19 January, 2025


Fonseka Slams Rajapaksas For Corrupt War-Time Procurements

Field Marshal Sarath Fonseka continued his verbal attack against former President Mahinda Rajapaksa and ex-defence secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa, slamming them for taking undue credit over winning the war against the LTTE.



Addressing a news conference in Colombo this morning, Fonseka said that only the soldiers who were shot at and who were in the war front must take credit for the win. “Not politicians,” he said.

Fonseka also claimed that when he had requested for several helicopters during the height of the war, Mahinda Rajapaksa had refused saying he didn’t have the money to finance such a purchase.

But, three months after the war was over, he bought helicopters, which cost around US $ 150 million. The same people who couldn’t buy us helicopters to fight the war, bought them after the war, and are now shamelessly taking credit for the win,” Fonseka charged.

While alleging that the Rajapaksa’s were involved in large scale corruption, Fonseka also hit out at the former defence secretary alleging that when Gotabaya was in charge of procuring certain ammunition, the cost of a certain purchase which was at 250 million originally, went up to a surprising 650 million.

“There were days we didn’t have sufficient ammunition to fight, and we had to make do with just one rocket, but they are boasting so much about the so called leadership they gave, when they couldn’t even give us the basics to fight the war,” Fonseka charged.

According to Fonseka, who was the Army Commander at the time the war was won, the ‘Api Wenuwen Api’ programme by Gotabaya, collected Rs. 4.5 billion. “No audit was ever conducted to verify how the money was spent. They made a huge fuss saying they were building houses for soldiers. But they built only 300 houses as of 8th January 2015, and even at the cost of 1 million per this two bed room a house, where is the balance Rs. 4.2 billion?,” he asked.

According to Fonseka, even when Mahinda Rajapaksa, as the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces kissed the ground at the Bandaranaike International Airport, soon after his return from an overseas trip on May 16, 2009, on reports that the war was over, the war was still been fought.

“Even when I was promoted to the four star rank in the Army on May 18, the war was still been fought. The war ended only on May 19, 2009,” Fonseka added. ( By Munza Mushtaq © Colombo Telegraph) 

Latest comments

  • 28

    Ranil brought SF to Parliament from the back door to do his dirty work to unleash attacks on the Rajapakses. And SF, true to form, is doing just that day in day out in greatfulness to please his boss. Only those without an ounce of brain would believe what he says, which mostly are untrue or exaggerated beyond immagination.

    • 81

      You mean the helping hambantota uneducated filth did no wrong?

      • 7


      • 3

        Janaka, very well said. Good on you friend. If you look at this bugger Mara, he lived his life just like VP. He murdered all his opponents, looted the country while VP was looting the Tamils and making gold bars which Shiranthi Rajapaksa stole eventually, built bunkers for safety reasons, lived a luxurious life while the masses had no food, chased all the good people out of the country……….the list goes on.

    • 54

      This explains how the Rajapakses were able to buy mansions in Oklahoma, USA and in Sri Lanka. Also, the foot soldiers the Rajapakses were allegedly proud of, were threatened with no pay should they get injured and remain out of action. It wouldn’t surprise me if the soldiers had to pay their own hospital bills too. Please, please, when are the investigators going to ask the Rajapakses to explain how they amassed this fortune on their ministerial salaries alone.

      • 8

        hello, you are still living in a imaginary world, go and look around and see. why do you only blame rajapaksha? how did rajith own many ships? do you think he brought by his job. all the politicians are the same. see how sirisena brothers own that much of money, they owned by rice mafia. it is a kind of political back up. but finally rajapaksha saved the nation and he has a leadership quality which others don’t have.

        • 4

          Yes Lalkantha
          These idiots keep repeating this mantra of ‘Rajapaksa corruption’and can not see who the real corrupt, thieving, uneducated thugs are! THEY ARE ALL IN THE YAHAPALANA GOVERNMENT! AND THEY ARE GETTING RICH BY THE MINUTE WHILE THESE IDIOTS KEEP LOOKING FOR THE BILLIONS SUPPOSED TO BE STOLEN BY THE RAJAPAKSAS!
          They deserve what this government will bring upon them – poverty for the poor and the wealthy will be reduced to nothing!!

      • 0

        Why just a mansion in Oklahoma..hehehe..one could by all of Oklahoma and a couple of neighboring states for 18billion dollars US

    • 40

      “…to do his dirty work to unleash attacks on the Rajapakses” Why not?
      It is time someone roped in these Rajapakses without waiting further to arrest them for their open thievery.

      Everyone of them, including Mahinda, Gota and Basil should be exposed in the media so that the country knows what they did to loot the country for nearly 10 years. The sooner the better – because MR has super-talent to cunningly mislead the Buddhist-Sinhala majority. Already, they are conspiring to consign the country into
      mayhem and chaos. For starters raising open anti-Indian cries. Scum and dregs like Booruwansa, Dinesh G, Gammanpila, Gandassara are encouraged to inflame the country. Can Ranil, Mangala and CBK prevent this fastly and soon coming volcano?

      I don’t mention Gamaya Sirisena because of his vaasi patheta hoi natural character.

      A.D.J. Perera

      • 7

        Mr perera, are you living closing your eyes and ears. you are the great idiot in this world, you can’t see what is happening to this country because you are the uneducated, and foolish fellow

        • 2

          Shrivelled vattakka shut up and go home. Nobody cares for pakayas like you. Mr Perera knows what he is talking about. All the entities he mentioned need to be jailed. They all have multiple cases against themselves for robbing and pillaging this land. By the way all those that flocked for the meeharakas rally were induced to show up. Arrack we are told flowed freely to anyone who wanted it.

      • 0

        Mr Perera, the biggest problem have been lanken Journos do their job not as none of us expected.
        They dont write enough about Rajaakshe thievery. They neither collect evidence.
        Nor do they do enough to clear the issues with them directly. What have been lanken JOURNAlists doing ?
        It s the media of a country are said tobe the 3rd governing force.

        Lanken media men have been caught by Rajakashe men during the last few years and these men are still on long slumber. Those with brain do the samee

        Example 1- so called harward educated man -Malinda – his mind set is fastated by all virulent germs planted by Rajakashes.

        How can we go forward so long the media stay stand still regarding the alarming issues.
        Have you yet noticed any brave men to have interviewed Rajapkahse since he was goo defeated by last two elections ?
        Only wayout would be to have all the evidence ready on the table and sue these men and put in Jail. The day- We could start pure politics in this country.

    • 39

      Field Marshal Sarath Fonseka

      RE: Fonseka Slams Rajapaksas For Corrupt War-Time Procurements

      “Field Marshal Sarath Fonseka continued his verbal attack against former President Mahinda Rajapaksa and ex-defence secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa, slamming them for taking undue credit over winning the war against the LTTE.”

      Thank you Sir, the True Hero, Velupillai Prabakaran wanted to kill, telling the truth.

      Yes, the Truth is bitter for the Liars Mahinda Rajapaksa and Gotabaya Pajapaksa.

      Has Gotabaya Rajapaksa started wetting his pants already?

      • 2

        Good to see you commenting, Amarasiri.

        Have you cottoned on to my own post, using my own name:


        • 4


          “Have you cottoned on to my own post, using my own name”

          Panini Edirisinhe? Amarasiri had no idea it was you! (I had a friend called Pani, called water in Hindi.)

          Your own post was a very good post, exposing the decadence that has set in the country, and even infected St. Thomas’s College. However, I have only so many hours in the day to comment in the very interesting posts.

          1. “Gurutalawa just looked foolishly on. Obviously, making things even worse was the fact that a man with absolutely no academic qualifications (no, not even O. Levels) has been named the Staff Representative!”

          2. “I have already received a protest letter sent by one of the other “declared” candidates and I have spoken briefly with both. Where do we go from here? I just don’t know; at least we can console ourselves that this reflects many other things in our world today!”

          3. “I have been as objective as possible and avoided naming names. However, if any reader were to pose questions I shall respond with as many details as I am certain of.”

          So what can be done? Expose, expose and expose. Transparency is needed.

          If they do not want to expose the qualifications of the other candidates, can you make a request that all candidates will be required to take an Intelligence Common Sense test, to make sure they ban make common sense decisions and think on their feet.

          After all you have an Engineering Degree from Peradeniya, and you must have gone past the GCE OL and GCE AL, in order to compare Apples to Apples, with the others.

      • 3

        not him, you may wet your pants soon. wait and see. indian will full your mouth with there feces.

    • 4

      You are a horapakshaya boot licker

    • 1

      Obviously truth hurts, This guy is wriggling!

    • 2

      he FM-PM relationship is a symbiotic one.

      The more FM squeals, the more Ranil does a little baila is his study.

      Ranil and Mi’three have turned FM into the Donald Trump of Sri Lanka.

      Ranil and others know that by letting loose FM to do the ‘dirty’ it allows them to sit back and enjoy.

      FM should know that Yahapalanaya might not be forever. Then what?

      If MR and his boys return, it will be Arizona for FM.

  • 26

    Please bring all the proofs against Rajapakshes. They deserves to see their nemesis in their politics. No any lanken politicians were that abusive as Rajapakshses have been. Much more to surface with the time. All in all goodies to reveal – time has come. Alone to support party dissidents to get mobilised not thinking about the PARTY – is a greater blunder of Mahinda Rajakashe. Finalyl he has to confess where it is necesarry stoping his prevarications to the media. Lanken media men and foreign media men should wake up helping the nation wit the facts. Facts that were believed to be were all twisted ones by pro Rajapakshe Media units. The culture was in Iran and even in North korea. Lybian man also did no better. Where their poor masses struggle for their lives- are targeted by feeding them withviews miles away from the realities- that then cause them to stay so intoxicated. War fought against LTTErs were a collective task – the cake should be shared with all.

    • 9

      sama is back at work…is it 1600 per day or have got a raise?

  • 17

    Sarath Fonseka the army commander is great….but Ponseka the desapaluwa is the worst…wel vidane is paid by hirikotha

    • 20

      Baw Baw ballah…
      Dont insult dogs please.

      • 5

        sama, you mean gonseka ponseka the vel vidane

        • 2

          Hey balla, while your hero was pumping gas in California for minimum wage of $7.18/hour, this fellow SF was fighting the LTTE. Though I hate SF, I have to respect the fellow unlike the low class bugger you support. Oh wait, now I know………..you are his son Namal?

    • 27

      Ballo ballo, Sarath Foneseka is great in all ways while Rajapakshes are most abusive in all times. Truth will succeed in the months to come. Jaya niyathai. Today FCID has become the second native place to Rajaapkshe for all the high profile abuses being carried out by them. There is no smoke without fire. Namal baby dares to add his thoughts even today, but the days are numberd for them. Sonner than later we will see their untergang.

      • 6

        vel vidane ponseka gonseka is oozing with hatred, nothing else. ponseka gonseka is very good at war, no doubt about it. but apart from that, he is so cheap and nothing.

        • 4

          He has not betrayed himself for anything. Like a real lion he has fought everything. he is the most honest among the few. He is blunt like JVPers but also a valuable personality. But what can we learn from Maharaja…. we can learn how he put ape mihiha every where.
          At the time 3 terms validity was being discussed bugger had dared to fall that level ” I have made 3 sons” having matted with the Beauty queen… if the kind of statements would have been made by a state leader in Europe, that could create a all forms of defarmations to all civlized folks. But in lanka.. where gawky and all the kind of uncivlized are the majority- did nothing.That is all about this man.

          THis man shold go to hell- basta.

  • 16

    Price of this parrot Rs. 85m, Vel Vidane title and back door entry to Cabinet. Seven Star Democracy at work.

  • 25

    As long as ‘sage’ Wijedasa is around no charges will be bought against them

    So they may grind the country to a halt (power cuts sabotage)

    • 21

      Not a single indictment yet in 14 months of so called governance.

  • 13

    Yet to hear him give even one speech about his subject ministry.. this man is really a joke and so shameless.. 20,000 votes and discarded by the people!!

    • 21

      What an idiot you should to call this man a joker. What would you say about the bunch of thugs who looted and rooted the nation. This man has said, if there is no need of his capacities, he would any time ready to go his retirement. He is the most honest person in lanken current bunch.

      • 9

        The bunch of thugs you mean must be the rajapaksa’s. Fine, lets say they did loot. What have they stolen really? Where is the proof? A year into the yahapalanaya and still nothing and parrots like you keeps on jabbering for nothing. SF is blatantly stating that there were war crimes in Sri lanka and is asking for an international probe. Is he not doing that for his own gain? If he was so honest, where is his son in law who disappeared with millions? He is a crook just like the rest of them.

        • 6

          well said…

          sama, are you looking for a hiding in your so called west?

          you’d better get lost in the west now…

          • 3

            We will get more recognition rather… that is what we experience today. Now Germany has changed their stance fully towards the country and they will help me.

            Uk will follow.

            At the time your god father was the master, only Swaziland and Belarus were his allies. What did we get from them ? Nothing actually.

            I want Germany to support more ot lanken Youth getting their good trainings. I will work on that too. I will also ask them to provide you the dogs a better therapy so that our efforts can be made in a proper manner.

        • 2

          You should have kirimati in your brains. We flew by Srilanken lately. There I thought my god how deep the airline had been fallen and why… in CBK days, we also flew by Srilanken and Emirates, there service was better than today while brining the profits to the country. But Ballah et al made it out of his patriotism – getting the stake back from Emirates calling loudly as always is the case ” I saved lanken airlines”; Kirimati feeding men like you thought my god, this man should be godded for all the good he has been doing for the nation. But last year we got to know over 28 billions are the mess- accumilated for the years… now it is the most abusive place BRINING nothing but we have to spend lot for its maintenance alone.

          And secondly, ballige putha the manner he wasted funds for placards and silredi during the campaign was going beyond Zimbabwian Mugabe. More he did so, higher the prices ofdaily essentials alone became. So how can the poor of the poor have a plate of rice today ?

          And the manner THE Rajarata people went dying due to that UKNOWN kidney disease… ballige putha enjoyed his tours with his bombastic gigantic enroutrages, those men immaturely died were not even provided withthe most cheap food item – PURE DRINKING WARTER.

          MY3 was elected, he fully banned Glyphosata being imported to the country. Even EUROPEANS have been fighting for this yet today… but MY3 AND Ranil did… Germans and other europeans hail the duo being very courageous to have taken the step.

          And the fact you guys can add your thoughts today even if you go licking the balls of Ballige putha et al – but the days he had been the president. Dr. DB was sacked calling her a bitch.. keeping her in the parliament… questioning her as MR would have been the god. ::: The list goes on…
          Idiots of your kind would never see them – but outsiders would do.

          Now the coutnry is liberated from MR idiots. but like NPD in germany, rulers have stilll more to do to keep the bunch away from taking ground.

      • 6

        20000 votes from the entire country is the verdict of his greatness!:)))

        • 4

          Had he contested under UNF he would have defeated MP Rajapkshe but SF wanted to win DP. Even JVPers could win more seats if they contested not alone. But now SF has joined.. what matters is we will hear all about untold stories sooner than later.

          • 3

            Dream on.. I’ve seen his meetings during the GE.. with his bullet ridden car on one side (how pathetic is that).. him on stage with a few others.. and about 15 people as audience… he has absolutely no appeal..

            Strange how he keeps remembering things are odd intervals..

  • 10

    Comments from a man who has no pride, honesty and dignity. MR has over and over again has credited the victory to the armed forces. MR gave the political leadership to vanquish the Terrorists, the sort of leadership that was lacking until he became the president. History credits political leadership for war victories, eg Churchill but not so much the military commander.SF gave exemplary military leadership but he would have achieved nothing under “leaders” such as RW and CBK. About time SF come down to earth and focus on his new ministerial posting for us to appreciate his political skills.

    • 15


      “MR has over and over again has credited the victory to the armed forces.”

      Both MR and Gota have over and again credited the victory to the Hindians.

      You should check media once in a while.

    • 3

      Lal please try to seek for a good advice. Your current punnaku may be the reason you to feel so.

      Not political leadership but field men are the ones who to earn the credit. But this was a war… the very same bugger was in higher position while CBK was also in the lead. The very same bugger had governed the coutry even afte rthe war is over.: How he governed the country – has costed tax payers billions – since he only ate the sums for him and his kth and kin.

      This is the ground reality, when Army men start writing their part now – Rajakashes have to keep their both ends so sealed. But the stupid folks would Take LONG as usual – since they are all LIKE LAL…. Ballah… they have been intoxicated and ass no reverse can be possible easily.

      • 5

        sama, you will not have any issues because VAT is not applicable to punnakku..yamapalana voter

        • 3


          “sama, you will not have any issues because VAT is not applicable to punnakku..yamapalana voter”

          In your case, you do not have to worry too much about increases in taxes as you live off your partner/wife’s (if you have one) earnings from Medieval Middle East Kingdoms.

          How long do you intend to stay unemployed and continue to bark at those who passes by your gate?

  • 12

    people are eagerly waiting to see the corrupt were taken before the law and punished. they want everybody to list charges without delay. adding in regular intervals may reflect flicking of grudges and personal interests

    we had an internal conflict with strong international interests. according to FM Sarath Fonseka, the military leader turned to politician; politicians should not be credited for war victory.

    this is not clear to ordinary people like us. our constitution says that the president is the commander in chief. Field Marshal Sarath Fonseka; we are compelled to ask you who gave you the command to fight the enemies.

    people in our country respect both political and military leadership provided for the victory

    you mentioned about an inability of the political leader to provide helicopters, I think the then president had correctly disregarded it as you had had the ability to fight without it.

    people respect you for the sacrifices made. people may respect the then political leadership as well but proved corrupt he and his gang must be sentenced.

  • 9

    Give the man the chance to say what is in his mind. I am sure there are a few others who will agree with his claims. After_all he was there at the top and was well aware what was going on under his nose. The Rajapakse brothers operate like a pack of wolves. Now the next generation has taken over and will be trained the finer points to exploit and plunder the country’s resources. Namal used the army to cordon off the area and pull out all the illam soil (Gem containing clay) from Kataragama and later refilled it with ordinary soil and auctioned it off at record prices and made a killing in the process. Those who bid the highest and and got those blocks of lands later found nothing in it, and later realized they had been taken for a ride. That was just one of many pranks they played on the public. People don’t know the extent they robbed from country’s resources.

  • 5

    We have heard these stories in 2010 earful. No one cares for these stories. Give us something productive i.e. How you are going to develop Central Province

  • 15

    I don’t know much about Fonseka to judge him as a man.

    There is only one simple criterion I know to judge these things.

    When has a Rajapakse ever told the truth?

    Can anyone give me just one instance?

    • 4

      nimal fernando

      “When has a Rajapakse ever told the truth? Can anyone give me just one instance?”
      Simple, he has told “Namal is my eldest son”. “Yoshitha is my second son” They are true, know?

      • 2

        Hey Shrikharan, how do we know? MR is sure to have donated his seed elsewhere before settling down here … just like the sons are said to have been encouraged to do in the near past… possibly dozens of unofficial progeny making Namal in real terms the ?fifth son…

        • 0


          Yes I take your point, but I told in lighter vein.

  • 11

    Thanks to SF, his former son in law became a multi millionaire with 80 million cash in his mother’s bank. Lived it up. Complained angrily about Ranil and now doing his hatchet job. He accused Ranil of not providing equipment and money during CFA. He said openly how Ranil didn’t provide ammo nor enough boots and helmets to troops. They had to ration ammo and didn’t even have enough to target practice. Sang Gota’s praise. Arrogantly wasted state resources with Ac units for daughter’s wedding. Ran up millions in satellite phone bills calling his family in USA. all reported by Sunday Leader. Keith was subjected to debauchery. Iqbal Athas threatened and chased out. Took revenge on Chandrika by calling her a bloody bitch and reduced her security as soon as he got his extension and was made commander SLA after MR won. Secretly launched an attack in Jaffna without anyone else being notified in 2008; ended in a massive loss including Tanks of the Armoured Corps. He wanted to hog the glory like Patton.

  • 7

    One thing nobody can deny that former President Mahinda Rajapaksa provided the leadership to ignore the foreign powers to finish the Asia’s longest useless civil war. Fonseka, diaspora leaders, Sri Lankan Tamil leaders or even the good governing leaders don’t have the courage to deal with the foreign powers as Mahinda Rajapaksa.

    MR’s help needed when Tamil leaders didn’t think for themselves. That is why when New Delhi gave arms they happily accepted it. Without thinking why, even though India got independence through nonviolence. When they got support from the West, Tamil leaders loved it without thinking the ramifications for the entire country, Indian Ocean and Asia. The fools even went onto create child suicide bombers to please Adele Balasingham.

    • 4

      I am not sure if you are not able to think or the Tamils leaders did not thnik. If you are reading and writing here certainly you have all the facts. UNHRC repeatedly asked the Appe Aandu to resolve the conflicts. List here what your gangs have done so far in that direction so that can start a discussion on that.

      Even before the the UNHRC resolution in September,2015, the Old King had given the promise to take responsibility and accountability for what happened ( to UN SG in May 2019). Why do you sheepishly pretend like you are a god of justice while you purposefully ignore the facts? Did you know there was a clause in Soulbury constitutions to protect minorities, but the eventual constitutions which refused representation to Tamils refused to reinstate an equivalent close to that? When UNHRC has said that it was the past Sinhala Leaders mistake to that state of the country now, why jabbering with the your foul mouth it was the Tamil leader’s responsibility. “Tamil leaders loved it without thinking the ramifications for the entire country, ” “/i> Where did you find the the “the entire country”. Where in the hell it is defined if Dutugemunu or Parakramabahu ruled once or twice two nations together, it has become one country? Explain me, please why Australia and Britain are two countries these days? Didn’t Brittain discover, capture it from aboriginals, colonized and ruled Australia?

      It is Tamils right to fight to regain their country. There is no country as Sri lanka As you think man; there was only Ceylon. “Without thinking why, even though India got independence through nonviolence.” You are such an idiot to compare the civilized British people occupying India and the world infamous rapist army, who shamelessly claiming they are SinhaLE, occupying the Tamil Eelam. Remember Gandhi said if he had to select between Cowardice and violence his selection would be violence. You are a gutless fellow not to talk for the affected, so you are showing your mousiness in words.

      Brother Prince selected Fonseka for this slavery job because of the carnage he created in the North when he was a brigadier there. If don’t know history, don’t treat all in the same level. They all are one and the same. Don’t attempt us to make us to think as one is hero and is traitor. We not dimwits like you to do that. If the Sri lankan Courts not prosecuting criminals, it is not that they are white and clean. All these 47 people are war criminals and listed in the OSIL first report. It was the American State Secretary John Kerry save these criminal by removing their names out of the report. Just be a little faithfull and show gratitude for America for having saved your heros from war crime. Don’t be the faithless with in most faithless, treacherous

      Don’t be the comedian of the place by showing off your ignorance coated with badly biased mind.

      • 2

        I have an answer for you. Go to my facebook and read a Tamil article that I have published under the heading of “தமிழர்களினதும் அவர்களின் தலைவர்களினதும் அவலநிலை”

        • 2

          “தமிழர்களினதும் அவர்களின் தலைவர்களினதும் அவலநிலை”

          You failed to answer my first Question? ” Have you been reading the CT? Have you been readings my question in CT?”

          There are some silly customs within peoples. If you ask an American “How are you” he may answer in return “How are you?”. (Tamils frequently make a joke of themselves “Why do you say ‘Vaaran’ and but going”?)

          Are you making some kind same comic by telling me to go to facebook? Who wrote and gave it you to post it there?

          Or, is this becuase of you are a follower of Old King? He listens standing outside the parliament when Fonseka speaks and have the answers prepared by the speech writers, take it to his Battaramulla (Patharmoolai) office and read it out.

          Come on man! If you can not face face CT, bugger off to facebook with your rotten and petty theories. Where are you standing and what the capacity of Sampanthar,CV, SJV, Amirthalingam, Ramanathan, Arunachalam….? You are like the silly dog bark at the moon in the night.

          • 3

            What have you achieved from the brutal war? Not only you, many in Jaffna also live in an illusion. They talk like they won Eelam and
            developed their Eelam better than Singapore. Therefore, we have to listen to them. Let me tell your reality. You created agony and suffering. You are losers, because you trust foreigners more than your own Tamil and Sinhalese intellectuals. That is why I call you as the most dangerous creatures in Asia. I have been alerting all the Asian leaders as well, especially the Chinese leaders. This year I am planning to publish a book about Sri Lankan Tamils “The dangerous creatures of Asia”.

            You would believe anything, if you believe that a foreign government will take care of yourself, your people and let you to live happily ever after in your motherland, because you trust the foreign power. Certainly, I have seen the disaster in the Middle East and Africa, by following the foreign powers blindly.

            Tamils are not learning from their own mistakes nor from the others’ mistakes. Tamils believe and listen to the West and India. Since last year I have been to many events in the North. But Indian representatives and the Western representatives are taking the center stages as chief guests more than Lankan Tamils or Sinhalese. What does it tell you?

            Tamils talk reconciliation by trusting foreign governments, it will never work. I am trying to educate the Tamil leaders, but it is like straightening a dog tail. I have supported to eliminate the LTTE, and continue to lobby to monitor you all around the world. You have mentioned few Tamil leaders’ names. But you have not mentioned smart Tamils who backed the government and got the world support to wipe out you from this earth. I hope I have given enough til you die.

            • 1

              “I have been alerting all the Asian leaders as well, especially the Chinese leaders”

              Sri Lankan Tamils “The dangerous creatures of Asia”.

              “because you trust foreigners more than your own Tamil and Sinhalese intellectuals.”

              You are a pathetic Karumam my dear friend. Is this the Kind of logic you have written in your entire book? You said you told India and other countries in Asia not to help “Sri Lankan Tamils”-(I come back to this) Then, first tell me whether you did win or lose on your campaign? If you think you had win, why are you blaming the foreigners as they will not help your Sri Lankan Tamils? Aren’t they just listening and doing to what you – the Sri Lankan Tamil is asking? If you think you lost or you could not make any difference, for what hell is that talk is here. Such a hopeless kid you are child, Aren’t you?

              Listen man, please, very, very carefully. I mean really careful… There was never ever Tamils called themselves as Sri Lankan Tamils. There is a word Illankai in Tamil (Ceylon). “Sri Lanka” was never ever translated into Tamil or Tamil-ised. There was never a country named as Sri Lanka. But you are calling yourself Sri Lankan Tamil. Then, again, why hell are you expecting me to reply for your “Sri Lankan Tamils The dangerous creatures of Asia” theory. I am only an Eelam Tamil and you are the only one here the Sri Lankan Tamil. If you want to call yourself as the most dangerous creature of Asia and, further when I am sure it is not affecting me, why do I care about it? I tell you man, even Dayan or Mahindapala do not make comedies like that. Those who are going to buy and read your book have some Mullivaikkal widows’ thaali kodi money. They have to pay it out. That is why they want to read your book.

              You are an illiterate and you never read what others write. Who asked from you Reconciliation? Then who asked from you Tamils Eelam? Ha ha ha ha ha.. Man, tonight you have put your brain inside the termite hill. (Like in the Tamil saying “thalaiyai Karaiyan puthukkkai vaichachupolai”)

              Man, somewhere else you said because Snowden is in Russia he is happy and Assange and others are in the West, so they are not happy. That is the comedy of this millennium man! What a naked liar you are. Assange is literally with in the hands of America. But the British police who are respecting international treaties are not able to arrest and hand him over to America. He is not willing to go to America himself. So there is a standoff. Russia has extracted all what it needed from Snowden. The disappointed fool wants to return to America. But it is not working out for him. To whom you are telling stories? At least, read the news comes out daily Karumum.

              I think I have given enough for your “EarlEarlu Piravikkum” (7X7 births an Aanma needs to achieve moksha -after that no death or birth for it).

              You can write anything. But the problem now for Old King is, he took help from America and after the fooled America. That why he was chased out Temple Tree House with the threat of American troops. He spent lot of Chinese yuan on American lobby firms to defeat Susan Rice and bring John Kerry. But it was Kerry who chased him out of Temple Tree House, before his 6 years term ended. Good achievement!

              • 0

                You need a medical help. You are mental.

    • 4

      “” Without thinking why, even though India got independence through nonviolence.”

      go read about the partition- the bloody independence.-Hindu-Muslim riots. 800 million murdered by Muslims who would capture Lanka with the help of Pakistan.

      India did not get independence because the naked fakir went on satyagraha but both the Muslims and Hindus had guns given to them by Brits during WW2 and London was blitzed needing money from American’s – Marshall plan.

      The politicians of all colours and cohorts of Lanka are thieves(kappan kakko) and it would be a chain reaction for the whole nation to collapse. So don’t expect any prosecutions.

  • 2

    The day after Mahinda publicly challenge to arrest him and his family, Ranil ask Fonaseka to give a press interview on Rajapakse corruptions!

    These guys have no back bone to arrest him?

  • 4

    Field Marshal Fonsek’s mentality was good for a military commander.

    but, it doe snot suit for an old man who believes in buddhism. He has to believe in buddhist vissisitude of firtune or what is called Ata Lo dahama.

    If he lives with this much of hatred or averasion, if he can not forgive his enemies his life in the next world will be a mess.

    • 1

      He will be all right after he offloads his anger. It won’t be for ever!

      Ask any ell qualified counsellor; they would agree that people have the right to be angry and to express it, in this case against a tyrant family that treated him unfairly, unjustly and beyond proportion for exercising his citizen’s right to stand for election to Presidency.

  • 1


    How does MR know Namal & Yositha are his sons only Shiranthi can vouch for that Not MR. but their actions has some resemblance to MR & uncle Gota, That I mean robbing the country

  • 5

    Truth or Non Truth said by FM Fonseka, he is increasingly sounding like Wimal Weerawansa. Unknown to Fonseka, he is bringing disrepute to the Army and the Army Commanders who have served past.

    Pls retire, enjoy times ahead, pray, give dhana; if all this next birth stories are correct, you need it, for you were in command when the white flag incident happened and then the bus loads of surrendees who are now dead..

    So please, stand down, your missions are over.

  • 2

    When they said you was high classed
    Well, that was just a lie!

    You ain’t nothin’ but a hound dog
    Cryin’ all the time!

    You once caught a big rabbit,
    Could not share the joy!

  • 0

    Sarath Fonseka is an opportunistic idiot of the first grade.

    Vel Vidane title is an insult to the title itself.

    Douglas McArthur the 5 Star General and FIELD MARSHALL of the Phillipine Army says the Old Soldiers fade away.
    But what what Fonseka is doing today is an insult to the FM status and to the great military leaders of the world.

    Furthermore, who is the guy who insulted the World Military fraternity by awarding FM status to this low bred ex-Military commander of Sri lanka Army?
    Disgustingly disgraceful.
    Fonseka is now politicising the Field marshall Rank & taking it to the gutters and there by bringing insult to all the FM’s in the world.

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    This is the fundamental fact of 2015 January 9th that counter revolution of so-called ” Rainbow revolution” led by UNP Neo-colonial Party the prepared new political situation in Sri lanka.

    The prior to the Presidential Election 2015 January 9th section of SLFP led by the gang of CBK,TNA, MC and JVP and other petty bourgeoisies of Trotskyist of Tamil “revolutionaries “chauvinist and Trotskyist legal workers of Lawyers and NGO’s clans were in a positions to take refuge ,at least with hint plausibility in the alliance with US, UK, Indian, & Norway had been backing right-wing UNP leadership in the country.

    Sarath Fonseka is one of them that the ex- Army General with UNP politics credential of towards anti-national and anti-democratic front to counter -revolutionary elements funded by Foreign powers.

    They have numbers of the bunch of political parties are became the ruling parties alliance or rather the ruling bloc. All they are responsible and accountable ongoing political, Economical and Social impending catastrophe in Sri Lankan society.

    Not only that SF as well as TNA, Muslim Congress, LTTE, and JVP were ruling bloc. They are responsible for the entire policy of the Sri lanka. Hence now 16 months for the result of rule and misrule by the ‘national government’ of the coalition Ministry and President of SL.
    They are responsible for the facts that most of the Cabinet/Non Minsters represent the parties of counter-revolutionary regime of led by Comprador bourgeoisie of UNP’s.

    Every knows sees and feels that these UNP led Government and Minsters not have kept their posts for a single day with the interest and consent of majority people of our Nation.

    This is typical of new political situation is the final establishment that people of Sri Lankan today follow the blind — path democracy by misled propaganda and political agitation of UNP leadership in minority democracy if first time in history of Sri Lankan pattern of democratic Republic.

    What ever said and done speech of ex-AG or Field Marshall in reality they are preparing for an offensive for rule of democracy at the instance these UNP led allies in keeping with the secret predatory treaties with Indian, USA, UK and UNO-human Rights organization concluded with a view to undermined rule of democracy of People Governances.

    SF is now enriching the USA, UK and Indian of Neo-colonist foreign bourgeoisies.

    Well gentlemen don’t let us go on listing these carrying contradictions. We have indicated enough. Economic dislocations is getting worse, no doubt crisis is imminent. An economic and political disaster is drawing irresistibly near.

    UNP-Ranil W… MS CBK and their Ministers boast that proposed Neo-Liberalism political agenda has resistance broken of MR led progressive and democratic alliance and that make plans for future, by UNPs is miracle of democratic “good governance and rule of law”.

    Needless to say SF speech and past 16 months politics of UNP led by Ranil W…. orthodox governance is the way to disaster. The entire responsibility and accountability for it will fall on the UNP, the section of SLFP of CBK and MS their ruling parties and TNA, MC and JVP bloc. SF is blame everything for MR led progressive and democratic alliances.

    The Global and nation savage howl of anger and fury against MR ruling alliance is a common complaint by UNP, TNA, JVP, MC and CBK led neo-liberal SLFP’s and US UK and Indian about their own looseness.
    UNP and their stooges of SF in majority. They are in power. they have formed a bloc with one another. And they see that noting comes of their own efforts! How can SF and UNP that they help raging against MR leadership and their democratic alliance?

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