Minister of Finance and Media Mangala Samaraweera has today condemned the attack carried out on Rohingya refugees, yesterday (26) in Mount Lavinia, while they were under the care of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
“I strongly condemn the attack on Rohingya refugees by thugs in robes,” Mangala Samaraweera said. Minister Samaraweera also urged police to take action against the perpetrators.
He said: “I would like to condemn in the strongest possible terms, the attack against Rohingya refugees – refugees who were under the care of UNHCR, yesterday in Mount Lavinia, by a group of thugs in robes. In fact I condemn these actions not only as the Minister in charge of Media. I am also condemning it as a Buddhist, a Buddhist who is very proud of the fact that Buddhism is a religion of non-violence and compassion.
“In fact these refugees, 30 of them from Myanmar, were rescued at sea by the Sri Lanka Navy in April this year, and they were under the care of the UNHCR, waiting to be resettled elsewhere in a third country, the United States or Canada.
“In fact this is not the first time Sri Lanka has given temporary shelter to such refugees. In fact, way back in 2008, in March 2008, again the Sri Lanka Navy rescued survivors off a boat after they were found adrift in the high seas, and they were kept here until 2012, when these people were resettled in the United States of America.
“Again in 2013, the Sri Lanka Navy rescued two boat loads of Rohingya survivors from a shipwreck in the eastern coast of Sri Lanka; 138 and 32 of them. They too were kept under the care of the UNHCR, until they were settled in Canada and the United States of America in 2014 and in 2015.
“It is a shameful act and every right-minded citizen of this country especially Buddhists must condemn this action by this so called priests and I also urge the police to take the strongest possible action against the perpetrators of these crimes against these innocent refugees.”
wannihami / September 28, 2017
As the Hon Minister indicates these Rohingyas and other Rohingyas have been rescued at sea multiple times by the persons of the Sri Lanka Navy, who are very likely Sinhala Buddhists. Further it is also apparent that in the previous instances there have not been any protests by the Buddhist monks while they were being kept in the island under UN detention or protection. Then why now? Is it initiated by a faction who were also the architects of various sporadic anti muslim actions in the recent past, a faction whose ulterior motive is to bring discredit to the Buddhist clergy and Buddhists is general? For a person with expertise is epidemiology these actions seem lot like planting seeds of violence. Hoping it will take root and spread.
Leelawathie / September 28, 2017
Wanni Hami@
Sinhala buddhists are not all that have been born int to the religion.
SINHALA BUDDHISTs are labelled a group that support Mahinda Rajapakshe led extremists groups.
Most people seem mixing it up very often.
Therefore, as you mentioned about those Navy or others that may have rescued the lives of them at sea, should be just buddhists like us.
Unfortunatley, as a result of the total ignorance of former men against the rise of the kind of extremists group, to date, there are various kind of groups that have become violent not being able to control over there TESTESTERONE.
These men should be called as LANKEN TYPE OF SKIN HEADs, that are born to abuse the people calling them SANGA but doing and behaving all possible harm to the nation and country.
Above all they send a message, ” we the buddhists”. That should be totally condemned by any learn people.
Srilanka had never been as such CRUEL as these men make efforts to paint.
Champa / September 28, 2017
Hands off Buddhist priests, Mangala & Rajitha!!! —
We have showed our strength once. Chief Prelates, Maha-Sangha, patriotic politicians and Sinhalese Buddhists came as one powerful single force to protect Gnanasara Thero from being taken into custody defeating the government, Muslim/Tamil politicians and diplomatic community. — Don’t underestimate us. —
Government has given prominence to an incident involving Buddhist priests protested against bogus Rohingya refugees to cover the human smuggling racket carried out by Muslim Ministers and Muslim Lawyers misleading the country and the UNHRC. —
Hilmy Ahamed (a lawyer?) says the boat people came from an IDP camp in New Delhi not from Myanmar. They had been in the camp for 2 years according to Hilmy. That means they are not “fleeing Myanmar” but India!!!! Any idiot who look at them can see that these bogus Rohingya refugees don’t look stressed, distressed or suppressed. Who knows this IDP camp story could also be fabricated same like Hilmy Ahamed’s shameless lie about a rape allegation against a policeman. Disgusting. —
Government should investigate into the Muslim human smuggling racket not the incident that brought the racket to light. What is the greater issue, human smuggling or protesting against them? —
All corruption, fraud, malpractices done by Ministers are covered with mundane issues. —
Sinhalese have no regard for Mangala who used LTTE diaspora black money to win 2015 elections. Well, all the prominent world “actors” who were instrumental in bringing this government into power is no more. —
Lies, deceptions and betrayals should have a limit. Even at this point all corruption, fraud, buying and selling of MPP to obtain votes, undemocratic moves in passing Bills and government’s bribery racket in the Parliament coming to light making them lose face. Government does all these without a shame as they think that they have the international patronage. —
Tamil from the north / October 1, 2017
Chimpa (Champa) Hands off Buddhist priests, Mangala & Rajitha!!! ?????
Hahahahaha…………ahahahahahaha………..all these safron clad low class thugs need a bullet to their heads. These are not monks, these are low class pariahs who are protected by the state. [Edited out]
shokka chamopa / October 3, 2017
Chimpa, I await the day that these thugs in safron are split along their stomach and fed to dogs.
Justice & Fairplay / September 28, 2017
Well done Mangala for speaking your mind and speaking sense. You have done a lot more than our two biggest leaders of this country to try and salvage the good name of this nation over this incident.
shokka chamopa / October 3, 2017
Justice and Fairplay you are right.All bloody monks should be fed to mad dogs. after pulling out thier eyes.
Singha Atygalle / October 5, 2017
I think it’s cruel to feed excrement to animals. Also, this characterization of “mad dogs” does not apply to the said
creatures. It speaks to man’s inhumanity or “beastiality.”
malik / September 28, 2017
Lip service, Typical. I would say to arrest them and charge them. But even that is a joke as the culprits would be released within seconds. Imagine During MR’s Time the refugees were protected. The Law and Order minister and justice minister is useless. Let alone the worthless crop of judges, who bails convicted criminals (select few). But the stunning silence of Some HR activist who were very vocal during MRs time are very quiet.
Somapala Appuhamy / September 28, 2017
These poor refugees were fleeing to Australia but accidently came into the Sri Lankan territory. This kind of situation can happen to anybody. There had been many situations where even the Sinhalese have gone to Australia in boats. Suppose if they get stranded in a Muslim country like Indonesia, will they ever get attacked just because they belong to some other religion? Why are these Sinhala-Buddhist monks behaving like uncivilized Barbarians? These are poor refugees who already got very badly persecuted in Burma by the Buddhist Barbarians and now they are getting attacked by the Sri Lankan Buddhist Barbarians just because they accidently got stranded in our territory. Why can’t we look at these people as human, why are we looking at their religion?
It is tragic to see Buddhism being dragged down to such a low level by non-other than the members of the Buddhist clergy. These Buddhist monks are exploiting the respect that the Buddhist society has for the saffron robed Sangha and not only misleading the gullible Buddhists but also betraying Buddhism and insulting the Buddha. The government and other organizations should educate/train the foolish Buddhist masses in Sri Lanka on how to differentiate between a genuine Buddhist Bikku and a rogue Buddhist thug in saffron robe. All the rogue monks who are hijacking the Buddhist religion with their anti-Buddhist activities and disrupting the peace in the country should be subjected to disciplinary action and should be disrobed, some of them should be sent to jail.
Unfortunately in Sri Lanka, the government including the president is scared of the saffron robes and therefore ignores the antisocial anti-Buddhist violent behaviour of these Buddhist Monks who go unpunished. Minister Mangala should be highly commended for calling these monks ‘thugs in robes’. Hats off to Mangala!
Sunil / September 28, 2017
wannihami, I don’t believe this at all!!!
Those brave Navy officers are the minority…
If what you say is true for every terrorist organization like the BBS and Sinhale there should be 10 groups who stand up against them…
When this happens I will believe you that these Sinhala Buddhist Terrorists are just a Minority…
LEELAGEMALLI / October 1, 2017
ONLY way out would be Field marcel Sarath fonseka to take over law and order ministry.
He is the only person that has the capacity to introduce better system in the line of bring total disipline to this country.
Laws and orders will work under him than anyone else. I respect him for the lead given to the army and a lanken to have sacrificed his life for the last 40 years. He is the most honest and respectable person above anyone else.
Anyone who has lived with disipline would never go wrong easily. He would make every effort to respect laws prevailing in the country.
Just silly men as LEADERs, they cant achieve the goals, since their silences allow extremists groups to mobilise further.
Like for example, buddhist monks have been becoming a headache today.
Most young men, for some reason have been like HIGHLY abusive rascals. They have not the least value of a buddhist monk.
But for their survival they abuse SIVURA and continue their life
Just imagine the argument of the young monk attacked the police officer on that day.
He has no basis to disrepect and look down upon those poölice men, if a man in robes or not, had done so in Europe where LAWS are strict, they should have have to face court cases.
In Singapore, they would arrest the guy immediately.
BNut silly punnaku eaters dominated srilanka, stay mum for some reasons.
We need to crush these abusive monks forever.
Ceylonese / September 28, 2017
May I please request the pious and the generous kind spirited monks to donate to the desperate, hapless refugees, the money they collected which was originally meant to help Ms. Weeratunga & Palpita of Sil Redi fame, pay the Fines ordered by court. It should go a long way to ensure their daily meals.
Rarityminds / September 28, 2017
Srilanka is made a highly abusive nation. All these men in robes and their links to former vulgar rulers will come to light in the days to come.
.Please read it below. Former so called regime run by Rajapakshe siblings would have to face the same as per the case for Thai counterparts. I found this in BBC and translated in a trilingual form. There were siblings and had been that corrupted. Nevetheless rural majority liked them than the urban educated PEOPLE: Latter is the case in the island nation. Wait and see how would it end up in SL.
People in rural areas respect these both sister and brother even today while educated folks are against them.
Court has declared punishments to both but they have already left the country.
Former prime minister of thailand Yink Chinawath and the related case took about 2 years.
Final court verdict was to be made in last August but former premier did not turn up in the court session. Latter was not expected by the court. Orders to Interpol have been made today.
Sunil / September 28, 2017
Ceylonese, that is an excellent proposal.
Samuel Jayaweera / October 1, 2017
Ceylonese !
My heartest wish is more of you would be the part of lanken society.
Then only those so called buddhists would be able to open their eyes wider.
They the PINGUTHARAYAS collected sums to get those cinvicted criminals out of the jail, but the very same skin heads no tot have the same ANUKAMPAWa towards the innoient peopel that see k for refuge.
Besides, this men should learn to differtiate all for example left the country in lanken war were not terrorists. That should be valid to Myanmar refugees too.
Meeharak thinking of these men to call them terrorists should be condemned by any one on the earth.
Good Sense / September 28, 2017
Mangy! I am with you on this issue. These people did not creep in but rescued in high sea. Only thing Mangy the Government, of which you are a part of, should have been more open and could have said that while it does not welcome refugees it does provide temporary shelter as in the past when they accidentally fall into our lap. Temptation and provocation are the cause of sin, whether a normal man or a man in a special garb. When the question was raised as to whether there are refugees from Myanmar the answer should have been as described above and not a blunt denial causing the provocation. However, cruelty to hapless is unthinkable and whatever be the rank in society the law must apply to the perpetrators of this brutality.
Thengai Srinivasan / September 28, 2017
Champa and Jimmy,
More than 1 million Sinhala Buddhist people are working in the Middle East.
Just think what would happen if they are sent back.
Already 2000 chinese sex workers employed here
800 Thai sex workers
250 Indian sex workers
about 300 other nationalities as sex workers here
Native Vedda / September 28, 2017
Thengai Srinivasan
“Already 2000 chinese sex workers employed here, 800 Thai sex workers 250 Indian sex workers, about 300 other nationalities as sex workers here”
I do not know where you got these figures, am sure you would have counted them one by one.
However, I learn there are many foreign sex workers on the street, in brothels, hotels, clubs, massage parlors, …………..
Champa couldn’t bear this any longer, she herself decided to drive these foreign women from their businesses, hence she has decided to take up prostitution as her first patriotic contribution to this country. Wimal is her patriotic pimp.
On the other hand Jimmy is an old hand. He used to be a beach boy for at least 50 years. Now retired due his creaking knees.
Mudson Amarasinghe / September 28, 2017
On the other hand Jimmy is an old hand. He used to be a beach boy for at least 50 years. Now retired due his creaking knees.
(Severe Arthritis Prone).
Champa couldn’t bear this any longer, she herself decided to drive these foreign women from their businesses, hence she has decided to take up prostitution as her first patriotic contribution to this country. Wimal is her patriotic pimp.
(There is a Parlour just opposite The UN building i have seen Wimal Sakkili Karuppan with a Lemon Puff
Native Vedda / September 28, 2017
Mudson Amarasinghe
“There is a Parlour just opposite The UN building i have seen Wimal Sakkili Karuppan with a Lemon Puff”
Did you see the patriotic Champa inside the parlor?
Tamil from the north / October 1, 2017
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy
Dunstan Kelaart / September 28, 2017
Condemning the alleged attempt by a few Singhalese to assault their general secretary Vaiko at the recently held United Nations Human Rights Commission meeting at Geneva, the Marumalarchi Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam cadre staged a demonstration in Madurai on Wednesday, The Hindu newspaper reported.
OMG our buddhist singhalese brothers are showing chandi part in Geneva as well as Mount Lavinia.
Why is our Nobel Laureate Sira staying silent! Hats off to Mangala and rajitha
Sunil / September 28, 2017
Dunstan Kelaart, these are supposed to be a minority Sinhala Buddhist Terrorists nothing to worry they say!!
So where are the majority Sinhala Buddhist groups who should be outnumbering these terrorists organizations!?
There should be 10 groups against every Sinhale terrorist group that exists so where is this majority who appose them!?
This is what happened in the Muslim world. They stayed silent and allowed the terrorists to survive until they turned on their own people and destroy their own countries sending them spiraling down the path of the failed lawless nations they now are…
But we are so smart that we can’t even see that will be our future if we protect these terrorists…
malik / September 28, 2017
Assaulting Refugees is unacceptable, but for you to compare the third grade Vaiko to this incident. I would buy drinks for those buggers who did assault Vaiko (Well deserved ones as well) I only regret i was not there.
Native Vedda / September 28, 2017
” I would buy drinks for those buggers who did assault Vaiko (Well deserved ones as well) I only regret i was not there.”
Why do you think assaulting fellow human is worth a few drinks? There may be hundreds of people waiting in the queue to buy drinks for others who are ready and willing to assault you.
malik / September 29, 2017
Why do you think assaulting fellow human is worth a few drinks?
Why Do you Think He is a Human with Human qualities?
‘There may be hundreds of people waiting in the queue to buy drinks willing to assault you’
Why do you think assaulting fellow human is worth a few drinks?
As per usual you fall down on your logic.
Native Vedda / September 30, 2017
Read what you have typed earlier and re-read my comment.
Mallaiyuran / October 1, 2017
Malik the bogus,
You are trying fool to all that you one different Sinhala Buddhist with compassion, and bravery. Dear friend where did you pour(throw away) your drinks when the Rapist Armies hiding in barack, while Indian was occupying Lankawe, but Vaiko friend’s boys were fighting with indian army to get them out?
If you are a compassionate person buy coffees for the attacked refugees by you colleagues bald heads and upload those photo here. Other commentators will say “thanks” you for.
You poor people are still living on stolen the Help Hangbangtota alms. To Whom are you going to buy drinks with whose money? Geneva Sinhala Diaspora get free Sinhala supporting actresses for the rowdy services they are doing for your King. Man, don’t buy drink; feel jealous. At least that is what I would do.
Dear Friend, you are a worthless idot to remain still attached to the dead Joint Comedy Club, and you have no idea of what are you writing! Just post what was given to you! Sorry for your pathetic status man!
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / September 28, 2017
No one assaulted Vaiko in Geneva. Only a few Sinhala racists surrounded him and threw insults. Those Sinhala chandiyas know hat if they lay a hand on anyone they will end up behind bars and therefore they will not dare to do it. The thuggery of Sinhalese is only confined to within Srilanka as the government protects them.
Somapala Appuhamy / September 28, 2017
Champa the Chimp and Jim the Retard,
The Hon. Minister Mangala is absolutely correct. These saffron robed fat MONKeys are nothing but thugs. They are not only humiliating the Buddha and Buddhism but also converting Buddhism into Barbarism. These skin headed saffron robed Punks are supposed to go out only from house to house on Pinnapatha with their begging bowl to beg for food, not to go out and strike terror in the minds of poor innocent people.
The poverty stricken Sinhala Buddhist villagers not only offer free food to make these Monkeys gobble and get fat but also offer their young children (boys) to the Buddhist temple to be ordained as baby monks and get abused, molested and sodomized by the senior/adult monks. Jim must be one good example. Nowadays, the village women also frequently visit the temples to tidy up the rooms (aavasa) and get laid by the monks. Champa must be one good example.
Today, SL has become a strong hold of Buddhist aggression and terror and such acts are spurred by none other than these saffron robed Sinhala Buddhist skin headed Punks who call themselves ‘Buddhist Monks’. The hate mongering and terror attacks against innocent non-Buddhists in Sri Lanka were motivated by Buddhist monks, the prominent among them are Galagoda Aththe Gnanasara (BBS) and Iththakande Saddhatissa (Ravana Balaya). These buggers must be in jail for lifetime for all their atrocities against innocent people.
Neesha Bitchwal / September 28, 2017
Somapala Appuhamy.
Very good comment.Over the past year in Buddhist-majority Burma, scores, if not hundreds, have been killed in communal clashes, with Muslims suffering the most casualties. Burmese monks were seen goading on Buddhist mobs, while some suspect the authorities of having stoked the violence — a charge the country’s new quasi-civilian government denies. In Sri Lanka, where a conservative, pro-Buddhist government reigns, Buddhist nationalist groups are operating with apparent impunity,Killing, looting Muslim and Christian establishments and calling for restrictions to be placed on the 12% of the country that is Muslim.
As the violence mounts, will Buddhists draw inspiration from their faith’s sutras of compassion and peace to counter religious chauvinism? Or will they succumb to the hate speech of radical monks like Burma’s Wirathu, who goads his followers to “rise up” against Islam? The world’s judgment awaits.
Sunil / September 28, 2017
Somapala Appuhamy, these are Terrorists not Buddhist Monks!
The sooner we accept it for what it is the sooner we can eradicate this cancer that threatens to destroy our country…
Jimsofty / September 28, 2017
Somapala Appuhamy and Neesha Bitch-Wali: : Here the reason is AvanMangala got political donations from the west. So, he is opneing his big mouth. Otherwise, he is not a LGBTQ who has any values.
Native Vedda / September 28, 2017
Jimsofty the Dimwit
“Here the reason is AvanMangala got political donations from the west.”
All your life didn’t you make a living out of western male tourists?
Ramesh Costa / September 28, 2017
Last week when I asked for the Sunday Leader Paper, the Boutique keeper said loudly;
Considering the state of affairs in the country during the past year, this statement aptly describes the mess we are in, though he made it for a difference reason.
Gopalaswamy Vaiko / September 28, 2017
The UN High Commissioner for Refugees says Myanmar’s Rohingya Muslims who have fled to Bangladesh are in need of urgent aid. UNHCR chief Filippo Grandi warned that there will be a dramatic deterioration in circumstances without urgent international assistance, amid a dire shortage of aid. Grandi also said the Rohingya refugees have fled “unimaginable horrors” in Myanmar. He said the horrors include the burning of Rohingya villages, Rape, the shooting and hacking of people to death, and the brutalizing of women at the hands of Myanmar’s government forces. Grandi said hardships at refugee camps are further troubling the deeply traumatized minority.
In Srilanka we saw how the 31 Rohingya refugees were frightened and traumatized while leaving the safe house compound . Buddhist monks and radicals started attacking the compound and shouted terrorists get out while the law enforcement authorities simply watched on.
Neesha Bitchwal / September 28, 2017
Health workers treating Rohingya refugees say they have visited women with injuries consistent with violent sexual attacks, who give accounts of horrific assaults. Physicians working in the Cox’s Bazar refugee camp in Bangladesh say they have seen at least 175 Rohingya women with injuries.
Jimsofty / September 28, 2017
So, where are the casestudies, invesstigation – information, photos ?. Why photos published are from Northern Africa ?
Ralli Ameen / September 29, 2017
Blind fool.
Rohan Gunaratna / September 28, 2017
Rohingyas are one of the most persecuted minorities in the world now. Nobel committee should take back the nobel peace prize from suu kyi .She is allowing genocide & minority cleansing.
Native Vedda / September 28, 2017
Rohan Gunaratna
“Nobel committee should take back the nobel peace prize from suu kyi .”
Similarly The Colombo Uni should strip both Rajapaksas of their doctorates. And will the Sangha strip Rajapaksa of the honour “Vishawakeerthi Sri Threesinhaladishwara” they bestowed him jut after the war had ended?
LION / September 28, 2017
It is only the politicians who are Buddhists in this Country…working on Buddhist Principles…they feel for the world but not the natives because the natives are Yaksha tribe …they are the slaves used for votes..
wannihami / September 28, 2017
And another thing,
Please do watch the video footage of the monks and lay people (men and not women) harassing the apparent refugees (I call the apparent because according to today’s Reuters, this group had been living in a camp in India for as long as 5 years, and came to Sri Lanka with people smugglers, in the hope of moving to US or Canada). There are only 2 to 3 monks and many Police personal, you can even see one officer “worshiping” one of the monks. Then the Police walk away while the harassment continues. Why aren’t the monks arrested or at least removed? Is the Police under special instructions to let the “show go on” so as to show to the world what a bunch of callous individuals Sri Lankans are! Look a bit beyond the surface, all is not what it seems.
Bunjappu / September 28, 2017
You mayy be talking bailya… if you would just touch a sanga robe, this stupdiest nation on the earth would become so violent as had been the case towards the minorities in 83.
Knowing that the state should be very careful when getting on with the kind of barbaric but monks that have been made above the very same gawky unedcuated buddhist that is proved to be born into the religion.
Do you guys think these men and women and monks would respect to anyone ? Not even to their lovely ones for sure.
That is how they have been raised up.
That man barked loud should be either abiththaya or sex partner of those monks.
I HAVE NO RESPECT TO THESE BASTARDS; even if they have been wearting, sanga robes.
I am born buddhist as many others, but I respect only highly decent buddhist and buddhists monks only.
wannihami / September 28, 2017
And..dear fellow hikers of this cyberspace why have not the government made any comments about the said incidents..Except for beautiful Mangala and becoming Rajitha, whom we all know were schooled at the same school as the infamous Goebbels (the Reich minister of Propaganda). Please do not fall into this trap again! Whether it is by previous or current regimes, when you see and read news practice what the Buddha said to the Kalamas.
Raj / September 28, 2017
Well done Mr Samaraweera. However, I would like to see the President, PM & at least the Foreign Minister following your example. As for the Buddhist hierarchy (the sanga saba etc), I don’t expect much from them as they are probably enjoying the good life of duty free luxury vehicles & sumptuous dana offered by the social elite to be concerned about the plight of starving stateless people fleeing rape, death & destruction or even the harm caused to Buddhism by racist thugs, dabbling in politics.
Sad to say that Buddhism in SL (& Myanmar) have been taken over by yobs & thugs who have no idea of (or blind to) actual Buddhist teachings. They can learn true Buddhism from the Dalai Lama & other Internationally renowned monks, such as, Ajhan Char & Sumedho.
As a Buddhist, I am appalled by racist comments of some the readers of CT & senior Govt. officers who condone the Myanmar Govt & it’s leaders for the violence against a minority of that country. It would have been a good gesture, in the eyes of the world, if the so-called Buddhist nation of SL was more sympathetic towards a few people who were made refugees by another Buddhist country.
Park / September 28, 2017
Police did not do their job in arresting the vigilante attackers, why? IGP has to answer. In addition, Sagala Ratnayake also has to answer why until now he has not made any statement on this subject? Is he scared? If he cannot maintain law and order in the country then the President and the PM should remove him from his position and give to some one like Ranjan Ramanayake who will do a better job. We do not need guys who warm up seats and not do their jobs.
K.Pillai / September 28, 2017
Mangala spoke his mind. This has resulted in a huge upgrade of Lanka’s reputation as a caring humanitarian country – compared to the cow worshippers across the Strait.
No doubt Tilak Marapana, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Wasantha Senanayake, State Minister of Foreign Affairs will join the condemnation. Tilak is an honourable man.
In fact this is not the first time Sri Lanka has given temporary shelter to such refugees. In March 2008, Sri Lanka Navy rescued survivors off a boat after they were found adrift in the high seas, and they were kept here until 2012, when these people were resettled in the United States of America.
In 2013, the Sri Lanka Navy rescued two boat loads of Rohingya survivors from a shipwreck in the eastern coast of Sri Lanka; 138 and 32 of them. They too were kept under the care of the UNHCR, until they were settled in Canada and the United States of America in 2014 and in 2015.
Such humanitarian acts were never publicised by the ever-so modesty of successive GoSLs
My day was made by Mangala ~ “It is a shameful act and every right-minded citizen of this country especially Buddhists must condemn this action by this so called priests and I also urge the police to take the strongest possible action against the perpetrators of these crimes against these innocent refugees.”
Disgusted observer / September 28, 2017
In the first place the minister concerned had right to call the buddhist monks thugs in robes. They and those in government should keep in mind they were elected by Sinhalese Buddhists and not to act as stooges of the western powers. People in Sri Lanka are compassionate but in any person there is a stage upto which they can be pushed. UNHCR an organisation which had been backing all forces against the Sri Lankan Sinhala community had been fishing in troubled waters when they forced the SL government to take on Rohingya muslim refugees. A country devastated by a 30 year war by the LTTE backed by tamil diaspora favored by UN over Sri Lanka should not be embroiled in another unnecessary conflict over muslim refugees. When refugees in other countries UK, Australia etc are held in refugee camps UN tried to settle them in residential houses. This was with the intention of settling them permanently with some children already schooling. Already the muslim community in Sri Lanka is having issues with the other communities claiming injustice for not accepting the rohingyas. Being chased by Buddhist rulers in Myanmaar these rohingya muslims will always carry a grudge against Buddhists anywhere. The government without claiming that all the rohingya refugees have left the country should have admitted that some refugees have been kept back temporarily at the request of UNHCR. Because of their underhand and covert acts now they are requesting government protection for their offices and threaten this weak kneed government to submission. Sri Lankans are tired of intimidation by these organisations and will not take any more.
Punitham / September 28, 2017
lease tell me if d #Prez & d #PM have condemned the attck on these unfortunate refugees.
Burt / September 29, 2017
Not seen any of their statements.
Shame on all these guys for being a no-show:
Anglican Bishop of Colombo
Min of Buddha Sasana
Minister of Law and Order
Jimsofty / September 28, 2017
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy
Burt / September 28, 2017
“The Department of Immigration and Emigration said they have received information about a complaint made by a 21-year-old Rohingya Muslim girl that she has been raped by a Police officer attached to the Mirihana Detention Camp.”
Link: “”
Champa / September 29, 2017
That is not proven stale news. Government should have sent bogus Rohingya refugees back to India months ago without keeping them here indefinitely. Muslim lawyers tried to attach this smuggled group to recent Rohingya refugee incident with a fabricated story saying that these people were heading for Australia and stranded in our waters. That is why it came to light. This is a human smuggling racket. They were brought here with the promise to be sent to Europe.They were not stranded in the sea helplessly as Hilmy says, but directly headed for Sri Lanka. Government is aware about it, but they try to conceal as Muslim Ministers are involved in the racket.
Tamil from the north / September 29, 2017
Champa the hooker, if we send these boat people back to Bangladesh, then we need to round you up and these bastard Buddhist monks and send you filth back to Orissa. If you don’t want to go back, then continue your oldest profession in Lanka and service these filthy pariah Buddhist monks.
Jimsofty / September 29, 2017
CT: what are your publishing standards ?. Why you are letting this Tamil coolie to be this abusive ?.
Tamil from the north / September 30, 2017
Jimbo Shit, if they can allow you on CT, then they can allow anyone. CT has certain standards, but you have no standards. The difference is you are a racist f&*k up like your mistress Champa and call all Tamils coolies. But I know for a fact majority of the Sinhala population are decent people and not fair for me to call them that. But when it comes to you and your hooker mistress, I show no restraint.
Native Vedda / September 30, 2017
Jimsofty Dimwit
“what are your publishing standards ?”
I think from liberal point of view CT has been very sympathetic to patriotic public racists, bigots, retards, fascists, Sinhala/Buddhists, thugs, arsonists, war criminals, plain stupid, ……………………………… by giving them space in this forum to type all their garbage.
You and your fellow like minded typists Hela, somass ji, max, sach, bloody nuisance, Shenali, Champa the patriotic…………………………., SSL, Asmie Mohammed, ………….. wannihami, …….. should be grateful to CT for tolerating your stupid bigotry and allowing you to type whatever the nonsense that comes out of your keyboard.
roy / September 29, 2017
Mangala , you know very well that these buggers are not humans ,Out of gods creation they are the lowest. what an insult for BUDDHISM.
K.Pillai / September 29, 2017
Mangala has clawed back a little bit of respect for SL. Mangla is attempting to draw the line between bigotry and patriotism.
It will take lot of effort to undo what the bigots have done.
It is clear the Lankan Police and Navy are not controlled by GoSL. Lankan police are controlled by a puppeteer.
Lankan Navy is doing a contract job to a country down under. This country wears yellow when bowling underarm. Lankan Navy is arresting people in deep distress trying to reach AUS. Lankan Navy is stopping them. SOME HIGH-UP POCKETS THE BRIBE..