21 January, 2025


Get A Grip, On Your Tubes And Brains, Ladies!

By Grusha Andrews

The most important step in finding the truth about Dr Shafi Siyabdeen is to calm down.

Second would be to stop giving visibility to the scavengers feeding of human flesh, blood and after-birth to feed their impotent political lives. One must not even mention the names of those racists who have struck the final nail on the medical profession’s dignity in Sri Lanka, once and for all.

Dr Shafi Siyabdeen

My personal opinion on Dr Shafi is that he is not suited to be a doctor in Sri Lanka. Also, my personal feeling is that Dr Shafi Siyabdeen’s career and, maybe even his safety in Sri Lanka, is over. 

Even if he is miraculously declared clear of all wrong doing overnight (hello! Bathiudeen, Hisbullah, Sally and Mujibar!! ), he has lost all safety and credibility to carry out even a semi-normal life in post 21/4 Sri Lanka. After all, he is not yet a criminal politician. He does not get to enjoy the life of Bathiudeen, Hisbullah, Sally and Mujibar who will continue their loud mouths, rants, justifications, power mongering and King Making till there is breath in their lungs. And when there is no more breath in their lungs, their sons, the chips from the same old blocks will take their place and do the same.

Dr Shafi Is A Finished Man

Dr Shafi is not so lucky. 

Unfortunately for him, he is not Bathiudeen, Hisbullah, Sally or Mujibar. 

He is a finished man. 

Whose fault is it? 

The “Shafi Debacle”, I believe, can be primarily attributed to his own folly. He is an opportunistic political type who has been giving inflated boastful statements to newspapers stating he has done 8000 Caesarian sections on mothers. Using your status as a doctor for political advertisement is a fundamental violation of the Hippocratic Oath and the regulations that govern him. 

Secondly, there is the curious case of his unexplained wealth. 

Here is my stipulation: Dr Shafi had political ambition. He was supported by powerful Muslim politicians who in turn are known to have links with different factions within the Muslim society with varying degrees of fundamentalism. As proven by the infamous photograph of Hisbullah with the set of suicide bombers on 21/4, within the Muslim political community it would have been common to encounter and mix with the Wahhabists. 

He probably boasted to the Wahhabists, pretty much the same way he did to the Sinhala press that he was carrying out ethnic cleansing. Without the full corporation of the entire surgical team, it would be difficult to carry out 4000 illegal sterilizations. But it costs nothing to boast to the fundamentalists that you are doing it and ‘be their man’ and collect millions, if not billions. He, I believe collected not just money from the Wahhabists, but also the political support of that group in his bid to enter the parliament.

I think he didn’t do those alleged sterilizations NOT because he is a good man. I think he could not have pulled it off because the complexity of carrying out such an operation without being discovered and more importantly without any evidence is almost an impossibility. 

My estimate is that Dr Shafi did what many go-betweens to politicians do. Collect the bribe and promise a job or a political favor and not really do it. But you keep collecting the bribes. Dr Shafi, I believe was a player in a complex money laundering operation for which he used his role as a doctor to exchange a promise of ethnic cleansing to reach political power.

This is only my theory.

But it pushes us to wonder what sinister demons can occupy the minds of even those belonging to the noble profession when possessed with political ambition.

How Best To Investigate?

  1. Collect a fair sample

If there was any fair mindedness to this exercise of truth seeking, first of all the government should ban half witted , blood thirsty political nincompoops from causing mass hysteria among women whose children were delivered by Dr Shafi.

Gathering a sample of mothers for a serious investigation of this nature should NOT happen through mass media. Don’t the morons of the Ministry of Health and other morons calling for the blood of Shafi calling themselves professors etc. know this? 

All hospitals retain the medical records of patients for up to 10 years. 

The operating theatres maintain a mandatory ledger of which surgery was done by which doctor on exactly which day. The Bead Head Ticket (BHT) indicates some form of an address or telephone number to contact the patient. A fair sample of mothers who underwent a Caesarian section by Dr Shafi should be gathered by contacting them. Sensationalized TV news items is NOT the way to collect this sample. 

A fair sample does NOT mean a sample of those mothers claiming that they were made infertile by Dr Shafi.

A fair sample is when you get a random sample of mothers operated on by Dr Shafi who are SUBSEQUENTLY investigated to see whether or not non-consensual sterilization was done on them. 

  1. Ascertain the allegations

If a fair sample is obtained, then you can estimate what percentage of mothers who have subsequent infertility after being subjected to a Caesarian section by Dr Shafi. 

Among those found to have infertility or subfertility after the Shafi factor, other conditions that cause such subfertility should be excluded. 

Just because a mother has infertility or subfertility after Dr Shafi operated on them, it does not prove Dr Shafi caused it. The human body and human fertility is a complex thing. Common causes of blocked Fallopian tube patency in those affected mothers should be ruled out. 

Just because you feel like crucifying Dr Shafi for Fallopian tube occlusion (blockage) you don’t get to do that. Fallopian tubes can become blocked for a range of reasons, which include:

•a history of pelvic infection

•a previous burst appendix

•having had a sexually transmitted disease, such as gonorrhea or chlamydia 

•endometriosis, a condition that causes the lining of the womb to grow outside of the uterus

•history of abdominal surgery

•hydro salpinx, which is swelling and fluid at the end of a fallopian tube.

All of these conditions can affect the fallopian tubes directly or this area of the body. In most cases, these conditions or procedures create scar tissue that can block the tubes.

So those factors must be excluded.

  1. Did Dr Shafi carry out non –consensual Fallopian tube ligation surgery (LRT)?

If the other conditions causing Fallopian tube occlusion are ruled out, then you must take the relevant Bead Head Ticket (BHT) of the affected mother and see if she has consented to sterilization by signing a consent form. If such a form is not there, you must get her consent to do investigations such as Hysterosalpingogram or Laparoscopy to objectively determine if forced sterilization has been carried out by Dr Shafi. The assisting nurses, doctors can also be called to give evidence as at least some of them are bound to remember any suspicious activity of Dr Shafi. If it is objectively proven Dr Shafi did this abhorrent ethnic cleansing, then he should be punished in the severest of terms.

If these hysteric mothers cursing and asking for the blood of Dr Shafi can’t subject themselves to the rational and scientific method of investigating this situation, then they should not come in front of TV cameras and do Indian Soap Opera type of drama.

You can’t hang a man, just because you woke up to media hysteria one day and feel like hanging a man. 

Get a grip, ladies!

And ask yourselves these questions:

1. While a junior doctor was doing this alleged atrocity, WHERE the hell was his supervising Consultant Gynecologist? 

2. Till 8000 Caesarian sections were done by a junior doctor amidst allegations of ethnic cleansing, what did that Consultant Gynecologist do? Was he physically present in the hospital? 

3. Was the Consultant Gynecologist who is supposed to physically be present and supervise Dr Shafi, actually in a private hospital in Colombo, Kurunegala or Kandy doing his private practice? 

4. The CID should do an audit of the dates and times private surgeries done by the Consultant Gynecologist whilst Dr Shafi was doing these alleged LRTs. How many days did the Consultant Gynecologist come to work in Kurunegala Hospital? 

5. Who is finally responsible, legally, hierarchically, morally, professionally and ethically for the alleged plight of these mothers? Is it not the consultant gynecologist, who has CRIMINALLY neglected his duty and let an alleged criminal go about his business for his own convenience and monetary gain? 

6. What about all the other doctors, nurses now claiming on social media that they knew it was happening? All those sad academics claiming that they knew all along? So they watched this alleged crime, under their noses till 4000 mothers were allegedly made infertile? Are they not accomplices? What should their penalty be?

As the motto of Colombo Telegraph has been telling us for good ten years now, “In Journalism, Truth Is A Process”. 

In medicine too.

In politics too.

In life too. 


Assessment of Tubal Patency: A Prospective Comparison of Diagnostic Hysteroscopy and Laparoscopic Chromopertubation. Ott, Johannes et al. Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology, Volume 0, Issue 0

Khalaf Y. ABC of subfertility. Tubal subfertility. BMJ. 2003; 327(7415):610–613. doi:10.1136/bmj.327.7415.610

Latest comments

  • 7

    It looks, there are more than one Wahhabi sect operating in Srilanka. They have different targets. Risahd Bathiuddin talks like a saint but he is a double agent. His role was to be good among parliament and do the role. the other is Hisbulla.
    I hear Hisbullah thinks that Maithripala sirsena is the worst character there. that is, he does not allow them to complete there program (GOd NATHA) ..MS is not dumb. He observes everything. but the muslim politicians are trying to be too smart because they are success driven.

    • 18

      Grusha, All this focus on women’s sexual and reproductive health by Sinhala nationalists and the Islamic male fetish re. women’s clothing and covering is about
      1. Fake and exaggerated new as part of the politics of Distraction regarding who is behind the Easter Carnage
      2. male sexual frustration and the other their inability to control their sex!
      Islamist men are obsessed about women’s dress and Sinhala Buddhist nationalists are obsessed about women’s reproductive capacities! All are sexually frustrated and self-castrated?! It is well known that sexual frustration results in aggression and violence, and hence they keep attacking each other. BBS Buddhist monks are a particularly frustrated lot
      These women-focused, gender based identity politics by Buddhist and Islamist nationalist is part of the”politics of distraction” from the foreign hands behind the Easter Sunday carnage, and the need to hold the crashing Superpower that has been weaponizing religion and all forms of Gender, ethnic, religious, LGBTQ identity politics with fake news and fake research studies in order to Divide, Distract and set up a military base in Trincomalee, accountable. What a Banana Republic!

      • 10


        Bless you for seeing the light!

        Agnostic 2

        • 1

          Is gurusha a real doctor. All this information can be downloaded from Google.. 300 women with complaints cannot be a coincidence

          Think .anout this number. and comment.

      • 1


        “Easter Sunday carnage, and the need to hold the crashing Superpower that has been weaponizing religion and all forms of Gender, ethnic, religious, LGBTQ identity politics with fake news and fake research studies in order to Divide, Distract and set up a military base in Trincomalee, accountable. What a Banana Republic!”

        Spot on. They also want to contain China, the “Silk road”, and make Lanka not viable for the Chinese, the new Western Imperialism, model of the Great Satan and the minor Satans. The low mean IQ of 79 of the Paras, in the Banana Republic certainly helps.

      • 0

        In a court of law, the cases cannot be conducted in secret, it must be in the open.
        Similarly, the inspection of the women who accuse this doctor should be in the open, the public should be able to see the incisions made on her body, why she could not deliver normally, was her vagina occluded, did the Doctor do an internal examination of her vagina. Did she infact have a vagina-is she a lesbo

        This is the only justifiable way in which this foolish man can be judged.

        Let us get an operating table placed in the auditorium of the hospital, let all accusers and those interested in the proceedings be present, if there is not enough space, have a video facility provided, let the lady accuser discard her clothes herself – otherwise the examiners could be accused of molesting her- and then the examiners should do a vaginal examination, see whether her breats had carried milk for the baby and other proceedures necessary.
        the most important is that this should be doen in public, we do not want reports prepared by examinations in camera.

  • 13

    Fools Rush into Comment where angels fear to tread.

  • 18

    Why is the GMOA silent. This episode just stinks. Is it a witch hunt after a Muslim surgeon.

    • 1

      A Muslim surgeon who proclaimed that he is doing ethic cleansing in speeches he dilivered in mosques in his election campaign

  • 6

    The argument that this scoundrel could not have sterilized Sinhalese women because there are Nurses, sisters etc inside the operating room is not only ridiculous but also laughable.

    People who are aware of the ground realities of Sri Lanka know that in SL, Doctors have power, in fact absolute power. Especially for an OB-GYN. Asking the nurses and the sisters to step outside by the so-called “doctor” until he finishes the “job” is a simple step in his criminal activity.

    Unlike here in the West, a nurse or a sister can never go beyond the authority of a doctor. There is no taking a “stand” when a Doctor is involved.

    Once I was suspected of having Ball Cancer and I visited a specialist while I was there, a lady doctor. She asked the Nurse to step outside and without a word the nurse vanished.

    • 22

      Retarted (Rtd) Lunatic (Lt)
      Utter garbage. There is a team that performs surgeries supervised by a Consultant. The entire team should be responsible and not only this doctor. Lucky you were suspected of ball cancer (if you have any balls) rather than brain cancer.

    • 10

      I am sorry to tell you – it is your mothers pregnancy with you that should have been terminated!

      Look at the logic you are propagating!
      Please, please do us all a favor- do not multiply!

      You a valet and a batman calling yourself a Lieutenant!
      How can a guy who has no testicles have testicular cancer??

    • 6

      This is the bitter truth

    • 8

      Rtd. Lt. Reginald Shamal Perera,

      Doing a tubal ligation is not a 2 minute process where you can ask the people around you to walk away while its done like checking for a lump in the testicles. The ligation is a process that can take another half and hour after the baby is delivered.

      So, lets take 10% of the 8000 he did, that’s 800. No way he can do anything close without being noticed. Just like the author said, the man was bragging and collecting.

      • 4

        Rajiv Tennakoon,

        Thanks for the explanation. I’ll take your word as you sound like a Doctor or at least your knowledge of medicine appears solid.

        Unlike most of the rif-rafs here claiming to be doctors and who do not sound one bit like a Doctor.

        But from an ethical perspective, would a Sinhalese allow a Muslim anywhere near the pubic area of his wife? I don’t think so.

        Given that Muslims are some of the most vulgar creatures ever to walk the earth, I wouldn’t allow him or his ilk anywhere near the OR if my wife or daughter was delivering a baby.

        • 1

          Hey, batman Shamal,

          Looks like your mother’s fecal matter leaked into your brain while you were in her womb.

          Time to sue her ObGyn.!

          Go for it moron..!

        • 2

          Moron Shamal,
          sounds like the only pubic area of a woman you will be allowed to visit is the centerfold of the Playboy you are holding in your hands while you are on a self-gratification mode!!!

    • 0

      Exactly. Nurses in SLthink that doctor are god given angels that could do no wrong. in Western countries nurses are educated and smart. I have witnesed a nurse order a doctor to wash hands properly. This would be unthinkable in SL. How come people are blind to the fact that over 300. Women have come forward after ten years claiming to be infertile., after the Caesar by Shafir. This cannot be a . Coincidence. Publicity by the media triggered this. GMC is far from been quiet has made several statements to the media. If they waited for the hospital letters they woold not be informed immediately. That would take months even years.

  • 14

    Thank you Grusha for your enlightening and a very professional expression. No doubt you are a doctor and more importantly an Obstetrician and gynaecologist. You have even quoted references like in a scientific article to make it authentic. But for the gossip mongers, trouble makers, and racists they don’t want any logical, rational, professional opinions because their objectives are different and they just want racist sensation right now. It has an important political agenda for the bankrupt political goons. You have backed your views through statistical analysis too. When you made the initial opinion about the background of this doctor, I too in total agreement with you. He seems a typical attention seeking village fool with a big mouth foolishly bragging about his ability for various reasons including perhaps for his political agenda. These are cheap stunts not uncommon among cheap professions, Sri Lanka is never short of such guys. Recently media spoke about Rohan Gunaratne, the self proclaimed terrorism expert with many bogus claims is a good example. Another news paper carried an article by another Sinhala doctor expressing his two cents without any facts.. He is asking the theatre nurses to supervise the surgeons as to how they operate and what a pathetic view and he is degrading the medical profession as a whole. This is exactly what the present day GMOA morons are doing. They trust Maithri, the well known liar, more than their medical colleagues. I cannot disagree that this Muslim doctor has gone beyond his limits to show off his capabilities to others and his political handlers for his own future. He even may have antagonised other doctors too and for them it is the time to kill him. Again back stabbing is part of our long history so nothing to worry. You have clearly explained how to proceed with the investigation instead of barking like rabid dogs and until then be sensible and for the pundits to keep their gaps closed.

  • 7

    1950s population of Sri Lanka was 8 million,while 1981 it was around 16 million. after that growth were slowed down because of family planning project of Sri Lankan government.(neighboring Napal population was 16 million on 1980s and its 32 million now). as a country we are in a great danger,that our working population is shrinking and dependents are increasing.near future our economy too will slow down.
    western countries are giving asylum to third world country people to maintain their workforce.even Japan facing same problem.
    as a Sri Lankan i am ashamed,that our crooked/opportunists politicians and the clergies are exploiting the situation for their own benefits,rather bring solutions.
    we will remain a third world country for generations,thanks to our leaders.

    • 1

      Are you seriously claiming that the problem in Sri Lanka and other overcrowded nations is one of two few people? There is no room for everyone. That is why people are at each other’s throats under one guise or another. That is why our National Parks have to give way for settlements. Yala would be next. Sinharaja and Horton Plains are already being encroached on. Seriously, how many people do you think you can cram into this tiny country. One of the bombers has nine children. He himself is one of nine. The mothers start reproducing at 15 years of age. The population growth rate among moslems is more than twice that of the Sinhalese and Tamils (who seem to have somewhat got their act together). Where is all this going to end. Does anybody wonder?

      Nations with aging populations need to accept that elderly people may have to be looked after in comunal sites where a large number of elderly can be cared for by a relatively small number of people.

  • 8

    Grusha, well done and Thank You. At this hour it is the duty of SLMC , GMOA or any Doctor to come out and clarify these procedures. But then again, when they too are cause of the problem, what else do we expect in this country. We see SLMC and GMOA willing and ready to give opinions on any non medical issues from anti trade pacts, foreign policies ___etc but not for issues pertaining to one of their colleague. What a bunch of self serving hypocrites who are ethically no better than the accused doctor. I as a physician have voiced my doubts , on the same lines as you elsewhere in CT. A women unethically deprived of a child, will she wait that long to make a complaint??? How come 50 or so (now it has crossed 100) has come out at the same time?? That too from a district (the doctor, the hospital staff and women who complained) which was hit by coordinated riots. Given the career this doctor could have easily performed hundreds of C section and tubal ligations which can now be manipulated to unethical procedures. Along with his boasting he seems to have money which always attract spurious claims from public. We also have to keep in mind previous incidents (rumors) of sterile pills in eateries, sweets in outlet shops and Ganasara antics which are related to this same issue.

  • 13

    Ha….ha…Shemale Retard, so you don’t live here among us? Come on moron. So during surgery in Sinha-Ley the doctor ask the nurses, junior doctors and anaesthetists, attendants to go out while he is cutting off the women’s tubes, ovaries, uterus. You are really degrading our medical profession moron. SL once had one of the best medical teachings and doctors and just see what Retards like you have done to mother Lanka owing to your modakama and racism. So you are also hiding with Blind Eagle and enjoying suddhas hospitality. By the way what happened to your cancerous balls? Do you mean to say the lady doctor played with your balls after sending the nurse out? I am sure it was orchitis due to STD while you were serving in the army at Minnerya camp. But anyway get your head examined now. This time there is really something wrong.

  • 6

    Dear Grusha,
    I am disappointed. I can’t read everything that I see.
    We should be doing one of two things right now.
    Either get some good guy elected President of Sri Lanka in 2019, or lay the foundations for electing a decent guy in 2025.
    You don’t seem to be doing either.
    I don’t like abortion. However, birth control of homo sapiens is very necessary. If people don’t realise that either castrate or stabilise them after they have reproduced the species upto replacement level.
    That’s the big picture; I will stay with that. I’m not going to read the rest of your aarticle. With a Muslim doctor being involved, this is sooner or later going to going to get crudely Islamophobic.

    • 0

      Sorry, I’m on.a phone.
      Penultimate para, “castrate OR sterilize” them.

      • 0

        Thanks, Grusha.
        I think, however, that you should summon greater confidence in your abilities. I’ve said something like that in the next article you wrote on this subject.

    • 2

      Dear sweet sir,
      HOW can I alone get a good man elected as President? It is our collective duty.
      We will have a better President in 2025. 2019 would be a sorrowful year that we bear with patience.
      I feel your pain.

  • 11

    Grusha, everything is fine except you calling this a noble profession, these people you call the doctors are worst criminals- firstly they get educated free at tax payers money, then they don’t pay any taxes on their earnings, most of them invest their money in properties and estates again dodging taxes

    Then they get permits every five years

    They are like parasites sucking blood

    Where do you find any noble ness in them, I think a barber is much more noble and honest

  • 5

    political drama for reason to genocide on muslims. this is what nazi germany did to jews.

  • 4

    As this essay from a so called doctor contents should be disputed by experience surgeon I suppose. As per my knowledge this writer is trying hard to white wash this Muslim Man . May be for millions of rupees. As per our knowledge contents of this essay is purely bullshit. So called Doctor writer should be put in construction site as expert painter. but not in a hospital as a Doctor. I wish his patients all the best. May some divine power be with them to save their lives from this so called Idiot Doctor.

    • 3

      What do you expect from a so-called Sri Lankan whose surname is Andrews. LOL!

      Back to Scotland.

      • 4

        (R. L.) R S Perera,
        From Wikipedia : Perera – The name was introduced in Sri Lanka by the Portuguese during the period of Portuguese Ceylon, and it derives from the common Portuguese surname Pereira . Check your DNA -LOL !!!

        • 2


          “Perera” is a name my Great Grand Father obtained. Our actual ancestral name is Molligoda and we are descendants of the Molligoda disawe. My maternal Grand Father is from the Dunuwille waluwwa.

          Most member of our family do not use the “Perera” name anymore. Even my children carry the surname Molligoda.

      • 5

        Ayyo then Perera back to Portugal?

  • 5

    On Easter day, Muslims killed more than 250 innocent people, Muslims injured more than 500 innocent people, etc.
    Let’s not forget Safi is a cunning Muslim first, doctor second. He follows a warlord who himself slayed so many.

  • 1

    There are no proper facility to complain against the discremination caused by negligence of medical proffesonals. So government should open a separate permanent unit in each hospital or outside hospital to facilitate to lodge complain and provide legal advice and support when discremination is made to patient by medical professonals in government and private sector.

  • 3

    Can this article be translated and published in Sinhalese newspapers so that the foolish masses understand.

    It’s the sad reality of the world today that you find a person guilty in he media whether with or without proof. Where has senses and sensibility gone. If this doctor did what he was accused of he is a disgrace to the profession and should get the highest punishment in the land but not on the whims of BBS, Hiru TV and Derana TV.

    • 3

      Dear sir,
      The Sinhala translation of this article is carried in the Sinhala section of Colombo Telegraph.
      Thank you.
      Grusha Andrews

  • 1

    Gursha is wrong on many counts. If you press on the fallopian tubes with a set of forceps in the right manner, that can do the job. The superviang Gyno or nurses may not see it. If some one in the medical team is determined to do this, he/she can do it.

  • 2

    In ascribing guilt, what matters is the intention. Even if you did not kill, if you intended to kill, or even boasted that you killed 4000 people, that is a crime.

    This writer Gursha says that we must take a statistical sample of all patients treated by this Doctor and then proceed to file cases against him, on balance!
    If a Pedophile teacher in a school is accused by victims, do we send the victims home and then take a statistical sample of all the pupils that the teacher had anything to do with and proceed? Vehemently NO.
    A writer who can think up this kind of COCK and BULL, and totally ignorant of how jurisprudence works should not be writing on this topic, Instead, he or she should be send to Angoda or Mulleriya or where ever psychiatric treatment could be administered, to determine why common sense and simple judgment have evaporated from the mind of this writer.
    If a person is accused by Victims, the accusation is investigated instead of doing statistical sampling.
    The accused is innocent until proven guilty. But he can be remanded under suspicion etc.

  • 1

    Mr. Guruge is right.
    Gursha Andrews is as usual completely off the target.
    Gursha writes A fair sample does NOT mean a sample of those mothers claiming that they were made infertile by Dr Shafi.A fair sample is when you get a random sample of mothers operated on by Dr Shafi who are SUBSEQUENTLY investigated to see whether or not non-consensual sterilization was done on them.
    So, if maNY women accuse a man of sexual molestation, and if women who have remained silent UP TO NOW begin to come forward, we send them home saying this is ” mass hysteria”, and instead collect 100 women from the street and ask if they were molested. They say NO, and so the accused is left alone!

    May be in another article Gursha will say the accused man should be paid compensation because there was no one molested by him in the random sample and he ws “wrongly accused” as shown by the statistical sampling.
    Have you heard of any court, even the one run by Kaekille Rajjuruvo, functioning like that?

    If many people make accusations, they should file class-action litigation against the
    doctor, and the presumed victims have a right to do so. The Doctor has to prove his
    Remember what was written about Sangakkara by this writer!
    So this writer has NO JUDGMENT.
    Or may be Colombo Telegraph published this to show the kind of absurd views some people
    can put out in good faith.

  • 2

    Bring back medieval Law of the Sinhala – Kings

    These buggers cannot understand any other Law.

  • 3

    Ranjith, Shemale Retard and Blind Eagle, are one and only one. Same stupidity, same attitude, same analytical power, same booruwas. They look at things in just same way. When Gnanasra or some vagrant says it is a fact and when some educated, sensible person says it is bribe. They are soaked in bribes, distortion and illusion partly due to mental abrasion and mainly due to being funded by crooks so they have to keep on chanting the same thing. I am sure these three creatures are living in the same place in the same way.

  • 3

    Retarded she male first lied about some one claiming he is from St. Thomas turns out , some other school. Then he comes here to act as a Doctor but his stupidity is so obvious the whole world can see. Then he went on to accuse the writer for having a name Grusha and some thing to do with Scotland. Retard more you open your mouth you go on proving true to your name Retard and a racist. What a pathetic low life.

  • 4

    Thank you, Grusha, for stepping in to try + stem the violent, blind outrage that has been whipped up by the cynical exploitation of this disturbing accusation. I wish your article could be carried in all the media, especially in Sinhala — the media which, alas, has played such a cynical, irresponsible role on this occasion.

    While trying to combat the damage that has already been done here, we should not forget the “smaller” incidents that are turning “innocents” into objects of fear and hate. It is unbelievable that a poor woman has been cast into prison because of the decoration on her dress. While violent mobsters have been let out on bail, a (Muslim) woman is incarcerated because of some utterly ridiculous possibility of insulting Buddhism. Who will step forward to get her released, without demanding a fee?

    • 1

      Dear Madam,
      The Sinhala translation of this article appears in the Sinhala section of Colombo Telegraph.
      Thank you.
      Sincerely ,
      Grusha Andrews

      • 0

        That’s great, Grusha.

  • 0

    For those upstanding retards, if thinking and intention of killing are unlawful then how do you term the actual killings of your politicians and killing of that innocent man in riots. . You seem to have no problems in picking them as leaders.

  • 1

    Sterile sweets spread like wildfire ,and gutted a garment outlet store within days. Where as sterile sweets demolished a eatery place with in hours. Hmmmm. But thousand of tubal ligations and not even a murmur. We truly are living in a miracle country. This is not a kidney or liver to disappear. When a women is unable to conceive and goes to any doctor, with just a scan, can identify the missing answer. So stop your nonsense and find something productive. We are aware of your true intention which are causing hatred, disharmony , more violence and persecution. You did it before on black July and continue to do so now. Take A Hike Morons.

  • 0

    Rumor Mongers please read to know the fate of judge and attorneys who were doing the same as you all.

  • 1

    A worthwhile and well considered comment, which should be taken seriously.
    I fear that CT is lacking in readers who can scientifically discuss the proposals.

  • 1

    Interesting Debate. How many women among the complainants are Muslims? Apart from checking on number of surgeries performed, and relating it to income tax declarations and property acquisitions, which any inquiry would surely seek, will prove whether the allegations are factual or not. If it turns out that the good doctor only lost his way amidst the entrails, should he be tried under the penal code or Traffic Laws? Let us see.

  • 1

    GMOA is scared. this might et a percedent which might be detrimental to Paradeniya.

    Shamal, ask the doctors and nures to step out for a quikie like what you did to the women you arrested?

  • 1

    I am not a Doctor of medicine but a google check reveals that tubal ligation is reversible. Why not ask the mothers who claim having been rendered sterile without heir consent whether they would agree to reversal surgery paid for by the Government.

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    Sunil, there is a good magician and a charlatan at Matara and he can by magical powers determine whether LRT surgery is done or not and if so he can re-connect the tubes by magic and prayers. But you have to pay him. I hope you have heard about that Sumanasekara bugger, the presidential sooth sayer, who made MR the menace to lose election.

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