16 January, 2025


EU Concerned Over Weliweriya Killings And Grandpass Mosque Attack

The European Union Delegation in Colombo said today that it is concerned by the attack on Grandpass Mosque on August 10 and the deaths of three civilians following protests in Weliweriya on 1 August

The European Union Delegation issues the following statement in agreement with the EU Heads of Mission in Sri Lanka:

“The European Union Delegation in Colombo is concerned by recent incidents in Sri Lanka including the deaths of three civilians following protests in Weliweriya on 1 August, and the attack on the Grandpass mosque on 10 August, which followed a number of other attacks on mosques and churches.   The right to freedom of peaceful assembly and the right to freedom of worship are fundamental to democratic societies and should be protected by the state. The European Union looks to the Sri Lankan authorities to ensure justice through speedy, impartial investigations and to enable all Sri Lankans to exercise their human rights freely.

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    Over to you Minister of dance and circus Mr.Comedywansa.

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    EU being concerned alone is not enough. There has to be ACTION right now. Otherwise it is too late and too little. Please do not allow the US to pull Wool over the eye of other Nations to cover MR. ENOUGH is ENOUGH.

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      M.A. Sumanthiran is also discussing the issue with the US State Department. It is difficult to oppose a regime like this, but there are those making efforts on behalf of ALL Sri Lankans. Please get behind them. It will take a lot of diverse people’s to come together to do it. However, it must be done.

      “In the aftermath of war, much is being said about ‘uniting’ the country. We are also keen that this country be united, and that all its peoples live in harmony. As President Obama often says ‘E pluribus unum’ – out of many, one. But one of the natural corollaries of unity is that when one is affected, all are affected. You cannot strike my brother, and not hurt me. You cannot take away my sister’s liberties, and not take mine. If we are all connected, we will all rejoice together, and suffer together.” – M. A. Sumanthiran in December 2011.

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    I think Dayan’s esteemed friends and associates in the EU, US and other places are now trying to Help Dayan find answers to the many, many questions Dayan hastened to pose following the Weliweriya incident.

    Dayan, could you confirm if you welcome these initiatives by foreigners – or would you consider them intrusion?!

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    All this time, when the international community asked for accountability from the rajapaksa’s, for the violence in the North, the answers to why thousands of Sri Lankans in the North are missing or killed, or why the Sri Lankan journalists are killed, missing or kidnapped, the blame was immediately cast on “Western” countries out to get poor Sri Lanka. Now, Sri Lankans are getting wise to the fact that the Army was not let loose on the people by any foreign nation, but it was our own ruthless rulers, who did nothing to stop the killing of unarmed civilians who only asked for clean water. This time they cannot make others the scape goat for their crimes, for they have shown their true dirty colours.

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      You are right, but the long term issue is going to be whether Sri Lanka loses its democracy which will also threaten the rule of law. You can see where all this is going if you really think about it and it is not a good place. A lot of diverse people will have to unify and come together to kick this regime out of power. The question is whether they can or not. I hope they do because their freedom will be at stake. This regime is going to equally take it away from everyone. And, there is no limit to what they will do to keep the clan of thugs in power…

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    What we always say is true. There is a big International conspiracy going on and EU statement is also part of that. I Am Sure Tamil Diaspora also behind this.

    May be they still don’t know that our Aadambarakara Thatha has already solved the problem by promising that controversial Factory be re-located after the test results proves that Water pollution due to Factory waste.

    Aadambarakara Thatha became a hero and 2 Mothers lost lives of 2 precious child’s and one kid lost his father. Waliweyiya people still drinking contaminated water. “Asiyawe Aschrya”

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    Peaceful assembly is the Key word here.

    Blocking a main arterial road.

    Stopping a reputed company from removing finished goods from the company.

    Surrounding the factory and treating workers and injuring a policeman as far back as 26th of July.

    Disrespecting public officials who tried to settle the problem.Hooting and jeering.
    These are not fundamental rights.

    France does not permit the veil.They should be concerned

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    “The European Union Delegation in Colombo said today that it is concerned by the attack on Grandpass Mosque on August 10 and the deaths of three civilians following protests in Weliweriya on 1 August”

    If you are concerned, then use your drones. You are doing it elsewhere.

    The Sri Lankans will cheer.

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    How difficult it is for EU & USA to order the regime to sack both Chmapika & Gota from their posts and arrest them.
    BBS and all other Balu Senas are will disappear when Gota and Champika are buried.
    Wijeweera gone so was JVP (then JVP)
    Prabakaran gone so was LTTE
    Soma gone and Weeravithana also was gone
    Similarly, When Gota(and Mara) is gone BBS plus all Satanic senas also will be gone.
    Anyone wants to see a Satan Look at MaRa GoRa BaRa NaRa.
    Anyone likes to see a Reeriyaka, look at Gnanasara or Champika.

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    Why Europe is not talking about it’s own racism.

    In europe and in Britain mosques are attacked every day.

    Every body knows who Oprah winfrey. Some Europeans has been racist even to her when she went shopping in Viena.

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      My my, aren’t you upto date, Jim Softy ! Especially about ladies shopping for handbags !!

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      In the US we had one of the most major Islamic attacks and I think we were fairly restrained here. Also, I would add that Far Eastern Islam is a lot more enlightened than Middle Eastern Islam…

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      By the way, she was in Zurich. As usual, your facts are wrong.

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    EU you are concerned? Why do you support CHGOM to be held in sri lanka. For a nice vacation? You dont care about the innocent sri lankan human right violations by rajapassa and the family?
    You definitely know “ensure justice through speedy, impartial investigations and to enable all Sri Lankans to exercise their human rights freely” is not been happening in sri lanka for some time. Why even you mention it? WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE STUPID IDIOTS? Just stick to statements and forget what is hapenning practically?

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    [Edited out]
    We are sorry, the comment language in English – CT

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    Japanese main TV showed pictures of hundreds of thousands of Burqa clad women in protests and the Egyptian Soldeirs in Battle Tanks and Armourded Vehicles Sorrounding them and pointing their heavy guns at them.

    Egyptian Military has already killed over 200 innocent civilians,

    And that is according to news emnating from collaborating countries which supply and equip the Egytian Military.

    At least our Lanka friendly reporter from England , Miss Kath Noble said that the Mosque which is the issue concerning this delegation, was saved by the Local Muslims.

    Hope the Delegates take time out to read this before they depart.

    By the way any from England in this delegation?.

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    European Union should be more concerned about the hundreds of innocent civilians get killed by US Drones everyday. This was shown on BBC World recently. Sadly Navi Pillay has no idea about any of these news. The EU is always trying to find some weak link to attack our country. Those who are against the MR govt think that EU are doing this out of concern towards our people. EU is only after their “hidden agenda” and nothing more………

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