By Emil van der Poorten –
Watching the cloud of corruption that seemed to have lifted with the defeat of the Rajapaksa Regime descending again on their successors fills one with not only a sense of disgust but one of dejection.
Resorting to the old fall-back of resignation is hardly a response deserving of acceptance given the plight of our nation and what it can and will mean to all of us in our day to day lives.
To take a step back and try to put some perspective on our current plight, the sense of quiet euphoria that seemed to sweep across the nation with the defeat of the most corrupt and violent government it has been our misfortune to endure might well have lulled many of us into a false sense of complacency in the matter of the return of fascism garbed in the vestments of Yahapalanaya. But now there is no excuse for any of us who experienced that optimism to pretend that it was a simple matter of false pretences. More important, we can and must do all we can to turn back that garbage-bearing tide.
The “entitlement” part of our current predicament is not without precedent in many of the western democracies, the difference being that deluded into believing that those who thought they could practice this philosophy without let or hindrance were soon brought down to earth by being turfed out at the next election. A similar option does not exist for us now because the current “alternative” consists of the very lot that we thought we were rid of a couple of years ago!
What makes it an absolute necessity that we change our status quo is the fact that the current lot of thieves and bandits are beginning to wake up to the fact that if they combine that sense of absolute entitlement to whatever they wish for with the impunity of them and their cohorts being above the law; nothing and nobody can touch them or stop them.
The reason that they seem to have come to that realization relatively recently and did not proceed down that track shortly after assuming their seats of power was probably because they had to establish themselves in the various positions that gave them the opportunity to conduct matters of governance as they saw fit with the single constraint of ensuring that they maximized the pecuniary benefits from whatever they did.
As events emerge into public view, it is nothing short of obvious that the current bunch is displaying the capacity to overtake their predecessors in the self-aggrandizement stakes because they appear to be marginally higher in the I.Q department.
Just think of what a combination of a belief in “entitlement” can lead to when coupled with “impunity.”
The Rajapaksa regime displayed an absolute disregard with regard to the rule of law, fairness, basic justice and the rest of the cornerstones of a democratic society. You could, literally, get away with murder if you had the right connections. Sometimes it was by the devious expedient of being packed off to Singapore with a bullet in the brain allegedly leaving the victim a human vegetable only to return, miraculously recovered and ready for battle, literally and figuratively. In another, the destination was the same though there were fewer casualties in the melee from which this individual emerged absolutely unscathed with un-holstered side-arm in plain (video) view. “Only” one victim of the pistol expertise of this supervisor of tea-plucking vestal virgins ended up as a paraplegic. Prosecution? You’ve got to be kidding! The guy was an ally of the Highest in the Land and, perhaps more important, that worthy’s brother who left the armed forces for sunny Southern California when the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, the LTTE, were in the ascendant.
On a seemingly frivolous note, a Bishop of the most “senior” of the Protestant churches was accused of drawing his dead mother-in-law’s pension for seven years after that lady’s demise. It was only the unbelievable bravery of a Magistrate in a North Western legal jurisdiction that permitted the prosecution to continue when he, believe it or not, refused an order from on high to dismiss the case. If nothing else, this little episode could lend itself to a fresh flood of mother-in-law jokes with a particularly black edge to them.
In all fairness to the current bunch they did not invent the Sri Lankan version of impunity coupled with entitlement. Their predecessors did. Even so, we have no excuse for turning a Nelsonian eye on what is unfolding before us and pretend that everything is going to be a-okay and tickety-boo if we just wish it away. No such luck! We’d better get up on our hind legs and cry halt to all of this before we are drowned in the flood of violence and corruption that surely awaits us if we don’t take corrective action now.
billy / August 20, 2017
The biggest fraud in our history and the looter RW is yet to even questioned regarding it not to mention no legal action with so much of evidence, megapolice minister got away driving over a kid, ambilipitiya killing no body prosecuted, the rapist who caught in jafana, was saved by the minister maheshwaran…all this and many more in just two years for the dimwit yahaplau stooges like this who have selected amnesia …lol
Jimsofty / August 20, 2017
How about MEethoamulla 17 were killed. Garbage recycling was in Sri lanka many many decades ago. Still the politicians can not solve that problem. Ranil is looking forward to fill with more politicians. Wait and see when the next new election maqnifesto comes.
Native Vedda / August 21, 2017
Silly billy
“The biggest fraud in our history and the looter RW is yet to even questioned regarding it “
Could you list and give details of all the frauds small or large that have been committed against the state since 1948.
Jimsofty / August 20, 2017
Mr. emil Vander Pooten: YOur writing shows that you are a dishonest AH. Man, did not you vote for the Horapalanaya to correct those. Did not your leader preach before the 100 day election, during the 100 day govt and after the 100 day all the very best things. IS he not preaching the same old crap during his 40 years of fooling the voters, 23 years as the UNP leader and 29 elections lost. Why he is thinking – only one top brass resigning because of self-claimed aceepting of launderered money to buy a luxury penthouse, all other threre members of the Central bank robber gang left unhurt – as a NEW CULTURE. both the President and Prime minister appointed who they wanted. they even ridiculed voters by appointing those who rejected by the voters. Now, they can not do it blame it on the previous govt. You pathetic writers come and hide the real story. What is wrong with you people. BE HONEST TO YOURSELF Ranil talked all the big things saying he would do it. Now, he is hiding again behind big talk. Why ?. why you people are protecting. Why Ranil Can can not prosecute the previous govt. Instead, only arrest them. Is it because all are thieves, if one caught all will go to jail as in Perpetual Treasuries case.
Mallaiyuran / August 20, 2017
“As events emerge into public view, it is nothing short of obvious that the current bunch is displaying the capacity to overtake their predecessors in the self-aggrandizement stakes because they appear to be marginally higher in the I.Q department”
UNP is not conducting Local or Provincial elections by fear of defeat. Let me give my piece of advice on that to the Sinhala Modaya voters who are waiting to teach UNP a lesson. “Don’t corner a wounded tiger. Common sense dictates that you better desist from doing that”.
Many fear that may enable the opposition to come in the General election. But that is not what we fear. We never supported those died to bring Yahapalanaya as alternate to Chitanta. We suggested that UNP would use the Appa diplomacy better than Chandrika to pull wool on eyes of the last hope, the IC. Now, in the real world, nothing is less than that has happened.
When Chitanta government sold Colombo Pong Cing to China, Ex. Secretary Kerry brought the American ships and showed to Old King. But the Yahapalanaya Government has sold the Hangbangtota with option of converting it into Naval Base, by having had planted American Shiv Shankar Menon in Colombo, by cheating Secretary Kerry. If Patricia Putin or Michele Sison were here, this is not what would have happened.
Yahapalanaya has tied the Scallion Pancake and Pizza diplomacy under the feet of their Appa Diplomacy. It appears Yahapalanaya has dodged the last bullet, the International Sanction that was so imminent under Chitanta government. Now the ice ball is free to roll down, gathering more mass and momentum.
The current UNP has no real leaders. Ranil is not guaranteed the support of minorities. They never believed him.
K A Sumanasekera / August 20, 2017
Mally…….Sampathar should write to Gota instead of UNP Coreas relative Gutterras……….4 Federal States One for you guys, One for the Wahabis, One for Us and the other for the Elite Anglicans and the UNP would be perfect…….And Mano has to take his clan in to the Elite, Anglican, UNP Federal state……..That will fit in with the desires of Hindians, Americans and the West too……..Chinese are already there with us..
Mallaiyuran / August 20, 2017
TNA refused to support Ranil in the last government. He recently said he even prepared make a government with Old King. (Right or wrong of that is not here for discussion). If Deal or Sajit end up coming in the election, JR_ Richard 17 years period will terrorize the SinhaLE Wild Life Sanctuary once again. If not Deal and Tilak, the Sulphur and coal mixing with Ranil-nitrate, can create a Big Bang.
After Yahapalanaya has secured it in an Iron Fortress, banking on the door with Local government defeat will be very dangerous to Modaya voters.
By electing a war criminal in 20015, Modayas have fired the last bullet.
Forget about 18th amendment or 20th amendment; Yahapalanaya can change the national unity government into African wild dogs’ clan in few months. The Unity government contract has ended at most vulnerable time to Lankawe dwellers. The coming months’ negotiations are going to be UNP tearing off SLFP and SLFP tearing off UNP. If there is a love between a man a woman, a human child will be born. The rapes between the wild animals in the middle of the jungle can bring only wild beast. The national unitary government, the Yahapalanaya election promise was “No Leader, No Commander, No Soldier Will be prosecuted”. That is the main reason for the delusionment of the UNPyers who had hopes on it until now. The deal or the agreement that is going to come out of the new unitary national government negotiations is going to be too exposed, too perverted to Lankawe than the Hitler- Stalin Pact to world.
Sampanthar and IC may have learned it all by now. Otherwise they will be ending up Britain and France who failed to strike a deal with Stalin before Germany invaded Poland.
K A Sumanasekera / August 20, 2017
Mally……..Interesting points mate…….Will it be Dr Rajitha UNP government …Dr Rajitha said yesterday not even one JO dude will out in the open soon…I mean Dr Rajitha is a no nonsense dude ….Isn’t he ?…..Where is Dr Ranil?……..
Native Vedda / August 20, 2017
KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera
“Will it be Dr Rajitha UNP government “
Does it matter who form the government of elected party leader. For the people of this island it would be “more of the same” or “business as usual”. The established consistency and stability among the crooks, fraudsters, …… thieves, rapists, racists, war criminals, human rights violators, … cannot be changed as we have witnessed in the past 40 years.
You are rest assured any party worthy of its credentials as Sinhala/Buddhist party will not rock the boat. Hence you and your fellow stupid crooks are not going to prison, jail, penal institution, place of detention, lock-up, place of confinement, guardhouse, detention centre; young offender institution; penitentiary, correctional facility, jailhouse, boot camp, stockade, house of correction; informal the clink, the slammer, inside, stir, the jug, the big house, the brig, the glasshouse; informal the nick; informal the can, the pen, the cooler, the joint, the pokey, the slam, the skookum house, the calaboose, the hoosegow; informal the chokey, bird, quod; historical pound, roundhouse; historical youth custody centre, approved school, borstal, bride well; historical toll booth; historical bastille; historical reformatory.
K A Sumanasekera / August 21, 2017
Dear Native,……..Did you get the Thesaurus from a Trash & Treasure Market ?… …..Anyway I am not so sure about you lot………. But Wahabis will be serving Kiribath even in Mankulam, Mullative , Kopay and where that Christian Professor Hoole is ……………….But Dr Rajitha will definitely fulfill you and your Diaspora dream of incarcerating the whole extended Rajapakasa family including old aunties and even grandmas for the rest of their useful life…………….
Native Vedda / August 21, 2017
“But Wahabis will be serving Kiribath even in Mankulam, Mullative , Kopay and where that Christian Professor Hoole is “
You sound like you have had a word or two with Ambassador Bandula who was seen on a tour of the North recently. Is he a regular golfer?
K A Sumanasekera / August 20, 2017
Emil Aiiya………Your friend Kandy Kirra said he and his mates didn’t get any Commissions for 20 years…..That is bad considering all execs nowadays get Bonuses based on KPIs………The talk among the Elite in Colombo is Dr Ranil’s phone number was in Aloysious’s Mobile ………Wonder whether Dr Ranil and the Missus bought 30 year Yahapalana Bonds as part of their Retirement Income Portfolio……….I mean 12.5 % is a bloody good return even on short term , let alone for 30 years non stop………I only get 4 percent from Dhammika’s Bank…….
Native Vedda / August 20, 2017
KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera
Why don’t you consider dating Bloody Nuisance, sach, Shenal, Shenali Waduge, Kamalika Pieris, Champa (you find her patriotic kerb crawling somewhere near you), sarojini, …… and Darshanie Ratnawalli if you have the right kind of attitude and money?
How is Bandula?
K A Sumanasekera / August 21, 2017
Dear Native,………They are a formidable bunch, who try their best to protect their heritage, their motherland and the freedom of equality ……..Great majority of the inhabitant population want equality in Economic terms … Not the freedom for Aloysious to rip the guts of them and then feed them Mendis Special made with the poor inhabitants own EPF money….
Native Vedda / August 21, 2017
“Great majority of the inhabitant population want equality in Economic terms”
This formidable bunch cannot even locate their respective paddikamas leave alone the country.
The peace loving Chinaman is grabbing every piece of the land since 2005. Hindians are investing left, right and centre under different guises. Your formidable bunch cannot even see beyond their nose. You under the influence of free malt and blatant racism cannot see beyond Vellala Abraham.
Grab hold of your toilet seat one day you will be left only with it.
Don’t worry about me and my people as we have survived the last 28,000 years against all odds and will survive another 28,000.
In the meantime if tsunami hits the island again blame the NGOs, the West, the IC, the Hindians, the Diaspora, Vellala Abrahams, Thambies, ……. CV W, Sambandan, TNA, VP, LTTE, Ranil, My3, …………….. AKD, …… the UNP IGP, the lonely Field Marshall, Tamil Nadu, Norway, Solheim, ……………..
K A Sumanasekera / August 22, 2017
Dear Native, And that is a formidable bunch too, who are trying to F***Up the poor Sinhala Buddhists , their 2500 year Civilization and their Theravada Buddhst Nation……. Don’t know what that ADK is doing there……..I can understand If he got a Penthouse from Aloysious like what the other Kewattas got……………..For fig’s sake it was only LKR 25 Lakhs…….If Dr Mahendra wasn’t one of your clan , that is just Tip money. in NYC after a good night out……
Jimsofty / August 20, 2017
What the horapalanaya could catch out of Mahinda Chintanaya they have caught. Horapalanaya got help from India, Kerry from USA and LGBTQ queen – went all over the world with the Transparency International guy and he could not find the stolen $ 18 billion. what ever they could find, they are making a big show out of that. They do not send any one to jail. but, on the otherhand, four big guys og UNP has caught. Ranil and ajith Perera are doing what ever they can to save UNP and mostly to save Ranil. What is wrong if the same previous govt comes except the thieves who had been exposed ?. Mahinda Rajapakse lived in a very difficult time when anti-sinhala NGOs, Overseas living LTTE rump, political opposition as well as the west and RAW were against Mahinda Rajapske. So, under duress, he would have allowed some bad things to happen. It is not the same thing with Ranil. It looks Ranil and the gang are experienced thieves. They have got caught from one grand theft which is second only to the great Train robbery. Ranil goes every where and say, public help us to stop thefts, there is a new culture, If there are thieves he would remove them. What kind of shameless talk is this coming from the Colombo elite. It is like coming from Colombo shanties – culture.
Hela / August 20, 2017
“As events emerge into public view, it is nothing short of obvious that the current bunch is displaying the capacity to overtake their predecessors in the self-aggrandizement stakes because they appear to be marginally higher in the I.Q department.”
They knew they have veddo, Emils, Shyamons, Thisaranees, Jehans, abala purawesi cabal et al to bat for them while they loot and defile the country.
Native Vedda / August 20, 2017
“They knew they have veddo, Emils, Shyamons, Thisaranees, Jehans, abala purawesi cabal et al to bat for them while they loot and defile the country.”
And you still don’t understand the role of Jiminy Cricket in Pinocchio story. This is what Jiminy told the woodhead :
“My boy, do not trust those who promise to make you rich overnight. They are usually either mad or charlatans! Heed my words, and turn back.”
Hela / August 21, 2017
When I read your rants, it reminds me of a more vulgar version of Pinocchio………..Beware of not only your nose but other parts of your anatomy as well……
Native Vedda / August 21, 2017
“it reminds me of a more vulgar version of Pinocchio”
Vulgar minds seek out vulgar interpretations.
Hela / August 20, 2017
“In all fairness to the current bunch they did not invent the Sri Lankan version of impunity coupled with entitlement. Their predecessors did……….”
Still batting for the treacherous looters of the nation…………….
Jimsofty / August 20, 2017
There is one big liar in the Yahapalanaya govt. that is Mangala Samraweera. He lies to people. Earlier in CT he told that Mahinda Rajapakse had stolen $ 18 billion. Yesterday in down South he had told that he found Rs 30,000 lakhs that was stolen by Mahinda Rajapakse. My question is why Mahinda Rajapakse is not taking court action to these. Probably, they are covering each other. IF these are lies, why do they lie to voters ?
K A Sumanasekera / August 20, 2017
Emil Aiiya, …………. Yahapalana Druggies are doing more damage than the Bank Robbers Commission kaakkaas, and Dry Cleaners in Money Laundries…..The latest goss doing the rounds among Colombo Elite , Anglicans and the Vellalas is Three Cabinet Ministers are on Coccaine, Hashish and Kerala Herb……..I checked with my Elders in Colombo and they reckon , the three are Dum Kolla, Digital and Kurundu Polla….. Emil Aiiya, do you Do you know who they are ?……………
Jimsofty / August 20, 2017
Some say, newly colonized Wilpattu area is the Drug hub for the whole asia now, and Sathosa sugar containers bring those drugs. Govt does not know the which minister is doing that so no one is caught yet.
Native Vedda / August 20, 2017
KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera
“I checked with my Elders in Colombo and they reckon , the three are Dum Kolla, Digital and Kurundu Polla….. Emil Aiiya, do you Do you know who they are ?”
I am very sorry to hear this horrible habit.
Why are your Elders peddling in Cocaine, Hashish and Kerala Herb? What motivate them to deal in drugs? Need or greed?
Percy / August 20, 2017
I can’t understand why people are getting worked about this man’s pathetic rants. He and his ilk have no place in this country so let him find his way to Australia where of course he may not be accepted as he does not have any qualifications not even the GCE O L. My advice is to treat his comments with the contempt they deserve.
Emil van der Poorten / August 20, 2017
Percy and all the rest of the Idiots on Parade;
There are some of us, with or without O-Levels (I happen to have one which is more than can be said for a majority of the Mahinda Boot-lickers in Parliament) who are not in the pay of ANYONE. Hard to believe from where you are coming, I’m sure, posterior-licking fees notwithstanding.
Can’t all of you pool your (half) wits and come up with something resembling the truth and some degree of accuracy? I know such an exercise might lead to total nervous breakdown, but it surely is worth the effort.
Emil van der Poorten / August 20, 2017
Percy (or whoever you are under that rock of a pseudonym)
“Half caste” I am proud to be particularly since I can identify the “halves” in the previous generation and in several before that.
Can you say the same for yourself? But then issues of legitimacy or illegitimacy hardly matter when you are not prepared to say what you have to say using whatever name one or the other of your “full-caste” parents might or might not have given you.
Jimsofty / August 20, 2017
Mr. Vander Pooten understand what is going on. but, he is reluctant to accuse UNP politicians as thieves. His rant is always about Mahinda Rajapakse. He does not understand (probably, that is why he failed O/L) that Ranil got the govt to prosecute those thieves. Instead, he has his gang of thieves began stealing. Now, Mr. Pooten is emotionally num and doe snot know what to do. Still his rant is for the previous govt. IT is like we scolding the great great grand parents of Mr. Pooten and we can not correct our mind set to move forward because poorly educated, VVIP politicians only know how to steal and lie.
Percy / August 20, 2017
Vanderputens comments have no weight at all. He is not a Sinhalese,Tamil.Muslim or Burgher and his opinions are not of the least importance to people of Sri Lanka. So all you readers please ignore this half caste.
K.Pillai / August 20, 2017
“Vanderputens comments have no weight at all………”
There is lots of common sense – a commodity lacking in the Dayan ilk!
Non PhD / August 20, 2017
Excellent conclusion. I full agree with you. That is ” we have no excuse for turning a Nelsonian eye on what is unfolding before us and pretend that everything is going to be a-okay and tickety-boo if we just wish it away. No such luck! We’d better get up on our hind legs and cry halt to all of this before we are drowned in the flood of violence and corruption that surely awaits us if we don’t take corrective action now.”
Already Wjeyadasa Rajapakse has started mobilising the Maha Sanga, MaRa, DJ, Wimal, Vasudeva, Dew, Dinesh and the likes against the govt. It is very frightening. 1956, 58, 1971, 77, 88, 89, 90 violence could repeat.
Ajith / August 20, 2017
The beauty of Sinhala Srilanka (evolved in 1948) is the Sinhala Buddhism. Sinhala Buddhism believes in Lion, in other words it is the King of lion lives on blood and meat of any other animals including human. The big challenge for Lion is Elephant which loves killing other animals including human but they don’t eat other animals like Lion. If any of you believe that Lion will change it behaviour or Lion will change it behaviour, you are not a human. What happened in Jan 2015 was not revolution but simply to give a safety net to a sleeping Lion being captured by Human and now Lion is getting ready start another shift of hunting for blood and meat.
K.Pillai / August 20, 2017
Emil van der Poorten expresses the feelings of majority of Lankans in the first paragraph “Watching the cloud of corruption that seemed to have lifted with the defeat of the Rajapaksa Regime descending again on their successors fills one with not only a sense of disgust but one of dejection……………”.
But Emil, amidst the dark clouds one can just about discern a silver lining! We are able to express our views and it seems to have some effect. Is it possible that the corrupt structure is showing some cracks? The occupants are on the defensive. Efforts to protect the old tenants looks ugly!
Emil van der Poorten / August 21, 2017
Percy the P-pot:
Are you in some kind of contest (with yourself) to display how low and stupid an alleged human can be? Keep going, buddy, you are getting there and I’m sure you’ll enjoy what’s at the bottom of the cesspit.
Percy / August 22, 2017
Vanderpooten you don’t seem to get it. You people have come to SL uninvited and as fugitives from justice in another country. Now you have the temerity to tell the people of this country who should govern them.it is like the monkey shitting on your doorstep and asking for water to clean his backside. That is the height of cheek. As for the bottom of the cesspit,you seem to have been there and know what it tastes like?
Percy / August 21, 2017
Vanderpooten so you have passed the O Level. What an achievement for a person of low birth.! You have no right to comment on SL politics as you are trespassing in this country notwithstanding the fact that your maternal ancestors were seduced under tea bushes. Have you got the balls to say what ethnicity you belong to? I doubt as you feel ashamed of your low birth. Suggest that you go to some corner and do some mutual masturbation with your hero Sirisena.
Emil van der Poorten / August 23, 2017
What a delightful example of 2500 Years of Sinhala Buddhist Civilization the mentality of which has been enhanced by the consumption of goodness knows what exiting from goodness knows where of your paymasters. As a genealogical and geographical expert perhaps you’d care to tell us where you were conceived, who your parents were etc. That would not, I expect, be possible because of the abject cowardice your conduct displays, hiding under a pseudonym being the least of it.
I know who my parents were, their parents before them and then back a few generations as well but then I don’t expect you to understand such proof of parentage given the fact that you lack both a first and last name and are dependent on a fictitious monicker that might conceal your identity but cannot disguise your stupidity. Also, since you are such an expert on everything, do you think you could drop by and show me a tea bush in the areas that I, my parents or their parents and grand-parents lived in? I expect that given your displayed “intelligence” which you presumably inherited from your ancestors, they must have used coconut trees for camouflage when they were in the process of creating such lower forms of life as you. Entertaining? Yes. But leaving something to be desired in the modesty department.
Taraki / August 21, 2017
The way the [Edited out] write, anyone would think life was perfect in 1948. The British ruled as dictators, not democrats. Christians and Tamils ran the country. With 1956 the pendulum swung to the other extreme, panchabalvegaya and all that. After 150 years of dictatorship and exploitation of the Sinhala Buddhists, the gonas expect equality and fairness immediately, as if life was equal and fair under the British.
Ajith / August 21, 2017
Yes, British ruled as dictators, Portugese and Dutch ruled as dictataors but the country was ruled by British, Dutch and Prtugese, not by Tamils. But according to you dictatorship by anyone including Sinhalese Buddhists is acceptable. Even after 1948, it was the same Christian Sinhalese who benefitted from British Dictators (Don stephen Senanayake, Solomon West Ridgeway Bandaranaiyake, Junius Richard Jeyawardena & Percy Mahendra ) are ruling this nation that was ruled by Sinhalese and Tamils before portugese (1500) took over the ownership of this island. It is not about 150 years, it is about over 500 years. During this period, exploitation is bot restricted to Buddhist Sinhala but also to Hindu Tamils & Islamist Tamils. Now under Sinhala Buddhist dictatorship exploitation of Tamils and Muslims continues. This is the reality. I don’t know why Sinhala Buddhist military killed over 60000 innocent peasent Sinhalaese during the rule of Sinhala Buddhists.
Native Vedda / August 21, 2017
Welcome back.
“anyone would think life was perfect in 1948.”
Who said the country was perfect until the Sinhala/Buddhists invented Zero, Motor, Aeroplane, Railways, Steamships, Electricity, machines, Modern Education, TV, Radio, Democracy, Parliament, Western Medicine, Trousers Shirts and Skirts, ……………………………….. Tea, Bread, Butter, Cookies, complete sophisticated defense systems,
The entire world has forgotten the contribution of the Sinhala/Buddhists to the rest of the world.
With 1956 pendulum swung indeed now we import labour particularly Arab women to clean our toilet, send our engineers an contractors abroad to build roads, irrigation systems, power stations, harbours, airports, the development was so good we have lent our surplus billions to India, China, IMF, ……………….
Have you been in deep, deep, deep, deep sleep since 1956? If so please see a consultant for your sleeping disorder in Singapore.
If don’t treat your people well even the Tuvaluans will come all the way from South Pacific ocean to grope your women.
Population of Tuvalu about 10,000.
Mallaiyuran / August 21, 2017
That is your ignorance. British rule, from the very beginning, very democratic on many issues. Ramanathan was able to complain against even Governor General and been able to take action against him. Now the lift operator is toured in the elevator but can open his mouth. State Council had full authority. In fact current 13A is nothing but SC had Sinhala rule. But as colony of Britain, Sinhala Chauvinist lacked the authority to deport Tamils and devastate the tea and rubber plantation. But when the full freedom given they did that too.
Percy / August 24, 2017
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