16 January, 2025


Futility Of A ‘UN Day Of Palestinian Solidarity’ – In A World Carrying Its Past Guilt!

By Mohamed Harees –

Lukman Harees

“The Zionists indeed learnt well from the Nazis. So well that it seems that their morally repugnant treatment of the Palestinians, and their attempts to destroy Palestinian society within Israel and the occupied territories, reveals them as basically Nazis with beards and black hats” ~ Norman Finkelstein (An American political scientist whose primary fields of research are the politics of the Holocaust and the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. Finkelstein was born to parents who are both Jewish Holocaust survivors in New York City in 1953)

The date of 29 November is observed as the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People since 1978. This date, which was chosen because of its meaning and significance to the Palestinian people, is based on the call by the United Nations General Assembly for an annual observance of the resolution on the partition of Palestine. What has become known as the Partition Plan or the Resolution 181 (II), intended to establish an Arab State and a Jewish State, and was adopted on 29 November 1947. The International Day of Solidarity traditionally provides an opportunity for the international community to focus its attention on the fact that the question of Palestine remains unresolved and that the Palestinian people have yet to attain their inalienable rights as defined by the General Assembly, namely, the right to self-determination without external interference, the right to national independence and sovereignty, and the right to return to their homes and property, from which they have been displaced.

For people of the world who are non-Palestinians living thousands of miles away from Gaza but watching the deadly Israeli atrocity and war crimes in Gaza, from afar, it’s more than grief that grips them – it’s also guilt. In fact, guilt is a feeling that majority of the humanity feel when they see the devastation, the indiscriminate killings, and inherently they feel  the empathy generated with ‘Palestine’ in their hearts. Survivor’s guilt is real. Nowadays, when we open the social media apps on our phones, we usually see content of a similar nature: graphic images and videos of dead or seriously injured Palestinians. Often, the people in these posts are babies and children, and it is heartbreaking to see the plight of these innocent, young souls. the survivor’s guilt that many of us around the world are experiencing today is really awful. One would wonder why innocent people like you and I are experiencing survivor’s guilt. Well, this is the first time in history that we are witnessing war atrocities in real-time. According to therapists, seeing these traumatic visuals day after day and being unable to do anything to help the people who are suffering is causing widespread survivor’s guilt. And fortunately, not just Palestinians, but a world emerging from its historic guilt are refusing to be its silent victims no longer.  However, it is not just Israeli atrocities which the world should put a stop to, but the arrogant patronage given to the regime by their Western backers, financiers and supporters as well.    

On 7 October, the national security council spokesperson Adrienne Watson stated that the US “unequivocally condemns the unprovoked attacks by Hamas terrorists against Israeli civilians”. True! People must stand up and denounce the killing of every civilian, Israeli or Palestinian or otherwise. But Watson’s use of the word “unprovoked”  lacks historic context. What exactly counts as a provocation? Not, apparently, the denial of Palestinian human rights and national aspirations for decades, the large number of illegal settlers robbing Palestine lands, or recently those who stormed the al-Aqsa mosque compound on 5 October, or not the 248 Palestinians killed by Israeli forces or settlers between 1 January and 4 October of this year. 

The deep and lasting human consequences of Israel’s terrifying, perpetual war on Palestinians – prosecuted with indiscriminate cruelty by an occupying army and its de facto proxies, fanatical settler militias – have been plain for anyone willing or inclined to see, for generations. Countless lives lost and maimed in body and spirit. Land and homes stolen. Livelihoods and ancient traditions destroyed. The exhausting cycle of having to rebuild, then watching all the promise and possibility turn, in an instant, to dust. The wholesale imprisonment of a people penned like cattle behind walls and barbed wire fences, where water and electricity, food and fuel, are switched on and off on a colonial power’s whim.

Watching US or some mainstream Western Media, people would be likely to presume that Palestinians always act while Israel only reacts. Or that Palestinians are the ones colonizing the land of Israel, and that this occupier State, which holds ultimate control over the lives of 5 million Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza and yet denies them the right to vote in Israeli elections, is a democracy. Besides, there’s also the nagging hypocrisy and double standards to grapple with too. For example, the West made lot of noises to support Ukraine’s resistance to foreign occupation (as they should) but blithely deny Palestinians any way to resist their Zionist occupation. Even non-violent methods of resistance like the BDS campaign is being strongly vilified and even criminalized. 

However, these double standards are to be expected, considering how the West looked at the plight of the Palestinians discussed in the past, but that doesn’t eliminate its moral darkness. The West is also particularly tone-deaf at this moment, when Israel has been using unprecedented violence on a largely defenceless and penned-in population, in part to cover for its own fatal mistakes and embarrassment. This is not a two sided conflict as Western media attempt to portray the pogrom in Gaza: there is a massive asymmetry – one dominates while the other is dominated. One colonizes. The other is colonized. Not just the West, but the and the rest of world too through its complicit silence, should bear a large portion of the blame, through their desperate attachment to morally bankrupt double standards. 

When the Israeli military kills Palestinians, they speak of “collateral damage,” not families blown apart. When their defence minister talks about cutting off electricity and water to Gaza, he speaks only of fighting Hamas “animals” — not of the hospital patients and formula-fed babies likely to die as a consequence.

Today, the label anti-Semitism is hijacked and redefined by expanding its scope to include criticism of Israel and anti-Zionism. Many Western governments, particularly Germany (which carries its historic guilt for the Holocaust) has declared a monopoly on deciding who to label as anti-Semitic. As a consequence, all persons, slogans, actions, writings, films, art, and intellectual discussions that criticize Israel, call for Palestinian rights, or discuss the Palestinian perspective are deemed anti-Semitic. Even the slogan “Free Palestine” has absurdly been redefined as anti-Semitic! Little does the West realise that Palestinian wounds are opened by each prohibition of the call for Palestinian rights. Germany in particular and the West in general should free Palestine from their guilt!

Riyad Mansour, the Palestinian ambassador to the United Nations, recently said “History begins for some media and politicians when Israelis are killed. Our people have endured one deadly year after another, recounting the repeated warnings he and other exasperated Palestinians have issued – time and again – of the potential “consequences of Israeli impunity and international inaction…We are not sub-humans. We will never accept a rhetoric that denigrates our humanity and reneges our rights. A rhetoric that ignores the occupation of our land and oppression of our people.” Human rights groups based in Israel, London and New York have published numerous reports that establishes, as a matter of international law, that Israel has, for a long time, been enjoying impunity, guilty of apartheid – a state-sanctioned, systemic policy to impose ethnic supremacy over besieged Palestinians with brutal, grinding efficiency. 

The UN estimates that 670,000 Israeli citizens live in 130 illegal settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and this year had already set an all-time record for settlement construction in the West Bank. The people of Gaza have lived for 16 years under a blockade that the UN has called an illegal act of collective punishment that has made their territory ‘unliveable’ However, thanks to US veto power in virtually all international bodies, Israel is not meaningfully accountable to international law. With the complicity of the Western governments and media. Israel’s deliberate, organised oppression is simply unsustainable. Israel now sits, occupying its swollen territory, pulverizing houses and villages containing snipers, outlawing protests/strikes of Arabs, killing Palestinians indiscriminately in the name of checking terrorism or defending itself. Nevertheless, Western columnists will defend Israel – without so much as a hint of doubt or equivocation – despite its demonstrable record of erasing Palestinians whenever it wants, wherever it wants, for whatever reason it wants. 

In fact, Europe too has played a pivotal — and guilt-ridden — role from the start in the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. Zionism, the late 19th-century movement to create a Jewish homeland, grew from Europe’s pogroms. The content of the Balfour declaration Britian expounded, seems no less distant or downright baffling. The prominent Jewish intellectual Arthur Koestler, repeating a frequent mantra, would call it “one the most improbable political documents of all time,” in which “one nation solemnly promised to a second nation the country of a third.” The fact that it included no explicit rationale for itself has also fuelled the suspicion that its authors had dark or disreputable motives. In finality, when the fuller story is told, the Balfour Declaration looks very different. It is no longer a British imperial grab but the outcome of a carefully constructed consensus of the leading democracies of the day. Despite appearances, the Balfour Declaration was more than the chess move of a single power. Behind it stood the Allies, each of whom gave it some push forward.

Israel cannot wage a full-scale war on a nation, its people, its land, its holy sites and expect peace in exchange. The atrocities that were allowed to happen under criminal Bibi’s watch, alongside the upcoming brutal invasion of Gaza he plans to oversee, seem likely to ensure that any two-state solution will remain out of reach even after he is no longer in power. The enmity and mistrust between the parties will be too strong–the damage too profound. There is no inherent enmity or conflict between Arab and Jew. In the great centuries of Arab civilization in North Africa and Spain, Jews took a happy and prominent part–in contrast to their ongoing persecution by the fanatics of the Christian West. Shorn of Western influence and Western imperialism, that harmony can reign once more.

The window to prevent a full scale genocide is narrowing by the day. If the truth is important, now is the time to tell it. If facts matter at all, now is the time to be clear on them—including and especially with respect to facts that are inconvenient for one’s own side. As people of the world, one of the most effective ways to fight survivor’s guilt is to use it as a tool to take action. We can take the guilt we are feeling and use it to support an organization that, for example, feeds displaced Palestinian children. Or, if we cannot afford to part with any, we can support the BDS campaign by boycotting brands that are supporting the genocide in Palestine. Or we can also join local marches and rallies protesting the Israeli instigated war in Gaza and demanding a ceasefire and force the hands of the governments to act with clear conscience and punish Israeli impunity. There are similar actions we can take to stop feeling helpless or at least feel more in control than we are right now. These actions, although small, have a ripple effect, and they will matter in the long run. Plus, it’s the least we can do as human beings with a functioning moral compass.

A colonized Palestine isn’t the answer to the world’s guilt. Zionism’s synergy with right-wing populists has exploited antisemitism to justify apartheid and criticism of the terror State of Israel. One meaningful contribution the people in the West and outside can make to stopping the violence is by confronting at every opportunity the vast public conspiracy of silence about the [Israeli] occupation. That’s the only thing we can do that has any consequence beyond seeing to our own conscience. Our role, as people outside the area of conflict and war should be to help and demand our governments to support the Palestine in their quest for peace and justice. This does not mean mealy-mouthed statements about peace, but specific interventions designed to push our individual governments toward fostering that sense of reality. Not just a ceasefire, but a comprehensive resolution of this long standing conflict – Realising a Palestine dream of a homeland of their own and resolving the related issues. A military solution followed by another illusion of stability is only likely to fall apart once again, killing more thousands along the way. 

“The UN took a strong stand against apartheid; and over the years, an international consensus was built, which helped to bring an end to this iniquitous system. But we know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.“~ Nelson Mandela

Latest comments

  • 8

    “one nation solemnly promised to a second nation the country of a third.”
    Looks like how the so called great powers operate. These colonial and neo-colonial powers take decisions that affect innocent peoples’ lives, without ever consultimg or considering their wishes and aspirations, at times even without their knowledge. What matters is that the interests of great power politics are met at any cost.
    Human lives to a large extent are expendable, especially for those who are in positions of power, whether they be individuals, countries, or alliances of countries.
    You would see this being reflected in any conflict, not just in the Israel-Palastinian one. The hand of these great powers -sometimes not so visible.
    All these conflicts points to a world order that has failed its consituent populations. Despite how well meaning the UN might be, it unfortunately has neither enough teeth nor freedom from the influence of the greater power in the geopolotical arena, to prevent or effectively resolve such conflicts.
    What is also lacking is a holistic approach to these conflicts and their resolution, without which they are not going to go away anywhere anytime soon.

    • 13

      Check your own back yard first what you seems to thinking it’s ok to harras the minorities. Did you all learn from the mistakes what had this country to lead.
      Yes given lesson to Tamils in.83 write new chapter in your chronicle
      Aluthgama with the protection of then a single doctor Shaffi then eating out lets
      King Asoka Chakaravatri spread the Buddhism here

      • 3

        ““one nation solemnly promised to a second nation the country of a third.””
        This probabbly didn’t sit with you well…eh?
        I think in a different comment you have made here, you yourself mention how Mossad taught JRJ to kill. They (Mossad) I think also taught Sinhalese leaders how to occupy minority territorries.
        It was also well known that Mossad trained both the Sri Lankan army and the LTTE, sometimes at the same time in adjoining camps, without the knowledge of each other.

        • 3

          Divine retribution has commenced on Arabs in particular and Muslims in general for their past guilt, which they are not willing to accept nor wishing to take corrective actions. Egypt should be freed of Arabs and handed over to Coptics. Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine should be freed of Arabs and handed over to Cannanites. Syria has to be freed of Arabs and handed over to Assyrians. Iraq and Saudi Arabia should be freed of Arabs and handed over to Sumerians. Southern Iran has to be freed of Persians and handed over to Elamites. Indus valley has to be freed of Pakistanis and handed over to Dravidians. Jews are fighting Arabs and Muslim world not only for their survival, but also for other religions. Muslims are coming a cropper against Jews because Judaism is a militant religion seeking revenge similar to Islam. Muslims are frustrated because Allah is unable to protect them.

          • 3

            Those who are attacking Israel, are turning a blind eye to what is happening in Pakistan which is a Islamic racist state committing genocide of Hindus. Indus Valley belongs to Dravidians and Pakistan is occupying it.It is time India drives Muslims out of Indus Valley and hand it to Dravidians, which no one could find fault with. If Hindus can accept Pakistan, why could not the Arabs accept Israel, without trying to destroy it. This is the fourth attempt to do so and with divine protection, Israel will win with Muslims humiliated once again. What Israel should do is to drive Palestinians away from Gaza and Jerusalem, and settle poor Hindu farmers from India, who will protect the state of Israel, which came into existence according to Biblical prophesy. Nowhere in the Bible it has been stated that Israel when established once will be destroyed by enemies.

  • 16

    Today, the most of the authors of articles in this forum have moved from local or national issues to international issues. It shows that journalists have broadened their knowledge, focus and skills and shorten their interest in local matters.I feel that most of our Journalists are more interested in their race than common interest of the country.

    • 4

      “I feel that most of our Journalists are more interested in their race than common interest of the country.”
      Only journalists?

  • 8

    I think that the author is talking about the world’s guilt.
    It is unfair as most people of the world have responded rightly to the events.
    Should he not see close to the core of the crime?
    Israel is the iron fist of US imperialism in the Middle East. It extracts its fee for that role.
    Without US support, Zionist Israel cannot last even a few months.
    US imperialism could not have let Israel get away with so many crimes, if not for its Arab partners– I mean all the sheiks who owe their power to the French and British imperialists who drew lines on the sand to carve up the Middle East.
    We should not forget the Kurdish victims of this carving up, when we talk about Palestine.
    What about the criminal division of the Islamic world as Sunni v. Shia?
    When was it an issue in contemporary history? It never mattered as long as Reza Pahlavi ruled Iran.
    So blame has to be shared by the US, its imperialist European partners and Arab clients, who watched in silence as the US and NATO went on to destroy Iraq and Libya.
    They contributed to the ISIL’s war against Syria and gleefully watched as Turkey and the US carved up northern Syria.

  • 7

    One of the backers of Hamas is Netanyahu himself. He and his Likud party always thought that funding one Palestinian party against another would prevent the creation of a Palestinian state. https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/

  • 13

    Great JRJ hired Mosad got advised they convinced him kill 10 tamil at least 1 terrorist will die.
    So killings is the way of life VP gone Rohana gone but thirst of blood even the lion with sword …..sinha lee but not Brauce lee….2500 three times visited super 69

    • 3

      Backers of LTTE are Premadasa who gave weapons and Mahinda Rajapakse who gave bribe.

  • 12

    There are a few ways to fight against massive odds in military superiority and overwhelming power exercised by a monstrous aggressor. They are to make life intolerable to the mollycoddled and pampered “Chosen people” who infest the land now known as Israel. Unlike for the Palestinians who, by virtue of their persecuted status should be deemed noble and respected fully for withstanding humiliation, pain, deprivation, and misery over decades, the invading occupiers are vulnerable to many things. They must experience something like a monstrous giant in a darkened and humid room with many Malaria mosquitos biting in different places at different times. The Arab and Muslim world (populations, not the corrupt leaders) must spurn products originating in the US/UK/EU for good measure and strengthen China / Russia / and other countervailing forces to ascend economically. That will then spell the end of Zionism.

    • 16

      Similarly, in post independent Sri Lanka, the so-called chosen people the Chingkallams as promised by their Mahavamsa fable are now making like intolerable for the indigenous Thamizh population from the north and east, who like the Palestinian Arab, should be deemed noble and respected fully for the withstanding humiliation pain deprivation and misery for decades by the Chingkallams and the Chingkalla state. Armed forces/Police. Strange I see Chingkalla hypocrites coming here and crying about the plight of the Palestinian Arabs but in their own backyard support the same tactics being used by the Chingkalla Sri Lankan state against the indigenous Thamizh in their own homeland in the north and east. The Arab and Muslim world population must spurn products originating from the US/UK/EU. Oh yes, they will. Why don’t you and the rest of the Chingkalla hypocrites start this.

    • 13

      Mr. Pethiyagoda China persecutes and commits genocide on it Muslim Uighur and Buddhist Tibetan population on far larger scale and yet no one cries for them either here or anywhere. Similarly, Russia has a very long history of persecuting its Muslim Turkic and Tartar minorities living in Southern Russia and the Caucasus and even at times the Buddhist minorities in the Siberian Asian Russian far east. Ever heard of the Crimean Tartars who were banished by Stalin to the Siberian wasteland with hundreds of thousands dying and only allowed to return back to their homeland recently or what happened in Chechnya? Now Muslim Chechen soldiers are being used as cannon fodder by Putin in the Ukraine war. All in the name of Russian Orthodox Christianity during ancient times and modern times and Communism during the Communist era.

      • 12

        Jews were also severely persecuted during the Czarist Russian era. Have you ever heard of the Jewish Shtetls in Eastern Europe, especially in Ukraine parts of eastern Poland, during the Czarist Russin era and before the second world war. The Jews were confined to this area and can only travel during daytime and had to be locked in during night times and woe be onto any Jew who was found outside, without a good reason during this curfew time. They were also confined only to a few professions. During Czarist Russian times and even soon after that in Eastern Europe these Yiddish speaking Ashkenazim Jews were subject to horrible pogroms rapes and killings, this was the reason they migrated on a large scale from these regions and it is from these regions that most of the European Jews were sent to the Gas chambers, as they lived there in their millions.

        • 13

          Now coming to Arab and Muslim nations, they also persecute fellow Muslims who do not belong to a different ethnicity like a Kurd or follow a different form of Islam or if they are non-Muslims. What do you say to this? No one talks about this. At least in the west they are now more civilized and do not openly do all this to their religious and racial minorities. Saying this I do not take away anything with regards to the plight of the poor Palestinian Arabs and please realize they are not all Muslims, around 10% of them are Christian. However, we should not generalize. The west, India are far better than China, Russia and most Arab and Muslim nations in the way they treat their linguistic, ethnic and religious minorities. Sri Lankan sadly is not.

          • 7

            The movie/musical ” Fiddler on the Roof” is set in a Jewish Shtetl village in Czarist Russia, just before the Revolution, and the fall of Czarist Russia. Most probably in what is now modern Ukraine, where most of these Jewish Shtetls were. It shows a typical Yiddish speaking Ashkenazim Jewish Shtetl village, their customs and way if life during this era. Most of the present day European Jews and the Jews in the USA originated from this region and this where most of the atrocities against the European Jews took place, even during the holocaust.

    • 3

      Lasantha Pethiyagoda, you have gone mad. Let Muslims spurn the products from US/UK/EU and use inferior China/Russia/other to downhill economically. That will then spell the end of Islamic racism. Qatar and Saudi Arabia who funded Hamas do not want a war with Israel because they do not want their hard earned prosperity over the past five years to vanish. Place the history straight. Legitimate owners of Palestine are Cannanites and not Arabs or Jews who are immigrants from north Africa. Thus Arabs have committed genocide and appropriated the land. Moses led Jews who were persecuted in Egypt into Palestine. Jerusalem is the birth place of Judaism and rightfully belong to Jews. Jesus Christ was himself a Jew who lived 2000 years ago. All these are sound proof in favour of Jews and there are plenty of archaeological evidence of presence of Jews. To demolish Jewish temple and build Al-Aqsa mosque is and create a canard that Mohamed went to heaven in a chariot from there is blatant racism. Long live Israel and down with Muslims, the god has spoken.

  • 12

    Religion and Race has divided Humans, although Religions have been found by man to give solace to mankind. Has it? I wonder. At a time where most Religions are questioned by the followers and many are leaving the fold, there are some who fanatically believe and try to impose their faith on others to increase their numbers. There was a time in History, Forced Conversions have been the Order of the day and Non Believers branded as Atheists have been put to death. Fortunately we have come long past that landmark, but there are many killings and continuing Wars in the name of Religion even today. It is no lie, that Religion is a Good Business, next to Politics. Therefore is it any wonder, how Politicians and the Clergy has had a symbiotic living, scratching each other’s back for survival and sustenance, from time immemorial? In this context, spreading the Islamic Faith, Holy Wars have been waged in it’s birth place, the Middle East where the Arab States are. I do not know what is so Holy in a War, where Mohammad over one thousand four hundred years ago believed that he had a Decree from God Himself, to spread Islam in the region with a Sword, killing all Infidels.

    • 4

      “Religion and Race has divided Humans, although Religions have been found by man to give solace to mankind. Has it? I wonder.”
      Well said!
      It’s a pity that most still can’t abondon these archaic concepts and unite. We will be fighting with each other until such days are possible. It’s a long, convoluted road to lasting peace on earth.

  • 14

    You can return from Australia and live in China or Russia and so can the Arabs/Muslim masses and classes, instead lining or jumping on boats to claim refuge in the west and go there in droves to purchase lands, properties and visit, instead of China, Russia or other parts of the Muslim world. Even the Tamil Muslim hypocrites who keep on decrying the west and write all these articles and kept quiet and gave overt and covert support to the Chingkalla Sri Lankan state in the name of Islam and a fake Arab origin, to commit structural genocide and war crimes on the Eezham Thamizh, are largely living in London, Australia and other parts of the west and not in China, Russia or in some Islamic country.

    • 15

      Strange many of these Sri Lankan Muslims (not all) now living in the west ran there and claimed asylum claiming to be ethnic Thamizh, fleeing Chingkalla persecution and not as Muslims of Arabs when in reality they were the copartners of the Chingkallams in the Eezham Thamizh genocide. Thamizh when it suits them but at all other times anti Thamizh, claiming a fake imagined Arab origin in the name of their religion.

  • 2

    I vehemently condemn Hamas suicide attack at civilians at a bus stop in Jerusalem. Both Israel and Hamas who killed civilians are cowards. The actions of the Israel apartheid regime against Palestinians has put its citizens in danger.
    Peace negotiations are the only way to bring peace to the region, particularly to Palestine, so that Israel and Hamas both have no other option other than to end the violence against civilians of both countries.

    • 3

      Israel’s foot-dragging on agreeing to extend the ceasefire has put the lives of remaining hostages in danger. I don’t think families of hostages will ever forgive the Israeli PM and his government for their failure to get the hostages released when they could have done so.

    • 2

      The Hamas attack was not against civilian targets. The number of military casualties and captives should tell you something.
      You too rely on the mainstream media.
      You should look at sites like
      Or people like Danny Haiphong, Scott Ritter, Vijay Prashad (https://www.youtube.com/@PeoplesDispatch) and several others free from the mainstrean media shackles

      • 0

        Hello SJ,
        If world was to get an enema they would apply it via Scott Ritter – I’m sure that you know that he is a convicted sex offender, but do most people in Sri Lanka know that he exposed himself to minors and served 18 months in Jail. As for Vijay Prashad being described as a Marxist Intellectual, sorry its a contradiction in terms. He is a Stalinist through and through and very rich to boot.
        Best Regards

  • 7

    Israel is a fully functional democracy. If you look at education, the Muslims get access to the universities with less marks than the Jews….
    There are Muslim high court judges…
    Muslims represent the Israeli government in every walk of life…
    Women and children have rights to choose any religion or any other human rights…
    Israel almost irradiated the poverty of the Gazan’s, until the bus bombing and other atrocities committed by them…
    Until the 70’s Egypt and Jordan had access to Gaza and West bank and could not care less…
    If not for the oil discovery in the middle east by the British and the US, the middle east was tribal….
    They owe all their success to the west…
    Israel even without oil became a developed nation with hard work and dedication….
    One third of the size of Sri Lanka in a dessert area, becoming this green and successful in agriculture is not short of a miracle….
    We have much to learn from them….
    If the Arabic Muslims, get rid of their hatred towards Jews and Educate the young of the wrong they did for centuries towards the Jews, we will be able to see peace in the region….
    Country this small should be protected by the masses trying to eradicate them…

    • 4

      You say, “If not for the oil discovery in the middle east by the British and the US, the middle east was tribal…. They owe all their success to the west… “
      Of course not. The Arab countries were thriving before the arrival of Western settler colonists. The most ancient Arab civilization started in Yemen in the 9th Century BC (between 900-801 BC). There is nothing similar to Arab architecture in Europe. Later, Western setter colonists copied Arab architecture in their cathedrals. Just check pre-ancient and ancient rich Arabic architecture belonging to the Umayyad and Palmyrene empires in Syria, Fatimid empire of Egypt, Ottoman empire of Turks, Sasanian empire of Iraq, Persian empire of Iran, Nabataean empire of Jordan, to name a few. Do they look tribal to you? Ancient Arabian cities which were engineering marvels were built long before oil was discovered. For your information, the Western settler colonists, desperate for resources, built their economies on the backbones and riches of the countries they colonized.

      • 4

        You say, “If the Arabic Muslims, get rid of their hatred towards Jews and Educate the young of the wrong they did for centuries towards the Jews, we will be able to see peace in the region … .Country this small should be protected by the masses trying to eradicate them…”
        You have intentionally ignored the most important factor here which is Israel’s denial of the existence of Palestine, its control of Palestine’s resources, its illegal settlements in Palestinian territories and its dehumanization of Palestinians.
        Palestine’s legitimate resistance emerged as a result of Israel’s human rights violations. Don’t you think it is the Israeli government which should eradicate its apartheid policies against Palestine?

        • 4

          You say, “Israel even without oil became a developed nation with hard work and dedication…. One third of the size of Sri Lanka in a desert area, becoming this green and successful in agriculture is not short of a miracle … .We have much to learn from them….”
          We have nothing to learn from Israelis because they copied 17th century Palestinian advanced agriculture technologies and presented them in the 21st century as if they were their innovations.
          This is the proof. ”Agricultural techniques in Palestine, especially in citriculture, were among the most advanced in the world long before the first Zionist settlers came to its shores.” Marwan R. Beheiry, “The Agricultural Exports of Southern Palestine, 1885-1914”.
          Although Israel confiscated Palestine’s world renowned Jaffa orange groves (In Yafa, today’s Tel Aviv), they failed to bring them back to their former glory.
          More proof. “During the period 1856 to 1882, Palestine produced a relatively large agricultural surplus which was marketed in neighboring countries, such as Egypt and Lebanon, and increasingly exported to Europe. These exports included wheat, barley, dura, maise, sesame, olive oil, soap, oranges, vegetables and cotton. Among the European importers of Palestinian produce were France, England, Turkey, Greece, Italy and Malta.” Alexander Scholch – “Palestine in Transformation, 1856-1882”

          • 3

            Have you ever heard of the Palestine Plan of Partition recommended by the British in 1947 in which Palestine was divided into two states, one as Arab Palestine (45%) and the other as Jews Palestine (55%)? Almost all Palestine agricultural lands except olive groves have been allocated to Jews Palestine under the said Partition Plan. I have proof.
            From December 1945 to January 1946, the authorities of British Palestine conducted a Survey of Palestine. These are the most salient factors of their survey in terms of agricultural production in Palestine during the period 1944-1945.
            – 99% of Palestine olives were produced by Palestine farmers and onlly 1% was by Jewish farmers.
            – 99% of Palestine tobacco was produced by Palestine farmers.
            – 92% of Palestine’s grains were produced by Palestine farmers.
            – 95% of Palestine melons were produced by Palestine farmers.
            – 86% of Palestine grapes were produced by Palestine farmers.
            – 77 % of Palestine vegetables were produced by Palestine farmers.
            – 60% of Palestine bananas were produced by Palestine farmers.
            – The world renowned Jaffa oranges (Shamouti) were produced by Palestine farmers.
            How was it possible? Because, prior to the partition of Palestine in 1948, 94% of the Palestine land was owned by Arab Palestinians and only 6% was owned by Jewish Palestinians.

        • 2

          Champa check the facts below…
          1. Palestine was named by the Romans to upset the Jews after they lost the battle with the Romans…
          2. Philistines were the arch rivals of Israel back then, hence why the name was chosen…
          3. Palestine is the old Israel… Clearly you see by the notes of Torah, Bible and Quaran…
          4. Even SriLankan history shows our trades with Israel.
          5. Pilgrimage history to Israel while Romans occupied the territory speaks about Israel after they became Christian in AD 380.
          6. Automans Empire have sold the land to the Jews when they were the rulers.
          7. There is no nation call the Palestine but an area…
          8. Jews and Arabs both Muslims and Christians lived there…
          In regards to apartheid state is a lie.. Jews, Muslims, Christians and all other religions thrive in Israel… The laws protect them from discrimination… They represent the army, navy, judiciary, parliament and the police… They have access to education the same as everyone… When it comes to university entrance, they are taken with lower marks…

      • 2

        Hi Champa,
        The difference between the old days empires and now is below.
        1. It was many cities scattered over empty land.
        2. There were the peasants and the royal class.
        3. They were all Zoros (sun worshippers)
        4. Up until 3 AD all the major empires were Rawanas. Meaning Ra— Sun,,,, wana—wanshaya…. Tribe…
        5. Even the Kaba was such a place in Macca.. until prophet Muhammad got rid of them through murder.
        6. The next step was to annihilate the Jews because they didn’t expect him a true prophet.

        From the 6th century up until today the history tells how many Jews were massacred.

    • 2

      “If not for the oil discovery in the middle east by the British and the US, the middle east was tribal….” you say?
      Perhaps you have a passing knowledge of Gulf sheikhdoms,. But have you never heard of Baghdad, Damascus, Palmyra, etc? When these places became big cities, even London was tribal.

    • 3

      Israel is one of the most heavily subdised economies. The US subsidises and arms it in many ways to be its military police in the Middle East.
      Saying any more will be a waste of effort.

  • 4

    The IDF terrorists have resumed Gaza bombing presumably after Antony Blinken’s approval to do so. What will Iran do? I remember them saying that they would not allow Israel to resume bombing Palestinians again.
    Hamas has released about 100 hostages. It is pretty obvious that while Hamas has tried to save Israeli hostages in Gaza, the IDF terrorists have tried and actually succeeded in killing some. From the very beginning Israel demonstrated that they do not want to deal with the hostage issue. There is no doubt that they didn’t expect so many hostages still alive. Israel’s refusal to accept the dead bodies of hostages says it all. I commend Hamas for saving the lives of hostages. They should continue to do so. The released Israeli hostages bear evidence that they were treated very well. It is heartening to see Palestinian onlookers at the locations where hostages are released cheering and whistling to show their happiness. On the contrary, the IDF has ordered police to unleash fire and tear gas on the families and well-wishers of Palestinian hostages who gather near Israeli prisons, even killing one child.

  • 6

    Over 6,000 (may be close to 7,000. I don’t have the exact number.) Palestinian children have been killed by the IDF terrorists within 7 weeks. I wonder whether any country can normalize relations with the Israeli child-slaughter government?

    • 0

      Champa, Comments sound like partial and very biased statistics

    • 0

      Dear Champa,
      Thanks for your serious, well-researched and intelligent comments.
      I may not agree with everything that you say, and your anonymity sometimes inhibits me. I don’t even know your gender for sure!
      Best wishes,
      Panini Edirisinhe

  • 0

    Did the bloodthirsty United Jews States of America send new bombs to Israel during the Gaza ceasefire? The latest photos of some of the bomb blasts in Gaza look different.

  • 0

    Dear Mr Mohamed Lukman Harees,
    Many thanks for your article. I’m trying to now get this comment in before closing time.
    You have covered the subject well, but more or less the same ground has been covered by Dr Ameer Ali, and most of what I have told him applies to your articles as well.
    I respect you as a concerned and rational human being.
    A lot of effort goes into writing an article of this sort and taking responsibility for what you say.
    Best wishes,
    Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela (NIC 483111444V)

  • 0

    Israel’s terrorist attacks on Palestinian women and children resumed. Over 700 have been killed in Gaza one day. Just in one day. From the very beginning, it was very clear that Israel’s target was not Hamas. If it was Hamas, they should have first inspected the tunnels under Israel.

  • 0

    What makes me angry is the United States’ double standards on the genocide in Gaza. Until Israel’s bombardment of Gaza, the US was at the vanguard of protecting global human rights. Today, they are very silent.

    • 0

      Starting from POTUS, VP, SS, DS, there isn’t a single word for Israel to stop butchering children and women in Gaza. Their message to Israel is,
      “Buddy, if you plan to kill 1,000 Palestinians a day in Gaza, please, don’t kill 1,000. You should exercise restraint and kill only 999. The world is watching, you know. By the way, use our powerful bunker buster bombs in residential areas to expedite wiping out women and children in Southern Gaza. Our weapons have been tested and used before. For example, your earlier carnage ratio was only 300 deaths a day in Northern Gaza. When you started using our bunker buster bombs after the termination of the ceasefire, your carnage ratio increased to 700 deaths a day. See the effect. We couldn’t have done it better ourselves. Don’t worry about Arab leaders. We have anesthetized them through our “normalization policy”. When they wake up, they will be out of business. Give a high five. Continue your “hunt for abandoned tunnels” to cover up our economic plan that will reduce Gaza by 50%.”

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