UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay said her office was disturbed by the continued harassment and intimidation targeting human rights defenders in Sri Lanka, while the 25th Session of the UN Human Rights Council has been underway. Pillay told the Council a short while ago that two prominent NGO activists undertaking human rights work had been detained. “We welcome their release. We are, however, concerned at their continued surveillance and the restrictions under which they have been placed,” Pillay said in the introduction to her report.
“Almost five years since the end of the conflict, it is important for the Human Rights Council to recall the magnitude and gravity of the violations alleged to have been committed at that time by the Government and the LTTE, which left thousands of civilians killed, injured or missing,” Pillay noted.
She said the failure to address the grief and trauma among victims and survivors undermines confidence in the State and reconciliation.
We publish below the statement in full;
Introduction to the Report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on promoting reconciliation and accountability in Sri Lanka (A/HRC/25/23)
Geneva, 26 March 2014
Mr. President,
Members of the Human Rights Council,
Ladies and gentlemen,
I am pleased to introduce to the present session of the Council the report of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on promoting reconciliation and accountability in Sri Lanka (A/HRC/25/23).
The report examines the progress the Government has made in implementing the recommendations of its Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC), as well as those I formulated in my report which were endorsed by the Council in March 2013, and following my visit to the country in August 2013.
The update to the 24th session of the Council reported progress in reconstruction and resettlement of internally displaced persons, elections to the Northern Provincial Council, and in implementing some LLRC recommendations, such as giving effect to the trilingual policy.
We regret to report that there has been little progress in other critical areas identified by the Council in resolution 22/1 and by the LLRC, notably the need to ensure independent and credible investigations into past violations of international human rights and humanitarian law.
The Government of Sri Lanka has not responded positively to OHCHR’s repeated offers of technical assistance on specific elements that could advance the accountability and reconciliation agenda. While welcoming the visit by the Special Rapporteur on Internally Displaced Persons and invitations extended to the special procedures dealing with education and migrants, we encourage the Government to invite other relevant mandate-holders.
We are also disturbed by the continued harassment and intimidation targeting human rights defenders in Sri Lanka, even while this session has been underway, including the detention last week of two prominent NGO activists undertaking human rights work. We welcome their release. We are, however, concerned at their continued surveillance and the restrictions under which they have been placed.
Almost five years since the end of the conflict, it is important for the Human Rights Council to recall the magnitude and gravity of the violations alleged to have been committed at that time by the Government and the LTTE, which left thousands of civilians killed, injured or missing. Failure to address the grief and trauma among victims and survivors undermines confidence in the State and reconciliation.
In recent years, the Government has established various mechanisms with the task to investigate past violations. But none have had the independence to be effective or inspire confidence among victims and witnesses.
At the same time, new evidence continues to emerge, and witnesses are willing to come forward to testify before international mechanisms in which they have confidence and which can guarantee their protection.
This shows that an international inquiry is not only warranted, but also possible, and can play a positive role in eliciting new information and establishing the truth where domestic inquiry mechanisms have failed. We are thus recommending the Council to establish an independent international inquiry mechanism to further investigate the alleged violations of international human rights and humanitarian law and monitor domestic processes. This is essential to advance the right to truth for all in Sri Lanka and create further opportunities for justice, accountability and redress.
Finally, the report before you also provides an overview on recent human rights developments in the country, including attacks on religious minorities and human rights defenders, and on freedom of opinion and expression.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
This concludes my introduction of my Sri Lanka report.
Thank you for your attention.
Fathima Fukushima / March 26, 2014
Tamil woman!
If SL was so bad, how did she being a Tamil woman survive in SL for so many days?
Ajith / March 26, 2014
It is not the Tamil Woman telling that SRi Lanka is so bad. It is the behavior of SL state publicly shown and it is the Sinhala people who witnessed the horror of SL provided the truth,facts and evidence.
Siri / March 26, 2014
Late Kadirgamar was also tamil, but we the srilankens loved him as one of the great leaders srilanka ever produced. So what is the problem Ms Pillay s been tamil. If she did not raise the issue just because of being tamil, then we could criticise her. Now we the srilankens should be proud of her. UNHRC is not like Mahinda Rajapakshe´s megalomaniac caolition in which almost heterogenous kind of people are in. Rapist, gold chain robbers, drug dealers, drug addicts, womanizers and the like are the majority as some parliamentarians made it very clear.
We the sinahalyasa would never be able to live and die proud so long Rajapakshes are in power.
Palmsquirrell / March 27, 2014
The only reason Sinhalese are warn towards Kadrigamar is because he sided with the Sinhala Chauvinists .
While Kadrigamar was eager to publicise LTTE crimes, he was noticeably quiet on GOSL crimes.
sirimal / March 27, 2014
If you closely study the current politicians, diplomats and other senior professionals, or academics that have no chance under the rule of MR regardless of them being sinhala/tamil/muslim interllectuals, senior politicians, so how would explain that with the fate of late great Kadirgamar.
As I get it, I believe current regime has go beyond all margins not respecting world norms, they have only been according ot their limited capacities. Having listened to debates on the TV, read several articles that have been written /telecasted to some word standards, being unbiased, I feel today, current UPTA outfit is nothing but authoritarian by all means. They have no constructive arguments for any alarming issues raised by their political rivals. Sadly, radical sidebackers like JHU are sprats seem to be do whatever for their political survival have almost lost the popularity among many folks in the country today.
Sabapathy ratnam / March 28, 2014
Speaking of Kathigamar I am reminded of a poem scribed mourning his untimely death and here it goes:
Humanity sees no difference between Harold Agnew, who never regretted helping develop the atomic bomb, and Kadirgamar, the trusted name in Singhalese households because he was a loyal servant to Singhala society, all in the name of annihilating the Tamils. The difference is only in the numbers. Harold Agnew’s bomb killed nearly 80,000 in a split second and at least another 70,000 before the year was out, while Kadirgamar was responsible for 30,000 lives, let alone 7,000 brave men who gave their precious lives to protect the innocent civilians.
Killing a life is completely abhorrent, and one would feel sorry for Kadirgamar’s untimely death. In equal fervor, Kadir’s participation in killing thousands of innocent Tamil lives and inflicting untold misery and pain in Tamil society is vigorously condemned. Kadirgamar was involved in the killings of innocent Tamils, and, most gruesome of all, with the bombing of children in a school and defending this act in none other location than the UN Assembly, where he said they were terrorists. Kadir was an architect behind the already-prevailing refusal of the Singhalese to accommodate the Tamils as equal citizens in the country, and has been all along preventing the Government from looking at a tangible solution to the national conflict.
Let us all mourn his death with this poem:
How can that tyrant be forgiven?
In the ten years be he minister foreign,
Without being elected to office in Serendip,
Enjoyed all perquisites to the hilt.
The cries of thirty thousand killed,
Though of same ethnicity, he willed.
Through continued shelling, carpet-bombing sprees
He ordered buildings split, fishing and crops decreased
Crowded shelters erased
As his army battalions grazed.
Jaffna, full of boundless heaps in ruins
Wailing mothers for lost children
Weeping infants treading upon scattered spilt brains
In anguish and in pain.
There came numberless, all crying
For help to save them from slaying
Relentless Kadir convinced the world body
The dead cousins deserved not to live tardy
Tamils are terrorists, God knew who they were,
And Terrorists are Tamils lying in refuse,
So Kadir become a Sinhalese for real
To get a decent burial.
Siri / March 28, 2014
This is not at all fair
“n equal fervor, Kadir’s participation in killing thousands of innocent Tamil lives and inflicting untold misery and pain in Tamil society is vigorously condemned. Kadirgamar was involved in the killings of innocent Tamils, and, most gruesome of all, with the bombing of children in a school and defending this act in none other location than the UN Assembly, where he said they were terrorists”
If you so say, VP and some tamil leaders directly involved in killing of their own folks rather than their enemies (state soldiers). More yo will get from that tamil politician now standing with UPFA. His beloved parents had been murdered by LTTEers.
But Kadirgamar did not involve in such killings deliberatly. If Kadirgamar´s diplomacy reached that far, nothing would have achieved like the eleminitation of LTTE within the country. There, he instead saved the millions of lives.
Ranjan Walmeema / March 27, 2014
Siri (beris)
One more tamilian hiding behind sihalese name.
Why this Tamil women mouth was so shipped when it comes to human right violation happened in Iraq, Afgan by UK and USA forces?
Surely she does not want tovloose here well-paid job in UN by challenging so-called policemen in this world. None other than a typical Tamil nature of licking the boots of westerners.
Siri / March 27, 2014
Typical idiotic nature of Rajapakshe are infected to you.
Those who raise their voice against Raja are imperialistic, LTTE rump, NGO worker, egoists.
But you guys being intoerant by all nature are doing the worst jobever.
Buruwa could have done his job from the day one after the war is no longer there, but he did not even listen to IC or any international norms or ethics ” api kiwwoth naha kiyala api koranne nahamai”. You buruwas will get to know by tomorrow evening (or morning) that the entire world will not support MR regime.
I am not tamil, but born sinhala, but living srilanken/european will dont also like Srilanken.
Live at least an hour fairly and justifiably is my life motto.
Ranjan Walmeema / March 27, 2014
Sriri Bris 2
If you do not like Sri Lanka or Sri Lankans just simply f**k Off than commenting on your dislike.
People like you are considered as parasites to our motherland as you studied using poor Sri Lankans tax money and now enjoying an effluent life style licking westerns a** holes. We are glad traitors like you are no more in our soil. Simply bugger from this site than commenting on issues related to our motherland. You have no right to criticise SL.
Siri / March 27, 2014
Who the hell are u you asking others likes or dislikes, so long we are born citizens, we should have rights in that country too ?. I hate to see the things happening backward in the country just because of a bunch of oligarchs – being to rude to own folks are ruining the nation. This situation could have been managed in favour of the nation, if the bugger listened to senior diplomats/academics. Ditta damma wedaneeya will take care of hiim soon is our only wish.
Siri / March 27, 2014
I did not even complete my graduate courses in the country.At the time tsunami was hit the nation, we delivered our mission: Unforutnatley, man in power today was alledged to have embezzeled the larges sums sent by us not allowing them to be gotten byy ones that were really in need. So we have done more than enough for country. And will be doing more in the future too. Anyway, have fully made up not to give DANAYA to any kind of BUDDHIST MONKS, instead go on helping homes for aged/children at least 1-2 year but on a regular basis.
So, for MR´luck, the case on tsunami embazzelment ended up, but I belonged to the category that still strongly believed, that the man delibertely stole the huge sums – no doubt about that. From his performance alone – specially in the post war episodes, be it with external affairs, internal affairs, what became contrast ascending is the unestimable wastages beyond all limits – as no other leader since independence.So it is said over 90% of debts taken from chinese and other banks are abused by familial mismanagement.
Native Vedda / March 30, 2014
Ranjan Walmeema
“If you do not like Sri Lanka or Sri Lankans just simply f**k Off than commenting on your dislike.”
Can you too do what you suggested above, my people would be much obliged to you?
There no such thing as Sri Lanka or Sri Lankan.
“you studied using poor Sri Lankans tax money”
Poor do pay tax in this island, its a news to me. Do the rich pay tax as well?
Who do you think you are?
Siri / March 27, 2014
Meeharakas of your kind are plenty – even over 60% as Srilal pointed out in his posts.
But believe me, you cant expect very same nation to keep you in power forever. If not by ballot, bullets will decide his future. History has shown it enough.
Today´s situation is only becuase of stupidity of Mahindara Rajapakshe
How can you expect a govt to perform well while appointing
a) Tea business man as ambassador (Wahsinton)
b) Former army, navy or airforce men as ambssadors (in several countries)
c) Inexpecienced brother in law as SRILANKEN ailine chairman (family pleasing mission)
d) Sending to hold talks with middles years sending his son -Namal Rajapakshe (family pleasing mission)
e) No matter even the nature would worry for the future, over 300 men in his family circles have been appointed aas representatives though their credentials are not good to sweep maradana streets (family pleasing mission)
Please add more to this list…. MR has come to a point that people have to send him home.
Siri / March 27, 2014
d) Sending to hold talks with MIDDLE EAST COUNTRIES THROUGH his son -Namal Rajapakshe (family pleasing mission);
what qualifications has the boy gained to hold such talks that have a greater impact on diplomatic future of the nation ? Are we a nation whose senior diplomats or new competetive candidates are murdered by the war ??????
burt / March 26, 2014
She survived because cowards only go after the weak and helpless, she is neither weak or helpless.
Wele Banda / March 27, 2014
And also spineless of challenging human right violations carried out by your beloved masters of UK and USA. Get it?? She does not want to loose her honey pot in UN.
Lanka Muslim, UK / March 26, 2014
Your hat. Do not the intelligence of the readers’ to the low level of your own. Although a Tamil woman, Navi Pillay represents the UNHRC which is an arm of the UN to deal on such matters it has been mandated. She does not work on her own alone but with a group of people who are specialists and experts on issues related to human rights. Navi Pillay surely acts in consultation with the group and only expresses the views of the group. Targeting her on a personal level and insulting her is just a political attitude to dissuade the readers.
bigbrother / March 26, 2014
@Fathima Fukushima
Calling Navi Pillay Tamil is like calling Jay Z a zulu. She’s second generation South African with Indian Origin. Do a bit of research before posting you ignorantrubbish
Wele Banda / March 27, 2014
Big Co****
We have been to SF many time my friend and we have seen enough this how this former Indian coolees (cane cutters) treat SF natives black people. DO not go much further on that topic.
Robert.R / March 26, 2014
Let’s wait now…..the heaters will start crawling out of the woodwork
Siri / March 26, 2014
If the govt was genuine with their efforts on the issues, they would have accepted OHCHR’s repeated offers of technical assistance on specific elements that could advance the accountability and reconciliation agenda.
Govt´s stupidity seems to have dug the own grave in this regard. This further proves the competence of MR regime.
Wele Banda / March 27, 2014
and stick I you backside my friend.
Maveeran / March 26, 2014
International independent inquiry must immediately be undertaken by the United Nations on Srilankan Government on the alleged war crimes. There is no doubt that Sinhala government has committed mass human rights violation against Tamils in the North. Also Actions must be taken against these War Criminals Mahinda Rajapaksa, Goatbaya Rajapaksa and their whole clan.
Bebon / March 27, 2014
Ha haa.. good afternoon.. wake up man, you are watching a fable dream..
one day it will wrote like “Mahabarathaya”
I dont think war crime investigation will work out any more.. So far 5 years gone.. 365×5 days too.. Nothing happened yet, your madam Pilly going to retire after this year..
Sinhalese government is controlling north since May 2009, till then LLTTE can you compare crimes and mass murdering..
Sinhalese government is controlling south since 1948 tamils lve in south too
Native Vedda / March 27, 2014
“I dont think war crime investigation will work out any more..”
There have been successful investigation into war crimes in other parts of the world.
Please visit countries such as Cambodia, Bangladesh, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Sierra Leone, Kosovo, Bosnia, Timor-Leste, Uganda, Kenya,DRC, Argentina, Colombia, etc to learn more about on going investigations.
“Sinhalese government is controlling south since 1948 tamils lve in south too”
Don’t forget the entire island belongs to my people.
Wele Banda / March 27, 2014
Uru warige Booru Putha
“My people: in your comment above means the LTTE blood suckers who did the carnage for last 30 odd year? Sure!!!!!!!!!!!! we believe you. There is a saying – “Donkey can bray but cannot pray”
Native Vedda / March 27, 2014
Wele Banda
Sinhala Speaking Demela,
Are you sure your comment is in response to my comment to Baboon?
How is David Blacker?
Wele Banda / March 27, 2014
Yes my LOOD – Thanks for reminding of what to do next.
Anpu / March 26, 2014
UNHRC proceedings can be watched from http://webtv.un.org/live-now/watch/25th-regular-session-of-the-human-rights-council/2178978643001/
Kutti Machan / March 26, 2014
[Edited out] Pillay is ensuring the Rajapaksas rule Sri Lanka for the next 30 years. This international charade of an inquiry is being enacted by Western imperialists for their geostrategic interests, and by India due to its domestic compulsions with active connivance by the human rights industry, corrupt NGOs and their civil society lackeys with cheer leading by diaspora Tigers. The goal is to engineer politics in Sri Lanka and bring about a regime change. Sri Lankan people are incensed by this travesty of justice against a leader who freed them from three decades of brutal terror and countless murders by defeating one of the most ruthless terrorist organizations in history. This is not an invincible challenge for the people of Sri Lanka who under the great leadership of Mahinda Rajapaksa defeated the “invincible” LTTE. They will ensure the Rajapaksas stay in power for the next 30 years.
Maveeran / March 27, 2014
Kutti[Edited out], you sinha-lame [Edited out] praising a top beggar as a Leader. What did this Mahinda Jarapassa do to you? That bugger is feeding alone and filling his pockets with people’s money. Only reason that King beggar Mahinda is ruling Srilanka is cos of dumb F$%! Like you vote for him. You be shyting in your pants if I catch you.
Wele Banda / March 27, 2014
And you will be licking his pants with a great taste. That is what pigs anyhow do.
Maveeran / March 27, 2014
You must be watching Peppa Pig cartoon and commenting here. Wele banda thats you people who sniff and lick others to get your daily meal.
Chandra Seneviratne / March 26, 2014
As the report states new evidence of blatant violations of human rights including violations of international human rights and humanitarian laws ,unearthing of mass graves tamil and Sinhala youths in north and south , massive corruption and miss use of public funds by warlords and MR family and his junta ,militarization of state institution and proclamation of gazettes arbitrarily vesting Police powers on the Army, Navy and the Air Force , interference in judicial independence and obtaining judicial orders preventing a peaceful protests of professional organizations, trade unions, student unions, civil society organizations and citizens against the atrocities of the MR’s Junta in the guise that such actions would impede the free flow of traffic, the witch- hunt of political dissidents, the widespread of lawlessness and impunity ,the attacks on people’s democratic rights etc etc epitomize that the need of the hour is to set up an independent international inquiry mechanism to investigate into all those violations as recommended by the Council and to monitor domestic processes into such inquiries MR’s Junta government has promised to international community . The above is the wish of the free thinking citizens of Sri Lanka both Tamil ,Sinhalese and other communities in Sri Lanka and the proposed international sleuth should encompass the atrocities perpetrate not only on Tamils but on the Sinhala and other minorities as well. It is high time the Sinhalese majority too to agitate alleviate themselves from atrocities perpetrate on them too. This should be the wish of all the communities.
Eusense / March 26, 2014
The UNHRC got involved because of the false war crime allegations (by the Tamil diaspora aided western politicians)at the end of the terror war. Bulk of your long list has nothing to do with the end of war. Those items in the list should be tried by the people of Srl Lanka at the elections. Not by foreigne countries. That is why we have elections!
Eusense / March 26, 2014
Navi Pillay should not make such a statement as the high commissioner of the UNHRC. Specially being a Tamil she should avoid criticism and hawk like attitude towards Sri Lanka to show the world that the UNHRC is an impartial body. She should relieve herself from all activities related to SL. What did this UNHRC achieve during its sessions during one full month of March other than bashing Sri Lanka? This woman has given all UN bodies a bad name. Sri Lanka should walk out of this biased UNHRC.
Robert.R / March 26, 2014
Off the cuff,
If Navi being Tamil is a disqualification then how come LLRC made up of 100% sinhalese acceptable?
Eusense / March 26, 2014
What bias conclusions and recomendations did LLRC come up with?
Robert.R / March 27, 2014
Then why not implement the recommendations? Simple ones like restoring the parity of the national anthem that was taken away through a CABINET decision?
Eusense / March 27, 2014
Implementation of recommendations is at the liberty of the government. If people of SL wants them to be implemented they will kick the Gov. out at the next election. That is how democracy work. Does Sri Lanka or any other country force the US to get their national anthem sung in Spanish because 20% of the US population is Spanish speaking?
Why all these exceptions only for Sri Lanka?
Soma / March 27, 2014
You should be born Gonthadiyek.
How can UN appoint multi ethnic personalities matching with every country. Just because srilanken problems is based on tamil ethnicity and Ms Pillay belongs to the very same origin, you ask her to be away from srilanken tamil issue ?…. what a joke man ? Where did you get this knowledge ? Unique… :(
Eusense / March 27, 2014
It shows that you are the “Gonthadiyek”
Read what I wrote again. I said she on her own should relieve her self from Tamil issues. You are a moron to write “How can UN appoint multi ethnic personalities matching with every country.” as a response!
Sadly, majority of people who write here show their poor intellectualism. This is a good reason why there should be no Tamil Nadu in Sri Lanka.
Soma / March 27, 2014
“She should relieve herself from all activities related to SL. What did this UNHRC achieve during its sessions during one full month of March other than bashing Sri Lanka? “
Why should she ?
Unlike your beloved leader – the great lady has done the job to the top becoming a top figure in that country and then for the entire world. Go back to her history of performance and check it yourself – from the times of late Mandela to recent past, stuying things properly is a hard work, but it is doeble.
You together with Mahinda Rajapaskeh shenanigans seem tob e suffering from a great disorder (Inferiority complex) being unable to differentiate things going through the facts and figures. Had the bugger who would not even respect the rule of law in the country, nevertheless, could respect the world norms, giving highest priority in implementation of LLRC recommendations as also reiterated by Prof. Rajiva Wejisinghe, we could have achieved instead poisitive statemements during this sessions.
Btw, Potential future predecessor of Ms Pillay, Darusmann, would never leave room MR IDIOCY to do the job, if MR cant tackle them with her until end of this year.
What more we need to discuss over, in a regime where anything and everything has come down to the level of somalia, pakistan or the like countries, where no respect and dignity is given to anyone, let alone to former president or the opposition leaders, what worst can be the case in the months to come ? This we are all clear to this day.
Many inc. me would seek only justice and fairness to all communities. Just because we raise the voice means we are not against the country, but against brutal regime only. We are not necessarily pro imperialists or pro NGOs. We do our job regardless of being where we are. Today your level is being represented by many while us being pulled away by your thuggish administriation. Man in power is said to have abused over 90% of the loans taken from Chinese banks making poor man even poorer, while their family cronies becoming billianairs.
Try to listen to your heart feelings being honest to you, then things would become for you and us fair at least in the future. This is like ” pigs might fly”, but JAYA NIYATHAI, if we are clean.
I am born sinhalaya, grew up with buddhist trad. but LIVE like srilanken (EUROPE) will die as SRILANKEN.
Eusense / March 28, 2014
How did you come to the conclusion that I am a supporter of Rajapakse? Which statement of mine convinced you in that? You seems to be speculating rather than taking facts into consideration. Go through every statement Pillay made on Sri Lanka since she started talking about SL. See for your self how unbiased she is! How come even South Africa did not vote “yes” for the resolution even with Pillay’s and Tutu’s biased preaching? I recent foreign entities trying to drive internal affairs of any country. If you are a real Sri Lankan Sinhalese as you say first you should fight against dictating actions of outsiders irrespective of who the president is. Once you take care of that you take care of Rajapakse and his corruption. I hope you are aware of consequences of outsiders trying to bring democracy and other social/political changes in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria. All these countries are in shambles!
Soma / March 28, 2014
I have been following your comments on CT forum for the past few weeks and I know yours is supportive to Rajaapskshes. There you dont need to deny – I could bring you proof if asked to to do.
This resolution is not exclusively on alleged war crimes, but all other HR violations, impunity, lack of law and oder, lack of freedom of speech and several other issues. Even incidents such as deaths resulted from killings at Rathupaswala, and few other crime incidents were also considered in that regard. Besides, this is not the first time that the country face UN resolutions. It is known fact that the man in power is stupid and clearly not appropriate to get on with IC though former govts handled it to the top for example getting LTTErs banned almost every soils. That was the real diplomacy that former ministers practised then. Instead of learning from past, current outift has shot the messengers repetedly. Even today, DJ criticised the manner that the govt handled them specially in post war period is not satisfactory. Those who raise the issue, may feel how could have they managed them properly, while MR adminsitration failing to appoint personnels to those foreign office breaking all tradition, but only respecting MR doctrine which is sadly based on ” ape miniha = our man” principle rather than prioritizing on hands on experience that a candidate should bring with.
I agree with some valid points added by DJ in his previous articles, tele interviews that we need to stay in contact with those countries that constantly criticise us for the alleged war crimes. Even if he and few other senior men in areas publicly made their inputs, there were no signs of MR adminstration to listen to anyone. Not only foreign criticisms, but also the ones came from locals were only subjected to sarcasm. A country that has maintained world recognized diplomatic relations have now reduced to handful of countries of MR choice to this day. Consequence became to us all, on this day. MR regime should be made accountable for all misery.
eusense / March 28, 2014
Please post proof of what I wrote supporting Rajapakse. All my writings were/are supportive of Sri Lanka.
The UNHRC was initiated only for what happened at the end of the war. That is one more reason why I don’t support this resolution, it intrudes into the sovereignty of Sri Lanka.
Whether it is Ratthupaswala or Jaffna it is the gov.’s responsibility to ensure security and safety of all citizens if groups become unruly. Even in the US the scenario is the same. No disturbances in the country. You haven’t even heard of thousands of such things happened in the US.
I have never backed Rajapakse’s corrupt activity or how he handled the post war period. However, I appreciate his fighting the terrorists and eliminating them. No Sri Lankan can deny that.
Post my writings that specifically support Rajapakse!
Soma / March 28, 2014
Supporting Rajapakshe = apologists´ views to his rule
From what I read sofar, I have no doubt, that yours go very close to that of Raja. I will take time to dig the archives and get back to you. one with a needle head of brain would not agree with Raja the way he has been handling specially the ministries of external affairs and justice; pleading the palatable doing the opposite is his life motto. His political survival is based on malevolence and far abusive tactics of his own nature.
I am not JVP, but right at the moment, I cant disgree with what AKD´s explaination based on prima fasie evidences to call the incumbent as the highly corrupted state leader – giving you an example the way how MR air lifted himself by a Helicopter to meet up a drug dealer in Negmbo areas at the time police cornered him.
What was that relationship ?
Nothing is exposed since then about the incident either as usual to almost every crime investigation under biased intereference of current rule. Moreover, we feel as if we live in a lawless state today – largest amount of heroine was confiscated, but nothing is exposed sinc ethen (now it was almost 6 month gone). Very same question was posed by UN highcommissioner yesterday “they say they have started with crime investigations, but why then not a single person is convicted yet “.
Thiru / March 26, 2014
Mahinda has reportedly said that he is not bothered about this international investigation: I wonder what he got up his sleeve!
Kirri Yakka / March 27, 2014
Burma – a budhist militarist bum state.
K.A Sumanasekera / March 27, 2014
GOBI, the new leader of the LTTE sent by Norway Nediyawan is still on the run after shooting a Policeman in the TNA administered NOrth.
His Deputy and 9 cadres are in remand after getting caught with LTTE posters, Arms and Explosives.
But the Vellala CM denies it according to the Hindu Newspaper.
And Ms Pillai’s main gripe is , that our inhabitants didn’t accept her Technical Assistance..
Is this assistance package ,… to withdraw the Army, and Give free access to Christian NGOs like Father Praveen and Ruki Fernando to organize pro Diaspora , pro LTTE protests by the poor non Vellala inhabitants in the North.
Ms Pillai has been conducting a sort of vendetta against the Sinhala Buddhist inhabitants who now live in peace, for the support they give the current Govt to eliminate the Diaspora funded 30 year Terrorism.
At least this is the perception the great majority of the inhabitant population have about Ms Pillai and her UN crusade.
“What is that Buddhist Flag doing in the Torrington Square?” was the main complaint of Ms Pillai’s after her much anticipated visit to Srilanka.
She couldn’t give a Tuppence about the development, jobs and peace in the country since Nanthikadal.
Is this reconciliation when the Buddhists are 72 % of the inhabitant population?.
Palmsquirrell / March 27, 2014
Don’t act like you believe there really is a Gobi. GOSL’s word is worth less than pigeon poop, so no reason to believe this Gobi figure exists.
punchisingho / March 27, 2014
Why couldn’t around 100000 army, navy, air force and police believed to be stationed in the North and East catch a single man called Gobi so far?Why has arresting him become more difficult than finding debris of the vanished Malaysian airliner?
Why didn’t police shoot him when he shot at police from under a bed?
Fathima Fukushima / March 27, 2014
Where is genocide, Tamil referendum, international investigation in the resolution?
Tamils have been fooled again.
BBS Rep / March 27, 2014
Please do not blame Navi Pillay for the predicament Sri Lanka is in.
Blame the blameworthy, the Rajapaksa Clan. Mahinda Rajapaksa had ample chance to change Sri Lanka for the better after the 2009 war. Instead he chose to subject Tamils to continued jack boot rule of the military, he took Tamil lands forcibly, he did nothing towards true reconciliation, he empowered saffron robed thugs to roam freely destroying mosques and churches and bullying minorities, he systematically destroyed all state institutions that were in place to ensure law and order.
So why blame Navi Pillay, blame the Rajapaksa Cabal for our sad state of affairs.
Sadth / March 27, 2014
Pilllay, how the hell you talk about human rights with out mentioning the name prabhakaran. You did your best to save that inhuman animal and there is no point of thinking about that. Give it up pillay, no matter how hard you and your terrorist friends wants, eelam is dead and gone!!!
Rohan r / March 27, 2014
Maveeran, you are a sad character. I have noticed all you do is go to each article and spew hate, but no substance or facts!!. You keep saying rajapkse committed war crimes and should be investigated. Ok fine then how about the Ltte and it’s material supporters ? Ie; Adela B, rudra etc. do you think they should be charged as well, if not why not. Please try and answer intelligently, don’t reply with your typical hate and name calling
Rohan R / March 27, 2014
Robert R, how wrong are u?. The LLRC has 2 tamil judges and a muslim judge. Please educate yourself before you comment, typical
1. C. R. De Silva, PC (chair) – Attorney General (2007–2009); Solicitor General (1999–2007); Deputy Solicitor General (1992–97)
2. A. Rohan Perera, PC – former legal advisor to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and current member of the International Law Commission
3. Karunaratne Hangawatte – Professor of Criminal Justice at the Department of Criminal Justice, University of Nevada, Las Vegas and former consultant to the United Nations[18]
4. Chandirapal Chanmugam – Secretary to the Treasury (1987–88)
5. H. M. G. S. Palihakkara – former Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and former Permanent Representative to the United Nations
6. Manohari Ramanathan – former Deputy Legal Draftsman and former member of the Monetary Board of Sri Lanka
7. Maxwell Parakrama Paranagama – former High Court Judge
8. M. T. M. Bafiq – Senior Attorney at law and member of the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka
Chandra Seneviratne / March 27, 2014
Re. comments made by EUsense. Delay was due to difficulty encountered in access to CT web site .
My point is that MR’s stratocracy has systematically destroyed the entire institutional framework for democracy, rule of law and independence of judiciary. In this condition a fair and impartial and unprejudiced inquiry or investigation into violations humanitarian laws domestically is an unfeasibility and a ridiculous expectation. Disdainfully the position is that the very perpetrators of crimes appoint judges to try the cases against them .Let alone the competence of stooges who may be appointed to Tribunals by the despotic regime the independence expected of them is a near ridiculousness . The unethical practices that have been hardened into an absolute right of MR’s tyranny to make use of public funds and resources , deployment of state power, media, thuggery to intimidate votes no free and fair election is anticipated under the MR without a regime change. In the context of the above , we should wholeheartedly welcome the UNCRC’s recommendation for inquiries under the auspices of UNHRC , against all credible allegations of crimes against humanitarian laws but without limiting to those that were committed during last days of war against LTTE and extending to bring light to mysteries of killings in unearthed mass graves in north and also in the south of Sinhala youth and killings disappearances journalists , political dissidents in the post war period .The the common people in Sri Lanka do not have rationale to conceal or cover up criminals being go astray without punishment for crimes they have committed. We should get out of this morass of the mind set of harboring heinous criminals clad in lily-white in politics to bring to an end to the present system of governance of we being ruled by ill-mannered ,ignorant ,corrupt, indecent crooks and look forward for a better society for the future generations . I do not consider you prefer rule such gangsters unless you directly or indirectly benefit from them. Let’s educate citizenry to set free themselves, mentally and physically, from the trap laid by these hoodlums.
punchisingho / March 27, 2014
Human rights of Sri Lankans were violated by every government and armed groups such as the LTTE and the JVP. We have not forgotten how people were killed by the government forces and the JVP during 88-90 period.Hence violations of human rights of the Sri Lankans by all the governments and armed groups should be investigated , reported and published. It will immensely be helpful to prevent future human right violations in the island at least to a certain extent.
I wish to draw the attention of INGOs and NGOs active in Sri Lanka to the above noble task
Antany Peter / March 27, 2014
The Rajapaksa regime was trying hard to do the same to Ananthi Sasitharan as it did to Mrs Balendran Jeyakumari, but Ananthi is well known to the international community. Plus the situation is getting worse, and a grave danger for the Rajapaksas survival. Therefore, they had to implement a drama to keep Mrs Balendran Jeyakumari silent, and also to bring the LTTE fear factor to increase their votes; plus to justify their foolish actions to the International community. However, their foolish action won’t give that much leverage for the Rajapaksas to manoeuvre internationally in the future. I haven’t reached out to all the countries’ leaders to secure votes for the US backed resolution; because I still prefer to bring a change through the country’s election. I know the West well; therefore, I am hesitating to bring the West inside of the Indian Ocean. I am a victim of the Western tricks; therefore, I don’t mind to give one more chance to the Rajapaksas and let them see what is coming; if they carry-on their stupidity. I don’t know which way the UNHRC voting will go today, let’s wait and see. I am happier to tightening the noose of the Rajapaksas to direct them into the right path and enlightening the average Sri Lankans than bringing the West into the Indian Ocean.
Antany Peter / March 27, 2014
Minister Mervyn Silva is starting to know what is coming, he cried yesterday after laying the foundation stone for his tomb at the Borella Cemetery. I couldn’t stop laughing :-)
Here is a one joker call Ven. Kamburugamuwe Vajira Nayake Thera in his sermon said, “Mervyn Silva has, on this occasion, shown what is living and dying. His heart is pure. Through his strength he had made yeoman service to the country and the people. He is a blessed individual, who worships the Buddha daily, and he also worships my late father.”
In response,this is what our beloved joker and marriage proposer Silva said, “If the Ven. Nayake Thera had told these things after my death, I would not have been able to hear them. But now, in front of my own tomb, I heard it for real. That is a source of great happiness. “The Geneva Conference is going to create a huge setback for us this week. The white man is getting ready for this because he does not know there is death for him.”Kings such as Dutu Gemunu and Parakrama Bahu the Great, have safeguarded our country and developed it. In modern times, it is the great hero called, Mahinda Rajapaksa, who had done that. Now we have to face a group of Geneva white men, who do not know religion and death.”
sugan / April 3, 2014
navi do not come to our country liar