By Charles Sarvan –
I wonder if, of the many who opted for change, some were not voting for Mr Sirisena but rather against Mr Rajapaksa? If so (and altering “The known devil is better than the unknown devil”) was it also a case here of the partially-known being a better option than the devil and his cohorts who had proved their degree of “devilishness”? If my surmise has foundation, I would suggest three broad grounds for the rejection of the Rajapaksa faction:
(1) The lawlessness and violence, brutal and capricious, from which not even Sinhalese Buddhists (members of the privileged group) were exempt.
(2) Alleged corruption and extravagant self-aggrandisement by the former President, his family and hangers-on. Going by reports, it was untrammelled “conspicuous consumption” of what little of the public wealth there was. Sir Thomas More in his Utopia (published 1516 in Latin) recommends that the leader be permitted to amass a fixed amount of wealth. Having reached that ceiling, he would then be content and begin to address himself to the needs of the people, rather than of himself and his family. Sir Thomas was being ironic, pointing to the fact that those ‘possessed’ by material greed can never be satisfied. A million, ten million, a hundred million – there is no satiation, and so no limit to accumulation. They amass more and more, merely for the sake of possessing more and more, far in excess of what they, their children and grandchildren will ever need. Luxuries and extravagances can be invented and indulged in. I recall Imelda Marcos and her two thousand pairs of exclusive hand-made shoes in a country where many, children included, went barefoot. Presidential palaces and mansions co-exist with huts and hovels.
(3) The unjust and blatant ill-treatment of ethnic and religious minorities. Tamils Island-wide are denied full equality, in practice more than in law. Tamils in the “occupied territories” (to use a phrase associated with Palestine) suffered and suffer the most: see documents such as (a) ‘We Will Teach You a Lesson: Sexual Violence against Tamils by Sri Lankan Security Forces’, Human Rights Watch publication, 2013 and (b) A Still Unfinished War: Sri Lanka’s Survivors of Torture and Sexual Violence, 2009 – 2015. International Truth & Justice Project, London, July 2015.
So if I am not mistaken, and if a not inconsiderable number voted against the Hon. Mahinda Rajapaksa rather than for His Excellency the President, the motivating factors, as indicated above, were quite different. While to Tamils, point 3 is of urgent and utmost importance, for many Sinhalese, it could be of little import. (I use phrases such as “if I am not mistaken”, “it could be” because this is a tentative exploration and I try to avoid dogmatic assertion.) Perhaps, if points 1 and 2 were attended to and rectified, these Sinhalese would be quite happy to allow point 3 to remain and continue. Indeed, one could go further. Nelson Mandela in his autobiography observes that the vertical lines of ‘race’ and skin-colour are far more powerful than the horizontal divisions of class, despite Marxist claims to the contrary. For example, a working-class woman from ethnic Group A will collaborate in the persecution of someone from Group B even though that person is also a woman and from the working-class. Even Christian Nazis joined in the persecution of Jews who had long converted to Christianity. Further back in time, Jews who had converted to Christianity in Spain were known as Marranos – pigs. (Could it be said that in Sri Lanka many Sinhalese Christians, vis-à-vis Tamil Christians, are first and foremost Sinhalese and only then Christian?)
Obama could not have been elected President by non-white voters only. Their votes were influential rather than decisive: many a white American voted for black Barack Obama. So it was with the defeat of Mr Rajapaksa: Tamil contra-votes were, I think, more influential than decisive. To use a metaphor, they tipped a scale already tilting. This brings me to what I see as the crux. What if the majority of Sinhalese voted against the Hon. Mahinda Rajapaksa only on grounds 1 and 2 above, while the minorities were chiefly motivated by Point 3? “The enemy of your enemy is my friend” then becomes “The enemy of your enemy still remains your enemy”. If so, it would be a case of different groups with different agenda coalescing to defeat an individual but not united in aims and wishes, policy and programme. How will those Sinhalese, both those who supported and still support Mr Rajapaksa, and those who voted against him on grounds 1 and 2 only, react if concessions are made to the Tamils? (Tamils do not see these as “concessions” but as human and civic rights.)
The new government, in order to retain support, will have to address 1 and 2 while proceeding cautiously with 3, that is, if it genuinely wishes to render justice. Take, for example, the security forces which at present number about 300, 000 – I confess I have no official up-to-date figures. They are an oppressive weight in the occupied territories, and an enormous financial burden and waste on the entire Island. Their number, on the one hand, is far too large given the present internal situation and, on the other hand, far too small to fight a foreign country, be it India or China: perhaps the little Maldives? After World War 2, millions of soldiers were “de-mobbed”, de-mobilised. They were paid compensation, helped with occupational-training or re-training and returned to civilian life where they could make a useful contribution to the economy. But the Sri Lankan army having been a tool of politicians has got used to power and privilege; to riding roughshod over civilians and, like the army in Egypt, to engaging in business, often dubious; outside the law rather than legitimate: for example, abduction, torture and the demand for ransom, and conniving with ‘people-traffickers’.. Demobilisation must be done after careful thought, with proper plans drawn up. If not, there will be thousands and thousands of disgruntled and resentful men and women ready to listen to promises from the opposition.
I am sorry if while there seems to be general relief and rejoicing, I sound a discordant note but winning the peace is no less difficult than winning wars. If it’s not a contradiction, I would counsel a cautious euphoria. “We have scorched the snake, not killed it.” She’ll heal and be herself again: we remain “in danger of her former tooth” (Macbeth, Act 3, Scene 2.)
John / August 21, 2015
Your question is How Sinhala majority would react if concessions are made to Tamils ? Once 1 & 2 done ? Certainly Sinhala people are as not as bad as many people think, for example when Estate Tamils were given citizenship ,there wasn’t any outcry from Sinhala people, one reason is their leadership was 7 has always been with the Govt’ of the day, be it green or blue 7 working side by side with majority. Even in this election BBS did not secure even 0.5 % of vote from over 71% of Buddhist in the country.
When it comes to devolution the best way is to get TNA to join govt. in colombo be it green or blue, first & foremost they can work for people in north as govt. ministers thereby solving burning issues of people such as malnutrition, food, shelter, healthcare, employment, education ,land issues etc. ; thereafter needs of devolution whilst being members of central govt.
This is the way to go. , Get the confidence of majority people & be part of them , then discuss whatever the issues.
M. N. I .N. Perera / August 22, 2015
Dear Prof. Charles Sarvan,
For a Professor, your ability to research is appallingly poor.
You have tipped your hand when you took the position that Sri Lanka is not one country but two.
As of 2015 the SL Army has an Active Front line Personnel: 161,000
Active Reserve Personnel: 98,200
Thus under NORMAL circumstances a third of that should be stationed in the North and the East, which is about 90,000 personal but these are not Normal Circumstances but adverse circumstances where a third of Lanka was controlled by Tamil Terrorists for 3 decades.
Thus keeping more than the Normal Army personnel, stationed in the North and East, is justified, especially with a terrorist sympathetic Provincial Govt whose Chief Minister publicly hails the LTTE leader, the Megalomaniac Murderer Prabahkaran, as a Great Hero.
“Pirapakaran oru payangaravathiyalla. Avar Thamil Inathin Viduthalikkaaha Poaradiya oru Maha Veeran”
Translation:- Prabhakaran is not a terrorist. He is a great hero who fought for the freedom of the Tamil people.
The SL forces is a defensive force not an offensive one. It is not meant to fight a foreign force on foreign soil. It has sufficient strength to inflict a heavy toll even if India decides to attack Lanka on Lankan soil. Remember how a small band of Terrorists inflicted a heavy toll on the IPKF?
Your sarcasm shows that you are not thinking though you flaunt your Professor title!!!
The war against terrorism lasted a near 3 decades. Did you give a thought as to how a 30 – 50 year old person who has dedicated 10 – 30 years of his/her life to the service of the nation be retrained to a sufficient level of proficiency to maintain the income that he would lose on demobbing?
Take off your Racist glasses Prof and allow that brain of yours to work.
There was a Tamil kingdom for about 400 years in the North that was limited to the Jafna Peninsular and a small triangular area in the North West of the mainland, ruled by the Wanniyars. The rest of Lanka were ruled by the Sinhalese.
This Dutch map of 1726 AD which is in a Dutch Museum attests to that fact.
This Dutch record of the same vintage confirms that the complete East was under the Sinhala Kandyan Kingdom when the Dutch ruled Jaffna.
“There was a narrow tongue of land at Elephant Pass a fort was built to guard the border with the king’s territory”. (
If you go further back into History the whole of Lanka was a Sinhala Kingdom.
Dr Sujit Sivasunderam (a Tamil) of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, in “Tales of the Land: British Geography and Kandyan Resistance in Sri Lanka, c. 1803–1850” states
“Firstly, the kadaim, or boundary books, are state documents which describe the three main divisions of the island of Sri Lanka, and which were in the custody of the lekam-gey-attan or functionaries to the secretariat at court”
“In the kadaim books, Tri Simhale, which denotes the entire island, is divided into three principalities or kingdoms, namely Maya, Pihiti and Ruhunu. The oldest kadaim book, Sri Lamkadvipaye Kadaim, divides the entire island into 114 ratas or countries; Maya has 28 ratas, Pihiti has 43 ratas and Ruhunu has 43 ratas. Boundary pillars mark off the limits of particular ratas.” (ibid)
Thus obviously your knowledge of Lankan History is very poor and certainly not that of a University academic.
Re “Sinhalese Buddhists (members of the privileged group….”
Dear Prof, the PRIVILEGED group were the Land owning High Cast Vellala Tamils, no one else.
Please explain why it took 30 years for a Low Cast Tamil to enter Parliament under an electoral system of one person one vote, even though they formed the majority within Tamil polity?
Why was representation to Parliament from the Tamil North DOMINATED and MONOPOLISED by a handful of High Cast Land owning absentee Land lords of the North?
What has the Sinhalese Buddhist got to do with that?
The TNA supported MS because they primarily wanted strong man Douglas Devananda out. The Governor with a military background out. The Tamil NPC Secretary with whom CM Wigs could not get along out. They got all of it within weeks, something they could not get for 10 years. They knew if MR won all those people that had the NPC in chains will continue at least for another 8 years and 2 months but had the potential for going on for several decades.
Here is a reminder of that era. The videos show the District Development Council Meeting were Chief Minister Wigs was reduced to a non entity by Devanandan’s clique.
At the General Elections the Sinhalese the of who are Buddhists, rejected the specter of a divided Lanka and rejected the Racist Propaganda of the MR faction because that majority are not racist.
Re “Obama could not have been elected President by non-white voters only. Their votes were influential rather than decisive: many a white American voted for black Barack Obama”
Did Obama ask for a separate Home Land for the Blacks? But the Tamils do. See the difference?
Obama appealed to the Whites and Non whites alike. Which Tamil leader has policies that has a universal appeal to ALL in Lanka?
Are you such a simpleton to bring forth Obama as a debating point?
If there are excesses such as rape they should be investigated and the criminals held to account. I hope once the Witness protection act becomes law those who claim to have evidence of such acts will make that evidence available and help in the prosecution of the criminals.
You have also quoted “International Truth & Justice Project, London, July 2015”. The name hides the nakedness beneath it. This group is headed by Ms Yasmin Sooka, whose impartiality has a big question mark. She as a member of the UNSG’s Pannel of Experts have jettisoned the Rome Statute that governs the ICC and uses the Red Cross as a Law reference in order to Exonerate the LTTE of the War Crime of using a Human Shield.
In Law, there cannot be TWO definitions for the same crime within the same system. But Ms Yasmin Sooka and her POE introduces a definition of a Human Shield that is not defined in the Rome Statute, SPECIFICALLY to exonerate the LTTE thereby exonerating those who financed the LTTE. She has also written propaganda articles and has also been a key speaker at meetings propagating biased views. Thus what she produces would be as corrupt as the POE report that she signed.
BTW why are you disinterested in prosecuting Me Adele Balasingham, a self confessed war criminal that has destroyed at least a 100,000 Tamil Kids?
Kind Regards,
MNIN Perera (OTC)
John / August 21, 2015
Latest News;
MR had gone & met Sumanthiran, Sampantha, Senathirajah & solicited support from TNA to form a govt. with MR faction ; TNA had angrily rejected.
Amarasiri / August 21, 2015
Charles Sarvan
RE:Elections: Cautious Euphoria
Because MaRa , Mara and his Army of Demons, Shills and Cronies were defeated..
So Sing Jaya Mangala Gatha in its Original Pali..with English Translation to understand the battle won against Mara MaRa and his Army to Build A Civilized Society.
MaRa MaRa Chatu MaRa Amana MaRa HoRa MaRa Dhushana MaRa MiNi MaRu MaRa…
Jaya Mangala Gatha-Verses of Auspicious Victory (rare Pali version)-Buddhist Chants.
Based on the Book of Protection (Paritta Sutta) from the Pali canon, the Jaya Mangala Gatha is sung here in a rare recording by the Mahabodhi Society of India in original Pali. The Jaya Mangala Gatha is a chant recommended by the Buddha to destroy negativity and to generate auspiciousness. It proclaims the 8 major victories of the Buddha which are:
1) Victory over Mara ( MarRa)
2) Victory over the demon Alavaka (Wimal)
3) Victory over the wild elephant Nalagiri (Udu Gamanpila)
4) Victory over serial killer Angulimala (Gotabaya)
5) Victory over the evil intentions of Cinca who sought to defame (Pavitra) 6) Victory over the haughty brahmin Saccaka (Vasudeva)
7) Victory over the serpent king Nandopananda (Susil)
8) Victory over the false views of Brahma Baka (Yapa)
English translation:
Creating thousand hands, with weapons
armed was Mara seated on the
trumpeting, ferocious elephant Girimekhala.
Him, together with his army, did the
Lord of Sages subdue by means of generosity and other virtues.
By its grace may joyous victory be thine.
More violent than Mara were the
indocile, obstinate demon Alavaka, who
battled with the Buddha throughout the
whole night.
Him, did the Lord of Sages
subdue by means of His patience and
By its grace may joyous victory be thine.
Nalagiri, the mighty elephant, highly
intoxicated was raging like a forest-fire
and was terrible as thunder-bolt.
Sprinkling the waters of loving-kindness,
this ferocious Beast, did the Lord of
Sages subdue.
By its grace may joyous victory be thine.
With uplifted sword, for a distance of
three leagues, did wicked Angulimala
run. The Lord of Sages subdued him by
His psychic powers.
By its grace may joyous victory be thine.
Her belly bound with faggots, to simulate
the bigness of pregnancy, Cinca, with
harsh words made foul accusation in the
midst of an assemblage. Her, did the
Lord of Sages subdue by His serene and
peaceful bearing.
By its grace may Joyous victory be thine.
Haughty Saccaka, who ignored truth, was
like a banner in controversy, and his
vision was blinded by his own
disputation. Lighting the lamp of
wisdom, Him did the Lord of Sages
By its grace may Joyous victory be thine.
The wise and powerful serpent
Nandopananda, the Noble Sage caused
to be subdued by the psychic power of
his disciple son (Thero Moggallana).
By its grace may joyous victory be thine.
The pure, radiant, majestic Brahma,
named Baka, whose hand was grievously
bitten by the snake of tenacious false-views,
the Lord of Sages cure with His
medicine of wisdom.
By its grace may joyous victory be thine.
The wise one, who daily recites and
earnestly remembers these eight verses
of joyous victory of the Budhha, will get
rid of various misfortunes and gain the
bliss of Nirvana.
coconut donkey / August 21, 2015
Actually it had everything to do with the creepy moustache of our former president. We simply grew tired of it and wanted a change, i.e. a leader without one. So some of us risked life and limb to reign in a change. There you go, mystery solved sir.
Navin / August 21, 2015
Actually his dyed jet black moustache, hair, false smile, and trade mark kurukkan shawl were absolutely repulsive; you want to dig deep and spit on them.
Navin / August 21, 2015
Actually his dyed jet black moustache, hair, false smile, and trade mark kurukkan shawl were absolutely repulsive; you want to dig deep and spit on them.
Amarasiri / August 21, 2015
“Actually it had everything to do with the creepy moustache of our former president.”
Actually it had everything to do with the creepy moustache of MARa MaRa Chatu MaRa who was a reincarnation of Mara who battled Buddha on behalf of evil.
Since Sinhala Buddhism is not Buddhism, MaRa was able to fool a lot of Sinhala “Buddhists” by distributing “Sil Redi” at temples. This is Deception. That is why MaRa is called Chatu MaRa.
So Sing
MaRa MaRa Chatu MaRa
MaRa MaRa Amana MaRa
MaRa MaRa HoRa MaRa
MaRa MaRa Dhushana MaRa
and then Listen to Jaya Manala Gatha, on the battle won against MaRa, Mara, in the Original Pali
Jaya Mangala Gatha-Verses of Auspicious Victory (rare Pali version)-Buddhist Chants
English translation:
Creating thousand hands, with weapons
armed was Mara seated on the
trumpeting, ferocious elephant Girimekhala.
Him, together with his army, did the
Lord of Sages subdue by means of generosity and other virtues.
By its grace may joyous victory be thine.
Don Stanley / August 21, 2015
The UNP should NOT form a national government with the SLFP which is full of corrupt clowns. UNP can govern with support from JVP and TNA on a case by case basis.
SLFP now wants a so-called national government in order to destroy the GOOD GOVERNANCE agenda of the people of Sri Lanka, and stop investigations against corrupt politicians – particularly Mahinda and Namal Jarapassa, Wimal Weerawansa, Mahindananda Aluthgamage. Moda SLFP voters voted en mass for the corrupt clown Wimal Weerawansa, while FDIC fiddled with his wife all these months!
The Failure of President Sirisena to EDUCATED the SLFP voters about corruption and good governance and the corruption of teh SLFP party seniors BEFORE the election means that the most corrupt thugs in the SLFP party who used their ill gotten wealth to BUY VOTERS, won huge numbers of preferential votes. This is the result of givng Mahinda Jarapassa nominations and letting him lead the SLFP campaign.
The so-called opposition SLFP is full of corrupt thugs and should not be allowed to form a national govt. with UNP. People should protest.
The good governance fight is going to be an uphill battle for civil society, particularly because Ranil Wickramasinghe likes to play palace politics in parliament, cut deals with SLFP and keep the corrupt political culture and show in the Diyawenna Oya going..
This is what enabled the CULTURE of CURRUPTION to grow like a virus in the body politics of Sri Lanka, and if there is to be a new political culture, all the corrupt thugs in the SLFP Parliament must be investigated and tried in open court.
simon / August 21, 2015
(1) The lawlessness and violence, brutal and capricious, from which not even Sinhalese Buddhists (members of the privileged group) were exempt.
Come on big liar professor. You are talking about 1989 Batalanda era and 30 years of your Tamil Pol Pot who blew us into pieces. Rajapaksha was sent from heaven to save us.
Amarasiri / August 21, 2015
“Rajapaksha was sent from heaven to save us.”
Mahinda Rajapaksha, MaRa, Mara was sent from heaven to beat and dest anotherMara reincarnation, Velupillai Ptrabakaran, because it takes a mara to beat another Mara and save us.
The the good people were finally to save us BOTH Maras, Mara Rajapaksa and Mara VP.[Edited out]
sach / August 21, 2015
“The unjust and blatant ill-treatment of ethnic and religious minorities. Tamils Island-wide are denied full equality, in practice more than in law.”
what RUBBISH as usual!
When asked what rights they are deprived of, nothing!
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / August 21, 2015
For starters,
1. Implement the language related clauses in the constitution and the laws, fully.
2. Implement the 13th amendment which is part of our constitution in full and in the spirit it was designed. Let all the provinces be treated equally in this regard. Do not play pick and choose with it. No one has a right to do so, as long as it is part of our constitution.
Last week I received a registered letter from a government department at my Colombo address in Sinhala. How many Tamils do so yet?
How many Sinhalese in Jaffna are receiving similar official letters in Tamil?
Why should ‘ National Policy’ be used to stymie the subjects where the PCs have the writ by law. Why should the government at the centre design the curricula for the schools? The government at the centre should only provide overall guide lines. Why should the curriculum for Tamil language be drawn by the centre?
Why should the concurrent list be used to neutralise the powers of the PCs?
Are recruits to the public service selected on merit based on laid down criteria?
Why are the Tamils and Muslims in total not around 30 % at all levels and functions in the public services?
The constitutional provisions ,laws and rules are there, but they are rarely followed or enforced!
Off the Cuff / August 22, 2015
Dear Dr RN,
The Prevention of Social Disabilities Act was enacted in 1957. How long did it take for it to have any effect in the North?
The delay was due to Tamil Politicians and Tamil Bureaucracy. To the Tamil politicians and the Bureaucrats the PSDA was not important, in fact it was abhorrent.
According to Mr Neville Jayaweera, GA Jaffna tasked with the implementation of the Language Bill, it was never implemented in Jaffna. What he implemented was the Reasonable use of Tamil Act and he claims that during his term of office not a Single official document was sent by the Jaffna Katchcheri to a Tamil resident other than in Tamil although communications from Colombo would have been otherwise.
Re “Implement the 13th amendment which is part of our constitution in full and in the spirit it was designed.”
The spirit in which it was designed was with a Gun to the SL govts head. Even then it was supposed to End the Terrorist war. That did not happen. If it did there would not be the current International War Crimes crisis and many lives and property would have been saved.
Nothing good came about from the 13A and Lanka is burdened with its baggage.
Re “Why are the Tamils and Muslims in total not around 30 % at all levels and functions in the public services?”
Firstly cannot see a justification for lumping Tamils and Muslims together.
Secondly the Tamils and Muslims (even together) are less than 30%. Is the corollary of that question, true for the Sinhalese? Do the Sinhalese constitute 75% of the public service?
Thirdly what is the justification of using a National Ethnic Ratio for the Public service when it is not used for Public finance?
Isn’t the fund allocation to Tamil areas higher than the population justifies?
Does not Tamil students enter University from Jaffna with LOWER marks than Sinhalese student from Colombo?
BTW if I were you I would have returned that letter to the originator demanding it in Tamil or accompanied with a Tamil translation and copying the covering letter to the HR commission and the Ministry in charge of Language.
If the Law is with you, you have to assert your rights.
Kind Regards,
Dr.Rajasigham Narendran / August 22, 2015
Dear OTC,
Caste is a withering issue in Jaffna now . Unfortunately, the depleting ranks of the avallahlas are being replenished by those who are promoting themselves to the Vellahlah ranks, because of societal position and wealth. The caste issue is in the process of natural death and it will be soon be difficult to know who is who.
Once the issue of poverty is addressed and caste loses its link to economic status, caste differences will be a distant memory.
Further, the State ignoring and picking choosing which laws or constitutional provisions it will implement, is quite different from individual citizens or groups resisting laws. Anyone or groups who defy the laws of the land should suffer the consequences. Even, in instances where the laws are unjust, those who oppose them, should go to jail as Mahatma Gandhi did. Can we send the State to jail?
Off the Cuff / August 24, 2015
Dear Dr RN,
My comment above was not about Caste but about the statement “Tamils Island-wide are denied full equality,” and other matters such as the 13A.
In a country where, for the past 19 years, a Tamil Student from Jaffna, could enter the University Free Education System, scoring LOW marks and displacing a HIGHER scoring Sinhala Student from Southern cities such as Colombo, Kalutara, Gampaha, Matara, Kurunegala, Kegalle, Kandy, Negambo etc what a load of Racist Rubbish is the “PROF” Charles Sarvan writing about?
This Uneducated Racist Rubbish emanating from those who pose as “Educated intelligentsia” is the bane of Lanka and will continue to stifle reconciliation amongst Lankan Communities by fanning Racism.
The Prof has not had the Guts to refute what I have written Nor does he has the Integrity or the humility to correct himself IF he cannot refute what I have written.
Although I did not deal with Cast issues in my previous comment, Tamil Politics and Cast are inseparable. It has been in the forefront even before we achieved Independence. It has been an issue even in Constitution making by the British
Here is a small passage from the PhD Thesis of Dr Jane Russell, Communal Politics under the Donoughmore Constitution, 1931 – 1947 available from Thisara Publications, Lanka. I have included the references she cites. You can download a copy from here
“The Commissioners came with certain specific axioms in mind as to what constituted “established” democratic institutions;(Don. Report, op. cit., p. 86).
the principle of equality of opportunity, the right of every man to the vote, and the regressive nature of communal representation. They noted the “great gulf between the rural worker and the Westernized classes of Colombo” and considered that universal suffrage would be the only way to prevent “placing an oligarchy in power without any guarantee that the interests of the remainder of the people would be consulted by those in authority”. They especially remarked upon “the 80,000 persons of low caste among the Tamil community” which had caused them the “most anxiety”. Only by the “enfranchisement of these people and the provision of equal education facilities could their condition be remedied”(Don. Report, op. cit., p. 86, 97)
Ramanathan plus most of the “conservatives” (Selvadurai, Sri Pathmanathan, and E. R. Thambimuttu were exceptions) believed and argued that the giving of the vote to the non-vellala castes and to women was not only a grave mistake, leading to “mob rule”, but Ramanathan especially suggested that it was an anathema to the Hindu way of life (P. Ramanathan, Memorandum on the Donoughmore Constitution (Lond. 1934), p. 4, 14 ff).
The latter had become rigidly orthodox in his religious and social views to the point of being a “dyed in the wool” reactionary. He fought the introduction of equal seating and commensality in Jaffna schools and open temple entry for the harijans (Ramanathan led a deputation to the Governor in 1930 to lobby against commensality between castes at the Kopay Training College).
The former issue arose in the late 1920s in the peninsula owing to the new government policy of encouraging universal education and the Commissioners had been shocked by the virulent and sometimes violent reaction of the vellala caste towards it. They said in regard to why they had decided against the imposition of a literacy qualification for enfranchisement :
The present adult generation have been denied education. Indeed it is only recently as a result of Government pressure, that a few of the present generation have been allowed to share the instruction of the more fortunate children, albeit under conditions which mark their inferior status.(Don. Report, op. cit., p. 86).
This was a distinct reference to the equal seating campaign in Jaffna which had been instituted prior to the Commission’s arrival in Ceylon; they commended the “action to break down the social prejudices” in the Northern Province (Don Report P 97). As such they may well have been prejudiced against the other arguments of the Ceylon Tamil leaders for either a retention of the communal basis in the legislature or some form of special consideration, such as weightage for the Ceylon Tamils. They remarked that the Tamils had “obtained political influence somewhat disproportionate to their numerical strength”, a situation which they felt to be “unfair to the majority community” (Don Report p 92 – 100)
The absence of Adult Education in the Low Cast population observed by Don. Report, op. cit., p. 86, still exist and the influence of Cast issues in Northern Politics will continue for several decades more unless the Educated Northerners put cast aside and decide to take education to the Low Cast Tamils
Dr Nagalingam Ethirweerasigham, First President of the BTF and Olympic Silver Medalist writing on September 2014 said,
“Now I see in Jaffna Peninsula schools in areas where the deprived classes live, competent principals or teachers with qualifications are hard to place. This deprivation shows in the results of students at the National examinations”
I need not tell you the present state of Education amongst the Low Cast Tamils. Do you see a change? Heretic does not.
You see Dr RN, Cast and Tamil Politics will remain intertwined until the educated High Cast, decide to become teachers in the New and Empty Schools that are bereft of teachers and students.
Kind Regards,
kali / August 24, 2015
Off the Cliffe
I thought Animal Doctors will be able to also defend Man Kind from vicious attacks like yours based on lies and it is obvious they cant.
Let me deal with it. What you have uttered is factually incorrect and a load of CRAP.
Go back and learn what happened under the introduction of Standardisation and setting up of Regional Universities. One can ony take a Cow to the Pond but cant force it to drink so I am not going to waste time.
Off the Cuff / August 24, 2015
Dear Kali Amma,
What I write is factual. Anyone with the slightest ability to do research will know what I have written is true (everything including Cast in Tamil Politics). But then, you seem to be only good for milking. But even for that, you need to have a calf.
Dr. RN is an intelligent man and he holds a PhD in animal husbandry. You are way out of his league. But if you are looking for some artificial help, he is the man to go to.
The Pond is there and you are there what else can be done when the Cow refuses to drink?
The ball is in your court. Prove what I have written are lies.
BTW, read what I have written with care before you attempt to dive into the deep end. Not all cows can swim!!!
Kind Regards,
kali / August 24, 2015
off the Cliffe:
Sinkalam read the following carefully before you talk rubbish.
Sri Lanka under Standardisation was devided into a two tier Educational System based on
Ethnicty and % of Population not on merit. You call that equal treatment ( or in your words Tamils were allowed to get in without any brains) and we were demoted to 2nd Class citizens.
Pass Marks for Tamils to get to Universiity was set at 250 ( out of 400)
For Sinkalams 229 ( out of 400)
21 Marks less for you lot. STOP TAKLKING RUBBISH
The implementation of the law
The government policy of standardization in essence was an affirmative action scheme to assist geographically disadvantaged students to gain tertiary education. The benefits enjoyed by Sinhalese students also meant a significant fall in the number of Tamil students within the Sri Lankan university student populace.
University selection of 1971 was calculated based on language they sit. Numbers of allocations were proportional to the number of participants who sat to the examination in that language. As guaranteed before the exam, Tamil share was dropped to the proportion of the Tamils medium students(According to 1971 consensus 27% of the total population used Tamil as first medium).[1]
According to 1971 exam results, a large proportion of the Tamil allocation was enjoyed by Tamils in Jaffna and a large proportion of the Sinhalese share was enjoyed by the Sinhalese in Colombo.
In 1972 government added district quota as a parameter within each languages.[1] 30% of university places were allocated on the basis of island-wide merit; half the places were allocated on the basis of comparative scores within districts and an additional 15% reserved for students from under privileged districts.
The effect of the law
30% of university places were allocated on the basis of island-wide merit; half the places were allocated on the basis of comparative scores within districts and an additional 15% reserved for students from under privileged districts.
In 1969, the Northern Province, which was largely populated by Tamils and comprised 7%[4] of the population of the country, provided 27.5 percent of the entrants to science based courses in Sri Lankan universities. By 1974, this was reduced to 7%.[2] However, the hardest hit population group were the urban Tamils and Sinhalese in the Western Province, which contained 26%[4] of the islands population. In 1969, the Western Province provided 67.5 percent of admissions to science based courses. This reduced to 27% in 1974, after the law came into effect.[2] The majority of the share enjoyed by Jaffna Tamils were distributed among Tamils in other areas ( Eastern province, Hill country and Muslims) . Majority of the share enjoyed by Colombo was distributed among rest of the Sinhalese.
“In 1971, a system of standardisation of marks was introduced for admissions to the universities, obviously directed against Tamil-medium students (referred to earlier). K.M. de Silva describes it as follows:
‘The qualifying mark for admission to the medical faculties was 250 (out of 400) for Tamil students, whereas it was only 229 for the Sinhalese. Worse still, this same pattern of a lower qualifying mark applied even when Sinhalese and Tamil students sat for the examination in English. In short, students sitting for examinations in the same language, but belonging to two ethnic groups, had different qualifying marks.’
When the policy was implemented, the urban Sinhalese population had reconciled themselves to the fact that the position of privilege they had enjoyed under the British would not last forever, and the situation had to stabilize at the population level.[2] However Tamils saw the policy along communal terms, and strongly opposed the move.[2]
Off the Cuff / August 25, 2015
Dear Kali Amma,
From where do you get your OUTDATED information?
Racist Tamil Separatist Web Sites?
I warned you to read what I wrote with CARE but I see that you don’t have the brains of even a Cow.
Read it again.
To make matters simpler I am posting the relevant paragraph with the relevant phrases highlighted in bold.
“In a country where, for the past 19 years, a Tamil Student from Jaffna, could enter the University Free Education System, scoring LOW marks and displacing a HIGHER scoring Sinhala Student from Southern cities such as Colombo, Kalutara, Gampaha, Matara, Kurunegala, Kegalle, Kandy, Negambo etc what a load of Racist Rubbish is the “PROF” Charles Sarvan writing about?”
Here are the DISADVANTAGED DISTRICTS during the past 19 years as per the University Grants Commission that controls University Admissions (see reference below).
Look Hard with open Eyes, lest you miss JAFFNA district in that list, in your Stupid Drunken Racist Stupor.
(ii) A special allocation up to 5% of the available places in each course of study will be allocated to the under-mentioned 16 educationally disadvantaged districts in proportion to the population, that is, on the ratio of the population of each such district to the total population of the 16 districts;
1. Nuwara Eliya
2. Hambantota
3. Jaffna
4. Kilinochchi
5. Mannar
6. Mullaitivu
7. Vavuniya
8. Trincomalee
9. Batticaloa
10. Ampara
11. Puttalam
12. Anuradhapura
13. Polonnaruwa
14. Badulla
15. Monaragala
16. Ratnapura
You see Kali Amma, you are only good for Milking, that too if it’s devoid of your stupid Racism. Meet Dr Rajasingham Narendran and get artificial assistance from him to become pregnant with a good breed and bear a healthy and rational calf.
I hope that milk will be devoid of the Racist and Idiotic Poison that runs in your blood and you continue to drivel here on CT.
Kind Regards,
Policy on University Admission UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION
kali / August 25, 2015
Off the Cliff:
You are off your mind , off the shelf , outdated and rotten.
You havent understood anything and I dont bloody want to waste my time.
No wonder Sinhala Lanka is in the doll drums because of people like you. You really are an Illiterate. Sad case.
Dr,Rajasingham Narendran / August 25, 2015
Dear OTC,
There is no doubt the standardisation scheme wreaked havoc on the aspiring Tamil youth in the north and the west, when introduced and for years thereafter. The Tamil militancy was seeded as a result.
However, standardisation scheme as implemented at present, considers the north a disadvantaged area and has opened the way for many more to qualify for university admission.
What is sad is that all students, regardless of community, are unfortunate to enter a very much downgraded university network.
Off the Cuff / August 25, 2015
Dear Kali Amma,
Symptoms of Mad Cow disease?
Get some help from Dr. Rajasingham Narendran.
You see Kali, Rhetoric cannot compete with Hard Facts.
Kind Regards,
kali / August 26, 2015
Off the Cliff
You are as predicted begining to talk like an Indian Slave. If you ask the Animal Doctor he will tell you that the Mad Cow disease is still around and that has definitely affected your Brain.
Once more
250 Pass Marks if you are Tamil
229 Pass mark if you are Sinkalam.
5 % of 15 % is = 0.75. You certainly ont be able to work it out as your brain has gione beyond recall.
Off the Cuff / August 26, 2015
Dear Dr RN,
Undoubtedly media wise standardisation was inherently unjust and was an ill thought out remedy for the English dominated, Free University education, paid for by the English illiterate masses. But it lasted for only 3 years.
Thus the Cause ceased to exist from 1974.
Since 1974, for Forty one Years, Tamil Students with LOWER marks have entered University Displacing Higher scoring Sinhala students.
Did the propaganda cease?
Tamils from Jaffna itself has entered University for 19 years but that fact is NEVER publicised and the propaganda goes on unabated.
In February 1971 Sivakumaran tried to assassinate Duraiappah by throwing a hand grenade. On 27 July 1975 Duraiappah was shot by Prabahkaran.
It is unfortunate that Tamil politicians use every opportunity to fan hatred.
“From 1971 onwards, a new ‘standardization’ policy was adopted, which ensured that the number of students qualifying for university entrance from each language was proportionate to the number of students who sat for university entrance examination in that language” World Bank report 1999 “The Root Causes of the Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka”
1974 – The principle of district quotas was introduced for the first time. Eligible students were classified according to the administrative districts from which they had taken the GCE (A/L) examination. Students were selected in the order of merit of standardised marks. The number of places available for each course of study was allocated to the districts in proportion to their general population.
There were 10 Underprivileged districts:
1. Ampara 2. Anuradhapura 3. Badulla 4. Hambantota 5. Mannar 6. Monaragala 7. Nuwara Eliya 8. Polonnaruwa
9 Trincomalee 10. Vavuniya
In 1979 it increased to 12 with the addition of Batticaloa and Mullaitivu
In 1980 it became 13 when Puttalam was added
In 1996 Jaffna was added and today the Underprivileged districts stand at 22.
I am not sure when the balance 8 districts were added to the list.
The main issue is that most Tamils are Jaffna Centric in their outlook. They ignore what happens in Tamil areas elsewhere.
This is what T. Sabaratnam who wrote LTTE supremo Pirapaharan’s Biography says in that biography
“The district quota system that came into effect by the end of 1974 introduced the scheme whereby 30 percent of the students were admitted to the university on the basis of merit and 55 percent on the basis of district quota, with the balance 15 percent of the places reserved for backward districts.
The district quota system, though detrimental to the students from the Jaffna district, benefited Tamils living in other Tamil districts. In 1974 Jaffna’s share of university admission shrank to 7 percent, roughly equal to its population ratio. This system benefited students from Vanni, Batticoloa, Trincomalee, and Ampara. It was under the district quota systems that the first student from Kilinochchi entered the university”
Can anyone accuse Sabaratnam of being biased towards the Sinhalese?
It must be remembered that it was an Ethnic Minority Minister of Education, a Muslim, who introduced the Policy on Standardisation.
All the above boils down to one thing. Sharing of available resources.
Affirmative action is needed to restore a balance when the country cannot afford the ideal solution of providing equal opportunity by maintaining equal facilities.
But that action should be transparent.
Kind Regards,
Off the Cuff / August 26, 2015
Dear Kali Amma,
The USA had the Jim Crow Laws.
The Ku Klux Gang
The Lynching, Raping and Whipping of Salve Negroes
The had a Civil War and a Civil rights movement where Rape, Arson and people being burnt alive took place. There are real time films showing Policemen Driving their batons in to Black women’s genitalia (broadcast on History Channel, National Geographic etc).
Just like in Jaffna the US also had segregation in Public transport, Restaurants etc.
Just like the low cast Tamils of Jaffna, the Negroes could not get a proper education in USA
Yet they have a Negro as a President.
They did not achieve it by harping on the Past and gripping about problems that does not exist anymore.
There are many similar examples available around the world.
But Racist Idiots like you still delve in the past like a beggars wound never allowed to heal because without it your Racist propaganda fails.
In this discussion you could not disprove a SINGLE point that I have discussed because you do not have facts and thought your Rowdyism would be an adequate replacement.
You started off as a Tigress and now you have been reduced to a drenched kitten with it’s tail between it’s legs meowing faintly.
Your salvation is a Doctor like Dr Rajasigham Narendran.
Kind Regards,
Dr. Rajasingham Narendran / August 25, 2015
‘ Animal Doctors’ who are called Veterinarians in civilised parlance- something that is strange to you despite your training to teach the English language to the choiceless undergraduates at the Jaffna University once upon a time – have the right to euthanise incurable animals!
I am sure the escape from your cell in the land of the singing fish, has rendered you feral! You have become a transgender, ‘He’ at times/ ‘She’ at times, in Colombo Telegraph. Most times your feral instincts assert and you become the ‘ It’ ! The ‘ He’ manifestation has also multiple assumed identitities!
I hope CT has noticed these transformations.
The Rogue Ayer / August 26, 2015
Dr Rajasingham Narendran,
“something that is strange to you despite your training to teach the English language to the choiceless undergraduates at the Jaffna University once upon a time”
Are you referring to godess “kali”? He/she having been a lecturer even temporarily would clearly show the lack of quality at Jaffna University. Not that the lack of quality of the said institution is a big secret.
Most of the best, most talented with able body and able mind have died in the conflict or left Jaffna. The best and most talented are choosing to leave.
What is left are unfortunately often the persons who are least likely to achieve anything and most likely to end up passive public “servants” or living on remittances.
Jaffna work force faces problems with quality and quantity. Note that I am not commenting only on the more educated.
The future is not good unless something is done fast.
Dr. Rajasingham Narendran / August 26, 2015
Yes, it is about Kali
Inspector Dirty Hari / August 26, 2015
“You havent understood anything and I dont bloody want to waste my time.”
Is that a promise that you will keep? Since we don’t understand you we will not see you again? Why don’t you keep your superior ideas to yourself?
Have you been infected by verbal TVT while in heat?
The fact that you use the name of a Hindu deity bothers me.
The Rogue Ayer / August 26, 2015
Off the Cuff,
“The Prevention of Social Disabilities Act was enacted in 1957. How long did it take for it to have any effect in the North?”
We have Police Ordinance from 1865. Please study it and then find out how well it is implemented in all parts of the island.
We have a tradition of not following any law.
Off the Cuff / August 27, 2015
Dear TRA,
The Police Ordinance of 1865 had two clauses (69 & 90) which dealt with Public nuisance. Beating of drums was considered “noise” and went against centuries of cultural practices of both Buddhists and Hindus. This left these two groups at a disadvantage when practicing age old customs.
This has been the underlying cause for several riots in SL.
The terms of a Police permit for the Kandy Esala pageant caused the Cancellation of the Pageant of the Temple of the Tooth in 1912. The Basnayake Nilame petitioned court for redress on 30th September 1913 and the pageant remained cancelled in 1913 and 1914, three years in succession.
On 4th June 1914, Acting District Judge of Kandy delivered his judgement, declaring the plaintiff ‘entitled to the privilege set out in the second paragraph of his complaint’ “the right and privilege of marching and to and from and through all the streets of the town of Gampola including that portion of Ambagamuwa street……. With elephants to the accompaniment of tom-tom drums and other musical instruments”
The Colonial Govt, unwilling to accept the judgement, appealed to the Supreme Court which dismissed the plaintiff’s action.
The Temple authorities appealed to the Privy Council UK and with indications of a favourable verdict, the Basnayake Nilame decided to hold the thrice cancelled perahera in 1915.
The inability of the British Colonial Govt to accept a legal ruling against the Attorney General, allowed a legal battle between the British Govt and the Officials of the Temple of the Tooth to escalate into a Religious Riot in 1915.
“the traditional Esala Perahera of the Walahagoda temple was held. The perahera followed its usual route along the Ambagamuwa road. But the Police prevented the procession from passing the disputed place. The Moors, encouraged by what they assumed to be support of the Police for their cause started jeering at the Buddhists marching in the procession and threw stones at them from the steps of the mosque. Retaliation was swift and inevitable.”
You can read more details here
Note the PSDA did not operate in the North for several decades due to connivance between the Tamil political Leadership and the Police. The Language Act did not operate in the North as it was never implemented in the North.
Delays in implementation in the South has legal remedies. Any aggrieved Tamil should force the hand of govt by taking them to court. If it is an issue of money, it should be overcome by organising Tamil lawyers to undertake such prosecutions gratis. No point in shouting oneself hoarse, take the govt and the officials to court.
Take the wheelchair bound doctor as an example. The wheelchair access that you see today in govt offices (and in companies) is due to the legal action this one man took against the govt.
Kind Regards,
The Rogue Ayer / August 27, 2015
Off the Cuff and Dr Rajasingham Narendran,
“The Police Ordinance of 1865 had two clauses (69 & 90) which dealt with Public nuisance. Beating of drums was considered “noise” and went against centuries of cultural practices of both Buddhists and Hindus. This left these two groups at a disadvantage when practicing age old customs.
This has been the underlying cause for several riots in SL.”
Beating of drums causes limited noise and the drummers will become tired after some time. The real problem are the more modern loud speakers that are very powerful and never get tired.
Many sections of the Police Ordinance and Penal Code are ancient and against the traditions of different religions, practices of sexual minorities etc. This does not in my opinion mean that they can and should be ignored!
We cannot have rule of law and good governance if laws are ignored without penalty when it suits us.
The correct way is to amend the very old colonial ordinance, code etc instead of the common people just deciding to disobey it. The MPs selected by the voters are the law makers not any political or religious mob.
To my best knowledge the Police Ordinance of 1865 is finally in the process of being amended. The public has been asked to send their comments regarding the amendments.
Regarding noise pollution there is a more recent Supreme Court interim ruling from 2005. The ruling is temporary because the Parliament is supposed to come up with an Act to deal with noise pollution but progress has been very slow. According to the Supreme Court ruling no religion etc has the right to disturb the Fundamental Rights of others by noise. This ruling was taken because of noise from mosques but applies to all. It is not colonial in any way and does not mention drumming.
I find it interesting that a UNP candidate, Deputy Minister of Justice and lawyer (forgot his name but starts with a S) used sub woofers in his election campaign without a police permit. Then he made a claim that sub woofers do not need such a permit. He is a professional who should know the contents of the Police Ordinance and Penal Code that mention mechanical devices or something similar.
Due to lack of time I cannot provide links for the above.
In the Financial Times today an example of alleged discrimination is taken up by Mohamed Rafeek.
What do you think about the claim of mr Rafeek?
“Last week the Public Service Commission (PSC) released the results of candidates who sat for the SLAS exam where 172 candidates have been declared selected to be appointed from 215 eligible persons called for interview.
According to the Public Administration Circular No 15/90 which is still in operation the recruitment to the public sector should be done based on the ethnic ratio. Accordingly, around 30 Tamils and Muslim candidates should have been recruited to this prestigious and sinecure position based on the ethnic ratio of Tamils and Muslims. But I am made to understand only eight Tamils and five Muslims have been recruited despite the fact that there were enough members of the minority communities who were called for interview after having passed this highly-competitive exam.”
Native Vedda / August 21, 2015
sachoooooooooo the Stupido
Can’t you wait.
We are having a serious discussion which you will find it difficult to fathom. Go away and come back in few hours by then we will have finished our crucial meeting of minds.
Then we can sit around and you can recite your nursery rhym. Yeah, yeah … I am familiar with it here is the lyrics to your favorite one:
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the king’s horses and all the King’s men
Couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty together again
they said that Humpty was crying like a baby too
Sinhalademalamarakkala / August 21, 2015
Of course we have every reason to be euphoric.
Thank You My3; We now have
No more Blue Flags
No more White Flags
No more White Vans
No more Black Vans-painted-White
No more Red Racing Cars
No more Red Satakayas.
No more Mad Yellow Robes
No more White Elephants
No more White Collar Crimes
No more Black Markets
No more Finances in the Red
No more Seas of Red Blood
No more Black Moustasches
No more Rotten Grey Matter
No more Black-Listing of innocent rivals
No more Colourless Tears of Mothers-Of-Missing-Sons
A big Thank You again;
We are also grateful to the Heavens Above that the Hoppers you ate that night were not poisoned.
Amarasiri / August 22, 2015
and then Listen to Jaya Manala Gatha, on the battle won against MaRa, Mara, in the Original Pali
Jaya Mangala Gatha-Verses of Auspicious Victory (rare Pali version)-Buddhist Chants
[Edited out]
Charles Ponnuthurai Sarvan / August 22, 2015
Dr Rajasingham Narendran,
Thank you for replying “Sach” who writes “When asked what rights are they deprived of, nothing. Rubbish”. (Unlike you, he does not have the courage to identify himself. Note too the “they” and all that that signals!)
Members of a majority group should not make assertions about the day-to-day experience of the minority. Let the minority speak for itself. It shows a wilful refusal to face facts – or a lack of intelligence and imagination, let alone empathy.
Would you ask estate-management whether the workers are happy or the workers themselves? Would you ask the Chinese in Tibet whether Tibetans are fairly treated and content, or the Tibetans? Would you ask Israelis about life for the Palestinians in the occupied territories or the poor Palestinians – one could go on.
It is a kind of arrogance to claim to know the experience of the ‘other’. The British did it in their days of imperialism: “The lot of the natives is much improved. They are far better-off ruled by us. They are content, if not positively happy. We have done them a favour.”
Once again, my thanks.
kali / August 23, 2015
Prof. Charles Sarvan
Elections: Cautious Euphoria
*** If my memory serves me right I am right in thinking that your teaching days are over. But there is no bar to learning even after retirement and let me enlighten you.
1) I wonder if, of the many who opted for change, some were not voting for Mr Sirisena but rather against Mr Rajapaksa? If so (and altering “The known devil is better than the unknown devil”) was it also a case here of the partially-known being a better option than the devil and his cohorts who had proved their degree of “devilishness”.
*** Sri Lnaka has a high literacy rate and that simply mdeans ordinary people ( except for the Hard Core Racists and I am afraid there is still a sizable number)are aware of the consequences of their actions.
At the last election Mahintha Polled 5.8 Million and this time it has dwindled to 4.7 million a drop of 1.1 million and this is due to the fear factor.
The ations India took in cancelling the Colombo Port City Project , banning of Chinese Sumarines the revival of Sedu Projet has sent shock waves in the minds of the ordinary Sinhalese. The change of heart was due to fear and not out of love for the Tamils.
If my surmise has foundation, I would suggest three broad grounds for the rejection of the Rajapaksa faction:
*** With all due respect I beg to disagree that (1)and (2)were the factors, but (3) was over looked as there was a lot to lose if MR was reelceted.
Tamils voted for TNA because TNA had the best chance of delivering.
2) Obama could not have been elected President by non-white voters only. Their votes were influential rather than decisive: many a white American voted for black Barack Obama.
*** I think you are missing the point. In both Sri Lanka and USA the minority vote was a crucial factor in the outcome and that simply means by inference was a decisive factor. Your choice of Word infulential doesnt fit in as it is a numbers game.
3) So it was with the defeat of Mr Rajapaksa: Tamil contra-votes were, I think, more influential than decisive. To use a metaphor, they tipped a scale already tilting.
*** If you analyse carefully you will see the difference.
Influential = Means convinced others to vote against Mahintha.
Decisive = Means MS secured the majority and won the elction due to Tamil Vote.
4) This brings me to what I see as the crux. What if the majority of Sinhalese voted against the Hon. Mahinda Rajapaksa only on grounds 1 and 2 above, while the minorities were chiefly motivated by Point 3.
*** This is a Democracy and different people vote on differet issues and that is why you have choices. If the majority of the Sinhalese voted against MR only on (1) and (2) the winning margin of MS would have been bigger.
5) “The enemy of your enemy is my friend” then becomes “The enemy of your enemy still remains your enemy”. If so, it would be a case of different groups with different agenda coalescing to defeat an individual but not united in aims and wishes, policy and programme.
*** In a Democracy this is called tactical voting to defeat a Common enemy.
6) How will those Sinhalese, both those who supported and still support Mr Rajapaksa, and those who voted against him on grounds 1 and 2 only, react if concessions are made to the Tamils? (Tamils do not see these as “concessions” but as human and civic rights..
*** This is why I said the 1.1 million who switched allegiance this time did so out of fear an not out of love for Tamils. For them now it is a question of SURVIVAL.
7) The new government, in order to retain support, will have to address 1 and 2 while proceeding cautiously with 3, that is, if it genuinely wishes to render justice.
*** (1) & (2) to stop the rot internally and (3) due to external pressure.
8) Take, for example, the security forces which at present number about 300, 000 – I confess I have no official up-to-date figures. They are an oppressive weight in the occupied territories, and an enormous financial burden and waste on the entire Island.
*** Sri Lanka spent a huge proportion of its GDP on Defence and scaling down is not easy without consequences. One is the reluctance to roll back Colonisation and the other is the danger of creating mass unempployment.
9) I am sorry if while there seems to be general relief and rejoicing, I sound a discordant note but winning the peace is no less difficult than winning wars. If it’s not a contradiction, I would counsel a cautious euphoria.
*** Cautious euphoria means enjoy while it lasts. This is wht I meant by the word Fear Factor which made 1.1 million to switch allegaince. The majority are aware what is round the corner. HARD TIMES if they dont change.
kali / August 23, 2015
For a start you have got too many middle names all borrowed from your Colonial Master Portugese and nothing Original. You are not fit to teach the Prof any lessons. He is a South African National and if he has got a few thigs wrong that is within the Tolerance Level
But it is you who need to go and see a Psychiatrist as your brain seemes to be devoid of any intelligence.
Let me take you through and try to LEARN.
1) You have tipped your hand when you took the position that Sri Lanka is not one country but two.
As of 2015 the SL Army has an Active Front line Personnel: 161,000
Active Reserve Personnel: 98,200
*** Get your facts right man. Sinhala Lanka has not 161,000 active personnel but 22 Million Racists intent on killing Tamils.
2) Thus under NORMAL circumstances a third of that should be stationed in the North and the East, which is about 90,000 personal but these are not Normal Circumstances but adverse circumstances where a third of Lanka was controlled by Tamil Terrorists for 3 decades.
Thus keeping more than the Normal Army personnel, stationed in the North and East, is justified, especially with a terrorist sympathetic Provincial Govt whose Chief Minister publicly hails the LTTE leader, the Megalomaniac Murderer Prabahkaran, as a Great Hero.
*** Terrorism under you lot continued for 64 years so stop talking Rubbish.
3) The SL forces is a defensive force not an offensive one. It is not meant to fight a foreign force on foreign soil. It has sufficient strength to inflict a heavy toll even if India decides to attack Lanka on Lankan soil. Remember how a small band of Terrorists inflicted a heavy toll on the IPKF?.
*** Defending what your Pakaya. If what you are saying is true why didnt you resist India and allow the Colomo Port City to continue,
Allow Chinese Sumarines to dock and stop Sedu Project. Wake up man and there is a new Regional Order.
4) The war against terrorism lasted a near 3 decades. Did you give a thought as to how a 30 – 50 year old person who has dedicated 10 – 30 years of his/her life to the service of the nation be retrained to a sufficient level of proficiency to maintain the income that he would lose on demobbing>
*** Did you give a thought as to how a 15 Year old Child Soldier dedicated his life to fight your Sinhalese Tyranny for over 64 Years.
5) Take off your Racist glasses Prof and allow that brain of yours to work.
*** At least he has a Glass to improve his vision where as you are bloody Blind to Tamil suffering.
6) There was a Tamil kingdom for about 400 years in the North that was limited to the Jafna Peninsular and a small triangular area in the North West of the mainland, ruled by the Wanniyars. The rest of Lanka were ruled by the Sinhalese.
*** For your information the Tamil Kingdom stretched from Imayam to Hambanthotta. How did you think we built legendary Tamil Temples in Trinco and Mannar.
Did you give us permission from the Goodness of your heart.
7)There was a narrow tongue of land at Elephant Pass a fort was built to guard the border with the king’s territory”.
Man you should be given a PRIZE by MR for claiming that the Jaffna Fort was built by Sinkalams. You cant even build your own Toilets and you have to get help from Cheenavedi.
I could go on destroying you but I dont want to waste time.
Wake up man You have a New Colonial master which will last from here to eternity. You are a Slave again.
The rest of what you have written is all RUBBISH.
M. N. I .N. Perera / August 26, 2015
Dear Kali Amma,
You proved that you are a Racist Idiot when you unsuccessfully tried to refute my comments addressed to Dr RN above.
What is important is refuting what I have written with provable factual information but since you lack such information you have focused on my pedigree and proven to the reader that you are indeed a Racist Idiot with nothing but Idiotic Racist Rhetoric in the head.
I decided to answer the following for the benefit of OTHER readers as I know for certain that understanding them is beyond the capacity of an Irrational Racist Idiot.
The Sinhalese and the Tamils share a Large Common Gene Pool. The Sinhalese are the children of Sri Lanka (irrefutable as Lanka has the Only endemic Sinhala population in the World) and have a mixed parentage of Indian Subcontinental and Sri Lankan Parentage.
Lanka has the Oldest, scientifically proven, Modern Human Habitation in South East Asia that has been reliably dated to 38,000 YBP. The sea level at the last glacial maximum was 400 feet below the present MSL and hence in that period a Land bridge between the Indian Subcontinent and Lanka existed. Hence until better scientific evidence is found that supports migration from the Indian Subcontinent to Lanka the current evidence supports migration from Lanka to S E Asia.
Hinduism predates Buddhism in it’s land of birth India and in Lanka (due to the fact that the Indian migrants were mainly Hindu, the dominant Religion of India). Thus the Sinhalese being children of a dominant Hindu parent were originally Hindu while some Sinhalese would have been pagan. Buddhism arrived here long after the death of Lord Buddha during Emperor Asoka’s time. Thus it is Foolish to assume that Hindu edifices in Lanka is proof of Tamil habitation and Buddhist edifices prove Sinhalese habitation as neither Hinduism nor Buddhism has an Ethnic Ownership.
Re “For your information the Tamil Kingdom stretched from Imayam to Hambanthotta. How did you think we built legendary Tamil Temples in Trinco and Mannar”
That Kali Amma is how an idiot would see the Old Hindu Temples in Lanka. Hinduism is not OWNED by Tamils and Buddhism is not OWNED by the Sinhalese.
Where is your proof that the Sinhalese were not Hindu in the Past?
Re “Man you should be given a PRIZE by MR for claiming that the Jaffna Fort was built by Sinkalams. You cant even build your own Toilets and you have to get help from Cheenavedi”
Dear Kali Amma, obviously you are not LITERATE in English either!!!
The Dutch says that they built the Fort at Elephant Pass, to protect peninsular Jaffna (that they ruled) from cross border attacks by the Sinhala armies of the Kandyan King. Read it again.
Now let us look at that 64 Years of oppression.
The outcastes or parayas had a deplorable social status. Among this group, there was a caste unique to Jaffna, the turumbas or washermen to the parayas. They were not allowed to be seen in the daylight and could only travel by night.
(Communal Politics 1931 – 1947 Dr Jane Russell)
Now why would these unfortunate Tamils not allowed to be seen during daylight? Was it because the Ruling Landowning Vellala Tamils were kind benefactors or Oppressive Slave drivers?
Let’s look at a little bit of Jaffna Tamil History that proves how Kind and Considerate the Tamil Ruling class was on the Tamil polity.
1871 Tamil Tamil riots – at Maviththapuram.
High cast Tamils attacked low casts (dhoby and barber castes)
1923 September, Tamil Tamil riots – at Sutumalai.
High cast Tamils attacked Low cast (Paramba) people because Low Casts have no right to employ drummers at a funeral.
1929 June Tamil Tamil riots – Jaffna
Because the govt issued an ‘equal seating directive’ to govt grant-aided schools.
Under this directive ‘low caste’ students were allowed to sit on the bench. Until then they sat either on the floor or outside the classroom. Resultant riots burnt a large number of houses mainly of low caste Tamils. Their children en mass were stopped from attending schools. Repeated petitions were made to the government by ‘high caste’ Vellalars begging to cancel the directive!
The Vellala Burnt Down FIFTEEN (15) schools that complied with the govt order and other acts of violence and kept their children from attending school.
1931 Tamil Tamil riots – at Canganai.
High casts Tamils attacked Low cast Pallars for hiring drummers for a funeral.
1933 Tamil Tamil riots & Bus strike – Jaffna
High cast Tamil bus-drivers went on strike in protest against Low cast Tamils attempting to Sit on seats instead of the floor where they sat before.
A few months later in a caste feud between vellala and non-vellala Catholics, a vellala was killed, and the houses of several Low Cast parayas burnt down, over the issue of a paraya man wearing shoes in church.
The next day, another feud developed in another village between High Casts and low cast nalavas over the rights of the nalavas to cremate their dead in a vellala cremation place, and a man was shot.
(from the PhD Thesis of Dr Jane Russell, Communal Politics under the Donoughmore Constitution, 1931 – 1947 available from Thisara Publications, Lanka)
Up to that point of time there were no Tamil Sinhala riots.
The first Tamil Sinhala Riot occurred in 1939 after a Racist hate speech was delivered in Nawalapitiya by Tamil Lawyer Politician and founder All Ceylon Tamil Congress, Mr GG Ponnambalam.
Can you explain why there were Tamil Tamil Riots and no Tamil Sinhala Riots till 1939?
The Donoughmore Commissionors observed “the 80,000 persons of low caste among the Tamil community” which had caused them the “most anxiety”. Only by the “enfranchisement of these people and the provision of equal education facilities could their condition be remedied”(Don. Report, op. cit., p. 86, 97)
Why were they worried about the Low Cast Tamils living amongst High cast Tamils? Because Kindness was OOZING from the High Cast breasts?
Why did Sir Ramanathan and all the high cast politicians (save three) object to giving Political Power to the Low Cast Tamils and women?
Why did they try to get Tamil Cast codified in the Constitution?
Why did Ramanathan personally meet the Governor in 1930 and object to Low Cast children eating at the same table as their own Children?
The Dudley Chelva Pact seeking to devolve power to the District Councils in the North and East FAILED because of objections by Low Cast Tamils who knew if Legal Power is given to the High Cast Tamils the Low cast Tamils would be falling from the frying Pan to the Fire.
Why did it take 30 years for a Low Cast Tamil to enter Parliament under an electoral system of one person one vote, even though they formed the majority within Tamil polity?
Why were the following prohibitions enforced by the Ruling Land owning Class (Vellalar) on the Low Cast Tamils who were the majority Tamil polity in the North?
Ragunathan (2004: 22-23) listed a series of 24 customary prohibitions enforced by the upper caste elite on Panchamars (Low Casts) during the 1950s. These prohibitions were as follows:
1. Males should not wear an upper garment.
2. ‘Verti’ should not hang below the ankle.
3. Men should not wear “Shalvei” on the shoulder.
4. Females should not wear an upper garment.
5. Females should not wear the “thaavani” (sari “potta”).
6. The Panchamar should not travel unnecessarily on roads and in public places. When proceeding on permitted paths, they must announce their coming by dragging a “kaavolei” (dried Palmyrah leaf) behind them.
7. Panchamar must not wear any jewellery.
8. Panchamar should not tie “thali” (wedding necklace).
9. Panchamar must not wear white for higher rituals.
10. Panchamar must not wear white for important/special rituals.
11. They must bury the dead without cremation.
12. Use of musical instruments to rejoice or mourn prohibited.
13. Music at auspicious or inauspicious functions prohibited.
14. They should not use the ponds of the “high” castes.
15. They must not use umbrellas.
16. They must not wear footwear.
17. They must not study.
18. Gods of the “high” castes prohibited in their temples.
19. They cannot enter the “high” caste temples.
20. They must not enter tea-shops.
21. They must not draw water from public wells.
22. They cannot either drive or travel in cycles and cars.
23. They cannot sit while traveling in buses.
24. In schools, they were not allowed to sit on chairs.
Any intelligent person armed with the above facts will now realize that oppression existed in the Tamil North and it was practiced by Tamils on Tamils for Centuries.
Kind Regards,
The Rogue Ayer / August 26, 2015
Mr Perera.
“Any intelligent person armed with the above facts will now realize that oppression existed in the Tamil North and it was practiced by Tamils on Tamils for Centuries.”
The past discrimination is a fact. Who has denied it recently?
I have reason to believe that some of the Jaffna elected MPs are not Vellalar and one apparently is an out caste. This would not have happened if there had not been progress in Jaffna.
At the same time the caste background of some Jaffna candidates was taken up even here on CT which shows that for some voters and commentators it continues relevant.
M. N. I .N. Perera / August 27, 2015
Dear TRA,
Re “The past discrimination is a fact. Who has denied it recently?”
Many do, just watch out for statements such as oppression by the Sinhalese since independence etc
This is similar to a wife beater in private, fighting for women’s rights in public.
on this web page look for 64 years!
Re “I have reason to believe that some of the Jaffna elected MPs are not Vellalar and one apparently is an out caste. This would not have happened if there had not been progress in Jaffna.”
Tamil society is a fractured society consisting of TWO distinct classes. The Ruling class and the Oppressed class. It is not cohesive as the abundant use of the word “TAMIL” would suggest.
Quote “There had been for centuries a deep division between high caste Vellalas and low caste Tamils, mainly Pallavar, Nalavar and Karaiyar. These last castes were considered `non-Tamils or aboriginal people of a despicably low status” unquote (Pfaffenberger, ‘The Political Construction of Defensive Nationalism’, 1990, p.82)
I will respond to your point more fully later as I am running short on time right now.
Kind Regards,
The Rogue Ayer / August 27, 2015
Mr Perera,
“Many do, just watch out for statements such as oppression by the Sinhalese since independence etc”
In my humble opinion there has been oppression by the Vellalah and the Sinhalese.
“Tamil society is a fractured society consisting of TWO distinct classes. The Ruling class and the Oppressed class. It is not cohesive as the abundant use of the word “TAMIL” would suggest.”
It is much more complicated than just two classes. You are making a very simple model. There are different religions with smallers sects, castes and sub castes, educational levels, levels of wealth and political groups. There are geographical differences.
It is no longer just a clear case of caste discrimination.
Only VP claimed to represent all Tamils. Some politicians and CT commentators continue trying to represent all Tamils but ,of course, they don’t.
Native Vedda / August 26, 2015
I know you are a stupid moron. You have met a match now, non other than the noted liar, plagiarist and a copy paste con artist, Off the Cuff (OTC).
By repeating the same old lies over and again OTC believes that he/she/it can pass a lie as a historical fact. It is because you too is a racist as OTC, who is obsessed with caste prejudice among Tamils, forgetting his own Sinhalese discrimination and inhuman treatment of others.
Here is a book that you should have read and remembered before exchanging lot of bull s**t between each other:
Caste in Modern Ceylon
The Sinhalese System in Transition
By Bryce Ryan
First Published 1953
Navrang Book Sellers and Publishers
New Delhi
Off the Cuff / August 26, 2015
Ha ha haa, The Tamil pontificates behind a Vedda Mask!!!
You do repeat your accusations ad infinitum but not ONCE have you been able to prove them.
You tried to alter Historical Chronology in order to win a debate and got caught badly. Now you prefer to hide behind a Human Shield. Just like the LTTE!
Would you be brave enough to prove your accusations?
I have given you countless opportunities and I am providing another right here right now.
Would you be Brave enough to do so?
I doubt you would, as you know the beating you will receive if you try.
The reader would wonder why you refer Kali to libraries when you imply you posses the knowledge to challenge mine!!!
As intended, my comments makes the Blood of Liars Boil. You simply do not possess factual information to challenge them.
Would you be Brave?
The answer definitely would be a NO.
Prove me wrong.
Kind Regards
Here are a few instances, within the past 2 weeks, that the Tamil Idiot ran with the tail between his legs.
But this reply from another commentator that he tried to use as a cat’s paw takes the Prize.
Paul said “Ah yes this is what we have come to expect from you, aimless quotes and asides. Never address the points that OTC makes. Never counter his documented and referenced allegations. Just sit at a keyboard and filibuster. You think you have convinced the readers? You have achieved nothing. As you are fond of quotes, here is one for you from Dr RN ‘I am not easily influenced by anyone, unless I am convinced by facts. OTC knows what he is talking about on the subject. Further, I like his approach. He presents his stands with references. It is for others to provide counter evidence to contest him’.”