Sri Lanka woke up to a document circulating on social media and messaging platforms like Whatsapp and Viber on Tuesday morning.
The document was a purported “certificate of nationality of the United States” – and Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s name and date of birth was on it.
Within hours social media sleuths and fact-checkers got to work. A single Google search turned up swift results. The document was a mirror image of the sample US renunciation certificate on Wikipedia. The name of the official who had signed the certificate was Joel Fifield. The same official had purportedly signed Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s certificate. Except in the Wikipedia sample, Fifield was an US official working at the US consulate in Paraguay. Rajapaksa’s US passport number was wrong. His date of obtaining US citizenship was listed as March 2003 when he actually became a citizen of the United States on 31 January 2003. The image had no EXIM data, information that reveals the camera settings used to take the picture, which immediately aroused suspicion. It also claimed that Gotabaya Rajapaksa had signed away his US citizenship at the US Embassy in Colombo on July 5 – when in fact on that day he was in Singapore receiving treatment for a heart ailment.
By Tuesday evening, the former Defence Secretary himself was forced to admit the document was false. Full of bravado, Rajapaksa claimed he had the ‘real certificate’ but refused to show it to the press. He also claimed he was in possession of a Sri Lankan passport – a privilege extended to all dual citizens.
On the face of it, the fake certificate caused serious confusion. The scheme obviously caused deep embarrassment to the former Defence Secretary. But speculation also swirled that his own campaign was in fact behind the inspired leak. Under the terms of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, foreign citizens cannot contest for elected office in Sri Lanka.
Colombo Telegraph can now reveal the origins of the forged certificate and why the Gotabaya Rajapaksa 2019 presidential campaign decided it had to be distributed.
Several media reports have already indicated that the document reached journalists first via stock brokers and market dealers. The original distributor hoped that the brokers would leak the information to drive share prices up, resulting in the stock market soaring on the news that Gotabaya’s citizenship conundrum was finally behind him.
Allegedly Media Moghul and stock market manipulator extraordinaire Dilith Jayaweera’s confidant was the original distributor Colombo Telegraph learns. Jayaweera who also owns the advertising agency TRIAD had the document doctored and circulated it widely, particularly among his stock market cohorts. The problem was that Jayaweera’s ad agency associates had done a terrible job of faking the document. The entire scheme crumbled like a house of cards on initial scrutiny, creating a news cycle that was the last thing Team Gotabaya wanted, with its candidate in waiting being forced to play coy again about revealing proof that his US citizenship problem was firmly behind him.
Colombo Telegraph learns that Jayaweera was hoping that a boost in the stock market would convince former President Mahinda Rajapaksa to declare Gotabaya as candidate on August 11. The Gotabaya campaign team has got jittery about his chances at the candidacy after the former President told family members recently that he was worried a Gota 2020 candidacy could result in a tidal wave of legal challenges that would seriously hamper the SLPP’s chances.
When the former Defence Secretary declared his candidacy soon after the Easter Sunday carnage, the shares at the Colombo Stock Exchange soared. Jayaweera was hoping the forged certificate would achieve the same effect.
Alas, this was not to be.
The market surged a bit in the morning, but had dropped 43 points by the end of the day’s trading.
Brokers said there seemed to be an initial surge with the release of the document, but the rally fizzled out when the certificate was debunked as fake within a few hours.
Jayaweera is a master of stock market manipulation, and his ‘pump and dump’ schemes when the Rajapaksas were in power is the stuff of market legend. The Auditor General found that even the EPF had invested heavily in stocks ‘pumped’ by high net worth investors like Jayaweera. Greenlanka, Entrust, Perpetual Holdings (the company behind the 2015 bond scam) Entrust, The Finance and several others were behind the Rajapaksa era pump and dump scandals in the Colombo Stock Exchange. After artificially boosting largely low-value shares, the high net worth investors would sell out in droves, bringing the share prices crashing down and resulting in losses for small time investors and even large pension funds like the EPF. The EPF was often manipulated into engaging in risky investments through payoffs to EPF officials by companies like Perpetual.
The inability to bring manipulators like Jayaweera to book given the backing he enjoyed from the powerful former Defence Secretary in particular resulted saw at least two chairpersons of the Securities and Exchange Commission, the CSE regulatory authority quit in disgust.
Jayaweera has continued to enjoy immunity from accountability for his dubious dabbling in the market even under the Yahapalanaya administration. Ishini Wickremesinghe, the niece and now coordinating secretary to the Prime Minister, is a Jayaweera’s close associate and gives him access to the high echelons of power even in the post 2015 administration. Over time Jayaweera has befriended Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe and even Finance Minister Mangala Samaraweera. In 2018, the UNP made an astounding move by gifting a Rs 200 million advertising campaign to Jayaweera’s ad agency TRIAD.
Colombo Telegraph has been unable to reach Jayaweera for comment. (By T Bambaradeniya)
Rohan / July 30, 2019
It’s high crime forging US government documents. Those who are behind this episode should have to bear terrible consequences, and might have to face the full music of the FBI and CIA. The US government would let loose all their law enforcement agencies to nail the culprits.
Native Vedda / July 31, 2019
Where are you?
Only a few days ago you were adamant you were determined to support Rajapaksa’s whether rain or shine. You should have known this was coming hence you have been hiding behind Shiranthi Rajapaksa’s back.
Be a man, come on, come on this forum and address us why forging is part of democratic process, end justifies the means, …
A short riot or a pogrom might boost his chances of successfully conning the people before, during and after the elections.
Is this another Diaspora/Ranil conspiracy to defeat a national hero?
Mallaiyuran / July 31, 2019
What the CIA or FBI can do with Lankan thieves? You know there was an incident that one of our spy guys found bombs in the FBI guys came to investigate 4/21? It looks like the customs official detected something in his bag when the office came through the airport. That time, in high tensions, they let him go. So two days later they were standing in front of his room at the hotel and called American Embassy that they need to check the room because there is bomb. At last the officer was in the field was found and brought to the Hotel. It was about some residue in the bag from his earlier assignment. How a dog can smell it from outside the hotel room? I understand after that checking American Embassy booked the whole hotel and kept the Lankan spies out of the hotel.
The Rapist Navy released the bombs from Welisara Navy camp for Saharans. Then they spread a story working with Rishard that it was LTTE did the bombing, no Muslim in that. Then the Police official said to PSC that it was their belief, it was done by LTTE. Now, one of the foreign agencies worked has found out that it was Welisara Rapist Navy was the arms dealer for Saharan Gang. So, American investigators were also wanted to find out that if the Rapist Navy was even distributing Arms to ISIS franchises. What can we tell about that comedy? How can Lankawe Patriotic Navy allow American investigators check the Welisara Camp? So it was whole lot of stories followed.
Remember, Lasantha, Thajudeen’s……… murders?
S. Modaya / July 31, 2019
CT Editors, the question is: Who planned and executed this fake news and gave the certificate to Dilith?
The politics of distraction here again – for an intellectually bankrupt media circus obsessed with US citizen Gota?!
Forget that the US staged the Easter Sunday bombings, and instead focus on a US Peace Corps Social Media operation and the fake certificate to Distract, Divide and Rule and push the MCC and SOFA project..
CT Editors, the question is: Who planned and executed this fake certificate?
Dilith was merely the messenger. This is part of the US embassy campaign with Citizen Gota and puppet Ranil. The game is:” Heads I win, Tails you lose”.
Either way Lankan citizens are screwed! Long live Miracle of Modayas
nimal fernando / July 31, 2019
At the core of our disappointments is a fallacy we have sold ourselves.
We believe that people become leaders to serve the country and its citizens.
And it’s not so.
Simple as that.
The “modern-world” we have come to inhabit with some rudimentary laws of human behaviour was not built by moral men ………. but came into being out of self-interest of the rest – as a counterbalance to “all-powerful” leaders.
At a very basic level it’s no different to traffic/road rules ………. people adhere to them not out of morality but out of self-interest. It’s in their interest to adhere to the rules so as not to fall victim to other rule-breakers. Self-interest creates a form of pseudo-morality.
Now, people wouldn’t see that; would they?
“Without the errors inherent in the postulates of morality, man would have remained an animal.” :))
Old codger / July 31, 2019
My dog Fidel is deeply hurt by your remark :” Without the errors inherent in the postulates of morality, man would have remained an animal.” :))”.
You see, dogs don’t lie.
You won’t see a sad dog pretending to be happy either. They approach females only when they are willing.
They don’t sit and listen to fake preachers.
Fidel says you can’t eat Sri Lankan morality.
nimal fernando / July 31, 2019
Fidel need not be hurt …….. if you read the line closely, it gives animals the higher status! ………… For all the reasons you state ……….
But I’m not too sure about “They approach females only when they are willing.” ……… Native wouldn’t have a bar of them even if they are willing! He chases them away!! He is in a “moral” straitjacket.
So you have a dog named Fidel? ………. Wonder what Native has named his dog ……… well, he doesn’t have to try too hard; he is spoilt for choice. :))
Amarasiri / July 31, 2019
RE: Exclusive: Dilith’s Fake Certificate Scheme Backfires: Stock Market Takes A Hit
“When the former Defence Secretary declared his candidacy soon after the Easter Sunday carnage, the shares at the Colombo Stock Exchange soared. Jayaweera was hoping the forged certificate would achieve the same effect.”
This is All Para-Sinhala lies. Their mean IQ is 79. They have no shame.
1. Monk Mahanama lies in the Mahawamsa.
2. Kurunegala IGP and even the Magistrate lies, on a case and on fake charges. That include Para-Sinhala women.
3. Para-Sinhala believes that they originated from lions.
4. Latest Para-Sinhala Archaeologists and “experts” claim that the Native Veddah Aethho are not the original inhabitants. It was Para Sinhala. However, the mt-DNA data show that the Native Veddah Aethho are the original inhabitants. The measured mean IQ of Para-Sinhala is 79, and the Para-Sinhala “experts” seem to have a hard time understanding modern genetics.
Through a comparison with the mtDNA HVS-1 and part of HVS-2 of Indian database, both Tamils and Sinhalese clusters were affiliated with Indian subcontinent populations than Vedda people who are believed to be the native population of the island of Sri Lanka. Journal of Human Genetics advance online publication, 7 November 2013; doi:10.1038/jhg.2013.112.
5. The Para- Monks, the Politicians the IGP, the Judges,, Stock brokers, the Archaeologists etc. all lie, and wither they have no shame, have low IQ or both.
A land like no other, occupied by the Paras.
Eagle Eye / July 31, 2019
Like the ancient Greeks, the Catholic church and Americans who still believe that sun goes around the earth, there are lots of dumb Demalu with lower IQ than the national average that believe Sinhalayo are ‘Para’ despite the fact that there are overwhelming scientific evidences confirming Sinhalayo evolved in this island.
IQ for Sri Lanka is low because sample includes Para Demalu and Para Muslims whose IQ is far below compared with Sinhalayo.
Amarasiri / August 1, 2019
Eagle Eye,
“IQ for Sri Lanka is low because sample includes Para Demalu and Para Muslims whose IQ is far below compared with Sinhalayo.”
Let’s test the Para IQ Hypothesis.
Demographics of Sri Lanka
Population of Sri Lanka by ethnic group 1881 to 2012[1
National IQ Scores – Country Rankings
The intelligence scores came from work carried out earlier this decade by Richard Lynn, a British psychologist, and Tatu Vanhanen, a Finnish political scientist, who analysed IQ studies from 113 countries, and from subsequent work by Jelte Wicherts, a Dutch psychologist.
Countries are ranked highest to lowest national IQ score.
United Kingdom. IQ 100
Netherlands, IQ 100
Portugal, IQ 95
Malaysia, IQ 92
Indonesia, IQ 87
Iraq, IQ 87
Yemen, IQ 85
Pakistan IQ 84
India, IQ 82
Maldives, IQ 81
Sri Lanka, IQ 79
2011 Census[ Population of Sri Lanka by ethnic group 1881 to 2012[
Sinhalese 74.9% IQ=X To be estimated for validity/invalidity of Para-IQ Hypothesis
Sri Lankan Tamils 11.15%, IQ =82, that of India above.
Sri Lankan Moors 9.30%, IQ =82 , that of India above.
Indian Tamils 4.12%, IQ =82, that of India above.
Sri Lankan Malays 0.22%, IQ =89.5, that of Malaysia and Indonesia 87, average
Burghers/ Eurasian 0.19%, IQ = 95, that of the Portuguese mainly. With Dutch, 100.
Others, Pakistanis, Chinese, Middle Easterners etc , 0.13%, IQ =85.estimated.
Sri Lanka, IQ =79., The equation for estimating the IQ =X, of Para-Sinhala,
0.749X +0.115×82 + 0.0930×82 + 0.0412×82 + 0.0022×89.5 + 0.0019×95 + 0.0013×85 = 79
0.749X +20.6353 = 79
0.749X =79- 20.6353 = 58.3647
Therefore, X, the IQ of Para-Sinhala = 58.3647/0.749 = 77.9235 = 78.
Para-Sinhala IQ 78 is lower than that of the Indians, Tamils ,Para-Demalu, IQ 82, by 4 IQ points.
Relatively Sinhalaya Modaya!
Steve / July 31, 2019
The drama has only begun. Lets wait to see the main Actor and supporting crew.
D. P. / July 31, 2019
What matters is not what US Gvt would do against a forgery by a foreign national (GoRa’s connection can never be proved); rather it is about fake image of GoRa that he is very tough on corruption. But the reality is that he is a bull-headed man who doesn’t have patience for any kind of different opinion. This incident must stand as a very good precedent for how the corrupt supporters of SLPP at all levels would skim the nation if SLPP come to power even with GoRa.
Sonalee / July 30, 2019
Yes “Sri Lanka Can “……..fake it.
mike / July 31, 2019
Sonalee – “Yes “Sri Lanka Can” …….fake it.” Anything is possible in Sorry Lanka. Amongst many others, let us take the case of two synthetic “lowyers” (father and son) who are politicians of the lowest calibre. Both are uneducated and uncultured, wanted for rape, murder and robbery etc. Let our modayas get rid of Rajafucksha and his cronies before it is too late.
Douglas / July 30, 2019
The “Expert Producers” of “FORGED” and “FAKE” documents are none other than the two staunch supporters of Gatabaya Rajapakse , Wimal Wewerawanse and Gammanpila. Of the two Gammanpila a few days back “announced” to the people that Gotabaya Rajapakse has “completed” the process of renunciation of US citizenship and has cleared all obstacles of entering the Presidential contest. Both these “Supporters” are in courts charged with such “Forged” and “Fake” documents. The So the “SUSPECTS” producing this “Forged” and “fake” document could be in “Gota’s” camp.
Navin / July 30, 2019
Intelligent people should realize by now that they are disgustingly dishonest people, who will say and do anything, including lie, to get into power. Let this open some minds, and avoid getting more crooks into power. Anyone who does this, can do much more crooked things to fool the people. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on ME.
S. Modaya / July 30, 2019
All this speculations about Gotabaya is a distraction from the fact that the US has 2 puppets in Sri Lanka, UNPs Ranil and Pohotuwas US citizen Gota to do the dirty work of turning Lanka into a military base and garbage dump!
Long live miracle of modayas
Emil van der Poorten / July 30, 2019
The $64 million question (and I deliberately use US currency) is whether the inability of Gota to renounce his US citizenship will be a barrier to his contesting for the Presidency at the next election.
Simply put, every law, rule and regulation has been observed in the breach in Sri Lanka and what is to stop Gota from ignoring the law that prevents dual citizens from contesting for political office and doing just that and in (yet another) rigged election, ending up as our President/Prime Minister?
This is not a joke and I do not pose the question as a hypothetical one.
Native Vedda / July 31, 2019
Emil van der Poorten
Is this another fake news on the part of Diaspora/Ranil in order to tarnish the smart patriotic national hero and defeat him?
Was this certificate being doctored by an inapt Hindian forger?
K.A. Sumanasekera / July 31, 2019
Dear Native,
Keselwatta Kid is going great guns with our Brother Cardinal on his side.although Dr Ranil and his good , honest clean as a whistle UNP mates, laying Booby Traps not only in Kollonnawa but also in Magamapura to get the KId.
Just imagine if the Kid gets a brain wave and think of doing a deal with the SLPP to make Nandasena the Prime Minister..
That will send the CSX gangbusters . And the Punters will be drinking Bubblies in bucket loads..
I know Keselwatta Kid used to hate Rajapakasa more than he hated Dr Ranil and his UNP thoroughbreds who bumped off his dear Old Daddy by giving the contract to the LTTE.
But that was before Easter Sunday. when Dr Ranil and Uncle Karu were feeding him BS about making him the Leader one day
That is all changed now .. Hasn’t it Native,?..
BTW, How come Dr Ranil’s new Monk Basher pretty Ranjan doing his AL now?
When did he do his OL?..
Native Vedda / July 31, 2019
KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera
” his UNP thoroughbreds who bumped off his dear Old Daddy by giving the contract to the LTTE.”
The talk at the time of Premadasa’s death was that the assassination was carried out by a section of security forces, Lalith Dirty S**t Bomb Mudali’s hard core loyalists. It is too complicated for you.
“BTW, How come Dr Ranil’s new Monk Basher pretty Ranjan doing his AL now?
When did he do his OL?..”
Please contact the highly educated intellectual Wimal Sangili Karuppan Weerawansa to raise this question in the parliament not only just Ranjan’s qualification but rest of the 224 crooks.
“Just imagine if the Kid gets a brain wave and think of doing a deal with the SLPP to make Nandasena the Prime Minister..”
Are you sleep typing? The National Hangman wants to be the president, not prime minister, until he forces the country into accepting Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer, and he could be the president, prime minister, defence, finance, interior, health, ………….. minister all rolled into one Sinhala/Buddhist Fascist Führer.
Heil Gotler.
Raj-UK / July 31, 2019
Native Vedda
Your ”…..patriotic national hero…,” pledged allegiance to the US & became a citizen of that country. He was seeking greener pastures, not asylum, fleeing political prosecution in his own country. He now wants to denounce his US citizenship to become President of SL. Now, after denouncing his country of birth & pledging to serve his new country, isn’t there a conflict of interest & an element of hypocrisy to pledge allegiance to his country of birth once again?
Pledging allegiance may be ceremonial & not mean anything but he took an oath & became a citizen of another country which he now wants to discard as it no longer suits him, so what does it say about his integrity & character? Certainly not patriotic in my thinking. He may be hyped up as a war hero or as the architect behind the winning strategy but can such a person be considered a patriot, trusted to lead the country, particularly, with all those allegations of corruption & pending law suits?
Punchinilame / July 31, 2019
The EC countered the point you raise sometime ago. Gota or a similar
candidate will not stand a chance under EC rules re Nomination Papers
and the objections other candidates can raise.
K.A. Sumanasekera / July 31, 2019
Mr Poorten-
Smart money always get it right.. Don’t they?..So this fake surely can’t be from that Camp.
What hope Nandasena has against the current, UNP Government which has 100 % Thamilians and 100% Wahabis , SLMC, UNP and Kathankaddy Muslims all behind it.-
Being a journo who seems to be up to speed with Lankawe Politics at the Top End, you must have seen the internal polls of of the UNP and the US , EU and UK embassies .
Lat alone speeches of the new King Makers in Lankawe , Hakeem , Haleem, Assath Sally and Hisbulla the new Billionaires from Kathankaddy..
I hope you don’t punt your hard earned cash on our Pumping and Dumping CSX..
Native Vedda / July 31, 2019
KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera
What is your daily routine of professional mourning (like the Mrrgamuve Gaenu or the Tamil women lamenting oppari) got to do with Gota fraudulently forging certain documents to prove/disprove of status of his nationality?
Does your partner/wife (if you have one) share a bed with you?
ansar / July 31, 2019
I wonder whether K.A.S. knows the meaning of Kasmaalam, in Tamil.
Why not enlighten him in, one of your posts.
That might do a world of good to all the readers and have an idea who we are dealing with, here.
Native Vedda / August 1, 2019
KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera knows the meaning and and the reason why I address him by that nickname.
I have been calling him KASmaalam for nearly 10 years.
Here is the meaning in case the new visitors to this side find it strange:
Synonymous with “idiot”(the idiot being a litote).
Some say ‘ kasmalam’ (one word) in Sanskrit means a dirty thing worthy of discarding.
Hamlet / July 31, 2019
“Geetha Kumarasinghe’s parliamentary seat could be taken away as a result of the ongoing court case challenging her becoming a lawmaker while holding Swiss nationality and is having her own court battle after being accused of ignorance of the constitution..”
Rajiv Tennekoon / August 1, 2019
Emil van der Poorten,
Rules are always broken in SL by the rich and powerful.
I am also hearing that there are a few more dual citizens in Parliament. Only Geetha Kumarasinghe got busted. No one seems too keen to investigate this, not even the loud mouths of Parliament.
Ajith / July 30, 2019
It is nothing new to Gota who gave fake passport to Kauna Amman (Vinayagamoorthy Muraleetharan), former LTTE Eastern leader and minister under Rajapakse regime to go to UK. Fortunately he was arrested in UK and jailed for 9 months and returned back and gave him ministerial post and vice president of SLFP. Karuna was responsible the attack on Daladha Maligawa and murder of 600 Sinhalese policeman. Those who pretend to protect Buddhism gave ministerial post but those muslims who helped to defeat LTTE were given jail. This is the beauty of Sinhala Buddhist Fundamentalism. Who is fake? Who is real?
JD / July 31, 2019
AJITH: But the powerful in Sri lanka are protestants, anglicans, and at the end Wahhabis. Sinhala buddhist supremacist fundamentalists must talk only Protestant NGO dollar kaakkaas are asking them to do so. Sinhala buddhist supremacist fundamentalists are Lab rats who help the write PhD theses about Militant Buddhism, cold war monks in Asia and they are helping the NGO Dollar Kaakkaas earn their livelihood of dollars. they also have to send their children to International Schools, Private universities or foreign universities in the west, travelling and stay in Seven Star hotels.
IMRAN KHAN is a TRUE Leader which we do not have. IMRAN KHAN he is ashamed when he was asked about getting foreign AIDS which make them dependant on to others. How about Sri lankan politicians. There are some even over 80 years old. they can fall down inside the parliament in any given moment. In a several months time even inside the PResidential Secretariat.
Analyst / July 30, 2019
In 2015 Presidential election too there fake documents were produced and circulated by some miscreants to tarnish PM I guess.
SRILANKAN politicians are experts in fake productions.
It’s nothing new , the fakers of our Parliament hell with them. 225 Uneducated and bogus fake certificated men and women are filling the Parliament .
Come on get rid of this lot a request to the New outsider President elect.
We are doomed with this lot in power.
Gemini Cricket ? / July 30, 2019
Tricksters in action! Hahahaha….
You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time. (Abraham Lincoln)
Welldone Sri Lanka, no more are we gullible as we used to be, we have moved on.
These cheap bastards want our trust for the next 5 years yet have only tricks for us in return! What third grade scum they are. Shameless shameless pigs.
You can imagine what they will do if they get the reigns of power.
Eat shit and die Gota. You bloody unpatriotic maggot.
Lankan / July 30, 2019
Sri Lankans could bribe US officials. As long as it if off shore no problems. With Donald trump they could do a deal.
jehan / July 31, 2019
fake or not gota is president. only one who can stop him is mahinda, he wants his son in the post by 2025. if gota wins , he might cut namal out, as he doesnt want a lay about playboy. so its 50/50.
JD / July 31, 2019
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2
justice / July 31, 2019
So, “Gotler” thinks that he can bluff everyone and pull it off – become president !!!
That will be the day – when Sri Lanka goes to the bottom in international rankings.
Most probably, the cases filed against him in USA has prevented the US government from allowing him to renounce US citizenship.
Patriot / July 31, 2019
We continue to elect them. We are complicit in all this fake dubious actions. Sri Lanka deserves the fake rulers we elect.
charles / July 31, 2019
If US can not have Ranil then they do not mind GOTA but they do not Sajith or MR.
Rajash / July 31, 2019
what is genuine about Sri Lankan politics…
what is genuine about Sri Lankan .politicians….
what is genuine about Sri Lankan Sinhala Buddhism…
what is fake what is genuine
what is corrupt what is pure…
Hamlet / July 31, 2019
Does Sri Lanka need a President/Prime Minister or even an MP, with a cloud like this Hanging over His head?
Gota should immediately show the People of Sri lanka, Authentic Documents to prove that He is no longer a Citizen of the USA!
All Sri Lankans are Not, Uneducated and Gullible to take Gota at His Word!
Steve / July 31, 2019
Are you talking about our Modyas ?
Hamlet / July 31, 2019
What Fool will give up US Citizenship for a Prize that is not Certain?
Unless he has made a deal with the US Underworld!!!
Buruwa / July 31, 2019
Stock market manipulation happens long time in Sri Lanka. Even though it is not relevant to the heading of this article but the article writer has mentioned it here I am giving you some information.
When JRJ was president, he made every effort it to be free of corruption. Although He succeeded some means, he could not introduce laws preventing insider information and dummy companies and individuals buying worthless stock creating pseudo feeling of high value stocks.
One of the persons your article mentioned was and is a king of manipulating all available rules. He has ruined lives of many people and became a Billionaire.
To be credits for then President Mahinda Rajapaksa, he has tried to introduce laws existing in developed countries such as USA, Australia, Japan, UK etc.
After hearing this, that very man called a meeting with President MR. President agreed and called a meeting involving Treasury, Central Bank Officials and that very person and his advisers. He was highly prepared with information all favourable to his activities. Which included powerful Power Point graphic presentation and people who can counter argue with Public officials. Treasury and Central bank were not prepared for this type of attack and they could not prove their points.
Finally, MR who is not an economist had to ask public officials to consult business community and implement proper regulation and draft laws to stop stock market manipulation.
Nothing Happened.
The source of this information is from a mainstream newspaper which I can’t recall the date.
I am not a fan of MR or RW. In case any one think of my loyalty. I need a corruption free stronger SL which I never see during my life time or my children’s life time.
Sr Lanka should be categorised as a never developing country.
kebab / July 31, 2019
All this happens because ranil the master brain is plotting and planning. He must have thought he could use Dilith to destabilise Gota . Always what happens is people realise that Ranil is just an empty plotter and gang up against him !
Another missed opportunity to put a stock market manipulator behind bars ! Who was Ranils master investigator? the doddering old fraud Tilak Karunaratne at the CSE !
ha ha
JD / July 31, 2019
I heard they had told Gota, not to worry and those court cases will not matter much. But, they have not told anything about Carrots and pending Sticks. UNP wants Peoples Bank which is bankrupt for the umpteenth time to be sold via privatization. Maithrpala Sirisena had told he that he would be against it. Ranil was in the same public meeting. and Ranil had nothing else to say he had talked about Bank of Ceylon saying BOC is doing well, has accumulated more money and he had given a figure too.
Tamil from the north / August 1, 2019
@JD bugger you seem to ‘hear’ a lot of stuff these days in that vacuum scull of yours. Is it that empty?
chiv / July 31, 2019
First we had “Tsunami Hora ” for a president, soon we will have a “document forger” as our next president. Not bad , maintaining the Lankan Traditions. Jeyawewa.
ranjith / July 31, 2019
Gota henchmen is behind this fake document to boost is chances to get nominations from SLPP which has backfired within hours what shame anyway Gota has no dignity ,self respect or values
like our other politicians waiting for an opportunity to robbed the people. things will go from bad to worse unless people take action to withdraw the perks and benefits enjoyed by these so called patriotic politicians.
Plato. / July 31, 2019
Dilith Jayaweera with his expertise from the stock market manipulation will move towards the manipulation of the Presidential poll in favour of Gota.
Srilanka , A land like no other……….
ranjith / July 31, 2019
Gota This is his caliber what more can we expect from a person like him no moral values ethics
Wimpy Kid / July 31, 2019
Now Now Ranjith,
What politician in Sri Lanka has moral values today?
Is Ranil High Caliber? Is Sirisena High Caliber?
I am not talking about UNP, SLFP and Pohottuwa only.
All the rest are also the same including JVP, TNA and the Muslim parties.
CP and LSSP may be not that corrupt only because they dont have much of a say. ‘
What ever it is the current dysfunctional Govt should be chased away_ I mean UNP/SLFP
We have to see who will do minimum harm to the country of the Low caliber lot.
Hamlet / July 31, 2019
If Gota gets elected as President, he will Immediately change the Constitution! to allow Dual Citizenship to Politicians!
Cow the Boy ? / July 31, 2019
The Presidential Candidate of Flower bud ?
The news is someone who is not a politician ?
well ex CJ- S N.De’Silva ? He did attend a gathering in Maradana ,anyone other than him in anyones mind ? someone better ? well a non political person ? has to be him ?
MirakRajBanda / July 31, 2019
GoRa is accountable for forging a US document and is a criminal offence under US law. He should be questioned by defence attaché at the US embassy in Colombo.
Wimpy Kid / July 31, 2019
GoRa is best mate of US What are you talking?
Mano G / July 31, 2019
US govt should criminally charge gota and diltih for this very serious document fraud
ranjith / July 31, 2019
High time keep away from these low caliber ruthless politicians day light robbers new rulers have to take over the country and lead from front definitely people don’t want Rajapakse regime back in power and Sirisena for that matter
Vasithi Kolonne / July 31, 2019
This criminal act by Gota alone is enough for US not to grant Gota’s application to get out of US citizenship. Prosecute Gota please.
ansar / July 31, 2019
I wonder whether K.A.S. knows the meaning of Kasmaalam, in Tamil.
Why not enlighten him in, one of your posts.
That might do a world of good to all the readers and have an idea who we are dealing with, here.