Buddhist monk Bohowatte Indararatna thero today set himself on fire in Kandy outside the Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic demanding an end to cattle slaughter, Sri Lanka’s first attempt at self-immolation by a monk, police said. He was rushed to the Kandy hospital with severe injuries and later transferred to General Hospital, Colombo.
crazyoldmansl / May 24, 2013
Wonderful news for importers. A whole new field will be burned open. Good for fisherpersons too and importers of tinned fish. A whole new perspective on what other than cattle can be slaughtered.
Sharia Boy / May 25, 2013
Universally everything lives..Human, Animals, trees, rivers, seas, volcanoes, mountains, seas, etc, etc, …. They all have specific roles to play maintaining the Middle path…
Even in Buddhism there are schools of thought that does not prohibit meat… Even if it is discouraged it is for the monks and not for the layman..
Buddha said……
“Monks, I allow you fish and meat that are quite pure in three respects: if they are not seen, heard or suspected to have been killed on purpose for a monk. But, you should not knowingly make use of meat killed on purpose for you.”
Also when Devadatta, the Buddha’s cousin tried to introduce Vegetarianism for monks the Buddha said no.
One Big crime I see here is that this monks has set a bad example and a precedence and he will be responsible for the others to follow him…..
Manesh Rajakaruna / May 25, 2013
JimSofty / May 25, 2013
Sharia boy:
How about you muslims killing your selves in order to have fun with 72 virgins.
Roy / May 25, 2013
If you become a politician in Srilanka you can have more than 72 without killing yourself.
Roy / May 25, 2013
How are we going to enjoy the BITES.
asoka t / May 25, 2013
Good one
72 tip cuts breaking 72 hymens!
DODU / June 2, 2013
asoka t! I missed your post. Anyway, let me reply now! Do you know the use of tip cut!
Tip- Cuts are sharp and penetrate deep into the hole looking for the end.
They looks like made for each other and ready to go in action at any time.
They will never get tired and will never cry untill the mission is completed.
They are beatutiful, have pure smell and will give utmost satisfaction.
They will never have a kitchi, Kitchi feeling when they starts to move in.
Your girls like to play with it, smell it and enjoy it!
Tip-Cuts do not have Pol Kudu (Coconut Dust) in them and will never have bad vomiting smell!
Only hymen can be satisfied from a tip cut.
This is the reason that Buddhist girls go behind tip-cuts.
If you wish you can go to KALEEL’S Nursing Home in Maradana and get your tip-cut ( may be painful at this age) and try at your home.
This is not an EKA GEYE KAMA! This is a real KEMA!
Sharia Boy / May 27, 2013
Whether Muslim or Non-Muslim killing another Human is inhuman and immoral. The exception to this rule is very minimal. ( even in Islam).
There is heaven and hell in all religions including Buddhism and the descriptions are also in similar line. Remember the story prince Nanda and Janapada kalyani ( one of the most beautiful ladies on earth). Nanda during his visit to one of the heavens seeing the nymphs ( beautiful heavenly ladies) compared janapada kalyani to a burnt ugly monkey. So what about the ladies who are not so pretty as janapada kalyani…….
A person may decide to do good / right thing for a reward like heaven or may avoid a sinful act/ a wrong to avoid hell. But the greatest is the person who chooses his actions with right understanding of his or her role in this live. This is what not only Islam but other faiths too teach ……..
Dude / May 25, 2013
Boy, oh boy, wasn’t this dude desperate for attention?!
JimSofty / May 25, 2013
WOW, A muslim preaches buddhism.
Gaya / May 25, 2013
Wow…a muzzie preaches fake buddhism. How about you muzzies killing cows and other animals except pigs in the name of your barbaric Allah?
Zaid / May 27, 2013
Even the Buddha must be embarrassed by you !
Anura / May 26, 2013
In Sinhalese, thoughts of this monk is describe as ‘MODA HARAKA’ (foolish like a cow). So at that moment, this monk’s thoughts were like a HARAKA and he killed that cow. Make sense !!!
Amarasiri / May 29, 2013
Here is some information, about the HARAKA, or Gon Haraka.
[Edited out]
Capricon / May 29, 2013
One good aspect I see is that the monk set an example for other monks to follow.The density of B.monks per 1000 of population is too high that they have become a law less community.They are as bad as the politicians.Come on Come on any more to follow.I wish to see another 1000 by 31.12.2013. Galagoda Aththe Gnanasara when will you perform hara kari. You will become immortal. You will be able to consume not arrack but the most expensive drink in the world. You will have 100 virgins a night. Mona Sepada!
Amarasiri / May 26, 2013
Yes, wonderful news for Importers,and bad news for Sri Lankan Farmers
Yes, the other countries, including India, China, Brazil, USA, EU, Argentina, Australian and others can lend a land to the Sri Lankan beef eaters.
In the meantime, there are cattle roaming the countryside destroying crops, and becoming a headache for farmers and reducing agricultural productivity.
Rank Country Total Slaughter (1000 HEAD)
1 India 42,100.00
2 China 40,900.00
3 Brazil 40,300.00
4 United States 32,612.00
5 EU-27 27,300.00
6 Argentina 12,400.00
7 Australia 8,100.00
8 Russian Federation 6,800.00
9 Mexico 6,300.00
10 Colombia 4,300.00
11 New Zealand 4,146.00
12 Canada 2,985.00
13 Ukraine 2,390.00
14 Uruguay 2,230.00
15 Venezuela 1,550.00
16 Egypt 1,340.00
17 Belarus 1,205.00
18 Japan 1,155.00
19 Korea, Republic Of 938.00
Year of Estimate: 2013
Source: United States Department of Agriculture
See also: Commodity prices
See also: Commodities market
Kap / May 27, 2013
What about poor neglected goats.. Let’s Talk to Venerable Rathana Thero.
dirty seththu / May 24, 2013
He is a great monk. Such breed is rare today.
Such kind of monk is good for Buddhism today because the mindset is focused.
It is unfortunate he self immolated but at least be valued even an life of an animal. This monk appears to have a high standard of values.
Wish him a speedy recovery.
AYMAN / May 24, 2013
Asanka / May 25, 2013
Ha ha ha a crazy muzzie teaches Buddhism. I thought this would happen after muzzies will read this news. Every muzzies vs sinhala Buddhist conflicts started after muzzies’ this kind of teaching. Yeah its true. Mulims upload videos about the buddhism that distort the buddhism and ask buddhists to convert to muslims. Search youtube videos regarding this. You ll get many, now they show it’s like Buddhist started everything. At that time no Sinhalese Buddhist organization was existed against muzzies.
Alla huwak Bar,
Bar Street,
Nabil / May 25, 2013
We do need clowns like you, since we miss Kekille!
Personally I am sad and disheartened at the standards and values we set for ourselves particularly the clergy when of all days the ven. thero chose Vesak to make his mark. He should have been in the Pansala participating in meritorious acts instead of participating in a circus with clowns like you cheering. Did you notice that the paragon and exemplar of Buddhist propaganda, Swarnavahini was on hand to film and show the gory event this Vesak to the whole world?
Please turn the search light inwards and ask yourself if “Muzzies” have to be bashed for every perceived ill in this country?
If you do not wish to eat meat its up to you not to do so and to teach the flock not to do so. If Buddhists refrain from eating meat the number of cattle slaughtered will dwindle. Instead asking to ban the slaughter of cattle is like locking up women to prevent prostitution!
I am not sure what your position on self immolation is;, the accepted norm is that it is treated as a crime and the person attempting suicide will have to go to jail. Will you endorse this position or blame Muslims for the thero setting himself on fire and ask Muslims be punished instead?
Are you saying that every time a radical and extremist ideology is to be implemented a bunch of people will threaten to self immolate unless it is acceded to by the government ………?
Grow up Asanka, use the time of vesak for reflection, I am sure you will discover there is more to life than hating Muslims
Marwan / May 25, 2013
Well articulated Nabil. It is more like the wrong thing to do by the wrong person at the wrong time. I thought it on;y happens in Tamilnadu and Tibet, but this one got me. More like a publicity stunt with the TV crew at hand to capture the moment. Poor restless soul. Being a monk makes it worse. Brainwashed with empathy for the animal kind, whilst so much of wanton killing of the human kind goes on unabated and ignored with impunity, I say it is a case of misplaced values. Partly we Muslims are to blame for not taking our message to him earlier. Buddhism has no solution to address such issues, as they are all man made laws. As such, they resort to the next known thing to get attention – self immolation.
Randy / May 25, 2013
Agreed with certain points but if Buddhism was man made laws and Muslim was God made laws, Why Muslims kill themselves and others in the name of God.
Fair N Square / May 27, 2013
CHARGE the crew and the on lookers, for NOT preventing a CRIME…. yes SUICIDE IS A CRIME. This is like assisted suicide that happens in USA, where terminally ill patients are helped by doctors to commit suicide…TO EASE PAIN THEY SAY. May be this monk was going through PAIN…
In a way it’s good none stopped him.. for, 1 less fool is a good thing…
Asanka / May 26, 2013
hmm, well Educated, intelligent muzzie has replied me. What do you think about right hand possess in quran(women POWs)?. Is that verse suitable to modern society ?. Declaring jihad wars against enemy and taking their wives as sex slaves. Don’t criticize others’ behavior while you are adhering to versus like this. Tell me your opinion about this kind of versus in your peaceful religion.
Count wives of prophet muhammad(PBUH :P)and comment the total here.
Alla huwak Bar,
Bar Street,
Nabil / May 28, 2013
If we had intelligent and real “Buddhies” instead of rogues like Solomon Dias B, Junius Richard J, running our country we would have been ahead of Singapore by now.
Since even in the 21st century, we still haven’t found any intelligent “Buddhies” we are now focusing and debating on cock and bull slaughter!
Thanks to intelligent “Buddhies” like you our economy, our values and our culture are all on reverse gear and I am sure we will reach our starting point of 2500 years ago sooner than anyone can imagine
JimSofty / May 25, 2013
Muslims say that Maithri Buddha is some muslim guy.
Muslims also say that wearing hijab, and women covering their whole body is spirituality.
Native Vedda / May 25, 2013
“Muslims also say that wearing hijab, and women covering their whole body is spirituality.”
Women don’t trust their men folks with their beauty and their body.
Men’s private parts are considerably faster than their brains, most of the time brain function is disabled just before private part is activated.
For the above reason not only women should wear Hijab but Chastity Belts as well.
Marwan / May 25, 2013
You presume that Muslim women don’t trust their men folks with their beauty and their body, and therefore resort to covering their bodies with the cloaks. It is not a question of trust but a solution to an unspeakable problem. I don’t know about your theory on brains and private parts, may be Native Vedda’s function that way. But in all other normal people, it is based on the Law of attraction. Drawing unnecessary attraction by females (married or unmarried) is Haram (prohibited or unlawful) in Islam, as this leads to promiscuity, broken marriages, mistrust in marriage partners, bastard children and a whole lot of misery carried as a burden for them. It is designed for their own self protection from the roving eyes of men, who will get easily get tempted when offered even half a chance. There are lot of Muslim women who don;t want to fall in line and openly flirt their assets, whilst there are equally many who are God fearing and do not wish to become public property, and therefore obediently cover themselves and lower their gaze. It is a form of self discipline to protect themselves whilst preventing others too from committing offence.
Teasive Sudda / May 25, 2013
…and lock upon the cranes of men.
AYMAN / May 25, 2013
Sinhalaya Modaya / May 25, 2013
Self Immolation? you must be really out of your mind to appreciate this crazy idiot? Is a suicide attempt could be appreciated whoever does it and for whatever the reason may be? It is a punishable offence? This MONK should be jailed after recovering according to Sri Lanka law? Is he setting a good example as a Buddhist Monk?
I will tell you one thing, there was a period that this Yellow Robe was well respected by every community and every other religion. But now by this crazy and filthy acts of Bodu Bala Sena and Monks of this kind that respect has been devalued? Now a days you could see ordinary people in facebook (even Sinhala Buddhists) abusing them? Time to come nobody will respect them or listen to them? They are digging their own grave???
Capricon / May 25, 2013
Did you see the photos of Balu Badu Sena eating chicken? So killing a fowl is not a crime but killing a cow is.This is a stage managed scenario. From where did the water come to douse the fire? How long did it take to bring the Helicopter.
Fair N Square / May 27, 2013
A stupid monk in a ROBE, who should have been in ROPES.. Stupidity at its best. He is NO BETTER than one of the Indians who set themselves on fire, thinking something will CHANGE… NOTHING will. A Stupid life lost, 1 down many more to go.. He may have thought he may attain Nirvana via committing suicide… STUPIDITY HAS NO BOUNDARIES….
ismath / May 24, 2013
Good one but have to stop eating fish,eggs and other meets too
Aaron jabez / May 24, 2013
Every religion says to follow their teaching to their own devotees and non of religion says to force their believes or teaching to other people…. If some one try to do that, then it is against to humanity… They have every right to say that not to eat or kill animals to Buddhist but they have no right say non-Buddhist to follow the same in By-force.. it is not fair… It is like Saudi king says to wear Hijaab to non Muslim Workers come to their country…. Do they need a Saudi version of Sri Lanka while they blame to Saudi Arabia????
D.M.O. Krazy / May 24, 2013
Is this in protest for “Slaughter of cattle” only?
What about the slaughter of chicken, goats and pigs and all the seafood?!
Unfortunately, no one, including monks will set themselves ablaze for the killing and disappearance of humans at the drop of a hat!
With all due respect to the clergy, they should be giving advice and not coming down to the level of the average human being in protest to worldly affairs!
“Do not overrate what you have received, nor envy others. He who envies others does not obtain peace of mind.”
Capricon / May 25, 2013
Why not slaughter some monks for food, better than PORK
Niburu / May 25, 2013
The voodooism they cosset is fifty-fifty cannibalism.
Doctor Noah / May 26, 2013
Do any Buddhist monk speak against abortion in Sri Lanka?
Doctor Noah / May 26, 2013
We are sorry, the comment language is English – CT
Doctor Noah / May 26, 2013
[Edited out]
Please write instead of posting links – CT
DillonDP / May 24, 2013
Well hope ya dead and remain …. that way every,,,,your just a peice of shit in this world. :D
Lakshaman Bandaranayake / May 24, 2013
Self immolation is a violent act, regardless of the motive. Karuṇā (compassion) is one of the divine adobes preached by Gautam. The compassion starts with oneself. I am at a loss to understand why a buddhist monk, who called themselves the guardians of Gautam’s teachings, attempt to kill themselves. They should demonstrate the adherence to all four “divine adobes”” Metta, mudita, karuna and upekka (Loving kindness, sympathetic joy, compassion and equanimity).
The institutionalization of Buddhism has demeaned the wonderful teachings of Gautam Buddha. Acts such as self-immolation and all action by BBS and other militant buddhist movements will only distant gullible masses from the true meaning of Buddha’s teachings.
gulambee / May 24, 2013
Do not know the most valuable soul.
Bumble Bee / May 25, 2013
The valuable was the respected Robe the pyromaniac worn.
Darshan / May 24, 2013
We salute him. We need more monks like him who fight for actual cause what god made him for than like others who create more racism and violence in the country.
May god bless him and we pray for him to get well soon.
Capricon / May 25, 2013
Hope that he goes to hell
Fair N Square / May 27, 2013
M.Sivananthan / May 24, 2013
Sad but the act gives a message for all on the values of Buddhism!
DODU / May 24, 2013
This is what you are doing in India against Buddhists.
AYMAN / May 25, 2013
ponkoh sivakumaran / May 24, 2013
If cow slaughter is so bad, what about the slaughter of countless Tamils over the years.
Bedrock Barney / May 24, 2013
….or countless buddhist over the centuries. (circa 200BC – 1200) The funny thing is the identity of the aggressor changes depending on where you peg history.
Leela / May 25, 2013
ponkoh sivakumaran,
Look at the situation during the long years of war: 600-774 surrendered Sri Lankan Police officers were massacred on 11 June 1990 by LTTE; 147 Muslims that were praying in Kattankudy mosque were massacrd on 3 August 1990 by LTTE; 146 Buddhist pilgrims were massacre on 14 May 1985 in Anuradhapura by LTTE; 127 passengers in a bus were massacred in Habarana on 17 April 1987 by LTTE. List can on and on for thousands and thousands of murders by LTTE.
And LTTE were an all out Tamil outfit. Tamils manned it and financed it and supplied it with arms. So Tamils were murderous as well not just the victims as you tried to project. Many civilian people all hue and cry die in a war situation. That’s what happened during the last 30 odd years.
I am grateful for Rajapakses for he had end the war. He put a stop to all human bombs and other bombs. He stopped all war like killings. But nowhere in the world has perfect peace. We have a better relative peace than most countries in the world. That’s the truth. We enjoy the best relative peace for a long time. Majority people doesn’t want to upset it.
Boomawalage / May 25, 2013
Cruella; So you consolidate your history of evidence to even the arguments against Tamils to substantiate the Sinhala atrocities on Tamils as a just cause, even not equating them to the standards of beasts. Where on earth is you righteousness and philial love towards fellow mankind other than bogus interpretation of Ahimsa on Cattle love.
Siri / May 25, 2013
Leelawathi, this is a great chance for you to attack muslims.. :(
so will you also ask other meat producers to stop killing those animals too ?
Is your ultimate goal to force people to become vege and vegans ?
Vegan Pomp / May 25, 2013
Herbivorous! The dark side of Rawism.
Threats, bullying, and harassment: another extremist tactic.
The use of threats and bullying provide dietary extremists with yet another weapon to harass people and to try to silence those who dare to challenge their idealistic, “compassionate” dietary dogma. Just a few examples are provided, as follows.
This writer was the target of what could have been interpreted as an implicit death threat from a raw/fruitarian group widely considered (opinion) to behave at times in ways similar to a hate group (time period here was Summer 1997). While the implied threat was couched in hypothetical terms, and could also have been easily interpreted as mere bluster, an individual from the same group did eventually threaten actual physical harm at a later date. (See “1998 Raw Expo” below.)
One vegan extremist, widely regarded as a “kook” on Internet, is notorious for threatening people with libel lawsuits. Although most people don’t pay serious attention to the individual, the individual may be an example of another socially disabled dietary fanatic.
Threats surrounding 1998 Raw Expo (San Francisco). At the request of the organizer of a Raw Expo in 1998 (San Francisco), this writer did not attend because the raw/fruitarian group mentioned above was reportedly threatening to disrupt the event and/or possibly physically assault this writer, if he appeared at the Expo. This “Expo affair” provides an interesting view into the warped thinking and behavior that is condoned in some raw circles.
[Edited out]
priya / May 26, 2013
Even Hitler was a vegetarian. So vegetarians are not necessarily opposed to killing of human beings.
Bedrock Barney / May 24, 2013
Self Immolation is no joke. An act committed out of sheer desperation.
The constitution gives Buddhism the foremost place in SL. What does this mean exactly? Is this monk wanting a ban on cattle slaughter within the Kandy city limits? Given the religious connotations with regard to the city of Kandy, fair enough.
If on the other hand he means a country wide ban, which is totally at variance as with our dietary requirements(especially with the popularity of rugby skyrocketing), then some clarity is required. So we all know what is what.
That would require the Govt to educate the people as to what giving Buddhism a foremost place means.
Capricon / May 25, 2013
Bedrock Barney- What self immolation. A well stage managed scenario
Mohamed Ahmed / May 24, 2013
This monk has set fire on himself today in Sri lanka,reason was people are eating meat and slaughtering animals, okay fair enough. But my simple argument is that in Burma, this monk’s brethren monks are killing innocent people mercilessly not only killing, the dead bodies were eaten and shared by these people. One side a man is killing himself for slaughtering animals on the other side human are slaughtered like worst than animals, so which is the teachings of Buddhism? I still can’t get the logic here. please comment and say something. So this is what the teachings of Buddhism?
DODU / May 24, 2013
Please do not ask these questions. Don’t you know those are allowed in Buddhism.
Leela / May 25, 2013
Dodo, Do you do everything as written in the Koran, Hadith and Sira? Of cause not.
Different Mullah interpret the Koran in different ways. Sunnis has their way and Shia has theirs and Ahamadiya has theirs. Each one think they alone are right. That’s ok if they don’t kill each other. They kill each other and think that way they can take a short cut to Allah’s heaven. There is no end to Muslim madness.
At least both Mahayana and Therawada agrees that Buddha asked his disciples to decide themselves on what he preach is right and what he preach is wrong. So, they don’t kill each other to reach Nirwana. You Muslims are allowed no such freedom or at least developed some freedom like that. Everyday you get more and more into a narrow dogma: If you don’t follow the word of Allah you are told that you end up in hell for ever.
DODU / May 25, 2013
Leela O Leela, Just in another page you said Mahayana and Theravada are different. From where do you learn these lies. Is this in Tripideka? Can’t you remember you all chased the Mahayana from Sri Lanka for centuries ago and forced Theravada on Buddhists. Leela, I woild like to remind you that we are also living in this world with you and know Buddhism better than you. During JR’s time you ( I saw you there) and your monks chased a Mahayana Monk from Sri Lanka, who came here to put up a Mahayana Temple. You are asking about religious tolerance. Bull Shit! Killing is justified in Buddhism!
Who said Buddhists do not kill another Buddhist. Pol Pot, frustrated by Buddhist teaching, is a Buddhist who killed over 3 million Buddhists in Cambodia. Vietnam war was fought between among Buddhists countries, south,north Vietnam and Laos which killed over for million of which over 75% are Buddhists. Korean War again Buddhists killed. In the 2nd World war in which Japan was the main partner killed over 75 million and most effected are the Japanese Buddhists! You are climbing on top of a coconut tree wearing an AMUDE and shouting Buddhism never perches violence! Buddhism never tells to kill another Buddhist. Do you think we are all blind?
Ravana / May 25, 2013
Keep going DODU. Your answers to this LIAR Leela is Lekker/Brilliant. This man who in hundrends of Pseudonyms misleading the Sinhala Public with his lies and deceptions the same way Gnanasara does with the robe. He pretends as if he is an expert of the Koran, Bible, thora, Githa, Thripitakaya and Pansiya Panas jathakaya. He knows nothing and absolutely nothing. He picks and choose few words/sentences from those holy books here and there and then twist & turn things for his preferences. He has only one agenda – Keep Rajapaksa in power by hook or bu crook. what he overlooks is that this regime is hanging by a thread.
DODU / May 25, 2013
Dear Rawana, read my reply about violence in Buddhism as a reply to his comments about Islam under ” Unedited Version of The London Killer’s Justification” CT, May 24th. I nave given proof from Buddhist Holy Text to show him there are ample Sutras which advocate Violence. He is now trying to escape citing division within his own religion. Another fake I’d Lester hiding behind atheism.
Capricon / May 25, 2013
Leela baduwa. Did not Madihe man request the then President to get the robed idiot who became a Mahayanist in Japan to be shot dead at the Air Port itself.
Primiti Pagoda / May 25, 2013
Knavish Loola, aren’t there any end to your blind retorts. Do you know your rogue Buddhist regime, the rogue Buddhist cohorts and the rogue Buddhist ‘You’ are the ones mostly stained with the blood of innocent humans of which a million curse on you by the Good Man Buddha will not suffice, you will eat the wrath of Nirvana & its Parinirvana in the realms of fire.
AYMAN / May 25, 2013
Anura / May 26, 2013
If you ever feels like getting gasoline and do similar act to save your kind (GONNA>HARAKA)
I’ll get you couple of liters of gasoline for free
NAK / May 25, 2013
It is more illogical to try to learn about Buddhism through comments others make. If you really want to know what the lord Buddha preached use your imagination,the internet is full of sites where you can get the information use seek. The actions of some people who call themselves Buddhists should not be confused as Buddhism. If the person bearing th robe does not practice the dhamma as he is supposed to and engage in other activities they are also prone to breakdowns as any other lay person.
As for this particular monk,it was reported that he entered monkhood in 2001.Just twelve years and that is not much to make him an expert in the Dhamma but he has got fixated on an issue in which he thought it worth throwing his life which again is a no no according to Buddha dhamma.
Navin / May 24, 2013
Don’t we already have enough comedians in this country? This type of antics are a real nuisance.
Manjula / May 24, 2013
We are sorry the comment language is English – CT
Vivek Vedivel / May 24, 2013
We are sorry the comment language is English – CT
Anna / May 24, 2013
First Halal ,, now meat… Setting a very bad example to this country. Quite shameful! Moral of this incident;
” if you don’t get what you want,, set yourself on fire”
People really should not tolerate these acts! Just foolish…
Siri / May 24, 2013
Once upon a time only, we had wise buddhist monks. This kind of acts by bigoted monks tarnish the image of lanken Buddhism. Buddhism is a great philosophy to everyone^s eye. How come – hindu type of offerings could help speeding up their wishes ?
Native Vedda / May 25, 2013
The monk wanted to stop the slaughter of cattle. What a noble idea. Stupid people like you pride yourself for being brave. Ready to kill fellow human being and be killed them is somehow thought to be heroic and patriotic, foolishly of course.
Out of love for animals he is ready to sacrifice his life rather than killing and eating those beasts.
You say:
“People really should not tolerate these acts! Just foolish…”
If the monks don’t listen to you set them on fire. It will teach them a lesson and stop them being foolish.
Anna / May 25, 2013
What on earth are you ranting about? Malle pol! Stupid people like you love to jump to conclusions. Ha ha ha…. What do you know about me to say that I tolerate a human being killed? I value human life. That is why I don’t tolerate such foolish acts.
This monk is no better than BBS,, just another thug in robes who has stooped to the level of threats and ultimatums …
Just sad that you think self-immolation is a noble act. Get with the times native Vedda!
Native Vedda / May 25, 2013
Please reread my comment:
“The monk wanted to stop the slaughter of cattle. What a noble idea. “
Stopping slaughter of animals was the noble idea.
Stupid people like you love to jump to conclusions.
You must be either a stupid Tamil or stupid Sinhalese.
You say:
” I value human life. That is why I don’t tolerate such foolish acts.”
Do you really? Since when?
Primiti Pagoda / May 25, 2013
How immoral is he to immolate himself, foolish like the spooky Jatakas.
In the “Hungry Tigress” Jataka, Prince Sattva (the stupid Reality) looked down from a cliff and saw a starving tigress that was going to eat her newborn cubs, and compassionately sacrificed his body in order to feed the tigers and spare their lives.
In the “Sibi Jataka”, King Sibi (a Malayalee not a Balochi) was renowned for unselfishness, and the Hindu gods Sakra (the Mahout)and Vishvakarman (Jack of all trades) tested him by transforming into a hawk and a dove. The dove fell on the king’s lap while trying to escape the hawk, and sought refuge. Rather than surrender the dove, Sibi offered his own flesh equivalent in weight to the dove, and the hawk agreed. They had rigged the balance scale, and King Sibi continued cutting off his flesh until half his body was gone, when the gods revealed themselves, restored his body, and blessed him.
Anna / May 25, 2013
Stopping the slaughter of animals is a GOOD idea. But the method used persuading to stop this act kinda throws the whole NOBLE part out the window, does it not?
I’m neither Tamil, Sinhalese or stupid Veddi .. Guess again! Or I’ll give you a hint. Please reread my name again.
Thambiya / May 25, 2013
THE IDIOT OF THE YEAR!!! Killing himself in order to save the Cows? All over the world there are people eating meat? Even in Buddhist countries like Thailand,japan,China,Burma,Vietnam & Cambodia etc: There is no problem in those countries for slaughtering of cows? In those countries Buddhists them self are slaughter the cows for the market. Only in Sri Lanka it is a long term practice that Muslims are engaged in this trade? But majority of Buddhists are consuming including the MONKS? (behind the doors). So this problem is not aimed at slaughtering of cow? It is another issue like “Halal” just to attack the Muslim community? Why talk about cow so much? then what about the killing of other animals for meat? is it permissible? These all nonsense? these Monks don’t have any other job to do than creating rift between communities time to time? I really can’t understand how educated people in this forum support them and talk in favour of them? Is it simply because they are Buddhists?
Fair N Square / May 27, 2013
but Veddahs get their prey by hunting.. is Killing animals allowed in Veddhaism? just in lighter vein…
Leela / May 25, 2013
Description of morality depends on what you believe is right and wrong. You have to understand that the morality of ‘One God’ followers can be different to that of Hindus and Buddhists. You eat the cow and Hindus worship the cow and Buddhists respect the cow immensely for its service.
Native Vedda / May 25, 2013
“You eat the cow and Hindus worship the cow and Buddhists respect the cow”
Don’t the Sinhala/Buddhists and Tamil/Saivaites marry them?
Leela / May 25, 2013
Eye witness told me that he saw Vedda doing it for real. heee
Dukkapavattana Leelaya / May 25, 2013
It is you nidorous animal who prefer coitus on ducks.
Native Vedda / May 25, 2013
Dukkapavattana Leelaya
Please don’t be too harsh on she man.
APa Litha / May 25, 2013
You eat milk and drink cow dung. Fool, Read the RigVeda ending verses which says ‘Whatever the avatars are, there is only One God’, away from your susceptible theory of apocryphal Buddhism.
AYMAN / May 25, 2013
AYMAN / May 25, 2013
Siri / May 24, 2013
There will be health problems (anaemia) found among the many if they would ban eating beef within the country. Developing country people like ours suffer from iron malignancy.
Tell tham to eat Steel for iron malignancy.
Fair N Square / May 27, 2013
LOL… Julam u just cracked me up with ur sarcasm…
NAK / May 25, 2013
Spinach! is the answer not Beef!!
Siri / May 25, 2013
You have no idea man.
Spinach cant be the answer for iron intake. Please check it out before trying to add this kind of comments.
Abstract: richest foods in heme iron
Food Serving Size Iron % Guideline
clam 100g 28 mg 155%
pork liver 100g 18 mg 100%
lamb kidney 100g 12 mg 69%
cooked oyster 100g 12 mg 67%
cuttlefish 100g 11 mg 60%
lamb liver 100g 10 mg 57%
octopus 100g 9.5 mg 53%
mussel 100g 6.7 mg 37%
beef liver 100g 6.5 mg 36%
beef heart 100g 6.4 mg 35%
Abstract: richest foods in non-heme iron
Food Serving Size Iron % Guideline
soybeans 250ml 9.3 mg 52%
raw yellow beans 100g 7 mg 39%
lentils 250ml 7 mg 39%
falafel 140g 4.8 mg 27%
soybean kernels 250ml 4.7 mg 26%
toasted sesame seeds 30g 4.4 mg 25%
spirulina 15g 4.3 mg 24%
candied ginger root 30g 3.4 mg 19%
spinach 85g 3 mg 17%
Native Vedda / May 25, 2013
“There will be health problems (anaemia) found among the many if they would ban eating beef within the country.”
Sri Lankies suffer from stupidity, no way this is going to worsen their health.
Yakapotino / May 25, 2013
Once, Kavun stood as a symbol of stupidity commonly attributed to the Sanghalese.
Native Vedda / May 25, 2013
How about Panam Kottai, the symbol of stupidity commonly attributed to Jaffna man?
Vetty Ninda / May 25, 2013
“O those Panangottos”, that irresistible Pinatu brain with the tubular roots of ‘odiyal’ bruises, typically the likes of the genus ‘Jaffnapathans’.
DODU / May 26, 2013
Let buggers to die
Hiruni / May 24, 2013
Pathetic! This act is completely against so many principles of Buddhism and inhumanely wrong on so many different levels. Firstly self immolation is considered suicide and teachings of Buddhism has vehemently stated against Suicide. You do not have any right to kill a living being and that applies to yourself too.
Secondly you don’t have the right to impose your opinions on others. You cannot force your believes and philosophies on someone else. Demanding the end of slaughter of cattle is equivalent to disregarding the wants and needs of rest of the population who might have a difference of opinion especially when it comes to dietary habits.
The mere fact that he opted for such a gruesome and gory way to state his opinion is disturbing and makes me wonder at how affective the impartation of teachings of Buddhism is nowadays.
Being a Buddhist myself, and observing the recent happenings of Sri Lanka, I’m ashamed and disheartened at the current state of sangha shasanaya.
Siri / May 24, 2013
I thought buddhist monks are wise. How can he become exemplary by trying to commit suicide burning himself.. in a nation whose suicidal deaths were the highest few years ago ? Lankens give the world- this kind of emotional images only.. shame shame.. Even trying for commiting suicide is a punishable act in Europe, what laws we have against that in SL, can anybody add facts about this please ?
NAK / May 25, 2013
Well, you know now you thought wrong,someone becomes wise not by wearing a robe but learning and practice of what you learn. Clearly ther is a deficeincy here of both.
Even though suicide for personal reasons is common in Sri Lanka suicide for a common cause is rare.
Not only europe suicide is illegal in Sri Lanka and is a punishable offence,only if you fail in your attemp that is.
Netizen / May 25, 2013
According to news reports, there is an accomplice… a man who doused him with petrol. The police are looking for the accomplice. So, now this monk has caused that man to commit a criminal offence and also a heinous karmic act that will cause him immense karmic suffering. Rather than issues about cattle slaughter, this is a more importantly a wake up call to the monks in the maligawa and the Sri Lankan sanga in general who turn a blind eye to the behaviour of their misguided peers!
Siri / May 25, 2013
If this particular monk could have been Ghanasara – some of us couLd have made our mind up… because the manner he recently had been been behaving was totally against buddhism… as it is the case in Buddhism, karma could work on the criminals in the living life itself.
Siri / May 25, 2013
These should be single cases. Authorities should investigate them properly, not allowing any other news to be spread through the very incident. Then only ours could become a civilized society. Right at the moment, from what we hear – our society should be far worst than two decades ago. This is what Rajapakshes have done to this country. Whatever I hear from SL have nothing like to praise us. Buddhist monks have become violent with the patronage of govt. Human rights are not protected, nor have they improved them following UN resolution … we are sinking…
AYMAN / May 25, 2013
C_Tok / May 25, 2013
A child’s destiny based on a astrologer’s verdict. All Buddhists depend too much on Astrology, whereas Astrology alone is shady in character. It is more subjective from one to another, thus we can safely presume a man’s destiny is defined on falsehood. No wonder the outcome is loose canons like the one in flames and BBS half baked pandithayas.
Sama / May 25, 2013
Who told you the lie ?
Why cant you read it properly if you really want to inform yourself ?
Fair N Square / May 27, 2013
Buddhist monks are NOT WISE , BUT VICE….
Roger Kumar / May 24, 2013
This problem is easily solved . The RAjapakse Government adopt and pass legislation to ban cow , bills and buffaloa slaughter . I think such legation is in order as Sri Lanka is a Buddhist Nation by Majority and the minorities have to co-operate and live amicably with the Singhala Buddhists.
DODU / May 24, 2013
This is what called Buddhists’ violence.
Roger Kumar / May 24, 2013
Correction:- Bulls not Bills . Sorry for typo error
Marwan / May 25, 2013
You are forgiven this time, but not for promoting the ban on slaughter for food. If you didn’t know, you are invariably killing insects and animals all the time. If a poisonous snake enters your home, you will kill it before it kills you, mosquitoes are worthy targets to get a good nights sleep. By administering worm treatment, it is actually about killing weaker animal to ensure survival of the stronger. Live fetus is destroy for various reasons. Are these not killing? What happens to all the bounty of fish in the oceans and rivers? Then why this hypocrisy – Don’t kill animals but you can eat them? This is what Buddhism is all about. Makes no sense. We call it nonsense.
AYMAN / May 25, 2013
papal bull – a formal proclamation issued by the pope (usually written in antiquated characters and sealed with a leaden bulla)
Omar / May 25, 2013
He set fire on himself as a protest to save the cattle. Most of the people talk against slaughter of cow not because they love this animal but because they love to hate Muslims. If Muslims stop eating beef and start eating for instant pork, they all will change their policy and talk against killing swines.
Native Vedda / May 25, 2013
“Most of the people talk against slaughter of cow not because they love this animal but because they love to hate Muslims.”
Are we assuming here that Sinhala/Buddhists and Tamil/Saivaites do not eat beef?
zaith / May 27, 2013
whos said he fired him self..
check this out…
Rooster / May 25, 2013
This is very good. What a brave son of Sri Lanka. Wish it was GnanaStan instead. Let’s wait and see who else will do such a brave thing. I have a long wish list.
Opps…sorry, guess I have over looked something. Wasnt GnanaStan eating Chicken Buriyani in the USA a few weks ago. Its so disappointing. Well I shouldnt lose hope LEELA, LESTER, Sivanadan, Truth Seeker, KAS so on are all equally brave bunch of guys.
Lakshan Bandara / May 25, 2013
Stop animal slaughter with government involvement in Sri Lanka!
I am deeply moved to see ven.Bowatte Indrarathane thero’s sacrifice as a great human voice with empathy towards innocent animals.
As a fact, Cattle slaughter is taking place with the approval and encouragement of the Government of Sri Lanka.
I hold President of Sri Lanka, responsible to the said fact.
As people of the country (owner), I have knowledge (in law) and sovereign power to completely stop Government involvement in animal slaughter, by superseding the constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. To counter all petty legal arguments of government officials is very simple.
I mean no harm to the political stability in my country and do not challenge eating rights of people.
If you condemn animal slaughter in Sri Lanka, I wish to hear your thoughts as well.
Email: grlm_bandara@yahoo.co.uk
Name: Lakshan Bandara
Marwan / May 25, 2013
Animal slaughter FOR FOOD is not going to go away anytime soon. The argument supporting it is not convincing enough. Buddhism says you can eat but you should not kill, nor be a witness to it being killed. But if it is served on a platter as a steak, or a devilled prawns or some delicacy, then it becomes acceptable to eat. What can be more hypocritical than that.
Siri / May 25, 2013
Sri Lanka presently produces only 20% of its milk requirements. Cattle and buffaloes are needed in Sri Lanka to increase milk production. Sri Lankans do not need to eat beef because they can get their animal proteins from milk, fish, eggs and other meats. Cattle and buffalo – who do nothing but serve us – do not deserve to be killed in the barbaric manner in which they are presently slaughtered, particularly in a country that is predominantly buddhist.
Will the government have the “guts” to ban slaughter of cattle and buffaloes altogether? The Muslims can also manage without beef in Sri Lanka. After all, can we eat pig meat in any country in the middle east?
Vivek / May 25, 2013
so fish is not a living soul you fool? killing it isn’ta sin? where is the limit to your ignorance?
Fair N Square / May 27, 2013
He conveniently forgets that PLANTS have lives too… wonder if he can survive… stupid and double standards.. Bet he eats cake with NO egg, coz that egg could have been a chick, which would have been a fowl…so he DOES not eat …anything that has life…
muiz / May 25, 2013
If slaughtering cattle is a sin self-immolation must be a greater sin if i am not mistaken..
Lanka Muslim, UK / May 25, 2013
There are worst things taking place in the so-called Buddhist country. Liquor Bars are on the increase with state recognition and increasing number of Buddhists consume liquor; casinos, again with state recognition are on the increase creating more gamblers; what about other vices like rapes, child abuse. Are all these more serious violations of Buddhist principles. This self-immolation attempt seems to be another publicity stunt by a Monk to get some popularity like what the BBS been doing over the last several months and all have become complete lies and deception.
Citizen / May 25, 2013
I think the Buddhist monk Bohowatte Indararatna thero, was in a hurry to set himself on fire outside the Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic. It is a cowardly act. Instead he could have performed satyagraha in front of the temple. Non-violence has a greater force of attracting people to reconsider of cattle slaughter. Personally I am against cattle slaughtering. After all the cow gives us milk till we die after feeding its calf. One should observe its eye before it is slaugtered. It is speechless, it can only shed tears. Won’t it think that people are ungrateful after drinking its milk. Just for a moment why can’t the people think that cattle a household friend.
Citizen / May 25, 2013
This is an addition. It is time for BBS to look into the matter of cattle slaughtering. The should start an islandwide campaign ‘Save the cattle’.
Rooster / May 25, 2013
then what would gnanasara and other beef lovers eat? ateda?
Capricon / May 25, 2013
Their private parts
Nabil / May 25, 2013
In the west on an average 45 Kg of beef is consumed per person per year. In Sri Lanka it is 1.4 Kg. In context we hardly eat any beef.
We eat more chicken and fish and if you are counting lives we kill more when we eat poultry, or fish!
And I want to ask you Citizen, how is it all right to eat an egg when in reality it is an embryo and when you eat eggs aren’t you taking away a potential life?
Also how is it moral to drink cows milk? Do you have permission to milk the cow depriving her off-spring their share of nourishment?
Also did you not notice the irony of all this? The ven, thero is against the slaughter of cattle and not pigs! The life of a pig has no value because you cant hate Muslims when you go after slaughter of pigs!
The reality is that this world is not perfect and its strange that intelligent people don’t see the hypocrisy!
Citizen / May 25, 2013
Dear Nabil,
Who said egg is vegetarian. Egg falls within the category of non-vegetarian food.
I am not against any religion, but this is my view. All religions state that God created the Universe and the beings. God has given a physical body to every being. Every being has a right to live in this Universe. As far as Humans are concerned he has given the knowledge to utilize the natural resources created by God for his survival. Of the beings some animals and birds assist the humans in the everyday life of man., and therefore they become domestic animals and birds.
According to Nature’s Law ‘One living entity becomes the food for another living entity’. This argument is fit for wild beings with ferocious character. But God has created some animals with gentle character also for them to live with man. In this respect Cattle and goats falls within this purview. Of this, Cow stands as a symbol of sacred animal for various reasons.
When God creates beings with flesh and blood in the Universe, God never expects a man to take blood and flesh of another being into his physical body. The body of a man is not a graveyard for innocent murdered beasts. It is the earth that absorbs the physical body of every being, whether it is buried or cremated. There are arguments that milk is a product of the blood. There is a difference between the milk and blood. Blood always keeps the alive the being. The moment a being is dead the blood gets dried. But the milk is a product formed by natural process with more vitamin values. The difference is, milk is produced without violence, but blood is obtained with violence by cutting it. It is at this juncture one should think that just because a mother breast fed a child to develop its nourishment for its growth, does it mean that just because the child is lacking protein and vitamin, its mother should be cut and chopped into pieces to make a food out of it. Today there are thousands of Westerners have become vegetarians, including some of the Hollywood celebrities. Ancient Greek philosophers and even Bernard Shaw and several prominent figures are advocating vegetarianism and that we are doing justice to God.
zaith / May 25, 2013
dude i really dont undestand, y u guys shorten in to beef? y not others chicken, mutton, fish even plants….? do u think plant cant feel the way human does?
kautilya / May 25, 2013
It was reported that this monk was an ex JHU Pradeshiya Sabha member who was sacked from JHU for passing JHU information to BBS.
Any way this is the beginning of another wave of religious and nationalistic extremism. Government who is looking for some excuse to postpone or cancel the NCP polls, would take the advantage of this horrible stage play, will definitely encourage this type of circuses against the 13A and NPC polls through their BBS cabals. Await and see how many of yellow robed would set them selves on fire to spoil the NPC election.
Lanka Muslim, UK / May 25, 2013
I said it already. This Monk wants some publicity to cover-up some other problem. There could be even some criminal issue he is involved.
Native Vedda / May 25, 2013
Lanka Muslim
“This Monk wants some publicity to cover-up some other problem”
You mean like Weerawansa’s farce onto death.
Lanka Muslim, UK / May 26, 2013
Now Weerawansa has got another issue to shout about. He is asking the President to totally ban all cattle slaughtering in the country. May be he will take over the control of straying cattle.
Citizen / May 26, 2013
Dear Native Vedda,
I agree with you. Wimal Weerawansa was seen having non-vegetarian (short-eats) meals at a function held by the Chinese Embassy.
zaith / May 27, 2013
whoooooooooooooo fired him…………?
Sama / May 26, 2013
Weerawansa is the biggest OX/cow, so he is fear of being slaughtered soon or later… what he is into his protection rather for the sake of others..
Netizen / May 25, 2013
What will determine the ‘nobility’ of this priest’s act is not the act itself but the intention behind it – which is something only he would know since action does not always reflect intention. In any case, destruction of life, including one’s own life, is seen as a negative act. He may be sincere, but his more learned sanga should have advised him against it.
NAK / May 25, 2013
Nabil,The main reason the Buddhists and Hindus object to the killing of cattle is not just religeous. Cow is sacred because it serves us in many different ways and that is in our culture. It is like killing ones servent for meat. That is why the same importance is not atteched to pigs or chicken.If you try to understand this without the sarcasm, you might.
Just as much you insist on your right to consume beef,those who oppose slaughter have as much right to oppose,only they are big in numbers.
As country that does not raise cattle for slaughter,why don’t we import the beef from a country that does for the befit of those who must consume beef,afterall it will only be a miniscule quantity as you have suggested.
That way the whole issue could be put to rest without getting in to a religeous war of words,isn’t it.
Nabil / May 25, 2013
Dear NAK
No offense meant. I was being pragmatic. I used to meet and work with many Sinhalese dairy farmers. Selling cattle for beef is often an economic decision for them. Poor farmers can ill afford the heavy expenditure needed to feed an animal and sustain it for long. Either they have to ill treat them as in not feeding them or sell them.
Also there is no way one can manage or control the numbers of animals competing for scare resources; space water, and fodder. If we wish to ban slaughter, we must also accept the costs of banning. Your pint of Milk will be much more expensive, and I am sure none of us want to pay more than what we can afford.
The economic implications are also many. A ban would make dairy farming prohibitive, prompting farmers to abandon it. This means subsiding farmers. Some of us would also be asked to contribute by way of taxation to pay for the subsidies despite not seeing any economic benefit.
How the rest of the world would see a ban in Sri Lanka another economic factor that needs to be considered. We are dependent on tourists to a great extent. Banning the sale of beef would be a damper as beef is a staple in the west.
The social implications are also many. In the state of Bihar, India, poverty stricken parents sell their daughters into prostitution for 20$, when they could have sold their cattle for much more.
From a health perspective, malnutrition is high in Sri Lanka, stunting being among the biggest challenges faced by health workers. Provision of a cheap source of protein is essential for the well being of our future generations. Where will this source come from?
Morally too, killing a larger animal for meat makes more sense as the yield per kill is more and therefore less lives are taken than say killing fish or poultry
While for selfish reasons I can agree and support your suggestion to import beef, I am not sure if this is practical. If you must know India despite having a Hindu majority, is among the biggest exporters of beef in the world.
I wish to submit, that sometimes our moral calibrations are misplaced. Ultimately we farm animals for economic reasons; thus using different yardsticks to measure the morality of our actions is neither here nor there!
Marwan / May 25, 2013
Nabil, the way I understand it from ACJU standpoint, these are pointers to what is going to happen for Hadj. A total ban is envisaged on slaughter taking place in privacy of homes, and non-issuance of permits for slaughter. ACJU is looking at all the alternate possibilities to facilitate the slaughter outside city limits. All news will be disseminated thru the local Masjids.
Marwan / May 25, 2013
It is perfectly alright to be against the slaughter, as this is your free will. But looking at the animals eyes and seeing tears flow and presuming what must be going thru the animal’s mind is a figment of your own imagination, as there is nothing to substantiate those feelings as facts. God created animals to own and serve us humankind to till the field, ride on its back through hostile environments, tame it and use it for hard labor like pulling logs and carts including clearing jungle pathways, drink its nourishing milk, use its hide to protect ourselves from the elements and finally eat its meat as food. A natural way for maintaining the ecological balance or keeping the animal population in check. If not, the process of culling will need to take place (shooting to kill with no intention of food consumption like Australian kangaroos), to avoid food competition with humans, and overpopulation. I hope this will open up your mind to new thinking and understanding God’s Laws – not man made laws.
American Mama / May 25, 2013
Did God tell you this personally , that you are so sure ??
AYMAN / May 25, 2013
Fair N Square / May 27, 2013
MILK of the COW is for the calf, you are stealing it from the cow to benefit YOU.. Does a new mother feed a calf? NO, so then why steal from a cow, the milk that was rightly for the calf? double standards?