13 January, 2025


Electoral Victories And Pyrrhic Outcomes

By Rajan Philips

Rajan Philips

Electoral victories are not Pyrrhic victories in the historical sense of the ancient Sicilian war between the Roman Empire and King Pyrrhus of Epirus. Pyrrhus won the battles but at great cost to himself. “If we are victorious in one more battle with the Romans, said Pyrrhus, “we shall be utterly ruined.” Hence, Pyrrhic victory. Modern electoral victories are different. The winning parties usually take everything before them, while the losing parties are often left with nothing. If at all, Pyrrhic outcomes arrive later, and often self-inflicted. The Sirisena-Wickremesinghe government is perhaps unprecedented in Sri Lankan electoral history for winning a momentous victory and turning it into a grave digging operation on the very morrow of that victory. The infamous 18th Amendment turned out to be quite Pyrrhic for former President and current Prime Minister, Mahinda Rajapaksa. 

It is still early days for the new President and former Defence Secretary, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, and even his worst critics are wishing him well and are hoping that he would be able to break the country’s vicious political cycle even if he is not able to turn it into a fully virtuous cycle during his term in office. Even the President’s assertions that the problems of the Tamils and the Muslims can be readily solved through economic development without talking about devolution, could be well taken for their well-meaning intent regardless of their understandably ill-informed premises. 

The Swiss Embassy fiasco of not of the government’s making, although the government’s overzealous supporters might be told to tone down their overkill rhetoric for the country’s sake.  The Millennium hot potato has been safely handed for cooling to a Committee of officials. One would hope that the Committee would also consult with the Sri Lankan government officials and technical experts who were involved in the identification of the two MCC (Transport and Land) Projects and obtain their views on the intended benefits of the Projects that they had identified. It would also be helpful to quietly consult Sri Lankan technical experts familiar with traffic engineering, public transit, environmental assessment, land survey and digital mapping, who as active professionals would be reluctant to get into shouting matches with internet scholars making wild connections between traffic cameras and national security.  

All in all, the presidential honeymoon seemed to be going quite well until a spot of old dung from nowhere landed in the new pot of fresh milk. The arrest of Champika Ranawaka, a rising new generation politician and one of the abler cabinet ministers over the last ten years under two different governments, is an unexpected grist for the political mill regardless of how much of a legal imperative it is to revisit an old acquittal and hold a popular politician in unbailable remand. Everything about this case is opaque and confusing. Was it a ‘hit and run’ by a car, as some sections of the media are still reporting? Or, as others keep reminding, was it the case of a slow-moving car being hit from behind by a speeding motorcycle? The difference between the two scenarios is huge, and it cannot be both.   

Mr. Ranawaka himself could have done his ambitious political career a huge favour by forthrightly setting the record straight soon after the unfortunate incident. I have no idea about the legal remedies involved, whether there might be grounds for civil litigation for compensation by the party who was injured in the incident. According to some reports the matter was already settled with compensation, allegedly involving state funds. And no clear prosecutorial reason would appear to have been given for reopening an old case as a criminal matter after apparently choosing not to appeal the earlier original court ruling. The whole saga is a sad commentary on the police and the prosecutors and their predicaments when power changes hands above their heads. Former DIG Merril Gunaratne’s lively little book, “Cop in the Crossfire”, may need a somber sequel, “Cops under Own-fire.”  

Politically, the oldies will see an ominous parallel to the arrest of the late Lalith Athulathmudali in 1976, when he was neither an MP nor a Minister, only an up and coming UNP lawyer-politician. That was at the tail end of the then broken United Front government, when, after six years in power, the government had become totally error-prone and not at all rule-effective. It is a completely different situation now for the new President, although in the context of the people’s sovereignty being constitutionally chopped up for periodical franchise testing in multiple interim (parliamentary, provincial, local) elections, no Sri Lankan President has the luxury of being the monarch of all he surveys for an entire term without electoral eruptions and interruptions. 

Even so, President Rajapaksa is still a safe distance away from potential Pyrrhic outcomes similar to those that seem to have befallen Trump in America and Modi in India. Even Boris Johnson’s otherwise spectacular December 12th victory in the UK, is being seen by informed observers as pregnant with seeds of Pyrrhic outcomes.   

United England, Divided Kingdom

The Pyrrhic forebodings of Johnson’s victory are in the sweeping scale of his victory in England leaving Wales to its historical insignificance, the equally sweeping rejection he was given in Scotland, and the precarious readjustment in the balance of electoral power between the Unionist and the Republican forces in Northern Ireland. The Tory victory has electorally united England, but more than electorally divided the United Kingdom. Many neutral observers expected Prime Minister Johnson to use his more than comfortable majority to go for soft Brexit, rather than a hard Brexit, in timing and in scope. 

Instead, to their surprise and the EU’s consternation, Mr. Johnson is rushing Brexit – for Britain to leave EU by January 31, and to limit by his own legislation the transition period, for working out a new arrangement for trade and people’s movement between the EU and Britain, to December 2020 even though he is allowed two years to do that under the current divorce agreement. The businesses are not happy, and the pound is showing in starting to slide after post-election upswing. Economic forecasters are predicting a 5% drop in GDP over the next decade as a result of continuity Brexit uncertainty even after Brexit is done. 

All of this goes unchallenged in England and tiny Wales is tagged along. Not so in Scotland, where First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is calling for a new referendum because Scotland wants to remain part of EU, on its own if necessary since it is becoming impossible to remain so as part of the United Kingdom. Ms. Sturgeon’s Scottish Nationalist Party won just as impressively in Scotland as did Prime Minister Johnson’s Tories won in England. So, Mr. Johnson cannot summarily dismiss Ms. Sturgeon’s call for a referendum, nor can he quietly take Scotland out of the EU. There could be a Pyrrhic price.

Northern Ireland is different, but no less serious as a Pyrrhic possibility. In the December election, the Unionist Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) lost seats in Northern Ireland. DUP was providing life support to the Tory minority government before the election. Now, with their large victory in England, the Conservatives no longer have any use for the DUP. But the DUP’s loss of seats also marked a shift in popular support for the Northern Ireland republicans who want to unite with the Irish Republic rather than stay in the Union of the United Kingdom. That would be anathema to the Unionists even though many in England and many in the English Parliament may quietly prefer it as a godsend in disguise. 

Matters will come to a head over the implementation of Prime Minister Johnson’s Brexit plan. It provides for an open border without customs between the two Irelands as part of the Good Friday Agreement and as insisted on by the EU and the Irish Republic. What this would likely entail is for the UK government to put in place an offshore customs surveillance between Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK to ensure that EU goods are not flowing into the UK via Northern Ireland even after Brexit. Strange indeed are the unintended outcomes of ill-inspired nationalist populism. But the old Irish eyes would literally be smiling.               

Old school students of nationalism may have noted Johnson’s celebratory allusion to ‘one nation’, an allusion based on forging the class unity between the Tory and the Labour constituencies in the country. The allusion has a historical echo, for, at the turn of the 20th century there were two nations in the United Kingdom but divided horizontally between classes, and not vertically between nationalities, as it is now. That was how EH Carr, the celebrated historian, described the state of his country then. That was also the cultivated British mindset that was given some expression in the Soulbury Commission’s anticipations for the Empire’s model colony, Ceylon, that the Ceylonese society would over time bridge its communal differences even as new class fissures open up as a result of economic modernization. Some might ask whether President Rajapaksa is not saying the same thing, but it is not the same thing.      

Mr. Johnson is naturally over the moon in winning longstanding traditional Labour bastions within England, some of them for the first time. One of them is Sedgefield, the seat held by Tony Blair for  24 years (1983-2007) as MP, Leader of the Opposition, and ten years as Prime Minister. Prime Minister Johnson made it a special point to visit Sedgefield, in Durham County, after the elections to thank the Labour voters who voted for the Tories, and to say, “I want the people of the northeast to know that we in the Conservative Party, and I, will repay your trust.” Of course, Boris Johnson was not being insincere, and socially and fiscally he is to the Left within the Conservative Party. But giving in on the traditional demands of Labour voters will create other problems with Tory right wingers. That could be another Pyrrhic challenge for the new British Prime Minister, his handsome electoral victory notwithstanding. 

Latest comments

  • 6

    Before talking about devolution please allow Mr G to win the fight againt poverty so that all communities will benifit.

    Breacking the country into pieces is a CIA plot

    We have to work to gether with mutual respect and trust as Sri Lankans.

    • 1

      The devolution of power will eradicate poverty to a great extent.

    • 0

      Mr G is no a magifican .. does not he ?
      If we expect RAJAPAKSHES to improve the economy- then it will be more like waiting to see pig s might fly oneday.
      Bunch of thugs in that group would never have the wisdom to lead this nation flourshing the economy. We know how they did it until 2015.
      Now, even if MEDIA mafia would paint the picture in favour them, but the huges loans the nation have to pay back are deliberately created by Rajakashes and their misadministration. Good governance state saved the country lot of funds.
      Just imagine, even today, MAHINDA Rajakshe abuses state helicopters to travel few hundreds …. he does not have a heart to see, that there are lot more poor people in this country, that would never lot more funds to uplift their lives…… instead, shameless buggers abuse statefunds without thinking twice.
      i THINK if this this country to be blessed with a good economy, …. Rjapakshes should be away from lanken politics. Rajakshes are unethical and heartless buggers that abuse statefunds for their survival only.

  • 6

    “hold a popular politician in unbailable remand”… Champika Ranawaka has very little political capital nowadays. In the last presidential election all of the Colombo suburbs (Maharagama, Homagama, Kaduwela, Kesbewa, Avissawella) were won by SLPP with over 65% total vote. These are all former JHU strongholds. The majority was so high it out shadowed UNP lead in central Colombo and SLPP won the Colombo district.

    • 2

      That doesn’t say anything about JHU. It never won in these electorates. If JHU MPs contest, they can win more than Sajith. The bigger issue is winning 2/3 and changing the constitution back to bring other Americans into parliament. It cannot happen with Champika eating into SLPP’s chances of winning Sinhala votes. If Champika cannot contest UNP should field a Buddhist monk or a retired army officer each for all western province districts. SLPP has nothing new for these districts. Same old old lot.

      • 1

        Mr. Thinker.
        Someone like Mahesh Senanayake… ??
        You all tried that foolish act on presidential election my dear.
        Don’t worry.
        We already have the capacity to get 2/3.

    • 1

      Election results represent only a snapshot of public mood; not an opinion developed after a deep evaluation of facts over time. If the BREXIT is the main reason for Tory win, how could T May lost the majority after an election held on the same issue? I think that Johnson won for two major reasons: The immediate reason of London Bridge stabbing which ignited immigration phobia; and the Corbin’s leftist trends. In SL, Easter Bombing event also played a huge role similar to London Bridge stabbing for GoRa’s victory.

      But, like in SL where terrorism first came not from minorities but from JVP, British also are long used to a kind of inborn terrorism: IRA. IRA even targeted Margret Thatcher. However, in the long run, the challenges facing Johnson is not the same as GoRa/MaRa faces in SL for two reasons: 1. Strong security comes at a heavy price for democracy & HR which is already starting. 2. SL economy is in a precarious condition; it is extremely unlikely that GoRa will be able get a handle on the falling Rs which will have a direct impact on cost of living. In other words, the probabilities are too high to make too many promises GoRa made to turn his victory a Pyrrhic. This is exactly what happened to YP.

      SL voters have no well thought out solution except to change pillows. If GoRa intends not to make his victory a Pyrrhic, it will be at the peril of losing the opportunity to change the pillow!

  • 14

    SL must be divided peacefully after relocating people.

    Tamils clearly rejected Sinhala people’s choice in all elections except the 1994 presidential election. It is undemocratic and inhuman to subject Tamils to the Sinhala choice. It has happened almost always. Worse part is the man who has war crimes (against Tamils) allegations to his name is the president! Another man who has war crimes (against Tamils) allegations to his name is the PM! Another alleged war criminal is the defence secretary.

    • 4

      ‘SL must be divided peacefully after relocating people.’


      Dream on, imbecile.

    • 2

      Mr. GATAM,
      How are you planning to separate Tamil voters who accepted SL as a Sinhala Buddhist country (Tamils who voted for Sajith) and Tamils who voted for separatist agenda for relocation.

    • 4

      What is inhumane is that a 10% minority, an immigrant minority for that matter is trying to carve out a separate country in this tiny island. Tamils must be relocated back to Tamilnadu, your homeland. This island will never be peacefully divided as long as there is a single Sinhalese living. You divide this island and see what happens – it will be worse than in Palestine, there will be never ending war. Tamils have absolutely NO RIGHT to divide this island, when you have your own homeland. Go back there, without trying to destroy the Sinhalese and this island.

      • 2

        Punchi Point
        Punchi Brain
        Punchi Willi

        ” Tamils must be relocated back to Tamilnadu, your homeland.”

        I agree with you.
        When the 10% go they should take rest of their 90% converted Tamils with them.
        I appreciate your contribution it does not mean you can stay here.

        “You divide this island and see what happens – it will be worse than in Palestine, there will be never ending war. Tamils have absolutely NO RIGHT to divide this island, ….”

        It is not for you to decide.
        In all honesty you should ask the Hinidians who have the final say in the future structure and composition of this island. You cannot afford to forget what happened to East Pakistan between 26 Mar 1971 and 16 Dec 1971.

        Hinduttva is on full throttle and no one knows how the recent incidents will pan out.

      • 2

        The minorities are being ‘Minoritized’ further by caving them down and down.

      • 1

        Dear Punchi Point,
        If we really want to fight separatism, we must welcome writers like Rajan Philips. It is true that we are the majority, and they the minority, but far too often we speak of Tamils as “immigrants”. No, they belong just as much as we do to this country, as we do. We really must desist from telling them that Tamilnadu is their homeland.
        I realise that Mr Philips may be suggesting a parallel between Scotland-England and North and South Sri Lanka.
        The simple fact is that the Northern Tamils have been in Sri Lanka just as long as us Sinhalese. However, they are the minority, and so, O.K., we want to dominate this island. Even then, must we distort history by saying that they are ALL recent immigrants?
        Ah, but some of them are – the Hill Country Tamils. I think that the challenge before us is to pass on to the growing generation of Sinhalese a properly balanced view of the ethnic composition of the island. True it is that the Hill Country Tamils are of fairly recent origin, but have they not contributed much to the modern economy of Sri Lanka – and received so little in return.
        I know that I will please nobody with this comment. However, one thing I do claim for my attitude: I’m not demeaning the value of any group. Whatever his deeper aims, Mr Philips’ article is a delightful, if heavy, read.

    • 3

      Sinhale is the Land of Native Sinhalayo and Vedda Eththo. How dare the descendants of slaves brought to Sinhale from Malabar by colonial parasites to exploit the resources of this country talk about dividing this country.

      Now Native Sinhalayo regret for their decision to give citizenship in this country to Dravidians who were abandoned in Sinhale by colonial parasites making them Stateless. What our elders told about these guys is true.

      • 5

        The Vedda is the only native with prehistoric beginnings. The Sinhalayo came from Bangladesh. Tamils from Tamil Nadu. Many Vedda, Sinhalayo and Tamils cross-pollinated. There was also a good admixture from the Allapu Gedera Lansi man. A very virile breed who sowed his seed here and there. So to point a finger and say I am this and you are that is quite laughable. Check your DNA and then you will know where you actually stand.

        • 1

          I agree that a compulsory DNA test will solve many problems.
          However, it is expensive, isn’t it? About Rs 40,000/= is what I’ve been told. But still worth it, if it’ll cure racists.
          Am I, Sinhala_Man, a racist? The name makes me sound that, doesn’t it? I shall sign differently today, and my gravatar will also change to light green.

          • 2


            You can sign in as Para-Sinhala Man. That will be accurate, supported by mitochondrial DNA data, molecular genetics.

            The DNA test will reveal which part of India the Para-Sinhala came from. Ask the Prime Minister if India, help the Para-Sinhala to get back to their ancestral homeland, Bharat, Damba-Diva.

            • 0

              Dear Amarasiri,
              I shall obediently do as you say. However, I’d like to know what your mitochondrial DNA data ha revealed. After all, however good a fellow you are, you haven’t yet made any comment on the Thomian Pharisees.
              Those fellows are really horrible. At least Bishop Dhilo and Christopher Balraj are. There is a fellow putting up quite a defence for Dushantha Rodrigo. Well, the fact is that four years ago he twice refused to allow me to speak to his teachers, saying that they didn’t know anything about the ‘”Staff Representative” business. Well, isn’t that the very reason why they should be educated on that score? Imagine, these guys want to have “non-educated” teachers.
              Well, the fact is that the old guy who is now the Representative (and I think he wants very much to remain on the BoG), is not “educated” either. But then, one has to define one’s terms. Well, he hasn’t passed any exams, but don’t you mention that there. It is bound to come out, but I’m delaying it as much as possible. Rather like delaying ejaculation, if you understand what I mean.
              Now isn’t this comment getting quite bawdy? I guess that I’d better sign off now. Will I get a different gravatar? I don’t think so. It depends entirely on the email address one uses.

          • 1


            Even if DNA tests would reveal the truth, the society is not yet ready to take them as truths. That is the ground reality of the people yet today in SL.
            Just imagine those teledramas being daily telecasted by Derana TV today, only promote the superstitious beliefs for their own gains. There is a teledram called §sidu§ which is being telecasted almost everyday – but the message being spread by the drama is – that we the people cant make a change but invisible forces.
            We also watch good teledrams in Germany and other EU countries, but almost every drama instead does lot more in terms of the improvement of the awareness among the society. No place is given to supertition as is the case in SRILANKA and INDIA.

            Lanken media has a big role to play if the perceptions of the people to be changed and let them see it beyond. Once people s awareness is improved, we can see a better future.

            I wish you a merry christmas and happy holidays My Dear SINHALA man and your family.
            Greetings from Berlin

      • 3

        What your “elders” – bloody idiots – told you is NOT true, Blind Eagle Eye.
        This is that same “Sinhala_Man”, today signing differently, with a light green gravatar.

        • 1

          But Mr Panini Edirisinghe,
          this ultra idiot -eagle evil aka Mahindapala is mentally ill. His hatreds against own folks would be even more powerful than the Nagasaki bomblast or that of Tschernobyl
          So please dont make efforts to change the bugger-Egle…. he is a curse to us sinhala race. This particular man is said tobe in his early 80ties now, but see how he expresses himself about tamils and muslims yetday. To me the kind of sinhalayas as more dangerous than any poisonous reptiles.
          At the time, I arrived in Europe, 3 decades ago, I thought, black people would tear me off into pieces and consume my flesh and bones onthe spot, since narrations shared to me were highly racial about the black people. There had been various nations from Africa as students to the Europe then. Most fo them were really nice and highly human….. but what I had heard about them from my parents and relatives were rooted in my mind so that I believed them being canibalists. That was a blatant lie. ….. even today my best colleagues are either from africa or america. I now dont care about the skin colour so long the person remains to be respectful and dignified.

    • 4

      Gatam, How would you relocate Tamils against their wishes? They do not want to go to the squalid, filthy homeland of Tamil Nadu. They are not sought after in the Western world. Tamils have waged war against Sinhalese, killing innocent Sinhala women, Sinhala babies, Civilian Commuters. Tamils have lost the war they started. The new President, Prime Minister and the Defence Secretary are heroes who have saved the nation, innocent Tamils by defeating Tamil Terrorists. The war criminals are Tamil Terrorists and not the heroes. Try living in dirty, stinking Tamil Nadu first, before recommending relocation of Tamils there.

      • 2

        lal loo

        “How would you relocate Tamils against their wishes?”

        Don’t worry too much about relocating the Tamils.
        Hindians will do it for you.
        They also will want to implement and test some of their social engineering theories.

        • 0

          Mr Native Vedda,

          wir wuensche Dir und Deiner Familie “Frohe Weihnachten” UND schöne Feiertagen.

          Greetings from Berlin

          • 1

            Desperate Sinhalaya

            Vielen Dank
            We wish you the same
            Schöne Ferien

      • 3

        Tamil Nadu?

        They belong to Tamil Elam.

        For your information Tamil Nadu is far more developed than SL by 2019. You are living in 1950s.

        War heroes for killing own people? You are insane.

        • 0

          All Tamils belong to Tamilnadu.

          Eelam does not become Tamil just because you put Tamil in front of Eelam. Eelam is the island of the Sinhalese.

          • 2

            Punchi Point
            Punchi Brain
            Punchi Willi

            “All Tamils belong to Tamilnadu.”

            So do the Sinhalese.

            “Eelam is the island of the Sinhalese.”

            Eelam does not belong to any of you whether you add Tamil in front of Eelam or Sri in front of Lanka. Even Lanka is a name which was given to this island by North Indians..

            Neither you nor your blood relatives DNA sharing Tamils don’t belong here.

            If and when you are bored with reciting the above please feel free to take your mates such eminent people as Eagle Blind Eye, soma, Weerawansa, Gamanpilla, HLDM, Dayan, Shavandra Silva, Kamal, ….. Jeyasuria, Hela, ………………. with you and beat up some Tamils, Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sinhalese, Buddhists for fun.

        • 0

          Is it good when your Tamil Terrorist heroes kill Sinhala babies, their mothers and pregnant women? Their own people too aren’t they? If the Sinhalese aren’t your people Tamils too aren’t own people for the Sinhalese. If you want to be treated like own people then behave accordingly or else you get what you deserve. Idiot.

          • 1

            lal loo

            Calm down.
            What is your point if there is one?
            Are you talking to mirror?
            Your low self-esteem will take you anywhere.
            Your lack of confidence disqualifies you from part of being a mob which intent to harm minorities.
            By any chance you are going mad like Gota?
            First you better learn to love yourself.

  • 15

    THERE is more than one reason for arresting CHAMPIKA RANAWAKA. there is a possibility of arresting some muslim leaders such as RISHARD AND HISIBULLA and they want to make it clear to the middle eastern countries that they are not only going behind muslims but also budist singalease and law is maintained with out attacking one community.BUT THE WAY THEY ARE ACTING SO FAST THIS WILL INCREASE THE VOTE FOR UNP IN THE GENERAL ELECTION .

    • 9

      They misled the nation. Through their brutal media channels. They then became to the ones to be adulated. How long this would stay in the minds of people is no clue. However, people s awareness is disturbed the very two channels, that would even do any low level media tricks to achieve their commercial and hidden agenda.’
      As one who lived in America for a period of 15 long years, curmudgeon Gota should not tolerate the kind of any ill practices being carried out by his unethical group men. How many more days he could tolerate them, if GOTA is different from the other. WILL reveal in next days. ‘
      Today, B Onion and all other daily food items have gone up, but abusive very same media make not alerts ad had been before. This means, the total nakedness of the media is fully revealed.
      Most abusvie mafia boss, Mahind Burupaksha has become weeraya, before the stupid masses, even if he has been abusing the state fund for his show offs ( even to travel from short distances, he has been using helicopter on the chanrges of tax payers funds). WHY PEOPLE ARE MADE THIS MUCH OF BLIND ?
      Is that lot to do with the so called BUDDHAGAMA practises which is being placed above inthe society of the country.- even if BUDDHAGAMA is not even close to the TRUE teachings of LORD BUDDHA.
      Just imagine, that SAFRON wrapped, MOST abusive chief incumbent in Kelaniya temple, the way, he abused his social acceptance in misleading the worshipers lately. Who came up to protest the bugger monk ? NO body, the style of thepeople behaved was .. almost like those POOR indians keep drinking highly poluted RIVER water in india, thinking that is that sacred.

    • 4

      Gone are the days, people enjoyed democracy. Coming ahead will be a dictatorship. Since last months, I have the feeling that many SOCIAL media video makers exercise some short of self censoredness. They dont seem to have guts to criticise unbelievable price hikes of some daily food items. No matter, the prices go up, they seem to be enjoying on WALL arts …. to me,wall arts are okay, but if that is going tbe exaggerating,…. so people would nt like it any more. If those want to see, the city corners as in the interior of a museum or a temple,.. that would be okay, but not all people would have the same taste.
      Wall arts are just to appease the stupid people. Already now, the entire world is criticising GOTA s govt.
      Gota is no differnt to the others, that would abuse their power abusing his presidency. That Udaya Gammapila is ahigly alleged criminal, whose case is being heard in Australia yet today.
      Mahindananda s son killed a police officer in the midnight…… nothing like the law reacted on him.
      They have made lanken police and any authority like them, so that they can stay UNTURN even if they rape the people on broad day life. People like cows, nod the heads…. why do people fall this much of obsequent…. why ?

  • 5

    Should have mentioned how King Pyrrhus of Epirus died.
    Pyrrhus of Epirus (319 – 272 BC) was actually a relative of Alexander the Great.
    His died in 272 BC in a internal dispute in the city of Argos.
    An old woman threw a tile from a roof knocking him off his horse and snapping his spine.
    And an enemy soldier rushed in and beheaded him.
    Should keep in mind that any well laid plan can be derailed by an unexpected incident.

    • 3

      Thank God our Keselwatta Preme supporters do not live even in Two Story Town Houses..

      • 1

        Of course…
        They prefer to live in government provided houses eating government provided used tampons….
        The perfect utopia for them.

    • 4

      S.C. Pussqual – Is there a plan where you could be knocked off from this column?

  • 5

    The vision MMC to build an exceptional road infrastructure for the nation influencing its economic development Benefits of the Projects that they had identified A good system shortens the road to the goal. Standing in the middle of the road is very dangerous; you get knocked down by the traffic from both sides.( for advice of india & China ) During British period Opportunities were created for Ceylonese entrepreneurs, and for the employment was readily available. However, roads and railways helped to reduce the isolation of the villages, and increased trade gradually pulled the rural population into the monetary economy now reaping the fruits International thinking A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move to higher And this is What this world needs

  • 8

    Good that Rajan Philip’s is concentrating more on politics in Europe and elsewhere. I would like to continue reading his fine analysis of events when the media atmosphere becomes clearer. I wouldn’t want his career abruptly cut short.

  • 6

    Scotland is entitled to Independence.. It is Scottish Land, before the English took it over.

    But Boris promising to divide Srilanka is laughable Because Srilanka never had two states let alone two Independent Nations.

    Brexit is good for the English as well as the Scottish and the Welsh as well.

    They do not want to work under Indians, Chinese, Africans, or the Arabs in years to come as Britain gets swamped by the Migrants mainly illegal who come through those European borders but want to settle in England.

    I am not sure it is politically correct or not This is what I heard from the English people..

    Mr Rajan Phillips and his mates tried every which way to white wash the corrupted to the core UNP Government which brought the Economy down to 1.6 % .
    And decimated the Tourist Industry by paving the way for the Suicide Attacks on the Catholic –
    I don’t think even King Phyrrhus could beat it..

    Thankfully 7 Million inhabitants did a Boris to save their Country and their Livelihood.

    • 4

      KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera

      1. First get your history right.
      2. Second get your information right.
      3. Third fact check before you start typing.
      4. Don’t force me remind you what Mark Twain said all those long years ago:
      “Better to Remain Silent and Be Thought a Fool than to Speak and Remove All
      5. The man 7 Million elected only a few weeks ago has been going stark raving
      bonkers, couldn’t remember what he said a few days ago, and gloat he is a strong
      man, …..
      6. What on earth are you talking about?

      • 1

        Native Vedda,

        You are the fool
        LTTE also wanted to silence the Sinhala Buddihst Identity.
        Ultimately the idiot VP had to hide under water.
        Even the human shield crossed over to the safety of the Sri Lanka Army.

        You are also nothing better than bloody Prbhakaran the IDIOT.

    • 3

      “Scotland is entitled to independence. It is Scottish land before English took it over.”. In the same way Tamils are entitled to independence. According to archaeology and genetics, Sri Lanka was the land of Dravidian Saivites before Sinhala Buddhists took it over. This is the position of BJP which says Sri Lanka is a Hindu country where Buddhists have become a majority and have suggested creation of a Hindu majority state and a Buddhist majority state as union territories. At the time of Portuguese conquest, Sri Lanka had three sovereign states – Jaffna, Kotte and Kandy. British who did not return the sovereignty to Tamils when they left, have the moral obligation to correct this wrong doing. This is exactly the policy of British government whichever party comes to power of accountability, justice and reconciliation. British government held a referendum in Scotland a few years ago in which Scottish people voted against independence. Another referendum will be held in the near future. Sri Lanka is not holding a referendum among Tamils for independence, as it is a foregone conclusion. How can you hear from English people, when you are hiding under the bed in fear of LTTE supporters. This time Indians came out in large number to support Brexit. This is why Boris Johnson has thanked Tamils for their services. Noose is being tightened around the necks of those voted in by stupid 7 million inhabitants of sorry Lanka.

      • 3

        Tamils are considered an Evil in Srilanka. However, nearer an election they are considered a’ “Necessary Evil”. After the election, the party which got the majority of their votes soft-pedal their issue until the next elections- so it goes and goes and goes..

      • 0

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  • 6

    Thanks Rajan for an insightful article.
    I am dismayed to see how some individuals use the Colombo Telegraph as a forum to insult people based on their communal affiliations!
    It is a case of sublime to mundane!

  • 3

    Gots is in a hurry to kick all his opponents and make a polsambal curry of Sri Lanka resembling Myanmar, the fool is thinking the people will abide by his decisions, Sri Lankens are a funny lot, they have killed two presidents, injured one on the eye, and if Gots is not careful, he might have to deal with a calamity.
    How far can Gots push, before the worm turns.

  • 3

    It took me a long time to understand this well-compiled article by a renowned Tamil writer.
    The current president spoke in garbles during his period of campaigning for the plum position.
    On the hustling’s in main Sinhala Buddhist areas, he spoke with a vicious racist fork of a tongue and elsewhere he was pleading to be given the opportunity to make the sorry nation where the citizens of the various different tribes can abode contended without any deliberate discrimination.
    Come on the 17th November he showed the common gentry as to what he is really all about.
    He chose as his spot to take oaths to sit in the gold-coated chair a scared so Buddhist place of worship which reeks of humanistic petty racism.
    The millions of rupees wasted on this could have saved the sunken coffers of the already drowned bankrupt island where these funds could have made use of to bring relief for the 98% of the masses who are living in dire poverty and most of them find it difficult to consume even one full meal for a day.
    Then he has called upon the much world-famous war criminal triad forces comprising of the army, air force the navy along with the police and the civil guards to do his cheap dirty deeds by giving them extraordinary powers to cull any who attempt to be a pain in the bum to his ways of thinking and doing things.
    The cost of living is shooting towards the moon, inflation is going up by the second and these will not benefits will off any artificial benefits which will occur to the artificial increases in the wages.
    The currency better known as the rupee is gradually decreasing in it’s value. Export income will be appreciated but imports which are badly needed to keep the nation’s wheels in motion will and have gone through many a roof.

    • 1

      Same was done by TNA
      TULF wanted to fry the Sinhalese in hot oil – this is what was blerted out in Jaffan during election time.
      These are the seeds that grew into the LTTE that ultimately
      bumped off Amurthalingam also.

      India nurtured the LTTE and they only realised their folly after the IPKF was beaten and Rajeve Gandhi bumped off.

      Bloody politicians Sinhala , Tamil, Muslim , Indian , Amariacan all are same.

  • 2

    Trump’s impeachment is simply a political game. The complain is Ukraine influenced the elections oh the USA.
    Modi’s problems are because of something like MCC -compact to India and India is a member of BRICS etc., Pakisthan is in the same boat.
    As long as the corrupt parliament and over 1000 of NGOs are there Sri lanka is not out of Problems. Sri lankan people will help the new president, because it is their victory, if president tries take control over the parliament. Sri lankan parliament must be something that is listening to the president. Otherwise, NGOs, International community etc will control the parliament. Even the opposition leader should be some one who feels Sri lankan and not one like Ranil, Mangala, CBK etc.,
    It is enough time sinhala people lost every thing of their’s since 1505 and 2019 was supposed to be the election that nailed sinhala -buddhists and Hindus for good.

  • 2


    t is still early days for the new President and former Defence Secretary, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, and even his worst critics are wishing him well and are hoping that he would be able to break the country’s vicious political cycle even if he is not able to turn it into a fully virtuous cycle during his term in office. Even the President’s assertions that the problems of the Tamils and the Muslims can be readily solved through economic development without talking about devolution, could be well taken for their well-meaning intent regardless of their understandably ill-informed prem:

    You really are Naive . Gotha doesnt want to develop your land. He wants to Develop to Colonise. Wake up to reality. He has already said so.

  • 2

    Mr. Rajan,
    You try to put the entire blame on the POLICE with regard to the Ranawaka’s hit and run case. It was a few bastards in the police who sided with Ranawaka and bent the law. Re-opening of Ranawaka’s case is mainly a re-investigation of this well-known tribal method practiced by the Yahapalana police during the last four and a half years. British colonialists used the same method between 1815-1948 against the majority Sinhalese: (e.g. 1915 Sinhala Muslim conflict).
    If the crime is committed by one of your men/women, try to hide it by twisting the law. If it is committed by one of theirs try to exaggerate the story with the sole purpose of extracting a huge ransom; if the money is not coming on time put him/her behind bars.

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