, in September, scientists at CERN announced a potential lawbreaker. Subatomic particles called neutrinos had apparently whisked underground from CERN to the Gran Sasso laboratory in Italy, 454 miles (730km) away, faster than the speed of light. According to Dr James Gillies of CERN, “they seemed to be getting there 60 billionths of a second early … or 20 metres ahead of themselves.”
    The news made headlines around the world. “This was an enormous story, but it is about scientific process, not whether Einstein was right or wrong,” says Dr Gillies. “The announcement was intended to encourage people to do independent measurements. That’s the way science works.”

    So nothing is fixed. Our knowledge is like a drop in the mighty ocean. The universe is beyond the limits of our senses, the creator is infinite, beyond what our little minds can perceive and comprehend.

    God is not that old man with a beard sitting on top of the clouds. He is all present, all pervading, all powerful who creates and sustains the universe, call him by whatever name you wish.

    Say: He is Allah, the One and Only!
    Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;
    He begetteth not nor is He begotten.
    And there is none like unto Him.

    Quran verse 112

    You are the One Creator of all the worlds,
    and of that which moves and that which does not move,
    You alone are fit for worship, You are the highest Teacher,
    In all the worlds there is none equal to You.

    Bhagavad-Gita 11:43

    • 6

      Safa, intelligence, raises the ego, while wisdom destroys it. Fools, look with names and forms. They have no idea about the platform without time and space.

    • 1


      >>Then, in September, scientists at CERN announced a potential lawbreaker. Subatomic particles called neutrinos had apparently whisked underground from CERN to the Gran Sasso laboratory in Italy, 454 miles (730km) away, faster than the speed of light. According to Dr James Gillies of CERN, “they seemed to be getting there 60 billionths of a second early … or 20 metres ahead of themselves.”>>

      That was later determined to be an error, and Einstein’s theory has not been contradicted.

    • 3


      Here it is. Know what the Quran and Hadith says, not what the Clerics and Mullah say. Use the scientific method. Remember Martin Luther of the 16th Century? Enjoy!


      Chapter 13 – Sun rests under Allah’s Throne

      A. Where does the sun go at sunset?

      Bukhari and Muslim – revered by “Scholars” as “Muththafaqun Alaihi” interprets 36:38 (Surah Yaaseen) of the Holy Quran and attributes this howler to our Holy Prophet (S); “And the sun Runs its fixed course For a term (decreed). that is The Decree of (Allah) The Exalted in Might, The All-Knowing.” By Bukhari i. “Sahih” Bukhari Volume No. 4 Hadith Number 421 Narrated Abu Dhar: The Prophet asked me at sunset, “Do you know where the sun goes (at the time of sunset)?” I replied, “Allah and His Apostle know better.” He said,

      “It goes (i.e. travels) till it prostrates Itself underneath the Throne and takes the permission to rise again, and it is permitted and then (a time will come when) it will be about to prostrate itself but its prostration will not be accepted, and it will ask permission to go on its course but it will not be permitted, but it will be ordered to return whence it has come and so it will rise in the west. And that is the interpretation of the Statement of Allah: “And the sun Runs its fixed course For a term (decreed). that is The Decree of (Allah) The Exalted in Might, The All-Knowing.” (Q. 36: 38)

      Bukhari Hadith (Arabic) Serial No. 3199- Bukhari Hadith (Arabic) Serial No.7424- ii. “Sahih” Al-Bukhari Volume 6. Hadith # 326 Narrated by Abu Dharr Once I was with the Prophet in the mosque at the time of sunset. The Prophet said, “O Abu Dharr! Do you know where the sun sets?” I replied, “Allah and His Apostle know best.” He said, “It goes and prostrates underneath (Allah’s) Throne; and that is Allah’s Statement: ‘And the sun runs on its fixed course for a term (decreed). And that is the decree of All-Mighty, the All-Knowing…’ ” (36.38)

      Bukhari Hadith (Arabic) Serial No. 4802- iii. “Sahih” Al-Bukhari Hadith Volume 9. Hadith #528 Narrated by Abu Dharr I asked the Prophet regarding the Verse: “And the sun runs on its fixed course for a term decreed for it.” (36.28) He said, “Its fixed course is underneath Allah’s Throne.” . “Sahih” Muslim -Book 1, Number 0300: Abu Dharr reported: I asked the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) the (implication of the) words of Allah, the Exalted: The sun glides to its appointed resting place. He replied: Its appointed resting place is under the Throne.

      Muslim Hadith (Arabic) Serial #421-

      • 0


        Since you are not believer in GOD, why are so much worrying about GOD?
        Amarasiri after your death which burial method are you prefer? Because mostly burial methods exists based on religious philosophy.
        It is sure that, you will know in your grave whether GOD exist or not!

        • 2


          Amarasiri is Agnostic, until the truth comes out with facts and data, one way or the other.

          Theists cannot prove the existence of a deity.

          Atheists cannot prove the absence of a deity.

          At least the Sun going around a stationary Earth, or the Earth going around the Sun has been settled about 400 years ago.

          The Darwinia’s evolution is gaining support with more and more with DNA data an DNA switches every day.


          Agnosticism is the view that the truth values of certain claims—especially claims about the existence or non-existence of any deity, as well as other religious and metaphysical claims, are unknown or unknowable.[1][2][3] Agnosticism sometimes indicates doubt or a skeptical approach to questions.

          In the popular sense, an agnostic is someone who neither believes nor disbelieves in the existence of a deity or deities, whereas a theist and an atheist believe and disbelieve, respectively.[2]

          Thomas Henry Huxley, an English biologist, coined the word agnostic in 1869. However, earlier thinkers have written works that promoted agnostic points of view. These thinkers include Sanjaya Belatthaputta, a 5th-century BCE Indian philosopher who expressed agnosticism about any afterlife,[4][5][6]

          Protagoras, a 5th-century BCE Greek philosopher was agnostic about the gods.[7] The Nasadiya Sukta in the Rig Veda which is agnostic about the origin of the universe.[8][9][10]

          Since the time that Huxley coined the term, many other thinkers have extensively written about agnosticism.

          This guy says Bill Gates and Warren Buffer are atheists and philanthropists who gave almost all their fortune to charity.

          Re The Amazing Atheist – By The Amazing Atheist — Part 1


          Re To All Atheist onYouTube — Part 2


          Re: The Atheist Challenge: from a theist to you! — Part 3


  • 2

    Hindu meditation is what is packaged as Buddhist meditation.
    None of this is Lankan meditation any way.
    We are not stuck in Einstein, have evolved.
    Similarly the same applies to Sidhart Gautham.
    Newton was the norm once.
    Buddhism and Science is not the same.
    Theory and practice is also not the same.
    Even Col. Olcott understood this later.
    These statements are a halmark of ‘western civilization’; their free thinkers had to break the shakeless of their religious dogma, they saw relative freedom in some ideas of the Buddha, without seeing the shackless of Buddhist Mongols, Thais and Lankans….
    This is similar to our appreciation of the Beatles to pal Kavi.
    Ideas/dreams of flight are not the same as tangible/real flight, neither are these ideas unique to the Bramanic tradition.

    If Buddhism and Science is the same, Buddhist countries would be the pioneers of Scientefic innovation.

    In Science, the material/tangible is everything, this is not so in theoretical Buddhism.

    Living beings include plants, at least according to science.
    Jainism may offer an ellaboration on that.
    Some what neglected when compaired to Buddhism.
    Some other theories make Buddhism look neghlected.

    E=MC2 is (Jewish) Einstein’s theory, not Gautama’s (Bramanic) theory.
    They are different.

  • 3

    So are the Buddhists ready to accept that their poblems and victim mentality is due to bad karma and the Western Christian countries (these Buddhists flock to including Percyval Mahendra’s brothers) and Scandinavian Christian countries are blessed with good karma ??

  • 2

    Asoka the Mad & Madder Silva,Thought for the day

    Every positive value has its price in negative terms…The genius of Einstein leads to Hiroshima.

    Here this is where they look for God Particle not buddha my little toy.


    Genius of Shakespeare will lead Sinhala Mahanama Buddhist to Den Haag.

    • 0

      “Women of the New Millennium” :
      Marilyn was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records for five years under “Highest IQ” for both childhood and adult scores. She has since been inducted into the *Guinness Hall of Fame*.most popular communicator/speaker in the educational and social category.

      “Ask Marilyn” Questions from readers range from philosophical to mathematical to “just plain nuts,” as Marilyn puts it.

    • 2

      Thanks for this wonderful gift, the music of heart. Yes, he explains it well. Buddha will always be misunderstood. What he did not say was, By whom ? I say Buddhist scholars in Sri Lanka,

  • 3

    “If there is any religion that would cope with modern scientific needs it would be Buddhism. (Albert Einstein)”

    To make such a statement, Einstein must have studied Buddha’s teachings extensively.
    So, the comparison should end there.
    Any further statements from him in relation to Buddha’s teachings has to be influenced by his study of Buddha’s teachings, even though he doesn’t specifically mention it.

    The concepts of Panchaseela and rebirth, though they were already prevalent at the time, Buddha didn’t have to ‘borrow’ anything unless it is the true nature of this world And it is not limited to any specific time period.

    • 3

      “So, the comparison should end there.”

      He never had the highest I Q
      How ever had the same I Q as Bill Gates.
      Bill never anything like that but God Particle- period.

      • 0

        Sure, he had a high IQ but we were not talking about it. Period.
        Your last line sound Gibberish to me, but, may be my gibberish is not up to your standards.

        • 0

          Oooooooh Burn!

    • 1

      “If there is any religion that would cope with modern scientific needs it would be Buddhism. (Albert Einstein)”

      Einstein NEVER EVER said such a thing. This writer is a fraud.

      Even if Einstein has said that, his era of science is over now, how can the comparison end there, let today’s scientists say their opinion.

  • 2

    Anura, “Creation” in your point of view, is solely depends on your illusionary view created by the mind. “Origin of the world” starts with “origin of the self” or “I ness”, and it is explained as “ANADHI”, which origination is unaware. As long as your “I ness” exit, the “World” also exist. When your mind ceased to exit, the universe will be ceased to exist. As long as mind exists, creation, sustenance and destruction (Uthpada, Tahiti, Bhanga) exist, so time and space. Just compare to quantum theories.
    Creation is not something happened in the past. It is an ongoing process of this mind and question about creation comes into the picture in religious philosophies to inquire and break the concept of time and understand stillness. So, yes, knowledge about creation is necessary. I leave the rest to you.
    Religion, no matter what, have two aspects. One, most importantly, respect the natural low and live on this earth peacefully, according to the cosmic principle. Secondly, less important, finds their salvation. More weight is given to the first one, as Salvation cannot be found without contributing to this earth. This is called Dharma, which is missing in modern understanding of religions.
    You said,
    Christianity –> Outer development –> unity –> materiel prosperity –>less violence
    Buddhism –> Inner development –> separation –> poverty –> poverty leads to violence
    This must be the other way around. Christianity and all other religions, including Mahayana tradition give more weight to inner transformation, opening the heart chakra and heart consciousness. Love and righteousness emerge from the heart not from the mind. The mind knows nothing about love or righteousness. That is what Evangelicalism does everywhere in the world.
    In Theravada Buddhism, They practice loving kindness meditation in mind. ! What mind knows about love and kindness? This proved, Theravada doesn’t come from Buddha’s doctrine, but something else. So, end up with so much violence, including Bodu Bala Sena, Ravana Blakaya, corrupted society, enjoying the death of the enemy with milk rice, etc. Lack of heart consciousness is going to lead the country to biggest disaster in everknown history in March at Geneva.
    We have the best experts of intellectual scholars about Buddhism, including Albert Einstein, but unfortunately, we do not have one single Buddhist who understood the inner transformation who can contribute to this discussion.

    • 2

      “Buddhism –> Inner development –> separation –> poverty –> poverty leads to violence”

      Wrong. Totally wrong. Separation through inner development does not lead to poverty, it leads to let go(sacrifice)-> no craving for material things -> inner peace.

      • 3

        Nak, Agreed. Buddhism (Or any Religion)->Inner Transfomation->No Craving-> Happyness

      • 0

        How can you explain water coming out of a tap in Buddhism or or inner development. Water is the second most important thing for living beings.?
        Inner development or inner peace can’t make WATER coming out of a tap for your children.. It is outer development…
        Actually, this is something “Osho” described..

  • 3

    Buddha never denied nor accepted thre was one god…if am wrong correct me…

    • 4

      Because it is master copy-
      Born like a hindu died like a jain.
      Loved like my childhood toy.
      Opium for the idle masses.

    • 2

      shuu man!

      Try Buddha-Head-Potty available in EU for Nirvana in the garden under the tree.

      then try Drunken Buddha (Nepali) Restaurant London for diced fried cow meat for Samsara and wash it down with minted Scotch.

      No one denies just potty!

      • 1

        Disgracing oneself with ones own free will!!!

        • 0

          If you have the cash fly to Canari Islands for the potty; the lamas there nod in understanding.
          and visit london or ask the Nonis of the embassy who tried in vain to shut it down- it was all over the UK news too and Merry Europe laughed.

    • 0

      I think you are correct. There are two different words, God (Deviyo) and Demigod (Deva). I do not know about which, Sinhala Buddhist talks about.
      Furthermore, I think Buddha never denied nor accepted the concept of “Soul” too.

  • 0

    Interesting. Even the great Einstein is not certain if it is a religion or a set of Codes of Conduct.

    The coming of the IT revolution – that has opened many unheard of incredible doors – is further proof man has a long way to go to realise all his potential. In that case, can it be argued fully understanding the existence of God is far beyond the thinking capacity of man with all his accomplishments so far. The respected magazine Reader’s Digest carried a study, about 30 years ago, titled “10 reasons why scientist believe in God” I have lost track of much of it but I recall one was the harmony by which the human body – with hundreds of thousands of elements within it – functions to near perfection 24x7x365. Surely there are many other examples.


    • 0

      Please google for the world “Anencephaly” and look at the images. After that tell me whether you still believe “human body – with hundreds of thousands of elements within it – functions to near perfection 24x7x365”!

      • 1

        Navin the Ravana Idiot that is the meaning of Hanuman’s facial looks.

        Hindus know what they believe in.

        Hanuman ki Jai

    • 0

      Albert Einstein (1879-1955) – It is my view that the vegetarian manner of living, by its purely physical effect on the human temperament, would most beneficially influence the lot of mankind.

    • 1


      The west still identifies God with the Hindu not even Jewish.

      Aldous Huxley – The Dancing Shiva
      The God Particle of Chola Dynasty Sculpture not the Buddha Why So???

  • 1

    After reading this article and the comments that followed, I searched Google for more information on the topic. While doing so I came across this interesting quote from Einstein’s history:

    “During the next three years Einstein was constantly on the move, journeying not only to European capitals but also to the Orient, to the Middle East, and to South America. According to his diary notes, he found nobility among the Hindus of Ceylon, a pureness of soul among the Japanese, and a magnificent intellectual and moral calibre among the Jewish settlers in Palestine. His wife later wrote that, on steaming into one new harbour, Einstein had said to her, “Let us take it all in before we wake up.”(http://abyss.uoregon.edu/~js/glossary/einstein.html)

    Who were the Hindus of Ceylon with nobility, Einstein was referring? Whom did he meet in Ceylon? Did he know the differences between Hindus and Buddhists, and between Hinduism and Buddhism? While Robert Knox saw nobility in the Sinhalese, did Einstein see nobility among the Hindus of Ceylon? Dr.Ananda Coomaraswamy has been referred to as a Cingalese by his Western contemporaries. Could there have been confusion among even great minds on the varied identity of Ceylonese( now Sri Lankans)? Is this confusion logical considering our common origins genetically and the affinity between our religions and languages?

    Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

    • 0

      Dr RN, re ‘considering our common origins genetically and the affinity between our religions and languages’
      I will quote from “The Buddhist Handbook” by Jon Snelling:-

      “It should perhaps be noted by the way, that modern Hindus do not regard the Buddha as an outsider to their traditions. In fact he is considered by them to be a manifestation of the great god Vishnu, one of the Hindu Trinity, who descends into the world in various forms at particularly difficult times to help set things right.
      The Hindu system certainly derived much from the Buddha’s Teaching – and indeed Buddhism, during the more than 1500 years during which it was a significant part of the Indian Spiritual Scene – also derived much from Hinduism”

    • 0

      @D r.Rjasingham,
      Dr., I also read this article (http://www.themuslimtimes.org/2013/02/ahmadiyyat-true-islam/albert-einsteins-search-for-god-2) written by a Muslim scholar who was trying to claim Einstein. I suppose, “Hindus of Ceylon” is his own word, as he misidentified Ceylon with Hindus. However, as far as I know, Eaintine’s diary notes never conform it. He only visited Colombo and had rickshaw drive in Ceylon. (http://www.srilankaguardian.org/2011/01/albert-einsteins-obscure-visit-to-sri.html)
      But, However, I found the following article at http://www.sacw.net/DC/CommunalismCollection/ArticlesArchive/SL_communal.html .
      Which may help to understand the situation.
      “Sinhala Buddhist cultural nationalism thus displayed a dual political character – it was more compromising towards British colonialism while displaying a growing intolerance towards the Lankan minorities. Anagarika Dharmapala stated in 1922: “Look at the Administration Report of the General Manager of Railways… Tamils, Cochins and Hambankarayas are employed in large numbers to the prejudice of the people of the island – sons of the soil, who contribute the largest share” (Guruge A., 1965:515).”

    • 0

      “•Dr.Ananda Coomaraswamy has been referred to as a Cingalese by his Western contemporaries. Could there have been confusion among even great minds on the varied identity of Ceylonese( now Sri Lankans)?”

      DR RN
      He is well known in the continent in the field of history of art, culture and religion as one who is authentic in presenting the east to the west like contemporary Swami Vivekananda.

      Why he was called a Sinhalese is simple to understand when Tamils jealously call whites parangi pattai. His mum was Anglo Saxon and he always married out. Now that the street name has been taken away the non-vellala eelam folk have conveniently included his name at the top of the list of eelam tamils, when there is not an iota of his father or eelam.

      So quite rightly he calls him Ceylonese because we at Colombo grew up as Ceylonese like even my great grandfather. Have you ever heard of double doctor Wignaraja who lives in a palace at Kynsey Road he never ever interfered in government as he was above, he is an aristocrat not ambulance chasing none related Radhika..

    • 0

      “According to his diary notes, he found nobility among the Hindus of Ceylon, a pureness of soul among the Japanese, and a magnificent intellectual and moral calibre among the Jewish settlers in Palestine”

      may be his information to that point of time was not enough clarifying this. People quote Einstein today as if he was the ONLY scientist on the planet.

      Today, I have met some european politicians still strongly arguing about lanken tamil problem – but not studying -let alone – the demographic distribution of tamils in the island.

      • 2

        ` but not studying`

        Not studying is good for the orange order fascist MP’s under Rajapassa pay- Cameron kept them away reprimanding them and asked them to behave and go to the Maldives on a perfect honeymoon not the warehouse worker destination lanka.

        “”the demographic distribution of tamils in the island.”

        Therefore all ancient kings of Ceylon were Tamils.(^O^)

        i don’t believe you ever met the handsome last surviving heir to the kotte king back in the 60’s. He died within that decade.

        Like most of UK forces of today who come from problem families (retired army general statement) the tamils were not different so you would seen them wiping out the Tamil intelligentsia and the Vellala (they could never help being born into that family)Neither, do you see the Vellala actively involved in guns or assisting the insulting tamil may be internet pooks who speak of 75% of land in Jaffna owned by Vellala 25%. We both know that 90% of the most expensive land in the world at UK is owned by 10% of the people. But the folk are content in the UK.

        • 0

          Javi I am a bit confused about who you are! Either you are two people or the same person, sometimes sober and sometimes under the influence of a powerful drug.

          • 0

            “sometimes under the influence of a powerful drug.”

            Always admired Socrates go read Hippias Minor by Plato.

            Pipsqueak definitely not on your low class cottebugger fascist boat.

  • 0


    Mahindra comes from Mahindran a tamil name, Where is Buddhism has contributed to sciences, a single example can you quote. but only Meditation near river banks.

    • 0

      The bihari bandits Pallavas mixed the 4 southern states and every king of theirs interchanged between Sanskrit and Pali to keep the powerful hindu kingdom of the deccan at bay- the deccan did the most pleasing which the chinese copied at Loyang- Ajanta-Ellora-Elephant-Trimurthi.There is no mahayana/teravada difference, there is jain and hindu-please go study then you know he is not a tamil decent but the pallava mix.

      • 0

        the silva comes from the Zapatu slave masters who folk to lanka to peel cinnamon. They gave them underwear and camise etc.

  • 1

    Mahendra De Silva,

    There is no evidence to attribute the quote you have posted at the beginning of your article to Einstein.
    By doing this, you are either been misinformed, mischievous or deluded. Please try to be objective and truthful in your writings, specially when you are quoting others to justify your argument. ‘Hearsay’ is not acceptable in any valid argument.
    Please refer http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk%3ABuddhism_and_science.

    • 0

      ‘Rationalist’- in your reply to Mahendra de Silva, you have used the Nom-de plume ‘Rationalist’ for the first time on these pages

      Please choose another one, as I have been using the Nom-de-Plume, ‘Rationalist’ for a very long time.

      CT Please note!

      • 0

        Ooooo Burn!

        No wonder they and even Jimbo call you the country bumpkin.

        • 0

          Javi, Please confirm which of the above ‘Rationalists’ you are addressing this comment to.
          See how confusing it is, when two people with separate logos use the same name!

          • 0

            You, because there was no need for you to jump the gun and talk to me as if I was a junkie.

            You don’t need to know who i am etc. as on any other international site.

            Please, you stick to your principals i stick to mine- i have nothing against you but your comment was uncalled for.

            This should there with no regrets and enmity please.

            • 0

              This should end here, in lieu of “This should there”

    • 1


      You don’t know what you are talking.

      Einstein Had said exactly what Mahendra De Silva said.

      NOTE: computer – router owners can do many things. The result is you don’t know it and you will not find it.

      That was my very brief explanation.

  • 2

    Mahendra, I have a couple of questions for all Sri Lankan Buddhists, if you kindly accept.
    Why do you need quotes from a great scientist to prove Buddha is correct? Don’t you believe Buddha’s teaching? Or do you have any doubts (Vichikichcha) about it? If you have unshaken faith, I don’t think you will search any quotations to prove the Buddha’s teaching. On the other hand, if you need to prove it to readers, why don’t you use your own understanding, instead of someone else’s knowledge?
    I doubt, you all, are not sure about Buddha’s teaching.
    Secondly, about which Buddhism this great scientist made comments on? Was it about Sinhala Buddhism, which modified by Mahavansa or about Mahayana Buddhism, which is popular in the west?
    If this comment were made about Sinhala Buddhism, I have no questions. If not, do you have the right to claim Einstein?

    • 1

      KH has raised a great question. Why we need Einstein to prove Buddha? KH also claims that it is an indication that I have doubts about Buddhism. Although I am a born Buddhist I like to think independently and try to understand Buddhist philosophy on my own judgement. I do not accept everything that is passed on by Buddhist monks or texts on face value or blind faith. My thirst for the truth never ends until I attend the enlightenment. I am interested to study the ideas of not only Einstein but also Jesus and other great philosophers as well. When we do understand the convergence of all views in one direction it gives an immense satisfaction and more conviction of the truth. If you want to know my ideas on Buddhism, read the article again and you will know what I have stated in addition to Einstein’s quotes. Also note that this comparison will help younger generation who dismiss traditional ideas outright, to be interested in Buddhist philosophy. Remember Buddha welcomed investigation. You cannot condemn someone for investigating and trying to understand the religion better. KH should also know that Einstein was referring only to Buddhist philosophy and not the religion or rituals practiced in our part of the world.

      • 2

        Yes well and good but dont you think Buddha, Mahabaharata etc are good for granddads to ponder upon and meditate because as any campus student knows real life is different when they pass out and hunt for jobs.

        The state has to be above all this religion stuff which caused almost all the problems- constiution, race, religion blood bath of a peaceful nation just for the glorifying of the borrowed robe without the orange head gear which belongs to only the hindu – wondering monk.

        The desire of excessive power caused regimes to fall;
        the desire of knowledge caused men to fall.

  • 1

    Another Jewish-Buddhist conspiracy against minorities in both countries.

    Don’t tell me Einstein was a Buddshist.

    • 0

      [Edited out]

      • 0

        Another Jewish/Jihadi conspiracy conspiracy against tamils by Fatfuckshima , Karuna Douglas and Uvinda co.

  • 1

    Interesting article and the writer has stepped into a volatile area by discussing religion with science.The former is conceptual and the latter is materialistic.Therefore a comparison is always difficult. I personally believe all the great religious leaders wanted to send the world in one direction and they have tried to understand the truth from different angles to diffrent extents. For an example bible says our painful journey started when Eve got the desire to eat an apple from the prohibited tree. The buddha said if one need to put a full stop to this journey, one has to get rid of the desire forever. I see this as the two sides of the same coin.
    When once a renown buddist monk giving a preach he said buddha has acknowledged nothing but compassion even in the adversity.Even when some one is tearing you with a saw you must show compassion to that person and not anger.I asked him immediately isn’t that what Jesus shown us when he was crucified with nails.I still remember how puzzled he looked.Caged in man made frames they fail to see truth as truth.
    Science has taken us to a great era of logic and given us a systematic analytical way of thinking to understand the vast universe unfolding in front of us.We are still in an extremely infant stage and we haven’t even understood one millionth of the complexity of what we experiance day to day.
    Buddha has discouraged mankind to look into these issues and was more keen on individual salvage from the worldly misery.Few things interests me in buddism as a moderate thinker.
    One is the cosmic dimensions given by buddha.When some one asked him about the end of the universe he has given a classic example.A powerful god starts a journey to see the end of universe taking an orange sized diamond which is the hardest object one can find to his hand, changing it between the two hand whenever he crosses a new world.Buddha said one day the diamond will get smaller and finish but he will not end his journey. I always think this is classic for a man who was born in an era 2500 years back without any cosmic knowledge ,to say so.
    I also get amused by buddha’s description of timing.He discusses about time periods of “Kalpa” which draws parallels with modern day millions and billions of years of past.
    Buddha is truly remarkable in many ways but trying to mix buddism or any other great religion with science is a bit of a mistake in my opinion.religion should be grasped personally according to one’s wishes and likings.Science is applicable universally to any one and it is provable and reproducible. Some may not agree with my thinking but that is how I feel..

    • 3

      who was born in an era 2500 years back without any cosmic knowledge ,to say so.

      Unfortunately there is no proof of birth between 2300-2005 but India has evidence of 5500 years and the new finding at erode of 2500.

      Isnt all what you say excerpts of Jain hinduism like the ajanta, ellora elephant where there is nothing called theravada/mahayana.

      When are you going to writ that book for the Jaipur festival??? ;)

    • 0

      I always think this is classic for a man who was born in an era 2500 years back without any cosmic knowledge ,to say so.

      Priya, you will be surprised if you have brief knowledge about Sanathana Dharma or Veda which we called Hinduism today. Just have a scan one classic work called “Surya Siddntha.” In addition to 18 Puranas, it is all about cosmology /Astronomy.
      You can get definition about Kalpa from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Surya_Siddhanta

    • 1

      “I asked him immediately isn’t that what Jesus shown us when he was crucified with nails.I still remember how puzzled he looked.Caged in man made frames they fail to see truth as truth.”

      Oooooooh Burn!

      Only Sinhala Mahanama Buddhist stoop to this level of idocracy when China was an advance nation(if there really was a Gautama in 2500 yrs ago)see date of Terracotta Warriors and Chinese language which is original like no other.Compassionate Gautama a human then severed his head and handed over to listener- Only possible with Holman S.M.B. in a decade past 21st centenary.

      Takshashila is also described in some detail in the Buddhist Jātaka tales, written in Sri Lanka around the 5th century.[18]

      `Taxila: The Chinese monk Faxian (also called Fa-Hien) writing of his visit to Taxila in 405 CE, mentions the kingdom of Takshasila (or Chu-cha-shi-lo) meaning “the Severed Head”.
      He says that this name was derived from an event in the life of Buddha because this is the place “where he gave his head to a man

    • 0

      Priya, I think you have got all wrong ideas about Buddhism and you should keep learning more about that. Then you better convey your arguments.You said “When once a renown buddist monk giving a preach he said buddha has acknowledged nothing but compassion even in the adversity.Even when some one is tearing you with a saw you must show compassion to that person and not anger.I asked him immediately isn’t that what Jesus shown us when he was crucified with nails.I still remember how puzzled he looked”.Learn this, Buddha Showed compassion to all, but buddha never did useless things. He did or omitted something if there is a use of that thing in return. Buddha did never bear the unjust for compassion. In the birth of Siddhartha nobody ever could attack him. When the nalagiri elephant came to attack Buddha, he made the elephant kneel before him and worship using his spiritual powers and when Angulimala the serial killer tried to kill his own mother , Buddha used the spiritual powers and saved the mother and angulimala aw well from committing the eternal sin. Buddha did bear all the tortures and showed compassion even in terrible deadly attacks when he was in previous births, in Bodhisathwa birth so as to complete shaanthi paramithaawa. He did it only to fulfill shanthi paaramitha. He doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t get rid of such tortures. If you have a way to flee without harming the attacker it is not a problem.But bodisathwayo did it because he wanted to complete the shanthi paramitha. In buddha birth, he had already completed all the paramithaas and become buddha. So he did show the compassion to attackers but never let them harm him or anyone else. So you can’t say that jesus did that to show others the quality of showing compassion even to enemies. Because jesus is a god according to you. He had powers according to you. he could have used his powers and helped himself and save others from crucifixion without attacking back to soldiers.Buddha never said to bear the unjust if you are right. Jesus had to face it. Jesus had no powers. he was not a god. He had no choice at that moment without facing to crucifixion. He was just a simple human just like you and me. And you say that buddha discouraged us from finding the complexities of the universe. Buddha has not discouraged you from scientific researches within the world we are living. he just told not to go after the mysteries of universe and it will waste your valuable time only. what would you gain by going after an infinite cycle? will there be an end? without wasting time for such useless things he said you to improve your brain and mind by going in the path of truth to the liberation . you will give up all the desires and develop your brain to 100% finally. Then you will have acquired all the knowledge of the universe. No need to go after that,. you can sit on a place and see everywhere throughout the universe. Buddha is the only supreme philosopher/ scientist in the universe who revealed the birth of the earth, dawning of creatures on earth and big bang theory. He said that there are millions of galaxies in the universe and don’t go to find them because it is a useless effort. He said them cause he used the brain capacity to 100% and he could see the whole universe by his brain. Buddha said that matter divides to smaller pieces even than atoms and so on. He revealed how the human being began its existence on this earth and it proves the charles darwin’s evolution theory of the man to be wrong. man never came from the apes. the life on earth started from an extraterrestrial influence. he revealed the formation of this galaxy and the earth too. How does he know these things . that’s the point dear,. He is buddha. the one who has improved the brain to 100%. The ultimate form a life can reach. when a human reaches that ultimate level the things he can do are infinite. he has no limits in the universe. he becomes the greatest energy in the universe. there is no match in the whole universe. he holds the utter energy of the universe. so he gets to know using his brain every aspects in the universe. that is how buddha revealed all these. so , we simple men who are using our brain to 1% have to get all these things revealed with difficult scientific researches. But buddha has already revealed them if you read the suthras and identify them, you can identify how he has revealed them only by using his wisdom. go to a dark room and light up a candle. a little space may be lightened up and you ll see it. But there are more dark places left. science is like the space you can see in that room . But there are more dark places that has not been revealed by science. But enlightened (100% usage of brain) lord buddha saw every of these things.

  • 2

    Contrary to Dr. Steven J Gould’s
    belief of NOMA( non overlapping majesteria )
    Religion and science are overlapping
    majesteria. Science totally overlaps some
    religions(theistic religions) and others
    partially. Buddhism as a religion, may
    belong to later category but some
    teachings in Buddhism certainly contradicts
    laws of nature. As you probably know Einstein
    was an agnostic or rather secularist. His
    free inquiry made him the greatest theoretical
    physicist of that century. No religion promotes
    that idea despite your claim that Buddhism does.

    If you argue Buddhism as a philosophy,
    without going into rebirth, hell, heaven
    and miracles(prathihara), you have a
    better case. Religion makes people to
    believe all most everything in faith (which
    is total opposite of science) resulting
    credulous society which can be taken
    advantage by authoritarian rulers and
    extreme religious/national organizations in
    the name of religion and nationalism
    to continue extremely corrupt regimes
    for a long long time as we experience
    in SL.

  • 0

    Hi Avi,
    Please note that comparison was done only with philosophy of Buddhism and not with religion. Religious contents were introduced long time after Buddha and we could ignore it from this discussion. If you examine Buddhist Sutra’s we can see in many instances Buddha inviting Brahmins to come and see his teachings. Kalama Sutra is a classic example for openness of Buddhism. I do not agree with you when you say some teachings in Buddhism contradict laws of nature. Buddha has described 5 Niyamayas as natural laws of nature. Please do some research on that before you come to your conclusions. According to Buddhist philosophy everything is subject to ever changing equilibrium of cause and effect. The effect is ceased to exist as soon as it becomes the cause of another effect. Such change takes place everywhere at every moment. Therefore physical and mental existence is only a stream of events continuing all the time. We are being reborn every second even this life. Due to the continuity of life we do not feel it or see it. It is the same way like the frames of motion picture film. Are you the same person who was there year- day- few seconds ago? Lot of things have changed. But we feel the continuity. Cause of the present thought (present moment) is the previous thought. To understand rebirth you have to study how Karma works. It is not difficult to understand rebirth with Non- Soul concept in Buddhism. It is similar to a transmission of electric magnetic waves. As Einstein explained there are many things still we do not know. Be open mind and study and do research on Buddhist philosophy more. Accept what you can and make use of it.

    • 4

      “If you examine Buddhist Sutra’s we can see in many instances Buddha inviting Brahmins to come and see his teachings. “

      and they are Dao teaching of the 6th centenary.At least the Chinese know that he lived had a mum and where she lived etc.

      But your copy is not original any way mate/ good luck for nirvana even the pharoes were confused about heaven.

    • 0

      Hi Mahendra ,
      Thank you for your kind and
      terse response. As I mentioned in my posting
      Buddhism as a philosophy has lot of merits in
      It’s findings which can be beneficial to all
      human beings. We have no disagreement there.
      I have to admit that I haven’t done enough research
      to either agree or disagree with what Kalama
      sutra says about laws of nature. Nevertheless,
      according to history of Buddhism , lord Buddha
      performed miracles (Prathihara ) on number of occasions
      and suspension of laws of nature would have been
      required in such event. If you equate change
      of human behaviour and thinking to rebirth
      of humans, on that assertion rebirth is
      no longer impossible but afterlife remains

    • 0

      “Please note that comparison was done only with philosophy of Buddhism and not with religion”
      As Einstein explained there are many things still we do not know. Be open mind and study and do research on Buddhist philosophy more. Accept what you can and make use of it.

      Blow Hot Blow Cold!!

      Every positive value has its price in negative terms…..
      The Genius of Einstein leads to Hiroshima.…
      The Compassion of Buddha leads to Nagasaki.

      Hippias Minor:–Plato: Socrates tells Hippias that he does not agree with himself, and is perplexed about his own conclusion.

  • 0

    There is nothing wrong with comparison or investigation, and I think all seekers do it. However, as far as the spiritual “learning” concern I shall not seek any other authority over me, other than a teaching / teacher. That does not mean religion must be an authoritarian regime of the country or my community either.
    Get to the point, we must have a very clear boundary between two of the main streams of knowledge as explained in religion itself, viz. Para Vidya and Apara Vidya. Apara Vidya is sense based knowledge, which must be accumulated in this birth, lead to material benefit, yet cannot answer main problems of “Human Life,” getting old age, Death, etc. Even it has done so much in this world for enjoying a luxuriousness of human life it never comment on miserableness.
    Para Vidya, go beyond the limitations of senses for finding answers to the questions. So how we can understand Para Vidya with our limited senses? Someone like Buddha introduced nirvana by realizing beyond the senses, So how someone who had limited senses like Einstein comment on it? No argument he was a brilliant intellectual as far as science concern. Do you think he will give any positive comments on religious teaching with his sense based knowledge?
    Boundaries between a philosophy and a religion is a result of ego, which accumulated due to sense based knowledge, according to me. That came up only for one reason. To prove that “the my one is bigger than yours”
    Once Buddha takes a few leaves of a tree and compare to the leaves in the tree and explain. That, what he revealed was far less than what he found.
    Philosophy took the form of religion in 2nd or 3rd generation of the teacher, to pass the knowledge to future generations. Rituals has deep meaning and it is necessary to average man who is suffering with worldly matters. Not only that, rituals are sealed envelopes with all knowledge, which can pass from one generation to the next. Some, blindly pass it to the next generation, while a very limited number, trying to open it and find the message.
    If you ignored rituals due to your sense based knowledge, you are going to miss a great deal of knowledge. Let me give an example, if you ready to take it.
    If you all think, the founder of relativity is Albert Einstein, I beg to disagree. It is originally discovered by Sages of India in more detail which was limited to few spiritual traditions due to the destructive power of that knowledge. Later, It develops in Buddhism as “ Kala chakra” time of the Wheel in Mahayana tradition, but remained as hidden knowledge, which will not be revealed openly, but can be realised himself, who dedicated. This knowledge came to Sri Lanka but never understood the theory behind it, and is called “Dharma Chakra”. Most of you think it has something to do with eightfold path, but not. It has such a tremendous destructive power and used now, in the uniforms of Police. See how this destructive power came to act?
    Time is a result of creation. Creation doesn’t happen without union of energy and stillness. Say feminine energy and Purusha-stillness. So, the feminine energy of the time (KALA) is called “KALI” while male energy is called “KALA” (Always male dominate). Now think about the destructive power of Kali. If you study these philosophical theories yourself, you will ignore modern sciences in a second. Of course, after having sickness we have no option other than go to hospital. That is a different issue.
    What I am trying to say is, if you ignored rituals you are going to miss a lot. One can ask why this all knowledge necessary I have only one answer. All those are nothing but little shells you pick up while you are enjoying walking along the beach. At the time you are crossing the ocean, you will dropp it.
    However, there are very limited number of people who can enjoy spiritual teaching without rituals. They are not in our boat. That is the only philosophy I found, and is called Advaitha Philosophy. It is the cream of teaching. No blind faith, no rituals. Cream of Buddhism is nothing, but someone explained in this series of discussions, “II am that awareness”. To come to that point, we have a long way to go.
    I can go on for days, but I have already taken too much. Before concluding, our immediate concern is peace of this society. For that we have to drop many things identified at ourselves, including religion. Please think about this you learnt scholars. How we can change this? It is in your hand.

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      Kala is the male version. the female version is Kali.

      what an intelligent reasoning.

      Indians are Truly stupid morons. You as an Indian chose to be one.

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        Jimbo, Kala means Black, Pattaya is a city in Thailand.

        Bestiality breed sinhala mahanama buddhist racist the opposite is white .

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        I, by birth, Sri Lankan, Theravada Buddhist.

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          There is nothing called Theravada or Mahayana at Ellora. Therefore we have the Buddha head potty for nirvana at Canary Islands ;)

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    Can Mahendra give reference to Einstein’s quote re Buddhism? Doubts have been raised. I doubt it, too. Even Christians quote Einstein to justify their God.

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      “Buddhism has the characteristics of what would be expected in a cosmic religion for the future: It transcends a personal God, avoids dogmas and theology; it covers both the natural and spiritual; and it is based on a religious sense aspiring from the experience of all things, natural and spiritual, as a meaningful unity.-Einstein

      I got the quote from Buddha net website. It is also stated in website America, Buddhsim & The Dreamof America
      Please see following websites



      It is available in following websites too



      Now that you raise the question, I did further research on it and found that this has been attributed to a passage from following book

      Albert Einstein, The Human Side, edited by Helen Dukas and Banesh Hoffman, Princeton University Press, 1954

      Although this quote was widely used in many web forums freely, now I understand that there is a controversy surrounding the authenticity of this quote to Einstein. It would have been better if I had not used this quote in my article.

      Most of other quotes were taken from web and from following book
      Einstein And Buddha- The Parallel Sayings by Thomas J. McFarlane

      I thank you again for bringing this to my attention.

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    MAHENDRA, A citation from a Buddhist website is not acceptable. It is hearsay

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    I don’t know what religions each of you gentlemen represent. But whatever the religion you follow,first try to learn who Lord Buddha is,before doing useless researches to experiment the errors of Buddha’s theories and pretend to be genius experts. First study who Lord Buddha is,before you get to talk about his teachings.becuz u are not worthy of talking about buddah’s philosphy before exactly knowing who a Buddha is.Lord Buddha is not a simple religious leader or a superstitous god. Lord Buddha is a human being. The ultimate form a human can ever reach in wisdom/brain. The ultimate development/improvement of a brain of a living creature in the universe. That power of the brain holds the utter energy of the whole universe. The 100% usage of celebrum of brain. Human is the most intelligent creature that uses the brain capacity more than other creatures. A normal human use 10% of the celebrum. That s why we can move, see, eat ,think,hear and lear. Such a limited amount of works for 10%. 90% of the brain is locked. Other creatures use lower than 10%. That s why human is greater than them. Then imagine what would it be like if u unlock the rest of 90% of celebrum and get to use 100%? That will be the ultimate person for the whole universe. The things you can do are limitless. The functions you get to do by your brain is imaginable . These are the functions you have acustomed to identify as super human powers. They are not powers,they are physical functions that are unlocked by developing the usage of celebrum to 100%. This is where you find Lord Buddha. The only human beign in the universe to have improved the brain usage to 100%. The enlightment. His Lord is not simillar to any creature or god in the universe. His Lord is unique and no any other match otherthan another Buddha. The meaning of name “buddha” is “richness of intellect”. And human mind is full of desires developing from birth to birth. But buddha is the ultimate level where the mind is free from all the desires. Now gentlemen, understand that even i,you can become develop the brain to 100% , liberate desires totaly and become a buddha. Because it is the ultimate supremacy of a human being. No god can be match to that level . Even gods live thanks to us. Gods can’t gather “pin” by themselves. They expect pin from humans. So human are greater than gods. Then imagine how greater would the ultimate level of the human being “buddha” be ? But can you and i become a buddha just by meditating under a bo tree? Hahaha, gentlemen you have gone misguided. Prince siddhartha didn’t just meditate under a bo tree and became buddha over night. He spent a time period known as “saara sankalpa kalpa lakshaya”. Can u possibly imagine this period? I ll simply say u. This time period is even bigger than the age of this galaxy where we are revolving around sun. He meditated for such a long time. Not only meditating, he completed “dhasa paaramithaa” 10 great dedications in 3 levels which make 30 paramithas all togather. He meditated and dedicated over period of time even bigger than the age of this galaxy to liberate the desires of mind. His constant purpose of becoming a buddha is older than the galaxy age. So gentlemen , what do you know about liberation? Meditating under a bo tree? Or rebirth? . I m nt insulting jesus. But there have never been a god called jesus. He was just a normal man.but he must have liberated desires nd improved brain to a cirtain extent that may be like an arahath thero. His story from age 10 to 30 is unknown to the world. Latest researches show that jesus across middle east has gone to india and learn Lord Buddha’s docrtine from an arahath bikku. The jesus gaind some powers.like sowaan .but he didnt follow pure buddhism. He altered it with some of his ideas like love and kindness and presented it to rome people by returning again at the age of 30. Then,roman people who were mere believers of god creativism admired him and considered as a god. But truly,he was giving roman people the teachings of buddha mixed with his marketable ideas. He never woke up from death. His mates carried him secretly to Jeruselam leaving his cloth at the closet where he was kept after crusification. Then people saw that his dead body was missing .only the cloth remained. Poor people came to believe that jesus has waken up from dead and left to heaven. But jesus lived in jeruselam and went old and died.this is the true story of latest researches. If jesus was a god,why didn’t he use his powers to defend himself from being crusified and save the other two? He was not a god. He was just an imitating phillosophycal drifter. That s why he couldn’t fight against that injustice. Lord buddha was never ever attacked by any form of life in the univers. Even demons knelt before Buddha. Buddha is not a false saviour of people. He guids people to find the ultimate liberation of human Once somebody gained that liberty,there is not a rebirth of him.then ,the suffering also ends.

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    Mr.javi . If u dnt understand or dnt have enough capacity to understand buddhism,that s your problem of cours. But insulting Lord Buddha is kind of a cheap attitude of yours isn’t it?

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    Some people are really don’t know what is budhhism

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