11 February, 2025


Forced Cremations A “Tremendous Jolt” To The Muslim Community: Sumanthiran Interview On ABC

The Gotabaya Rajapaksa Government’s mandatory cremation policy was a “tremendous jolt” to the Muslim community in Sri Lanka, Tamil National Alliance Parliamentarian M.A. Sumanthiran who challenged the policy in Supreme Court told an Australian broadcaster this week.


It was “a tremendous jolt to them when they know this is being done not on account of any bona fide belief that this is necessary for health but purely as a racist measure,” the TNA MP told the foreign TV station.

Sumanthiran told ABC that the policy was “terrible for the families because of their fundamental belief that a person who dies must be committed to the earth, and on account of their belief with regard to resurrection and also on account of the belief that fire denotes hell.

Sumanthiran, a president’s counsel, was one of the lawyers who took the controversial cremation policy to the Supreme Court, but the court declined to hear the petitions after several hearings without giving any reasons for their rejection.

“No evidence that the water under the earth can carry the virus. The Muslim community was even willing to have concrete chambers as burial chambers yet the state has steadfastly refused because they have taken a particular position and they don’t seem to want to back off from that,” the Parliamentarian said.

He added that as far as they knew, Sri Lanka was the only country that is refusing burial. “But we have checked and we have found that about 188 countries permit burial for those who die of COVID and WHO has given guidelines for both burial and cremation of Covid-19 victims” Sumanthiran said.

Video of the interview:

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  • 4

    Next we need to discuss family planning in SL now we have done so well to save lives in SL thanks to the GOSL.

    Since Sinhalese have looked after all the Muslims made homeless in 24 hrs in Jaffna & and the Indians in Tea Planation in their space I guess is good to say they also know how to look after the Nation as required tq. Did ABC say something about re homed Muslims in Jaffna since the war ended by the NPC?? and properly homed Tea planation workers in Vanni for good?? Did ABC ask for the legal representation of the Amoriginals of Australia?? not sure but we can provide at anytime…..once we clear all the killings in Jaffna brought to the books tq.

    Is a shame TNA did not goto the front line as soon as the UN withdrew from the war zone to put their life on the line to stand for the human rights. They also would have saved the soldiers life too who saved for them for the past 40 years.

    Is funny we are all dying and being killed and being educated on human rights by the same.

    • 4

      You may have changed your identity but still the petty pathetic creature seeking revenge on all Eezham Thamizh for the untimely death of your turncoat Appa. You will even sleep and praise the devil to achieve this

      • 3

        Just to help you with the burden dude pls take note the following

        Having killed their opponents for working with the GOSL then in 70’s to deliver a future for the people of Jaffna –

        (1) Is a shame TNA did not goto the front line in 2009 as soon as the UN withdrew from the war zone to put their life on the line to stand for the human rights/TNA traitors shield ?? after all they created the LTTE…so what did LTTE knew that we do not know….time you write some substance please.

        (2) Sat with the GOSL for the past 40 years and “only good to identify the Tamil Groups sitting in Military vehicles so they can wipe out any others who may have taken on the FP/TULF folly?? so you ask the TNA to tell the world the missing Tamils NAMES would help the UN do not think so??

        • 3

          (3) Work for foreign agencies to undermine the Tamil causes (to live and enjoy a beautiful land with wonderful Sinhalese and Muslims enriching the life journey) to date…the treachery/treason.

          (4) Demand Indians to live in someones hill country/50-50 /Federalism/not demanding Tamil and Sinhala official language until the Sinhalese passed the Sinhala only then the folly realise they missed the boat/Separatism all by the same lot even after being voted out by the Tamils in 70’s?? Then sell the children to the Indian Mafia so they can brain wash and ready to kill at orders??

          (5) Many politicians you do not like walked around free with no security(no GOSL protection most of the time) taking bullets to prove the point that one is born free a very proud “Tamil Trait” you may not have heard of?? whilst this lot were hiding behind the armed forces and the Indians for their safety having got the wrong side for robbing the Tamils (steeling fro their livelyhood)??

          • 3

            (6). praise the devil to achieve this……I want to drive home into your mind that it is people like you doing that..having delivered only death to the people for being elected.– can you summarise any economical miracle that was done by this lot from 1948 to liberate and empower the folks??

            (7) You are allowed to cohabit but can not tell me anything at gun point as fellow being something you understand as a fundamental law of cohabitation?? even now some of us find it difficult to pick up a gun to kill the killers??

            (8) The reason I set out to write all what was written is to prove the point you live in a world web of lies you tell yourself for all the crooked things you have done????? over and beyond the right to cohabit…a law you have (some of you have taken oath too) blatently abused to survive an invalids journey to glory??

            • 3

              (9) by some simple logic if you are a fair-minded and unfortunate victims you may ask to explain matters to you but you choose to defend all that took place by counter abuse and moire fibs?? where does it leave you dude as a fellow man or a woman??

              (10) Various GOSL’s were tasked with managing you lot as best as possible just as they have to do with JVP too. Where was the discrimination in that?? or you want to lie about it too under oath??

              (11) we all make mistakes in our personal life but take another man down the road with me is not my right to pay a price for my blunders?? a concept of democracy misunderstood rather misused for by the criminals/corrupt for their own ventures??

              (12) every time you abuse it makes me admire the courage shown by those you killed to stand up for the people most amazing people we were fortunate to have been touched by in our lives.

              (13) it is even worse you think you know who I am or the other fellow…instead of focusing on discussing the content that may liberate you and others too you resort to thuggery by words or by deeds??? very familiar…so you heard not from Hon SF MP in response to Hon MP in the inauguration speech summed up matters one has to understand??

              • 3

                Do you know how much of the Tax payers money they have earned since 1948 and have they ever shared that with the families they killed so they can feed themselves??

                Do you know an MP’s job scope as an elected??

                you are not accountable to me but the elected MP’s are?? are young concerned the elected used the children toil the other??? I thought all your comments are about wrong doing and seeking justice in the CT??

                Do you choose what is justice accordingly to your needs?? is called “devils advocacy” ??

                Are you interested in informing the new generations of that did really take place so they make their mind up and shape future accordingly??

                • 3

                  That is why it is impotent you discuss matters leaving the children….the victims out….JVP/Tamil militancy/Armed forces out and focus on party politics.

                  If you want to do that (the above scenario) will also will help you not to be boxed in and have a productive discussion with me??

                  Another matter you kept on repeating as a Mantra on some fraud by the turncoat/money educating children in foreign lands??? are you sure you want to make a complete fool of yourself…………….this is where you look at yourself ask yourself some fundamental equations regards to being a decent human being and earn the right to cohabit is it not??

                  This is also another reason I am here to prove the point how corrupt you all are etc. I am going no where dude and let us start the ball rolling????? all the way to Geneva and the National Front head quarters of every country we live?? shall we?

                  • 2

                    The current hatreds and mistrust that exist amongst communities after the war is a scenario the FP/TULF has to and should be forced to come up with an answer. The one and only scope that is left for the FP/TULF before the trials.

                    It is not for us to pick up these pieces.

                    Should FP/TULF want to fight/inspire people for any causes they should be sent to Tamil Nadu/Malaysia/Singapore/Western Countries with their respective governments approval period apply some of the s*** they tried in our land. Then only you will appreciate the Sinhalese better.

      • 2

        Fact is that it is the racist GMOA and the bunch of clueless doctors who dance to the tunes of the WHO at the MOH and Epidemiology unit who are responsible for the Covid-19 hoax and policy of cremating in Sri Lanka.

        Like New Delhi, Sri Lanka appears to have reached HERD immunity but the GMOA and doctors mafia who are in the pay of big Drug Companies and vaccine manufacturers are pretending otherwise.

        GMOA and MOH has changed the certification of death process forcing all bodies to brought to the General Hospital to pump up the numbers and is now staging a show that a doctor died of Covid-19 although throughout 2020 not a single health worker died of Covid-19 . This is to promote vaccination.
        This show about a doctor (did he get the Vaccine?) is spread fear and sell vaccines..

    • 7

      Sumanthiran brings out the mindlessly obstinate government policy regarding cremation. What we have in Sri Lanka, 72 years after the British left, is not a government but a cabal of half-educated thugs and rapacious businessmen . Sadly, they have been legally elected by a dumb electorate . Still, scientific reasoninh cannot work in a society that thinks astrology is a science.
      I know of no other country that bans the sale of meat on its national day.

      • 0

        old codger.

        …….I know of no other country that bans the sale of meat on its national day……

        Thanks. Yet another piece of evidence to my belief that Srilanka is a land like no other!

    • 4

      Rumble 2021

      “Since Sinhalese have looked after all the Muslims made homeless in 24 hrs in Jaffna & and the Indians in Tea Planation in their space I guess is good to say they also know how to look after the Nation as required tq”

      Really, no kidding?
      I trust you.

      “Is a shame TNA did not goto the front line as soon as the UN withdrew from the war zone to put their life on the line to stand for the human rights.”

      Are you sure TNA didn’t go to the front-line?
      Do you know why they were not allowed to go to the front line?

      Hope you won’t say anything dumb anymore.

      • 1

        Dear NV

        No show at the front line allis know….but who prevented them I have no idea….I thought they were in business of saving Tamils since 1948 and killed a lot of people in the process just to make the point too…….and then no show when it really mattered??

        Except continue to win election after election and very popular amongst the North and East voters?? Council, MP’s, opposition in the parliment and PC’s in all?? meeting with world leaders and extensive travel making case for whatever….also not sure.

  • 18

    Why did Gotler appoint a disgraced judge Mohan Peiris to the UNHRC in Geneva? Because he has no intention of being genuine. What did Mohan Peiris do in Geneva the first chance he got to open his pie hole? Insult the Secretary general and make bogus accusations of the UN being in the clutches of non existent terrorists. These are alternate facts or just damn lies. So his motive for installing Mohan Peiris at the UN is to get him to Lie and dance like a puppet to suit his masters nasty racist wishes. Why does he insists on cremating Muslim Covid dead? Because he is a racist scoundrel. Whats more he knows he can do this while giving the middle finger to his own Muslim justice minister. Ally Sabry will still keep on sucking up to his master like the dirty little sycopahnt that he is. Just like the Kathankudy radicals (Hisbulla, Zaharan etc.)that the Rajapakshes befreinded to break the back of the loyal UNP voting Muslim block. There is no way out of this one. The hard cold truth is that there were Muslims who voted for the Rajapakshe junta for personal gain. This is on them.

    • 4

      Kathankudy Islamic Thulluka radicals were selected for not only to break the UNP Muslim vote block but also to deliberately further the rift between the fake Arab Thravidha South Indian immigrant origin Thullukans and the indigenous Eezham Thamizh population in the east and also to marginalize the eastern Thamizh, who are the real owners of the east. This is why even when these people were openly boasting about how they used their power to steal , private Thamizh and Hindu temple lands , to build supermarkets , shopping centres and beef stalls to benefit the local Muslim Thulluka population , nothing was done. Nether by the Rajapussies nor the Ranil/Sirisena government. As they wanted the Thamizh who are the largest community in the east , to be marginalized and made third class citizens in their own land by the migrant Chingkallams and Thullukans.

      • 3

        No fellow citizen can marginalise the other in their own country??? this is another space you boxed yourself in and trying to get out?? you can not??

        do you agree with all the National fronts of the world when they say they do not want others (not necessarily illegal immigrants) but those who are equally fellow citizens not living amongst them??

        • 4

          Is it not ironic that we all run our politics at the account of the dead being weaponised for our ends…since Independent to be specific.

          • 3

            to this day you have explained to us your understanding how come others live amongst the Sinhalese??

            at least try pls?

  • 4

    Jaffna peninsular has no rivers so it is the ideal place for all burials. A welcoming gesture by a Jaffna district MP.

    • 12

      Hambantota and Galle are ideal place for all burials including yours. I understand Lord Buddha is now lost his civil rights and serve as a slave in the cremation yard.

  • 11

    There is a saying about the Kottoruwa and Kehel Gaha. Similarly the Govt has poked its finger into something which has now drawn international condemnation. Day by day since January 2019 every step this Govt has taken has added another clause against SL Human Rights.

    Now with the violation of the tri party international MOC and the promise of Nandasena to India, they have added another headache.

  • 16

    Make no mistake these extremist sinhala buddhists and their supporters and their sanfron robed terrorist clergy will pay for this racist policy. I hope the foreign bodies add this violation of human rights to the list of things to impose sanctions, travel bans and freezing foreign assets of these extremist sinhala buddhists. Not allowing the Muslims and Christians to bury their loved ones who have passed and forcefully cremating them is such a blatant abhorrent violation of human rights. No mercy should be shown to any of these extremist sinhala buddhists when they’re on their knees begging like the rabid mongrels they are.

  • 1

    How reliable is the COVID information that we are getting?
    How is it that this one-time (supposed) VIP contracting COVID has been almost blacked out?

    • 1


      There are three kinds of lies.

      Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics.
      Applicable to Covid-19 in particular.

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