18 February, 2025


Full Vdeo: Dayasiri’s Last Speech

Former United National Party Parliamentarian Dayasiri Jayasekara‘s last speech in the parliament on 2013 07 24


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    Well, in reality it does not take much analytical skills to figure out the entire scenario…RW and the UNP is the defacto government of Sri Lanka. Count the number of ex UNPers vs the original SLFPers in the scene! End justifies the means

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    If UNP is not good…what u should done is to move from politics or create a new party…U joined a regime…

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    If I were the UNP, I would offer Sumanthiran membership and also allow him to keep his affiliation with the TNA. Sumanthiran is pretty much the opposition in Sri Lanka anyway. He is only in the opposition because he supports democracy and the rule of law and is a uniter rather than a divider. The UNP should try a bold move and offer him membership simultaneous to his membership in the TNA. And, then give him an even higher profile in Parliament so that the way can be paved for him to be the president of Sri Lanka in a nation that will vote for the best and most intelligent man for the job. At a minimum, the UNP should cross-endorse him. When that time comes, Sri Lanka will be great again for all Sri Lankans…

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    What a shameless bugger. Betraying the own party shamelessly while praising the despot. A number one hypocrite. Dayasiri should have left the party if the party and its leader was that bad as he was saying. why waited this long. He blames the process of ousting the CJ but joining the same party. He should have given that speech without his sarama. UNP is btter off for sure without these types of opportunists. Dayasiri is ideal to MR. Trash piling up endlessly in the UPFA garbage bin. Its bahina kalawa. No one can stop KARMA.

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    O yes i really wish its his last speech in the parliament. Adios Dayasiri we dont need poiticos like you. There is already plenty of Buruwos of your calibre. You oined the right party and MR is ideal for you.

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    There was a time when a Minister in the UNP govt. Gamini Jayasuriya who did not see eye to eye with the leadership, resigned his post but did not crossover. They were true Gentleman with principles and not like these scumbags without self respect and integrity. What can RW do with such indisciplined MPs who had crossed over? Blaming RW will not do. How can RW build a Party without discipline, before building a country? If RW allows all these catchers to remain in the UNP, the UNP will be no different to MR’s UPFA. MP Harin Fernando suitably answered Dayasiri’s allegations. Unable to see this type of New Young able speakers of the UNP, safeguarding the Party and the Leadership, the allegation that RW survives because of the old guard, got exposed when the foul mouth Mahindananda opened his gab. Credit should be given to RW for reviving the UNP sans the Corrupt and Unprincipled. It will not be long before the UNP will come back to power with such young blood, able and willing to salvage this country. Now that most of the Corrupt and the murderous have been rid from the UNP and a negligible remaining, it will not be difficult to once again build Sri Lanka for all it’s citizens. The name of the party itself depicts United National Party a party for all communities and all Religions. Therefore it is the bounden duty for every citizen to shoulder the wheel of the UNP to put them back in power and all citizens to unite for that purpose without petty bickering. If we do not, it is not RW who will be the looser, but us as a Nation.

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    He knows that he can cheat Sinhalese Buddhists easily in the Island. Again the people will vote him and he will become a CM for NWP. Rajapaksa can do anything as long as foolish Buddhists exists in the island.

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      It will take a long time to eliminate Sinhala Buddhists from Sri Lanka.
      Keep dreaming you bigot .Dayasiri BTW was born a Christian , but appears to have changed recently , like another famous SLFP stalwart who did so to hood wink the (m)asses and become PM. His legacy to the Nation is what we are experiencing today .

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    Dayasiri was political genius ongoing democracy of are concern.
    He had been exit from UNP Parliamet seat and seek fresh mandate by his own conscience . He is elaborate his view on right outlook by his speech on democratic framework, as well as un-democratic inopportune work by leaders of UNP last several years.
    Hence he has reveled facts that inoperable and inoperative pattern of UNP act of pageant by policies adopted to misled masses of people by and large under-leadership of Ranil.W last 18 years.The according to his consciousness, that at last his decision act, go behind people’s mandate, is set new path Parliament democracy after 30 years.
    Dayasiri is new type of emerging power of democratic evolution process in our Island.

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    How could anyone trust what Dayasiri just drops ?

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