The European Parliament adopted a resolution on Thursday (10) that puts Sri Lanka’s trade concessions for imports to the European Union – the country’s second biggest export market – in grave peril.
In its resolution adopted by 628 votes in favour in the 705-member legislative assembly of the regional grouping, the EU Parliament called on the EU Commission to consider “temporary withdrawal” of Sri Lanka’s preferential access to European markets, which cuts trade tariffs significantly for Sri Lankan exports, including apparel, ceramic and rubber.
In the resolution adopted on Thursday, the EU Parliament noted that Sri Lanka had regained access to the GSP+ Scheme in 2017 on the explicit condition that it would repeal or replace draconian anti-terror laws – the Prevention of Terrorism Act – and implement human rights reform.
The Sri Lankan Government had persistently failed to meet those conditions the Resolution noted, calling on the EU and the European External Action Service to report to Parliament on Sri Lanka’s compliance on human rights issues and consider suspension of the GSP+ concessions.
The EU Parliament noted that in March 2021, the Government of Sri Lanka had expanded the PTA and allowed for two years of detention without trial for detainees causing religious, racial, or communal disharmony.” The PTA had been systematically used for arbitrary arrests and the detention of Muslims and minority groups, including Ahnaf Jazeem, a 26 year old Muslim teacher and poet and Hejaaz Hizbullah, a well known lawyer for minority rights and the rule of law.
The EU Parliament “noted with concern” the detention of former CID Director Shani Abeysekera, and urged the Government to immediately give those detained a fair trial on valid charges or release them unconditionally.
The Resolution also noted the adoption of the 20th Amendment to the Constitution and expressed serious concern about the resulting decline in judicial independence, reduction of parliamentary control and excessive accumulation of power in the presidency.
The EU Resolution is a clear indication that international pressure on Sri Lanka’s human rights record will not be confined to the UNHRC session in Geneva three times a year, and will likely be expanded with more bilaterally targeted actions.
In March this year, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet, specifically called on individual member states to consider targeted sanctions, travel bans and other bilateral measures to hold Sri Lankan Government officials to account. A withdrawal of the GSP+ and even a suspension of the preferential tariffs will cause further economic strain for exporters that bring crucial foreign revenue to Sri Lanka’s strained national coffers.
Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s Government has promised the EU that it will “revisit” the PTA. However a few days ago, the President issued a gazette declaring a previous counter terrorism unit HQ as a special detention centre for PTA detainees, a clear indication that more arrests under the draconian anti-terror legislation were coming.
The EU Parliament resolution was adopted even as the US Congress considers a resolution on Sri Lanka on its rights record and power sharing with the island’s minority Tamils.
Read the full Resolution adopted by the European Parliament here or see full text as follows:
European Parliament
The situation in Sri Lanka, in particular the arrests under the Prevention of Terrorism Act
European Parliament resolution of 10 June 2021 on the situation in Sri Lanka, in particular the arrests under the Prevention of Terrorism Act (2021/2748(RSP))
The European Parliament,
– having regard to its previous resolutions on Sri Lanka,
– having regard to the report of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights of 9 February 2021 entitled ‘Promoting reconciliation, accountability and human rights in Sri Lanka’,
– having regard to the UN Human Rights Council resolution of 23 March 2021 entitled ‘Promoting reconciliation, accountability and human rights in Sri Lanka’,
– having regard to Regulations No. 01 of 2021 published on 12 March 2021 under Sri Lanka’s Prevention of Terrorism Act,
– having regard to the report of the UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism of 14 December 2018 entitled ‘Visit to Sri Lanka’,
– having regard to the statement by Michelle Bachelet, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, of 24 February 2021 on Sri Lanka,
– having regard to the final report of January 2020 of the European Union Election Observation Mission to the Sri Lanka Presidential Election of 16 November 2019,
– having regard to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, – having regard to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of 1966,
– having regard to the EU Generalised Scheme of Preferences Plus (GSP+), the special incentive programme of which Sri Lanka is a beneficiary,
– having regard to Rule 144(5) and 132(4) of its Rules of Procedure,
- whereas Sri Lanka has been marred by a decades-long civil war which ended in 2009, during which serious human rights violations were committed by both sides;
- whereas the human rights situation in Sri Lanka has been steadily deteriorating, with the new government rapidly backtracking on the limited progress achieved under previous administrations; whereas the space in which civil society and an independent media can operate in the country is rapidly shrinking;
- whereas the controversial Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA) has been in place in Sri Lanka since 1979 and grants the police broad powers to search, arrest and detain civilian suspects; whereas the wide-ranging powers provided for in the PTA have led to consistent and well-founded allegations of torture and sexual abuse, forced confessions and systematic denials of due process;
- whereas in her most recent report on Sri Lanka, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights reiterated the calls for a moratorium on the use of the PTA for new arrests until it is replaced by legislation that adheres to international best practices;
- whereas the Government of Sri Lanka issued Regulations No. 01 of 2021 on 9 March 2021, expanding the PTA and, inter alia, allowing for two years of detention without trial for causing ‘religious, racial, or communal disharmony’;
- whereas the PTA has been systematically used for arbitrary arrests and the detention of Muslims and minority groups in Sri Lanka, including Ahnaf Jazeem, a 26-year-old Muslim teacher and poet, and Hejaaz Hizbullah, a well-known lawyer for minority rights and the rule of law;
- whereas on 19 May 2017 Sri Lanka regained access to generous tariff preferences under the GSP+, on the condition that it replaces its PTA and effectively implements 27 international conventions, including human rights conventions; whereas the European Union has repeatedly expressed concern over the PTA and noted Sri Lanka’s failure to repeal the act despite its commitment to doing so;
- whereas on 20 October 2020 the Sri Lankan Parliament passed the 20th Amendment to the Constitution, reinforcing the executive presidency;
- whereas nearly 12 years on from the end of the war, domestic initiatives for accountability and reconciliation have repeatedly failed to produce results, thus more deeply entrenching impunity and exacerbating victims’ distrust in the system;
- whereas there are clear signs of the accelerating militarisation of civilian government functions in Sri Lanka; whereas since 2020, at least 28 serving or former military and intelligence personnel were appointed to key administrative posts; whereas those appointments include at least two senior military officials who were implicated in UN reports in alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity during the final years of the conflict; whereas many suspects in police custody as well as inmates in Sri Lankan prison complexes have been killed; whereas the most recent cases include deaths in police custody in May 2021; whereas 11 inmates at Mahara prison were killed and 117 others injured when guards opened fire to control a riot over COVID-19 conditions in November 2020;
- whereas authorities in Sri Lanka handed down capital punishment sentences for drug related offences in 2019, despite the existence of a moratorium on the use of capital punishment in the country since 1976;
- Expresses deep concern over Sri Lanka’s alarming path towards the recurrence of grave human rights violations as described by the most recent UN report on the country, which lists among the early warning signs the accelerating militarisation of civilian governmental functions, the reversal of important constitutional safeguards, political obstruction of accountability, exclusionary rhetoric, intimidation of civil society, and the use of anti-terrorism laws;
- Reiterates its strong opposition to the continued application of the current PTA; calls on the Sri Lankan authorities to fulfil their pledge to review and repeal the act and replace it with anti-terrorism legislation which adheres to international best practices; further calls for the immediate suspension of the deradicalisation regulations;
- Points out that Regulations No. 01 of 2021 do not provide for procedural guarantees for any person deprived of their liberty as laid down in Article 9 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and that they violate Sri Lanka’s own constitutional guarantees under Article 13 of the Sri Lankan Constitution; recalls that deradicalisation, rehabilitation and reintegration centres, which are regulated under similar legislation, have in the past been rife with serious human rights violations such as torture and other ill treatment, including sexual and gender-based violence;
- Expresses grave concern about the arbitrary arrests and detention under the PTA without due process and access to justice, including for civil society activists, lawyers, writers and poets such as Hejaaz Hizbullah and Ahnaf Jazeem; notes with concern the detention of Shani Abeysekara, the former director of the Criminal Investigation Department; urges the Government of Sri Lanka to immediately give those detained a fair trial on valid charges and, if there are no charges, to release them unconditionally;
- Deplores the continuing discrimination against and violence towards religious and ethnic minorities and communities in Sri Lanka, including Muslims, Hindus, Tamils and Christians; calls on the Government of Sri Lanka to unequivocally condemn hate speech, incitement to violence and discrimination against religious and ethnic groups in the country, and to hold to account those who advance such divisions, including within the government and military;
- Notes the adoption of the 20th Amendment to the Constitution and expresses serious concern about the resulting decline in judiciary independence, the reduction of parliamentary control, and the excessive accumulation of power with the presidency;
- Notes with concern the Government of Sri Lanka’s recent proposal to enact a new law on disinformation despite concerns raised by civil society organisations about the threats such a law could pose to the freedom of expression; urges online platforms to take proactive steps to moderate the circulation of hate speech and disinformation online in the Sinhalese and Tamil languages;
- Is concerned that provisions in Sri Lanka’s Penal Code, notably sections 365, 365A and 399, have been interpreted in such a way as to criminalise individuals with diverse sexual orientations and gender identities;
- Calls on the Commission to urgently evaluate its funding for the UN Office on Drugs and Crime and INTERPOL project ‘Support to Sri Lanka on Counter-Terrorism’ while counterterrorism in Sri Lanka is in certain cases being used as a pretext on which to
persecute members of ethnic and religious groups and civil society, including human rights defenders; calls on the EU Delegation to Sri Lanka and the Member States’ representations to increase their support to civil society, especially human rights defenders, environmental defenders and journalists;
- Underlines the crucial importance of ensuring that the national reconciliation process is given the necessary attention and results in concrete actions, including accountability for enforced disappearances and past crimes; regrets Sri Lanka’s withdrawal from the commitments it made to the UN Human Rights Council in the context of its sponsorship of resolution of 14 October 2015 entitled ‘Promoting reconciliation, accountability and human rights in Sri Lanka’, and encourages it to re-engage with the council, which is instrumental in restoring relations with the international community and creating a process of national reconciliation between the diverse Sinhalese, Tamil, Muslim, Hindu and Christian communities;
- Calls on the Government of Sri Lanka to prevent any hindrance of the investigation and possible prosecution of members of the security forces accused of serious human rights abuses; insists that an investigation be carried out into allegations of grave human rights abuses and war crimes committed during the civil war by senior figures from all sides; asks the Government of Sri Lanka to end the practice of appointing current and former military commanders implicated in serious abuses to senior government positions;
- Calls for a rigorous, impartial and complete investigation into the 2019 Easter Sunday bombings in line with international legal standards; calls, furthermore, for those against whom there is evidence of culpability to promptly be brought to trial, and for those for whom there is insufficient evidence to be released;
- Recalls that the GSP+ scheme offers the incentive of better access to the EU market for the country’s exporters, in return for further progress in fully implementing those conventions; recalls that one of Sri Lanka’s key commitments was to fully align its counterterrorism legislation with international human rights conventions in order to secure a favourable trading relationship under the GSP+; recalls the consequences foreseen in the GSP Regulation1in the event of a persistent failure to adopt and enact the necessary human rights reforms, repeal abusive legislation and reverse the current trajectory of increasing violations;
- Underlines that the GSP+ scheme offered to Sri Lanka has made a significant contribution to the country’s economy, from which exports to the EU have increased to EUR 2.3 billion, making the EU Sri Lanka’s second-largest export market; highlights the ongoing monitoring of Sri Lanka’s eligibility for GSP+ status and stresses that the continuance of GSP+ trade preferences is not automatic; calls on the Commission and the European External Action Service (EEAS) to take into due account current events when assessing Sri Lanka’s eligibility for GSP+ status; further calls on the Commission and the EEAS to use the GSP+ as a leverage to push for advancement on Sri Lanka’s human rights obligations and demand the repeal or replacement of the PTA, to carefully assess whether there is sufficient reason, as a last resort, to initiate a procedure for the temporary
1 Regulation (EU) No 978/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2012 applying a scheme of generalised tariff preferences, OJ L 303, 31.10.2012, p. 1.
withdrawal of Sri Lanka’s GSP+ status and the benefits that come with it, and to report to Parliament on this matter as soon as possible;
- Notes with concern the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the deteriorating labour rights’ situation in the country; urges Sri Lanka to cooperate fully with the International Labour Organization (ILO) to strengthen the labour rights of factory workers, including health and safety conditions for garment workers in special trade zones; calls on the Government of Sri Lanka to effectively implement and strengthen the National Policy on Elimination of Child Labour; calls on the Sri Lankan authorities to adapt the Board of Investment of Sri Lanka Labour Standard and Employment Relation Manual in order to bring it in line with international standards, notably ILO Convention Nos 87 and 98;
- Reiterates the European Union’s strong opposition to the death penalty, in all cases and without exception; welcomes Sri Lanka’s continued moratorium on the death penalty; urges the government to abolish the use of capital punishment in the country;
- Welcomes the EU’s past support for reconciliation efforts and underscores the EU’s readiness to support Sri Lanka in this field;
- Expresses concern about the growing role and interference of China in Sri Lanka;
- Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the Vice President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, the EU Special Representative for Human Rights, the Secretary-General of the UN, the UN Human Rights Council, and the Government and Parliament of Sri Lanka.
Easton Scott / June 11, 2021
Sanctions such as removal of the GSP+ scheme will undoubtedly hurt exporters and the economy, but it will be another “F”ail mark against this regime like no other, that is making Sri Lanka an untrustworthy international partner.
The government blissfully goes along its merry way, failing in every facet of governance, the rule of law and by every measure, except in packing the ministerial ranks with just about every Rajapaksa-relative they can find, or in importing vehicles to be handed out to the 225 MP-s to keep them comfy and compliant, even as its people starve….. it will be encouraging to see a common front by opposition parties and their MP-s refusing to buy into this trade in pork; a practice insitituted by that arch fox, JRJ in the late 1970-s.
This situation is fertile ground for an uprising by the people, but whether or when it will happen is moot.
leelagemalli / June 11, 2021
As one who respected Dr Harsha De Silva and his pro active politics, I remember how he worked hard to get GSP plus back to the country. But bitchs sons returning to power may feel, even if GSP plus or any other concessions would not be granted, with the help or abuisve CHINESE, they could run this nation.
Middle path way of life should be the way, not being relied on one nation, but to stay open to all powerful nations. Besides, the CHINESE may have power in that part of the world, but our politicians should see it that we the smaller nations would not survive without the backing of western countries.
Srilanka has become a FOOT BALL between INDIA and CHINA. Both so called future super powers would abuse our nation through naivity of our political leaderships. Previous govt had good relation ship with India, but now it has turned out to be beyond all enemy levels. Indians are angered by the STUPID acts of DOUBLE PAKSHE- govt.
Those who STRIPPED off for the come back of MURDEROUS Rajakshes behave today, born deaf and blind.
I happened to watch FOLLOWING tv discussion where that one another ballige putha of Rajapakshe clan, had no words to explain to a caller, who questioned ” what have Rajapakshes been doing today ?”.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / June 12, 2021
GSP concession was restored in 2017 because Yahapalana government undertook to uphold the principles of human rights such as repelling of PTA etc, but did not honour it. The law replacing PTA was more harsher than original PTA. EU did not take action to remove GSP at that time because they did not want to upset the then government. Whatever party comes to power, will deny human rights of Tamils and will never take action regarding reconciliation and accountability. Best action is for USA/EU/UK to impose economic sanction, in order to bring Sri Lanka down to its knees. Tamils must canvass for it and not let any government acceptable to USA or India to come to power. Put USA/West and India at loggerheads with Sri Lanka and reap the benefits.
leelagemalli / June 11, 2021
This nation is filled with rascals and their promoters. With divine forces being that hibernated, situation si worsening in this country. Rajapakshes would eat ” currrd and honey ” keeping them in a funeral house.
The kind of doggy days we have not had since independence. No matter PEOPLE fall dead, but Rajapakshes and their ballige puthas behave as if they have no hearts.
Mallaiyuran / June 11, 2021
Germany has been playing politics with all international issues recently. Alexei Navalny was poisoned by Russia. Russia would not let him go out anywhere. Family struggled and sent him to Germany. Germany only played politics with that incident but did not get him justice. Because Germany’s best friend is dictator Putin. Now Germany pretends that Tamils were engaged in a terrorist war against Appe Aanduwa, but 4/21 is nothing. So, Germany is trying to play politics in Lankawe too by portraying Aanduwa is against innocent Muslims, but Tamils are on the rampant war crime along with Aanduwa. It is with this kind of politics that the EU withdrew the SLMM to help Aanduwa carry out a war without witness. Now Germany is arresting Tamils and sending them to Lankawe to feed Aanduwa. If Germany accepts the crimes Aanduwa doing with the PTA in this statement, then under what ground it is arresting and sending Tamils back to Royals for their feast. If Germany is quoting Mrs. Bachelet statement in UNHRC, then where is the Universal Jurisdiction she called for? How many times Germany let the war criminals listed in the UNHRC list go back to Lankawe?
Mallaiyuran / June 11, 2021
In reality, Aanduwa always welcomes this type of political games so it can attach it more with China and Russia in the excuse of seeking veto at the UN. Aanduwa has openly challenged that if any government impose sanctions on it, it will roast the North East in the direct fire with food scarcity. This is louse invalid statement putting Lankawe minorities in real danger. EU may play politics to equate the proposal submitted in US Congress to recognize North East as minorities’ home land. This is too Naïve of EU. Lankawe never respected EU’s GSP +. For US proposal Lankawe foreign Minister, Communist Denesh and Ambassador, Eye Surgeon Raveendra vehemently opposed. Let see, if the Aanduwa see this as anything serious and react for this or simply discount it.
SJ / June 13, 2021
“… it will be encouraging to see a common front by opposition parties and their MP-s refusing to buy into this trade in pork”
You will be lucky to find enough MPs to count on fingers in one hand.
Sugandh / June 11, 2021
This should come as no surprise to either the double-Paksa government or the educated voters many of whom voted for the crooks.
The EU parliament’s overwhelmingly adopted resolution on Sri Lanka is the essence of the GSP+ scheme. GSP+ scheme was custom made for belligerent states like SriLanka.
Native Vedda / June 11, 2021
Where are you?
I want to you address Gota with your usual anti West rant, bravado.
Please condemn EU.
Pandi Kutti / June 11, 2021
The Jester makes constant anti Thamizh and anti west rants but lives in London and enjoys the good life and all the opportunity that the west has to offer but wants genocide, ethnic cleansing and marginalization of the island’s Thamizh back home. Typical hypocritical Chingkalla diaspora. One rule for them and another for Thamizh
leelagemalli / June 11, 2021
May be swimming in the gangas of Mara-Gota in Medamulan.
He could not face us any further. He ows a set of answers to our questions.
SJ / June 13, 2021
“…belligerent states like SriLanka”
When was Sri Lanka anything like that?
SJ / June 13, 2021
It may have been towards the LTTE, but EU?
Ashan / June 11, 2021
We have behaved like a rogue nation/dictatorship where political activists and members of the minority are rudely taken away without explanation, nor informed about what exactly they are charged with, thrown in jail to languish without legal representation, or given their day in court, and we now have to face international scrutiny, boycotts, and sanctions. Our politicians can rant and rave about how these Western nations are picking on us, but at the end, it is the country that suffers.
These Rajapaksa policies taking us down a dangerous path, and at a time when we our economy is tanking, this is going to affect us badly. The so called saviors who were going to save this country have only made things worse, sold us to China, and are making the people suffer because of their arrogance, and refusal to cooperate with the international community.
I guess this is what the Sinhala Buddhist nationalists wanted for this country.
Simon / June 11, 2021
Undoubtedly the “NOOSE” around the megalomaniac “Rajapakse & Co. Inc.” must be “TIGHTENED” sooner than later. If not, this country has no “LIFE” to breathe. At this moment, there is no “Mechanism” available in the country to “TAME” or “THUMP” this “Rajapakse & Co. Inc.” draining out all our “Resources” and making us a “COLONY” that would be “Dished” out to emerging “Colonial Super Powers”. This “Mad Dog”- The Rajapakse & Co, Inc. must be “NEUTERED” and “LEASHED” as otherwise, all our lives and those of generations to come will have perished. We are prepared to undergo the hardships that would accompany this “Tightening” of the noose “In Lieu” of the “Gains” that could be regained in the future. We are accustomed to such sufferings in the past, but the “NEED” of the hour is to “STOP” and make a “FINISH” with this megalomanic “Rajapakse & Co.Inc.”
Native Vedda / June 11, 2021
“Undoubtedly the “NOOSE” around the megalomaniac “Rajapakse & Co. Inc.” must be “TIGHTENED” sooner than later.”
Watch out Hindians are ever ready to rescue the Rajapaksa clan as they did with VP many times who believed he was most important and needed by every power, whether its Tamils, Sinhalese, Sri Lanka, Tamil Nadu, Hindia, US, UK, Europe, Hindian Ocean, ….. A Good cooli.
Gota also falsely believes being part of the Rajapaksa brand gives him the position of immense strength. Gota from past history should know there is a limit to Hindian stupidity.
Well VP and his LTTE learned the lesson VP’s b***s carriers should remember.
Native Vedda / June 11, 2021
Here is the evidence
“India says ready for economic partnership for 21st century with SL”
However as I wrote above “Gota from past history should know there is a limit to Hindian stupidity.”
Simon / June 11, 2021
NV: Yes. India is now “Ready” to enter the “21st Century” phase of its “Operations” in Sri Lanka. The Indian High Commissioner Gopal Bogly, specified all “Areas” of their participation, mind you, through the “Private Sector” organization such as IOC, “Ambani Group” (Layland) “Adani Group” etc. Now, we “WATCH”: “Enter the Dragon” and “India With Love”. The “Beneficiary” – “Rajapakse & Co, Inc.” The “VICTIMS” – the People (all excepting the “Elite” and Business Tycoons) of Sri Lanka. The only “Ventures” that the Sri Lankans have to enter is “Sanitation” (cleaning toilets, drains, collecting garbage, laundering, shoe repairs,) “Helpers and Cooly” functions, etc.
paragon / June 11, 2021
No country in the world should not advise about rule of law and human rights and the rights of minority groups.we are respected family who rule the country following the preaching of lord BUDDA.we hope to rule the country as long as our family and children can fool the 6.9 MILLION who voted for us.if you EU OR UNHCR wants to know how to rule the country giving full respect to human rights please see the following example during our DHARMISRA PERIOD.
Lasantha wickeramthunga leading news paper editor was killed during our period by an unknown group for failing to follow the human rights regulations when reporting ABOUT MIG DEAL. Rugby player THAGUDEEN killed him self driving after consuming excess liquor.we conducted a detail investigation under our best police head ANURA SENANAYKE his report confirmed that this in fact an accident. This two incidents are only examples to show how we follow human rights.all other bad news about us are spread by people who do not like the way we follow human rights.
davidthegood / June 11, 2021
paragon, You forgot easter sunday massacre and murder of more than one. Sure face to face company with satan, who is even more evil than Zee.
Kuviyam / June 11, 2021
KARNA started working,, I have stated these several times in my comments in CT. Being Buddhist country with Buddhist leaders they do things to accumulate Krama.,
1 Enhancement of COVID cases and deaths
2, Bad weather Floods, Deaths
3. Toxcix oil leak from shipwreck
‘4. Damage to the fishing sector
5. Imacton the arrival of Tourists
6. Fall in the value of Rupee
etc Now the decision by EU will affect the economy. China is fishing in troubled water, Mahinda dynasty will do the maximum damage and maybe changed it through a Rebellion
davidthegood / June 11, 2021
Kuviyam, This is no longer a Buddhist country with dhammapada, but a Marxist communist slave following it’s weirdo leader’s money, business and craving for world domination with biological warfare collapsing economies in the world. Military dictatorship SL leaders no longer can visit and be blessed by Asgiri/Malwattu and other temples, after selling the country for their personal kingdom. How tragic not to know where this will end for them. But what about us citizens and our generations.
SJ / June 13, 2021
“China is fishing in troubled water”
So, K why don’t the others?
They have far more experience in fishing in troubled waters, and have up-to-date gear as well.
Mahila / June 11, 2021
Revolution in Sri Lanka is Moot.
6.9 Million educated and knowledgeable voters backing the effort means, they are strong and have a solid backing.
Also means that majority were and are happy with the affairs of Governance by the R Bros company since 2006 with all the HR lawyers shouting at the top of the voice. Even though 1 important sibling is away in the US; probably making sure that some important guys in congress are persuaded to make sure that the proposed congressional resolution is not successful.
Why not with all the resources at hand, give it a try? Supplant the MIG’s with Sinopharm/Antonov. That’s the only difference.
330 Toyota Hilux SUV vehicles already in the water, reassures “confidence of supply” in the Diyawanna Mahal without exception. One of them is getting a V8 instead of the V6 or in-line 6 to attend to matters with extreme speed! Who is this lucky individual? Lucky Chief Government Whip.
What blessed country? It’s the best in Asia! Best of the bad lot.
As PM used to reiterate more often than not in his previous ‘Avatar’ as HE, that SL during the period 2006 to 2014 was keeping the flames of Democracy glowing, even with the hard and bad War years, which many other countries have forsaken during such adversities!
chiv / June 11, 2021
Over to third class Diana Gamage to analyze and let us know what went wrong here.
Burt / June 11, 2021
Anyone care to compare and contrast this with Rajapaksa commission?
“Dr. George E. Gabriel has been appointed by US President Joe Biden to the President’s Commission on White House Fellowships, the White House communicated in a statement last week.
Dr. Gabriel is originally from Sri Lanka and studied at the University of Kelaniya before immigrating to the United States.”
“These leaders represent the best of America – our collective character, creativity, and diversity. I am grateful these dedicated and accomplished Americans will help select and mentor the next class of White House Fellows who demonstrate exceptional leadership, unwavering passion, and a strong commitment to public service,” said President Biden.”
chiv / June 11, 2021
Burt, yes this guy is from East , did schooling there attended university and now in U.S. When I read this news I had the same thought as you. There is also an engineer , now Canada based ,who was ex FB executive, now turned financial adviser owns hedge fund turned billionaire overnight this week when his IPO (clover medical system) valued 900 million sky rocketed to 9 Billion. There must be many who left Lanka and made history where they reside. Good for them.
nimal fernando / June 11, 2021
“EU Parliament Calls For Suspension Of GSP+ As Noose Tightens Internationally On Gota Regime”
As if the Rajapakses care! As if they ever cared!!
For the Rajapakses, this is nothing but a get rich quick scheme ………. to collect all the money they can as soon as possible and vanish ……. Gota and Basil to the USA and the rest to wherever …….
This is what we have to get into our heads. ………… Pointless talking of anything else.
Then …… it’s the turn of the …….. next robber baron who can sell “Sinhala-Buddhist nationalism/patriotism” to the 6.9 million ………. then the next …….. then the next ………..
In the end ………. all what’s left is a Wasteland.
These fragments I have shored against my ruins
Why then Ile fit you. Hieronymo’s mad againe.
Datta. Dayadhvam. Damyata.
Shantih shantih shantih
Andare 2.0 / June 11, 2021
Gota should ban all exports from the Eu and UK. The EU and UK are the biggest sponsors of global terrorism. UK LTTE ban is a farce. Adela Balasingham, an LTTE terrorist is living fine in UK. And the LTTE flags are being flown at the UK parliment. UK is lying to the world that they have banned the LTTE when in reality they are the biggest sponsors of Tamil terrorism.
GATAM / June 11, 2021
LOL! So what? Who is the bigger enemy of SL? EU and the UK or Tamil terrorists?
Humble / June 11, 2021
There in lies the irony.
Sinhalese claim they are ‘aryans’
But accuse the aryan nations of the west of supporting the
dravidian LTTE.
Why is that? Why are the white aryans going against their
sinhala ‘aryan’ brethren?
Mahila / June 12, 2021
your reference, “Gota should ban all exports from the Eu and UK.”.
You mean to say, ‘Imports from UK’ and not ‘Exports from UK’.
How can Gota control exports from UK?
What are these significant imports from UK? Land Rovers and Bentley/Rolls Royce.
Pakshe’s may not like the idea specially Namal and Percy.
Well then Gota may run out of aid he sought from UK to put out the ‘PEARL’ fire on the shores of Colombo too.
srikrish / June 11, 2021
Sri Lanka is a member of International community, Being a member give the member countries rights, duties and responsibilities. The countries cannot close their eyes and claim sovereignty and acts as if other countries do not exist.
Sovereignty is a misunderstood concept in Sri Lanka. Human Rights are universal rights cutting across national borders and still evolving. Sovereignty could be interpreted only in the context of universality of human rights.
Sri Lanka has to learn a lot about democracy and human rights, then only it could be as a valued member of international community and reap the benefits of such membership.
Muhandiram / June 11, 2021
The All Important question is, how long will it take for the EU to take action under the Resolution. Will it be a few months or years? Unless quick action is taken under the Resolution, it will be just another Forgotten Resolution which will make the perpetrators of Human Rights Violations even Bolder.
a14455 / June 11, 2021
lol here we go again . how will the noose tighten on the regime. it will tighten on the poor workers. and it will push Sri Lanka even closer to China.I guess that is what they hope for ?
Native Vedda / June 11, 2021
” it will tighten on the poor workers.”
How did the noose tighten Mussolini’s neck/b***s, Mu’ammar Al-Qadhdhāfī didn’t know why people hated him, Saddam was betrayed by his own clan, ……………… Hitler a vegetarian like Gota killed himself, ….
leelagemalli / June 11, 2021
Those who are in back licking mode of Rajapkshes, please watch the video and share with your friends and aquaintance.
Simon / June 11, 2021
Dear LLM; Did you notice the “FRAUD” related to this importation of Luxury Vehicles. Toady AKD of JVP explained it with all the information with related documents. That Media Briefing is on Youtube: https:// http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zC2ypC284mw The Cabinet Paper submitted for approval to purchase in May, but the “LC” was opened in April. No “Tenders” were called. Isn’t that the “WORK” (Grand Robbery) of “Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves”. There is a picture of a “Pohottuwa” Local Government Councilor a “Male” attending a function dressed in a “Cheethe” (a female dress) and a “Jacket” (Hatte). He says: “We cannot go about in public with our usual dress because of the work of this Government”. Look for it, it is in Social Media.
leelagemalli / June 12, 2021
My dear SIMON;
they have taken the video away from circulation.
I read about that. That bank account for the purchase had been okayed by MINISTRY of FINANCE ( none other than ballige putha Mahinda Rajapakshe and his condom supporter Ajitha Cabral). After being authorised such huge purchases, would not foreign companies change their thoughts again.. that is how those billion earning automobile companies are familar from that day on. Their agents are no different. That was also the case, by the time, GOOD governance came to power in 2015, Maharaja the most abusive man of srilanken nation as then president had okayed for a huge purchase of AIRBUSES remember ? However, previoius govt settled it somehow.
This man Mahinda and his mediation has looted the state as no other leaders ever done in entire SOUTH asian region.
My angers are if POLICE rountiely practises – EXTRA JUDICIAL KILLIONS, why on earth MaRa and Ajith Cabral or the like real KINGS in srilanken high crimes be exempted from that punishment ?
Simon Aiya, would people in your AREA ever eart KIRIPANI and enjoy it in a FUNERAL HOUSE… ? As I know it very well, they would not… BUT RAJAPKSHES huge purchase of LUXURY VEHICLES as gifts to the new MPs is like that, just at this highly critical juncture of srilanka where every cent should better be investest to purchase ” loads of vaccines”.
Simon / June 13, 2021
Dear LLM: The People in my AREA (most of the 6.9 million “Punnakku Drinkers) are now eating “KIRIPANI” (Curd) with the “Razer Blade” (Dali Pihiyyaha).
cugan / June 11, 2021
The fact is he even think he will be a prez ,but the tactics and well played media along with clergy made him,still he will go back to US and join his family over there if he loose ,but until then he will hold on to the rope,he thinks we are supper power in Asia as mentioned he wants to build Gunatabay,people asked for pure drinking water what he has done ,he used his military power,Soorawansa may realizing now what pathetic and disaster for SL,but sadly ordinary have to suffer,time after time we haven’t had leaders they all thick,we end up get help from Bangladesh, look at Ethiopia now way better than our economy ,once poorest in the world,these Thaddias blame the VP for the progress,even the nature is not bear,why?
davidthegood / June 11, 2021
Where are the 1000 priests ready to march to Colombo. Opposition wake up and do something fast before these murderers sell the rest of the country, collect the money and vanish into US and Dubai where Arjun Mahendran keeps looking after their ill gotten assets. Karmic selective judgement is waiting for the cups to become full.
noname / June 11, 2021
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Captain Morgan / June 11, 2021
As far as governance and policy are concerned, only four things have ever mattered to the leaders of this country. They are – a highly centralized majoritarian government, national sovereignty, Sinhala as the official language and Buddhism as the state religion. They are pursued and fostered with fanatical zeal.
All other matters that fall under the heading of governance and policy like agriculture, industry, exports, health, education, law & order, foreign policy, power & energy, transport and environment are put in the backburner, with the incompetents in charge allowed to muddle along. These things are reviewed and hasty action attempted only when a crisis develops in any of the sectors.
Andare 2.0 / June 11, 2021
England is the biggest human rights abuser in Sri Lanka. They carried out mass genocide of Sinhalayo in Uwa Wellalassa. They destroyed acres of crops and livestock. Heck they even murdered the Sinhala Royal family !! Where was your damn investigation into English human rights abuse EU, UN, Amnesty?
Humble / June 11, 2021
Andare 2.0
England is the biggest human rights abuser in Sri Lanka.
England is also the one who gave the NE of the island to the sinhalese on a plate.
Andare 2.0 / June 12, 2021
England is also the one who gave the NE of the island to the sinhalese on a plate.
England is the one who dumped millions of south Indian slaves in the Island. Can England take them back ?
leelagemalli / June 11, 2021
Is your new name GOTABAYA ?
Until CBK s govt worked on the high ways and road constrution, no any leaders had any plans to improve HIGH ways and constrution by abusive Chinese. Rajapaksehs though reaped the harvest, he could do it with some feasiblity studies, had he done so, we woul dno thave become ETERNAL debtors as of today.
Mallaiyuran / June 11, 2021
What are you talking about? You tortured and killed wife and children of an officer of the Tamil king with internal coup. You played traitor by entering the secret place king was hiding and dragged him to the British troops. You happily signed the Kandy accord and replaced the rightful Tamil royal ancestry. Dom Juvan, for sleep with a Portuguese servant girl, donated the Kotte Kingdom to Portuguese. That is not all, the Kotte Kingdom lent 6000 mercenaries to Portuguese to capture and kill Chankilian. ” They carried out mass genocide of Sinhalayo in Uwa Wellalassa. Which mouth of yours was saying that? Traitorous Sinhala Buddhist Intellectuals, who sold Lanakwe to China!
Andare 2.0 / June 12, 2021
Listen silly. So called Tamil king (He was born in Andra Pradesh not in Tamilnadu)was CHOSEN by SINHALAYO to rule the SINHALA kingdom. He SWORE to protect BUDDHISM even with his own life just as all his predecessors did. Otherwise he wouldn’t even be allowed enter the country.
Native Vedda / June 12, 2021
Andare 2.0
Please explain with evidence:
1. They destroyed acres of crops and livestock.
2. They carried out mass genocide of Sinhalayo in Uwa Wellalassa.
3. Heck they even murdered the Sinhala Royal family !!
4. Where was your damn investigation into English human rights abuse EU, UN, Amnesty?
(Why isn’t Sri Lankan state formally taking England to task, ICC)?
cugan / June 12, 2021
We are the number one tea producer,Vijay the kallathoni came with Bo tree but thamas British from your back yard grown the tea and set the railway line for export and controlled for more than 100yrs ,now 70+ where are we now,when they left we haven’t owe any money to any country,we were self-sufficient.
leelagemalli / June 12, 2021
Yet today in EUrope, people would know SRILANKA as former Ceylon. Ceylon tea is known as the TOP of the list of all black teas available in the market yet today. Our elders worked on that, however, since ballige puthas or various nature entered to politics and neglected the TEA INDUSTRY, our place in world market is being pushed away. Look at Kenya and other country, that compete with srilanka TEA industry.
So is the case also with APPAREL industry, since RAJAPAKSHES s abusive politics dominated in the country, GSP was taken away. Thanks to former good goverannce govt, they were able to get it back to function, flourishing the industry again, if GSP plus would be taken away from us again, Rajakshes should SELL their backsides making SRILANKA number one gay paradise again. Else, I dont see any other options how the nation could ever pay off the loads of huge DEBtS deliberately made by JUNTA STYLE Rajapakshe politics.
Thanks to PREVIOUS govt of MS-RAnil, they were able to save BILLIONS so that DEBT INSTALLMENTS COULD be paid off sofar, however, ungrateful Rajapakshes, misled the nation, by feeding them with BLATANT lies about the previoius govt and grabbed the power.
leelagemalli / June 12, 2021
Shooting the messeger cant bring us an inch forward.
Is not that so ?
We should be very clear that we are another HUNGER STATE yet today.
soma / June 11, 2021
Noose around whom?
Native Vedda / June 11, 2021
“Noose around whom?”
Don’t you think Gota is caught between devil and the deep blue sea?
Don’t you think Gota and his cronies are digging deeper and deeper?
Don’t you think the people are going to hang Gota and his lackeys by their b***s?
Don’t you think its high time you took cover behind Sambandan’s bum or inside his Amude?
Don’t you think its time you jumped ships given that Ranil is going to take “his place” in the Parliament?
soma / June 12, 2021
Who is Gota?
What matters to me if Gota is caught between any two ******* things?
This displays nothing but your ingrained terrorist mentality. You are not alone – most of the heartles ******** above are gloating over the resulting misfortune of the people.
This devilish desire to punish the innocent people in order to hurt the rulers has always been beyond my comprehension.
When you blasted a bomb to kill Rajiv Gandhi rather than using a bullet like the assassin of Kennedy did have you ever given thought to how many innocent people lost their lives?
Even to this day your clan describe the assassination of Rajiv as a “strategic mistake “. Dimension of a cold blooded murder of a large number of people is never discussed.
There must be other ways to punish errant autocrats rather than starving the people who are being held hostage by these dictators (in your own definition) themselves.
Native Vedda , spare a thought for the pathetic situation the people are in. Even if a man called “Gota” doesn’t care you still can. If you diaspora have any influence over the EU ask for an economic relief package on our behalf.
soma / June 12, 2021
You guys always remind me of the following:
“On May 12, 1996, Albright defended UN sanctions against Iraq on a 60 Minutes segment in which Lesley Stahl asked her, “We have heard that half a million children have died. I mean, that’s more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?” and Albright replied, “We think the price is worth it.”
Go round a few villages in Sri Lanka, look at the malnutritioned children and tell me trade sanctions on Sri Lanka as you demand are going to “worth the price”.
Shame on you.
Which God you worship?
old codger / June 12, 2021
“and tell me trade sanctions on Sri Lanka as you demand are going to “worth the price”.”
Did you actually read the resolution? Such as “whereas on 19 May 2017 Sri Lanka regained access to generous tariff preferences under the GSP+, on the condition that it replaces its PTA and effectively implements 27 international conventions, including human rights conventions; “
“Human rights” applies not only to Tamil terrorists, it applies to you too. All that the EU is asking is that we stick by our own constitution. Do you agree with the Police locking up people for spreading “fake news” when the cabinet spokesman does it every day? Do you agree with the shooting of alleged criminals without trial?
Is it so difficult for the government to fall in line? What are you trying to defend with this talk of ” starving children”? It is the government itself that is responsible, not the EU.
soma / June 13, 2021
Old Codger
“Is it so difficult for the government to fall in line? What are you trying to defend with this talk of ” starving children”? It is the government itself that is responsible, not the EU.”
This precisely was the argument of the Americans at the time.
It is the responsibility of Sadam Hussain to fall in line and save his people.
Or the responsibility of the people to throw him out and save their children.
No doubt if Sadam fell in line those 500,000 children would have been saved. He didn’t and so the “price is worth it”.
The problem you don’t understand is Sadam wouldn’t take the responsibility. He was a ‘dictator’ by their (Americans’) own definition which means people are under his iron boot and helpless. You have to save the people from him , not deliver a double whammy.
When our doctors go on strike and refuse to attend to the sick their argument is also the same – it is the responsibility of the government not theirs. When you see that the government wouldn’t care tell me what do you feel of the moral stance of the doctors?
Have you seen the poor sick who had come from far off villages sleeping on the floor with no extra money for food until the strike is called off.
(I am wasting my time)
old codger / June 13, 2021
You don’t get the point. GSP Plus is not an entitlement. It is a reward for good behaviour. It was withdrawn before. I repeat, all they are asking for is in our own constitution. Why can’t the Rajapaksas stick to it? Are you saying that following the law is bad?
old codger / June 13, 2021
GSP is a carrot, not a stick. The stick will come later.
soma / June 14, 2021
Old Codger
Again, is the price worth it?
old codger / June 15, 2021
You should ask the Rajapaksas. Is it worth sacrificing the lives of children to keep a few murderers out of jail?
soma / June 14, 2021
Old Codger
Why then such ecstassy over denying it? Talk about a noose around Gota. Noose around whom let me ask again.
old codger / June 15, 2021
I am not ecstatic over it. I knew this was coming the moment Gota was elected. I am sad that Gota and his gang were too stupid to see it. Is there anything more stupid than annoying the customers who buy 75% of your exports and signing an FTA with your biggest import source?
Native Vedda / June 12, 2021
“Go round a few villages in Sri Lanka, look at the malnutritioned children and tell me trade sanctions on Sri Lanka as you demand are going to “worth the price”.”
Watch these weddings, then ask yourself a question, then tell us how did these politicians afford such “no expense spared” weddings?
Namal weds
Rohitha Rajapaksa weds Tatyana Lee (Church Ceremony)
Yoshitha & Nithiesha Wedding
Manoj rajapaksa wedding photos
I also come from deep South hence please don’t try to educate me about people going hungry, ……. and all their hard life.
You should make it a point to educate your politicians.
Native Vedda / June 12, 2021
You sound pathetic.
“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”
― Abraham Lincoln
“When you blasted a bomb to kill Rajiv Gandhi rather than using a bullet like the assassin of Kennedy did have you ever given thought to how many innocent people lost their lives?”
Mahinda and Premadasa should have thought about it when they paid and bought VP’s services through their b***s carriers.
“There must be other ways to punish errant autocrats rather than starving the people who are being held hostage by these dictators (in your own definition) themselves.”
You were very proud of your Rana Viruses, particularly Gota, Shavendra, Kamal(a)
Chagie, ….. 15,000 fellow generals. You must tell them to ask your single handed all powerful Asgiria blessed Sinhala/Buddhist fascist Nandasena to go back to USA. It would be preferable if he could take his entire clan, coteries, his b***s carriers, Wimal Weerasekera, Sarath Weerasekera, Gamanpola, … with him.
“Albright replied, “We think the price is worth it.”
In an interview with the Daily Telegraph on 11 July 1983, about two weeks prior to the riots, Jayewardene proudly expressed his views on Tamils,
“I am not worried about the opinion of the Jaffna (Tamil) people now.
Sugandh / June 12, 2021
1) do you agree with the principles that underlie the GSP+ scheme?
2) do you think that the double-Paksa regime understood those principles?
3) who do you think that we should hold responsible for the temporary suspension from the GSP+ scheme?
soma / June 13, 2021
” who do you think that we should hold responsible for the temporary suspension from the GSP+ scheme?”
You are spreading Dugandh.
Read the title of the main article.
Gory satisfaction of the noose around Gota and cheering that follows from yesteryear terror sympathisers.
Sugandh / June 14, 2021
An ardent supporter (and perhaps was a wiling accessory?) of the yesteryear state terrorism and now lamenting ad nauseum because the west has checkmated the state under the double-Paksa regime!
You’re confused and have a skewed sense of reality on who all the terrorists and who all the terrorist sympathisers are in the country’s history.
It’s quite disingenuous for someone who has condoned state terrorism to get all righteous and emotional over the use of the term “noose tightens”… and particularly in relation to Gota who utters death threats… even recently against an elected representative of today that he will kill him like a dog.
Sugandh / June 14, 2021
Aren’t you concerned and outraged that Gota’s government has put a noose around the NGOs who have long worked hard to help the poor and starving? I am sure many more NGOs would like to step in and help.
leelagemalli / June 15, 2021
This is very right My dear Sugandh.
Some like SOMA would never see it right. May be most of our sinhalaya’s genomes contain numbers of mutations that would be even more dangerous than that of COVID 19 ( Brazil Mutant, Indian Mutant, British Mutant, South A Mutant etc).
Now people realize, that there are no animals in the country to compare with 6.9 millions that voted for uncultured, unethical bastards from Madamulana.
leelagemalli / June 15, 2021
Please add your thoughts also to this.
Mallaiyuran / June 11, 2021
The EU has been rubbing the buttock of the Chitanata Government in 2010 to 2015 to take its GSP+. But Old King turned around and kicked on its buttock saying take it and bugger off. EU managed to get back in Ranil’s time and wagged its tail to Ranil to reform the MMDA and Ranil showed the path. He went to Oxford and gave a big lecture about how cruel these European countries were in the past a few centuries ago. Now Europe is back again in Lankawe with its magic wand, the GSP+ to show magic. So much is going on in Europe. Russia meddled in Georgia. Russia took Crimea. Russia meddling in Ukraine. Russia messes up Syria. Russia poisoned many people in England. Russia poisoned its opposition leader. Belarus government hijacked a plane going to Ukraine. What did the EU do? Only wagging its tail behind Russia for Oil. Putin is said to be worth more than $200B by secretly owning these Oil companies. Russia kept Poland without fuel against International Trade while selling oil to Germany through Poland. But Germany has surrendered to Russia for oil, neglecting the security of the entire Europe. The whole thing happened because Germany was governed by East German Communist! Instead of reading this, watch a Hollywood Movie, more pleasing and entertaining. EU can do nothing in Lankawe opposing China.
Thanga / June 11, 2021
Ranting and raving against the Rajapaksas are meaningless. 6.9 million people voted for GR and they have a government they deserved. I can understand the stupidity of the Rajapaksas. They are uneducated fools. None of them went beyond school certificate exams. The law degree both Mahinda and Namal got were through horse-trading.
There is no democracy in Sri Lanka. The CID/TID picks a person at their whims and fancies.
This country deserves to be treated like a leper among civilized countries. The GSP should be withdrawn immediately to teach Sri Lanka a lesson.
Humble / June 12, 2021
They are uneducated fools. None of them went beyond school certificate exams
Being educated does not make evil people good. It just means they are more sophisticated in their mannerisms.
Remember that JR who orchastrated the 1983 black july riots had a law degree.
Native Vedda / June 13, 2021
Now we cannot think of them. Not about their lives or of their opinion about us. The more you put pressure in the north, the happier the Sinhala people will be here… really, if I starve the Tamils, Sinhala people will be happy….
I am told during early 1970s when Tamil MPs complained in the Parliament about shortage of rice in Jaffna Peninsula and skyrocketing prices of food stuff one of Weeping Widows merry man N M Perera advised the Jaffna women to sell their wedding chains (Thali) and buy food.
Native Vedda / June 13, 2021
Weeping widow (believed to be a woman) did not chop NM’s willy.
soma / June 13, 2021
What you are saying is “It is our turn now”.
Native Vedda / June 13, 2021
“What you are saying is “It is our turn now”.”
Did you watch all those video clips of members of clan’s weddings?
What I am saying is what I have been saying for donkeys years.
You thrived on fake pride, mislead the poor people by your war criminals’ fake victory, listen’d to your fake patriots, brainwashed by your Sinhala/Buddhist chauvinist, you and your crooked leaders were backed or propped up by Saffron brigades, every slaughter committed by fake patriots is being commemorated, every possible measures that alienated the people from each other are relentlessly being manufactured, persued and enforced forgetting how those actions and thoughts destroy the entire country ………………
You went along with electing a Dump ass to power by crooks, saffron brigades, racialising the democratic process, with the blessing and approval of Assgiria, you keep electing the most racist dump asses, then complaining about minorities are hurting you, you haven’t got the b***s nor the intellectual honesty to stand up to the criminals, saffron clad thugs, you are comfortable in their presence, ………………… now you want the minorities to help save the poor people,………….
The minorities saved the country twice in recent years, in 2015 and in October 2018. The crooks got hold of crooked saffronistas who helped to elect a president by 6.9 million Sinhala/Buddhist majority of the majority votes.
Native Vedda / June 13, 2021
I am not euphoric that “I told you so” has come true.
In fact I have been worried for a long time about successive dumb asses destroying this island, especially the lives and livelihood of 6.9 million as well as rest of the people.
Don’t you think its time you started a riot and blame the minorities or find some arsenal.
soma / June 13, 2021
Your strategy to extract the revenge is to tighten the noose around them by further starving the people .
That brother is certainly “worth the price “.
Native Vedda / June 14, 2021
“Your strategy to extract the revenge is to tighten the noose around them by further starving the people .”
Its time you grew up.
An Eye for an Eye Will Make the Whole World Blind – Mohandas Karamchar Gandhi(?).
When people from through out the world throw ropes to get you out of the pit you keep digging as though you are engaged in a search for sacred kingdom. There is no sacred kingdom underneath your feet. Grab the rope (opportunity) and get out of the pit, instead you either keep digging or wearing the rope proudly around your neck, tightening it and hoping to enjoy autoerotic asphyxiation.
One day you (your Sinhala/Buddhist fellow racists) definitely will send majority of the stupid people to attain Nirvana sooner than expected.
Stop digging.
chiv / June 13, 2021
Soman, I wanted to respond but thought of waiting for Native to respond first as it was addressed to him. I see Native has given a befitting response which dosen’t need further explanation..I only have a very short response. It is not just about Gotha or Mahinda. It’s those rogue criminal corrupted politicians from the time of independence elected by the SB who starved, killed, harassed and cleansed Tamil minorities. There were plenty such starving children in North and East for past many years, for some reason failed to get any attention of your kind. Are you aware of SB governments of yours blocked even essential items and medicines to N & E under pretext of PTA
This is not a game to maintain scores. Who starved more ?? But enough for your pitty me, we the victim ?? BS
soma / June 14, 2021
“….by the SB who starved, killed, harassed and cleansed Tamil minorities”
Now let me remind you that +50% of Tamils consider Sinhala Buddhist society is superior to any Tamil only enclave:
Despite intense, unrelenting propaganda of discrimination, violence, loot, rape, murder or even genocide not a SINGLE TAMIL FAMILY who lived among the Sinhalese in the South during or after the war has relocated the residence to Jaffna.
Tamil politicos who promoted LTTE as the sole representative of Tamils carried out their political activities while living within the enemy.
When arrangements were made for the Tamils in the upcountry to relocate themselves to India so that they can live as equal citizens among their own kith and kin in an environment of their own language, religion and culture they protested and demanded to continue that pathetic life in Sri Lanka. To this day they are happy here than going back to super power India.
Native Vedda / June 14, 2021
“Now let me remind you that +50% of Tamils consider Sinhala Buddhist society is superior to any Tamil only enclave:”
Now more than 75% of the Sinhala/Buddhists believe they had made a huge mistake by electing the most stupid, uncaring, arrogant, professional murderer, … psychopathic dump ass to the top office.
Don’t be too smart with recycled stupid statement.
soma / June 16, 2021
Recycled answers (copy and paste) for recycled accusations (copy and paste)
chiv / June 14, 2021
Soman, I see you perseverating with such excuses (or is it parroting) for too long. 1) You say single Tamil family living in South among SB moved out. But Soman they did leave country in exodus risking their lives and many perished. Few days ago more than 60 Lankans were arrested in India , on their way to Canada. Many were found doing menial jobs after paying hefty sums, selling their assets and waiting for their time. Lanka holds record for such exodus happening over years. Many toil in prisons and camps with no hope/help. If they loved you so much, why on earth will they risk their life. It is not just Tamils , SB and Muslims too have left country do you mean they love their neighbors so much they decided to leave ??. If you mean why Tamils live in Lanka anymore?? then you need to state that clearly for a different answer. 2) Tamil politicos promoted LTTE. If true the majority SB supported racist governments in cleansing and it is called “collective responsibility” . So accept the consequence of EU sanctions. Why cry now ?? 3) I will not bother answering because what you say is not true. SB racist governments have the habit of deceiving and cheating world leaders for living. They will not stop until someone puts an end to it. Hence you have EU sanctions.