On 2021.07.03 Friday, Ms. Jude Kumar Ishalini of Diyagama, Hatton—an underaged girl employed as a domestic aide at the residence of former Minister and present Member of Parliament Mr. Rishad Bathiudeen was admitted to the Colombo National Hospital with burn injuries. She succumbed to her injuries on the 15th while receiving treatment in Ward 73 of the Intensive Care Unit 2.
Thereafter, according to her Case No. B/52944/2/21, the Colombo Additional Magistrate Rajindra Suriya visited the Colombo National Hospital to view the body of the deceased girl and ordered a post-mortem. It has been reported in the media that she has been sexually abused for a long time.
Ishalini was born in Diyagama, Hatton on December 11, 2004. She was only 15 years and 11 months when she arrived as a domestic aide at the residence of Member of Parliament Mr. Rishad Bathiudeen. At the time of her death, Ishalini was only 16 years and 08 months of age. During her employment, she was only permitted to communicate with her family a few times over the phone but was denied visits to her family. She died without seeing her family members for nearly a year.
Education is compulsory for every child in Sri Lanka until the age of 16. There are officers attached to each Divisional Secretariats such as child probation officer, child protection officer and women development officer etc. and their work is to ensure that the children get educated and do not drop out from schools before 16. These officers are mandated to work within the community to protect children like Ishalini and help them with their education. If there are dropouts, they must work with the families and community to ensure that they go back to school. Hence, this case also sheds light on another dark side of the systemic failure of protecting and promoting child rights in this country. It is not new that up-country children are being used as forced labour in this country for decades. Rarely this cruelty has been brought to light. Further, women’s groups have observed an increasing trend of not only underaged girls being sold as domestic labour but also being sexually abused and treated inhumanly during this pandemic.
According to the Employment of Women, Young Persons, And Children Act (No. 47 of 1956) of Sri Lanka, children aged between 16 – 18 can be employed for a common good. But before so employing children between the age of 16 -18, the Labour Commissioner should be informed of the reason. Further, the law says that no one can employ a child in such a manner as to prevent the child from attending school.
Therefore, Ishalini’s employment as a domestic aide is improper as her education had been disrupted. Furthermore, the post-mortem report states that the victim has been sexually abused for some time. In terms of the Penal Code sexual exploitation is an offence and sexual harassment at the workplace is a punishable crime too.
This incident is linked with various grave offences such as employing an underage girl child, being forced to discontinue education and sexual exploitation. Hence extensive and impartial investigations should be carried out in connection with the death and other related rights violations and perpetrators brought to book. Fair trial and justice to Ishalini, hopefully, will put an end to the abuses and exploitations of many Ishalinies.
Presently, the Corona pandemic situation has caused various economic hardships to people including loss of livelihoods to many. As a result, there is visible and phenomenal increase in domestic violence, sexual abuse and more generally violence against women and children. In the Batticaloa district alone in the last six months, 14 child sexual abuse cases and 63 violence against children have been recorded.
In July, to date, media has reported a total of 05 cases of violence against children, including the instant case of Ishalini. They are:
1. The horrific crime of online trafficking of a 15-year-old girl.
2. A 16-year-old girl employed as a domestic aide at the residence of a representative of the legislative body succumbing to burn injuries.
3. Two sisters aged 12 and 14 were sexually abused by their father aged 36.
4. A 13-year-old girl child from Nawalapitiya was sexually abused by her father and many others since she was 07 years of age.
5. In Gampaha a monk (head of a Buddhist temple) and 4 men have been arrested for sexually abusing a 13-year-old girl.
These are the reported cases and possibly a tip of an iceberg of an endemic that is overshadowed by Covid -19 in this country. The Child Protection Authority and the structure of the Women and Children’s Welfare Police Division must work impartially and fearlessly to ensure justice in terms of complaints received about child abuse and exploitation. This must be stressed as none of the above structures was able to carry out their duties in an effective and efficient manner, despite the escalating violence against children during the period when travel restrictions are in force.
As women’s rights activists, we made several attempts, but the said structures failed to respond effectively. Therefore, it is apparent that the ineffectiveness of these structures has also contributed significantly to the continuation of grave violence against children. We hope, at least after the publicity Ishalini’s tragic death has garnered, these structures would wake up and discharge their duties effectively to ensure justice for the victims. In addition, the relevant Minister G.L. Peiris and the Minister of Justice Ali Sabry who is continuously discussing reforms to the legal system should consider introducing changes to the laws concerning child rights to be more effective.
An effective mechanism should be developed within the legal framework to inquire about cases involving children and to establish procedures to ensure the sentencing of offenders expeditiously. Officers who neglect their duties must also be brought to book. A strong victim and witness protection mechanism should be installed in every district. But most importantly implementation of an expedited process must ensure justice without delay whilst guarding the dignity of the victim throughout. This would be the only way forward to guarantee a reduction in incidents of child abuse and violence against children in Sri Lanka.
Endorsed by:
1. Women’s Action Network
2. Suriya Women’s Development Center – Batticaloa,
3. Mannar Women’s Development Federation,
4. Center for Human Rights and Development,
5. Affected Women’s Forum – Ampara,
6. Muslim Women Development Trust – Puttalam,
7. Rainbow Pillars for Creativity,
8. Women Aid Network- East,
9. Eastern Social Development Foundation,
10. Institute of Social Development -Kandy
11. Rural Development Foundation,
12. Law and Human Right Center – Jaffna,
13. Women Development Innovators,
14. Third Eye Local Knowledge and Activists group,
15. Alliance for Minorities,
16. Human Elevation Organization- Ampara,
17. Viluthu Center for Human Resource Development,
18. National Christian Evangelical Alliance Sri Lanka,
19. District Federation of Women Rural Development Societies (Jaffna, Kilinochchi, Mullaitivu, Mannar, Puttalam, Batticaloa & Trincomalee)
20. Amara District Forums Female Heads of Households (Jaffna, Kilinochchi, Mullaitivu, Mannar, Puttalam, Batticaloa & Trincomalee)
21. International Centre for Ethnic Studies
22. National Peace Council
23. Association of War Affected Women
24. Sisters at Law
25 Stop Child Cruelty Trust (as organization)
26. Sisterhood Initiative
27. National Fisheries Solidarity Movement
28. Hashtag Generation
29. People’s Alliance for Right to Land
30. Law and Society Trust
31. Centre for Policy Alternatives
Black Lankan / July 23, 2021
This is the result of utmost poverty, social and moral breakdown, lack of education and a corrupt political system. They talk of child labour but while the families are starving this law does not help. Our country mainly depend on nannies sent to ME and poor estate Tamils struggling while living in appalling conditions earning our foreign earning. This is the money used by the rogues to lead a royal life, having great parties, living in palaces and importing luxury vehicles worth several billions. Every guy has a free accomodation, pension for looting the country and how many ministers for unheard portfolios like onion, potatoes and green chilies. These poor people don’t have money to buy even basic food and what education or age limit these people are talking of. Things are going to be worse. Printing money is not the answer. Calling Sinhala Buddhist holy land is not the answer. Capable people have no place. Country is run by family cronies and a bunch of yes men. No way forward.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / July 24, 2021
Brother in law of Badiuddin has been arrested for sexual abuse on the previous maid. This culture of sexual abuse would have gone on with the dead girl, and at one point when she protested and threatened to expose it, she was killed. She had talked to her mother few days before getting burnt and at no instance during the conversation, she had disclosed that she wants to take her life.She had wanted to leave the job and mother had promised to come and take her away, and few days before the mother’s visit this happened. Mother has told that she went to Badiuddin’s house to see the daughter, but was prevented with the same excuse that the girl had gone to Puttalam, which was blatant lie. Wife of Badiuddin has been arrested for physical abuse on the girl, which has been confirmed in telephone conversations. There is an attempt by Muslim community not only to propagate distortion of truth but also to slander those standing up for justice for this unfortunate girl. Very soon investigations by police will reveal that my conclusions on this case is spot on. Black Lankan the Islamic bigot, please stop shedding crocodile tears for Indian Tamils, when you are going out of the way to cover up the crime committed on a girl belonging to that community.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / July 25, 2021
It was told by Badiuddin family members that she came running out of the room with burns at around 6.30 AM. But the time of admission on the hospital document is 11.20 AM. Why is this inordinate delay of dispatching the burnt girl when the house is within one mile of the hospital. This proves that there was deliberate attempt to worsen the extent of burns. It is sad that Muslim politicians like Amir Ali and Muslim individuals are trying to paint a humane picture of family members giving her water to drink, dousing flames with blanket and dipping legs in water tank, and calling for ambulance immediately. If proper search of the house is made, evidence to prove that it was murder and not suicide will surface. Badiuddin has also been proved a liar, who faked chest pain, and when given medications in hospital, had been caught throwing them away without taking them. This is the sort of fellow, Muslim maniacs are trying to portray as innocent.
nimal fernando / July 24, 2021
Our whole society is shamelessly corrupt from the top to the bottom.
Until the day some brutal power takes over ……. and holds a blowtorch of unflinching violence to completely cleanse the society of corruption, nothing will ever change.
Many people will balk at the thought of violence …… but then the truth is, you are just living in hope till the day you die ……. only a handful will realize that ……..
The choice to live in false hope ……. or to accept the truth, is yours and yours alone ………
Good ol’ Prabakaran had the right idea …… now, realists (well, ultra-realists) will understand his rage!
Native the cuddly pacifist, …….. today is the 10th death anniversary of Amy Winehouse. ……. spare a thought for a wild talent …….. who drowned the violence of life in waters of immortality.
Native Vedda / July 25, 2021
nimal fernando
I don think I would celebrate Amy’s music, which is full of doom and gloom.
Instead I can listen to ob-la-di-ob-la-da as many times I want to.
What is so important about Amy?
nimal fernando / July 26, 2021
“What is so important about Amy?”
I don’t like her music too …….. but recognize her talent and genius …… some people have an inborn genius: it can be in anything …….. EE is a genius at being stupid: he is better than most at it, in fact brilliant. I’m not kidding.
Listen to Tom Waits ……. he is an artist at making music out of a cacophony of discordant sounds. Like a Picasso painting: not beautiful and pleasant but still brilliant.
Listen to Jimi Hendrix’s “All Along the Watchtower” ……. how he has put all the riffs together. ……. that’s genius.
Listen to John Coltrane’s “Love Supreme” ………. that’s genius.
Listen to Billie Holiday (or Louis Armstrong) sing any song ……. the phrasing …….. that’s genius.
Amy Winehouse had the same genius …… the phrasing …….. she could make any song her own.
Ajith / July 23, 2021
Misuse of power at every corner of the institutions is the norm of this country. We are not in a situation to talk about of rule of law and justice since the top to bottom of the government and its institutions are violating the law and judiciary is in pathetic situation. Not only political leadership but also the religious leadership are violating the law. Even if you courts punish those who was responsible for the death of this poor girl and if the person was released by the political power what is the purpose of law? So, punishing is not the solution, the solution is to change the attitude and the political culture of the country. In our politics, our people have sold the culture and civilisation to bring a murderer as political head.
Ashan / July 23, 2021
There should be a ban on employing minors altogether. If the parents of the child hands them over to a home, it should be registered with the labor commissioner, and the child should be sent to a school to be educated. That child should also have access to family members, and be monitored. This is nothing but abuse, and wealthy people taking advantage of poverty and desperation. Anyone found guilty of sexually abusing a little child should get the harshest sentence.
We should also make sure tourists who come here to prey on our children, are monitored down south and other areas, and families that offer their kids to these predators be arrested and punished.
We have been known as a destination for child prostituting and access to little children. Shame on those pedophile Buddhist monks for committing these crimes, after all they are supposed to protect our children and safeguard them. Anyone involved in child trafficking should also be arrested.
If found guilty, whoever committed these horrible crimes must be given the harshest sentence.
It is sad that this poor child had no one to save her from a terrible situation.
We should take care of these vulnerable children who are at the mercy of these predators, or no one else will.
Paul / July 24, 2021
‘We have been known as a destination for child prostituting and access to little children.’
Have we? What evidence do you have?
‘Shame on those pedophile Buddhist monks for committing these crimes,’
I was just waiting for some racist to bring Buddhist monks into this and here he is. Why don’t you mention Christian priests? Just type Catholic Church and sexual abuse into Google. Buddhist monks who abuse children should be hanged. What should be done to racists who take any opportunity to fan the flames of ethnic hatred?
Ashan / July 24, 2021
Oh what feigned outrage. The ARTICLE MENTIONED THE BUDDHIST MONKS WHO WERE ARRESTED, and we are supposed to comment on that. Nothing racist about it at all only those making it out to be.
Of course it is well known that pedophiles are found everywhere whether clergy, coaches, teaches, and sick people who have power over children. IN ALL RELIGIONS.
Sugandh / July 27, 2021
Dear Ashan:
I am echoing your call for action and justice.
Don’t see why anyone should take offence to your call for action and justice, nor did I find anything you said to be non factual; on the contrary, it is rather well published.
Those who wear coloured-glasses often don’t recognize it themselves. Antagonistically, Jade-coloured! But they’d love for you to wear pink-coloured glasses.
Those who spew venom don’t taste their own venom.
Such is our world.
SJ / July 25, 2021
It is true that we are a destination for perverts with dollars to throw.
But we are not alone.
Many tourist destinations in the Third World are.
All the shouting and screaming you find here have little to do with sorrow or genuine anger but an opportunity to spill communal venom.
There are longstanding issues that cannot be neglected for much longer.
That takes serious thought and collective action.
Paul / July 25, 2021
Thank you SJ. I sense a kindred, and more placid, spirit.
Simon / July 24, 2021
I thought of giving the readers an opportunity to listen to a good analysis of this subject through the following link.
Presented by Tharindu Uduvegedara on Satahan Radio.
leelagemalli / July 25, 2021
Dear Simon.
There were times that underage boys and girls, were hired by so called judges themselves, as their domestic servants (nadukarahamuduruwange gewalwala). All these are public secret. Even today if media spokeman in police would question own heart, this should nt cause to personally attack Badiudeen. To me this similar to the examples taken by Ada Derana TV in Gota election campaign. That Cheewaradarin who never uttered a single voice against recent mlechcha acts of govt have awakened today because this was reported from a Muslim minister/ family. 😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉
leelagemalli / July 25, 2021
Please watch the video below
I dont respect all the set of videos of Sepal but some of them are really good
Today, people would take it as if it is very new to them….. in my childhood, I knew that underage boys and girls were hired by middle class families on and on .. even today, if you would go to MANNING market – almost everyone would see, how underage childreen work in some shops… what happeend to LAW AND ORDER ?
whywhy / July 24, 2021
Mother , Father , Brother and the Middle man who brokered the deal with the Stupid
Employer that is the former Minister family , all must have been arrested and
remanded . And then , the whole country must have been rounded up and searched
exactly the same way all Muslim Houses were searched for weapons in the aftermath
of Easter attack ! Come on , do at least one thing in the name of reforming the way this
country is running ! This is nothing new , we see this at least for more than fifty
years now ! Round up Colombo Municipality area alone and see how many under age
well below 12 , are working as domestic helpers and in other business establishments
especially Restaurants and Take Aways ! The Govt knows this , so no risk taking !
leelagemalli / July 25, 2021
This is how – one country one law Gota doctrine- works, those who took the lead of Goa campaign, noneother than pinguththarayas behave today as if their both ends are sealed off. It is high to hang Gota by his balls.the question is whether the man has balls🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕. As repeatedly warned u they grabbed power by every means was aimed at getting exonerated from all various crime investigations on the high crime they committed during Junta Regime 1 (until 2015). ☹☹☹☹☹☹
Rajash / July 24, 2021
what is Jeevan Thondaman doing? Not a single word of condemnation from him
He is another corrupt culprit politician…thriving on the misery of plantation Tamils …while licking up to the plantation companies and Rajapasas
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / July 24, 2021
What is Sumanthiran doing, not a single word of condemnation from him. A crooked cowardly politician, thriving on misery of Tamils, while licking up to others. He jumped up and down about burning Muslim dead bodies, but is woefully silent on burning Tamil live bodies.
justice / July 25, 2021
we now have a military government in ‘democratic’ disguise.
Sumanthiran knows that he will be “eliminated” unless he is careful. He knows full well what is happening to Tamils.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / July 25, 2021
Justice, as far as Tamils are concerned, none of the governments were democratic. Any genuine politician fighting for the rights of Tamils will either be behind bars or lie under earth. These people are bogus and are hoodwinking Tamils. If you cannot stand up to the government be honourable and resign, and let brave Tamils to come up. Leaders have to lead from the front and suffer the consequences. Now that Sinhala people and rights groups are speaking up for the dead girl, Sumanthiran having sensed that wind is blowing towards justice, will like a great fellow make statements to condemn it.
leelagemalli / July 25, 2021
Dr GS@
This is exaggerating, how can he alone do anything while entire legal framework is in chaos?.
.it s all because the level of poverty cause those poor families to offer their lovely ones as servants to those rich men. I have no down if the authorities would do the job properly they would reveal how many of Rajapakshes hire underage servants. They would even rape them on broad daylight with the direct support of Cheewaradarias. Is this not similar to garbage dumps standing before medamulana caves?
Besides, It s similar to you and I could only shout at them on CT or handful of other forums or not? 🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕😉😉😉😉😉
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / July 25, 2021
Do not blame the entire legal framework. Initially the law enforcement did not do the job, probably having received kickbacks, but due to agitations made by Tamil politicians and fair minded Sinhalese, it is moving albeit slowly. If a person is genuine, he alone can start the protest and others will follow in support. Sumanthiran waits till others start the protest and if it goes on well will mark his presence and take credit, but if it turns bad he will never sight the place. In the parliament, he called Suren Raghavan as boot licker of present government, not realizing that he was bum sucker of previous government.
paragon / July 24, 2021
Employing underage children from tamil estate community is nothing new.every body has got up from sleep and making a big fuss as this incident has happened in the house of a political party leaders house who happened to be a MUSLIM LEADER.All most all rich and well to do people in srilanaka whether they are SINGALAYO,TAMILS,OR MUSLIMS All of them hire or employ estate tamil girls and boys as servants in their home.who ever shout and shedding tears about this incident can what is going on at the next door of their home will find same treatment meted out to young children.please peep in to any back door of business in colombo you will find children are working in various capacity.
Mallaiyuran / July 24, 2021
Rishard is complaining that LTTE sent his family out of the North. To seek revenge for that, from the time he got power, he is going after the poor and weak Tamils. There are so many accusations from Tamils in the North. He took their lands. He sent thugs to punish them. Even when he was on the Northern Development Board all TNA & other Tamil MPs repeatedly complained about his revenge seeking nature. There are so many accusations against him, but Chitanta & Yahapalanaya government has been saving him to use his thuggery services and Muslims’ voters supports. He was sitting on a Rapist Navy Helicopter and directing a Tamil Court destruction because that Tamil Judge put injunction about non-Manner Muslim fishermen fishing in Mannar. He was never punished for anything. The Old King said Rishard has stolen lands more than they did. But Ranil’s Yahapalanaya never took any action on that. The Colombo Hospital doctors reports must be verified with others, because these crooks said that Thajudeen died by accident while he was tortured and killed and then put in a car and set fire. The age of anybody who had touched the child must be verified and if they are adults, they should be punished for statuary rape without further investigation.
Humble / July 24, 2021
Rishards land grabbing activities are well known to all sri lankans.
In the south they are concerned about it not because they care about the tamils in the north, but because of the environmental destruction rishard has supposedly been causing by building inside national parks.
Thiru / July 24, 2021
This article comes out with lofty ideas to prevent child and sexual abuse of women by passing strict laws. Laws are useless unless strictly enforced impartially.
Passing laws and talking about them is a waste of time and mental energy.
Laws are useless, as we have witnessed for seven decades as they are not impartially and strictly enforced. With corrupt judicial system, law enforcers and political leaders this is not possible.
Tamils have undergone immense suffering because law is not enforced when Tamils encounter atrocities in the hands of the Sinhalese and their state agents: Mass murders, arson, rape, misappropriation of their properties, and genocide.
The whole world knows this truth.
I ask the Sinhalese writers to acknowledge this fact and talk about justice to everybody not excluding Tamils. Non-enforcement of laws started with Tamils in massive scale is now creeping into the Sinhalese community too.
Eagle Eye / July 24, 2021
“Tamils have undergone immense suffering because law is not enforced when Tamils encounter atrocities in the hands of the Sinhalese and their state agents:”
Tamils underwent immense suffering not due to atrocities committed by Sinhalese but due to atrocities committed by Tamils. Tamil terrorists grabbed hundreds of children by force and recruited them as child soldiers. Many died and many got severely wounded. No one has been charged for those crimes. Tamil terrorists forced civilians to follow them when they retreated so that those civilians can be used as a human shield to save their sss which is a war crime. At Nandikadal about 300,000 civilians were used as a human shield. No one has been charged for those war crimes. Even UNHRC does not talk about those war crimes and human rights violations committed by Tamils against Tamils.
justice / July 25, 2021
Hundreds of Tamils were arrested under the PTA under orders by the now President and dozens are still in jail – after only 19 were “forgiven” – by him.
Is it not now the time to release ALL Tamils arrested under the PTA.
Hundreds more were also “rehabilitated” – whatever that meant.
Now, Tamils in north and east are being harassed by state agents, army & Buddhist monks.
Eagle Eye / July 25, 2021
Blame separatist Tamil politicians who wanted to grab part of the country of Sinhalayo to establish a separate State for Tamils who are the descendants of Dravidians came to work for colonial rulers and encouraged Tamils to resort to terrorism.
Ranil handed over one third of the country to Tamils to stop terrorism against Sinhalayo and waging war against Sri Lanka Armed Forces but Tamils rejected that offer and continued to massacre Sinhalayo until they were defeated by Sri Lanka Armed Forces making enormous sacrifices. So, Tamils have to face the consequences of their stupid decision.
You are talking about Tamils getting harassed in NE. You have forgotten that Tamil terrorists chased away hundreds and thousands of Sinhalayo from NE and those Sinhalayo are not allowed to return to claim their land and property by Tamils and Muslims. Vigneshwaran says ‘Sinhalayo are not welcomed in the NE’. He has forgotten that NE is a part of Sinhale, the Land of Sinhalayo and Vedda Eththo.
GATAM / July 24, 2021
These are the real problems SL must address not ethnic problems and other distractions.
Hope SL can prioritize these and resolve them first.
Shame on SL. Now worse than India.
SJ / July 25, 2021
Will you now stop talking about dividing the country into three?
Ajay / July 24, 2021
Horrible tragedies like this should remind us that civilization is a flimsy facade. The sexual predator lurking among us will jump at the first opportunity to victimize a vulnerable person. No amount of religious preaching or moralizing about traditional virtues will ever effectively combat this evil. Only the full recognition of the human rights of children and women, sex education starting from an early age, and tough implementation of the law without any corruption – will adequately deal with the problem.
Sugandh / July 27, 2021
Dear Ajay:
Echoing your stance… END IMPUNITY, period.
A citizenry that vastly thinks it can pick and choose what laws and morality it can brush off selfserviently and thus avail themselves and all perpetrators in the chain impunity is the foundation for this and other hundreds of thousands of various tragedies over the course of our history.
Black Lankan / July 24, 2021
Once again our learned doctor Gnana is jumping into conclusion out of bias or over enthusiasm that the death is a MURDER so why any further investigation? This is kangaroo court of SL. He confirms it is murder because the mother of the deceased had claimed that her daughter never mentioned about suicide when she spoke to her last. What a beautiful investigative intuition by one time JMO? How many cases this doctor has come across where people announces that they were going to commit suicide? Most of suicides are sudden impulsive acts referred to as para suicides where there are no clear intention of death but a purely an impulsive act, a spur of the moment act. According to media report a doctor who treated her has said the girl did it herself. If this information in the media is hearsay all what Dr Gnana says too is hearsay and worst still biased and racially motivated. This is why I said let the authorities to conduct an independent effective investigation. Also scrutinise the JMOs report along with images etc by another competent expert. At this juncture we have not gone through the report anyway and hence going by what is said in the media.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / July 24, 2021
Black Lankan the bigoted Islamic racist, you and your fellow Muslim fanatics should hang your heads in shame. It is now said that more girls have been sexually abused at Badiuddin’s house in the past before what happened to this girl. Police is also going to reopen the case of one maid of Badiuddin’s house, who supposedly committed suicide by jumping in front of the train. Do not rush to condemn others who are standing up to bring the culprits to justice, just because you want to distort truth and cover up the offence of sexual abuse and murder. Blacks fighting for justice for death of George Floyd is not racially motivated, but whites suppressing the case is. Similarly my fight to bring justice to the maid is not racially motivated, but attempts by black Lankan and fellow Muslims to paint it as a suicide by a person of low morals, is racially motivated.
Black Lankan / July 24, 2021
Our Dr Gnana talks like as if he was there all the time, including when she set fire to herself or the household members set fire to her, AN EYE WITNESS!
The Dr has also taken it for granted all what the mother says as truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth. Have you ever considered the step father of the girl? Usually sexual abuses occur from within the house instead of outsiders. This step fathers abusing step daughters is a huge problem in SL specially in the north central province and lot of studies have been done on this. But our learned doctor never read these and instead going by his biased opinion and intuition. He even saw the wife of Rishard physically abusing the girl based on a telephone conversation. This false allegation of abuse is very common among domestic aids when they dont want to work at a place. Same with school children too who make such claims to avoid going to schools. But sadly our doctor is blind to all these realities because of his motto that all are guilty unless proved otherwise. How many tamils were sentenced to imprisonment based on forced confession. Those days when army shoots an innocent tamil then they obtain a letter from next of kin saying that the deceased is a terrorist.
Black Lankan / July 24, 2021
Unless our socioeconomic situation changes we will continue to have these tragedies. But this is nothing new. This exploitation has been going on for ever. First our political system must change and also this bogus Sinhala buddhist supremacy to be put to rest. Sexual exploitation will always be there and this is universal. But our education, social security, women emancipation, real rule of law etc may control this menace. Incest and underage sex is a huge problem in SL and vast majority are not reported for various reasons. Even if a guy sent to prison for rape he may be released by our good Buddhist and rewarded by a top post. The buddhsit temples and churches are other haunts of dirty sexual exploitation. Young bikkus are sexually abused by senior monks and that is nothing unusual. These guys then grow up with emotional trauma, violence and deviants. When tamils complained of rapes in N&E by the military the majority laughed at it saying it was tiger propaganda. Our racism is part of this problem. religions are of no use at all since majority religion is only for political and economic progress. I dont see any solution. The urban duvellers though go about freely yet they know how to protect themselves. But in the villages the situation is tragic and endemic.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / July 24, 2021
This type of tragedies will not occur if the society is decent and not barbaric as Badiuddin’s family. How many children have worked as domestic aid in the past and how many of them have suffered such consequences. It is those with sick minds commit such crimes.
Pandi Kutti / July 24, 2021
Everyone knows that this Rishard is an anti Thamizh . His hatred towards the Thamizh people is legendary. Yet employs poor poverty stricken estate Thamizh young girls and women . There is a history of them being tortured and sexually abused. It is now coming to light not one but many of these women have complained and so far no action was taken. Why cannot he employ poor Thullkachchis and torture and illtreat them instead poor Christian and Hindu Thamizh? Thullkans or Sri Lankan Mulims or Moors are descended from largely low caste converted Indian Tamil immigrants and the Arab or whatever else in them is minimal not worth mentioning. Yet everyone knows that despite this and speaking Thamizh, they deny their Thamizh origin and heritage and claim to be Arab or Camel but have a phenomenal hatred for the Christian and Hindu Thamizh and many of them will go out of their way to hurt and harm them, if they get a chance. We can see that in the Thamizh east where they came begging for refuge to save their lives a few centuries ago, now joining with Chingkalla racists to steal Thamizh lands.
Pandi Kutti / July 24, 2021
Thulluka elite and politicians like Rishard, Hizbullha and many others for their own selfish political and economic benefit brainwash the Thulluka masses, who are 100% Thamizh to hate their own Thamizh origin and heritage and worship anything connected to Arab, all in the name of Islam. We all know Ridshard and the Gonibillah from the east who was getting funds from Arabian Gulf have stolen thousands of acres of Thamizh lands and were promoting Islamic extremism. Why is this Thamizh hating Thulluika family allowed to employ poor estate Thamizh Hindu and Christian young women and girls and allowed to torture them and abuse them with impunity. Thullkans answer
Native Vedda / July 25, 2021
Pandi Kutti
“Thullkans or Sri Lankan Mulims or Moors are descended from largely low caste”
Why they are low caste?
Who made them low caste?
When they were born did you find their bum or forehead bronco branded as being low caste?
You assume you are higher caste. How do you prove it, any bronco branding on your willi?
Pandi Kutti / July 25, 2021
Vetaikaran Ammaan . Yes I am high caste as I was born into a High caste family and everyone in my ancestral village Vaddukottai are aware of this, especially Protestant Christian families. Smile. Nothing branded . This is just a fact of life I could have been born into a Pallan or Paraiyan family too. Nothing wrong in being low or high caste . Stating the truth, especially to a group of people who go
around crowing falesely to the world that they are superior to the island’s Thamizh due to their imagined Arab or Camel heritage that they hardly have is not insulting or derogatory. As per them even a little bit of Arab/Camel or whatever is makes them superior to a full blooded Thamizh, if there is one. How do they measure this and how superior they are because of this little bit of Camel? It is they who are inferring to outdated inferior and superior races, just to hide their real origin and you do not find that fiction offensive but the truth that I state offensive? There is nothing derogatory with regards to stating someone’s real origin. It is only derogatory when you insult them because of this origin.It is a well known fact that most of South Asian Muslim’s be they from the north or south, are largely descended from low caste Hindu converts to Islam and only a small minority of them are descended from upper caste coverts or from the ruling Mughals, Arab traders or others.
Pandi Kutti / July 25, 2021
Stating this is not a sin. However keeping on repeating a lie of racial or an imagined ethnic superiority to the island’s Thamizh due to partial or full blooded Arab heritage is a sin and racially very derogatory, especially when most Thamizh know what their real origin is. Have you realized this?
Stating this is not a sin. However keeping on repeating a lie of racial or an imagined ethnic superiority to the island’s Thamizh due to partial or full blooded Arab heritage is a sin and racially very derogatory, especially when most Thamizh know what their real origin is. Have you realized this? Even an Indian Borah Muslim has written about the actual origin of the Sri Lankan Muslims. It is obvious to everyone else but only themselves. Only in Sri Lanka Dravidian converts to Buddhism have become Sinhalese Aryans and Dravidian converts to Islam have become Moors and Arabs. The former due to the high percentage of Prakrit/Sanskrit words in the Sinhalese language and the latter due to their religion and itzy bitzy Arab that is largely from the wrong side of the bed too.
Humble / July 25, 2021
Pandi kutti,
Tamils are partly to blame for sinhalese and muslims denying their tamil roots and trying to erase tamil.
The oppressive caste system has left a scar in their psyche (genetic memory).
But they have gone too far to the other extreme and are now manifesting their own judgement from god.
No community in SL is totally innocent.
Pandi Kutti / July 25, 2021
Bumbling Anna . Thamizh are not to blame for Chingkallams and Thullukans denying their Dravidian Thamizh roots. Chingkallams deny their largely Thamizh roots, as they have been been brainwashed by their elite, politicians, peers and religious leaders to believe in their part history largely myth, Mahavamsa fairy tale, that they are indeed purely descended from a part lion part human North Indian prince and his merry band of 700 North Indian rowdy babies who took some frisky Pandian Thamizh women as their consorts. They also believe in this myth that the land was promised to them by Lord Buddha and the non Buddhist Thamizh are outsiders who do not deserve anything. Caste has nothing to do with this, as they despite calling themselves Buddhist practice caste and are far more caste conscious than the Eezham Thamizh. Only upper caste Chingkallams can be leaders and just read their marriage columns to see how caste conscious they are. Yes the upper caste Chingkalams are largely descended from upper caste Indian Thamizh and the low caste from low caste Indian Thamizh. The Sri Lankan Thamizh had nothing to do with this. They brought this caste system from their largely South Indian homeland and transplanted it here and practiced this, despite calling themselves Buddhists. Old habits die hard.
Pandi Kutti / July 25, 2021
It ws the upper caste Chingkallams who were discriminating the low caste Chingkallams. Making Rodiya and Berewa women go around topless, so they can ogle on their boobs. Discrimination between Kandyan and low country Chingkallams, and Goivigamma calling the Karawa, Salagama, Durawa, Berewa, Hunu derogatively as ” Demala Jarawa” meaning Thamizh dirt. Even not allowing them to enter their Buddhist temples or ordaining them as Buddhist monks. They they forced to open their own temples and their own Budhist sects. The Eezham Thamizh had nothing to do with this. Eezham Thamizh hardly had much interaction with the Chingkallams or Thullkans until European colonization and never discriminated them on the basis of caste. This caste hangover happened in their original South Indian and in some cases North Indian homeland. The Chingkallams were discriminating each other on the basis of caste until the British left, then they got united to discriminate their common Thamizh enemy on the basis of the Mahvamsa but still on the side were subtly discriminating each other on the basis of caste.
SJ / July 25, 2021
One can claim high birth.
But who one’s ancestors are, only generations of mothers know.
Rohan25 / July 24, 2021
Rishard is a well known anti Tamil and constantly makes anti Tamil and derogatory comments about the Tamils, despite the fact the so called Sri Lankan Moors are really converted Indian Tamil Hindus. He has gone overseas and canvassed/advocated against granting just Tamil rights and federalism . Tried to settle fake Muslim refugees , who were not from the north and even foreign Muslims along the Wilpattu corridor and wildlife refuge with funds from certain Islamic nations, in order to increase his vote bank and also to convert large parts of the Tamil majority north into an Islamic majority area from Mannar through the Vanni and to join the east to claim on huge Islamic homeland that was the master plan but it failed. There are allegations that thousands of acres of Tamil lands, that were abandoned were illegally transferred to his name of to entities or companies controlled by him. Strange with all this history, he and his family are employing poor estate Tamils in their home to do menial work and illtreating them, as per many allegations. Why? Most probably thinks they can get away if they illtreat Tamils and wants to illtreat and vent their anti Tamil hatred on these poor helpless Tamils. Imagine if the same fate had happened to Sinhalese housemaid and the repercussions?
Humble / July 24, 2021
The estate labour tamils have been the most oppressed people on the island for a long time now.
First the british brought them over as a slave labour community.
Later abused by the racist sinhala governments.
Faced caste based racism from NE tamils who looked down on them.
Used as servants and abused by muslims in recent times.
All this suffering will come with a great reward for them later when god shifts the karmic tides
Black Lankan / July 24, 2021
Dr Gnana, the evilness or corruption or racism is one thing and the issue at hand is another thing. It is patently clear you are taking revenge from Rishad using this issue. Being a doctor and one time JMO you must separate the issues. With this bias how did you function as a JMO. Let the investigation decide as to whether it is suicide or murder. Also sexual abuse took place or not. Why are you jumping the gun. Did you listen to the interview where the mother says that they all want to commit suicide. It is the usual vocabulary when people are under stress. So dont interfere with the investigation. No one can say that the employer were guilty or not until being proved. But employing under age is illegal. But I am sure you too may be having an under aged servant? Rishads other evil things have to be handled separately. He took over lands of tamils., destroyed Wilpattu sanctuary and many other financial frauds like all other politicians. Muslims are survivors and opportunists and often play double game. But sinhala politicians too are the same. How event the hill country tamil politicians, they are worse crooks. They exploit the estate tamils more than the others. So Dr let law takes its own course. You may show your anger but dont pass judgement, especially on hearsay and one time JMO.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / July 24, 2021
Black Lankan, do not distort what happened. It is only when the police wanted to close the case as suicide and that there was no sexual abuse, and when Muslim racists started a campaign to vilify the girl as loose character, that I and other truth seeking persons stepped in. When the girl was admitted to hospital, police should have started investigations and they did not, obviously wanting to cover it up as suicide. Muslim JMO also did an incomplete examination to suit the claim of suicide and was callous about sexual abuse. Rishard is not involved in planning or executing the murder and there is no allegation that he committed sexual abuse or had known about it, but as the chief occupant he is liable for prosecution. Had the law taken a correct course from the beginning, then there would have been no necessity for others to complain. Because there was suspicion, government appointed fresh team to investigate. If is due to our agitation that culprits are being taken into custody. You are rushing to defend the criminals when incriminating fresh evidence is emerging. I can assure you that at the end I will be proved right.
SJ / July 25, 2021
This is overkill
They came as indentured labour. The Kankanis who brought them here were Tamil middlemen who ensured their prolonged stay here. The British isolated them from the Sinhalese.
It was after the nationalisation of estates that plantation workers had proper access to education.
Exploitation of labour in plantations did not get worse after the foreigners left.
There is communal feeling. I do not know what you mean by abuse.
There are other things denied to them about which much needs to be done. Their deportation to India was very bad.
The caste system of the North made little sense in the plantations. There were no production and property relations to invoke caste.
In fact caste operates strongly within the Hill Country Tamil community. you can check it out.
Do not single out Muslims for abuse of domestic workers. Most people with money to spare exploits cheap labour.
What has god done all this time?
They would rather have the 1000 rupees per day wage today than wait for rewards some day in the future.
Ajith / July 24, 2021
I don’t know whether this issue and giving continued priority will be used to turn the attention of the real problems of this country that affects whole Sri Lankan population. The real problems of this country are family dictatorship, selling the land and resources to China and USA, economic disaster, Corona, corruption etc. The media and politicians and government is now focused only in this issue and helping the dictators all the other real issues. It might turn as a racial conflict between Tamils and Muslims and give an opportunity to the Rajapaksas to use military to crush out any legitimate people protests and revolution.
It is his prime duty as a legislator that Mr. Rishad Bathiudeen should have inquired about the age of Jude Kumar Ishalini before taking her as his domestic servant. Instead of helping her from poverty, he has promoted the broker to bring domestic servants from the hill country. Moreover, Rishard Bathiudeen and his wife along with some of his relatives had taken undue advantage over their poverty. The girl had been burnt several times. It cannot be an accident. She would have been brutually treated for not complying with their illegal matters. The girl was helpless. It also appeared that the girl’s mother was denied access to her daughter. In all respects it was a gruesome murder may be resulting from the burnt wounds. The whole country is awaiting that justice should manifestly seem to be done for the girl’s family.
RBH59 / July 25, 2021
When on admission a Why is the statement is needed she was alive and 12 days in hospital you will usually be asked to provide the statement as a treating doctor, a police statement involved in the treatment of the patient. Patient consent statement would have been vital, And whenshe was alive all facts would have been known not after her death
Black Lankan / July 26, 2021
In any burn case the police has to record the statement and it is a routine police work. Also the treating doctor has to report to the police. Now coming to her age, contrary to what our Dr Gnana says, very rarely people verify the age through birth certificate. They go by what they claim. This deceased girl, based on the images, appear well nourished and well built and easily pass off as an adult unless someone bothers to check her birth certificate. But the practice is no one checks the certificate and instead go by what they or the broker say. Of course after this incident people will be very careful. But sadly our Dr is more interested in fixing the Muslim family and not to care about the deceased girl. For him it appears to be an opportunity to attack the muslim family. Rishad may be a bad guy and may be even against the Tamils and did lots of wrong things using his position but the issue at hand is all about the death of this poor girl. Many here, even senior people are going by emotion and bias and not logically. Let the investigation to go on and make sure proper work is done and then let the court decide about their guilt.
whywhy / July 27, 2021
Black Lankan ,
According to Rishad’s party source , it was reported that the victim was already
16 when she joined Rishad fmily . If this is correct , Rishad can not be faulted
for employment irregularity . As for the death of the girl , he was not at the scene
and the country knows this . Now , the sexual abuse story , my knowledge about
the hill country and especially the Tea community is , virginity is a rare
commodity for them . It is a sad situation but ask the plantation sources for
verification . I challenge , carry out a virginity test today in the area and prove me
wrong ! No ugly pleasure in pointing the fingers at an unbelievably oppressed
community yet again , this is the real situation in the area . And rest assured,
this girl Shalini’s case will have tons of twists and turns simply because it is
a case against a highly communalised politics .
Black Lankan / July 27, 2021
Why why, there is lot of politics and also many don’t like Rishad as he has no good reputation. So this incident has become a golden opportunity to whack the guy. But there are a number of issues like age of the girl, living condition, refusal for the mother to see her on three occasions, emotional and physical abuse to be confirmed but this repeated sexual penetration is a difficult thing to prove. One has to see the real autopsy report as to exactly what was said. Burning, I feel it is self inflicted but yet underlying emotional trauma or stress may go against the household. They need more independent evidence to corroborate the case. May end up with paying damages. Racism obviously playing a role here. Had it been a Sinhala mp or minister things may have been different. It is indeed a complex case. Prosecution will be a difficult task.
whywhy / July 28, 2021
Black Lankan ,
Time and call for ” good reputation” in Srilankan politics is now long
gone , not only for Rishad , everyone else . It is now Time and call for
slaughter house politics and Rishad is one such target and everyone
including the 6.9 million knows this . He had some luck he was
already in C I D custody when this unfortunate incident happened .
Just imagine otherwise ! I am not writing here either for Rishad or
against Shalini , I am very much concerned that a well organised
Mafia is roaming the streets with C C T V on their foreheads
hunting targets that are available in plenty throughout the country
and Magnifying or trivialising the Kill to their taste ! I notice an
increasing tendency in looking at your racial qualification on
making misjudgements about your day to day life happenings .
ReginaldShamalPerera / July 28, 2021
I pity this girl because she is from the hard working Upcountry Tamil community. If this was a Jaffna or Eastern Tamil girl, I wouldn’t have given a sh*t.
The tamils foolishly thought they could unite with the Muslims to attack us. And now look what has happened.
This happens in most Muslim houses in Colombo. They get Tamils girls from upcountry and sexualize these innocent girls.
Time the NCPA raids Muslim house including Amir Ali’s and save these innocent children. As for the predators, this is one rare instance I support the death penalty. But because that is absent in our justice system, give them dose of Kuttimani punishment inside the jail cell.
leelagemalli / July 28, 2021
What nonsense u ve been up to again? Unlike us tamils and muslims can exchange their thought because their language is common to them. Looking at the density both muslims and tamils are no stupid as sinhalayas are. Our people let them be fooled by fake perception s again and again as our modayas would never grasp the truths .
Look at how mercy cows got caught by ‘pani beema”.
Look at how 6.9mio betrayed the nation.
Look at how they lined up to worship-fake relics- T Kelaniya temple in Nov 2019.