5 November, 2024


Unedited Version Of The London Killer’s Justification

A man suspected of staging a terrorist attack that left a British soldier dead near a military barracks in London, was caught on camera clutching a meat cleaver and knife in hands apparently covered in the blood of his victim, as he justified the violence as part of a jihadist-inspired fight against the west.

The man who attempted to justify the killing of the soldier in a widely-viewed video clip in which he brandished two knives, was named yesterday as Michael Olumide Adebolajo.

Unedited version of the London killers  justification.

Latest comments

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    The bodu balu sena theras head may be next for chop chop.

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    It appears to be an act of terrorism. The manner in which the attack took place sends the signal – motivated by radical Islam. Civilized nations should not bow to such terrorists attacks. The statement “in our land our women have to see the same …… We swear by Almighty Allah …….” leads to some suspicion. The statement reminds the manner Asmaa bint Marwan was killed and her body was torn apart from limb to limb while she was breast feeding her child by Prophet’s followers. A psychologically and mentally healthy person will not resort to such terrorist act. I am of the view these persons were brain-washed and programmed to hate. It appears that basically the language of Islam is negative and backward thinking. If a person is dominated by negative language, he will emerge as a negative, reckless and non-productive person. I think the negative language of Islam has failed. Islam has failed to produce people with spontaneous and positive outlook. When a faith manages to strip its believers of their last grain of compassion, it strips them of their spirituality. The murder of this innocent British soldier is a clear case in point. It is time the West should monitor the activities of Muslims working in front offices and passing information through code messages. These statements are a reflection of implementing Sharia Laws in foreign countries. All points to the strong indication of a terrorist incident.

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      Thank god that the British are more intelligent than migrant Tamils living in Canada.

      The British PM refused to and did not blame Islam; he was clear that it was a terrorist act.

      While you are quick to blame Islam for this unprovoked violence, you forget that despite teachings of Ahimsa, and Hinduism didn’t prevent your boys massacring hundreds of Sinhalese and Muslim civilians and Buddhist Monks.Where were you when Hinduism failed to prevent the killings of innocents were you there to blame religion for the violence?

      Please don’t be a hypocrite blaming Islam for violence while accepting that violence by your boys is perfectly fine!

      I must condemn this cowardly act carried out in the name of Islam and ask that these two men be punished.

      I would also ask bigots like NT/Alias citizen not to throw stones while living in glass houses

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      Is it an act of terrorism? No.

      This was not Terrorism. Why? It did not target the general population. It targeted a specific member of a group, soldiers, who likely carried out state sponsored terrorism and killings in Iraq and Afghanistan. It is like the Jewish Groups hunting down Nazis.

      These soldiers, are not much different from the Nazi killers. Since the UN is controlled by the killers, USA and UK, whose soldiers did the killings, technically, these soldiers are legitimate targets.

      When the LTTE black tigers specifically targeted Sri Lankan armed forces or personnel, it is not terrorism. However, when they exploded bombs on bus stands and trains, and the targets were random, then it is terrorism.

      Drone killing of civilians, are in fact terrorism, falling under the definition below, as its victims often are civilians. “systematic use of violence to create a general climate of fear in a population ”

      What is the Definition of Terrorism? Merriam Webster


      terrorism noun (Concise Encyclopedia)

      Systematic use of violence to create a general climate of fear in a population and thereby to bring about a particular political objective. It has been used throughout history by political organizations of both the left and the right, by nationalist and ethnic groups, and by revolutionaries. Although usually thought of as a means of destabilizing or overthrowing existing political institutions, terror also has been employed by governments against their own people to suppress dissent; examples include the reigns of certain Roman emperors, the French Revolution (see Reign of Terror), Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union under Stalin, and Argentina during the “dirty war” of the 1970s. Terrorism’s impact has been magnified by the deadliness and technological sophistication of modern-day weapons and the capability of the media to disseminate news of such attacks instantaneously throughout the world. The deadliest terrorist attack ever occurred in the United States on Sept. 11, 2001 (see September 11 attacks), when members of al-Qaeda terrorist network hijacked four commercial airplanes and crashed two of them into the twin towers of the World Trade Center complex in New York City and one into the Pentagon building near Washington, D.C.; the fourth plane crashed near Pittsburgh, Pa. The crashes resulted in the collapse of much of the World Trade Center complex, the destruction of part of the southwest side of the Pentagon, and the deaths of some 3,000 people.

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      We all feel very for the unlucky victim of this violence.

      This really falls in the category of Cannibalism, except that, the cannibals are political cannibals, who wants to bring to the attention of the world the atrocities done by the different State Actors against their group.

      This cannibalism is truly disgusting. Perpetuated on one.

      In Europe, during the Inquisition, the “guilty”, after torturing were generally burnt. The numbers for Spain alone were over 350,000, courtesy of the Pope and the Church.

      More recent, Hitler and the Nazis, did this butchery to millions.

      Iraq Invasion by USA and UK, based on flimsy lies of WMD, lead to the deaths of over 1,300,000 Iraqi souls.

      Yesterday, a Buddhist Monk set fire to himself at Kandy, in protest against animal slaughter. If the slaughter in Britain was a protest against animal slaughter, it would have been dramatic. During the Vietnam War a number of Vietnamese Buddhist Monks set fire to themselves in protest against the war and the killings. However, not a single Sri Lankan Buddhist Monk set fire to himself, in protest against the atrocities against the Tamil citizens during 1958 and 1983. In fact, in 1959 in fact one Buddhist Monk, Somarama Thereo, fired a pistol several times towards the then Prime Minister and killed him.

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    He is a bed bug. Bringing disgrace to the whole community. This is not Islam and completely against teaching of Islam. We need King’s day punishments (Rajakale) so other bugs will learn the lesson (If there are any.

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      How can you say it is against the teaching of Islam, when Muhammed conquered by the sword? So many Jews and pagan infidels were beheaded.

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        Since you are an atheist, why do yo take sides since it should matter not to you who killed whom in the name of religion, except to condemn all killing?

        Please don’t pretend as if Christians don’t have blood on their hands. Weren’t 30,000 French Protestants killed in mob violence in the St. Bartholomew’s Day massacre by followers of the Roman Catholic Church? How about the religious war in Ireland? We see Buddhists unleashing violence on Muslims in Myanmar.

        Lets leave bigotry aside and discuss the issues and accept that terrorism by a select group of Muslims does not mean Muslims endorse violence!

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          No need to bring up ancient history. Of course Christianity is not blameless. But it has clearly evolved. No Christian alive today is willing to wear a suicide belt in the name of Jesus. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of Islam; it has only regressed since Muhammed’s time. The source of this failure to evolve is the Quran.

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    Why all these Boston, London twice, 9/11, Bombay bomb attacks twice, daily suicide bomb attacks in Pakistan, Iraq, Bali, Mali, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Sri Lanka 1915, etc. terrorist acts are committed by just one creed of people?

    This is NOT an isolated incident.

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    Koran 4:95 says, “Not equal are those believers who sit (those Muslims who write comments sitting at home) and receive no hurt, and those who strive and fight in the cause of Allah with their goods and their persons (like this killer and Bin Ladden et al). Allah hath granted a grade higher to those who strive and fight with their goods and persons than to those who sit (at home). Unto all (in Faith) Hath Allah promised good: But those who strive and fight Hath He distinguished above those who sit (at home) by a special reward.”

    Koran 4:74 says, “Let those fight in the way of Allah who sell the life of this world for the other. Whoso fighteth in the way of Allah, be he slain or be he victorious, on him We shall bestow a vast reward.”

    So. what’s the reward: Koran 52:17-20, 22 says, “Paradise is a place that one can eat and drink with happiness. There are women that recline with ease on thrones arranged in ranks. We shall marry them to those fair females with wide lovely eyes. We will give them fruit and meat as much you like.” And 55:70,72,74) says; “In Paradise, there is a pavilion made of a single hollow pearl sixty miles wide, in each corner there are wives who will not see those in the other corners; and the believers will visit and enjoy them”

    Imagine Allah believer read these verses five times day
    and is explained Martyrdom properly by the likes of that blind Sheik Mullah Omar, he’ll kill anyone to go to heaven to be with the eternal virgins. I am sure that’s what this killer Michael Olumide Adebolajo had done.

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      Leela, Nirvana Sutra, a Cononical Buddhist text, narrates a story about one of Buddha’s lives in it, he kills some Hindus (Brahmins) because they insulted the Buddhist sutras. There are more of this type in Nirvana Sutra.

      Nirvana Sutra Chapter 19:- the Buddha said….” When I recall the past, I remember that I was the King of a Great State, and I loved and I venerated the Nirwana Sutras. When I heard the Brahmins slandering Vaipulya Sutras, I put them to death on the spot. Good men! as a result of that action, I never thereafter, fell into hell. O Good Men! When we accept and defend Mahayana Sutras, we posses innumerable virtues” we are to.d here (the first reason to put the Btahmins to death) was out of pity (for them). The Buddha’s second reason for putting Brahmins to death is to defend Buddhism itself. In Zein se t Japan they interpreted this as ” killing an act of charity”.

      Nirwana Sutra Chapter 5:- The (true) follower of Mahayana is not the one who observes five precepts, but the one who uses sword, bow, arrow and battle ax to protect monks who uphold the precepts and who are pure” Here the dye is cast for deference in the name of religion.

      Nirwana Sutra Chapter 22:- “if any man, woman, Shramana or Brahmin that there is no such thins as The Way (i.e.Buddhism), Enlightenment or Nirwana, know such a person is an icchantika. Such a person is one of (the demon). Mara’s kindred. ( Mara= the lord of the death). Such a person is not of the world.” Here pitting to death UN relievers carries no sin or karmic result.

      Nirwana Sutra Chapter 22:- “a person who kills an icchantika does not suffer from the kermic returns due to the killing of the three kinds ( which are low: applies to class of insects, medium: applies to killing of human, high: applies to killing one’s father, mother and arhat). O Good Man, all those Brahmins are of the class of the icchantika. Killing them does not cause bad Karma” there are three grades of murder, in increasing order, but killing infidels is not one of them.

      ” The icchantikas are cut off from the root of good…. Because of this one may well kill ant and earn sin for doing harm, but there is no sin for killing an icchantika” here Buddha says in Nirvana Sutra that icchantika’s status is lower that of an ant.

      Buddhist tradition offered sophistic justification for killing and war.
      ” How can one kill another person when…. All is emptiness? The man who kills with full knowledge of the facts kills no one because he realizes that all is but illusion, himself as well as the other person. He can kill, because he does not kill anyone. One cannot kill emptiness, nor destroy the wind”

      …… There are many more sutras of this typevin the Buddhist texts which advocate violence and justify killings. That is why Buddhists are killing others in the name of religion. Theological justification for waging war and killing in Buddhism provide the religious basis for Buddhist Holy (jihad) war (1) killing those who slander Buddhism as a necessity (2) anyone who rejects Buddhism is by default slandering it (3) killing infidels carries no sin (4) in fact it is not killing at all.

      So Leela you seek the truth.

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        Violent defence of the Dharma may be justified when threatened in Mahayana tradition. Cononical text for Mahayana is different to that of Therawada. In fact, Mahayana started long after Buddha’s death. Mahayana tradition was started by the Indian monk named Dharmakṣema in 385–433 AD meaning over 800 years after Buddha’s death from a Chinese translation of a Sanskrit texts. Sanskrit is not the language that Buddha spoke. For those reasons, Theravadians do not consider Mahayana writing is genuine.

        It is Pali language that Buddha spoke and preached and not Sanskrit. Today, Therawada Tipitaka which has 58 volumes is carried on in the form of stanzas and of memory after a detailed discussion meeting of 499 arahant monks three months after the death of Buddha. t that first Buddhist Council collected together and arranged the Buddhist Scriptures known as the Pali Tipitaka, which have since been handed down from one generation of monks to another. The Second Buddhist council took place approximately 100 years after the Buddha’s death. third council was held at Emperor Asoka’s time (304–232 BCE) or 256 years after Buddha’s death. Though Mahayana accot these these are central to Therawadins only.

        About 83 B.C., during the reign of the pious Sinhalese king, Vatta Gamani Abhaya, a Council of Arahants was held in Sri Lanka and the Tipitaka, for the first time in the history of Buddhism, was put down in writing on ola leaves at Mahavihara. Theravadians believe Therawada Tipitaka is the correct version and not the bits and pieces that is written in Sanskrit long afterwards which is against all norms of Buddhism. I have never read it. I see no reason to read it for I do not practice Mahayana tradition. Perhaps that is why Lord Russell remarks: “Of all religions of history, I prefer Buddhism, especially in its earliest forms because it has had the smallest element of persecution.”

        To say it all in short, there is no Nirvanasutra in Therawada tradition but Mahaparinibbana Sutta which has absolutely no violence preaching in it. It is natural for Jataka stories to have violence by its characters but Buddha never condones violence or asked his disciples to practice it like Muhammad urged. That’s what matters isn’t it.

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          Leela/truth seeker, no point in writing in pages. The simple fact is you said there were no Sutras preaching violence in Buddhist text. Not only you this is the myth of several Buddhist who does not know about the real Buddhism You challanged me to show you the proof. I have given you the Sutras. Now you have agreed that it is in Mahayana not in Theravda.

          Leela, I am not bothered about Theravada or Mahayana or Vajarayana – for me all are Buddhism or Buddhists and the Sutras in them are all preached the founder of the so called Buddhism Philosophy, Siddartha Gauthama Buddha! In fact Mahayana tradition is the largest major tradition of Buddhism existing today , with 56% of practioners, compared to 38% for Theravada and 6% for Vajrayana. The earliest textual evidence of Mahayana comes from Sutras originating around the beginning of the common era. The Followers of Mahayanana says that they are the true followers of Buddhism! You are trying to bring disgrace to your own religion by telling lies about Mahayana.

          The word Theravada was also derived from the Sanskrit word STHAVIRAVAVADA which means ” The Teaching of the Elders”. Theravadins number over 150 million worldwide! Tripiteka is also a Sanskrit word meaning Three Baskets. The fact is although the Buddha’s language remains unknown, it is likely ( not sure)
          taught in one or more of a variety of closely related Middle Indo-Arian dialects, of which Pali MAY BE a standardization! So what is the fuss about Pali and Sanskrit?

          These subjects are irrelevant to me. What I said was Buddhism preaches violence which is in the Buddhist Holy Texts and I have proved it beyond any doubt quoting Sutras from the Buddhist Holy Text. I also said Buddhists are practicing violence, including monks, according to the teachings of Buddha. It is visible even today in Sri Lanka, Thailand and Burma which are Buddhists countries. So, if some one says Buddhism preaches non-violence he is wrong.

          I never never mentioned anything about Jayaka stories, I said Buddha’s teachings advocate violence and it Is practiced even today by Buddhists.

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          You are a confused man. You do not know what is Pali and what is Sanskrit. I have explained to you how Tipitaka started and put it in to writing in the end but you don’t seemed to get it.

          In Mahayana there are many bodhisattvas like Avalokitesvara, Mansjuri, Ksitigarbha and Samanthabadra besides Maitreya and every Mahayanan wants to reach Buddhahood whereas in Therawada we only accept Maitreya bodhisattva and we mainly aim to be Arahants and reach Nivana. Like wise there are so many differences to list here. You can read them here without writing rubbish like an idiot if you like. http://www.buddhanet.net/e-learning/snapshot02.htm

          Mahayana and Terawada are so different they are more unlikes than Hebrew and Christian religions, to say the least. But I wouldn’t put Mahayana and Terawada to be like Christianity and Islam because the God of Islam, Allah often acted like Satan.

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            Leela, you are coming under another name like Teravada, Mahayana and now Vajrayana i.e. Chezwick! You may be writing in several other names as well. Readers/ CT beware, this Leela is the same LELANANDA OF LEE POTTER SCAM! NO DOUBT! He is cheating every one including CT.

            Oye Leela, do not mislead the readers. I have clearly said that The word Theravada was derived from Sanskrit and the word Tripideka is also a Sanskrit word. I said so, you were insulating Mahayan sutras saying they are in Sanskrit . I further said, although the Buddha’s language remains un-known it is likely ( this means not sure) that he taught in one or more of a varity of closely related middle Indo-Asian dialects of which Pali MAY BE ( I repeat again may be) a standardization. I wrote this because you are praising Pali over Sanskrit to Day Theravada is superior to Mahayana.

            Leela, let me tell you, I am not bothered about your Therawada -Mahayana- Vajrayana conflict. For me, as I said earlier, there is one and only Buddhism. When the truth is coming out you are grtting angry. I can feel it in your last reply. Do not get exited, to your age it is not good. You may end up in ICU! Just digest the truth. All these days you were fooling others. Leela/truth seeker/ Chezwick you cannot Fool this DODU!. I have confirmed that violence is preched in Buddhist Texts and it is still in practice by Buddhists as preached by Buddha.

            For argument sake, to satisfy you, if we take only Teravada is Buddhism, then there is only about 150 million Buddhists in this world! So, you say, Buddhism is already dead. Do not tell this in public, followers of Mayana will finish you as preached by Buddha to use violence against those who insult Buddhism. Then Buddhism is already dead ( ref. Nirwana Sutra Chapter – 19). That is why I said you are insulting Buddhism!

            Why should I look for Internet sites to learn about Buddhism. I know Buddhism better then you and there is no need for me to go to an google search like you. I learned Buddhism and living with Mahayana Buddhist here. They are the people who identified the Sutras for for me. So you idiot a do not try to teach me Buddhism. You first go and learn your own religion properly including the violence in it.

            You are trying tell others that the Theravada and Mahayana are two different religions(.?) for your own benefit. You are telling BUDDAH is Satan! How can it be? You all say he has already attained Nirvana? Then, is it also another lie?

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          When Buddha was asked how to identify the ‘right’ (sathaya), he said, ‘right’ thing is not what your elders said or what you found in books or etc….

          But the ‘right’ thing is, what does not hurt yourself and others and both!

          What else do you want to understand that Buddha and Buddhism are NOT preaching violence?

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            But, Buddha also preached violence In Nirvana Sutra Chapters: 5, 19, 22….. I have given Sutras above, read them. Killing of those who slander Buddhism, those who reject buddhism by default, killing of infidels …. are allowed in Buddhism.

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    This is one innocent Soldier……….
    How many innocent lives in Iraq, Afaganistan were taken by the British/US & NATO soldiers……..These Govts create terrorists and rare terrorists on their soils.
    It is a regular occurance.
    Terrorist acts ar4e created by the very liberators wanting to establish democracy.

    Its nothing to do with Islam.

    there may be many more killers of this nature created by these wars. The leaders are responsible for the wars and innocent that killed.

    Balirs, Bushes, Obamas, Sarkosys are responsible

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    First and foremost we condemn this barbaric act in the name of Islam. The murderer seemed to be a sick person. He used Allah’s name in vain. However Mr. Citizen is confused of Islamic ideology and the lunatic induvidual’s inhuman action. Islam is peace and love, power and jutice. In this indescribable murder there is no justice, no power no peace and love at all. Allah’s command is not kill any innocent person, Even in the time of war, war to be declared and the opponents must be given time. And Mr. Mulliwaikkal should know that the Muslim population in the world is 1.6 billion. How many are these type of sick peoplpe? and why your eye does not see the peace loving innocent Muslims? Because your are a Tamil(if your are) we do not name you terrorist like, Tamil tiger fighter.

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    This guy went to a radical mosque somewhere in UK, where jihad was promoted. He was told that it is okay to attack non-believers aka infidels. Let us understand that this guy is not alone in his way of thinking. We need to know what is really going on at these mosques. People are not simply praying and going home. People – especially young Muslim men – are being brainwashed.

    Abu Hamza’s son has spoken of his support for holy war at a London mosque and backed a suspected Al Qaeda terrorist who tried to murder U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

    The hate preacher’s second-youngest son Uthman Mustafa Kamal has built up a following at the An-Noor mosque in Acton, west London, and videos show him praying for ‘mujahids’, or holy warriors.

    Farouq Malik, the An-Noor mosque head, told a newspaper today that Mr Kamal was in fact talking about Muslims fighting ‘occupying forces’ in overseas lands, but admitted that was not made clear.

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      Dear Lester

      It is ok in your books to keep 160 Men without trial for more that 10 years because of the potential to cause violence, it is ok to use drones to attack Muslim gatherings and if women and children are killed, it is ok to issue a cursory apology and continue the violence all in the name of preventing terrorism.

      Please don’t for a moment think I am condoning Al Qaeda or Taliban.

      Florence Schovel puts the dilemna the west is facing today when she says “The game of life is a game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds and words return to us sooner or later with outstanding accuracy.”

      Violence begets violence. Period, be it East or West, Muslim or Christian

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        Islam declared war on the West a long time ago. Have you forgotten Constantinople, Jerusalem, and Spain? Now that the West has better weapons, you are trying to portray Islam as the victim. Islam was spread by the sword, from Persia to North Africa, so you can’t complain if the West spreads its influence through economic, military, and other means.

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    If you look at all those places that wars and violance are taking place you will note that they are all related to Grabbing land and power and exploiting Natural resources and disrupting their day to day life.

    All those Middle East countries, African countries, Latin American and some Asian countries are all part of this wealth Grab and destroying their economy and social lives.

    It is like running a huge Casino business including Drug, Pronography, show business, Brothel etc, run by an elete Business Mafia. They create wars then supply arms, then topple governments and then exploite those puppets to make more money. This is the Life cycle of this huge Mafia business empire.

    These are all run by very powerful, highly influnced, Elete, very rich and well connected business Mafia where many governments find difficult to challenge.

    By Giving different names to the opponents of corruption such as calling them Terrorists, Murderers, Alquada, Taliban, are to misled the public from the real truth.

    Just see what is going on in Iraq, Libya, Syria,Palestine,Egypt, Afganistan and may be in future spread to Iran, Lebanon and all of Africa and Asia.

    Please do read Internet and do your own Research.

    Remember Hi-end Prostitutes attract their clients by wearing expensive dresses and ornaments, driving expensive cars, going to expensive Hotels, clubs and parties, moving with rich people etc, etc. Same with this Mafia who control the Media, arm forces, financial institutions and also many Governments.

    See who is getting killed and who is making money. Hope you saw the movie Godfather and multiply that by 10,000 Trillion and you will get the answer.

    Arms manufacturing and trading business and starting wars and ending wars and stealing others wealth are PART OF THIS BIGGEST BUSINESS IN THE WORLD AT THE MOMENT WHICH IS GREATER THAN AGRICULTURE, EDUCATION AND HEALTH COMBINED.

    Open your eyes to see the truth. Just in Sri Lanka’s Defense establishment alone, see how much they spend on defence services from our Budget just to protect our country, while making way for corruption also which is part of the game. Same with all other 193 countries.

    How many poor countries spend on arms just to protect their countries from invaders and both real and respectable terrorists who create wars, while find difficult to feed their own population who go hungry will give you the real picture.

    Both Arms Manufacturers and the well respected Terrorists and Murderours Governments who start wars are the two faces of the same coin.

    Please do your own research.

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      This is about Muslim man making specific reference to the Islamic doctrine that one must fight against those who fight against Islam and butchering an unarmed man. You must talk how Tehreek-i-Taliban “proudly claim” brutal bombing in the name of Allah that leaves over a dozen dead in Quetta, Pakistan yesterday. Or how Suicide bombers detonate in a local army barracks, killing about twenty others in Agadez, Niger again in the name of Allah also yesterday. Every day Muslims kill Muslims in Syria again in the name of Allah.

      Casinos, Drug business, Pronography, show business, Brothel etc does not relate to this killing story at this instant. Do not talk BS.

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        Hay I am no Muslim,

        I understand your thinking ability similar to other millions who think and write like you.

        All I say is that you should be able to see what is going on behind the curtain, behind the Drama or behind the movie.

        It is a complete different story or a ball game that is going inside to what is shown outside. You should know what uou hear in Media, radio and TV to what the true reality.It is all Deceive, deception and lies is been told to believe.

        In every religion there are preachers who preach the truth and those who make money while preaching wrong and brainwashing their followers. Also many leaders in the world and even Jesus Christ was betrayed by his own disciple for 40 pieces of Silver. You still see how our Politicians buy, CJ’s, Media, professionals, Journalists and almost anybody form giving them money. It is same here.

        All these Alqueda,Talibans, Wahabies, Salafis are all part of this game been bought by Rich Middle Eastern Moguls and others who use them (I don’t want to mention them)to spread their Islam and to use them to fight their secretarian and other wars whenever they want in the name of Alla and Islam.

        Also there are muslim population who are been suppressed by these Mullas and Rich Wahabies and others and as a result fighting for their rights by being martyers or suicide bombers as that’s the only option they have to voice their grievences and rights.That’s why you see muslims fighting against muslims and with other manupulative crooks. It is the two faces in the same coin. Oppressor fighting with the suppressor.

        Please watch the following video and also search internet and make effect to see what really is going around the world without judging just outside.


        All these hi-end dresses,hi-living, outside show offs, Grand parties, pronography, sex, drugs,violance etc,are all part of this sho-off games to dupe the public. It is all been carried out by these huge rich Mafia cartel to control their citizens and the world.

        Hope you will see and understand the bigger picture now.

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      How are you going to account for the economic development in Singapore, Switzerland, etc. Instead of spending huge sum of monies on defence, why not suggest the concept of Federalism which will cut heavy expenses on defence. Why not experiment Federalism which will boost economic development of a country and provide jobs in large numbers and that Sri Lanka need not send housemaids to Middle-East countries and keep on begging the Muslim countries. Canada and USA is one country the economy of which has seen unprecedented growth because of Federalism. A country becomes poor because of the narrow-minded politicians.

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      There is a Global Elite and not necessarily part of the Mafia/Underground.

      This global elite are well educated (and also a segment readily employed in any country). There are some Sri Lankan’s who fall into that category and just dont have the time to comment on blogs.


      But today’s super-rich are also different from yesterday’s: more hardworking and meritocratic, but less connected to the nations that granted them opportunity—and the countrymen they are leaving ever further behind.

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    Why is he ranting about British soldiers killing Muslims, Muslims are killing Muslims in their countries. He is apologizing for doing this in front of women, what about their attitude to women. Shut up you hypocrite. You are killing in the name of your God. So does your god support killing? Answer that first. So you are killing your own people.

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    A brainless scum who masquerades as a protector of Islam. It is idiots like him that give the religion a bad name. And verily, we do no have a dearth of such braineless shXX s. Even among the Muslims themselves, they are a plenty and do not hesitate to slaughter their own at the slightest provocation or in the ‘defence’ of Islam.

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    Cameron’s Cobra let him down.

    He now wants to go after the Terrorists with extra vigor.

    Prior to this, the death of the Leader of the biggest Terrorist group of the 21 Century was commorated by his followers in the heart of London.

    Their current Leader Rev Emmanuel holds his annual Global Forum in Cameron’s own Parliament building.

    Cameron wants the Security measures and the Military presence in the former LTTE strongholds removed and the Laws that prevent Woolwichs in Colombo repealed.

    Are the lives in London more valuable?.

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      @K.A. Sumanasekara:

      “Prior to this, the death of the Leader of the biggest Terrorist group of the 21 Century was commorated by his followers in the heart of London.”

      Which was also attended by flags and banners of the Tamil Tigers AND three UK MPs – Lee Scott(Con), Simon Hughes (LibDem) and Siobhain McDonagh (Lab).

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    The rest of the world please hear this; As a born and bread Londoner and man who is grateful and feels blessed that this great city is his home.

    A city that has an open door policy, a public beach, a heart on the sleeve and an unconditional chance of opportunity. I am getting f%$king sick of whoever you are coming to my city and exposing us to your shit and negativity.

    The fact that you have issues is one of the reasons we told you about the safe house we run here in the first place. I know it’s under funded, run by well minded, sometimes miss guided people and well over crowded but you must not see that as a sign of weakness, attacking us while we are on the bus, getting off the tube and at home watching the tele will never work, we have lived this kind of intimidation before, infact as far back as when we used to run your country. (Ask your grandfather about that).

    The reason we harp on about the 66 world cup victory is because the British in us stops us from reminding you all that if you take us there we will fight you till the bitter end,win or lose, 19 + 45. (2 from 2)

    Our police are not perfect but you know what, they don’t carry guns like yours do, because we don’t want to shoot you, really we don’t, we just want to live our lives, play some tennis and get on with our day.

    Our government are a bunch of self serving white men motivated by power and it’s gains but once again the British in them means if you f&%k with us we will come together and deal with you, we will sniff you out like the quizzlings you are and lock your arse up for as long as we can.

    You may think that a British prison is a walk in the park, but eating our tough old British (halal) beef with no front teeth will be a reminder to you that we gave you a chance, and well, “they think it’s all over, IT IS NOW”.

    To the Muslim community; whoever is attacking your people and mosques, I feel I can speak for my people and say, in our hearts we condem this kind of behaviour and so whoever is still attacking your space here in our city, I hope you know have been sent from across the waters, my guess they come from a place that has no love or sunshine, eastern Europe maybe.

    Don’t fret, with or with out guns our police will deal with these mother f&%kers and heartless orphans, they will be eating some tuff beef soon also.

    If in your heart you feel London is now your home then come forward and protect it, let me hear that you are as grateful to be hear as I am. Don’t think that you can live your life here, make your money and then spit on us like we are nothing. Show some respect.

    To my Britsh brothers and sisters, be proud of who you are, what your country represents and above all, show some respect.

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