9 September, 2024


Former Deputy Governor Dr. Wijewardena Says New CB Governor Is A ‘Fearless Economist’

New Central Bank Governor Dr. Indrajit Coomaraswamy has received a thumbs up and has also been described as a ‘fearless economist’ by former Deputy Governor of Central Bank, W.A Wijewardena.

During an interview on the ‘Hot Seat’ programme telecasted on Newsfirst, Wijewardena also said that President Maithripala Sirisena had made a good choice by choosing Coomaraswamy to head Central Bank.

“I am very happy with Dr. Coomaraswamy’s appointment. He has worked with me at the Central bank and he is a fine economist, as well as he is a fearless economist when it comes to economic policy. He has criticized both the previous government policies as well as the current government policies. I think the President has made a good choice by appointing him as the Governor,” Wijewardena said.

Watch the full interview below:

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  • 2

    Oh boy! ….guess the guy has to take a back seat and wait for better times. Hopefully, he’s working towards a peaceful resolution (revolution) towards the bond theft.

  • 7

    So Dr Indrajith Coomaraswamy has the approval of one heavy weight in banking in the country. That is good news for indrajith and the government.
    Now we have to wait for a nod from our good governance activist. But he has a knack of keeping mum at times for example Read: https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/weliamuna-controversy-now-chandra-jayaratne-goes-silent/

  • 1

    Mr Senanayake ‘s main thrust in his interview was that the serious allegation of inside dealing involving the Goernor, his so in law, UNP shaman, malik Samarawickrama ad the prime minister Wickramasinghe should e investigated by the Monetraty committee of the Central Bank, and , AND, f if any insider dealing or suspicion there of was revealed the moetary committe should report to the police for criminal investigation.
    The prime ministernot only overuledthe monetary committee, but made public statement dismissing all allegations andruling out such an inquiry.
    There could be no other prime mister in any westeen democracy who woul condone, protect the perpetrator in out of all the central bank of a country
    It is noteworthy that the colonial masters of the who arevigilant crusaders for elimination of coruption in third word countries have praised Ranil for his Dharmishta/ Yhapalana ,achievements since 8/01/2015.

  • 5

    I’m contemplating the news value of this write up. It carries no substance.

  • 4

    The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

    • 0

      Money is surreal. There is enough and more money in the world to swim as you like it.
      But there are no orders even for Chinese manufacture.- when the west sneezes the east gets the cold.

      My guess is he was appointed because of his former job at the commonwealth and CB. The present Nannygate Scotland is purchaser of votes greater than the shill Sharma so anything can happen like what Obama women are up to and in denial.

      UK is depending on commonwealth trade because `services` to Europe was always a sticking point until American arm twisting.

      Reason – education and trade union qualifications of UK.

      But the world is not that rosy.

  • 0

    [Edited out]

  • 3

    And what is the criteria of a “fearless economist” ?

    • 5

      Buying Greek Bonds!
      Former CB employees spearheaded the canvassing of new CB chief- AM’s last dialogue before his contract finished – lets have more retired CB persons in the bank
      99% of posters don’t read or remember previous CT threads- same as wearing dirty underwear and trying to debate.

  • 3

    Dr. Coomaraswamy was not Ranil’s choice. In his list, he was the third. Ranil’s choice was Charitha Ratwatte who has no credibility to hold such a job. This shows the bankrupt mindset of the person who is leading my country. He wanted to replace one of his ‘Royal’ chummy with another ‘Royal’ buddy without taking the suitability for the job. The issue is what will the foreign investors think about this kind of stupid decisions. Probably, only those investors who are not welcomed in any other country will land in Sri Lanka.

  • 6

    “New CB Governor Is A ‘Fearless Economist”.
    Could this be a case of Mr Wijewardena Damning Coomaraswamy “with faint praise”?

    With jokes like “How many economists does it take to change a light bulb? Seven, plus/minus ten” and “Economists are people who are too smart for their own good and not smart enough for anyone else’s”, calling some one an Economist (good or bad) can’t be taken as sincere praise.

    Is Mr Wijewardena one himself?

  • 4

    He was also a ‘fearless’ wing forward who captained CR and Sri Lanka with great distinction . A true gentleman both on and off the field . It would be a great injustice to compare him to the current crop of old boys of the Reid Avenue school .

    • 3

      All that is well and good in the sports field where folk are watching.

      But when it comes to office procedure anywhere in the world Peter Principal takes precedence Or he gets chucked out with red card.
      Peter P. “The boss is always right.” the boss has many names corrupt, nepot etc.
      Even the queen of England has to serve somebody or she is asked to shut up.

      AM in his last statement had the support of former CB employees trade union so in comes the new man a former employee.

      Watch the new $$ 3 billion bond due soon. After all debt must reach GDP $60 billion soon- `helicopter money` of MR1 to MR2.

  • 0

    Being an appointment of I Kumarasamy as governor of CB is that the most unsuitable move by President of MS by recommend of CBK and UNP Ranil W…of their family friends. Ours national issues cannot be settle by ‘family friendly’ attachment. The National economic issues are that so serious one.

    Well known reasons behind of the blood relationship with CBK decedents of SWRD Banadarakya’s family roots being are more closed an origin of Tamil of generations was become that the most eligible reasons to become candidate for the post of CB governor .

    We have say an openly I Kumarasamy political and ethnic nexus with LTTE outfit is disqualified for the post of CB governor.
    This is Not only the reason of an eligibility of post of CB that by rumour or fabricated story by anybody else. It is an open statement given by I Kumarasamy himself.

    Ours point of view his economic advices to Rajatatanm companies are serious in nature as that inside trading is concern . Such person has been disqualified for the post of CB governor by adding and abating to terrorist out-fit of Tamil- LTTE..

    Well known that Democracy of economic sovereignty demand that CB want the man independent form all forms of Terrorist links.
    Political terrorism undermined that free movement of velocity of money of shifting capital one area to other.

    We are sad to admit, that who has often been very much in the wrong doing in the past by advising wrong movement been suitable to the CB of Sri Lankan is doubtful future of our nation?
    The uncertainties Island money market remain the through out world.

    On that our point of view I think that a thousand times better more correctly fitting any suitable person of Governorship the inside CB for the post of Governor.

    • 1

      Rajaratnam gave more money to the South than the North after the Tsunami. So by your logic, Coomaraswamy (according to you an LTTEr) is a double agent, because he gave economic reports for 10 months to Rajaratnam, who (although no proof was ever submitted in court) funded the LTTE but gave more money to the Sinhalese in the South?

  • 0

    I mean Coomaraswamy(guess that’s the Sinhala-friendly version of Comarasamy), …..besides playing rugby, seems to be wearing foundation-cream these days…..and I’ve seen Ranil wearing lipstick
    :( …..not that there is anything wrong with male make-up…..(i’m not being homophobic or anything…..just observant).

  • 2

    Dr. Wijewardena has failed to advise as to why Dr.Coomaraswamy was not considered for a higher position on formation of the govt. in 2015. In addition to his qualifications, he also had an additional qualification as an old Royalist, which is required these days. Was he
    not available or was he not chosen due to petty jealousies among the Royalists.This position is a come down for Dr. Coomaraswamy as CB is not handling a trillion dollar economy and had he been selected to lead the financial planning dept, with all Govt.financial institutions
    with CB also coming under him, it would have made sense as he would have found answers for our financial woes by now. We should make full use of the talent available in the country and curb the flight of talent by giving due place for the educated and qualified people,
    irrespective of cast or creed,instead of dumping the unqualified persons in Govt.service. This is what India did and they succeeded with a vibrant economy. Sri Lankan airlines is an example of waste
    of millions of dollars due mismanagement by unqualified men.

    Dr. Wijewardena described Dr, Coomaraswamy as a fearless economist and lets wait and see how he will cope with Govt. interference and Jnt. opp’s criticisms of various plans and put his plans through success-

    • 0

      Lanka Watch,

      Well, I’m sure they would have had to follow racial quotas in allocating governmental positions. Not sure if this is explicit in the constitutional, but it is implicit in natural national order of most countries around the globe, including America.

      Guess Coomaraswamy (and Mahendran) are needed in the banking sector to handle the massive Tamil diaspora investments (and there’s a huge lot from Raj Rajaratnam money stolen from America that they are exonerating as long as Sri Lanka forms required US alliances).

      These are the Port-City possibilities US is allowing us:

      1) N&E Port-City that this comes with Separatism.

      2) Unified Lanka Port-City in Colombo. This comes with compromise, where Tamil diaspora is installed country-wide, with Tamils having a large stake in financial and political positions.

      Current GoSL, naturally jumped at the 2nd option.

    • 1

      The reason is none of the above. The reason is that he refused initially, having been a first pick.

      • 1

        Bagehot – I accept your version. Regards

  • 1

    “Former Deputy Governor Dr. Wijewardena Says New CB Governor Is A ‘Fearless Economist’”

    There is no relationship between being fearless and being an economist. CB governing is not wrestlemania fighting which requires fearlessness nor CB governing is an isolated business devoid of running government’s concerns and aspirations. First the government must survive for the governor to exist. If Mara regime type rogue regime comes into being there won’t be CG governing but ball sucking.

    “Wijewardena also said that President Maithripala Sirisena had made a good choice by choosing Coomaraswamy to head Central Bank”

    Who the hell told him that Coomaraswamy was selected by MS? The constitution says Governor will be named by PM and President will confirm the selection. Is there a secret constitution that is only available to WAW and we don’t have a clue about it which empowers President to make the selection and appointment?

    ““I am very happy with Dr. Coomaraswamy’s appointment. He has worked with me at the Central bank and he is a fine economist, as well as he is a fearless economist when it comes to economic policy.”

    This old man does not say Mahendran too worked with him and WAD had getting on with him problems. The bugger who interviewed WAW frequently seen loitering at Sirasa Gossip mandiya smearing mud at Arjun. Good pair of clowns, well maching, like jadiyata moodiya wage! This is like horage ammagen pena ahanawa wage!

    “He has criticized both the previous government policies as well as the current government policies.” When? And where? We didn’t see any! If criticising be the criteria then we have the world’s best CB governors in the so called Ekabadda Vipakshaya, and awful lot too!

    It is not this wal baila that will guide the people understand the difference, if any, between the current Coom’y and former AM. It will be the modus operandi of the two, whether the latter will follow a course of actions completely different from that of the former in pursuing the monetary aspirations of the government. If WAW is to claim credibility for himself and for what he has uttered so far on this matter he has to prove with evidence the difference in measures of the two in fulfilling their duties.

  • 0

    [Edited out]

  • 1

    What a fearless Economy we having in Sri lanka?
    What is that role of as a Governor of CB has to be protected nation economy and undertaken by I.Kumarasamy?

    This is an economic nonsense that underestimated and misinterpreted by W.Wijewaradan ! He give credit I.Kumarasamy on what political ground?

    The aim of reforms economic are really that want break the backbone of CB and entire Economy will leads to surrender national economic sovereignty by UNP Ranil W… of that laid NEW foundation of that agent of New Singaporean growing Tamil political classes.

    The Role of current UNP leadership that basic the aim is shifted into ownership means of production of island to by and large outright sell to Singhoporean business magnets of US back companies and Tamil diasporas.

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