2 May, 2024


Genocide Of Rohingya: Sri Lanka In Shocking Silence While Civilized World Condemned

By Latheef Farook

Latheef Farook

Sri Lanka’s indifference to the ongoing genocide of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar, described as the most terrifying calamity in Asia, stinks of racist politics on a burning humanitarian issue that the world excluding Israel, India and China had condemned.

Sri Lanka and its Foreign Ministry had never failed to promptly condemn explosions and bombings in far-away Western capitals but terrorizing a half million men, women and children into fleeing their generational places of birth, closer home in our Asian neighbourhood, has not struck the conscience of good governance, the professionals, the academics, the civil society and women’s organizations in Sri Lanka.

Even as Sheikh Hasina disgracefully sought to avoid initially Bangladesh being further burdened with the Rohingyas fleeing death, rape and destruction, the Buddhists of Bangladesh came out laudably, distinguishing Buddhism from fascist- terrorism.

The Convener of Bangladesh Sammilito Boudhho Samaj, Suddhananda Maha Thero articulated the feelings of all Bangladesh Buddhists when he appealed to the Myanmar government to stop the genocide of the Rohingyas. The way Rohingyas are being subjected to torture in Buddhist majority Myanmar is completely against the teachings of Gautama Buddha, he said.

As a token of protest against the persecution of Rohingya Muslims, the Buddhists of Bangladesh will not use sky lanterns during this year’s ‘Probarona Purnima’the second largest festival of Buddhists observed on October 5th and instead donate the funds to the Rohingya refugees in Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh.

Throughout the past month, the world vehemently condemned the ethnic cleansing of Rohingya Muslims by the ruling military junta and its murderous thugs inspired by the anti-Buddhist hate speeches  of Ashin Wirathu described in its cover page of TIME magazine as the “Face of Buddhist Terror”.

As if to confirm the point, a group of Buddhist extremists led by a Buddhist monk invaded a facility in Mt. Lavinia housing a group of 26 Rohingya Refugees in Sri Lanka under UNHCR care, extensively damaging the UNHCR rented building on September 26th and violently demanding their immediate expulsion from the country.

The terrorized Rohingyas, 15 adults and 11 children, were moved out to Boossa by the Police. Good governance will not arrest or prosecute the gang whose violent extremist acts, in violation of the law, led to the Rohingyas being compelled to move out to a far-away location in less safe surroundings.

With another bout of extremist violence, following the absence of arrests, the law enforcement agencies may claim that Rohingyas will be deported for ‘their own safety’ back to Myanmar, a place where they could face death.

Defense Ministry seminars must not fight shy to discuss the rising tide of violent extremism in Sri Lanka, without heeding foreign advice for hunting of grounds to blame the Rohingyas or the Sri Lankan Muslims. From day one the international media, especially the western media, integral part of US led western war machine and hostile to Islam and Muslims post 9/11 , began providing vivid details, despite strict restriction by Myanmar authorities.

In the international scene the first to condemn  was Pope Francis . Indian Nobel Amartya Sen     who described the atrocity in Burma on the Rohingyas as so intolerably – and so uniquely – barbaric” joined dozens of globally eminent citizens who have written an open letter to UN Security Council for intervention to end the human crisis in Rakhine.

“Though most governments and people worldwide were quick to condemn the atrocities with strongest possible terms, here in Sri Lanka, the government remains indifferent while local mainstream media has confined to a few paras in their coverage of Myanmar brutality. It is noteworthy that the media had never failed to give prominence to incidents allegedly caused by persons with Muslim names while atrocities against Muslims do not earn that level of coverage. 

First to call to end violence against Rohingya Muslims was Pope Francis. Within 72 hours the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres urged Myanmar to grant access to humanitarian agencies and expressed his deep concern at civilians being killed. Top UN human rights chief, Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein who described the systematic attacks against the Rohingya Muslims as a “textbook example of ethnic cleansing” pointed out that “this was predicted and could have been prevented,”

The European Rohingya Council spokeswoman Anita Schug described this as a “slow-burning genocide” and accused Myanmar’s military of being behind the deaths. Respected Buddhist leader Nobel Laureate Dalai Lama spoke out against the violence. He wrote to Aung San Suu Kyi urging her to find a peaceful solution to the crisis.

“Questions that are put to me suggest that many people have difficulty reconciling what appears to be happening to Muslims there with Myanmar as a Buddhist country,” said Dalai Lama.

In a letter to Suu Kyi shortly after the latest fighting broke out Dalai Lama said “I appeal to you and your fellow leaders to reach out to all sections of society to try to restore friendly relations throughout the population in a spirit of peace and reconciliation.

Buddha would have helped the Rohingya Muslims who are fleeing violence in Buddhist-majority Burma, the Dalai Lama has said. The world’s most well-known Buddhist icon said the plight of the minority group made him “very sad”.  

Later Dalai Lama had joined fellow Nobel peace laureates and Archbishop Desmond Tutu in urging Suu Kyi to intervene and speak out.  Whether sincere or not US President Donald Trump wants the UN Security Council to take “strong and swift action” to end violence against Myanmar’s Rohingya Muslims.

US Vice President Mike Pence accused the Myanmar military of terrible savagery, burning villages, driving the Rohingya from their homes”. He told the UN Security Council that “Images of violence and refugees from Myanmar’s Rakhine state have “shocked the American people and decent people all over the world,” “We see heartbreak and assaults on human rights and innocent civilians that’s ultimately endangering the sovereignty and security of the entire region,” Mr. Pence said during the ongoing UN General Assembly (UNGA).

Earlier US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called on Aung San Suu Kyi to urge the Myanmar military to facilitate humanitarian aid and confront allegations of human rights abuses. The Security Council has met twice behind closed doors since the crisis began on August 25 and last week issued an informal   statement to the press condemning the situation and urging Myanmar authorities to end the violence.

On Wednesday September 20 French President Emmanuel Macron said in an interview with the French TV channel TMC, that he would work with other members of the UN Security Council for a condemnation of “this genocide which is unfolding, this ethnic cleansing,” Macron’s use of the word “genocide” marks his strongest verbal attack yet on the military drive against the Rohingya.

To date more than 480,000 members of the Muslim minority have fled Myanmar for the safety of neighboring Bangladesh. “We must condemn the ethnic purification which is under way and act,” said Macron.

Suu Kyi’s stance has disheartened human rights groups who had campaigned for her freedom during the Nobel Peace Prize winner’s 15 years under house arrest by the ruling junta.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been in the forefront defending Rohingya Muslims who he said are facing genocide. Indonesia promptly sent its Foreign Minister to Myanmar and urged the government to stop the violence.

However the politically castrated dictators in the Middle East, secular puppets of US and Israel, were rather quiet. Shameful state of affairs in the Muslim world is such that Saudi Arabia spent $ 120 billion to buy weapons, perhaps to kill Muslims as it is doing in Syria, Yemen and other countries ,but allocated a mere $ 15 million only on the Rohingyas. 

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Latest comments

  • 18

    How can Srilanka condemn genocide of Rohinja muslims in Myanmar ? Did you condemn when genocide of Tamils happened in Srilanka?

    • 9

      Latheef Farook: what is happening in Kathankudy, Wilpattu etc., is sinhala-buddhist Genocide. Rishad Bathiuddin, Hakeem and other muslims know what is going on. did you muslims at least acknowledge it. Do you know what panathipatha veramani sikkapadan samadiyami” is.

      • 2

        There appears to be a demand on the government to deport Rohingyas who have landed in Srilanka as refugees in order to prevent any troubles in the future. Had the government of Kuveni deported the 700 odd refugees who landed in Srilanka 2000 years ago, there would have been no troubles in Srilanka.

    • 8

      Sri Lanka is forced to silence as doing otherwise will once again open itself up for criticism on the genocide it committed against its minority. Myanmar and Sri Lanka the perpetrators of genocide are both Buddhists and both had the blessing of the state and its military.
      So its in Sri Lanka’s interest to stay below the radar. Whether its ethical or moral is a different issue.

  • 13

    In the years since 9/11, Islamophobia has increasingly become a tool to frighten and divide populations around the globe. In Burma, Buddhist Monk Ashin Wirathu nick named The Face of Buddhist Terror organized his 969 Movement. However this movement came to oppose the presence of any Muslims in Burma. Its leadership promotes a ban on interfaith marriage and its monks respond to provocative messages and incite anti-Muslim mobs across the country, even in the more cosmopolitan cities of Yangon and Mandalay. Even non-Muslims can be beaten if they patronize Muslim businesses.

    How is it possible that Buddhists can be so violent when their religion calls for an end to suffering? Theravada Buddhism is a branch of Buddhism that has some militant traditions with sacred texts that assign more value to Buddhist lives than non-Buddhist lives. Moreover, most Burmese monks live in a monastery for a year or two before returning to family and job. During that time, monks are often dependent on the military for food. Such deep links between the military and monks can also be found in Sri Lanka, where “360,” another anti-Muslim movement, has been formed led by Gnanasara under the auspices of the former defense secretary.

    • 2

      Neesha-bitch-wali: Jesus christ said, if some one slap you give the other side too. That is Jesus. but, popes are well known instigating numerous Crusades and supporting the annihlation of Jews during the second world war. What do you think about that ?

    • 8

      “How is it possible that Buddhists can be so violent when their religion calls for an end to suffering? “

      This have very little to do with Buddhism and a lot more to do with children born outside of wed-lock and unplanned unwanted children dumped into temples, they grow-up with hate and more time than not they are abused so now they use the yellow cloth to take out that frustration on society.

    • 2

      The following links will prove the true face of Sri Lanka and the powers of Maha Sanga – whu are now above the President/PM who will decide the fate of the new constitution.
      Sri Lanka’s Crumbling Credibility

    • 0

      When People decide to be different when freedom of worship & true freedom does not exist when a religion creates laws that are morally unacceptable, when people are beheaded, stoned, & stabbed. when in such a countries women are considered to be inferior, Then how can countries that are free from such beliefs accept people who believe in these?
      Sri Lanka was once a land where people lived with respect, tolerance, & without racial problems! It is the curse of extremism that is the downfall of any country, be it religious or otherwise!
      The solution for the Rohingyas is to find countries where they will be at home! The Muslim Countries where no other religion is permitted but their own, where the law is according to their beliefs, & where their riches ( thanks to the oil) have made them among the immensely rich. It is they who should they accept these people. They have the means to lodge them as their own!

      • 3

        Daniel Roth

        “Sri Lanka was once a land where people lived with respect, tolerance, & without racial problems!”

        Only until the advent of public racist Anagarika Homeless Dharmapala.

  • 10

    Mr. Latheef Farook,
    “Secular Puppets”? Thanks a lot for unintentionally exposing your RELIGIOUS FANATICISM, though well camouflaged. These two words written by you in the last para, tells us who you really are. How you really feel about those of us, who are religious about SECULARISM. Who’s “RELIGIOUS PUPPET” are you Mr. Farook? Mohammed of Medina from 1400 years ago? If so, which fanatical sect are you a puppet of? Shiite, Sunni, Salafi, Wahabi, Sufi, Bahai, Ahmadiyya, Druze, Alevis, or `Alawis? What’s your flavour of Islam Latheef? What ever it is, that’s fine with us secularists, as long as you keep your primitive fairy tales to yourself. We do not interfere as long as you keep it private. Do not interfere with our right to question the utter, medieval BS you guys preach in the name of Islam or any other religion. SECULARISTS are nobody’s PUPPETS, but of our conscience & morality only. We need no medieval books to guide us in that regard. BTW, your hero Erdogan of Turkey is a brutal, cunning, religious fanatic and a dictator. Who deep inside hates Turkey’s well-established modern, secular way of life. His agenda is to dismantle modern, secular Turkey and establish a Islamic Caliphate. To that end, he is using democracy, European values like freedom of faith etc. However, only until Sharia takes firm hold in Turkey. He will flush all modern values, like democracy and religious freedom down his toilet. The very moment he has established Islamic fascism in Turkey. Have no doubts about that. Fortunately 50% of Turks and rising do oppose his lunacy decisively. Unsurprisingly, uneducated, poverty-stricken and rural still buy into Erdogan’s religious garbage. For confirmation about what happens, when “RELIGION OF PEACE”, is in majority take a good look at the history of Afganistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Maldives in our immediate geographic neighborhood. Any idea what happened to Buddhism in those countries? See how they treat fellow Muslims who are secular and of course other faith groups. Who needs lectures on fundamental human rights from Islamic fanatics? Latheef Farook does not care about HR. His mission is to make his version Allahu, whatever it is, Akbar! Nothing else. Cheers!

  • 10


    Your comment above is full of BS no substance.

    • 5

      Gopalaswamy Vaiko,
      Point out the BS mate. Curious. Thnx.

      • 7

        I wish i could put some people on mute!
        BH you are not worth it.

        • 3

          Haha! LOL! Muting is your religious duty as a faithful follower of that “Religion of Peace”. Sometimes you guys get a little too “peaceful”. Against us INFIDELS. Faced with our rational arguments, for which your primitive fairy tales have no answers. The best is to MUTE us as sanctioned in your book. Lash us, cut off our limbs, stone us to death, burn us alive, behead us etc. With all these brutal tools at your disposal and a ban against ever quitting your RELIGION OF PEACE, which is punishable by death, no wonder it spread like wildfire across the planet in 1400 years. By 2050 Islam will be number 1 in the world. Backed by a ever expanding young population and more kids per family as opposed to all other faiths on the planet. Cheers!

    • 4

      Absolutely, as most other comments are. These dopes don’t even read the content expecting readers to agree when they write lengthy nonsense with quotes. Why Turkey and their agenda in this. This article is about the sufferings of a minority and our country’s apparent lack of condemnation when the rest of the world is vociferous. Jims and Bens will always follow the narrow minded path and will always be the racists they are. Long live idiots.

      • 2

        Alfred Grero,
        Consider calling yourself Mohammed Ali. Latheef Farook’s concern for Rohinghya humanitarian crisis is a cover for his long game for Islam. It is not driven by empathy for suffering. Fleeing refugees must be taken care of by Sri Lanka. It is required by human morality as well as by international law. We do not need Islamic lunatics to preach to us on these matters. We know better.

  • 11

    Dogs and donkeys are all in this together. It is the failure of the superior beings (humans) that we should ALL be ashamed about.
    Those days balu senas, ravayas, would not dream of coming into Muslim areas because there were IRC’s who would have broken their bones. Gota has pretty much killed all of them under mysterious circumstances during the period 2005-2014 and now the ‘Sinhayas’ are very brave to frighten women and children whilst the men are away. We saw this at Mount Lavinia yesterday
    How much more must be fall for all Sri Lankans to realize that we are all going to get burnt in this fire! Not just Tamils, Muslims and Christians.

    • 4

      Stop Barking you Islamic infidel. What do you mean by Muslim areas. The entire land belongs to Buddhists. Muslims were allowed to enter due to kindness of our ancestors. Now you are saying that your IRCs would break the bones of our people. This is exactly what Rohingyas must have tried with Buddhists in Myanmar. Please do not mistake our tolerance as weakness. Whatever government that comes to power cannot go against the wishes of Buddhists. Do not test our patience by your stupid rhetoric.

      • 1

        ………may I remind you there were people in this country BEFORE Buddhism was imported to Sri lanka from INDIA. Hence, how can you claim Sri lanka for Sinhala Buddhists? In that case Sri Lanka should belong to INDIA.

  • 3


    Even though the writer questions as to the silence of the SRI LANKAN STATE and its government on the issue of Myanmar genocide, you are asking whether he was condemning the genocidal acts on Tamils. And also you confirm that all Sri Lankans, including yourself, do not care about fellow human being’s suffering or your sympathy on others is conditional. What a wonderful man you are.

    • 6

      Ahmad Nadvi

      The point is the hypocritical double standards of certain writers who condemn atrocities on a selective basis.

      Have Hilmy, you, Latheef Farook or any other writers ever condemn Myanmar army atrocities against Karen people of Myanmar?

      Or the state sponsored genocide of my people?

      • 0

        Native Veddo: Casteism is what make suffering of you Dalits. All those Dalits are former Sinhala people. The best solution is sinhalizing them back to Sinhala – buddhists and treat them well.

    • 6

      What he states is the truth. Any decent human being with some humanity in them will protest at what is happening to the Rohingya of Myanmar. However this does not negate the fact of the hypocritical double standards of most Sri Lankan Muslims, especially their politicians and elite and this incudes you too. They are now shouting and jumping up and down about the current situation in Myamar, concering the Rohingya, just because they are fellow Muslims. Other than the slender thread of a common religion, they do not share anything else in common with them, Language ethnicity , culture ETC. In contrast to this the Sri Lankan Muslims, ecpecially their elite and politicians were overtly and covertly siding with the Sinhalese and Sri Lankan government and supporting their genocide and war crimes against the island’s Tamils. A people with whom are their fellow citizens , and other than religion, with whom they share a common language, culture, origin and ethnicity. Charity begins at home but you stoked the genocidal fire in your own home and are now crying foul and trying to put out these same fires elsewhere. You should have to same standards of compassion for everyone, Not one for Muslims only and another for others. Just like you asked Ajit where were you and all your fellow Sri Lankan Muslims , when genocide and war crimes were committed on your fellow non Muslim Tamils with whom you share the same blood and heritage. They are also humans but since they were not Muslims, they did not look human to you. Instead the Muslims were seen dancing in the streets holding celebrations and street parties and parades in May 2009. Celebrating the killing for 145000 innocent Tamil civilians and the incarceration of more than 300000 Vannni Tamils in Nazi concentration camps. Is you sympathy also conditional on being only a Muslim. If they are not even if they belong to your same ethnicity and race. No sympathy. Look at yourself in the mirror first and then caste stones on others

      • 0

        Real Siva Sankaran Sharma, great comment. I respect your knowledge on Sri Lankan history. I’d like to contact you regarding some information. Could you please message me at sinhalapropaganda@gmail.com

    • 2

      Mr. Ahmad Nadavi do not try to avoid uncomfortable truths by attacking the messenger. Where was the common humanity and care and compassion for your fellow humans , for you and the rest of the Muslims in the island, when the island’s Tamils were attacked, killed brutally raped , their possession looted and genocide and war crimes committed on them? Or does common humanity and empathising with a fellow human only comes to you people when they are Muslims but not if they are others? I sympathise with the Rohingya because they are fellow humans and feel for them not because they are Muslim Christian Buddhist Hindu, Black, White, Brown Green or Yellow that is irrelevant. It is not the case with you and the rest of the Muslims in the island .It is obvious to everyone that you Sri Lankan Muslims will only see the humanity in a Muslim and treat them as a fellow human but not with anyone else. Even if they belong to the same race and speak your language like the Tamils in Sri Lanka. You do not see them or treat them as humans, just like the Buddhist Burmese are treating the Muslim Rohingya. This is why the Tamil (not Moor)Sri Lankan Muslims openly aided and abetted in the genocide of the Sri Lankan Tamils, or in the best scenario kept quiet and did not protest, like they are now jumping up and down for the Rohingyas or Palestinian Arab as they are not Muslims. It is to you Sri Lankan Musllims sympathy is conditional. Being a Muslims if not no sympathy. Even if they are a member of your family race or ethnicity, like the Tamils.

    • 5

      Ahmad Nadvi,
      We all should condemn the genocide of humans by brutal religious fundamentalism and dictatorship. I only questioned the writer because who was silent when the genocide happening to his brother who is speaking the same language and living with him for many centuries. I condemned the current regimes refusal to accept these refugees and the attack on them by Buddhist monks in another article.Muslims should broadened their attitude and they should condemn the bruatality of islamic fundamentalism and its terrorism.

    • 2

      Ahmed Nadvi: Latheef Farook, Hilmy ahmed are well known liars and islamic fanatics. When you think about fellow human beings, what do you think wahabi Saudi arabia kicking women in the market place because went alone to the market. See goog gle images how barberic are you wahabis.

  • 3

    It is disheartening that the law enforcement authorities, which in usual circumstances appeal for a court order against a protest which has the likelihood of turning violent,


  • 1

    Ahmad Nadvi

    The point is the hypocritical double standards of certain writers who condemn atrocities on a selective basis.

    Have Hilmy, you, Latheef Farook or any other writers ever condemn Myanmar army atrocities against Karen people of Myanmar?

    Or the state sponsored genocide of my people?

  • 6

    Dear Writer,

    Please write a letter to the Leaders and Embssadors of GULF and other countries like Malaysia, Bangaladesh and Indunesia asking them to take these poor refugees instead of wasting your time and energy on writing these bogus claim articles.

    These countries are rich countries. They can take them and feed them without any burden to poor countries like Sri Lanka. We have enough of our own problems to sort out and feed 21 Million people.

  • 5

    Barbaric, uncivilized, despicable actions of the monks shows the dark side of the Buddhist state Ceylon


  • 1

    Hitler went on killing and what happened to him finally. These fake Buddhist s will get their dues. The maharaja nene and his brothers the gnanasaaras the Ravana balayas. are turning and groaning in pain for all that they did and they will sink further and further for their sins. Where is the Yahapalanaya President of this country ,shamelessly he went to UN to talk about his country when he is witnessing the inhuman acts of the fake Buddhist monks and the thugs.?

    • 1

      After hitler killed there have been lot more leaders behaved no second to him.

      Lanken Rajapakshes too belong to the category, they dont care about the human values when it goes for refuge or the like, they just wanted to fat their pocktets.

      Had MR administration taken, due actions against this RAVAYA or any other buddhist movements, these LANKEN SKIN HEADs woudl not have mobilized as they are today.

      Just one single monk has guts to verbally attack the PC ” thamuselata padi gewanne minisunge taxes kiyala – you are paid by peoples taxes” …. just have become swollen not knowing the bits.
      Police has turned out to be decent today, than had been the high days of Rajapkshes.

  • 1

    Native Vedda, Real Siva and Rohan!

    NV, you would not deny that many things have been occurring around the word on daily basis, some are not brought to public domain. If anything this scale captures the world’s attention then it is time for general public to make some noise. Arch.Bis. Desmond TuTu raised his voice when Tamils were massacred, but Dalai Lama. Does it mean Dalai Lama prefers Rohyingya than Tamils.

    RS and RN, both of you simply forgot your silence at the time Muslims were chased out by Tamil Tigers . Both of you also do not know how many Muslims crossed with their Religious High Authority (ACJU) when they landed in Geneva with the Rajapakse officials. They still demand an apology to the Tamils and they publicly declared that they won’t accept ACJU until they publicly say sorry to the Tamils.

    Regardless of your accusations that SL Muslims are selfish, they don’t bother if anything happens to fellow human, and they are selective in their condemnations, please tell me ARE YOU NOT CONDEMNING the ethnic cleansing of Rohyingya? Or your sympathy towards them is conditional as my alleged “Conditional” stance.

    • 1

      Ahmad Nadvi

      I will make it simple, have Hilmy, you, Latheef Farook any other writers ever condemned the Sri Lankan state and government for ethnic cleansing of my people, particularly when they were forcibly evicted from their natural habitats or on the innocent Tamils over many decades?

      If not why not?

      Don’t you think its all about selective human rights?

  • 1

    Latheef Farook ~ “Genocide Of Rohingya: Sri Lanka In Shocking Silence While Civilized World Condemned”
    In first para Latheef clarifies ~ “……the world excluding Israel, India and China had condemned…………”
    Israel considers genocide can ONLY be associated with anti-Semitism.
    China hides behind the cowardly Emperor’s cloths “Internal Matter”.
    The Indian stand is ineffable. The other day BJP lawmaker Varun Gandhi in an article written in a Hindi daily said “………India must give asylum to Rohingyas but before that, analysis of genuine security concerns should be done………..”. Promptly Union minister of state for home affairs Hansraj Ahir criticised Varun saying “……….those who have national interest in mind should not make such statements……….”.
    Home minister Rajnath Singh last week had said Rohingyas were not refugees who have applied for asylum in India but illegal immigrants who “will be deported”.
    The despicable Hindu bigots are pulling India out of secularism
    By the way countries which condemned Myanmar are not necessarily civilized – glaring example is US.
    Let us consider the “SL in shocking silence…..”. Is Latheef really shocked? Surely surely!
    Not many Lankans are shocked by the silence of the Muslim MPs and Islamist clergy – they will never ever compromise the wealth making machinery.
    By the way, TGTE has raised the Rohingya issue with UN and will vigorously persue it.
    Rohingyas are human beings. The so-called civilized countries recognise this with a caveat – Australia for example says “But they are Muslims”.

  • 2

    While condemning the ethnic cleansing of the Rohyingya Muslims, the other side of the story was that there were terrorists activities in Rohyingya area by the Muslims. If there was terrorist activities in that area , there should have been a pivotal reason for such activities which the government has failed to solve it. So what was the reason for the Buddhist monks to attack the Rohyingya refugees in Sri Lanka. It was a barbaric and devilish act by the monks. This is a typical example of the of the kind of specimens in Sri Lanka.
    On the other hand, the Muslims all over the world should change and change their behaviour and the terrorist activities in other parts of the world and also refrain from putting their faith before everything else as there are many other faiths followed by other people.

    • 2

      SELLAM: Muslims, at least have their own countries. What do you have. You can not live in your country, Tamilnadu, without north Indian Brahmins treating you like stray dogs. Som enjoy freedom in Sri lanka.

  • 0

    Native Vedda,

    I don’t know who your people are? Take my case for example; I stopped voting for any Presidential, general and local government elections since 1983 as my opposition to what the Sri Lankan state did to its innocent Tamil citizens. I was an eye witness when innocent Tamils youths burnt alive at Pettah on 25th July 1983 around 09.30 am.

    I disrespect JR for this heinous act. There may be 1000 and 1000 other like me, who care for fellow human beings, get it Mr. NV

    • 1

      Ahmad Nadvi

      “I was an eye witness when innocent Tamils youths burnt alive at Pettah on 25th July 1983 around 09.30 am.”

      Did you see Jim Softy, somass ji, Champa’s brothers, Punchi Point, John, …… Hela, …. carrying petrol can in one hand and raised sarong in the other burning down business premises in Pettah area?

  • 1

    According to all these muslims, These Bangladeshi-muslimsencroaching into Myanmar are innocent people. No one talks how buddhists and hindus in those areas are suffering. One such report is they killed 92 hindus and kidnapped 8 hindu girls, convertedto islam and married. Why there is nothing about Pakisthani and bangladeshi terrorists living among these muslims encroachers and firing at Myanmar army. Why the photis showing as myan mar buddhist atrocities come from northern african war zones. Why no one is talking that it is the Saudi Arabia is funding this war by terrorists coming behind the Bengali muslims. Why these so -called rohingyas are talking Bengali language?

  • 1

    Dear Hon.Minsiter Mangala Samaraweera:
    I really appreciate you and your government for this diplomatic and wise statement about Rohingya Muslim issue in Sri Lanka. As you pointed out these people are victims of ethnic cleansing. They came to Sri Lanka with expectation and hope that Sri Lanka will protect their lives..They came to Sri Lanka knowing Sri Lanka people are kind enough to give them shelter and protect. Sri Lanka has got a long tradition of protecting victims and needy. sinhalese kings were famous for this kind of humanitarian support and help. In the foot bath of Sinhalese your government gave protection until these people are resettled in a safe country..as you rightly mentioned Buddhist people should not harm any thing in this world event they are not allowed to harm an insect or How could these so called monks try to harm these innocent people who are seeking protection form Sri Lanka.
    I’m sure 99% of Buddhist and Sinhalese people would not support actions of these monks.
    It would be wrong to harm any one who seeks protection under international laws ..so, you have done a great job. Police did a great job too..Poilce gave them protection. Sri Lankan government has done a wonderful job and it should be proud to tell the world; that we Sri Lanka stand for justice and humanism.
    The motto of Sri Lanka should be help humanity in time of danger and need. After all.we all are human beings..
    Wise move and government should be appreciated for this timely needed support and help it extended to these people.
    Sri Lanka protected its good name and reputation by this timely needed support and help.
    under international Geveva convention we have respected human dignity and human rights.
    Hon.Minister’s statement should be broadcasted in English so that world will know how kind are Sri Lanka people.

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    wo wrongs don’t make a right. Just because these people or Farouk never uttered word about genocide of Shias, and terrorist attacks and rapes of Muslims in Iraq, Syria by fellow ISIS muslims does not mean this issue is the same. Do not conflate these. It is sad that Sri Lanka may ignore refugees who maybe genuinely fleeing violence.

    Sri Lankans fled after the pogrom carried out by UNP thugs in 1983. Many people fled during the war; mostly innocent Tamils. Sinhalese fled or did not come back because of the reign of terror-counterterror during Hon Premedasa’s era.

    I did not want to return though I was not a refugee. I kept prolonging my graduate education out of fear and was advised by family not to return either. Come on comrades, if we are truly a civilized buddhist society where does say we can abuse, threaten and attack people seeking shelter? Investigate. If thi is part of a racket, then stop it. But let UNHCR figure out what to do. Fear of terrorism is the bogeyman my President Trump has used to rile people and spread hatred of all Muslims. DO NOT let that happen. Buddhism as it is truly practiced has no room for hate, for violence or murder in name of god/s unlike the 2 major monotheistic faiths. This is wrong. Rumor and fear mongering is perhaps what started this. Please please do not reduce yourselves to the level of ISIS savages or other savages or even sinhala savages of the type we saw in 1983.

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      Dear Mano, I agree with you that two wrongs will not make one right. From comments in these columns it could be gathered what the people are saying, “How long do you expect us to continue to do right when other side is continuing to do wrong”.. It is natural that at one stage wrong could be reciprocated by extreme wrongness. From what is happening in Myanmar, there appears to be more Hindus murdered by Islamic terrorists than the number of Muslims killed by Buddhist army. Those who are vociferously condemning the action of Myanmar army are not even mentioning the atrocities committed by Islamic terrorists funded by Saudi Arabia, trained by Pakistan and harboured by Bangladesh to unleash these dastardly acts. These Rohingyas landed in northern waters by chance when the motor in their boat failed on their journey to some other country. Srilanka should treat them with sympathy who were victims of this unfortunate incident in Myanmar. Again what is disappointing is the attitude of Muslim commentators condemning those who want to deport these Rohingyas, who remained silent for what Indonesian officials did to Tamil refugees when their boat on the way to Australia developed engine trouble and landed in Indonesia, by towing the disabled boat back to deep sea and leaving them yo drift without food or water. Fortunately they were saved by Australian navy, if not all those refugees would have perished. Do you not think that Srilanka navy had behaved in a more humanly manner than Indonesian counterparts, by escorting the drifting Rohingya boat to safety in Srilanka shore and giving them refuge. Also Myanmar government has been persecuting all minorities since independence and that there are thousands of Karen refugees languishing in camps in Thailand for several years, and several Indians being driven out as refugees in state sponsored violence, for which these Muslim commentators have not shown any sympathy.

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    Germans sent 6 Million Jews to the gas chambers, 23 million russians were slaughtered. In Croatia Catholic Archbishop with the Collaborator government forced Serbian Orthodox people and Jews to convert to Catholicism. Those who refused were murdered. We had our 1983 in our lifetime. India has 1984 Hindus slaughtering Sikhs. ISIS-Wahabist who Farouk defends are still doing it but hopefully they will be erased off the map soon. Where does it say in Buddhist doctrine that murder is ok? Mohammedans believe in murder of infidels and Farouk maybe one such fanatic. But there is no room in Real Buddhism which is superior to any other faith and infinitely superior to God based faiths because it is a philosophy of right action and right character, not putting fear of God. This is WRONG

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    Let us ask Lathief Farook to force the Sri Lankan government to take all the “other” Shiite Muslim refugees being persecuted in Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Bahrain too. All he wants is to increase Muslim numbers (that tripled during the 30 years of war) in Sri Lanka so that he can complete the takeover. All Sri Lankan Muslims who have lived here since the 8th century should be sent back to India, Turkey and Egypt, their natural homes. Leave Sri lanka to the Buddhists.

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    Another idiot talking through his hat. There was no mention of taking in more Rohingyas, instead there is specific mention of those who are here given temporary abode until a suitable country is identified for their re-location. What I don’t understand is why some are just commenting for the sake of writing something and exposing their bubble brains to the public.

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    Mano Ratwatte
    Two wrongs don’t make a right. Just because these people or Farouk never uttered word about genocide of Shias, and terrorist attacks and rapes of Muslims in Iraq, Syria by fellow ISIS muslims does not mean this issue is the same. Do not conflate these. It is sad that Sri Lanka may ignore refugees who maybe genuinely fleeing violence.
    Sri Lankans fled after the pogrom carried out by UNP thugs in 1983. Many people fled during the war; mostly innocent Tamils. Sinhalese fled or did not come back because of the reign of terror-counterterror during Hon Premedasa’s era.

    Pogrom was carried out by Sinhala Military and Sinhala Buddhists for your information Mano!

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    What I understand is Muslim politicians, writers, extremists groups and other interested groups are creating troubles for genuine Islam and genuine Muslims in this country. You guys are the bane of Islam as well as Muslims!

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      What I understand is Muslim politicians, writers, extremists groups and other interested groups are creating troubles for genuine Islam and genuine Muslims in this country. You guys are the bane of Islam as well as Muslims!

      I dont think so. We should have freedom of expression and that was lacking during the previous military regime.

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    where are you , the lot of heros , when the muslim barbarians killing , and beheading people? we will defend our Sri Lankan identity no matter what comes till the last sinhalese. we will never let this land become a alla’s killing field.

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      “we will defend our Sri Lankan identity no matter what comes till the last sinhalese.”

      Alright I will be right behind you if you decided to defend your Sri Lankan identity. Before I join you can you please describe in your own words what you consider as the Sri Lankan identity?

      Buddhism- foreign philosophy
      Buddha – foreigner
      Sinhalese – An admixture of Pali, Sanskrit, Tamil English, ……………….. foreign
      Kavun- Foreign
      Trousers, Skirts, Bras, panties, ………… foreign
      Computers, Cars, Planes, Electricity, ships, motorbikes, whisky …………………… foreign.
      Your own home grown philosophy – Sinhala/Buddhist fascism.
      Your Paranoia – home grown
      Your Racism – home grown
      Your Bigotry – home grown
      Your stupidity- home grown
      Your 24/7/52 murderous rage – home grown

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    CT editors, Does the above comment by Native Vedda (he is insulting the Veddas!) agree with your comments policy? It is full of racist insults of Sinhalese. How can you continue to allow this vile creature’s gutless attacks and name calling on Sinhalese, Buddhists and Buddhism? You have rejected a number of much milder comments by me. I suggest you review a sample of this shithead’s comments over a period of time and read your comments policy again.

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    When I see the ugly bearded face of this Muslim Camel, I can punch it so that it breaks into two.

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      Retarded Reginald.

      Dont ever think or try of what you are trying to do. You are still in gotas mind set like the nandikadal butcher

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    The Muslims were backing and cheering on the genocide of infidel Tamils as they were being butchered by the tens of thousands and their women violated in concentration camps. Now the Muslims are crying foul since their former Buddhist allies have turned against them. Tamils are the only non-Muslim people to stand in solidarity with the Rohingya while rest of the non-Muslim world fuelled by global Islamophobia are cheering on the slaughter. While the Sinhalese Buddhists hold rallies supporting the Myanmar government, supporting its genocidal campaign, with signs saying “not all Muslims are terrorists but most terrorists are Muslims”, Tamils in Jaffna have stood along Muslims protesting in support of the Rohingyas. While the Rohingya refugees are unwecolmed, attacked and even raped in Sri Lanka by the Sinhalese-Buddhist community, the Tamils of Tamil Nadu gave them shelter for years:
    “Contrast with Tamil Nadu
    A report in The Hindu on the Rohingyas living in the outskirts of Chennai shows how compassionately they are treated by the surrounding Tamil community and the Tamil Nadu government.
    T.Ramakrishnan, who wrote the story, said that the refugees live in private houses and enjoy all the benefits which others get from the Tamil Nadu government. Their children are admitted to local schools and speak Tamil, the language of instruction in government schools. They also have Indian identity and fair price food cards.”

    Yet the Muslims of Lanka keep backstabbing their only friends, just to get benefits from the racist Sinhalese majority.

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