Presidents Counsel Faiz Musthapha by a letted addressed to the Minister of Justice dated 12th February 2018, has sought to completely subvert the Muslim Marriage and Divorce Act (MMDA) reform process, the Colombo Telegraph learns.
Sources at the Justice Ministry provided copies of letters sent by Faiz Musthapha to Minister of Justice Thalatha Athukorala following the submitting of the report by former Judge of the Supreme Court Saleem Marsoof.
Musthapha has attempted to derail the report presented following 9 years of deliberations by the Committee appointed to reform the MMDA, shedding light on the manner in which the Muslim intelligentsia in the country conducts itself.
The MMDA reforms seek to end child marriages, give equal rights to women during the process of divorce and reform the manner in which marriages and divorces of Muslims are conducted. As it stands today the Law is heavily tilted towards males and the courts by which Muslims function are entirely male dominated.
Musthapha in his letter alludes to a majority and states that the report presented to the Minister of Justice was not the report of the Committee. However, the report was submitted on January 22nd and was given full publicity a full three weeks before Musthapha makes this claim.
Musthapha together with other Muslim male leaders have continuously sought to derail any reform on the Act. Rizwie Mufthie, the head of the Council of Muslim clerics has been a vociferous critic of the process.
Mufthie has been on record stating that the full face veil is mandatory and calling for males to insist that their women are covered in full during his Friday sermons. During the run up to the last election he insisted that females should not be voted in and campaigned against Muslim women contesting.
Earlier, the Clerics headed by Mufthi called for the continuation of the child marriage system among Muslims citing various theological sources.
The main point of contention in Musthpha’s letter was that the report was not the view of the majority as the Secretary to the Committee Dilhara Amarasinghe had also signed it and that she could not be a signatory.
In response, Marsoof in a letter dated 16th of February, had lambasted Musthapha for distorting the entire process despite not being present during the latter stages of deliberations.
Marsoof setting out the position of the signatories states that the report was in fact the Report of the Committee.
We publish both letters below:
Telephone: xxxx (Res) xxxx (mob) Justice Saleem Marsoof
Email: xxxx@gmail.com No. xxxxx
Sri Lanka
16th February 2018
Hon. Mrs. Thalatha Atukorale,
Minister of Justice,
Ministry of Justice,
Superior Courts Complex,
Colombo 12.
Report of the Committee appointed to consider amendments to the Muslim Marriage and Divorce Act
Most Respected Minister,
I have received a copy of a letter addressed to your good self by Mr. Faisz Mustapha, PC dated 12th February 2018 containing some allegations and accusations which are altogether false and misleading, and I hope to present for your kind consideration the actual position in this response.
I strongly object to the words “purporting to be the report of the Committee” in the first paragraph of the said letter to describe the Report I submitted to your honour on 22nd January 2017. This Report is by no means a “purported report” as Mr. Mustapha attempts to make out, but is the actual report of the Committee. At a meeting held at the Ministry of Justice on 26th November 2017 pursuant to notice sent to the members under registered cover by the Secretary to the Committee, Ms. Dilhara Amarasinghe, which meeting was not attended by Mr. Mustapha, it was decided that the Committee should meet once again on 20th December 2017 at the same venue for the purpose of signing the Report, which was expected to be finalized by then. Late in the afternoon on 19th December 2017, I received an email from Mufti M.I.M Rizwe (Annexure B7 to the Report) informing me that 8 members of the Committee including Mufti Rizwe and Mr. Mustapha will “be forwarding a set of recommendations duly singed by these members to reach you [the Chairman of the Committee] and the Secretary by 12 noon on the 21st December 2017”. When I attended the meeting on 20th December, I had a printout of the recommendations prepared by me which had been modified to include the said Annexure marked B7 since it was considered necessary to give legitimacy to the set of recommendations which was to be made available to me on 21st December 2017.
Meanwhile, those who were present at the meeting held on 20th December 2017 and were in agreement with the circulated draft signed the recommendations of the Committee prepared by me, with the exception of Solicitor General, Mr. Suhada Gamalath PC, who could not attend the meeting due to another commitment and signed the Report a few days later and Ms. Sharmeela Rassool, who was present at the meeting but announced that although she had read the draft and was in agreement with it, would only sign it after receiving the permission of her current employer to do so, and did sign it on a later date. I too refrained from singing the said Report on that day and wished to await what was indicated in B7 to be sent to me the next day. I signed the recommendations prepared by me after perusing the document sent to me at noon on 21st December 2017 by Mufti Rizwe. Accordingly, the position is that altogether 9 members of the Committee singed the recommendations prepared by me, as Chairman, and there were two sets of recommendations, one dated 20th December 2017 and the other dated 21st December 2017, signed by equal number of persons, which recommendations were incorporated into the Report presented to your good self on 22nd January 2018, in chronological order. The two sets of recommendations were part and parcel of the Report of the Committee and in my Foreword, I have thanked all members of my Committee, including Mr. Faisz Mustapha PC, “who had fully co-operated with me despite acute differences of opinion that arose, most of which have fortunately been resolved.”
I am therefore at a loss to understand how Mr. Faisz Mustapha PC, who did not attend the meetings of the Committee held on 17th September 2017, 26th November 2017 or 20th December 2017, and did not participate in the deliberative process in its final stages, could describe the Report presented to your good self as a “purported report”. I am also unable to understand what has clouded his mind to the extent of contending that a Secretary of a Committee such as Ms. Dilhara Amarasinghe, Attorney at law, who in 2009 was Additional Secretary (Legal) of the Ministry of Justice, and fully participated in the deliberations attending almost all meetings of the Committee, cannot sign the Report of the Committee, when in the past, not only the Secretary to the Commission on Marriage and Divorce, Mr. T.E Gooneratne, Registrar General, sign the Report published in Ceylon Sessional Papers XVI – 1959, but had also authored two valuable appendixes to the Report, notably Appendix B entitled “An Historical Outline of the Development of the Marriage and Divorce Laws Applicable to Muslims in Ceylon”. Similarly, Mr. M.M Zuhair, Advocate who functioned as Secretary of the Committee chaired by Dr. H.M.Z. Farouque, and Mr. M. Z. Akbar, Attorney at law, who served as the Secretary of the Committee chaired by Dr. A.M.M Sahabdeen, had also singed the respective reports of the said Committees.
Mr. Faisz Mustapha P.C has contended in paragraph 2 of his aforesaid letter that the Committee originally consisted of 17 members including himself, but has failed to advert to the fact that since no Secretary had been named in the list of 17 persons whose names were included in the letter of 30th July, 2009 (Annexure A to the Report) issued by the then Hon. Minister Justice and Law Reform, Hon. Milinda Moragoda, two persons were later named as Joint Secretaries, namely Ms. Dilhara Amarasinghe and Mr. A.K.D.D Arandara, but Mr. Arandara did not participate in the deliberations after attending one or two meetings, and Ms. Amarasinghe functioned throughout as the Secretary to the Committee. Nor has Mr. Mustapha made mention of Mr. A.H.G Ameen, Attorney at law, who was subsequently appointed as a member of the Committee, and functioned as such until he passed away on or about 26th November 2015. I note that Mr. Mustapha has stated that after one of the most active members of the Committee Mr. S.M.A Jabbar, then Chairman of the Board of Quazis passed away on or about 25th February, 2012, “Mr. Nadvi Bahaudeen was appointed to fill the vacancy”, without explaining which Hon. Minister of Justice appointed him into the Committee. The fact is that Mr. Bahaudeen was not appointed by any Minister but was invited by the Committee to attend meetings of the Committee and make his contributions since he was later appointed as the Chairman of the Board of Quazis, which position he did not hold at the time the Report was singed on his behalf by Mr. Mustapha PC (with his authority since he was overseas) on 21st December 2017. The Chairman of the Board of Quazis at the time was Mr. M.Y.M Faiz. Having clarified the factual position, I wish to add that I do not in anyway question the legitimacy of Mr. Nadvi Bahaudeen signing the Report since I, unlike Mr. Mustapha, am not in any way obsessed with any thoughts of being part of a “majority”.
As to the obsession with the term “the majority” seen in the very first paragraph and carried throughout the said letter of Mr. Mustapha, my response is two-fold: (1) the same obsession was displayed in an email message addressed to me as Chairman of the Committee by Mufthi Rizwe dated 17th September 2017 (Annexure B4 to the Report) and a press release just issued by Ash-Sheikh H. Umardeen, Secretary of the Propaganda Committee of the All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulema (ACJU) and doing the rounds, a copy of which is attached to this letter, asserting that certain named members including Mufti M.I.M Rizwe and Mr. Faisz Mustapha PC constituted the “majority”, without naming the other members who signed the Report dated 20th December 2017 at a meeting summoned for that purpose at the Ministry of Justice; and (2) there have been numerous occasions in the history of mankind where the “majority” has been proved to be wrong, when very wise men were burnt to death at the stakes for asserting that the earth was not flat or was not the center of the universe, and in the contemporary world even the majority who voted for the exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union regretting their decision, and as far as I am concerned, all that matters is not the number who signed a particular set of recommendations but qualitatively which among the many recommendations deserve implementation.
Since Mr. Mustapha has only adverted to those members who signed the recommendations dated 21st December to which he is signatory, I too wish to put the record straight and include below a list of persons who singed the recommendations dated 20th December 2017, namely –
Justice Saleem Marsoof PC (Chairman);
Ms. Dilhara Amarasinghe (Secretary);
Hon. Suhada Gamalath, PC
Deshabandu Mrs Jezima Ismail,
Prof. Sharya Scharenguvel,
Mrs. Faleela Be Jurangpathy,
Mr. Razmara Abdeen,
Ms. Safana Gul Begum,
Mrs. Sharmeela Rassool.
In summary, let me state that Mr. Mustapha’s allegation that a Secretary of a Commission or Committee does only administrative functions and keeps records and has no authority to sign the report is baseless and is altogether unfounded, while being contrary to the practice of past Commissions and Committees to reform Muslim Matrimonial Law appointed in Sri Lanka as already demonstrated above, and even on his own argument, the Secretary’s signature is necessary to lend authenticity to the Report and its Annexures. The moves underway to stop the publication of the entirety of the Report with all recommendations and reasons is both sinister and malicious, and will altogether retard the endeavor to make much needed reforms to the Muslim Marriage and Divorce Act that as it stands now is contrary to shariah and the Constitution of Sri Lanka, not to mention Sri Lanka’s obligations under International Human Rights Conventions and Covenants and the welfare and well-being of a sizeable population of our nation. The Foreword to the Report did not attempt to go into details of the contents of the Report and was only introduced to thank all members and others including the successive Hon. Ministers of Justice for their unstinted support to the reform process, and the two sets of recommendations dated 20th December and 21st December 2017 have been placed in chronological sequence, and if necessary, the table of contents can be amended to make reference to the 9 page recommendations to which Mr. Mustapha is signatory when the same is published in the Ministry website, in sessional papers or in any other manner.
Justice Saleem Marsoof, PC
Former Judge of the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka,
Chairman of the Committee appointed to recommend amendments to MMDA.
Copy to Mr. Faisz Mustapha,
President’s Counsel.
Dilini / February 18, 2018
Shame on Faiz Mustafa and all those who are trying to subvert this effort to bring reform to the laws, that protect, and support, Muslim women. This procedure has already taken a slow 9 years, and it seems there are Muslim men, who want to derail these reforms. Don’t they have daughters, sisters, wives, and female relatives, and do they want them to be under the mercy of men, who might abuse them, or abandon them and their children? What is wrong with these men? What is holding them back?
How about showing some courage, and doing what is decent and right by the women?
How about protecting little girls from being given in marriage when they are children?
If Faiz Mustapha and the other officials will not do it, then they have let these children down.
Isharath / February 18, 2018
Equally, it is shame on SL Govt that can’t over power these silly minded men to provide equal rights to all its citizens.
An innocent Muslim girl might be worrying about her 2 mistakes. 1: Being born into a Muslim family 2: Being born in a country that leaves the girl’s freedom being decided by few silly selfish men.
Suraj Perera / February 18, 2018
She just has the right to choose a non Muslim partner. No one can stop a Muslim girl marrying a non Muslim if that is her choice
Fathima / February 18, 2018
Suraj, that if she wants to end up cleaning Arab toilets or in a sex worker in a message parlor to feed the family and keep the guy boozed, right?
Real Revolutionist / February 19, 2018
It’s a serious mistake sending women to other countries as housemaids or health workers.
There might be bad people in Arab (according to you) who employ innocent women as housemaids & expect them to do different things..
Though there should be dignity for labor there’s more tendency to receive insulting comments like yours.
Thank you Fathima for letting us know about it. But as a Sri Lankan woman (I assume) you can see the possibility of making Sri Lankan women whether Sinhalese, Tamil or Muslim, aware of the inhuman ways of treating women in that part of the world & discourage them going to work there.
It’s controversial that massage parlors are real health requirements or places that support world’s 1st profession.
Thank you again for highlighting the impact of poverty upon the lives of innocent women.
Fathima / February 19, 2018
Not just few, majority of Arabs don’t treat the worker right, and they discriminate Asians. For Arabs, 1st check is if you’re an Arab 2nd if white, 3rd country, 4th Muslim and comes the rest – If you ask me, Arab country or Massage parlor, I would say Massage parlor is better and the girl won’t feel a slave.
Generally, very tough and rude minded people, just like their environment – sometimes I call them animals and generally women are worse than men. At the same time, you find few of the best that is hard to find elsewhere.
I have no right or don’t qualify to insult some of our true champion women who take all the worst challenges possibly a woman can for her family and kids, while some don’t return back to see their loved ones – WE CAN ONLY BE PROUD OF THESE WOMEN.
And SL as a nation needs to be ashamed of creating an environment that pushes these poor women into these hells.
Mohomad / February 20, 2018
Fathima, don’t fabricate and write lies here. (1) There are Arabs from poor Muslim countries working in rich Arab countries but the treatment is same; labourers as labourers and executives as executives. No racial differences. (2) Whites also treated same way, there is no special entrance or exit for them but they have a soft side for them. May be because they discovered oil for them and made them rich but not in all Arabs countries. (3) They are not bothered from which country you come, if so they would have taken only from few preferred countries. (4) No special preference to Muslim except in Islamic affairs. Ratio of millions of expat to those who do not return (death) is millions to few. Slaving anywhere and earning is million times better than working in Massage parlors. In that respect all Sri Lankans women who works there are champions and can be proud of them. OF COURSE the politicians are the bastards since independent creating this conditions for our women since independent. Are you a Muslim woman?
Mohomad / February 19, 2018
Yes no one can stop her Suraj but the great discouragements for her will be getting out every morning on the faces of idols in the house, eating dry-fish, pol sambola rice, getting the beating if her man comes after a hooch, preference of her man to maintain unclean, stinky private part, many many more ……..
Concerned / February 18, 2018
Both, the father and the son are crooks and an insult to the community !
Let’s follow the law of the land as preached by the holy Prophet !!
Fazly Sameer / February 18, 2018
Dilini, whom are these women in colombo try to protect? Are they wanting Muslim women to be like you. Live together and walk out to the next man you see. Marriage is a different kettle of fish for Muslims. You keep out of our divine commitments. You are free to sleep around with as many as you wish.
Dilini / February 20, 2018
Insulting commenters is a sign that you have lost the debate, and have nothing intelligent to say. You know nothing about me, so your comment is lame.
IOoo / February 20, 2018
I agree with you whole hardheartedly. However you started you earlier comment with an insult. A bit hypocritical isn’t it ?
Mohomad / February 20, 2018
Delini, what debate you are talking about, single outing Muslim women and Muslims? Yours is racist comment.
Dilini / February 20, 2018
Check in the dictionary what the meaning of “racist” is, and don’t use words inappropriately.
Mohomad / February 21, 2018
I am perfectly right. It should be racist’s comment if I use racist as noun and if I use it as verb it is okay but comment becomes noun. Writing about a subject on which you have zero knowledge you can be called an idiot but here it is based prejudice against people of other religion so “racist” is the perfect word for you.
Fazly Sameer / February 24, 2018
Now you have started english lesson. Come learn the real lesson that will give you so much pleasure from me
Percy / February 24, 2018
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Mohomad / February 24, 2018
mike / February 24, 2018
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mike / February 22, 2018
Dilini – Spot on. This face book guy’s idiotic notions are well known. He has a bad habit of keeping a dossier on all women. A ladies man!
Ray / February 23, 2018
Dilini – Your response to F. SameerAss is appropriate. He appears on FB quite often and looks like a pirate on R.L. Stevenson’s “Treasure Island” !
Fazly Sameer / February 24, 2018
I probably dont have anything intersting to say, but if you come I can show you something interesting and once used will remember for life
Percy / February 24, 2018
Now who is the person who was investigated by the National Child Protection Authority for trying to inveigle under age boys for sex. The file is still open. There is proof now forthcoming here!
Percy / February 24, 2018
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Moulavi Sajjad / February 18, 2018
lady, there are more Sinhala women divorcing than Muslims. So, you better look after your folk without interfering with Muslim issues. Faiz Mustapa, two eminent judges, head of Jamiya Naleemia and a former attorney general and Sri Lanka’s lead Muslim lawyer knows a few things more than what you have to say. So, keep out of a Muslim religious issue
Sarrij / February 19, 2018
The so called Moulavis are fake title holders, who basically dupe the Muslim public. They practice old tribal cultures of the pre Islamic era of the middle east as Islamic law. The MMDA is a relic of this influence and politics and obviously needs change.
The Justice MS report is a good one in keeping with Islam although it was very long overdue. It’s time for the Minister of Justice and the Cabinet to act upon it as an urgent matter to make it the law of the country.
Mohomad / February 19, 2018
Why don’t you write with your real non-Muslim name? Afraid?
Sarrij / February 20, 2018
Funny Muslim name; ending with the last three letters MAD.
Mohomad / February 21, 2018
Then it should be there like S MAD but appropriate word should be “IDIOT”
Fazly Sameer / February 24, 2018
I probably dont have anything intersting to say, but if you come I can show you something interesting and once used will remember for life
Percy / February 24, 2018
That interesting thing we know has been Used inappropriately. Do you admit.
Ralli Ameen / February 23, 2018
The question here is not Moulavis but law. Islamic Jurisprudence came into existence after Islam not from old tribal cultures of middle-east. The law you are following, your colonial master’s law, came into existence few hundreds years back based on medieval Roman Law (400 BC) which had influence of medieval Byzantine legal system. Your master made it a Holy Roman Law as you can see in court even today you have to swear on Bible before answering anything. So you brainless don’t talk about tribal without knowing anything. It is a pity your culture do not have a law to call your own and going all out to defend your master’s law.
Sarrij / February 24, 2018
Know it all Ralli Ameen.
Islamic Jurisprudence came into existence and practice about 200 years after the revelation of the Quran and the death of The Prophet. These schools have differences in their “opinions”.
There is no such thing as Sharia Law as bandied by the Mullahs and Moulavis who are basically politically influenced and Misogynic.
Ralli Ameen / February 26, 2018
All knowing dud Sarrij, why don’t you clarify just what you wrote. Islamic jurisprudence started after Muhammad became a prophet, so how can be after 200 years of Prophet’s death. Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi and Hanbali schools developed methodologies which even later others brought more codes (not in western sense). Even the western law is same originally from Roman laws but now developed to today’s standard. Sharia law too derived from Quran and Sunna and had the beginning from those sources. What is law? It was a set of rules that is used to order the way society behaves. So how can you say there is no such thing as Sharia law. May be you are thinking law ,means a set of western law books and those using that as following law. That shows your pea brain going against the definition of law.
Amarasiri / February 19, 2018
Moulavi Sajjad ,
“Faiz Mustapa, two eminent judges, head of Jamiya Naleemia and a former attorney general and Sri Lanka’s lead Muslim lawyer knows a few things ….”
Just carious. Do they know Islam, Islamic Theology, because there was an ʾAbū l-Walīd Muḥammad Ibn ʾAḥmad Ibn Rushd, who said that :
The Islamic Scholars are hung up on whether the Quran was created and temporal or uncreated or eternal. ( Since the Quran was not edited by Prophet Mohamed, only edited and corrected by the followers who were former tribals, with their tribal viewpoints, especially the tribal Patriarchal viewpoint of 7th Century Arabia, they buried girls). Reading the works of Averroes,( ʾAbū l-Walīd Muḥammad Ibn ʾAḥmad Ibn Rushd) the top Islamic Scholar of All time, says that he is not hung up.( Some Islamic “Scholars” and others are still hung up on the Earth being spread out like a carpet and moving around the Sun.)
On Top, those who understand the “Holy Book”, and therefor by corollary, the Sharia, are:
1. The People with knowledge- The Philosophers. The Quran is for them to interpret accurately.
2. The Theologians are Literalists*. They are like Parrots. They are literalists. (Example, Ulama, Mufti Rizvi etc.)
* adherence to the exact letter or the literal sense, as in translation or interpretation:
3. The Common People. They just listen, to whatever, the Theologians say)
Idiotic “Theologians” such as Abdul Wahhab says, idiotic things, the Wahhabi’s, who do not know.
The foremost Islamic Scholar, Jurist and Philosopher had to say about women and their participation in society.
Some Considerations on Averroes’ Views Regarding Women and Their Role in Society
06 December 2008
Rushd’s’ considerations on women offer a remarkably original insight. He considers women essentially identical with men, possessing the same intellectual abilities.
Ralli Ameen / February 23, 2018
I told you stop writing if you cannot go on points relevant to subject instead of writing bullshit. Arguing with you is just like arguing with an inmate of lunatic asylum. You have brain only to copy from web pages and give links to web pages. I think people should ignore this web mania.
Amarasiri / February 24, 2018
Ralli Ameen,
Ignore the truth, wherever it is coming from, at your own peril. You could end up in Hell-Fire for eternity.
How can Amarasiri or anybody else explain to Rali Ameen, with a Z score from zero to quite negative, in the IQ distribution to read up on credible references, when he has a comprehension problem or selective comprehension problem?
Muslims should ignore the Wahhabi-Salafi and their clones as ISIS propaganda, based on the instructions of the Devil, Satan. Iblis, per Hadith of Najd, and save himself from Hell Fire, on the Day of Judgement, per Islamic Ideology.
Text of the hadith. According to two narrations in Sahih Bukhari, Muhammad asks Allah to bless the areas of Bilad al-Sham (Syria) and Yemen. When his companions said “Our Najd as well,” he replied: “There will appear earthquakes and afflictions, and from there will come out the side of the head (e.g. horns) of Satan.”
Scholar from al-Azhar: Wahhabism is a Satanic Faith, the Horn of the Devil that Muhammad Predicted
Ralli Ameen / February 26, 2018
You cannot prove what you write here except giving web links. Why don’t you answer my questions clearly. I shall ask again. (1) What did Ibn Rushd (Averroes) said about Sharia law? (2) What Ibn Rusg followed, Quran and Sunna or innovated Islam (Shites etc)? If cannot answer these you are proving yourself a web mania.
Mani / February 19, 2018
Moulavi, if more Sinhala (or non Muslim) women are divorcing their husbands as you say, at least they will be taken care of by the laws in the land, and the husband will be compelled to take care of the children financially, unlike the Muslim men, who can get away, by not giving a cent, as alimony, and can walk away by not giving any property to the woman, or her daughters. Also little girls are safeguarded, and not forced into marriages as children, keeping them safe from the traumas of intimacies, they know nothing about, and will suffer abuse of their little undeveloped bodies. As Sri Lankan citizens, we have a right to voice our opinion, as you may have noticed we are not Saudi Arabia.
One law for all women. All Sri Lankan women must be safeguarded, and made sure they are taken care of should a man abandon her.
It is a decent thing to do for the Muslim women.
Moulavi Sajjad / February 20, 2018
MMDA is super perfect in that sense. It takes care of all those. Study MMDA and comment about it. And Saudi Arabia, there is no MMDA.
Saudi Arabia has Sharia, one law for all and it is not just lip-service. Recently, Saudi King Abdulla signed to behead his grandson for killing another and it was executed in front of the people – This is true Islam and its law. Can any leader in Lanka do that? Not own grandson, these leader are safe-guarding grandsons of their unseen henchmen also.
To get SL out of these mess with corruption, Sharia law is the right thing. But then I am not sure these corrupt DNAs will corrupt Sharia also.
Sarrij / February 21, 2018
There is no such thing as Sharia Law.
Name a book on Sharia Law by a reputable author.
You will not find one.
By the way, Moulavi is a fake title.
Ralli Ameen / February 23, 2018
You are writing nonsense, there are enough books on Islamic Jurisprudence under which Sharia law too come. Sharia law is the legal system of Islam, derived from both the Koran, Sunna and rulings of Islamic scholars. It informs every aspect of the daily life of a Muslim, covering much more than Western laws do. There are two main branches of Sharia, ibadat the acts of worship and mu’amalat, meaning human interactions and social relations. Mu’amalat covers finance, endowments, law of inheritance, marriage, divorce, child custody, food, penal punishment, warfare, peace and judicial matters. In Muslim marriage man has to give a Mahar which ensure her safety if husband dies or divorce her. Women entitled to half of wealth what men entitled to. This is because men considered as supporters (earners) of family. Any property held exclusively by her cannot be appropriated by her husband, brother or father. So Islamic rights given to women is 100% with property rights of women in Europe. There are enough books on Sharia law, you contact the right person or organization to buy it. You can google and buy to but aware of book written by Islam haters.
Sarrij / February 24, 2018
Know it all R A
We are not talking Islamic Jurisprudence.
Name a book on “SHARIA LAW” by a reputable author or institution
. None exists.
It’s a figment of your and your Maolovi friends imagination.
Ralli Ameen / February 26, 2018
Knowing nothing Sarrij
There are hundreds of books on Sharia Law, you can find it even in Oxford Library. Each book have a name like the western law book so why don’t you contact the right source and purchase one? You can buy it in Amazon too but be careful there are books written by anti-Islamist.
Ralli Ameen / February 21, 2018
Moulavi Sajjad
“Can any leader in Lanka do that?” this is a foolish question you are asking when you know how MR protecting his murderous sons ans wife of Thajudeen’s murder. There is no question our rulers will save their kith and kin even triple murder was done.
Mani / February 22, 2018
“True Islam” does not fit today’s changing world…it is good for the days of unlawfulness and primitive thinking. Beheading, and stoning, are now considered uncivilized, and much as people like you try, the world will not go back to the days of no electricity and computers.
Ralli Ameen / February 24, 2018
Mani, you are not living in a country where offenders not beheaded, so why worry about it. Beading, hanging, poisoning carried out in many countries where there death penalty is in force. It is immaterial whichever way you punish since the outcome is death. American use electric chair and poison saying hanging brings suffering for few minutes. But electric chair and poison same, they suffer at least for one or two minutes. Beading is instant death. Once the head is severed all consciousness and feeling disappears instantly. If you ask what about while taking for the punishment, well everybody have mental suffering since they are aware they are going to die and the method of punishment is immaterial for them.
Sarrij / February 24, 2018
“Recently,Saudi King Abdulla” there is no such person at present.
By the way which reputable institution gave you the title “Moulavi”
Can you name a reputable book on Sharia Law? None exists.
Ralli Ameen / February 27, 2018
Sarrij, what a donkey you are just keep on asking the name of books on Sharia Law. I gave the definition of law above still you cannot understand. There are few Islamic bookshops in Colombo. Try there or go to Amazon to purchase online. Online mean be careful, anti-Islamist books are there.
Ralli Ameen / February 24, 2018
Property right for women is many times better than your colonial master’s law or your law if you have one. First study them and write. Sri Lankan Muslim much better then Islamic law because if they have one property (house) most of them give it to the daughter, not the son. Non-Muslim Sri Lankan have one property (house) the son always get it.
Isharath / February 19, 2018
“Faiz Mustapa, two eminent judges, head of Jamiya Naleemia and a former attorney general and Sri Lanka’s lead Muslim lawyer”
Kindred will embrace kindred. Who gave you lot the right to represent or decide on other Muslims?
Sarrij / February 20, 2018
Point well taken.
In SL political hacks get appointed to serve in such a committee. It’s a joke to take nine years to produce a final report.
Best solution is to ditch both the report and the MMDA and not give special status to any ethnic group although Justice SM’s report seems to be fair minded.
Real Revolutionist / February 19, 2018
Moulavi sajjad
Foolish man, use your brain, without being a slave to inappropriate religious teachings.
Your judges might be eminent to the hell; not to the human world & especially not to Sri Lanka.
Possible that more Sinhala women divorce as they have freedom & right to do it but in your community women aren’t given that freedom/right unless divorce is required by the husband.
Don’t ask non-Muslim Sri Lankans not to talk about Muslim matters; it’s anti-social.
If you want others not to talk about your people leave this country without giving us troubles.
Mohomad / February 20, 2018
RR, you definitely have no right to talk about Muslims matter unless you are a jurist on Islamic Law. Since we are following MD within the established Islamic jurisprudence regarding Muslim MD law it is not anti-social. Since you being a slave to your colonial master’s Roman Law you cannot say we are following inappropriate religious law. Islamic law gave women rights 1,300 or so ago, your colonial masters burrowed from Islamic Law around 200-300 years ago and before that women were slaves to them. Now your colonial master’s law so advanced man and man can legally marry and use their poopu holes for pleasure. Women too have that right but use their fingers to get pleasure. You wait and see very soon they will make children (not attained puberty) having sex with their consent is legal. Devils laws keep on advancing with devils ideas. Muslim women are free to divorce if certain condition are met and it is the same for men. You speak like no Muslim women can get separated from their husband whatever ill done to them. You are the foolish man here and get involved in stopping rampant anti-social activities in your own community. Many here comments Islam is medieval, pagan and barbaric. Islam is only 1400 or so old. Then what about other religions which are over 2000 years old. Then it is logical to assume those are more medieval, pagan and barbaric. Can anyone prove otherwise?
Real Revolutionist / February 20, 2018
proving your stupidity
“Muslim women are free to divorce if certain conditions are met & it’s the same for men”
How can that be free if there’re conditions?
As human beings, anybody has an ethical right to talk/comment about anybody living on this planet & even beyond & it’s seriously unethical for anybody to talk against such people.
So your sentence ” you definitely have no right to talk …..” is unethical & a crime against humanity & your claim is null & void to any civilized law in the world.
If a certain law accepts it, it can’t be a civilized law, may be it’s valid for hell or heaven as Muslims.mention that Muslim law is divine.
Those with wisdom know very well that divine law is to heaven only, not to human world.
Mohomad / February 21, 2018
It is you who is proving your stupidity. The conditions I said were that the man must be impotent, cannot look after her, desert her, etc. so she can divorce him. It is the same with man and it is the same with non-Muslim marriage. One has to prove his/her innocence but the codes may differ. No, you don’t have any rights unless you are a Islamic Jurist or have that much education to prove MMDA is wrong. Just writing derogatory way in fact insulting Muslim’s faith. Is it a ethical right as human being? Why don’t you use your rights to clean your own house. Islamic law existed long before your master’s law which too copied from Islamic law. So it is our law we are following and it is good for us as your master’s law is good for you. If your master’s law have no validity why in the court everybody has to swear on Bible? We don’t swear on anything except speak the truth. Divine law not followed in Heaven but on earth so it is a law for human beings.
Real Revolutionist / February 23, 2018
M mad
That saying is right; no medicine for foolishness.
Mohomad / February 24, 2018
Rear (end) Rebellion
That saying is right; no medicine for hatred.
Amarasiri / February 18, 2018
Dear Justice Saleem Marsoof, PC
Former Judge of the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka,
Chairman of the Committee appointed to recommend amendments to MMDA.
RE: Faiz Musthapha Becomes Detractor In Chief Of The MMDA
(298 Words)
Part 1-Liars
“Musthapha in his letter alludes to a majority and states that the report presented to the Minister of Justice was not the report of the Committee. However, the report was submitted on January 22nd and was given full publicity a full three weeks before Musthapha makes this claim.”
“Musthapha together with other Muslim male leaders have continuously sought to derail any reform on the Act. Rizwie Mufthie, the head of the Council of Muslim clerics has been a vociferous critic of the process.”
Justice Saleem Marsoof, thank you for your firm response to those liars who want to practice misogyny ( ingrained prejudice against women. ) and hide under religion.
Sri Lanka is The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, and NOT the Satan-following Theocracy of Wahhabi-Salafi Saudi Arabia ( per Hadith of Najd) or the Shia Theocracy of Iran, where the Mullahs and Ulama distort Islam, and impose their tribal Traditions for their own self-interest. . Rizwie Mufthie and cohorts, like Faiz Musthapha are no different.
They were best described by Averroës, ibn Aḥmad ibn Rushd (born 1126, Córdoba[Spain).
He wrote the Decisive Treatise on the Agreement Between Religious Law and Philosophy, and The Incoherence of the Incoherence (Tahāfut al-Tahāfut), all in defense of the philosophical study of religion against the theologians (1179–80).
So, we have Liars who are “Presidential” Counsel, and Liars who are Ulama, Moulavis and Imams, among the Sri Lankan Muslims? Why? Does Islam expect them to lie on such matters, or are they lying and trying to take refuge under Islam and Tribal traditions?
Amarasiri / February 18, 2018
Dear Justice Saleem Marsoof, PC
Former Judge of the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka,
Chairman of the Committee appointed to recommend amendments to MMDA.
RE: Faiz Musthapha Becomes Detractor In Chief Of The MMDA
Part 2: Theologians, Ulama, Self-Interest and are Literalists-Parrots
“Mufthie has been on record stating that the full face veil is mandatory and calling for males to insist that their women are covered in full during his Friday sermons. During the run up to the last election he insisted that females should not be voted in and campaigned against Muslim women contesting.”
“Earlier, the Clerics headed by Mufthi called for the continuation of the child marriage system among Muslims citing various theological sources.’
Justice Saleem Marsoof, thank you for your firm response to those liars who want to practice misogyny ( ingrained prejudice against women. ) and hide under religion.
Reading the works of Averroes,( ʾAbū l-Walīd Muḥammad Ibn ʾAḥmad Ibn Rushd) the top Islamic Scholar of All time, says that he is not hung up.( Some Islamic “Scholars” and others are still hung up on the Earth being spread out like a carpet and moving around the Sun.).
On Top, those who understand the “Holy Book”, and therefor by corollary, the Sharia, are:
1. The People with knowledge- The Philosophers. The Quran is for them to interpret accurately.
2. The Theologians are Literalists*. They are like Parrots. They are literalists. (Example, Ulama, Mufti etc.)
* adherence to the exact letter or the literal sense, as in translation or interpretation:
3. The Common People. They just listen, to whatever, the Theologians say.( Muslim males)
Sri Lanka is The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, and NOT the Satan-following Theocracy of Wahhabi-Salafi Saudi Arabia ( per Hadith of Najd) or Iran.
Amarasiri / February 19, 2018
Dear Justice Saleem Marsoof, PC
Former Judge of the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka,
Chairman of the Committee appointed to recommend amendments to MMDA.
RE: Musthapha and MMDA
Part 3: The foremost Islamic Scholar, Jurist and Philosopher’s Writings Vs. Theologians
“ During the run up to the last election he insisted that females should not be voted in and campaigned against Muslim women contesting.”
Justice Saleem Marsoof, thank you and be firm to these liars who want to practice misogyny and hide under religion.
They have behaved that way throughout history, to maintain and keep their hegemony, and used Islam to that effect.
The foremost Islamic Scholar, Jurist and Philosopher had to say about women and their participation in society.
Some Considerations on Averroes’ Views Regarding Women and Their Role in Society
06 December 2008
Modern research shows Averroes (Ibn Rushd, d. 1198) as a philosopher in his own right. The originality of his veiws on women would place him in that category. This study examines Averroes’ view on women against the background of his society and faith. It also contextualizes them within his philosophy background, not just Ancient, such a Plato and Aristotle, but also contemporary, in particular his forerunners Alfarabi and Avicenna.
Averroes’ considerations on women offer a remarkably original insight. He considers women essentially identical with men, possessing the same intellectual abilities. He advocates their active participation in society and performance of all tasks, including those that had been the prerogative of men.
He urges society, in particular his Muslim contemporaries, to allow women a greater role in public affairs for the benefit of the entire state. His references to women break new ground, and prefigure important debates that would flourish in modern Europe. Averrores does not see a contradiction between this and Islamic religion.
Amarasiri / February 19, 2018
Presidents Counsel Faiz Musthapha,
RE: Faiz Musthapha Becomes Detractor In Chief Of The MMDA
Part 4: How Come you are President’s Counsel?
The foremost Islamic Scholar, Jurist and Philosopher’s Writings Vs. Theologians
“ During the run up to the last election he insisted that females should not be voted in and campaigned against Muslim women contesting.”
Amarasiri’s question and curiosity is related to the following questions.
Q1. How come you are a President’s Counsel. We all know that the average IQ of Lanka, including Muslims, is 79, but why you a President’s Counsel? Has President Sirisena, the Gamarala, gone mad?
Q2. Did Rizvi Mufti and cohorts bribe you, as it seems to be the tradition, these days, in Lanka.
Q3. What do you know about slam, its traditions, the Islamic Philosophers, Reason, Revelation and tribal habits and traditions of a tribal patriarchal society?
Q4. Have you heart about the Hadith, where Prophet Mohamed (Pbuh), said, “Go even to China in Search of knowledge”
You can go to Cordoba, Spain and get the knowledge.
Some Considerations on Averroes’ Views Regarding Women and Their Role in Society
06 December 2008
Modern research shows Averroes (Ibn Rushd, d. 1198) as a philosopher in his own Averroes’ considerations on women offer a remarkably original insight. He considers women essentially identical with men, possessing the same intellectual abilities. He advocates their active participation in society and performance of all tasks, including those that had been the prerogative of men. He urges society, in particular his Muslim contemporaries, to allow women a greater role in public affairs for the benefit of the entire state. His references to women break new ground, and prefigure important debates that would flourish in modern Europe. Averrores does not see a contradiction between this and Islamic religion.
Amarasiri / February 19, 2018
Mufti Rizvi and “Presidential” Counsel Faiz Mustapha,
Saudi women need not wear abaya robes: Senior cleric
(280 Words)
‘Mufthie has been on record stating that the full face veil is mandatory and calling for males to insist that their women are covered in full during his Friday sermons. During the run up to the last election he insisted that females should not be voted in and campaigned against Muslim women contesting.”
What do you guys know? Clueless. What did Averroes,( ʾAbū l-Walīd Muḥammad Ibn ʾAḥmad Ibn Rushd) the top Islamic Scholar of All time, says that he is not hung up.( Some Islamic “Scholars” and others are still hung up on the Earth being spread out like a carpet and moving around the Sun.).
On Top, those who understand the “Holy Book”, and therefor by corollary, the Sharia, are:
1. The People with knowledge- The Philosophers. The Quran is for them to interpret accurately.
2. The Theologians are Literalists*. They are like Parrots. They are literalists. (Example, Ulama, Mufti etc.)
* adherence to the exact letter or the literal sense, as in translation or interpretation:
Saudi women need not wear abaya robes: Senior cleric
Riyadh — Saudi women should not have to wear the loose-fitting abaya robe, a senior cleric said.
“More than 90 percent of pious Muslim women in the Muslim world do not wear abayas,” said Sheikh Abdullah Al-Mutlaq, a member of the Council of Senior Scholars, the Kingdom’s highest religious body.
“So we should not force women to wear abayas,” he told a radio program broadcast on Friday.
Sheikh Al-Mutlaq was answering a question by a Saudi woman on the ruling for wearing “the abaya. “
Amarasiri / February 19, 2018
RE: MMDAPresidents Counsel Faiz Musthapha and Mufti Rizvi,
“Mufthie has been on record stating that the full face veil is mandatory and calling for males to insist that their women are covered in full during his Friday sermons”
Saudi women can finally breathe in society
Why can’t Sri Lankan Muslim Women breathe, and get the sunlight and get free vitamin D provided by God?
Human skin can make large amounts of vitamin D when lots of skin is exposed and the sun is high in the sky. Your body is designed to get the vitamin D it needs by producing it when your bare skin is exposed to sunlight. The part of the sun’s rays that is important is ultraviolet B (UVB).
12 Symptoms of a Vitamin D Deficiency
Vitamin D is essential for strong bones, because it helps the body use calcium from the diet. Traditionally, vitamin D deficiency has been associated with rickets, a disease in which the bone tissue doesn’t properly mineralize, leading to soft bones and skeletal deformities. But increasingly, research is revealing the importance of vitamin D in protecting against a host of health problems.
Ralli Ameen / February 23, 2018
I Have to write gain stop writing if you cannot go on points relevant to subject instead of writing bullshit. Arguing with you is just like arguing with an inmate of lunatic asylum. You have brain only to copy from web pages and give links to web pages. I think people should ignore this web mania.
Ralli Ameen / February 24, 2018
This about your web link of saudigazette which you had given but if you are writing about Saudi women you must go by the facts. Go by true statistic instead of giving link to website. There are inside propaganda to increase the value of Prince Salman. Sometime you see articles like in your link to prop up his image. According to 2015 statistic there are 52% female graduates against 51% men. Nearly 40,000 females studying in foreign universities and majority of them are in USA, Canada, Europe and Australia. As jobs concerned may be men were better off than female because of some taboos. If Wahabis want to lock and keep them at home how these were possible? When all these women get equal opportunity as men in jobs our expatriate workers going to get thrown out. May be you like that. Web mania just write what you know as true. I doubt this my comment will appear below your comment above.
Mohomad / February 19, 2018
Dilini, it is okay giving your view but don’t write women are under the mercy of men, little girls are given in marriage when they are children unless you can prove with statistic. The truth is you writing other way about, instead of writing what is happening to your women and children, you are poking your mouth on Muslims affair and getting some sort of relief from your sadness.
Rishard / February 18, 2018
To the SL Govt:
“Don’t spend time on beating on a wall, hoping it will transform into a door”. Take charge of the matter and abolish MMDA crap, including Kandyan and Thesavalamai laws, and bring common law for all Sri Lankans.
In this modern age, why do we need laws that discriminate Sri Lankans based on their belief, birth provinces and race?
Ben Hurling / February 18, 2018
Dismantle MMDA altogether! No need to reform it.
There should be zero tolerance in SL for discrimination based on gender. ZERO! Citizens of the country should live and die by laws equally applicable to all. ONE LAW! Nobody can force religion on other citizens. Right to freedom of religion is an entirely private affair protected by our constitution. NO DISCUSSION ON SUCH BASICS OF MODERN CIVILISATION. NOT NEGOTIABLE!
PS: HYPOCRITE-IN-CHIEF, Faizer Mustafa along with his fellow uncivilized RELIGIOUS LUNATICS should get the hell out of Sri Lanka. Saudi visas will be easier for this kind idiots, under new reforms in Saudi Arabia. We will help Faizer and his fellow male hypocrites depart SL via the VIP lounge at the Colombo Airport. All we ask is that they never return to Sri Lanka. NEVER COME BACK! EVER AGAIN! Thanks!
Fathima / February 19, 2018
Ben Hurting:
So we abolish MMDA and we are into MODERN CIVILIZATION? Wow, what a lucky lot we’re..
1: You hate only gender-based discrimination?
2: Yea, you’re right. Our constitution & law protect much more than just Right to freedom of religion. Then again, both together go on leave whenever BBS or similar is rising up… :-(
Ben Hurling / February 19, 2018
So you want to keep under-age, forced marriages of young girls, polygamy and unequal divorce laws for women as long as BBS racists are around? What an idiotic argument. Go get a life, you religious NUTTER! There is no reason why Sri Lankan state should tolerate this kind of primitiveness in the 21st century. Treating a section of our citizenry as if they are less worth. Just because they are born into Muslim families by accident. How do you know whether they wish to follow an Islamic way of life all their life or not? That is a strictly personal decision. What if they choose not to? Are you going to sanction a death sentence against them? You can be religious if you so wish. YOUR CHOICE. THAT’S FINE! Who are you to dictate and impose your religion UPON other free people? In this case Sri Lankan women of Muslim heritage. What rubbish! SCRAP MMDA!
Fathima / February 19, 2018
Ben Hurting:
Hey constitution nerd, I was talking practical, if does not match your expectations, what can I do?
First of all, you need to clarify yourself about the things you utter: what you see as an offense is really not an offense when there is a law, Polygamy for example. So why not put all your sleazing power and big mouth to put pressure on Govt, instead of me here?
“Treating a section of our citizenry as if they are less worth”. You mean Kandyan law for Udarata sinhalese? And Thesavalamai of Jaffna Tamils? Jealousy that you don’t fall into any of these categories? (kidding)
“How do you know whether they wish to follow an Islamic way”, silly boy, I am asking the same. How do you know whether they wish NOT to follow an Islamic way???
Why not visit Muslim house to house and look for any mini torture chambers to force women to stay in Islam??? Start from my house, you will find some fetish equips ;-)
Real Revolutionist / February 18, 2018
This comment is absolutely non-racial & being written with all the due love & respect to our Muslim community.
The failure of Muslims @ least to be moderate for the time being, regarding MMDA is a great mistake.
They must know that one day, probably in the near future it’ll develop to totally banning of MMDA & compel Muslims to come under common law for personal matters enjoyed by all the Sri Lankans.
Equality of men & women must be assured irrespective of racial & religious identity at any expense & there should not be any room for politicians to neglect it for political/financial gains from Muslims.
Generally in our country women enjoy the freedom to continue their religion they have been in faith before marriage in case their marriage to a person of another faith.
In the same way everybody has the right to acknowledge that he/she doesn’t have faith to a particular religion & gain relieve from discrimination; this is especially relevant to Muslim women & there must be a body set up by the government to help the needy women.
It’s doubtful whether women marry to Muslims enjoy it. Especially girls fall in love with Muslims from economically backward families are forced embrace Islam & push down to 2nd class citizenship & force to cover the whole body & label them as Muslims though they don’t have real faith for Islam.
Polygamy also must be banned as our population is approximately 50% men & 50% women.
That forces Muslim men to marry underage girls & grab women from other communities.
Muslim men have to make sacrifices to live peacefully in this land.
It’s sad to mention that nobody has a right to practice a religion that impacts negatively to other communities even on long run basis..
Isharath / February 18, 2018
Real Revolutionist:
“It’s doubtful whether women marry to Muslims enjoy it” – Why don’t you conduct a survey and find the real data, instead of talking your assumptions in public? On the other hand, do you have any data or findings to support that women marrying non-Muslims are all happy?
Check how SL women end up washing Arab toilets, check how SL women end up as fake masseurs in parlors for sex workers. Or go near any Wine shop entries and watch as you would see guys earning measly 1000RS spending over 700RS on alcohol per day. Ask women who throw their babies into rivers, if they are married to Muslim guys, go and find out how many single moms having to support their children and ask if they all have married to Muslim guys for this situation. Go to down-south beaches and see how many young boys are let to satisfy foreign sodomites for a living and ask them if their fathers are Muslims. Check how many women/families are suffering because all their bread-winners earning are spent on mistresses, and this practical dirty list can go endless.
As I said to you before, if your wand and the wallet support, go for any number of wives or mistresses if your law does not permit. And mistresses are not an uncommon among the degenerated SL society you’re living in today too, but when (multiple wives) supported by the law, it checks if you’re physically/financially healthy.
So, you as a revolutionist, got a lot of responsibilities to start with your backyard before poking into others or asking others to sacrifice for peaceful living.
Real Revolutionist / February 19, 2018
As far as some women living in fools paradise, we can’t help it.
Please keep other social evils aside, like poverty, prostitution, lack of dignity for labor etc.
They’re out of point.
Try to understand that untied bad men/women are always better than handcuffed good men/women.
Isharath / February 19, 2018
Revolutionist, why I have to tell that “The revolution starts in the kitchen” ? :-)
Practically speaking, a woman is a woman with similar expectations, whether she is born in a Muslim family or non-Muslim family, whether she is an educated or non-educated, rich or poor – No-one can deny the nature.
What is the percentage of Muslim women who would still stick to her husband and family, if they are not treated right, you think? Within last 10 years, how many such cases opposite to what I have said, have you seen among Muslim women?
Real Revolutionist / February 19, 2018
What you say is very basic
Let me say nobody can live on bread only.
Isharath / February 19, 2018
RR, exactly, here the problem is lack of bread itself. There can’t be secondary without basic. Let’s get that part fixed right
Real Revolutionist / February 20, 2018
Is that the way you fix matters with women?
Only animals live for basics.
Wise people, both men & women go beyond; enjoying moderately the ( even the minimum) basics.
You give basics in plenty & close the doors for secondary, the cream of life, it’s a grave crime friend.
Killing innocents alive through out the lifetime.
Isharath / February 24, 2018
“Only animals live for basics.” That means, in SL we find too many worse than animals – 1st bring them to equal level of animal as per your term. 2nd take them to next level, so said, “Wise people”
At least did you get it this time?
Fathima / February 19, 2018
“push down to 2nd class citizenship & force to cover the whole body & label them as Muslims though they don’t have real faith for Islam”
How can you say that a Sri Lankan Muslim woman, just because she is covering willingly or unwillingly becomes a “2nd class citizen”??? You nuts, you just described what happens to SL maids in Arab countries, especially in Saudi Arabia.
I guess your efforts be worthy talking about issues faced by millions of SL women going as maids, instead of just a few in SL suffering from MMDA. We need to stop our women going to such countries as maids. So, please start preaching to majority’s men not to make their wives into maids in the Arab countries. Well, this could be Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims, but worst affected are the majority.
Real Revolutionist / February 19, 2018
Well, generally women are fond of fashion, beauty, music, dancing & their participation in them is more than that of males.
So how can we believe that Muslim women are exception to keep away from that passion?
No scientific proof that Muslim women have a different gene to be neutral in passion.
So it compels the general public to assume Muslim women are under pressure of their males or Islam or the both.
SL women going to the ME is generally due to poverty & to some extent greed for money too.
Unlike in your community men may tell women not to do something but they enjoy equal rights, that may lead to bad experience as well.
So stopping sending our women to labor in inhuman countries like the ME, your men’s original place, must come from the top, our policy makers, in other words politicians & if supporting voice comes from educated women it’ll be a great success.
Unfortunately on MMDA, even the educated women are dumb & some are so brainwashed (like you) to protect hardliners who enjoy superiority over women.
Fathima / February 20, 2018
RR, are you living to proof that so many assumptions make a guy idiot? I see that you talk about too many things here, but you have no clear understanding of any of them.
Who asked you to believe that Muslim women are exempted from fashion, beauty, music, dancing? Ha..ha…that was a super-funny to look at things from far..far…away and self-confirm on things and talk big on public – Funny man!
So, please don’t waste your time finding any non-existent scientific evidence, we, the Muslim women do all sort of things – But we just hide it from guys like you (kidding). Didn’t any returning maids tell you about her employers expensive designer wears inside those black Abaya?
Now I am starting to see your innocence. Someone has taken you for a royal ride and confused you about Islam and Muslims. Which part of the island are you living in? Come here for a city tour to see the realities. You, as a member of island’s majority should mingle with minorities to know more about them.
Real Revolutionist / February 20, 2018
May be I’m seen funny but isn’t it extra funny to hear that there’s expensive designer wears inside black Abayas?
I’m seeing innocence of Fathimas wearing expensive things inside the black abaya ultimately to be seen only by the home dictator in the process of undressing as commanded by a religious stanza.
I take pity on you dear.
Mohomad / February 21, 2018
So RR you want other men to see your women when undressing, showing your real colour. What your religion command? Performing strip tease in front of other men?
Fathima / February 24, 2018
It is in SL you wear expensive designer wears to show others who don’t have the privilege to have them – We call it “pada show”. And this is the only reason most of Sri Lankans go for designer wears, and that is why your narrow mind find it funny. FYI: Pada-show is prohibited in Islam
Estate Labourer / February 18, 2018
There are two contending reports here presented by two committees. One committee has Six female members while the other has only One female member. The report submitted by the committee with only one woman must be consigned to the wastebasket as it has hardly any female representation on a subject that is mainly concerned about the rights and welfare of women. Women must have a greater say in these matters!
Sister / February 18, 2018
Siraj Manzil / February 18, 2018
How can non Muslims and a set of loose women decide on Muslim marriages with specific sharia laws that govern Muslim marriages. They can forget about Islam and live like non Muslims if they do not want to follow Islamic jurisprudence. [Edited out]
Sarrij / February 24, 2018
There is no Sharia Law governing Muslim Marriages.
It’s tribal Misogynic practices you are brainwashed to think as muslim law.
One Shot / February 18, 2018
Only the publication of these reports will allow the public to formulate their own views about their contents. Suffice to note, however, that it is difficult to conceive how a 9 page report/recommendation prepared and signed by Faisz Mustapha PC et al does justice to a 9 year long effort to reform the MMDA. In any case, what is necessary is a qualitative assessment of the recommendation, irrespective of the number of members that might have signed one report or the other.
Rasool Salahudeen / February 18, 2018
why doesn’t this stupid (retired) judge of the supreme court not send both reports to colombo telegraph so that everyone will know the validity of the claims. There is serious accusations against Saleem Marsoof of hypocrisy and not giving equal prominence to the report sent by the 9 members of Faiz Musthapha. As per Mustapha’s letter Dilhara was never a member. The justice ministry needs to clarify this. If Saleem Marsoof has blundered, the report should be shoved up his ….
Shamim Jazeer / February 18, 2018
There is a need for reconciliation between the two warring factions if Muslim women are to benefit from the MMDA reforms. Going against the religious leadership and the most important Muslim leaders are not going to be easy for these activists who are trying to make Muslim women live like loose women
Ben Hurling / February 18, 2018
Shamim Jazeer,
How do you define a “Loose Woman”?
More importantly, who the hell are you to judge other people or instruct how a Sri Lankan woman should live her life?
Estate Labourer / February 19, 2018
A ‘Loose Woman’ is one who wears Tight Clothes that reveal her body shape.
I don’t disapprove of it though!
Ben Hurling / February 19, 2018
Estate Labourer,
Haha! LOL!
Are there “Loose Men” too or is it only enforced on women? In order to control women? By cowardly men who fear strong women? Are we all to seek approval from conservative religious lunatics in society, before we decide what to wear? Who has given them such authority? Utter Rubbish! SCRAP MMDA!
Amila W / February 20, 2018
It is better to leave Muslim women as they are now. As it is Muslims become a threat to Sri Lanka when only one engine is working (men engine). Historically women are more powerful among Muslims and imagine what happens if they are reformed and given some power.
Why want to give more headache to BBS?
Noor Nizam / February 19, 2018
Are these religious leadership and the most important Muslim leaders leading the Muslim (Islamic) Way of Life?
These are the most deceptive, hoodwinking, hypocrites of the Muslim community. Community and Religion are two different matters. No one will wish RELIGION to be tainted by any man made laws. But Community has the RIGHT to bring about changes if there is a breach of the Religious Laws by the so called hypocrites. Let them correct themselves FIRST before trying to teach the Community what is Religion. The Sri Lanka Muslim Ulema/ACJU and a group of so-called religious leadership and the most important Muslim leaders have trapped the Muslim Community inside the parameters of Islam and have been suppressing and controlling them for their selfish ends and gains. The Muslim community in Sri Lanka have become more knowledgeable of both religion and the “TRUTHFUL WAY OF ISLAMIC LIFE”. Even if it is not going to be easy going against religious leadership and most important leadership, with the best of Islamic knowledge, it has to start some where to safeguard the community from these “MUNAAFIKKS” or hypocrites.
Sarrij / February 25, 2018
” make Muslim women live like loose women”
Who are the most important Muslim leaders?
How does one make loose Muslim women TIGHT women?
Sherene Jaward / February 18, 2018
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/
Fathima / February 19, 2018
How come none of the Sinhalese or Tamils here don’t talk about abolishing the Kandyan or Thesavalamai laws, when Muslims themselves call for abolishing MMDA?
Perhaps, Udarata Sinhalese and Jaffna Tamils being served with specially made VIP spoons against their counterparts, Pahatharata Sinhalese and non-Jaffna Tamils are accepted to them while unrelated MMDA becomes their focal point?
Typical hypocrites.
Fatema / February 19, 2018
how is that relevant here? Kandyan law is not as discriminatory and is not compulsory. Kandyans no longer marry under the Kandyan Law
Thesawalamai is property law and does not govern marriage, divorce and the likes.
Priyangika Perera / February 19, 2018
Thesavalamai also discriminates against women. A women born or living in Jaffna cannot transfer property without the husband’s consent and where as Muslim women can deal with her property as she likes
Fathima / February 19, 2018
Do you realize that you just insulted SL legal system with that comment? You think our legal system is a restaurant menu that you will have it whenever you like it and whoever likes it? And MMDA is a main course and others are appetizers or desserts?
Rishard / February 19, 2018
Discriminatory nature of MMDA, Kandyan and Thesawalamai laws starts with their names themselves.
Mallaiyuran / February 19, 2018
Ms. Sharmeela Rassool, who was present at the meeting but announced that although she had read the draft and was in agreement with it, would only sign it after receiving the permission of her current employer to do so,
Can he tell us if he released this information with the consent of Ms Shameela Rassool.
This judge is a co-conspirator with Pisa Mustappa. We honestly suspect his motive of conducting a commission for 9 years. Long ago he should have resigned when he could not finish the job in timely manner. He started his covering up only after EU restored the GSP+ with a condition that they may withdraw again.
Minister Attholrala should dismiss the communion reports as the commission had handicapped members, who cannot make their own opinion, but dependent on other male relative and/or power influence associates and other male third parties for that permission. The problem that this is commission investigating was males making decision for adult females and forcefully taking decision for female children. This commission does not have independent opinion of the members, especially on the area of males over ruling female. If the Minister goes ahead with this report, the Women Organizations should meet her at court of law. If there any family problem or employment problems occur to M/s Sharmeela Rassool by this revelations, she should seek damages against this judge. He is a rouge.
Kamalawathie Sameer / February 19, 2018
CT – The photograph you have depicted above does not look like Minister Faiz Mustapha (Paisa-Must-Have-Appah). Be that as it may, this guy will definitely jump ship just like my sister (wasi pathey hoi!).
Amarasiri / February 19, 2018
Mufti Rizvi and “Presidential” Counsel Faiz Mustapha,
Wahhabism, is a Satanic Faith, and Wahhhabis-Salafis are not Muslim, but Iblisis.
Unreported – Wahhabism and Saudis’ idiocracy.
Can you think and use Reason?
For decades Wahhabi scholars and in particular Saudi grand muftis have enjoyed the benefits of the historical pact between the founder of Saudi regime with the founder of the Wahhabi sect.
Wahhabism is drawing an upside down picture of Islam, taking the Saudi monarchical theocracy to a new level of idiocracy.
The Earth is flat. Wahhabi Grand Mufti.
Ralli Ameen / February 23, 2018
Go by true statistic instead of giving link to website. There are inside propaganda to increase the value of Prince Salman. Sometime you see articles like in your link to prop up his image. According to 2015 statistic there are 52% female graduates against 51% men. Nearly 40,000 females studying in foreign universities and majority of them are in USA, Canada, Europe and Australia. As jobs concerned may be men were better off than female because of some taboos. If Wahabis want to lock and keep them at home how these were possible? When all these women get equal opportunity as men in jobs our expatriate workers going to get thrown out. May be you like that. Web mania just buzz off as I said.
Amarasiri / February 24, 2018
Ralli Ameen,
” If Wahabis want to lock and keep them at home how these were possible? When all these women get equal opportunity as men in jobs our expatriate workers going to get thrown out. May be you like that. Web mania just buzz off as I said.”
It was the developments in the rest of the world that overtook the Muslim countries because of the Age of Reason, and Enlightenment. Islamic civilization missed out when Ghazali elevated Revelation above Reason, and it was downhill from there, even though he was shown to be incorrect ( 17 out of 20) by the greatest Islamic Scholar Ibn Rushd. The Ulama did not like that and got his books burned by the ruler.
Stupidest Muslim Vs Neil Tyson – How ideology can ruin intellectual power
This is not a debate between some Muslim and Neil Tyson. But this video shows the thinking of some very well educated 21’st century Muslim (I don’t know he is ignorant, stupid or dishonest. But he is one for sure) and Neil Tyson speaking in a lecture about how Muslims intellectual power ruined by an ideology.
Ralli Ameen / February 26, 2018
Amarasiri web mania’s comment. Everybody who needs explanations just ignore this mania unless you want to go to his links and erode your brains.
Amarasiri / February 24, 2018
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/
Muhandiram / February 19, 2018
The country is in a severe Political Crisis. But, we are, mostly non-Muslims, wasting time on a matter that involves less than 10% of the population, instead of leaving the matter to be decided by them, in whichever way they want.
What is clear is that the Muslim community is sharply divided on the matter and whatever be the final outcome, there will be a permanent Split in the community., adding to the number of divisions already rife in the community.
For a change, the Elite of the community, the Religious Scholars and the Educated, NOT the Crooked Politicians, will be responsible for this latest Division. What a Shame.
Ad / February 19, 2018
To hell with Islam.
Amarasiri / February 25, 2018
To hell with 7th Century tribalism.
Ibn Rushd was rational and for equality and competence.
He urges society, in particular his Muslim contemporaries, to allow women a greater role in public affairs for the benefit of the entire state.
Some Considerations on Averroes’ Views Regarding Women and Their Role in Society
06 December 2008
Modern research shows Averroes (Ibn Rushd, d. 1198) as a philosopher in his own Averroes’ considerations on women offer a remarkably original insight. He considers women essentially identical with men, possessing the same intellectual abilities. He advocates their active participation in society and performance of all tasks, including those that had been the prerogative of men. He urges society, in particular his Muslim contemporaries, to allow women a greater role in public affairs for the benefit of the entire state. His references to women break new ground, and prefigure important debates that would flourish in modern Europe. Averroes does not see a contradiction between this and Islamic religion.
Justice for Muslims / February 19, 2018
JSM in his letter is being too nice re Nadvi Bahudeen. that man is corrupt to the core. everyone knows that. Doesnt even seem to understand the concept of conflict of interest appearing for party in an inheritance case in the DC and then being in the board of quazi in the same matter and manipulating the case. So many cases behind him. I suggest the activists (should say authorities to, but of course if they had done their job this matter woulnt have been dragging for so long) to dig deep to find out the truth as to why these people are siding with ACJU and Faiz Musthapa types. Its ironic that Faiz Musthapha is trying to islamisize this law, when neither himself nor his family live that Islamic lifestyle. look at his kis and grandkids.. so what is the real deal here? Someone please look at Rizwi Mufthis assets.. these guys are crooks and should not be given any positions of authority.
kolla / February 19, 2018
This is the damn nonsense left behind by the British. Each group doing their own thing, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Kandyans etc.
We must have one law for all Sri Lanka; same as in UK, USA, Russia and Saudi Arabia
Priyangika Perera / February 19, 2018
Who is Shameela Rasool’s employer
justice / February 19, 2018
All this makes one wonder whether Sharia Law will come back to Sri Lanka.
In many Muslim countries, it exists in various forms.
Amarasiri / February 19, 2018
Ralli Ameen, RE: MMDA
Where are you?
Mufti Rizvi , Faiz Mustafa (“Presidential” Counsel) and others who have taken over Islam are making their own 7th century tribal rules are trying to impose the same tribal rules in the 21st century.
They need to your Wahhabi-Salafi help!
Ralli Ameen / February 23, 2018
I had written about you above. I had asked you many time to answer my specific questions (2) and give specific answers about Ibn Rushd views on Islamic marriage and divorce law. You nut never did it because you cannot being a web mania. What you are writing here is good for manias like you or other Muslim bashing nincompoops here. I had written before MMDA is perfectly okay and Mufti and other members can definitely bring necessary changes as a whole thinking about our Islamic community because there are no barriers from Islam. Prophet Muhammad’s daughters were given marriage when they were over 20 years and there is no rules to say you must give your daughter in marriage as soon as they attain puberty. Our girls now marry over 16 years and most of them go for education. Even if MMDA did not change it is irrelevant to our community. As for woman Quadi let these educated men take a good decision. There are enough practice Muslim women lawyers, doctors etc. Even there had been Muslim woman prime ministers and even now Bangladesh prime minister is a woman. Even if you take household chores, main administrator is wife. Do you think these are possible if men think women are below them. The only place they are below men is in bed.
Amarasiri / February 24, 2018
Ralli Ameen,
Part 1: Ibn Rushd in his darkest hour
(286 Words)
You say:
” I had asked you many time to answer my specific questions (2) and give specific answers about Ibn Rushd views on Islamic marriage and divorce law. You nut never did it because you cannot being a web mania.”
Well, Amarasiri looked found out it was hard to come by, but there were some writings on the position of women in Society. Most probably there were many writings, and the theologians, the Ulama and Imams did not like it, and got the Ruler, Caliph, to get his works burned. So, what we have is from those that escaped the burnings.
Despite his philosophical brilliance Ibn Rushd was banished and his writings burnt.
He also wrote The Decisive Treatise, Determining the Nature of the Connection between Religion and Philosophy.
This book makes him the originator of the idea that Greek rational heritage does not contradict Islam and that scriptural sciences have an arena as do rational deductive sciences.
A final reason offered was Ibn Rushd’s book The Incoherence of the Incoherence, in which he responded to the fallacies of Abu Hamid al-Ghazali’s The Incoherence of Philosophers. He did this despite knowing Ghazali was the master of the Almohad dynasty who were in power, and believed the earth was located between the horns of a bull.
Ibn Rushd was summoned to the Mansur’s court, publically insulted and cursed and accused of heresy. The king ordered him to be exiled along with anyone who spoke about philosophy.
Mansur also ordered that all parts of the kingdom should warn against philosophy, and philosophical books be burnt except for those dealing with medicine, mathematics and astronomy.
Amarasiri / February 24, 2018
Ralli Ameen,
Part 2: Ibn Rushd and the position of Women in Islam.
(268 Words)
Have you heard about the Hadith, where Prophet Mohamed (Pbuh), said, “Go even to China in Search of knowledge”
Abu al-Walid Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Rushd left his mark on history as an Islamic jurist, a physician, and most controversially, a philosopher.
In his time, Ibn Rushd was regarded as the foremost authority of the Maliki school of law in Cordoba.
You can go to Cordoba, Spain and get the knowledge. Unfortunately, many of his works were burned, and we know only those works that survived. From those works, one can postulate that Ibn Rushd was rational and for equality and competence.
He urges society, in particular his Muslim contemporaries, to allow women a greater role in public affairs for the benefit of the entire state.
Some Considerations on Averroes’ Views Regarding Women and Their Role in Society
06 December 2008
Modern research shows Averroes (Ibn Rushd, d. 1198) as a philosopher in his own Averroes’ considerations on women offer a remarkably original insight. He considers women essentially identical with men, possessing the same intellectual abilities. He advocates their active participation in society and performance of all tasks, including those that had been the prerogative of men. He urges society, in particular his Muslim contemporaries, to allow women a greater role in public affairs for the benefit of the entire state. His references to women break new ground, and prefigure important debates that would flourish in modern Europe. Averroes does not see a contradiction between this and Islamic religion.
Amarasiri / February 24, 2018
Ralli Ameen
1. “Even if you take household chores, main administrator is wife. Do you think these are possible if men think women are below them. The only place they are below men is in bed.”
Most men consider household cores, cooking, cleaning etc. to be low grade grunt work best done by women or lower strata people.
2. “The only place they are below men is in bed.”
It depends on the position and the bed, and how heavy the man or women is.
Rali Ameen, just use reason. Remember, reason is above revelation, when it comes to a conflict. The Earth is not flat and the Sun does not go round a stationary Earth.
Saudi Cleric Says the Sun Rotates Around the Earth
Saudi Arabian cleric Sheikh Bandar al-Khaibari has claimed that the Earth is stationary and the sun rotates around it in a speech he gave to students at a university in the United Arab Emirates on Sunday. The claims have since been mocked by Twitter users and Cambridge University scientists alike. We take a look at video of the Muslim cleric’s attempt to debunk the rotation theory, in this Lip News clip with Elliot Hill and Mark Sovel.
Amarasiri / February 24, 2018
Ralli Ameen,
Part 4: Ibn Rushd in his darkest hour: Ibn Rushd views on Islamic marriage and divorce law
(283 Words)
You say:
” I had asked you many time to answer my specific questions (2) and give specific answers about Ibn Rushd views on Islamic marriage and divorce law. You nut never did it because you cannot being a web mania.”
You can infer his views from his surviving writings, as most of his works which the Theologians and Ulama did not like were banned and burned.
1. Obly Philosophers have the knowledge to understand the Quran and properly interpret them.
2. Ibn Rushd’s writings on women in his surviving writings.
He urges society, in particular his Muslim contemporaries, to allow women a greater role in public affairs for the benefit of the entire state.
Amarasiri / February 26, 2018
Ralli Ameen, Wahhabi-Salafi, Your History.
.”I had written before MMDA is perfectly okay and Mufti and other members can definitely bring necessary changes as a whole thinking about our Islamic community because there are no barriers from Islam.”
Like Raiding Karabala and killings thousands by the Wahhabies?
The Wahhabi sack of Karbala occurred on 21 April 1802 (1216 Hijri) (1801[1]), under the rule of Abdul-Aziz bin Muhammad the second ruler of the First Saudi State. Approximately 12,000 Wahhabis from Najd attacked the city of Karbala.[The attack coincided with the anniversary of Ghadir Khum event,[3] or 10th Muharram.
Ralli Ameen / February 26, 2018
You had go on writing and writing above but not worth a cent for intelligent people if you cannot answer my questions clearly. Like a mania don’t give web links those published by anti-Muslims and Shia and other innovative bastards. I asked the question and you fool asking me to infer from Ibn Rushd writings instead of writing what Ibn Rushd said about Sharia law relating marriage and divorce and whether he believed in Quran and Sunna or innovative Islam.. So I am correct you are just a mania without the ability to imbibe anything intelligently so you cannot answer. What MMDA has to do with raiding of Karabala. That was the birth place of Shia’s innovatiive Islam. Going against the Quran and Sunna, so to rightfully call it the Najd our Prophet pointed out. Innovators of Islam are Satans as 90% of Sunnis believe. I have nothing against those people who call themselves Shia, they were brain washed on the wrong paths by their priests. To tell you idiot, non of the Muslim philosophers and scientists in the past believed in innovated Islam, they were followers of Quran and Sunna of Islam. Don’t try to hoodwink people by showing web links.
IOoo / February 20, 2018
All those haters, have you read the letters published above before you started typing? All Faisz Mustapha is asking is to make sure the situation is explained and that the Minister considers a differing view within the committee which may have been missed as there seems to be two final reports. There is really no need for ‘loose women’ or ‘hate islam’ comments. Experts were asked to give their 2 cents worth and they have given 4 cents worth. Let those who have elected to amend the legislature now do their 2 cents worth. The rest of us should now shut up and get on with our lives as this is far from being the worst problem facing Muslims nor Sri Lankans in general.
Periappa / February 20, 2018
While they are taking 9 years to decide, little girls are being given in marriage, and women are not given any rights, financial support, or alimony, to take care of their children, by the men who divorce them.
How long will it take for the committee to decide, another 9 years?
K.Pillai / February 20, 2018
All religions preach upholding human rights. Islam cannot be an exception.
However religious clergy often interpret the teachings to strengthen their hold on the followers. MMDA1951 is designed to do exactly that.
Mufti Rizwi has carved himself into a powerful position among Lankan Muslims. Many Lankan Muslim leaders (including Muslim MPs) earn their daily bread from Rizwi. This bigotry must end.
As-Seyyed Quraish Moulana / February 23, 2018
1951 MMDA is almost perfect according to Islamic jurisprudence. No need to adjust. Today’s Moslem parents are not so foolish to give their daughter in marriage at tender ages of 13 or 14. Our Muslims strongly adhere to Islamic laws than laws propelled by government. No Muslim eat poke due to Islamic law whereas government doesn’t prohibit such. So let the Muslims practice their own religion without any hindrance from state. Let the non muslims mind their own business as we Muslim never involve ourselves in their religious matters.
The so called satanic Moslem women who wants to change the MMDA are less than 1% among the Moslem women society. If they can’t adhere to MMDA let them get married to non-Moslems then they could enjoy the freedom they want without polluting the Moslem society with their lust filled thoughts. Hope Saleem marsoof report will be teared into pieces, as Moslems have more matters to be attended than MMDA.
mike / February 24, 2018
FS – ”…but if you come I can show you something interesting and once used will remember for life.” Please, what exactly were you trying to show?
Percy / February 25, 2018
I too I am keen to see what you were trying to show. Not interested in using anything but just curious to know exactly what you want to show. I will be the first in the Q
mike / February 25, 2018
Percy – I agree. Fazly Sameer should show whatever he wants to display!
Percy / February 25, 2018
This site has been used to express divergent views,sometimes expressed strongly,and insultingly. However contributors to the site should feel safe in the assumption that ideas expressed anonymously do remain so. On the other hand contributors who have declared their identity should not take this forum as a market place where they think they could inveigle unsuspecting contributors into sexually suggestive situations. This needs to be explicitly stated by CT in the light of some recent comments.
mike / February 26, 2018
Percy – It was my understanding that grandpa Sam is a genealogist and and not a sexologist!