11 February, 2025


Ex-Defence Secretary Hemasiri Lays Bare Sirisena’s Pig Headedness

Former Defense Secretary, Hemasiri Fernando testifying before the Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) a short while ago spoke extensively about Sirisena’s handling of the Defense Ministry, shedding harsh light on the President’s pig headed ways that cost the nation over 250 lives.

Hemasiri Fernando

Echoing claims made by PM Ranil Wickremesinghe, Minister Ruwan Wijewardena and suspended IGP Pujitha, Fernando says Sirisena specifically instructed him not to invite the Prime Minister, State Minister for Defense and IGP for National Security Council meetings.

Fernando claims he was ‘helpless’ as a Secretary as his Minister barely made time for him. He claims at times he would be made to wait for almost three hours just to get files signed.

He also says there was little contribution he could make in terms of briefing Sirisena as he was not willing to hear any intelligence information from anyone other than State Intelligence Chief Nilantha Jayawardena.

“After being appointed as Defense Secretary, I tried twice to brief President on intelligence reports but was informed on both occasions that the SIS Chief had already informed him…For the rest of my five and a half months in office I did not brief him again,” Fernando says adding, early on he understood the SIS Chief maintained a direct communication line to the President.

It was also revealed during Fernando’s statement before the PSC, that since November 15, 2018 the Defence apparatus was equipped with information on terrorist Zaharan and his sympathy for ISIS terrorism and Jihadism. Failure to act on ample information available only goes to show Sirisena’s absolute inadequateness to handle the Ministry of Defense.

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  • 30

    What a sad figure Sirisena makes. This man is not even qualified to be a corporative inspector in rural Polonnaruwa. How the heck did he become a president of a country? We should introduce legislation whereby only educated people could run for political office. When Sirisena stands shoulder to shoulder with other world leaders he looks like a room boy. SAD!

    • 7

      Hemasiri Fernando,

      Are Sirisenas balls still there? There are rumors that his balls are 95 percent dissolved, and his brain is dissolving too.

      Is this a version of Alzheimer’s disease called Sirisena’s disease?

      Does this disease attack only Traitors, Sevalayas, Liars and Mala -Perethayas only?

    • 4

      Not only Sirisena but the past Presidents and PMs of the country look like room boys when seen standing among world leaders.
      How the heck did he become President of the country ?????????????????
      The Citizens voted him into power, that is how !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      The Citizens will always vote room boys into power !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      This is the eternal curse upon Sri Lanka and Sri Lankans, never to be blessed with wisdom to be ruled by educated, intelligent, gentlemanly politicians.
      As mentioned in a previous article by someone , SriLanka is the best country in South Asia but alas the majority of Sri Lankans are all hard headed, thick skinned, easily fooled bunch of people who could be bought for a bunch of bananas and a loaf of bread and sadly it will be that way for a long time to come.
      There is a saying that goes as follows. ” One will never know the value of a Blessing that one is blessed with until it is taken away by the one who gives it “

    • 1

      Please read the ‘Peoples Constitution’ introduced by NK and come back here with your honest opinion. If you agree with it’s content please spread your willingness to appoint only people with credentials of your suggested criterion. Thanks.

    • 2

      PEZ you say “We should introduce legislation whereby only educated people could run for political office.” What do you mean by educated people, paper qualification?? The previous president was is a lawyer was he any different from the current one? The pM is a lawyer is he any different from the president ? I don’t think men with education but without any moral character will behave irrationally once them have the power. Unfortunately the current crop of srilankan politicians are immoral and corrupt hence we are doomed.

  • 10

    Now there is a valid reason, why all the racist folks wanted the heads of Badurdeen, Azath and Hisbulla for the Easter Sunday debacle.? However, nothing will happen to the culprits as long as the corrupt politicians are in power. The judiciary too will look after them as evident from the rulings they make every now and then to different segments of the society. If Sri Lanka to progress further, religion should be detached from politics. Unfortunately, only a handful of politicians are in favour of that and they are being castigated by all and sundry.

    Maco Polo

  • 2

    Now the bulls are charging in a different direction. Forgotten the terrible Muslim doctor who chased after 8000 Sinhala women and cut off their Fallopian tubes. Forgotten the yellow robed kind that wanted blood bath. What is really happening. Where are we heading. Minorities are there to cover these guys blunders. Now Islamic forum had warned in no uncertain terms. Modi is coming to recover all the destroyed Hindu kovils by Muslims and Buddhists. The fun continues. Is it worth even otherwise for modi to meet this moda man. So who killed the church goers. Who killed the Muslims.

  • 4

    Dr Ranil has out gunned Sira again, with his UNP Select Committee in Kotte this time.

    Dr Ranil did it in Oct 2018. .
    That time those 9 Ministers helped Dr Ranil , Alongside the 14 TNA Tamil Mps.
    But it was no big deal except our inhabitants having to put up with Dr Ranil again’

    This is different.
    This PSC which is a bunch of hard core UNP devotees of Dr Ranil are trying to protect the 9 Muslim Ministers.who backed Dr Ranil in 2018 .

    Some of these Ministers are facing grave charges of helping the Muslim Suicide Bombers who destroyed our Catholic Community and the Holy Places on Easter Sunday.

    Dr Ranil through his PSC is trying to not only save the Muslim Ministers but also to win the Presidency and the Government with the help of the 9% Muslim Community..
    With the 12 % Tamils of the TNA Dr Ranil will Shit it In..

    Will our Catholic Community get a “fair trial” under them ?..

  • 4

    IF this story is correct, Hemasiri Fernando is no longer suitable for a Responsible position. He is not a politician. HE is a bureaucrat. He failed means he is no longer suitable for other such positions. Read the Indo-Pacific Strategy Report, Shanghai La dialogue. They say GLOBAL TERROISM and all over the world so many countries have failed. Why in Sri lanka Only the President is a failure. Who ever does that, they studied the country first and then blew up. Check how many countries are in the list that had MUSLIM terrorism, almost every country. Even China and Russia had those. Those countries gave it back to the Muslim in those countries. In Sri lanka too, Wahhabis must be always looked after very well. Because, their politicians were hiding and supporting it and they did it. Not all the muslims are responsible. govt neglected certain muslim groups. Only in Capitalist countries protestants were killing or harassing Muslims

  • 2

    Send him out to be a maid overseas.

  • 4

    I have another massage for NAY sayers. First Pujitha and now Hema. You all, keep saying they are lying. Now say if the rest including police, army, intelligence and other security personal come forward and say the same will you guys still keep giving excuses or try discrediting all. Now as a public what responsibility did you all have or do productive in getting rid of MS after his illegal coup , last year. People came in thousands to protest, went to SC and got fake PM removed. After that, business as usual. MS continued as President with his antics ???????? This is the curse of our shit hole. MS not only remained as President, he took over all powers, kept others away from national security and continues to screw you all right royally. MR is running around acting as PM,(holding his own security meetings),President and opp.leader. You know what howling from roof tops will bring more company but does not bring the moon down . Losers “get a life”.

  • 2

    Excuses, Denial, more lying, Enabling, Immorality,laziness jealousy are curse of our nation. So stop BULL SHITING. This country will go further down, in history.

  • 7

    If unp does not impeach Sira after this unp deserves to loose all elections

    • 2

      Unfortunately UNP and its allies do not have 2/3rd of MPs in the parliament. However, UNP should have brought a motion of impeachment even though they know they cannot win,

  • 8

    Not only the current President need to be chucked out. Most importantly the rouge and stupid Buddhist and Catholic clergies. Allowing these so called religious bigots have harmed the country for the many decades and will harm the country and its people, if allowed freehand.

  • 10

    The gamaraalaya should not escape from murder, failure to do his job entrusted to him. With all this evidence, he should be prosecuted and put behind bars for life

  • 2

    I think these advertisements are from Mahinda Rajapakse group. I remember both Pujitha Jayasundara and Hemasiri Fernando are Rajapakse people. So, IGP double crossed PResident because he was not allowed in the Security council meetings. Hemasiri Fernando double crossed president for some thing similar to that. We can see that if a SLPP govt comes.
    President should over come that. It is up to the president.
    Field Marshal IKE who commanded Allied forces during the WWII was a very small man. He managed All continents and it was war.
    225 are not important for him.

  • 1

    Sira will contest for Presidency with the promise that Mahinda will be the Prime minister.

  • 2


    In a country with one of the highly literacy in the world appointments are being made on the basis of race and religion.So why complain?

    Look dying Sri Lankan Airlines .

    Look at the current Doctors who were admited to Medical College s with lowest marks .Thanks to Badi Kakaa who destroyed world class education in this island.

    Tamils are not suitable for Koverner and Ambassador posts

    Modayas breed mad dogs feeding with fresh meat with blood to attack Tamils
    He He He these dongs now bite the Modayas and their kith and kin.

    Will the government investigate the land grabs in N-E?
    This disgraced Koverner of KILAKISTAN after his appointment first requested the list of unoccupied lands in the East.and used this as his grandfather’s land
    Sold this to Musulims. To train Terrorists. The real Tamil land owners are on streets.

    This country is cursed never ever prosper.

    Allow Greater China to guard South and West..Allow US Troops in N-E.

    Bring MOSSADwho have expertise and equipments..and speak Arabish the mother tongue of Musulims here, to flush out these cockroaches.


    • 3

      Cholan – “KeKeKeKe” – Again and again, it appears Namal Rajafucksha the Mongol son of Medamulana Meeharaka keeps tickling your balls!

  • 7

    This mada faka president is insane. He knows the one who becomes the next president can put him behind bars , knowing that Rajapakse can’t he is bum sucking all the possible candidates,
    He and Rajapakse should be put in the same cell ,so that Mara doesn’t break his neck sucking his own d**k ,Gamarala can help.
    We can now watch eyes opened what happens during facist Modi’s visit.

    • 0

      You people replaced war winning Mahinda Rajapaksa with this mada faka President being indirectly responsible for deaths and mayhem through out the country. Still insulting Rajapaksa ha?

  • 0

    These days, america Secterary came and roamed around Sri Lanka, Before that, govt said so many things. PSC is laso for that, both for political and to cover up news. Under secreatry visited all over the Island. Who are the politicians he met, Only Mangala and Ranil.

  • 0

    Some of the comments here are unfair. The MS-blaming is clearly orchestrated. Underneath is the fact that the Lankan Elites who have the monopoly of GoSL are ALL bad.
    The suggestion that MS condoned the 21 April Easter Sunday tragic event is wrong.

  • 0

    Its shocking to me to note that none of the members in the PSC team asked the question if these decisions by the President were given after the meeting the President had numerous times with Mahinda Rajapakse. They also should ask those who are giving evidence if they know of any decision that President made was instigated by Mahinda Rajapakse and if the President mentioned or indicated so.

  • 0

    Cholan !

    You have rightly pointed out a planned attempt to divert the attention away from the more serious issues like Easter Bomb Blast, Fallopian tubes compression sterilizing thousands of Sinhalese and Tamil women , Land Grabs, Accountability for war crimes &c.

    The Royalists and the Colombo Politicians appear to be after the blood of MS who has come from a remote area and insignificant background. Had he been from the Naike and Kandyan Families he would have got an entirely different reception.

    Thanks for your timely comment.

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