By Kumar David –
Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe it seems is pushing for an expeditious replacement constitution. I suspect he is of the view that if there is moderate devolution to Tamil areas within six or twelve months, international and local demands for punishment of convicted (fat hopes if it’s a 100% domestic process) politicians and military brass can be defused. An accommodating President Sirisena will no doubt be glad to garland culprits with an amnesty. I can’t see even small punishments or a rap on the knuckles; that’s the power hegemonic politics. A domestic process sans international component will flop because Lanka has neither systems nor ethos to handle it. Realistically however I am reconciled to the inevitable as my preferences will make little impact.
Maybe President Sirisena can restrain his compassionate munificence! In Chile, military brass convicted of torture, murder and kidnap during Pinochet’s military regime are housed in the bucolic tranquillity of Punta Peco special detention centre, allowed 24-hour visits, provided with special meals and sports facilities, and permitted conjugal joys or call-girl facilities at taxpayer expense. Not bad eh? A Lakdev Liyanagama writing in the Daily News on 17 September says “. . President Sirisena and Prime Minister Wickremesinghe (should) assure Sri Lankans that those who prosecuted the war – especially in uniform – will not be victimised (sic!) by such an inquiry”. What he means is that perpetrators of crimes enumerated in the HRC Report should go scot free. Maybe a Punta Peco in the salubrious hills of Diyatalawa will do fine.
Allegations of widespread sexual abuse and torture before, after and during the war and some occurrences after 8 January 2015 will not come as a surprise to those familiar with the nature of state power and the incidence of deviants (vide Peradeniya rag) in our society and this backs Hilary Clinton’s assertion that the military employed rape as an instrument of war. The UNHRC Report opens up this can of worms and Lankan society needs to address several challenges.
To return to the political dimension, the UNHRC will impose time limits, though the domestic process, after pleadings for extension, is likely to drag on for – your guess is as good as mine – say 18 months. And come, come, let’s be grown-ups, the birth pangs of the replacement constitution may be just as long. In the meantime for Rajapaksa’s main phalanx, and for the advance guard of four or five hard-core racial rabble-rousers, a constitution incorporating devolution, and the start of a process, whether domestic or international, seeking out war criminals is manna from heaven. Double-bubble toil and trouble, Ranil boil and MS squabble; feed the hate and stir the squalor, that’s the way to dope and lucre. To be prosaic, both constitution and war-crimes inquiry are protracted procedures; meanwhile rabble-rousers will enjoy prolonged felicitous circumstances and Tamil areas will rot under the military.
This Gordian-knot must be cut; people cannot wait 18 or whatever months; it must be action now on four concrete imperatives that justify no procrastination. Priority one; demilitarise the North and East now, let there is no visible military presence, no military business activities and no luxury holiday bungalows for the brass. (It should be as in the South). Second return all civilian land occupied by the military. These two can be implemented forthwith; ‘security threat’ fairy tales are hogwash to justify continued exertion of power and enjoyment of pleasures. Ranil, even Sirisena and all politicos know that the hogwash is eyewash for the public but none of them has the guts to call a spade a spade. To repeat: Constitutions may come and go; devolution may or may not dawn; war-crimes inquiries may meander forever. Leave all this to one side. Demilitarise NOW; return occupied lands NOW. What’s the problem?
There are two more matters about which the government must get serious; economic cum social development and rehabilitation of displaced people. These are not one shot issues that can be done in a day, but the progress of this government is no more expeditious than the snail’s pace at which the previous one was ambling. The apathy, nay the intransigence of the Northern Provincial Council and its Chief Minister is contributory. Unfortunately this also calls in question the virtues devolution, but the Central Government has no option but to go over these dunces and take development in hand in direct liaison with N&E Members of Parliament. If devolution has flopped due to the incompetence of the NPC and its CM, just pass them by. Things are better in the East.
Snail’s pace rehabilitation was expected from the previous regime whose loathing of Tamils was visceral, but why progress has not been any better in the last nine months is not easy to fathom. Is the Ministry of Rehabilitation exclusively for decorative purposes? If unending militarisation of the North and reports of repression and sexual molestation is a problem, is it not time Minister Swaminathan spoke up? In sum, demilitarisation is the cornerstone for acceleration of land restitution, rehabilitation and economic development; start with it! Reconstructing the broken social order in once orderly Jaffna and restoring society’s moral norms is a long-term challenge about which there are more qualified people than I to hear from.
I need to repeat the bottom line of my argument one more time. Demilitarisation and restitution of military occupied land can be done by Ranil and Mirisena at the stroke of a pen if only they have guts to say boo to the chauvinist goose and to the military jack-boot. Economic reconstruction and rehabilitation need not wait till the never-never day when constitutions are enacted and war-crimes probed. Ranil more than Sirisena is the source of power at this moment; the latter is only a useful screen when needed. So it is his not Sirisena’s mettle that is being put to the test at this time. Does he have what it takes to say “boo” to the chauvinist goose and the military jack-boot?
I used the expression ‘never-never day’ after some thought; a counterattack is being prepared by Rajapaksa-forces as there is no other short-term option for counterrevolution. It will also serves the purpose of disrupting corruption trials and muddling murder investigations making painful progress through the system. The UNHRC thunderbolt and devolution crumbs to the Tamils will be the perfect foil for a racist offensive beating rata-jathika drums and tucking up swastika adorned loincloths. Does this seem like a worst case scenario? Well remember Sod’s Law is truer than Murphy’s Law – and if you’ve forgotten, Sod’s Law statess: “Murphy was an optimist”.
The opening salvos
If you have been following the unfolding saga, the opening salvos have been fired. The campaign is orchestrated around three slogans:
- UN human rights organisations, its High Commissioner Zeid al Hussein, the United States and the world’s imperialist powers are targeting the Lankan state, the Sinhalese people, our heroic armed forces and our victorious war against ferocious terrorism. It is no less than Lanka’s honour, self-esteem and the very foundations of our civilisation that are under attack.
- Prime Minister Ranil Wickremasinghe, External Affairs Minister Mangala Samaraweera and the UNF-GG government are a traitorous fifth column, maggots who will stoop to a hybrid procedure, or a domestic mechanism with foreign involvement, to deliver (a) above. More than foreign brigands it is these of homebred traitors to race and nation that needs to be pulverised, thrown out of office and replaced.
- The ultimate target is our great saviour and patriot Mahinda Rajapaksa himself. Rally to the defence of our Great Leader!
I am indeed quite taken aback that most people, including firebrands among my left friends are myopic to this growing peril. Though Rome is about to ignite they string the violin of world revolution, or rebury long-buried Tissa and DEW again, or work off inter trade union jealousies. The crucial need for an anti-fascist front incorporating civil society movements, the UNP and JVP is overlooked.
Be that as it may many left parties are not big though the impact they can have and the noise they can generate is disproportionately larger than their size. The big worry is Ranil and the UNP – Sirisena is a slow learner, leave him alone, like Mary’s little lamb he will follow after. I am simply not satisfied that Ranil and the UNP are sufficiently sensitive to the emerging threat. They do not seem to see three things, viz: Racism will succeed in whipping up a certain amount of unrest and mob activity; second, if it is given a few months unchallenged the grass-roots of the UNP and less ideologically knowledgeable MPs will wobble and turn unreliable; and third, since alleged war-crimes perpetrators include military brass and soldiers the armed forces may be confused and less than 100% dependable. Anyway the army is not much different from what it was in 1983.
I have been harping on this general theme in my two previous pieces and I have no compunction about doing it again. (How many times and for how long did I have to din the Common-Candidate Single-Issue refrain before anyone took notice? Eventually I got the CC but only half the SI). Likewise the developing danger, and more important, how it should be dealt with are worth many repetitions.
Racist mobs, if they materialise must be dispersed quickly, communal virus spreads rapidly and should not be allowed to prance around even for a few weeks. Mobilise the people – civil society, UNPers, JVPers and the Left. The state’s forces are less dependable this time for the reason I mentioned. The 1936 Cable Street example is the right way to disperse fascist and racists – the people of East London drove off Oswald Mosley’s black shirts; they never returned. It is not at all too early to educate people; once proto-fascism gains momentum large numbers are prone to infection.
Jim softy / September 27, 2015
There are lot of kallathonis who arrived when Tamil eelam was the eternal kingdom there. yhey should be dispatched too.
If there are any Tamil army fellows there they must be sent back to Tamilnadu or Kerala.
Amden / September 27, 2015
Now that Kumar David (othersise irrelevant and useless) has ORDERED that the North should be demilitarised, we have no alternative now but comply!
Which planet does this fool David come from?
Davidson Panabokke / September 28, 2015
In spite of UN Declaration decades ago we have Mugabes, Rajapakses, etc
Emil van der Poorten / September 28, 2015
He obviously comes from a rational planet where the likes of those such as you, who can’t tell an “E” from and “A” do NOT dwell.
Thank god for that!
Paul / September 28, 2015
But aruound 50% of the so called present day Sinhalese ( May be even you) are purely descended from fairly recent Tamil immigrants from Kerala and TamilNadu. Definitely judging from the family many of the commentators and posters of Lankaweb. The rest of the Sinhlese are a mixture of the indigenous Tamils and other tribes and medieval Tamil immigratns and invaders from South India who converted to Buddhism. So where are you going to send them?
Pandaram / September 28, 2015
Check your DNA, according to genetic studies more than 50% of the Sinhala Buddhists are South Indians from Kerela, Tamil Nadu, and Andara. I am 100% sure your ancestors are also one of those Kallathonies.
Davidson Panabokke / September 29, 2015
You’re iving in pre-UN saga.
Tamil from the north / September 29, 2015
Hey Jim Shitty, start packing your bags. We are sending you on a one way sail to Orissa where you come from.
Jim softy / September 27, 2015
This Guy [edited out]
aratai / September 27, 2015
Sri Lanka is a Sinhala Buddhist Nation.
It is ruled by Solomon’s, Dudley’s, Junius’e, Fernando’s, Silva’s,…….
These pure blood Sinhala Buddhists for some reason hates minorities….
Paul / September 28, 2015
Pure blooded! The vast majoirty of these so called pure blooded are descended from recent South Indian immigrants. The includes the Bandaranaickes and most of the so called Sinhalese pure blood ruling classed and elite. As for the Fernandos Silva Souyas etc all purely descended from indentured South Indian labour that was imported into the island by the Dutch and Portuguese colonials from what is modern day Tamil Nadu and then Tamil Kerala
Davidson Panabokke / September 28, 2015
Pieris, Perera,….??
John / September 28, 2015
Absolutely, Sri Lanka is a Sinhala Buddhist Nation!!!!
Native Vedda / October 1, 2015
“Absolutely, Sri Lanka is a Sinhala Buddhist Nation!!!! “
Since when?
Tamil from the north / September 30, 2015
@Jim Shitty, thanks for keeping the comment brief and meaningless. See you soon.
punchinilame / September 27, 2015
As the author of the change – the CC theory – which has brought back life to the
citizens, is knowledgeable to predict the short-term happenings that could upset the 2 yr. MS-RW Good Governance. The lackadasikcal manner of Ranils responding to issues is
an example – the PM Office has no Administrative structure to tackle issues expeditiously. The uproar created by W.Weerawansa about Ranils visit to India and the
CEPA matter was answered much longer after it had died down in the media is an example.
Sengodan. M / September 27, 2015
Yes, I fully agree that priority number one for the people of the North is not devolution which may take its own course, but demilitarisation which should be expedited from today, release of ALL grabbed lands and resettlement.
Sengodan. M
eusense / September 27, 2015
Demilitarize so that the seperatist tamils can start another terror war?
Paul / September 27, 2015
No you prefer the occupying Sinhalese army to remain in the North and East to continue the genocidal ethnic cleansing war agains the Tamils.
Eusense / September 28, 2015
Give me a list of all genocidal ethnic cleansing of Tamils you know since end of the LTTE terror war.
Please, don’t go silent.
Davidson Panabokke / September 28, 2015
[Edited out]
Tamil from the north / September 30, 2015
Hey Eusense the nuisance, we are talking right up to the end of the war in 2009.
Additionally, you mentioned the following: “Give me a list of all genocidal ethnic cleansing of Tamils you know since end of the LTTE terror war” – does that mean you accept there was ethnic cleansing up until the end of the war?
Native Vedda / September 27, 2015
“Demilitarize so that the seperatist tamils can start another terror war?”
Its for the Hindian to decide. Leave the worrying to them.
Joseph De Vazz / September 27, 2015
There are over 150,000 Army personnel’s stationed in the North and East according to the Media. Accordingly 1 Army person for 3 civilians in the North and 1 Army person for 500 civilians in the South.
The UN resolution clearly state to De-Militarise the North. Will the Sri Lankan Govt. abide by the UN resolution?
eusense / September 27, 2015
Your statistics on army personnel are from which media? Give a link to the readers. I hope not from tamil diaspora media!
Mohamed Naufar / September 27, 2015
The war is over, accordingly the Sri Lankan Govt. should withdraw the 150,000 Sinhala Army troops in the North and allow the Tamil civilians to live in peace.
Eusense / September 28, 2015
Sri Lankan gov. can keep it’s troops any where in the country as it wishes. Tamil civilians live in peace now than when the LTTE terrorists roamed the north. They are not under the constant threat of suicide bombings and being used as human shields.
Native Vedda / September 27, 2015
“Your statistics on army personnel are from which media?”
What do you recon the troop level in the North is?
Pick one number from the below:
Nil, 10, 15, 20, ……….. 100, 200, … 1000, 2000, …. 10000, 20000, ……100,000, 200,000 ….. 1000000, 2000000, …..
The Rogue Ayer / September 28, 2015
Native Vedda,
We in Jaffna know the truth!
All the members of the various SL security forces live in the Northern Province with their family members. Luxurious gated communities have been built for them with reverse osmosis filters.
Davidson Panabokke / September 28, 2015
give a link?
here yo are:
Eusense / September 30, 2015
How stupid do you think one has to be to take info supplied by a pro terrorist diaspora managed web page?
Native Vedda / October 1, 2015
Nuisance the stupid I
“How stupid do you think one has to be to take info supplied by a pro terrorist diaspora managed web page?”
I will make it easy for you. We do not need to rely on info supplied by a pro terrorist diaspora managed web page. Let us have your guesstimate.
What do you recon the troop level in the North is?
Pick one number from the below: Nil, 10, 15, 20, ……….. 100, 200, … 1000, 2000, …. 10000, 20000, ……100,000, 200,000 ….. 1000000, 2000000, …..
Vibhushana / September 27, 2015
The current environment is similar to post 1977 period. The Tamil party had made a lot of promises to their electorate.
They then go to the Parliament. Although what they manage to achieve is not what they promised to the electorate. They then take it back to their electorate and the tinderbox they created blows in everyone’s face.
Similarly, there is a tinderbox waiting to be blown up yet again. Now, let the TNA go to Colombo and deal with other reps in Parliament first. They will then take it to their electorate.
No one knows if the tinderbox will explode yet again. So talk of military decommission is pre-mature. The military decommissioning should be dependent on TNA solving the political problem they created for themselves first.
Davidson Panabokke / September 28, 2015
Why should Tamils nd Tamil political parties go in curcles in a decently Buddhist and non-devillish country?
Emil van der Poorten / September 27, 2015
Keep up the pressure, Kumar.
You are NOT alone. However, those of goodwill and good sense who have the future of this country at heart need to open their mouths and punch the keys of their computers in support of the sentiments you have expressed.
Amden / September 28, 2015
Yah! Take the army from the North and send them to repossess the land being held by the discarded colonial remnants.
Galagedara will be a good place to start!
Kettikaran / September 28, 2015
Kumar deserves credit for the Common Issue Candidate, which eventually saw the ouster of the God King. He writes sensibly, regularly and fearlessly on issues deeply concerning all of us.
But the over 75% Sinhala sentiment cannot be ignored – whether they are right or wrong. Politics is not a bed of roses grounded on ethics,
morality and decency. And when the Rajapakses step in it is an entirely different ball game played by the degenerates in a poisoned society.
The armed forces, notably the army, leaving the Tamil areas – with the exception of that number that is necessary to be deployed in case of real emergencies – is a sensitive point in the minds of the Sinhalese. They are cunningly taught to equate this with leaving Sri Lankan soil in the NEP open to Separatism and Tamilnadu – both of which are now delusional. Then there are the Weerawansas and Gnassaras whose raison d’etre is crass racialism. Also, there are the large number of soldiers (and officers) enjoying a comfortable life – some with wife, children, schooling etc – reportedly saving their entire pay packets. Veggies, Fish and meat are all free – stolen from the Tamils around. They are not going to leave without making a helluva fuss.
How do we get out of this. The Tamil people in those areas should not be allowed to continue to languish and suffer any longer.
Eusense / September 27, 2015
Kumar David,
Military Occupation Of N&E should happen only once the citizens of Sri Lanka are absolutely positive that no terrorism is in the horizon and only after Tamil leaders have won the trust of our citizens. I am afraid that this may not happen during your life time observing what Tamil separatist activities involving the UNHRC and their anti-Sri Lankan stance.
Paul / September 27, 2015
So the Tamils from the north and east are not not citizens of the country and only the Sinhalese?
What about the citizens of Sri Lankan. making absoultely positive that the state sponsored Sinhalese terrorism against the entire Tamil population in the island, that started from independence and still continuing even six years after the demise of LTTE ceases by the ceasing the military occupation of the Sinhalese armed forces that largely contributed to this terrorism and is still continung is removed.
Everyone knows that this army is only there not to prevent any future or present uprisings by the Tamils but kept to harrass and terrorise the Tamil population and to facilitate the future large scale Sinhalisation of the remaining Tamil majority lands in the north and east. As a prelude to this they have already illegally occupied and confiscated the hundreds and thousands of acres of very fertile Tamil lands. Whilst the original Tamil owners of these lands are living in squalor and in poverty the Occupying Sinhales army is farming their land and building luxury hotels. It is these activites that will breed resent and an uprising. It is not the Tamils who are the problem but racist Sinhalese like you, who do not want to recognise the ancient history of the Tamils in the island and their legitimate right to their lands in the North and East of the island. The Portuguese the Dutch the British even the BC Pact the DS Chelvanaygam pact and the international Indo Ceylon agreement in 1987 recognised this.
Davidson Panabokke / September 29, 2015
That is not demoracy, but pure oppression of an ethnic minority by a majority.
It’s terrorism of successive governments since independence that produced rebel terrorism(read LLRC submissions by informed and conscientious Sinhalese). Pre-war oppresion continues post-war. There are some members of the UN like Sri Lanka against which UN mechanism is powerless. Such is the power of each UN membe rand collusionof such members.
Unfortunate minorities are lumped with such inhuman majorities whom cannot be influenced even by Buddhism.
Informed and conscientious Sinhalese have said proper justice to all and law and order maintenance should suffice to ward off separatism. Militarisation to control rebellion against oppression is the answer of inhuman rulers.
Spring Koha / September 27, 2015
“””President Sirisena will no doubt be glad to garland culprits with an amnesty.””” and some will even get foreign postings!
Professor, let us not forget that we have just seen a recycling of many of the same nincompoops who regaled the last government with their incompetence. Let us not get our hopes up too high.
Spring Koha / September 27, 2015
In the last paragraph, Professor David paints a dismal picture of the apocalypse to come if MS and RW lose grip of the plot. It is an open secret that the tenuous links that maintain armed forces discipline will snap, and many soldiers will morph into the shock and awe mob that will bring mayhem to town and country up and down this land in an attempt to thwart any of the initiatives the government may approve.
Sadly, what Mr Ethirveerasingam has forecast may well be the sad outcome, and the whole country will descend into a fresh hell of blood letting.
This is not the time for any of us to take our eye off the ball.
Don Stanley / September 27, 2015
Excellent and thank you Comrade Kumar!
Your fears about the racist BACKLASH that Mahinda Rajapaksa is organizing are well founded.
Madam CBK must lead the anti-racist counter attack and we must all encourage and support her to do so.
Glad to see that your infatuation with Sirisena is fading…
Keep up the brilliant work and analysis.
soma / September 27, 2015
Reenact Sirima-Shastri pact.
It is for their own good too. The vacated military will set up camp in arreas where more than 50% of Tamils presently live. They and the generations to come will go through the same torturous life the Tamils in North and East presently going through.
I am yet to understand this one set of arguments for -50% and another set for+50%.
Native Vedda / September 28, 2015
somaaaaaaaass kantha
Pull out the armed forces from North and East and give them back their habitat.
“Reenact Sirima-Shastri pact.”
Send them to North East. Close down the tea and rubber estates.
Where are you going go to, your homeland Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Telengana, Bihar, … whence your ancestors came?
n.ethirveerasingam / September 27, 2015
Kumar David,
Your assessment is realistic. Sri Lanka is falling into an abyss that it may never recover. USA and its sponsors of the domestic process with sprinkling of commonwealth icing to make it palatable to TNA and the SL govt. I wonder whether they are aware of the chaos that is about to happen within the Sinhala Community and Tamils being Targeted again when the UNHRC adopts the draft resolutions.
Tamils will never take up arms to fight injustice or even defend themselves but the Ghandian approach is what they will adopt. The consequence of that will be a lot of Tamils will loose their lives once again. May be they will accept the SL govt like they did the Portuguese, the Dutch and the British governance!
justice / September 27, 2015
The army is having a good time in the north, and to a lesser extent in the east, and will not give up their luxurious lifestyle with surreptitious sex whenever desired, food, clothing and shelter provided with salaries becoming full savings, duty-free liquor in all officers’ messes – unlike other public servants, and pensions too after the good years come to an end.
Army giving up business activities will not happen.
The bogey of “resurrection” of LTTE justifies.
If MS and RW are sincere, they can implement demilitarisation – but, do
they have the guts to do it?
Are tamils fated to live under the jackboot forever?
But, wait for the fireworks when commonwealth judges recruitment gets under way!
thondamanny / September 27, 2015
Quote : End Military Occupation Of N&E!- KD
Those who may not know, these statements are the after effects of years of long association with King Robert.
Where do we dump the military? At KD’s home? Where? he had sold his Hill street ceylinco house as well.
Depose the Sri lanka military and in their place replace those camps with American bases.
If Kumar is not off his rocker, then the entire South need to demand Demilitarization elsewhere in the country as well.
Hey Kumar ! Where are we going to place the Vanni ladies brigade?
Has LTTE too demilitarised themselves as well? I don’t see that when I read some comments.
We in Thondamannaru don’t mind military being there as we are safe from marauding Tamil youth who have no self control with slavish $$$ they receive & running riot.
Very soon, we will have to destabilise our own Youth who are good for nothing drunkards and drug addicts and from our kind who come wagging their foreign passports to the North with the promise of marriage and sedduce our Tamil Virgins………
Don Stanley…. Your madame CBK is a curse to the Country.
Vetmahadeva / September 30, 2015
You may have sold your house in Thodamannar,
other wise you will be shouting by now
“Come on Come on Kumar David you have made a correct call”
If you don’t have a problem now military being there that doesn’t mean there is no problem or no social issues by the presence of Military there
Who are you to make those assertions that is everything is okay there, and bark on behalf of war tormented people for 30 long years?
Jim softy / September 27, 2015
That army is not from another country.
Why they can not stay there ?
aratai / September 28, 2015
Where was that Army when when Indians came?
Native Vedda / September 28, 2015
“Where was that Army when when Indians came?”
They were hiding behind their women folks and VP’s bum.
Jim softy / September 28, 2015
Where were the Tamils before Dutch came ?
Pandaram / September 28, 2015
Before the Dutch came the Tamils were under the Jaffna Kingdom. The Jaffna Kingdom then (a separate country) is today known as Tamil Eelam.
Native Vedda / September 28, 2015
Jim softy
“Where were the Tamils before Dutch came ?”
Their ancestors were in Tamil Nadu, their descendants converted to Sinhala/Buddhism and now live in the deep deep south. Most of them have turned to racism just to fit in with the crowd.
Your ancestors probably were the last of the migrants.
Tamil from the north / October 1, 2015
Jim Shitty, the SL Tamils were in Sri Lanka living along with other SLankans. I wonder whether you ever went to school numb nut?
Please keep your reply brief……….”edited out”/ hahahaha!!!!
Tamil from the north / October 19, 2015
Jim Shitty, they were sitting in your backyard.
Paul / September 28, 2015
But they behabiour towards the Tamils is like that they are from a foreing occupying force, makes us believe that they and the Sinhalese south is another hostile country. Good if they are not from another country they can also be stationed in large numbers in the Sinhalese south, to the ratio of one army person to one civilian. Appropriate hundreds and thousans of acres of the most fertile Sinhalese lands and start producing food and building luxury hotels, whilst the rightful Sinhalese owners of these lands live in poverty and squalor. Since you are such a supporter of the army occupation you Eusence and the rest of the Sinhalese racist Hurah crowd, can start by donating your lands to the armed forces. What you advocate is good for the Tamils in the north and east is good for you too
baludeen / September 28, 2015
[Edited out]
pacs / September 28, 2015
They never accepted the Portuguese , Dutch or the British. but the life went on under them without much resent on later periods. All the heroes killed or extradited like what has happened recently.
most went to sourthern part of Tamilnadu. There wasn’ t any passport or powerful naval and police those days. land both sides of the water has been common for all Tamils. they were able move and live freely. they were not incarcerated in the refugee camps. those who were weak and tolerated lived under hardship and exploitation. betrayers flourished. But time dominate with everything.
msd / September 28, 2015
Why should the army leave the north. After all that also is their country and they have been fighting the ltte there for the last 30 years it must be almost like home to them. Why dont you try to be friends with them and make a life of it. You are talking of the army as if it is an occupying force, it is not. Just as the south belongs to all sri lankans (even the tamils living here) so does the north. Why what is the problem with the army living in the north. Most of the land belonging to the tamils occupied by the army has now been handed over. Thats fine. We the sinhalese are living amicably with the tamils in the south so why dont you people do the same. Jaffna is not a separate country and the tamils are not a special race. Just as the sinhalese have a culture of their own so do the tamils. But we are living with them in the south.
There was some suspicions among the sinhalese with regard to tamils that was only because during prabakarans time a sinhalese family has a tamil man as a boarder and they live amicably. Infact the land lord and the family are very fond of him. Suddenly a bomb goes off in Colombo and the boarder disappears. The next day the police come and request to check his room and what do you find you find that the boarder has been the guy who had the equipment to make the bomb and he did it and then he blew himself up. Can you expect sinhalese to trust these people again. It is going to take time to trust them. This is the sad truth but still they manage. 49% of tamils are living in Colombo so why are they doing that if their ideal is a separate state in Jaffna. Just enlighten us please.
pacs / September 30, 2015
Now Indians are occupying the Eelam Tamils seas and their snatching away their livelihood. taking away $400 millon from the Eelam fishermen. The fishing is the main an important sector of income for Eelam Tamils. More Than 50 % of Tamils directly or indirectly depend solely on fishing .south Sri lanka fisher men and Indian fisher men are looting the Eelam fishermen . The army , navy and police of the both countries are not only protecting the looters but aiding and abetting. Almost all the land and houses of the Tamil fisher men have been destroyed and occupied by the Sri Lankan armed forces. In Total The eelam fisher men deprived and massacred in the land and the sea as well. Their habitats in the land forcefully taken , looted and chased and killed. Converted into military Garrisons. Their sea resources are being scorched and lootedby Indian and Singhala fishermen . This is a vey well calculated plan and execution bu the cunning forces. You wait and see in near future the you can see the Oil Rigs and Indian and Sri Lankan Navies Patrolling to protect it. Shooting at poor Eelam fisher men even the will be chased away fro their present remaining villages. after their sea Trade commerce was taken away from them they ventured into fishing for their lively hood. Now they deprived of fishing also. where will the go?
pacs / September 30, 2015
Now Indians are occupying the Eelam Tamils’ seas and they are snatching away their livelihood. taking away $400 millon from the Eelam fishermen. The fishing is the main and important sector of income for Eelam Tamils. More Than 50 % of Tamils directly or indirectly depend solely on fishing.South Sri lanka fisher men and Indian fisher men are looting the Eelam fishermen . The army , navy and police of the both countries are not only protecting the looters but aiding and abetting. Almost all the land and houses of the Tamil fisher men have been destroyed and occupied by the Sri Lankan armed forces. In Total The eelam fisher men are deprived and massacred in the land and the sea as well. Their habitats in the land forcefully taken , looted and chased and killed. Converted into military Garrisons. Their sea resources are being scorched and looted by Indian and Singhala fishermen . This is a vey well calculated plan and execution by the cunning forces. You wait and see in near future you can see the Oil Rigs and Indian and Sri Lankan Navies Patrolling to protect it. Shooting at poor Eelam fisher men even they will be chased away fro their present remaining villages. after their sea Trade and commerce was taken away from them they ventured into fishing for their lively hood. Now they deprived of fishing also. where will the go?
soma / September 30, 2015
First time we hear of this “Ealam Tamils”. For all we know there is an unending confrontation between Sri Lankan Tamils and Indian Tamils in the Nothern seas. These “Ealam” Tamils must be some aliens who must be shot at and chased away.
Tamil from the north / October 1, 2015
@Soma, you illiterate fellow don’t know what Ealam is? Ealam is the same thing as Sri Lanka. Tamil Ealam is the carve out. What a dumb wing nut.
Vetmahadeva / September 30, 2015
You may be hearing the Ealam Tamils for first time,
But “Ealam” is a historical name for Sri Lanka like Ceylon
The “Ealam” is mentioned literature literally refers to Ceylon
Hence the Ealam Tamils are not aliens, but your compatriots
you like it or not!
Thus as it is for Sinhalese Rulers if they don’t know something about their country men shoot them down, that is how it is going on…..and then count it for…..
Sirisena Yatawara / October 2, 2015
Writer is begin to challenge Sri- lanka nationl security by an open new path for Eealm-Federal proposed rough state in that North -East region by dissolved security forces from North- east for myth of “Good Governances”
David seek join hand with that UNP-RW to be encourage for of political achievements for Tamil-federal state.
That is really political power of motive by David that no doubt behind Trotskyism of working with Right -wing, that nexus of US new political agenda.
Which is US hegemony that whole heartedly support by UNP-RW politics of democracy proposed Federal state by TNA.
David want dismantle whole security forces from North-East, which is under the banner of “discriminations of Tamil” that own blood group by concord story of against Sinhalese race.
Native Vedda / October 3, 2015
Sirisena Yatawara
Please translate the above into Sinhala, Tamil or English.
I am not familiar with Esperanto.
Sirisena Yatawara / October 3, 2015
comment related to Native Veddha…….?
Dr David is man who knows politics of so-called left adventurist of Trotskyism, will serve Tamil Eealm in Sri lanka.
What ever the said and done he talk fair society (by Fabian socialism- similar to Trotskyism) but he has been NOT permitted to get out of right-wing ring of politics separated with UNP-RW.
According ongoing that DR David politics is ally with UNP and Ranil W….is best partner of Politics of unknown “democracy”.
Ours an issues is between Dr David and US is not that who command the language of Angle-Saxon English , crux of matter is partition of Island of Sri lanka by Tamil Eealm regime and protected Democratic State in current existence.
We as nation do not want to change present power balance goes to backward – Feudal Tamil chauvinists political class in power Indian Ocean. We an opposed another puppet regime that will Regain -UNP-RW back by US led hegemony -Tamil regional state that later will annex by Tamil Nadu on long term be achievement by the strategy of Tamil Eealm.
The right of self -determination will not apply an Island for Tamils , the very reason there is No Imperialism power center in Colombo, that economically poor Sinhalese bourgeoisies living center of Colombo 7.
Indeed Colombo section of Sinhalese Bourgeois are share with Tamil and Muslim culprit who manipulated economy in favors of Colonial system. They totally opposed national Economy development by leading Tamil and Muslim enterprtures in the hurt of Colombo, while denied democracy and development of Island.
Needless to say Dr David is one of them.
His political ideologies are more towards for the backward capitalism.
Thanga / October 17, 2015
The call for demilitarization is timely. Demilitarization does not mean complete withdrawal of the army. Just deploy enough army for security purposes like in the south. Today we find there is one soldier for every six civilians. Worse, the army is occupying private land confiscated from people. The people have been living in these lands from time immemorial. Their livelihood is tied to the few lachchams of land they own. The army in the North has developed a vested interest. They are engaged in cattle farming, fishing, gardening, catering business, hotels, swimming pools, health resorts etc. The army is refusing to give up their luxury life and move to south. This is the crux of the problem. Both Sirisena and Wickremesinghe are afraid to take decisions. Sirisena by nature is a submissive man. He stomached all the insults heaped on him by Rajapaksa without registering any protest. Like Sirisena, Wickremesinghe is known for dithering and postponing decisions. People expected a more vibrant and efficient administration. However, every thing is moving at a snail’s pace. At the end of their rule, they will have nothing to show or tell the people. At that point, Rajapaksa will stage a come back through the ballot.
Siva Sankaran Sarma / October 17, 2015
No thanks. As long as the howling LTTE We Thamizh diaspora and its vestiges inside Sri Lanka pose a threat to the security and integrity of the country the army should stay put :D