14 February, 2025


Frustration In The North Amidst Reconciliation Rhetoric      

By Jehan Perera

Jehan Perera

The frustration within the Tamil polity at the failure of the government to treat them fairly and address their grievances is taking a new turn in parliament. Unable to reason with those who hold the majority of votes, Tamil parliamentarians are taking to non-violent action over words. Those political parties that represent ethnic and religious minorities rarely if ever have sought to physically disrupt the proceedings in parliament, one reason being their paucity of numbers. Almost without exception, physical protest actions in parliament have been the preserve of the ruling party and main opposition parties. The nadir of such clashes was seen in rowdy behavior in parliament during the abortive constitutional coup of 2018 when then Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe was sacked without warning by his erstwhile ally, President Maithripala Sirisena.

Parliamentarians belonging to the Tamil and Muslim political parties have seldom if ever got into physical action in parliament but have restricted themselves to verbal exchanges to express their dissent in parliament. However, last week, parliamentarians representing Tamil political parties in parliament went into the well of parliament for the second time in the past six months to physically register their protest. The resort to physical action could be the last resort of those whose peaceful actions and words have had no positive response, where they are disregarded or simply outvoted by the ethnic majority parliamentarians. The greater activism being demonstrated by Tamil parliamentarians at the present time would be a reflection of the brick wall style responses they have been getting from the government.

The parliamentarians were protesting against the arrest of eight civilians who were conducting religious rites in view of the Maha Shivaratri Day on 8 March at the site of an ancient Hindu shrine in the north and their continued detention. The eight civilians including the chief priest of the Hindu temple at the Vedukkunarimalai archaeological site in Nedunkerny had been arrested by the police for allegedly trespassing into the premises in disregard of a Court order previously issued that had rejected their request to permit the religious rites to take place. The Tamil MPs demanded the release of the eight civilians, claiming that the arrests were made based on false allegations presented by the government authorities, namely those from the archaeology department.

Necessary solidarity

Opposition Leader Sajith Premadasa also demonstrated solidarity with the protestors noting that everyone should be able to practise their own faith freely, which is a Fundamental Right enshrined in the Constitution. He opined that such incidents could be a violation of the citizens’ rights. The opposition leader’s willingness to cross ethnic lines is one of the signs of national leadership that the country needs at this juncture. The opposition leader also demanded that the Inspector General of Police (IGP) should be summoned before the Parliament for advice on such matters. The Department of Archaeology has become increasingly active and assertive in the Tamil-majority north and east and has restricted public access to some Hindu temples, citing ongoing “archaeological research” in the historic sites.

Even though not reported in much detail outside the north, people living in the north are disturbed at the increase in the number of new Buddhist structures and shrines coming up in the Northern Province, where Hindus form the largest religious group, followed by Christians and Muslims. In the east too, a site of worship at Mavadivembu has been curtailed by being deemed to be an archaeological site, which has gone before the courts. There is a concern these are attempts to plant Sinhalese settlers in their midst who will, at a later date, make claims to the land. There is a need for the police, as well as all state authorities, to be made to understand the importance of understanding the larger context in which actions take place, rather than give priority to their own community’s view of what is justifiable.

Just three days after the fracas in parliament, President Ranil Wickremesinghe went north to Jaffna to preside over the granting of over 234 acres of military-controlled land back to their owners. He handed over 408 land deeds to the people of Jaffna as part of the Urumaya programme, which aims to provide land rights to 2 million individuals. He instructed officials to ensure the completion of the Urumaya freehold deeds programme by June, which would be the deadline for the government to give direct benefits to targeted groups according to election laws forbidding such practices. President Wickremesinghe also attended the opening ceremony of the new accident and emergency care unit of Point Pedro Base Hospital. He gave tokens of appreciation to Netherlands Ambassador Bonnie Horbach from where a concessionary loan had been used for medical equipment provided to the hospital.

Necessary Solution 

The country is poised for elections and the actions of political actors, including the president and Tamil parties, are influenced by this reality. The president’s main source of credibility with the ethnic and religious minorities has been his long track record of liberal as against nationalist politics. He was one of the few supporters of the 13th Amendment when it was co-designed in 1987 by his uncle then President JR Jayewardene as a solution to the ethnic conflict, in which power would be devolved to the provinces. Soon after being elected president in 2022, he struck a responsive chord with the Tamil community by affirming the importance of the 13th Amendment and the need to fully implement it. This would necessarily include the devolution of land and police powers to the provincial councils, from which there now appears to be backtracking and has yet to happen.

In the case of the Vedukkunarimalai archaeological site in the north, which the Tamil worshippers went to engage in their traditional rituals, the land is under the central government and so is the police. Those who are based at the central government level will tend not to be mindful of the aspirations of people who live at the periphery. They are often too steeped in majoritarian sentiment. This was also to be seen three months ago in the east of the country, where the president went to meet the people and to be apprised of their problems. The most emotive one was the problem of dairy farmers of Mayilathamadu whose traditional pasture lands were being taken over the illegal settlements in the area. In that case too, parliament proceedings were interrupted due to a protest staged by members of the Tamil political parties who pointed out that the farmers have been protesting over the alleged illegal settlements in the grazing lands to no avail, with the police not following judicial orders.

As the election draws nearer, the speeches of the main political protagonists get more eloquent and more meaningful. They all demonstrate a clearer analysis of the ethnic and national problem than the political leaders of yore which gives a measure of hope that the protracted ethnic conflict is nearing its end. Indeed, the main leaders appear to be on the same page in terms of their analysis. The speeches of JVP presidential candidate Anura Kumara Dissanayake, for instance, give a step by step description of how divisive nationalism was used from the very dawn of independence in 1948 by politicians who sought to win elections through the politics of ethno-religious identity. Now these leaders, who have a clear grasp of what the problem is, need to give a solution which will entail land and police powers to the provinces to overcome the frustration in the north and east.

Latest comments

  • 33

    One of the big troublemakers in the North and East is Vidura Wickremanayake M.P., who is the Minister of Buddhasasana, Religious, and Cultural Affairs. It is his covert backing, along with that of certain others, that encourages the Police to defy even court orders and obstruct the Hindus from conducting their religious rituals at Vedukkunaarimalai and other historic sites of importance to the Tamils. The Police and the Saffronistas badly disrupted and ruined the observance of Mahasivarathri recently, which is one of the most sacred days of the year for Hindus. Of course, President Ranil Wickremasinghe is deaf and dumb to all these happenings. The Sinhala and English media also did not cover any of these outrages!

    • 13

      (Part I)
      “Of course, President Ranil Wickremasinghe is deaf and dumb to all these happenings”!!
      True enough, he is trying to give discounts on Electricity Bill for Northern Province for Agricultural Use – announced on behalf of the beholden by the MORE “deaf and Dumb” actor, Minister of Agriculture, Amaraweera!!??
      Please correct me if I am wrong, in my experience The Jaffna Households use ELECTRICITY, JINASENA ELECTRIC pumps for DOMESTIC HOME USE, as most places lack, pipe-borne water as AVAILED in the rest of the country, SL!!?? Not for AGRICULTURAL USE!!??? Agricultural use in my days was the Wolseley Diesel (single or twin cylinder) Later Kirloskar and Villiers Kerosene Pumps!!??
      This proposed concession by Amaraweera, tweaked by RW, or his minions is Non-Starter, Brainless idea, which is confined to the Bin, even before you get your “hand on the cranking handle”, ‘BURNING HIS HANDS’, being NON- AGRI use, becoming ineligible for rebate/Discount!!!??? If my memory stands good, 40-50 years ago, remember Agriculturalists getting their Diesel/Petrol Pumps (mostly 2- wheeled Trolley Mounted units) from one LOT, WELL to the WELL in the next LOT, in the morning, trailed by their MF Tractors or 2 wheeled Kubota’s, from multiple wells

    • 12

      (Part II)
      as they were very small-holdings and well output does get exhausted and avoided to prevent salinity!!!???
      This shows clearly, how the politicians are divorced from reality – DIVERGENCE OF CENTRE AND PERIPHERY – which on one hand demonstrates the Impractical proposal!!?? Electric Pumps not used for Majority agriculture, but domestic use – doesn’t qualify for proposed REBATE OR DISCOUNT at end of Day!!!??? Jaffna man taken for RIDE, once again to GRAB his VOTE!!!???
      This DIVERGENCE OF CENTRE AND PERIPHERY IN POLICY MAKING is a good example for supporting the CALL for DEVOLUTION or FEDERAL governance in SL!!!??? We need no more “GOOF-UPS”!!??
      If the President does not correct this ill-founded and non-realist idea, He may “COME-A-CROPPER”, come election day in early October 2024!!!??? Is this an entrapment to void the claim to RW’s higher Office as ELECTED EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT!!???
      May not be deliberate, Intentional when you intend to CLIMB, Motto is CHECK, CHECK, RECHECK!? Otherwise, cost is irreparable and immeasurably, and exhaustingly very COSTLY repercussions, which none expects!!??

  • 15

    This is nothing but another propaganda rhetoric of Jehan PhD hoping to soften Tamils and make sure Evil is saved from the NPP. Tamils should not vote for UNP-SLFP union candidates, who are keeping under their bootstrap for 75 years. But thanks to Jehan PhD for honestly (dishonestly attempting to hide) that Evil was part of the master trick, Junius Richard and his team played after they walked to Kandy and created 1956, 1958, 1977, and 1983 which went up to IPKF coming to Langkang. Jehan PhD has no shame at all to twist the uncle and the nephew to beat Rajiv Gandhi to get off Ceylon; when that failed, they created 13A under the Indo- Lanka Pact. India did not finish the IPKF’s project. Jehan PhD can beat his drum that they successfully cheated Tamils and India, by writing a subheading (13A) within the constitution as memorandum provision, which will have no constitutional validity. That is like a preamble in a resolution document. During the Secret Solution negotiation, Evil made M.P Sumanthiran the lowest Modaya in Langkang, by destroying the TNA and practically reversing the 13A by using its weak election.
    Jehan PhD, the Koolukkum Paadi Kanchikkum Paadi, sly old fox was in the front-line making Protest 2022 fail by insisting Evil to take over otherwise the country would descend into anarchy. Tyrant Allies’ Kuyukkthi is worse than anarchy.

  • 17

    “One of the big troublemakers in the North and East is Vidura Wickremanayake M.P., who is the Minister of Buddhasasana, Religious, and Cultural Affairs.”
    We cannot differentiate between individuals in relation to Buddhsit Sinhala Fundamentalism. If Vidura is a problem why he was given that ministry by liberal man Ranil. Ranil is no different to Vidura. Why Ranils need to release our lands to our people? This is the game plan going through decades by Buddhist Sinhala leadership. Enough is enough. No more excuses for Tamil leadership. All the militant groups who took arms have now become political parties. What a shame on you? why did you take arms against Govt? Do you think that you can get anything from Sinhalese leadership? Tamils don’t need political parties and political leaders. Tamils need a liberation organisation who are prepared to sacrifices and lead the people towards against the oppressive regime. You don’t need arms? You don’t need negotiations! You don’t need to beg your neighbours or elsewhere. You are all the rights to demand justice.

  • 2

    “Frustration In The North Amidst Reconciliation Rhetoric”
    What else could JP expect from rhetoric? Long lasting peace and satisfaction?

  • 17

    Reconciliation has been a talk-shop my entire life …… looks like there’s going to be no reconciliation anytime soon …….. if there’s reconciliation, it’ll kill the goose that lays the golden eggs for Jehan …… so he’ll keep on reconciliation-ating till he dies.

    It’s a doubled edged sword …….. Jehan has to keep on talking about reconciliation …….. while at the same time wishing it never happens.

    Why can’t I find this kind of easy work for a living? ……… Some guys have all the luck!

    This guy looks like from “The Planet of the Apes” ……. 0:25 ……… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gFKMz4-q5o …….. perhaps he’s the guy to bring about reconciliation ……

    Native, is that you? …….. New disguise, when your boy Ranil is heading for his Waterloo?

  • 21

    The archaeology department will get active as elections near. The Rajapakse-Ranil faction needs an ethnic crisis before the elections badly. So, we will have claims to several Buddhist sites though these were Mahayana sites belonging to Tamil Buddhist in the past. Historically, Tamils were Buddhists. There are still Mahayana Buddhist sites in active worship in Tamilnadu. So, why does the archaeology department hide the fact that these are sites that were made by Tamil Buddhists as in fact several of the sites in the South were intended to be Mahayana sites now converted into sites of perverse Sinhala Buddhism. The Tamils have an interest in claiming these back so that the purity of the Buddhism of kindness, humanity and non-violence preached by Gautama the Buddha are kept intact.

  • 4

    27th March, 2024
    To: Jehan Perera
    You often writes about reconciliation but I am beginning to think you are mistaken. I do not think Tamil people want anything like reconciliation. Or self- determination for that matter. What they really seem to want is for Sinhalese people to submit to their authority. Same old… same old… stuff… When Ponnambalam wanted 50:50 instead of universal franchise, making a mockery out of democracy. This time instead they want India to intervene. Intervene in the form of occupying Sri Lanka, at least the North and the East, and then ensure Tamil people enjoy their rights and freedoms. Some wait for a third world war, yes you heard it right, a third world war, for this to happen; and some for Ranil to win the Presidential Elections and then fail – so India could justify it’s occupation of Sri Lanka – while some others seem to think that it would simply happen in any case soon after the completion of upcoming elections in India. Of course there’s the one who has always been thinking that Sri Lanka is already a colony of India. But as usual he is a little disillusioned.

    • 3

      Something to do with the age, may be. While this seems to be the expectation of at least some of the Tamil people, including some of their none Tamil sympathizers, government sponsored Sinhalisation of North and East is alleged to be continuing, to which all of them vehemently oppose. But Indianisation of Sri Lanka seems to be a fair game for most of them. Might in which case appears to be right. Whether it is purely in response to the hegemony of the majority, Chauvunist Sinhala Buddhist Racists, that is alleged to be at the root of all woes of the country, or something they would desire and working towards in anycase is still unclear. Given the ideology aligns itself with India’s expansionist attitude, it’s dream of a greater India, Bharat, I am beginning to think may be it’s the latter. May be something for you to investigate, Dr. Perera!?
      Thank you!

    • 20

      Delusions? or the usual disinformation campaign typical of Sinhala Buddhist fascists?

      Equating comments on the CT forum to be representative of consensus of the population or ground realities is unintelligent.

      All in all, more litter.

      • 2

        “Equating comments on the CT forum to be representative of consensus of the population or ground realities is unintelligent.

        All in all, more litter.”
        Well then I have to presume some or rather a fair proportion of Tamil authors and commenters on CT produce litter that does not reflect ground reality.
        It’s not my peoblem then that they don’t write anything that is reflective of ground reality!
        Gigo –
        Garbage in. Garbage out.

        • 1


        • 19

          Don’t confuse opinion pieces penned by authors and the readers’ comments to be news journalism. Often readers express opposing opinions to the authors’ views. Different authors express opposing views amongst themselves. The authors themselves often display their political agendas.

          The CT forum isn’t a scientific survey. We better read and digest intelligently.

          If you come here with an agenda, for example, whitewash history to exonerate Sinhala Buddhist fascists, then what you end up doing at every chance is display your agenda.

          Come here principled. Come without deception. I’m working at it too, Ruchira.

          • 0

            I have no confusion. My responses are based on opinion pieces and comments published here.
            If my agenda is being displayed, it’s probably because I haven’t been interested in hiding them. So there’s no deception.
            However I can’t be responsible for your interpretation of my agenda.
            You are free to work at anything you are interested in working at… so please carry on… I have no objections.

            • 14

              Okay, Ruchira, what is your agenda here? Please lay it out for us so we aren’t misinterpreting anything you have posted.

              • 2

                “I wish Trump becomes the next US president. The US citizens deserve a taste of their own medicine and Trump as far as I can see is the best.
                I have not kept myself all that well informed about the recent politics in the USA but I can vouch that Harris woman is useless, she infact is a disgrace to American women. It looks like the US too like Sri Lanka is suffering from lack of credible leaders. Shit happens. Especially when you kick out the leaders like Mr. Bernard Sanders. Now you all are back at square one. Faced with difficult choices. Placed inbetween a rock and a hard place. It would be interesting to see how the US resolve this leadership crisis. I am sure there are parallels to what is happening in Sri Lanka.If anyone wants to see it that way. The time has come for a new beginning that transcends old values to usher a new era. The US can either take the lead or let the old royalty do the leading and bow humbly to their authority.”

              • 16

                “You are free to work at anything you are interested in working at… so please carry on… I have no objections.”
                That seems to be a often-used escape phrase. Also claims of “misinterpretation “.
                “Well then I have to presume some or rather a fair proportion of Tamil authors and commenters on CT produce litter that does not reflect ground reality.” Well then, why treat them as representative?
                The reference to Tamils is revealing.

              • 11

                Dear Sugandh,
                If you study his comments closely, it is self-explanatory. They are more busy with “Sinhalaness” than “Sri Lankanness”.
                Lester destroys the water and his keeper (Ruchira) makes every effort to clean the water.
                Many of us are more or less dumbfounded today because Ruchira Baba is misusing the web space. This forum was a very good one where we exchanged a lot on a wide range of critical issues. Time passed, we had intelligent communication in CT. Good luck to srilanka !

                • 8

                  SRILANKA IS WONDERLAND.
                  Watch this video

                  The world over to you….. do we have independent courts in this country ?

                • 10

                  Dear LM:

                  I took a look at the link you had provided elsewhere yesterday and was impressed by the confidence and the diligence those children exhibited in conveying their opinions to our incumbent President, Ranil W.


                  Though I didn’t understand what was said in Sinhala, it occurred to me that politics and politicking are further away from the minds of these school children. It’s the same with the school children whom I know… They are busy with school and after school tuition classes and their aspirations of success.

                  At some point, political participation is unavoidable. Is it at that point, our children are taught disunity?

                  It’s better that they leave Sri Lanka and leave behind the inevitable poison, fascist politics.

                  • 5

                    Most of them were only in Sinhala so I had no other options. I’m sorry about that. We need many more journalists who will send the message in English and Tamil.

                    • 7

                      Dear Rational Thinkers over to you ! May this be food for your thoughts.

                      As we all know, we are short of leaders in Sri Lanka today. curse on to needless brutal war for 3-lost decades.
                      But about RW, all I feel today is:
                      Never judge people by their past.
                      People learn,
                      people change
                      People move on.
                      —–GAUTHAMA BUDDHA

                  • 5

                    At least two of them asked for more practical education with less emphasis on exams, which I feel is reasonable.

                    • 3

                      Thanks, o.c. I gathered it was along those lines since they used the English words ‘practical’ and ‘theory’. Cheers.

          • 2

            “If you come here with an agenda, for example, whitewash history to exonerate Sinhala Buddhist fascists”

            What about brainwashing 5 year old children (orphans) to become suicide bombers, do you consider that some kind of act of charity?


            “Come here principled.”

            What principles do you have, if you refuse to condemn the LTTE as terrorists? You have the moral integrity of Osama Bin Laden.

            • 0

              Lester –
              Do you know why this strong animosity? At least in part? Because I asked you and some others that includes LankaScot to write your own articles!
              Additionally I gave a couple of contacts along with credentials of local geneticists who have been involved in so called genetic studies of Sri Lankan people for him to write and request an explanation of their studies in a language that laymen could understand, which he seems to have done.
              In passing I also mentioned that I need to find out how people publish on CT, because I had previously told LankaScot that I may be able to ask some of the aforementioned geneticists to write about their work to CT.
              Suddenly some people seem to have threatened by such initiatives. Hence the heavy assault on my own language skills, spelling, grammar mistakes etc etc. They are trying to demoralize me of first commenting and then potentially writing my or our point of view on matters duscussed here, officially to CT to be published.
              It seems to be a joint effort by their part.

              • 0

                Did you see how some people were going out of the way to promote that article by a certain Cardiologist and of course another geriatrician that commented there?
                They were merely trying to establish credibility of their authors/commenters saying that they have these these credentials etc etc.
                Because it was that cardiologist once wrote something about genetic studies which me and LankaScot openly criticised.
                This is in response to my directing LankaScot to some geneticists who are Colombo based and Sinhalese.
                This whole behaviour of them is rather comic. I am thoroughly enjoying the show.
                Not even UOJ academics are spared of this nonsensical behaviour it seems. The latest addition/victims being their star – Hoole!
                Their lack of honesty, integrity and intellectual banckruptcy is being revealed with each move they make.
                So as usual they have to pre-emptively accuse the other party to make themselves appear legitimate. Another strategy they use – Accuse First. So the opponents would be busy defending themselves instead of making cogent responses to their various dubious claims.

                • 0

                  Then I am not sure if you noticed, dirty old codger posted a link to a news item about certian possible irregularities involved in an Ayurvedic product made by University of Colombo and marketed locally. That product had originated from: https://www.ibmbb.cmb.ac.lk/ where one of the geneticists I mentioned to LankaScot works! So dirty old codger was trying to make the particular institute look bad! It looks like this is how they have been going on here to make Sinhalese particularly Biddhists and their institutes look bad! It’s part of their agenda. Being principled is a hardly a trait they themselves display, with my apologies to Sinhala Man that includes his friend Hoole too… to cover their own sorry behaviours up they have to accuse us of various wrong doings…. pre- emtively before we accuse them of the same… this what they have been working at… they somehow seem to think and want to portray that they are the good guys here.

                  • 10

                    The article I linked to was published in a national newspaper, the Sunday Times.
                    Why do those who think that the article threatens the credibility of Sinhala Buddhism approach its editor?
                    It is bad enough to be a fascist. But being a paranoid fascist is worse. Paranoid fascists want to censor the media for their own benefit.

                  • 1


                    It seems like they have an agenda which must be protected at any cost. There are certain theories/assumptions which suit this agenda very well. For example, unproven genetic studies (genetics is just based on probabilities anyway), re-writing of Sinhalese history, vilification of Mahavamsa, victimization of SL Tamils (while ignoring that Tamils in Toilet Nadu tried the same tactics starting in 1926), and of course portraying Rajapakse as a war criminal (while being 100% silent on SF, who was the real mastermind behind the war). The other topic they seem insensitive to is “Vellalar”. They don’t want to admit that VP was inspired by Periyar, to the extent of wiping out the Vellalar leadership.

                    Like you said, they are impervious to any correction. Wild wolves howling in the wind. The godfather of the pack was buried 6 ft under in 2009, the rest of the group is desperate for some leadership. Ironically they are turning to septuagenarian RSS fanatic Modi.

                    • 0

                      *sensitive to

                    • 1

                      Lester – Yes. You are correct. Their hypocrisy is out on display. They blame Gota while protecting SF. They blame Mahinda while protecting Ranil. Then try to lecture us on being principled. Yes. Sinhala Buddhists are racists. Modi and his BJP/RSS lot are all very liberal and secular.

                    • 1

                      Lester –
                      The comment you had made about the comparison between the ECG and Oscilloscope was right on the spot. I was tempted to comment but I have found out that the idiot isn’t worth the effort.
                      The self proclaimed fully literate, half brained prick also thinks that:
                      ” a native doctor who predicted heart attacks and possible blockages just by touching the patient’s wrist pulse.”
                      It is possible , with experience, to do just that.”
                      I have no idea how you could engage in any meaningful discussion with someone like that!
                      Did I hear someone say ultracrepidarian!?

                    • 0

                      And when the fellow run out of arguments, he let his fully literate foul mouth take the lead!
                      “Hopefully no one is hiring you to design bridges.”
                      Do you design bridges for the sh.t mill? With an oscilloscope? The same way that astrologers use Calculus?”
                      He seem to suffer from a complex that still hasn’t been identified and fully defined.
                      Could be a landmark case for an interested psychologist/psychiatrist!

                  • 14

                    Your posts display astoundingly childish immature behaviour, Ruchira.

                    • 1

                      “Your posts display astoundingly childish immature behaviour,”
                      So what’s the problem?

                    • 8

                      Sensitive people recognize it easily. Thank you.

                      I think so too.
                      I have mentioned his inconsistency here several times. His start was very meaningful though. But bad company (Lester) seems to have distanced him from reality.

                      He brags about his private school. However, he should practice before commenting on anything.

                      Some of his comments were mean to me. I was speechless.

                  • 11

                    “here to make Sinhalese particularly Biddhists and their institutes look bad!”
                    So, the Institute of Biochemistry is run exclusively for Sinhala Buddhists? What an astounding revelation!. Even I wasn’t aware of that, but thank you for being so honest.

                  • 10

                    Does the “University of Colombo” fall in the category of “Sinhalese particularly Biddhists and their institutes”?
                    Very interesting!

                    • 1

                      My mistake. Everything in the North and East belongs to Tamils. Because there are no Sinhalese there. The rest are all National assets.

              • 3

                Hello Ruchira,
                I follow some of the subjects on Academia.edu and occasionally comment on the Academic Papers. Some of the discussions are quite robust, but usually within professional guidelines of conduct etc. Contributors are of many nationalities and ethnicities, some with excellent English, some less adept, but it makes no difference. There are papers on Archaeology, Genetics, History and even Buddhist Consciousness (Wenge Huang).
                Here on CT there is a fundamental split into two camps (Tamil and Sinhala) with exceptions. Given that the Scots are still bitter about the Massacre of Glencoe (13 February 1692) and The Battle of Culloden ( April 1746) where Butcher Cumberland ordered “No Mercy” for survivors, it is no wonder that the massacre of Civilians in the North in 2009 is still extremely painful to the Tamil population.
                I didn’t realise how ingrained Hindutwa Historiography has become, such that it even misconstrues Archaeological Findings/Reports https://scroll.in/article/893308/why-hindutva-is-out-of-steppe-with-new-discoveries-about-the-indus-valley-people
                I think that this is the reason that Academics here in Sri Lanka refuse to take on such a contentious subject as the DNA/Genetic History of the Ethnic Groups.
                Here is one of the best articles that I have read recently https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.aat7487
                Best regards

                • 8

                  Hello LankaScot,
                  the beginning of massacre of Tamil civilians by the SriLankan State dates back a few decades prior to 2009. The pain was long lived by 2009, but certainly exponentially more inflicted in 2009. I think you’re aware of it.

                  New scientific findings take some time for the population to digest when so much folklore has been ingrained as well as prior publications have influenced with conflicting theories.
                  It would be nice to have all camps on the same page but I don’t know what that solve in Sri Lanka.

                  • 9

                    Till recently, there were lots of people who literally believed that one of their female ancestors had been impregnated by a raunchy feline.
                    The numbers are less nowadays, maybe due to sex education via mobile phones. But there are many still around who feel it’s demeaning to admit that their ancestry may be mixed.

                • 6

                  Dear LS,
                  “I think that this is the reason that Academics here in Sri Lanka refuse to take on such a contentious subject as the DNA/Genetic History of the Ethnic Groups.
                  Here is one of the best articles that I have read recently https://www.science.org/doi/full/10.1126/science.aat7487“

                  Thank you for this link LS.
                  I don’t think it’s limited to DNA studies, but to many other fact-based information. Many people are allergic. Not only in SL, but it is common to south asian thinking, I guess.

                  To tell you the truth, many people don’t care about genetic mutations when it comes to cancer, however, they prefer to follow witchcraft and sorcery assuming that it will give them relief far more than the actual cures

                  Unfortunately, the consequences are dire, with patients unable to undergo timely treatment and ending their lives prematurely.

                  One example from my circles is that a cousin of mine is said to have believed in a native doctor who predicted heart attacks and possible blockages just by touching the patient’s wrist pulse.
                  Later we came to know that all these were just false explanations.

                  • 5

                    ” a native doctor who predicted heart attacks and possible blockages just by touching the patient’s wrist pulse.”
                    It is possible , with experience, to do just that. An electrocardiograph, which is the tool used for the same purpose nowadays, only converts the heart’s waveform into something visible. I use oscilloscopes, and have found that if the waveform is in the audible range, one can tell the difference by ear.
                    Ayurveda gets a bad name due to fake practitioners who claim to diagnose even cancer by putting a finger on your pulse.
                    Just as an astrologer doesn’t need to know calculus to predict a lunar eclipse, a good physician can diagnose many things with a simple stethoscope.

                    • 6

                      Thank you OC, I know it well for our projects. Let’s say we use the term ” an angiogram” . I don’t 100% trust lanken native doctors predicting heart blockages, however, there are more sensible methodologies to draw conclusions about them today than they were a few years ago.

                      I dont mean that native doctors have no good predictions about etiology of vascular diseases, however, we cant rely on 100%. I have got enough examples to prove that as of today.

                      I respect alternative medicine but even ultra sinhala racist Nalinda De Silva albeit his stinky critics against western medicine, got his bypasses done thanks to western medicine.

                      There are echocardiography and angiography that reveal a lot for radiologist that save the life of the masses today. People in west are reliend on them round the clock.

                      Such angiograms identify blockages (occlussions) throughout the body for easy guidance. Non-invasive and minimally invasive methods are the advanced techniques used by vascular surgeons today.

                    • 5

                      The problem is that even when native doctors detect heart problems, there is little they can do about it. No bypasses, stents, or whatever.

                    • 1

                      “An electrocardiograph, which is the tool used for the same purpose nowadays, only converts the heart’s waveform into something visible.”

                      Amateur comparison. An ECG is very different from an oscilloscope. The interpretation of an ECG waveform requires specialized knowledge of the heart.

                      “I use oscilloscopes, and have found that if the waveform is in the audible range, one can tell the difference by ear.”

                      Hopefully no one is hiring you to design bridges.

                      “a good physician can diagnose many things with a simple stethoscope.”

                      Just skip the whole process of clinical testing, why not use the Quran or Bible to diagnose the patient? Similar to investing, why waste time analyzing financials when insider trading is effortless?

                    • 4

                      “Hopefully no one is hiring you to design bridges.”
                      Do you design bridges for the sh.t mill? With an oscilloscope? The same way that astrologers use Calculus?

                • 1

                  LankaScot – Yes. I agree. I have been on many online fora too. This is by far the worst. Thanks for the links you have provided.
                  “Here on CT there is a fundamental split into two camps (Tamil and Sinhala) with exceptions.”
                  Yes. You are right. I can remember alerting you to this sometime back.
                  “I think that this is the reason that Academics here in Sri Lanka refuse to take on such a contentious subject as the DNA/Genetic History of the Ethnic Groups”
                  Yes! That’s why though I suggested at first we get a pro to write about these studies to CT, I wasn’t too keen on pursuing it.
                  Additionally some academics may be sensitive to where they publish their views too. But mostly they are pressed for time (the person you wrote to is the Dean of Faculty of Medicine, Colombo) and there may not be any incentive for them to write to a general audience as opposed to publishing in an academic journal.
                  Some other concerns I had.
                  Hence my reluctance at first, but since you seemed keen I shared the couple of contacts I had in mind.

                  • 0

                    I find the whole discourse here a little unpalatable and boring. There’s no genuine interest in establishing any truths. Atleast I can’t see any. It’s a contest to prove that each camp is right and the other wrong. And an ugly one for that matter. I am sure this will last few more decades atleast and take a toll on the country as a whole – particularly its development.
                    There seem to be concerted effort here to suppress Sinhalese people from expressing their views, particularly Buddhists – that challenges the dominant pro-Tamil narrative. Not sure how that will help Tamils in the long whole.
                    Anyways good to have run into someone sensible and a Scot for that matter!

                    • 9

                      “There seem to be concerted effort here to suppress Sinhalese people from expressing their views, particularly Buddhists –”
                      There are as many Tamils as Sinhalese on CT who comment or write about minority grievances.
                      Nobody is trying to suppress anyone else. If one doesn’t make personal allegations, or display unnecessary paranoia about other communities, one will do fine. Even Mahindapala used to write pieces on CT. He didn’t whine that he was being unfairly attacked. He was very literate, and gave as good as he got, without being childishly personal. I admired him for that.
                      A cultured racist is more fun than a semi-literate one.
                      Describing a whole community as thieves, or another one as slaves, isn’t a good start.

                    • 0

                      LankaScot – I can remember in an earlier occassion you made a complaint about Lester. He though seems a little aggressive is not the most vile person here. At first I used to think that it was Leelagemalli but I was wrong. The award goes to the person commenting under the pseudonym old codger. The second is his pal commenting under the pseudonym native vedda who appears to be a high ranking government official. I invite you to interact with the two of them as much as possible and decide. Both seem to suffer from some kind of inferiority complex. And they seem to seek superiority here through various tacts perhaps to compensate for their deficiencies. One uses the language while the other uses the knowledge of history he claims that he possesses. Both characters are quite interesting from a purely clinical point of view.

                    • 5

                      “He though seems a little aggressive is not the most vile person here.”
                      Not the most vile person!
                      Is that what one calls a left-handed compliment?

                    • 5

                      “He though seems a little aggressive is not the most vile person here. “
                      As Lester himself suggested, buy yourself a mirror…🤣🤣🤣

                • 1


                  “it is no wonder that the massacre of Civilians in the North in 2009 is still extremely painful to the Tamil population.”

                  There was no “massacre” of civilians in the North in 2009. Had there been such a “massacre”, the war would have ended in half the time, since the LTTE was on the defensive, with virtually no offensive capability (other than human suicide bombers). What happened is this: the LTTE forced people in Northern towns to flee ahead of the SLA advance. The LTTE hid among these people (roughly 300K civilians) and fired mortars, rockets, and artillery. Civilians who tried to go to the government side were shot in the legs.

                  There was (arguably) a “massacre” of top-ranking LTTE and their families at the very end of the war. This is equivalent to “massacring” the upper echelons of ISIS or Taliban. These people lack any moral compass and deserved to die. Eliminating them was necessary to prevent the LTTE from re-grouping.


            • 14

              I challenged you several times to name even one Sinhala racist. But you haven’t. So you believe all racists are Tamils?

              • 1

                Old Codger,

                “I challenged you several times to name even one Sinhala racist.”

                Since you keep asking, purchase a handheld mirror. Optimize the view using Snell’s law.

                “So you believe all racists are Tamils?”

                The contrapositive is more interesting.

                • 8

                  OK, your view is clear enough. Only Tamils are racist. There are no Sinhala racists. I understand why you took so long to reply. I suppose even fascists have a sense of shame…..

                  • 1


                    All groups have racists. Degree is what matters. No Sinhala racists have self-detonated so far, although there is a good candidate in Germany I know of.

                    • 5

                      “The other is hung up on suicide bombers.”😂😂

              • 11

                old codger

                “I challenged you several times to name even one Sinhala racist.”

                Patali Champika Ranawaka wants to contest the Presidential Elections.
                I am attempting to help Lester.

              • 10

                I am close to figuring out the two fascist clowns infesting CT.
                One is triggered by Indian invasions.
                The other is hung up on suicide bombers.

                • 9

                  old codger

                  “The other is hung up on suicide bombers.”

                  What is the difference between LTTE’s suicide bombers and those Sinhala/Buddhists who are willing to die for mother/father Ukraine/Russia?
                  Don’t you think this another form of Martial prostitution?
                  Please read:
                  ‘Waiting for a call from Daddy’: Sri Lankans die in Russia’s Ukraine war
                  At least two Sri Lankans have been killed fighting for Russia in Ukraine, and three on the Ukrainian side. But many more are willing to join the war amid desperate economic conditions at home.”


                  I wonder if Malwattu/Asgiria had already wished them whole sale.

                  • 0

                    Hello OC, Lester, Ruchira and SJ et al
                    I personally know an ex Sri Lankan Military man that has been recruited by the Russians. He is an intelligent, very competent Weapons Instructor – pretty close to the type of soldier employed by the British SAS or The Marines. I didn’t know until yesterday that he had left Sri Lanka. I would have tried to persuade him not to go to Ukraine as the Russians are using foreign troops as Cannon Fodder. He had been recently retired from the Military and had no joy trying to find a job either in Sri Lanka or the Middle East. I tried my military contacts in Qatar to no avail.
                    Despite his undoubted ability I fear for his survival. If Putin can assassinate Yevgeny Prigozhin in front of the whole world with no repercussions then I am afraid that the well-being of Sri Lankan soldiers is way down the list.
                    .Best regards

                    • 0

                      PS and Native😎
                      Best regards

                    • 0

                      LankaScot – People take up various jobs for reasons that are economical. This should not be mixed up with their values and ideals. I think both Ukraine and Russia employ other nationals in their troops. War has its own ways of making victims out of otherwise well meaning individuals.

                    • 1


                      Right on, the SL military always had competent generals and of course soldiers. The reason for the war stretching on 26 year is a bit of a joke. This is mostly due to Chandrika’s incompetency. She was the President for around 11 years starting in the 1990’s.

                      Putin is a smart man. The West is trying to erode Russia’s military prowess by hitting its economy with punishing sanctions. So far the effect has been the opposite, with inflation soaring in Western Europe (which are forced to import pricey LNG from the US). Russia has also formed important alliances with Iran and China. If Russia can “prevail” in Ukraine, it will be a green light for Xi Jingping to invade Taiwan.

                    • 1

                      *which is forced to import

                    • 4

                      I suppose the poor guy estimated his chances of survival on his experience here- about 30,000 over 30 years.
                      That’s less than the risk of being run over by a bus in SL.
                      2557 die in road accidents in Sri Lanka in 2023 – Xinhua

            • 5

              What makes you think that Osama bin Laden lacked moral integrity.
              He was truer to his word than any head of state of the US in his time.
              If OC will denounce the LTTE as terrorists, will you match it by denouncing SB racist politicians and army officers in a matching way?

              • 7

                I already told Lester that VP was a terrorist, and named a couple of Tamil racists, but Lester keeps backing out.

              • 0

                Look at the data objectively. It was the Vellalar who created an apartheid state under their proxy, the LTTE, not the Sinhalese-Buddhists. What you call as “discrimination” by the latter group is far worse under Thesawalamai and caste discrimination, as practiced by the Northern Tamils. Some would argue LTTE did not practice these things. Does it really matter, as they were fascists who learned suicide bombing from Arabs and employed drug trafficking/extortion to fund terrorism?

                • 8


                  “Thesawalamai and caste discrimination”

                  What is Thesawalamai and how does caste discrimination effect you?

                • 7

                  Saying that A is worse than B is not a justification for B. Stop being childish.

                • 10

                  The LTTE– Vellalar proxy?
                  Are you serious?

                  • 3

                    HLD has explained this point well. Others can launch ad hominem attacks, but facts are facts.

                    ” There was only Vellala politics. And it was their politics that dragged Jaffna all the way from the first communal riots provoked by “GG” in Navalapitiya in 1939 to Battekotte (Vadukoddai in Tamil) Resolution in 1976 and then finally to Nandikadal. It was the Vellalas who determined the destiny of Jaffna every step of the way, from feudal and colonial times to the end of their “boys”, led by Velupillai Prabhakaran, the first-born child of the Vellala Battekotte Resolution.”

                    ” It is the Vellalas who manufactured anti-Sinhala-Buddhist venom, in the name of protecting the Tamils, to poison the Jaffna landscape. The other two communities managed to resolve their difference without violent confrontations. So why did only the Jaffna fail to co-exist peacefully, despite resolving the major “grievances” with which they launched their anti-Sinhala-Buddhist campaigns? Historical records establish that it is the provocative Vellala leadership that intransigently and implacably dragged Jaffna in the pre-and-post independent era to military confrontations. And they paid for their folly with the annihilation of the Vellala fathers who passed the Battekotte Resolution.”


                    • 3

                      “facts are facts”
                      But what have facts to do with HLD?

                    • 1

                      “But what have facts to do with HLD?”

                      We can find other authors who make similar claims. But you are more interested in playing semantic games, rather than acknowledge any mistakes on the Vellalar side.

            • 11

              Lester, at the root of it all, there was Sinhala Buddhist Fascism and Sinhala Buddhist State Terrorism. Any of that hasn’t gone away but in check under the watchful eyes of the world.

              Sri Lanka with a begging bowl in hand is forced to behave, which is evidently quite a challenge for the Sinhala Buddhist Fascist thugs harassing the Tamils in North and East.

              A democratically elected government which committed unspeakable and innumerable acts of terror has to be held accountable, and that is the highest priority. After we have done that, let’s go after Prabaharan for LTTE’s acts of terror.

              Let’s take up the crimes of the Sri Lankan State and the those of the LTTE at the International Court of Justice in Hague. But, first the State.

              As long as Sinhala Buddhist Fascism is alive and well, and the state feeds on it, Sri Lanka is doomed.

              • 3


                You fought a war and lost. The main thing you lost is leverage in any political settlement. In a zero-sum game, the winner has no incentive to give anything to the loser. Name-calling and asking the IC to intervene will only perpetuate a vicious cycle. Asking Modi to intervene is another joke. Do you think an RSS fanatic has any affinity for Dravidians whose counterparty in India (DMK) oppose Sanskrit and Hindi on ideological grounds?

                • 9

                  “You fought a war and lost. “
                  Brave words from someone who ran away even though he “won”.

                • 8


                  “Do you think an RSS fanatic has any affinity for Dravidians whose counterparty in India (DMK) oppose Sanskrit and Hindi on ideological grounds?”

                  Seriously how close are you to RSS to know about affinity of Dravidian towards RSS Hindutvans?

                  By the way if you are not closely related to Dravidians are you related to Aryan Hitler?

                • 7

                  Lester, that’s quite a run-around. Not unusual for you.

                  You will continue to fail in your whitewashing of Sinhala Buddhist terrorism in Sri Lanka. Easy to get the buy-in of the Sinhala Buddhist fascists. However, much of the world has already made up its mind on the culpability of the SriLankan state. More consequences to come.

                  The only thing that the Sinhala Buddhist fascists can do now is keep lying and hiding. Cowardly and self-destructive.

                • 8

                  Lester and other self-proclaimed scholars,
                  Please be careful with your misuse of words. Even 14 years ago we were totally overwhelmed by the unnecessary killings in our motherland.

                  This happened because of an unnecessary war. The result was that people fell into the fire from frying pan economically, socially and otherwise. We are now far below Somalia…..thanks to verbal provocations. How ashamed we should be ?

                  Because vulgar and provocative statements can be like weapons, we all need to be careful in using the wrong words.

                  lATE heroes such as Nelson Mandela and Gandhi never allowed their nations to dominate the post-war session.

                  Rajapakshes as rascals ( uneducated basards) it promoted and made you or the like diehard supporters to them. That led to build up SLPP which is the most abusive party filled with HUMAN BEASTs out of 22 millions of island nation.
                  None of us peaceful people want more wars. We have no Zionist power, we are just another poor folk on this earth. We should not create more divisions because that is the reality.
                  No one in srilanka made war by himself, circumstances led to it. , it was a war between rebels and government forces. We had it with the insurgents in the south in 1989-1992 . We as majority of the nation, should be ashamed of the brutal war. . If not today when ?

            • 11

              Jester Kunju, I see that you have produced a story made by Rohan Gunaratne now a discredited anti-Terrorism expert and well-known pro Rajapakse anti Thamizh Chingkalla racist, just like you and your friend Ruchira who is here with an anti Thamizh agenda, to minimize and whitewash the state sponsored anti Thamizh war crimes done on the island’s Thamizh all in the name of Chingkalla Buddhism. There were no five-year-old suicide bombers or even fighters, so do not lie, there were teenage fighters but not suicide bombers. Who made them orphans? It was the Chingkalla Sri Lankan state, armed forces and the establishment and the Chingkalla people who supported all this. State sponsored Chingkalla racism, that is still continuing. This state sponsored Chingkalla racism and not the LTTE that is responsible for 98% of the terrorist activities and killings on the island. Stop lying. The LTTE was born because of this state sponsored Chingkalla racism against the Thamizh and even after almost 15 years after the demise of the LTTE it still continues, as most Chingkallams are racist to core, brainwashed with the Mahavamsa fairy tale, that the island is only theirs, when it is not, even the ones living the good life in the UK like you.

              • 9

                You are denying the contribution that Thamizh made to Chingkallam here is one for you and this is not, and article posted by Komalika, from an extremist and racist site like Lanka Lies or from a now discredited, anti Thamizh, anti-terrorism expert, who is close to the Rajapussy war criminals. This all you can produce, not anything tangible, neutral or believable.

    • 14

      “This time instead they want India to intervene. Intervene in the form of occupying Sri Lanka, at least the North and the East, and then ensure Tamil people enjoy their rights and freedoms”
      1.Tamil people will “enjoy their rights and freedoms” only if India intervenes.
      2.Which means that they don’t enjoy “rights and freedoms” now. A starling admission.
      3.So, why not give them “rights and freedoms” without waiting for India?
      Or is this a Freudian slip indicating that the idea is to deny Tamil people their “rights and freedoms”?

      • 5

        old codger

        “So, why not give them “rights and freedoms” without waiting for India?”

        Most Sinhala/Buddhist recent converts love to watch foreigners groping their women folks, and then complain about foreigners’ presence in this country.

    • 0

      You are coming to the point. Remember the population of Tamil Nadu is about 80 times than the population of Tamils in Sri Lanka. The population of Sri Lanka Tamils cannot even match the population of a District in Tamil Nadu. Therefore the only option for the Tamils is to recognize the North-East Province as an Independent Territory within the Indian Union. Even then atleast a section of the Hill Country Tamils should join hands with the Tamils in the North-East Province. India also expects this amalgamation for their own security.

      • 1


        You are right to some extent. I don’t think a Sinhalese majority government, even a liberal one, will agree to any federal solution or autonomy for Tamils. The reason is that the Tamil Diaspora are lobbying the UN as well as major Western governments to impose sanctions on Sri Lanka. These sanctions can have negative repercussions on the SL economy. Furthermore, the Tamil Diaspora, who act through their proxy the TNA, have not given up on their demand for a separate state, which is different from a federal setup. Regardless of the merits of these actions, the next step for Tamils would be to ally with a powerful entity. But India is the wrong ally. 80M Tamils in TN, fair enough, keeping in mind the LTTE is a banned outfit there. And Modi does not share the DMK ideology.

        By the way, I should have said “counterpart” and not “counterparty” in an earlier post.

      • 0

        AYATHURAY RAJASINGAM – I think I responded to you in an earlier occassion regarding the same issue. Lester here has responded too. I personally have nothing new to add except that the idea of nation states and their sovereignty can’t be challeged so easily, the way you seem to think they could be. Such initiatives will set a bad precedence – a slipper slope to the current world order – and won’t gain much traction from the international community. Such things don’t happen in decent world. It’s a crime to invade a sovereign state. Crimes if committed will be dealt with accordingly.

        • 0

          *slippery slope…

      • 0

        AYATHURAY RAJASINGAM – on second thoughts here below are couple of other points for you to ponder:
        “Therefore the only option for the Tamils is to recognize the North-East Province as an Independent Territory within the Indian Union.”
        – you might achieve this but to no avail. India’s communal problems I believe are far more worse than of Sri Lanka’s. You may realize that the so called independence actually has very little meaning.
        “Even then atleast a section of the Hill Country Tamils should join hands with the Tamils in the North-East Province.” – Mano Ganesan was recently seen striking a deal with Patali Champika Ranawaka. If Thondaman wants something like that- I doubt.
        “India also expects this amalgamation for their own security.” – I think India would know better. Such an arrogant violation of international laws may not add much to India’s credibility. It also might invite Chinese occupation of the South of the island creating further threats to India. I doubt if India is foolish enough… so far it has acted wisely when it comes to handling geopolitics.

    • 8

      Why this irrational fear of an Indian invasion, but at the same time claiming not to be interested in history?
      Is this guy an onion importer or an egg mafia member?

      • 6

        old codger

        “Why this irrational fear of an Indian invasion, but at the same time claiming not to be interested in history?”

        It is because the paranoid Sinhala/Buddhists will be left with nothing as theirs including genetics, religion, language, culture, food, entertainment, music, drama, …. war victories, ….. if they are seen closely identified with Hindia.

        Even their Bible (Mahawamsa) was written in Pali and Lester is very proud of it although 99.99% of the population cannot read, write nor speak Pali.
        Therefore they have nothing to claim their own, except stupidity, violence, …. brutality, …

        Poor Sinhala speaking people have to put up with it.

        Do you think Pali originated in Sri Lanka?

  • 4

    What is discussed now, will have to be re-assessed after the elections, when being put into practice.
    Make a distinction between the substance and the name-boards.
    One name-board that must be changed is “13th Amendment”. Re-study the essence of it, and present it all over again, but use some other name if you want the country as a whole to accept it.
    Those who talk about it now will lose so many votes among the Sinhalese that they will probably lose the elections on that alone.
    I’m not advocating double-speak, nor am I endorsing hypocrisy. One has to be realistic and honest about how this amendment came into being, and how to make it acceptable after the dust raised by the election has settled.
    But are we having an election – and which election? Not having elections has lowered Ranil’s credibility to zero.
    Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela

    • 12

      Sinhala_Man, I am truly agitated by the following comment of yours.
      … One name-board that must be changed is “13th Amendment”.
      What alternate substance do you have in mind.
      You might have noticed that Tamils too are not all agog with that name-board.
      But, for us, it is a bird in the hand!

    • 6

      Dear Sinhala_Man,

      Appreciable thought considering the reality, i.e., the mental block amongst the Sinhalese on the 13A. Assuming that the mental block is entirely because of how 13A came into being (eg. India’s influence) and nothing to do with a desire to curtail the way forward for equitable treatment of the North and East Tamils, then it sounds like a good strategy.

      But we’d be dreaming if we thought that either something better than 13A or free of concessions to Sinhala insecurities would be possible without a drawn out debate.

      As Nathan has pointed out 13A is “a bird in the hand”. Likely India will not mind us transferring the substance of 13A in its entirety to a new name board. But how would it react to re-jigging and watering down the elements of 13A into a new name board!?

      • 2

        It’s not a mental block. The country went bankrupt because the civil war drained all the forex reserves. After winning that war at great cost, which politician would accede to the demands of the losing party? Especially when the losing party is backed (financially and politically) by individuals committed to the permanent division of the country?

        • 0

          “…individuals committed to the permanent division of the country?”
          Not just individuals committed to permanent division but also criminals, human smugglers, drug and sex traffickers…. that still roam freely… still funding their idealogy and cause, including the propaganda war…

          • 1

            I forgot to add White Collar Crimes to the list; that some here are so proud of!

        • 8

          The 13A was passed in 1987. That was more than 20 years before the end of the war.

          Sinhala Buddhist Fascism is indeed the mental block.

          • 3

            GG Ponnambalam and others rejected SWRD’s offer of federalism as early as 1926.


            The architect of the 13A, R. Gandhi, was blown to bits by LTTE suicide bombers.

            In 1999, Tiruchelvam suffered a similar fate as Gandhi.

            “The LTTE’s spokesman Anton Balasingham confirmed to Erik Solheim that they had killed Tiruchelvam, and said it was due to him betraying Tamil interests by supporting the government’s watered down devolution package, despite them giving him prior warnings to quit.[27Similarly, the architect of devolution, Tiruchelvam, was similarly assassinated.”

            Tamils had 3 opportunities for either federalism or devolution.

            Looks like the mental block is not the Sinhalese Buddhists, but Tamil nationalism/LTTE fascism.

            • 8

              GG Ponnambalam and others rejected SWRD’s offer of federalism as early as 1926.
              Where was GGP at the time?
              (He contested the 1931 State Council election as a candidate in Mannar-Mullaitivu but failed to get elected.)

              • 5

                SJ, glad you are fact checking.

              • 3

                Here we go with the English comprehension. “And others” means GG was not necessarily the one who rejected federalism in 1926. GG rejected it at a later time – “as early as.” GG wanted 50-50 – a ridiculous proposition.

                The point is that Tamils rejected federalism and devolution. They assassinated multiple heads of state (in CBK’s case, attempted to assassinate) who were negotiating a political settlement. Now in 2024, 15 years after losing the civil war, and 48 years after SJV was a party to the Vaddukodai Resolution, Tamils are suddenly clamoring for the 13A, accusing SB of “fascism” for not implementing it with urgency. The historical record speaks otherwise.

            • 8

              Lester: As usual, quite the run-around from you to whitewash Sinhala Buddhist fascism and thuggery.

              You rewound back 60 years and went forward 12 years from when 13A was passed to make excuses for why 13A wasn’t implemented in its entirety soon after it was passed in 1987.

              60 years ago, we didn’t have a war. What preceded the armed rebellion by the Tamil youth were numerous acts of State terror and injustices.

              Whatever decision GG Ponnambalam took at the negotiating table in 1926 did not give the state the right to terrorize the Tamil population using government Security Forces and organizing anti-Tamil pogroms.

            • 6


              Lets not go into the history of whom did LTTE kill and not killed.
              LTTE killed S W R D Banda also for proposing Federal State.
              LTTE also killed ……………………………

              Why didn’t Banda (an early Tamil convert to Sinhala/Buddhism from ….) draft, pass and implement a Federal constitution when he was able to impose a Sinhala only (SJ need not to comment) language policy amid a huge protest by Tamils including their politicians?

              Are you now a supporter of Federalism?
              When did you become a Federalist and why?
              How long would you hold Federal ideals?

              Both S J V Chelva and SWRD Banda had the same goal, then why did Banda and rest of his racist Sinhala/Buddhists didn’t even consider Federal constitution as a viable policy?

              Tell us why did Banda propose Federal state in the 1920s?
              In what form?

          • 4

            All narrow nationalist outlooks are mental blocks.

            • 5

              Yes, SJ. I reckon that.

              I am baffled as to how we build bridges without securing equitable treatment for the minorities as well as accountability.

              Truth and reconciliation efforts haven’t been in good faith, hence haven’t worked and, almost 15 years after the war, the state is forwarding its Sinhala Buddhist nationalist agenda and continues to whitewash its crimes.

              • 3

                There is need to do a lot of work at grassroots level.
                Political parties work on ways for electoral success, and inter-communal harmony fails to fit in.
                Electoral politics is no way to address the matter.

                • 1

                  As long as you continue pushing a fake historical narrative and lobbying Western governments to sanction, there will not be a political settlement. Those who supported a mono-ethnic apartheid state under the LTTE and now attempt to portray themselves as “victims” will not succeed with their attempts to hoodwink and deceive.

                  • 3

                    Western governments have their own agenda.
                    Even without pushing by any Tamil diaspora lobby, they initiated the war crimes and human rights violation issue only weeks after the war ended.
                    Some may celebrate threats of sanctions and some may shudder within at the thought.
                    But sanctions have little to do with the interests of either party.
                    Reconciliation is in the country’s interest and to achieve it one has to accept one’s faults and act n ways that earn the trust of he other.
                    Sadly, not many here are of such mindset. But they do not matter very much in the resolution of the problem

                    • 1

                      What you call as “war crimes” and “human rights violations” (assuming they occurred) could have been mostly prevented had the LTTE simply surrendered at the outset. Why didn’t they surrender, is it because of pressure from the Diaspora? This needs to be investigated. LTTE knew they were going to lose after Karuna defected, they were on the defensive and not the offensive (excluding one attack on the Anuradhapura Airbase). In addition, LTTE had attempted to assassinate MR, GR, and SF well before 2009. They knew full well these three hardliners will not waste time with any negotiation. What was their motivation to continue fighting, with manpower decreasing and their being boxed into a smaller area?

                    • 0

                      “Even without pushing by any Tamil diaspora lobby, they initiated the war crimes and human rights violation issue only weeks after the war ended.”

                      This is a false statement. All investigations of Sri Lanka for alleged “war crimes” were initiated pursuant to the Tamil diaspora lobbying some international organization or foreign government.

                  • 3

                    What do you think of some Sinhala Buddhist monks trying their best to claim that Buddha was born in Sri Lanka? If not the Hindus of India, who is behind it?

        • 9

          “The country went bankrupt because the civil war drained all the forex reserves.”
          Didn’t you claim a few hours ago that bankruptcy was due to Covid?

          • 8

            old codger

            “Didn’t you claim a few hours ago that bankruptcy was due to Covid?”

            In fullness of time Lester will disclose other reasons susch as:

            Due to Vellala agenda,
            Dravidian Agenda,
            Hindians envied rich and prospering Sri Lanka, therefore they destabilised the island,
            West did have their own agenda,
            Vellala diaspora ….
            Premadasa’s own agenda against …..
            Have you got any estimated value of wealth lost over the last 76 years by the country due to inefficiency, looting by politicians and functionaries, nepotism, bribery, war destruction and foregone development …… ?

          • 7

            “The country went bankrupt because the civil war drained all the forex reserves.”
            Didn’t you claim a few hours ago that bankruptcy was due to Covid?
            OC he did, but don’t forget that the civil war caused Covid.

            • 1

              OC and Paul can’t distinguish between root cause and trigger. GS prodigies, no doubt. OC prefers to take oral rather than written exams. That’s the mindset.

              • 7

                As I said before, any rubbish you write can and will be recorded and used against you.Think before you flip-flop.

                • 2

                  Old Codger,

                  Since English is not your forte, the civil war was the primary cause and COVID-19 was the secondary cause. Without the civil war, there would have been no bankruptcy. Without COVID-19, bankruptcy was also highly unlikely. Do they teach lateral thinking at government schools?

                  • 4

                    “the civil war was the primary cause and COVID-19 was the secondary cause. Without the civil war, there would have been no bankruptcy. “
                    “Why didn’t they surrender, is it because of pressure from the Diaspora”
                    Yes indeed, good question. So why didn’t the government surrender?
                    Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Hey, you’re more fun then that wimp pal of yours.

              • 4

                Root cause of the war: Sinhala Buddhist Fascist violence and brutality.

        • 8


          “The country went bankrupt because the civil war drained all the forex reserves. “

          The Hindians financed Sri Lanka during the war to the tune of $2 billion over 3 years to 2009. Has Sri Lanka repaid the grant back to Hindia?
          Who swindled the aid, politicians, functionaries, armed forces, merchants of death, …. ?

          “After winning that war at great cost, which politician would accede to the demands of the losing party?”

          If the winning party leader had an iota of gray matter ……. if he and his coteries were wise …… the country could have been built differently over the last 15 years. We could have been in the forefront helping rest of the world.

          Racist dump asses took control of state, resources, power, …… the country was forced to lease harbour and surrounding land, was declared bankrupt, begged for food medicine, …. … all because the public racist Anagarika Homeless Dharmapala converted Sinhalese and Buddhists into a new born again religion and race namely Sinhala/Buddhism and Sinhala/Buddhists.

          • 1


            Actually Dharmapala converted many of your Adivasi cousins in Hindia who were at the bottom of the caste hierarchy before they could be imported to SL to fill the coffers of European slave masters with cheap labor.

            Look at that, 252 backward castes: https://www.bcmbcmw.tn.gov.in/bclist.htm

            Only a joker can look at that list and think Buddhism is “oppressive.”

            • 5


              Advent of the Public Racist Anagarika Dharmapala in Tamilnadu had completely wiped out Tamil Buddhism in Tamilnadu.

              Which of the backward caste did your ancestors belonged to before they arrive here? It is alright if they belonged to any caste community.

              • 0


                No need to distance yourself from the extended family. Tell us all about the Nobel Prize winners, inventors, etc.

  • 12

    “need to give a solution which will entail land and police powers to the provinces to overcome the frustration in the north and east.”
    Well said JP. Could you please ask RW to have the Provincial Elections NOW &grant North &East Land +Police powers to the Provincial Councils. Police and NOT Army/Navy/Airforce people should attend to any threat to peace in the area concerned. If the police can not manage additional can be called.

  • 4


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