By Arthagnani –
One must despair about the destiny of the Tamils of Sri Lanka when one reads the words of a Ranawake, Wimalawansa or a Mahindapala or a Seneviratne, or a Peiris and Amerasekere and Gunasekere,or one or other of various Silvas and even Ratnajeevan Hoole—not to speak of the internet commentators of doubtful wisdom or insight.
One must however feel a sense of despair too when one reads the outpourings of certain members of the overseas Tamil community with grandiose titles that they have given themselves and their fellow travelers. Reading the words of these overseas cabals one feels that the Tamils of Sri Lanka should worry more about the Don Quixotes among them rather than the Ettappans. In Cervantes’s masterpiece the good Don imagines himself a knight and engages in various fantasy activities including seeking a duel with a windmill.
The late lamented leaders of the ITAK used to describe those who disagreed with them with words like these on public plat forms and look where it took them. Some of their fanatical followers took them at their word and in the end turned on them and too. Some of their latter day followers are too ready to fix these labels of traitor and Ettappan on those who disagree with them and have a different agenda for the Tamils. The latest exercise of this form of labeling is from “Diaspora Tamil Activist“. He compares Justice Wignesavaran with a certain traitor and then puts forth certain proposals that any Tamil chief minister should follow. He wants the CM to ask the international community to investigate the conduct of the Sri Lankan Army and the Sri Lankan state for war crimes and to have Sri Lanka condemned in international councils.
Let us admit that these events come to pass and an independent investigation was conducted by foreign jurists and Sri Lanka is duly condemned in various UN bodies and the members of the overseas Tamil community hold triumphant demonstrations in London to celebrate their successes.
What then? How will it affect the Tamils who live in Sri Lanka? Do the activists in the Tamil Diaspora really believe that it will affect the policies of the government of Sri Lanka–this one or a future one? Do they really think that the Sinhala nationalist forces, and the Sinhala people as a whole for that matter, will throw up their hands and declare “mea culpa” and agree to create the State of Eelam in Northeast? Do they think that these forces will say “okay let us allow the Kingdom of Jaffna to emerge and leave the Tamils to their own resources”? Do they really think that the large number of Tamils who live in the Sinhala part of the divided island will shout hurrah and abandon their lives and property and return to the homeland to live happily ever after in the Tamil kingdom? Or are they to be abandoned to the tender mercies of the Sinhalese people who according to the disapora theory are all racists? Is this not a traitorous conduct towards them? Or the diasporeans engaging in the fantasy of some overseas power sending an army to punish the war criminals and create a Tamil home land?
Far from this happening a newly energized Sinhala community will become more unforgiving and determined to continue their policies. It is indeed time for the overseas Tamils to adopt realistic and practical proposals to benefit the Tamils still living in Sri Lanka and abandon these quixotic schemes . When one’s house is on fire he should not worry about the boundary dispute he had with his neighbor– veli or kathiyal chandai in Tamil –but try to save oneself and his house.
So instead of worrying about Justice Wignesvaran’s caste and who he played rugger with and where he was educated and who his relatives are and his fondness for Sanskrit mantras and the pottu on his forehead, let us focus on the very realistic and practical proposals he has announced.
He may not succeed since the chauvinism among the Sinhalese leadership may be too strong to be tamed by Wignesvaran. But, on the other hand if the Tamils change and become more realistic they too may change. Nevertheless he must be given a chance to try to solve these problems of the ordinary Tamils who live in Sri Lanka rather than fulfill the emotional needs of the overseas Tamils who no doubt remember the hurt and injury they and their relatives and friends suffered before they left the homeland.
Dr. N. Satchi / July 27, 2013
Dear Arthagnani,
This article of yours is precise, revealing and one that all Tamils should read and reflect particularly the Diaspora. Thanks for being educative in simple language. Transformation after all this years of conflict is going to be a slow process. In the TNA choosing Justice Wigneswarran the process has at last begun and though a trickle it is moving in a direction that will benefit us all.
As for the Tamils for Obama this is what I had to say
\\ You see the Ultimatum to the TNA from an amorphous group of people calling themselves “ Tamils for Obama “ as if though they have waved a magic wand; and the moment they use this mantra, all Tamils will stand and salute and the TNA will freeze to death. (That too in a public forum) The city of Detroit is bankrupt is it not? The leader of the TNA is made of sterner stuff and they will know that from now on. // – Dr. N. Satchi.
Dr. N. Satchi UK
Dr. N. Satchi ;
to those people who cry in far land calling themselves ” TAMILS FOR OBAMA”
but I did not hear or see any thing from ” OBAMA FOR TAMILS”.
Some mistaken Identity??????????????.
I heard Kalenjaar And Jeyalalitha Bellowing for Tamils .
But that is a foul Cry,
we better mind our own business as Hon Justice Wignesavaran told to Indians.
Spring Koha / July 27, 2013
Thank You for your clear elucidation of the task facing the tamil community in Sri Lanka. Those in the Sri Lankan Tamil Diaspora have mostly made an irrevocable decision to abandon their rightful homeland, and bleating in foreign climes is no way to reclaim their lost heritage. The message is simple; if they wish to play a part in the forming of a new Sri Lanka, they should return forthwith to this island and share in the challenges and tribulations the lie in the task ahead.
Aney Apochchi! / July 27, 2013
Spring Koha:
It is easy enough to say, “Return to your homeland and fight the good fight for justice.” However, isn’t it unrealistic to leave lands where the rule of law prevails and those nearest and dearest to one are safe from what seems to be the reality of day to day life in Sri Lanka?
Would you encourage your children to return to Sri Lanka as it is today? That would be a crime, would it not? However, supporting the causes of decency and justice in Sri Lanka (or any other place in the world) from afar is a different matter and isn’t that what we are, essentially talking about here?
Don Quixotes returning to tilt at Sri Lankan windmills serve no purpose. Support for justice and fairness should know no boundaries and one can sometimes be more effective from afar than in a white van or with your body dumped among some bushes in Dompe!
So do you approve The children in Sri lanka to Perish for the Diaspora Activist’s children’s sake and
safe guard Diaspora’s Future and
let Diaspora to vine, Dine and Dance when other kids must toil for them???????????.
karl singham / July 27, 2013
No they don’t have to return, just keep quiet and go about their own business.Their sanctimonious bleatings and pompous claims to -political wisdom and purity of motives and their wild prescriptions for the Tamils who live in Sri Lanka are only making matters worse.
David Blacker / July 29, 2013
If the diaspora can do no good, it is better then that they do no harm.
Spring Koha / July 31, 2013
Aney Appochchi:
It is indeed a tough decision for Tamils (and Sinhalese) in the Diaspora to make. How to leave the cosy confines of the countries in which they have chosen to make their home. If the over-riding desire is to shape the future of Sri Lanka, then, simple, this thrice-blessed Island is where you should be.
Your premise that ‘supporting the causes of decency and justice in Sri Lanka (or any other place in the world) from afar is a different matter and isn’t that what we are, essentially talking about here?’ sounds like the thin edge of the wedge for letting in interfering busy bodies from afar who wish meddle in what is essentially a challenge for Sri Lankans.
And, Aney Appochchi! We do NOT need any with Quixotic aspirations. The job of turning around the Sri Lankan condition is not for the faint-hearted or those without stamina and courage. What we need now is more people of erudition, good sense and goodwill to counter the crooks, thugs, and shysters who, for too long now,have taken over the running and ruining of this country.
May the many Gods of our many peoples Bless Sri Lanka.
lanka peiris / July 31, 2013
Aney Apocchchi, the foreign passport is a necessity the day after receiving it, we Tamil diaspora will plan and come to Sri Lanka on holiday. Reality is economic migration, who dares disputes it. But once there we want to instigate Tamils in Sri lanka to continue our grand dream of Eelam as we have thousands of others whose claims are still being processed and we need the conflict as this was our trump card to get asylum.
kali / July 31, 2013
Spring Chicken,
Stop this rubbish man. The Tamil Diaspora have a vital role from outside as the solution to the Tamil Misery is not going to come from within. Without the Jewish Diaspora the State of Israel would not exist so stop preaching us what to do and get on with your job of whatever you do for a living “cluck cluck ” or “buck buck “
Spring Koha / July 31, 2013
Kali: Listen Thambi, let me explain the difference: the State of Israel defies gravity thanks to the generous support of the USofA; and the Jewish Diaspora works discreetly behind the scenes earning support for an UN recognised nation state; the Tamil Diaspora chose to support a bunch of losers and they are proscribed in more nations than I have fingers to count on. Most men of the Tamil Diaspora ran away and now cry like women for something they couldn’t stand and defend like men. In the end, the great leader VP had to pull in women and children to do the job and the result was the shattering of a dream. Let’s get real now; SL is NOT going to be divided anytime soon – not until hell freezes over anyway – so, if anybody in the Tamil Diaspora wishes to play a part in the building of a new SL, come over and stand shoulder to shoulder with us. We need brains and brawn and a good heart – sorry, if that rules you out! BTW, thank you but no thanks for the career advice.
kali / August 1, 2013
You Spring Chicken,
You are talking rubbish annai. The Jewish diaspora works and articulates openly at every levl and if you want proof I will send it to you. Annai do you understand the meaning of defying gravity if not ask a Physics treacher before you open your bloody mouth. For your inforamtion annai the Jews ran away from Palestine and years later came back to claim it with the help of western countries. So go back to school and learn annai.
Annai why dont you attend a Tamil School as they are good at history lessons or to my tutory in Timbaktu.
kali / August 1, 2013
Spring Annai,
I should have also added that your analysis defies logic. Annai by the way did you have too much arak before you wrote your reply. Please dont drink too much it is not good for your health and gives you a feeling of elation ( I mean floating in air) and dont defy gravity as you will come down crashing to earth.
David Blacker / August 2, 2013
The crucial part you missed out is that the jewish diaspora has brains.
Always on your back / July 27, 2013
A new pseudonym and same old rubbish!
On leave from the Sunday Leader?
Is this character also going to be a ‘hit’ like Taraki?
Only time will tell. Experience says not.
Arthagnani / July 27, 2013
Always On Your BacK(I trust you find this position enjoyable!)
Re pseudonyms:When one is critical of Sinhala chauvinists and Tamil fantasists one is forced to use a pseudonym.You too have an interesting one of your own.If one is always on one’s back you only see the stars and will not be able pay any attention to what is lying on the gound around you. This is a very apt metaphor for the thought-processes of many of the diasporic Tamils!!
I don’t understand, however, your allusion to the Sunday Leader…
Tamil Diaspora Activist / July 28, 2013
Let me relate from the Gita, which Wigneswaran is so fond of quoting.
Only one Pandava had the privilege of ascending heaven in his mortal form, that is Dharmaraja. There he saw his mortal enemies and personification of evil, Duryodhna and the Kauravas. He could also hear the tormented cries of his four brothers and wife atoning for their sins in hell to come and join them.
He forsakes the opportunity to live in heaven with his enemies and joins his four brothers and wife in hell because it was the right thing to do!
Wigneswaran has thus far forsaken the innocent souls slaughtered by the evil Rajapakse, and, instead live with it under the pretext of alleviating suffering.
There in lies the hypocrisy!
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / July 28, 2013
According to the Mahabharata, the shadow that accompanied him after death, was his ‘Dharma’ in the form of a dog.
Where was the Dharma in the war that was fought, the human sand bags used and those were deliberately consigned to certain death?
Where was the Dharma in the actions of the cheer leaders?
Where was the Dharma in the likes of TDA, who did not come forward to ameliorate the suffering of the living souls?
The needs of the visible are more important than the those of invisible and the never seen. Bharathiyar sang, ” Thani oruvanukku unavillaiyenil jegathinai alithiduvoem” ( If there is no food for even one person we will destroy the universe!). Where was this sentiment after the war among the Diaspora Activists?
It is hard to which was a greater hypocrisy!
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
Tamil Diaspora Activist / July 28, 2013
Where is the TDA?
Perhaps you have not done your numbers, but the entire economy of the Tamils in the North & East are sustained by remittences from the diaspora supporting their families.
They also support orphanages, hospices, their ancestral temples and churches to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars a year.
Tens of thousands among the diaspora wish to invest, want to to invest (including myself) but are kept at bay the Rajapakse regime’s Presidential Task Force, a corrupt judiciary, extortion rackets run by paramilitary groups working with the military establishment, no independent judiciary or secure property rights.
Like Chamberlin’s policy of appeasement, the TNA’s policy will of going on bended knee to the regime while shielding war criminals will only keep Tamils in bondage and stop them from fulfilling their destiny which is to be the best of the best!
Native Vedda / July 28, 2013
Tamil Diaspora Activist
“Tens of thousands among the diaspora wish to invest, want to to invest (including myself) but are kept at bay the Rajapakse regime’s”
Oh this is all about investment potentials return on investment.
Please speak to Basil.
He will fast track it for a fee and a share in your investment. Douglas (EPDP) has his contact details
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / July 28, 2013
Those who helped and are helping are individuals, who had a heart. They did not make the dead an excuse not to help the living in dire need! Where was the collective response of the vocal and demonstrating Diaspora activists? The ordinary Tamils struggling to earn a livelihood were fleeced by the activists to mobilise funds for the LTTE and its fool hardy adventurism. Why don’t they now go with the begging bowl to collect funds for the Tamils in the north and east of Sri Lanka, who were the victims of the the barbarism of their own kind, to a greater extent than the avowed ‘ enemies ‘ ?
Dr. Rajasingham Narendran
Don Quixote / July 29, 2013
Are you a diaspora activist or a Elam activist ? If the former what is the difference ?
Arthaganani, well said SIR or Madam as the case may be ! Also thanks for introducing Don Quixote to the general readership .
MAH / July 31, 2013
Don’t live in a dream world. Sri Lankan Tamils who are not living under the flawed ideological thumb of the TNA and before that the LTTE are prospering and living a respectful life in the country. The war crimes that are being shielded, are those fully documented and perpetrated by the LTTE. As a Westerner who is closely following this all, my advice to the diaspora living in my country and elsewhere, is to stop deceiving Tamils around the world and get on with your own life, where ever you are.
Silva / July 27, 2013
Looks like only a handful of both Sinhala and Tamil extremists or rather racists are opposing the TNA’s wise decision (influenced by may be US and India) in selecting Justice Wigneswarran as the CM candidate for the NPC.
AMLadduwahetty / July 27, 2013
Wise words from Arthagnani!
But how many are listening?
Would the Tamil people rather go on and on into a future of bile and bitterness and NO reconciliation EVER, over the loss of their beloved Surya Devan and his LTTE, who never understood the reality of Lanka’s psyche?
The Sinhala people who are the majority in Sri Lanka have wanted to preserve an island undivided, wherein ALL its diverse residents can live in any part of its territory without threat, and with their dignity intact.
Some respect should be accorded the Sinhalas as well, and I see hardly of that in much of the commentary here, including comments from those professing Sinhala names.
As long as the minorities express such hate against the majority of Sri Lanka’s peoples, do they actually see their problems becoming resolved?
Hasn’t everybody, Tamils and Sinhalas alike, suffered enough?
The 26-year drawback from LTTE-held Jaffna is over and the region is moving forward, held back ONLY by those unwilling to participate.
The squeaky wheel can get just so much oil. The oil has to go around to keep ALL the wheels moving.
Sivathasan / July 27, 2013
A very clear critique so boldly articulated. Dr.Satchi, you have expressed the home truths very well.
Tamil Diaspora Activist / July 28, 2013
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran,
Many of us dig very deep into our pockets. If you go to any Western capital city many times on weekends tens of thousands of pounds are raised to help Eelam Tamils.
Individual benefactors dig deep to support various organisations in the Tamil homeland.
Yours is the stereotype that is propagated by the Rajapakse regime.
I say this because my friends, acquaintances, family and I have done this.
Perhaps you ought to query this with some of the orphanages, women’s homes, schools, temples, churches etc.
But we will not raise a penny to benefit the criminal enterprise which is the Rajapakse brothers.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / July 29, 2013
I am glad you and your family help. It is very much needed and very welcome. However, where is the organised, planned and targetted help from the Tamil Diaspora as an entity, especially the elements that are organised to make much noise and tell the Tamils here what is good for them.
I am not representing the Rajapakse stereo type, but am a witness to what unfolded after the war and is unfolding now.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
MAH / July 31, 2013
Unfortunately it is a waste of money. How many honestly know where that money goes? Much has and probably still is going to fed and cloth these big cats collecting the money.
lanka peiris / July 31, 2013
TDA – How deep is your pocket? Where are the Eelam Tamils? There are Tamils in Tamil Nadu, India and there are Tamils in Sri Lanka and other parts of the world. The Tamil homeland in the world is Tamil Nadu, so I suppose the funds go there. Of course you cannot name the charities that you subscribe as that leads to the thriving accounts of collectors who live comfortably. Rajapakse eradicated Prabhakaran and the criminal terrorists who plagued Sri Lanka for 20/30 years! Thank him for ensuring that Sri lankans (Sinhala, Tamil, Muslim and others)can live without getting blown to kingdom come.
kali / July 31, 2013
Sinhala Lanka Peiris,
Why don’t you ask us the question How Deep is your Love for Tamil Eelam. The answer is very deep.
Direct the question How Deep is your Pocket to the looters MR & Gotha and man it is bottomless.
The Home Land for the Eelam Tamils is Tamil Eelam and we hold dual nationality and I hope that answers your question if not p…
Tamil Diaspora Activist / July 28, 2013
Native Vedda
Quod Erat Demonstrandum
Native Vedda / July 29, 2013
Tamil Diaspora Activist
What was your hypothesis?
Tamil Diaspora Activist / July 29, 2013
That the only way to invest and improve the lives of Eelam Tamils is to line the pockets of the corrupt Rajapakse regime.
David Blacker / July 29, 2013
So when you lined the pockets of the Tigers, that was OK?
Tamil Diaspora Activist / July 29, 2013
Here we go again dissent to myopic, parochial, reactionary, jaundiced, xenophobes = supporting the LTTE
David Blacker / August 1, 2013
Not at all, TDA. It’s a simple question on whether one is prepared to put the well-being of the Tamil people above all else. When the Tigers controlled the NE, the diaspora was happy to let them take their cut. Why are you unhappy to allow the Rajapakses to do so? Aren’t the Tamils worth it?
Native Vedda / July 30, 2013
David Blacker
“So when you lined the pockets of the Tigers, that was OK?”
Could you produce evidence?
David Blacker / August 1, 2013
Evidence of what?
Native Vedda / August 2, 2013
David Blacker
“Evidence of what?”
Evidence of Tamil Diaspora Activist lining the pockets of Tigers.
MAH / July 31, 2013
You actually believe the money gets that far. It never reaches Sri Lanka, accept perhaps in the form of a paid journalist or film maker from the west to produce LTTE infatuated garbage.
karl singham / July 29, 2013
The Tamils in Sri Lanks may well be saying,to alter old saying”We will take care of our enemies,but god save us from our friends in England,Canada USA and Tamil Nadu”!!
Arthagnani / July 29, 2013
TDA’s penchant for coming up with inapprpriate analogies and allusions is truly mind boggling.First,it was an allusion to Ettapan.If one gets his history from the movies of Sivaji Ganesan one may conclude that Ettappan was unequvocally a traitor.This has been disputed vigorously by many scholars.
Then TDA invokes the Mahabaratha to promote his destructive fantasies without realizing that the Mahabaratha is a complex narrative,with many themes and sub-themes and can be used to support contradictory claims.For example, one can make a case for the claim that it says that one must fight when one must fight– as Krishna told Arjuna– and stop fighting wnen it is time to do so.
Finally,he alludes to Chamberlain’s relations with Hitler.This was considered a major mistake by many at that time — Churchill, for intance.It coould also be argued that it was a wise move since Britain was unprepared for war and needed the time to re-arm etc.Modern historians are not too harsh in their treatment of Chamberlain
Take a rest TDA and find a destitute family in SL or a war-widow and send a monthly check and stop waiting for another Surya Devan.One was enough…
Tamil Diaspora Activist / July 29, 2013
I would have expected better. Like the Rajapakse’s dissenting = LTTE to you.
As for helping destitute families, I think several hundreds.
Sengodan. M / July 29, 2013
You have very well summed up the sentiments of all those who see reason in the selection of Wigneswaran. I think it is time that we decide to ignore the comments of the likes of TDA and Tamils for Obama who in any case should comprise only an insignificant minority amongst opinion makers and their opinions will have nil impact among the people of the homeland even if they threaten to hold back the pittance they offer as charity to the downtrodden there!
thivya / July 31, 2013
Hmm, another Tamil surrender agent is trying to drive a wedge against Tamil diaspora and their kith and kin in Sri Lanka. :)
Native Vedda / July 31, 2013
“Hmm, another Tamil surrender agent is trying to drive a wedge against Tamil diaspora and their kith and kin in Sri Lanka”
Surrender meaning, how VP surrendered to armed forces.
kali / July 31, 2013
First of all what are you mate Tamil or Singi. Your name is deceiving as your message is. But from the message it is clear that you are the latter and you are no different to the 99.9% of your lot. Compromise is not on your agenda so stop finding fault with what we are doing and also stop pitting one against the other which amounts to divide and rule and the British were masters at this.
I for one don’t expect anything to happen from within Sri Lanka as it must be crystal clear to any one that the misery the Tamils have faced the last 63 years will not disappear without outside intervention. Butchering the Tamils since independence was just simply a matter of picking up the pieces as soon as the Colonial Masters. At least you must be given credit for the following:
Do they really think that the Sinhala nationalist forces, and the Sinhala people as a whole for that matter, will throw up their hands and declare “mea culpa” and agree to create the State of Eelam in Northeast? Do they think that these forces will say “okay let us allow the Kingdom of Jaffna to emerge and leave the Tamils to their own resources”? Do they really think that the large number of Tamils who live in the Sinhala part of the divided island will shout hurrah and abandon their lives and property and return to the homeland to live happily ever after in the Tamil kingdom?
I agree with your first part of the analysis. YES the racist majority including you will not put your hands up and declare “mea culpa” because that is not in your nature.
Tamil Eelam will happen because of your intransigence and arrogance and as I have repeated many times it will happen with outside pressure not from within. Whether you like it or not the only Country that can make it happen is the big brother and let me explain to you why. Sri Lankas sovereignty is limited to Indias security and India pulls all the strings in Sri Lanka. Just think of the following. When you don’t like to meet any representatives from foreign countries just as it happened recently with the British delegation you refuse to meet them including the mighty Americans. But when India wants to meet or demand any one from your country to meet them at will have you ever refused. THE ANSWER IS NO AND YOU CANNOT MATE because he is your MASTER.
As for your following observation
Do they really think that the large number of Tamils who live in the Sinhala part of the divided island will shout hurrah and abandon their lives and property and return to the homeland to live happily ever after in the Tamil kingdom?
I am sure even your TINY BRAIN can work it out and let me answer you as follows. When we have the conditions right in the North and development of our motherland becomes a reality sufficient numbers will return home as the reason why there are so many out side in the South is because the North was deliberately starved of any investment and development and we the minority were totally reliant on the South for employment. There might be a tiny minority who might wish to stay in the South but that will be a personal choice just like many Jews chose to remain in Germany despite the holocaust.
Taking MR and the thugs to the Hauge is a matter for the International Community and I am convinced that this will happen once the corrupt Indian Government is thrown out at the next general election. Don’t forget it took 7 years to take Milosevich to the Hauge despite support from his Slavic brothers the Super Power Russia.
Far from this happening a newly energized Sinhala community will become more unforgiving and determined to continue their policies. It is indeed time for the overseas Tamils to adopt realistic and practical proposals to benefit the Tamils still living in Sri Lanka and abandon these quixotic schemes . When one’s house is on fire he should not worry about the boundary dispute he had with his neighborveli or kathiyal chandai in Tamil –but try to save oneself and his house.
Boy oh boy what an understatement ( the above quote) the Sinhala Community has been full of energy and venom since independence and and firing on all Cylinders and with 125 mm Calibre Guns .
If your house is on fire it depends on who set fire to it. If the neighbour himself set fire to it are you saying talk to him and find out what state of mind he was in when he carried out the dastardly act. Man you are out of your mind.
Don’t patronise us by saying please give Wigneswaran a chance to right the wrong. We have every confidence in him but you fear him as he has all the qualities needed for our problems.
Furthermore he brings strength as he has two Sinhalese Chicks in his family and the Pottu is to neutralise any criticism and the vulnerability arising as a result of this mixed marriage. I see no problem with that as what his sons did was a personal choice.
Arthagnani / July 31, 2013
The most I can glean from Kali’s confused diatribe is this:
1.That the Sri Lankan leaders will be charged in the Hague for war crimes.
If that is the case,Why it taking so long?When do you think this is going to happen?Which country will be the prime mover in this enterpris?
2.India will help to create a Tamil Eelam in Sri Lanks.When will it do this? How long do we have to wait?
If India is not forthcoming in this matter will we go and kill their Prime Minister?
kali / August 1, 2013
I think you are illiterate. Read man first and read a few more times before you reply.
I think you are confused and muddled get some psychiatric help before it is too late you swine.
kali / August 1, 2013
Hopefully you wont have to wait for too long a maximum of three more years I promise. Please bear with us and we will do everthing we can to spped it up for your sake as you sound like you are in a hurry to catch a plane before it is too late.
K.Arunesar / August 4, 2013
This is the first time that i have got the chance to read colombo telegraph.The comments counter comments are superb.As a Srilankan Thamil of Indian origin,who is well versed in Sinhale and has reasonable command in Hindi wish to comment as follows.
Who the sinhala hardliners are targeting Mr.Vigneswaran.He is another Kathirgamar type person,and who can bridge the Sinhalese and the Thamils.His reputation is so high that his voice will be heard in the international arena.At present there is no any other suitable candidate among the Jaffna Thamil community.President Rajapakse knows this very well. That is why he has subcontracted to voice his opposition to the Sinhale hardliners.Well truly speaking the attitudes of the Sinhalese and the Jaffna Thamils is not going to change immiediatly,or in the near future.The Thamil diaspora is speaking only about Jaffna.They have conveniently forgotten the Thamils of the East and the Thamils of Indian origin.Please remember the brunt of the final eelam war was shouldered mostly by the Thamils of Indian origin of Vanni a fact conveniently forgotten by the Thamil diaspora.The Thamils of Indian origin in Srilanka are generally considered “untouchables” by the Jaffna Thamils.So my suggessition is a separate provincial council should be established for the Vanni region detaching from the Northern province.
Plantation Thamil. / August 7, 2013
My dear Wigneswaran Sir,
So you have decided to enter politics,forgoing your cool retired life!
The chiefministership of the Northern province is like travelling on an
old rickety passenger Bus fully packed on a bumpy road somewhere in the interiors of Vanni.If I am to further elaborate it is like shifting your residence from Cambridge Terrace to a thatched house somewhere in Pudukudiyirruppu,bathing from a well and drawing water from it for cooking and washing and without Electricity,suffering from Mosquito bites undergoing many hardships.
As your critics say,what is Politics in the North for a Colombo 07 elite?But your destinity has decided that you have to enter politics so go on Sir.
As you had mentioned that you have some commitments to accomplish for those severely affected by the war,then your decision is acceptable.
But as I mentioned earlier it is not going to be any easy.Even after you assume as Chiefminister,it will be the Governor who will be calling the shots,then you will be compelled to cross swords with him.
Being a retired supreme court judge,and a person with dignity and integrity with an unblemished career can you survive?
But the people of the North and the entire Thamils will be with you.Just ignore those Jaffna fellows and the Diaspora.Your services are needed by the People of Vanni who shouldered ‘somebody else’ s’War.
All of a sudden you have become a Super Star!.Even before you filed in your nomination papers you were in the news and cartoons.Why? there is fear among the Highest in this land that you well be an Headache for them.Because you will be internationally recognized.Moreover you are not simply a :Yaalpaanathan:You are something more.You have followers among the Sinhala intellectuals too.Further two of your Daughter-in laws are Sinhalese!That is why Wimal Weerawanse and Champika have been subcontracted to hit at you.
My request is please establish your main office at Killinochi,since the People of Vanni need you Most.
I hope and pray that your sons and Daughter-inlaws and grandchildren will be present at the sworning in ceromony attired in their traditional dresses i.e. the Veshti and Osari!Whole of Srilanka are eagerly waiting for that event.An event in a life time.
Please find time to visit the Plantations in the Central and Sabragamuwa and Uva districts,and see for yourself the Pathetic and miserable life the Plantation Thamils are living.You are not simply a Chiefminister but an emancipater of the poor and destitute Thamils of Srilanka.
Senguttuvan / August 7, 2013
Like many thousands of others in the country, I am struck by the tremendous Vote of Confidence on Justice Vigneswaren, even before the
campaign has properly begun. The respectful salutation of reader
Plantation Thamil is particularly touching. One reason may be the absence of the right kind of Sri Lankan in our political leadership
missing for decades – Educated, religious, liberal, above communal politics and one, I trust hopefully, acceptable to the entire country. Is this the divine intervention we have always been waiting for?