17 January, 2025


Global Tamil Forum Calls For Time-Bound Implementation Of The UNHRC Resolution On Sri Lanka 

The Global Tamil Forum (GTF) acknowledges the passing of the resolution ‘Promoting reconciliation, accountability and human rights in Sri Lanka’ (40/1) at the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC), and thank all those who worked towards it, particularly the thirty-two countries that co-sponsored, among those the core-group that led this initiative. While we welcome continuous monitoring of human rights and accountability in Sri Lanka by the UNHRC, we are disappointed that the new resolution failed to set clear pathway for accelerated progress towards implementation of the Resolution 30/1. 

There is strong disappointment in the Tamil community that ten years after the end of the war, and three years after Sri Lanka co-sponsored Resolution 30/1, there is very little progress on accountability and transitional justice. High Commissioner Michelle Bachelet’s report to the Council accurately describes this unfortunate reality – the minimalist initiatives by Sri Lanka ’have yet to produce concrete benefits for individual right holders’; ‘such slow progress in establishing meaningful transitional justice measures has engendered mistrust among victims and other stakeholders’; and that ‘Sri Lanka has failed to seize the opportunity provided by the Human Rights Council to establish a trustworthy domestic mechanism to address impunity.’ 

Therefore, the burning question among the victims and the Tamil community is – what difference is another resolution going to make, considering this is the seventh UNHRC resolution in the decade after the end of the war? It is this dismal performance by the Sri Lankan government and the increasing frustration among the victims that UNHRC will not be able to course-correct Sri Lanka towards an acceptable pace of progress that contribute to calls by many that UNHRC should refer Sri Lanka to the UN Security Council for further action.

Resolution 40/1 seriously falls short of required action – Sri Lanka’s abject failure and delay in implementing its key commitments, the continuing sufferings of the victims and their families, and the need for accelerated progress on constitutional reform for devolution of power have not merited mention; and it does not set timelines and benchmarks to guide and monitor progress. Our minimum expectation for this resolution was to incorporate a time-bound action plan with the involvement of the OHCHR – very much in alignment with High Commissioner’s recommendation. While the need for a time-bound implementation strategy is acknowledged, it is disappointing that the resolution lacks specificities of how it will become operational. It is our earnest request that such an operational arrangement be worked out as an urgent priority with the full involvement of the OHCHR. 

We call upon the international community and the key UNHRC member countries to ensure two unambiguous messages are conveyed to the people and the leaders of Sri Lanka:

Accountability for the atrocity crimes committed in Sri Lanka via faithful and timely implementation of Resolutions (30/1,34/1,40/1) is a must, and that the absence of which will have consequences – may that be diplomatic, judicial or economic as appropriate; and

Assurance to the community of victims of all different backgrounds that they will not be abandoned before achieving a sense of justice, closure and the reforms needed for non-recurrence. 

Such strongly articulated positions are critical to emphasize urgency and commitment to the political leadership of the country and to prevent the victims’ further descent into despair.   

We firmly believe that steady progress and eventual success of the current transitional justice initiatives in Sri Lanka is crucial – not only to maintain and enhance the reputation of the UNHRC as an effective UN organ capable of living up to its creation mandate, but also specifically for Sri Lanka to prevent any seeds of potential conflict germinating in the hopeless and desperate situation most victims find themselves in.

We urge member states to take note of the High Commissioner’s recommendation that they “investigate and prosecute, wherever possible, in particular in accordance with universal jurisdiction principles, those allegedly responsible for such violations as torture, enforced disappearance, war crimes or crimes against humanity; and explore other options to advance accountability in the absence of credible domestic processes.” We also urge member states to consider adopting parallel processes on accountability to supplement efforts by the UNHRC to deal with atrocity crimes in Sri Lanka during and after the war that ended ten years ago. (GTF)

Latest comments

  • 14

    The UNHRC has successfully assisted the UNF government to dodge the issues. But the trap is there in waiting for a rival that may come to power. If the UNF returns there will be ways to soft pedal issues.
    Even otherwise the purpose is not to achieve justice but to exert pressure on a government that could threaten to ‘misbehave’ in other matters of importance to the West.
    The tragedy is that all lobbyists knew the game from the outset and have pretended not to know, so that they can fool the public.

    • 6

      Global Tamil Forum and UNHRC,

      RE: Time-Bound Implementation Of The UNHRC Resolution On Sri Lanka

      “Accountability for the atrocity crimes committed in Sri Lanka via faithful and timely implementation of Resolutions (30/1,34/1,40/1) is a must, and that the absence of which will have consequences – may that be diplomatic, judicial or economic as appropriate; and”
      “Assurance to the community of victims of all different backgrounds that they will not be abandoned before achieving a sense of justice, closure and the reforms needed for non-recurrence.”

      What is the reality? No justice and no consequences, just talk, talk and talk! In the meantime, the politicians keep stealing. A land like no other, illegally occupied by the Paras.

      Sri Lanka has No intention of and timely implementation of Resolutions. All the positioning is a strategy to mark time, as has been shown over the past 9 years. So, be prepared for Resolutions (30/1,34/1,40/1) to be extended to new resolutions over the next 100 years to resolution 140/1 etc., and by that time all the war criminals, criminals and victims would have died of old age, including the prosecutors.

    • 8

      Right on SJ,
      while the UNHRC distraction is on going the US military base in Trinco and landgrab of coastal areas in the South in the Cold war with China is progressing well with the Minister of Oman in Mirijjawila.
      Oman has a huge US military base in that country, and will supply oil to Lanka for US military very cool arrangement!
      According to Daily news The Southern EPZ of over 500 acres will focus on industries based on fuel oil, chemicals and byproducts and other finished product industries to minimise water consumption adapting to the prevailing environment conditions.
      Spanning over 565 acres, the Mirijjawila Export Processing Zone consists of industrial blocks spread across 338 acres with 309 acres occupied by industries in commercial operation.

    • 6

      SJ strange but I agree with you.

      • 0

        How sad! (It is only a joke)

    • 1


      “The tragedy is that all lobbyists knew the game from the outset and have pretended not to know, so that they can fool the public.”

      What is the alternative?

      “The UNHRC has successfully assisted the UNF government to dodge the issues. But the trap is there in waiting for a rival that may come to power. If the UNF returns there will be ways to soft pedal issues.”

      The members of international community which aided and abetted war crimes during the war are also voting members of UNHRC who from the onset protected MR and his war criminals through various instruments, resolutions, reports, delaying tactics, ………… irrespective of whoever was/is in power will continue to protect irrespective of whoever will be in power.

      However it is for the good people to keep the issue alive.
      If you do not have faith in UNHRC (a capitalist instrument of control) then you should start work on building an alternative Socialist Human Rights organisation.

  • 3

    ? It should say that the parties who supported to carry out those crimes by supplying Parties which supplied guiding, funds, weapons and other paraphernalia to the LTTE are still alive; starting from Adele Balasingham – Global Tamil Forum, Professor Dr.S.J.Emmanuel, Suren Surendiran, local Tamil National Alliance, M K Shivajilingam, Gajaendrakumar Ponnambalam et al.. Now they are in the good books of the world and are the main complainants against our security forces who saved about 2.5 M lives mainly in the North and East and about 18M in the entire country.
    Why is our government (and the opposition) reluctant to name these parties who still represent the LTTE although it (LTTE) is not active here – (on the surface)?

  • 6

    It is incorrect to suggest that the civil war ended ten years ago.
    Until 08 January 2015, it was ‘us against them’.
    Now it is ‘Buddhist-Sinhala Only Lankans’ against the ‘rest’.

  • 3

    British Tamils in GTF are crying out loud because they are now cash strapped. On the other hand, both the Tamilnadu and Mulaadoowa Tamils have invested in a huge Petroleum refinery in Southern Sri lanka. Paw da Tamils. Send some money to GTF. Britain is bankrupt a dn so are these Tamils..

  • 7

    The US-UK Human Rights Endgame is a US military base in Trincomalee and in surveillance of Lanka’s entire coastline and population . UNHRC is a means of keeping Sri Lanka divided and distracted while the P-3 agenda of colonization of Sri Lanka in the Cold War against China happens under the radar and media screen.

    While everyone is distracted with the show in UNHRC Geneva show and the fake drug war in Sri Lanka. another project to acquire Southern Coastal lands and build another US air hub base for surveillance is on going.
    Oman has a massive US airbase in that country and its Oil Minister in Sri Lanka to celebrate Bondscam Ranils birthday and to set up an oil farm in the South is to keep track of submarine surveillance against China including surveillance and control of the Global Internet Undersea Data Cables because Sri Lanka is a Global Security Choke Point for the Internet, energy and trade routes.

    • 4

      I dont think you are right here. It is shame to see that you guys still keep on attacking for 1% bond scam but intentionally ignore about 99% bond scam, according to Prez Sirisena to have occured since 2008-2015 ( 990 billions, is the size of the loss).

      Name of 1% bons came failure fated by SIRISENA-RANIL govt, Rajaakshes heinous crimes should no means buried under the carpet.. That is a greater curse to us real srilankens and the world.

      And not you guys are read to agree with former Army Commander real war veteran FM Saratha Fonseka. He reiterated that no war crimes occured there bu tthere are few soldiers that may have committed crimes abusing the name of army and other two forces. They should according to him be investgated. We the srilankens do believe, he is right there saying that. Just because of abusive few, we should let tarnish the image of entire 3 forces. Besides, why dont the political leadership permit the authorities to do the job and clear the doubts for ever ?.
      Be them soldiers, medical experts, or anyone else, as lanken citizens, if they committed heinous crimes, they should be surendered to lanken laws. Be them from former president’s family or any ones else, the law should equally be applicable to them.
      Not allowing the law to work onany one independently you guys to beat around the bush is SHAME for us srilankens.
      I am sinhalaya, I would never want to defend any kind of murderers or money launderers just because their first term, with the collectivity mastered to put the stop to terror activities in the country. But as one who studied all the bits better than ones living in the island, am well aware of the facts, had Late Mr Kadirgamar failed to get LTTErs banned on rich soils, nothing would have worked in terms of ending the war.

    • 3

      Please readers, listen to the link below, that can reveal you lot more about the loans taken by Rajakshes from China. Entire world seems to be aware that Rajakshe got caught by chinese debt trap.. but BPs of SHAMIL nature seem to be far from getting the ground realities of the trap.

  • 7

    Who the hell is GTF, what right do they have to decide about Sri Lankan future? They are a bunch who were involved with LTTE and ran away to foreign countries and they are living comfortably there. Their children, most of them, cannot read or write Tamil and will never come back to live in SL. So why should the international community give a listening ear to them. They are a bunch who are collecting money in the name of ” Tamil Freedom in SL” and buying Tesla cars and building swimming pools in their homes. Their actions will only result in the suffering of innocent poor Tamils in SL. If they are so interested in SL, then they should all go back to SL, take citizenship and then contest the election and prove that they are a valid respectable entity in Tamil politics. If not they should enjoy their Tesla cars and Swimming pools and stay where they are with their mouths shut! By the way they also should buy a Tesla car and build a home with a swimming pool for a Traitor like Wigneswaran CM.

    • 6

      Estate Tamil,
      It is not you or I have any right to deny the right of GTF or UNHCR. Every one has the right to question when there was a genocide or war crimes or human rights violation against civilians. LTTE is a srilankan movement fought for the rights of Tamil people like other movements like political parties. It is the Tamil People who are the victims of this crime and it is there request for international institutions for justice when the governments of Srilanka which is responsible for those crimes.

    • 8

      Estate Tamil this is stupid , they have the same right to fight for Tamil rights in their homeland, as any other Tamil. Remember most of them were forced to leave their land. That many of them are now doing very well and have swimming pools and other sorts of luxuries in their homes and most of their children are not fluent in Tamil is irrelevant. They are still Tamils who originate from Sri Lanka and have every right to be concerned with what is happening in their former homeland and to their kith and kin back home. It is because of these peoples ( The Eelam Tamil diaspora) effort and lobbying, that this issue is now being discussed in the UN and the Sinhalese are bit afraid , knowing bug brother is still watching them, otherwise by now the remaining Tamil areas would now have been overrun by Sinhalese Buddhist Fascists and fake Arab South Indian origin Islamic Jihadi. The remaining Tamils in the island would have been crushed and severely marginalised and forced to become Sinhalese or in some cases Muslims. Remember many of the Jews who fought for Israel and Jewish rights were very rich western Jews , who hardly spoke Hebrew or strictly followed Judaism. It is because of their efforts that Israel was formed , after the second world war , as a homeland and safe haven for Jews. The treatment of the Palestinian Arabs is shameful and their loss of their land is another story. I am only using this to make a point. Do not insult the Eelam Tamil diaspora , like the Sinhalese , as they are the only voice for the beleaguered Tamils living in the island( indigenous and Indian origin) . This is why the Sinhalese/Indians hate them and stupid Tamils like you insult them. They do not have to bother what is happening at home or spend their energy, time and money to fight for the Tamils back home.

      • 2

        Siva Sankaran Sharma,
        Tamils did not originate from Sri Lanka. Their origin is Hindusthan. There were Dravidians who came to Sinhale as invaders. Sinhalayo called them Demalu. Later, Portuguese, Dutch and British colonial ‘Awajathakayo’ brought Dravidians as slaves. Most of them were from Malabar. Therefore, British called them ‘Malabaris’ until a guy called Ponnambalam Arunachalam who prepared the Census Report in 1911 change the term ‘Malabari’ to ‘Ceylon Tamils’. Using a customary law of Malabar called ‘Thesawalamei’ by Demalu in Yapanaya confirms that they are from Malabar.

        • 1

          Keeping on repeating the same lies from Australia , will not become truth. The truth is, it is most the present day Sinhalese and not the Sri Lankan Tamils who are largely descended from Indian Tamil immigrants from ancient , medieval to modern. Around 50% of the present day so called Sinhalese are purely descended from low caste/untouchable Tamil imports from South India, who were imported into the island by the Portuguese and later Dutch colonials and settled along the western and southern littorals. They later converted to a Sinhalese Buddhist or Catholic identity. I strongly suspect that you are descended from one of these low caste South Indian Tamil immigrants who converted to a Sinhalese identity., this is why you are so obsessed with low caste South Indian Malabari and Tamils as they are your ancestors. Sri Lankan Tamils are descended from the native Dravidian Naga and some Yakka and from the original immigrants from North East India. DNA has proven this historical fact. Sinhalese who claim an exclusive North Indian origin are in fact largely descended from Indian Tamil invaders and immigrants and share a 70% DNA with Indian Tamils , Sri Lankan Tamils only share a 17% DNA with Indian Tamils despite sharing a common language, religion and a similar culture. The other interesting fact is , despite claiming a North Indian origin , it is the Sri Lankan Tamils , who ironically don’t claim this , who have a higher percentage of North East Indian blood than the Sinhalese , they share around 28-30% DNA with the Bengali compared to the 25% that the present day Sinhalese share with the Bengali. DNA and history has proven that it is the present day Sinhalese and not the Sri Lankan Tamils who are basically descended from the invading and immigrant Demalu from Hindusthan, as you fondly love to call them.

        • 1

          Eagle Eye……………..hahahahaha, besides being stupid and a downright racist, I never knew you were a comedian too. Good, please keep us all entertained with the history related jokes. Laughter is a great medicine, please keep them coming.

    • 2

      ESTATE TAMIL! They are not enjoying the life you mention. Unlike the Srilankans they have to work very hard to live. Despite the hard work they do, it is great for them to think of their folks here. If not for their remittances, their kith and kin would not be in the world of living. You seem to be fond of Telsa cars. But some them do posses Lamborghini too. but not bought out of public funds like your government ministers.
      I repeat for the tenth time, that if the government is willing to solve the Tamil problem to their satisfaction, number of them will obtain dual citizenship and develop north and east and pass on the benefits to the south as well. But the south doesn’t want any development to take place in the N/E. In fact the south is consistent with the saying “eenavum mattai nakkavum mattai” meaning ,you will neither give birth nor clean the offspring.
      If the Tamil diaspora has no right to speak for the Tamils, what right did you have to invite India, Pakistan, China , Britain and USA to participate in the war against the Tamils and commit murder of the Tamils along with the government. No wonder the world is against expediting the inquiry against Genocide. Geneva, Geneva Geneva…………………………………………………………..

      • 1

        K.Anaga, LTTE was a terrorist organization, they killed Rajiv Gandhi a foreign PM. If that’s not enough they took children from schools as child soldiers. HOw many of those GTF top people sent their children to fight for LTTE – NONE. What LTTE did resulted in Tamil and Muslim and Sinhala people in SL suffering, most of all Tamils and Muslims in the North and East. I have no issue in SL Govt investigating the war crimes, but the crimes of both LTTE and the armed forces of SL should be investigated. Where the foreign judges can be involved is by looking into and investigating former LTTE members now residing overseas, by foreign judges.

        • 2

          How many Tamils were killed by Rajive’s so called “Indian Peace keeping( killing) force”? (farce) Why not investigate both. but most of the LTTE leaders have been massacred by the Srilankan army even after their ‘surrender’. At least for purpose of investigation they should have been kept alive. You seem to know where the LTTE members are residing,. Why not try and trace them and bring them to books. If there 10 culprits you can at least trace 5 like the bond scam and get them in installments.

    • 0

      Hey Estate Tamil,

      Where the hell did you come from?

  • 7

    This is a fair enough request.
    Even we, Sinhalese, are fed up with this “Waiting for Godot” exercise. The Global Tamil Forum is often accused of exaggerating and being unreasonable. This appeal uses temperate language, and we should be reciprocating in like manner.

  • 6

    Oh for God’s sake: ENOUGH!

    • 4

      ramona GRANDMA therese fernando.

      “Oh for God’s sake: ENOUGH!”

      Enough of your own bull s**t?

    • 3

      ramona therese fernando, I like to see you saying the same thing when someone murders your children and husband. You hide in Pittsburgh and write all this stupid comments. Grow up!!!!!

      • 0

        War (where many soldiers too were killed and maimed) vs. homicide.

        • 3

          Idiot, innocent people were murdered and that’s what I am talking about. You call yourself a Buddhist? You go up and down Buddhist temples and what did you learn from it? We are also not talking about LTTE or soldiers getting killed while fighting, but we are talking about LTTE cadres and civilians being captured and eliminated by the official armed forces of a country………………….not fighters who are considered terrorists. Explain why some LTTE members were murdered like what you see in some of these pictures, but the biggest and nastiest LTTE killer Karuna amman, his side kicks and the sole arms dealer of the LTTE are given STF protection.

        • 2

          ramona Grandma therese fernando

          “War (where many soldiers too were killed and maimed) vs. homicide.”

          No, actually on a particular day all Tamils collectively decided to commit suicide.

        • 2

          ramona therese fernando aka dumb arse, do you know the definition of homicide? When you arrest combatants or civilians and shoot them in the back while their hands are tied, that’s murder, which in the legal world called homicide. Do you understand that now? This is what happens when you fill your head with muck and live in a bubble. How is that any different to you losing your family to murder? Explain the difference? Sometime back you could not tell the difference between 20 million and 20 billion. Now you are trying to educate me homicide? Stop being such a laughing stock of the Lankan community.

  • 4

    Tamils do not understand how smart the Sinhala people are. CBK, Ranil and Mahinda Rajapakse all fooled Tamils. I heard it is Ranil’s CFA and CBK’s P-TOMs that made Pabakaran go round and rounds thinking whether to do it or not. Again, Mahinda Rajapakse thinks he gave Rs 800 million to Pabakaran saying that was P-TOMs money. and that helped Mahinda Rajapakse to fool Pabakaran and win the War. but, Every time, even here, GTF ficuses only in fooling Tamils.

    • 3

      ” Tamils do not understand how smart the Sinhala people are.”

      No Tamils are very smart calling Sinhalaya Modaya, Stupid, Idiot, IQ 70.

    • 2

      @JD, then you are not Sinhalese.

  • 2

    Two days after cosigning the resolution, Ranil, in very clean and plain English words, said that there is no investigation based on UNHRC recommendations Please note UNHRC recommendations.

    Tamils diasporas and local leaderships are no longer oriented, utterly confused. Those Tamil Modayas have no idea of what Ranil is talking about or what he talked about, in the past. One is calling for time bound local investigation. One is calling for referendum. One is calling for Secret Solution. One is calling for developments. These all idiots are dreaming that they are ahead of all other Tamil Modayas and rest are only following their novel ideas! But the reality is they all are the same quality fiber soaked in same pond.

    Wait and see, now, these all comedians are going scream “Didn’t we say so; didn’t we say so?” Sadly none of these comedians, in one single word, ask for international investigation from the international players at UNHRC.

    Adding to the pain, the foreign players seem to be disoriented. It is going to be big, big trouble to Tamils to get any justice.

    Two years ago, during peer review, Friendly countries wanted 172 recommendations implemented. Harsh gave another 50 and made it as 232 and fooled entire members in that peer review.

    Now Ranil is calling all three resolutions as recommendations. He says him co- signed three times the UNHRC recommendations only. He is playing another game of “Foreign & Commonwealth” means Sri Lankans Sinhalese living in foreign countries. It is for this game Ranil quickly asked Tilak Marapana to join with Tamil Buddhist and New King stopped Mahinda Samarasinghe going to Geneva.

  • 3

    Game of thrones is the name of the Game. All countries have to participate in order to thrive or survive.
    UN is the designer of the game. Financed by the multinational corporations and advertised by the mass media.
    The idea is to find away to have a monopoly, like in the board game. The main obstacles are terrorists and the bogus Mass media.
    Who ever comes to the throne will try to control the world with the help of their friends. Controlling is done through terrorism and media mind games.
    Some will get carried away and become a part of terrorists. Most get foolish and accept it as a part of life and do nothing. The few who are fighting becomes the target of all sides.
    Whether you like it or not, you are already in the Game. Choose wisely how you want to play it.

  • 1

    Wonder what happened to GTF Boss Mr Suren Surendran and his USD 4 Billion which he promised to give his mate who was the Yahapalana Minister then in charge of of FA , who sponsored this resolution to do exacctly what this writer has demanded.

    And the new UN Boss Bachelott also has re demanded ..

    I hope that AVA Dude who gave that Interview to Derana Chatura will read this article.
    Because according to the EVA, 80 thousand War Widows are still desperate .
    And Rich Bros there are even exploiting them
    And the examples which the AVA Dude gave are mind boggling.

    4 Billion USD is a heck of a lot of Money ,
    Yahapalanay Bosses had to bend over to Chinese for 4 years ,to borrow 1 Billion which only arrived last month.
    And Dr Ranil won’t even have time to lay the foundation stone for Kirielle’s Memorial ,unless Dr Ranil get that extension for the Election.

    My point is, if Suren Surendran sent that 4 Billion , it would have liberated 80,000 from Poverty, given jobs to all AVA Dudes, and restored at least half of that 22 % growth which Jaffna Peninsula enjoyed after Nanthikadal.

    But then GTF and even TNA Dudes wouldn’t have got their chance to engage in their annual foray into the Apple Island, and visit China Town as well, for a cheap meal and a Massage.

    One thing of interest is that 3.7 Billion FDI which the DMK Boss is pumping into Yahapalana Coffers to buy Mineral Resources in Mannar and the rest of the Peninsula including Oil and Gas Processing Plants .

    TNA Abraham and his Boss Bloke Sampathar have admitted that Dr Ranil and Appa Sira have already released 80% of their land .
    I am not sure how many thousand acres there are.
    Dr Ranil has even tried to bring in that legislation to Lift the ban on the 50 Acre Limit for the Land Lords.

    • 2

      Oh hello Sumanaya, while the 4bn went to waste, your hero Mahindaraja Parayapaksa stole some of the Tsunami money and 21 bn USD.

  • 0

    Wonder what happened to GTF Boss Mr Suren Surendran and his USD 4 Billion which he promised to give his mate who was the Yahapalana Minister then in charge of of FA , who sponsored this resolution to do exacctly what this writer has demanded.

    And the new UN Boss Bachelott also has re demanded ..

    I hope that AVA Dude who gave that Interview to Derana Chatura will read this article.
    Because according to the EVA, 80 thousand War Widows are still desperate .
    And Rich Bros there are even exploiting them
    And the examples which the AVA Dude gave are mind boggling.

    4 Billion USD is a heck of a lot of Money ,
    Yahapalanay Bosses had to bend over to Chinese for 4 years ,to borrow 1 Billion which only arrived last month.
    And Dr Ranil won’t even have time to lay the foundation stone for Kirielle’s Memorial ,unless Dr Ranil get that extension for the Election.

    My point is, if Suren Surendran sent that 4 Billion , it would have liberated 80,000 from Poverty, given jobs to all AVA Dudes, and restored at least half of that 22 % growth which Jaffna Peninsula enjoyed after Nanthikadal.

    But then GTF and even TNA Dudes wouldn’t have got their chance to engage in their annual foray into the Apple Island, and visit China Town as well, for a cheap meal and a Massage.

    One thing of interest is that 3.7 Billion FDI which the DMK Boss is pumping into Yahapalana Coffers to buy Mineral Resources in Mannar and the rest of the Peninsula including Oil and Gas Processing Plants .

    TNA Abraham and his Boss Bloke Sampathar have admitted that Dr Ranil and Appa Sira have already released 80% of their land .
    I am not sure how many thousand acres there are.
    Dr Ranil has even tried to bring in that legislation to Lift the ban on the 50 Acre Limit for the Land Lords.

  • 2

    There is some rattling on Mangala side. He may be able to raise more money than other UNPyers. Slap Party opponents and SLFP opponents would see him as sincere politicians than those who are already UNP supporters. Samantha Power’s visit suggests he may get outside blessing too.

    The thorny question is if SLFP place a candidate (say New King) whose votes he would split. One may think it is going to be Slap Party candidate’s votes as it is a sibling of SLFP. But the reality in LG was it split UNP votes. We still have to see what happened in LG election. We are not sure if New King’s anti-Ranil action encouraged the UNP votes to go to Slap Party or New King split the 13% UNP votes and weakened it. If we entertain that argument, we are supporting a theory of SLFP these has only Zero base and the whole SLFP base have moved to Slap Party. Then SLFP stole 13% from UNP’s votes. Could that be correct?

    SLFP may not have a base at this time. But New King has lot of hold. Further as he is pesky traitor for anybody, he has the capability tell any lies and kill Old King or Ranil. Joint Comedy Club will have to report to him until August 2020 to keep their parliamentary seats. If they are not wagging their tails to him, he can send them all home with a swing of his pen. Old Royals are depending on him for all local cases for mercy protection. So Old King keeping files will not work on New King but his Appa can devastate Old King. Ranil will not – certainly- hurt Old Royals. But it is not ensuring him protecting them from New King too. If New King manages to bring back Mahendran, he can work on CB looting from 2008 to 2015, Combined on Ranil and Old King.

  • 1

    Chandrika factor on SLFP is quiet perplexing. If Ranil, Mangala or Rajitha, but not Vaalaiththodam Jr Stand for EP, she would like to support them. Kotte Royalty is the Attanagalla Princess’s favorite. She would do the same to Mangala too.

    But Ranil would like to skip the EP election. 1). He is still scared of election so doesn’t want to get his feet wet in this for nothing. 2). He foresees running the country can be very difficult with the current economic and Political situations. So he feels it is worthless to struggle and earn a victory. 3). He thinks Old Royals winning the election is good for the country as he thinks they will defeat the West on human right issues so his type of sovereignty can be preserved. The biggest obstacle for him is he needs Tamils support. His repeated lies to TNA have created deviation between them. He split and destroyed TNA. So now, he needs Western support to bring TNA back under his control. But he created enmity with West too. He does want to go to them either. He doubts his ability this time to get Tamils supports. Muslim would support who promise the most and who has the best chance to win. They may see Old Royals as the most desirable at the last moment. Ranil knows that better than us. So he would not jump into water depending on Hakeem or Rishard without TNA’s Sampanthar and Sumanthiran. Ranil would like to abolish EP, provided UNP wins nest time and he did not stand for it. He believes removing EP will wipe out TNA’s King making chance. His uncle JR brought proportional representation system to get rid of Tamils becoming Opposition leaders. But this time they become opposition leader and King Makers. Ranil hates it.

  • 4

    These dunbidiots of the Global Tamil Forum have failed to realize the intention of framing war crime charges by USA when they very well knew that there were no substantial evidences to prove that Sri Lankan Armed Forces committed war crimes. War crime charges were used to twist the arm of the SL Government to force them to agree to their demands. According to available information, our ‘Thuppahi’ Don Juan Wikunana-Sinham has given all what they want. So the right time has come to dump Demalu in Sri Lanka to the gutter. In order to please the ‘Koti Diaspora’ who pumped lot of money to oil the palm of white cockroaches, they will drag the thing.
    Sumanthiram can ba*k that if foreign judges are not brought Sri Lanka will be dragged to ICJ. Sooner or later he will realize that Demalu have been fooled. It is easy to fool the fools.

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      Eagle Eye,
      We are always ashamed to read your comments filled with hate mongering. THat is I think is no means good for your health. You are an octagenarian should feel relax about the later day life Mahindapala BP. (B****putha).
      Imagine, if many of us would follow you racists, what would be the case with lanken MINORITY srilankens and world minorities in each of the countries ?
      I have no doubt the white nationalist killer born in Sidney who lately took the lives of innocient worshipers (nearly 49) should not have that much of hatred as you seem to have it : Did NOT you have a better CHILDhood ? Were you molested by Tamil SRILANKENS ? Or were you raped by Tamil migrants in Australia ? Or what is the problem, perhaps you may be suffering from some mental disorders ?

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        “I have no doubt the white nationalist killer born in Sidney who lately took the lives of innocient worshipers (nearly 49) should not have that much of hatred as you seem to have it”
        How many Muslim worshipers were butchered by barbaric Demala terrorists? Just imagine raping pregnant Sinhala women, cutting the bellies to pull out the babies, throw the babies up and hold the point of a bayonet to kill them. Imagine the level of hatred they had. There is lot of blood in the hands of Demalu who hate Sinhalayo.

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          Abusurd !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..
          – How can you ever be normal ????

          Assuming that you are buddhist, I really dont think you indocrination is right.
          Tell me how can you generalize it the way you are supposed to think ? Just because some lunatic tamil rebells killed innocient buddhist or others, … is it right to think that all tamils would do that ?.
          In the same way, looking at the manner JVPrs killed a prodigious n umber of innocient youth in 89 across the country, mostly not knowing the reason behind that, but I dont think we could brand JVPrs as murderers ?
          Just because MAHINDA Rajapakshe, his siblings, offspings and his relatives almost plundered the state to the core – that means not any SINHALAYAs coming from RURAL background, without proper EDUCATION would repeat it.

          And to you; JUST BECASUE YOU support HATE mongering, it s not right to think that all SRILANKENs migrated to Australia would FOLLOW you::
          Please get well MAHINDA PALA or leave your CITIZENSHIP as SRILANKENS…

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    “We urge member states to take note of the High Commissioner’s recommendation that they “investigate and prosecute, wherever possible, in particular in accordance with universal jurisdiction principles, those allegedly responsible for such violations as torture, enforced disappearance, war crimes or crimes against humanity …”
    Very Good!
    1. Charge all the LTTE cadres who committed most heinous crimes against civilians and punish them. Sinhalayo can provide all the incidences and evidences.
    2. Trace all the LTTE cadres who committed war crimes and hiding in Western Countries under new identities, deport them to Sri Lanka and charge for war crimes
    3. Deport Adele Balasingham who put cyanide capsules around the neck of LTTE terrorists and send them to kill civilians and charge for war crimes.
    4. Charge TNA politicians for wholeheartedly supporting terrorism of LTTE and punish them.

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      Unlike the LTTE cadres, Srilankan Army stalwarts have been named as human rights abusers. Why not start with them?

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    By getting Extension of time trough Resolutions the Sri Lankan escapes from its accountability. In short the government is cheating the people and UNHRC. The UN is taken for a good ride. At least in the current Resolution there should have been a Clause to say that it is the final extension of time

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    GTF and the Diaspora Tamils must understand that it was not only Tamils life were lost , many Sinhalese and Moors, also. Atrocities were committed by LTTE through out their reign in the NE and also during the last phase of the war. Stories are many to tell. If at all, any inquiries are undertaken whether by Sri Lankan or international judicial, it should cover right across the LTTE and JVP insurrection periods. SRI LANKA is slowly but implementing some of the Resolutions. This should be appreciated.

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    An originally family of that Tamils race mother land is Tamil Nadu India. The illegal migrant from Tamil sellers being Island of Lankan several years ago. Now they claim for Separatist State in Lankan that to be occupy part of North and East by after 1948 Independence Ceylon. Meanwhile that so-called Tamil extremist demand an initiated of Tamil’s for Land was by Malaysian born Tamil -Christen believer SJV Chelvanayagam of out fit founder a Federal Party…in 1951!
    The very claim was born out of anti-establishment political out-fit of FP; was not that democratic organization, it was funded by Church of Western countries . …which .against that 2600 years of civilization of majority People of Sri Lankan.
    The political prespacatves of FP were very clear that was partition of Island for Tamil rough state closed to that southern tip of Indian Sub-continental .It was base an idea nothing else that Grater Tamil Empire to be establishment that day will come to annex north-eastern Island to Tamil Nadu by Independent Tamil Regime will come to exists in Indian Ocean.
    Therefor extremist of that Tamils claim which that Lankan Sinhalese has been suppressed the Tamil minority was that a” political slogan” put forward by FP, TULF, TNA and LTTE and other Tamil organization in Island .The result of that Tamil liberation Tigers been justify by their claim that sepetrsim of Tamil extremism> GFT was his masters voice in internationally appear on behalf for LTTE Tigers.
    The Father( may be Cardinal) of Christen was founder Rev Emmanuel leader of GTF is proxies of LTTE and TNA. GFT is mouth piece extremist out fit back by Christen Church in England ..& ..Tamil diasporas and others survives on foreign intelligence at oversees .
    The GFT was born out of LTTE Armed of Gun point politics to be seek and work Extremisms of Separatism to be capture -political power by methods Terrorism while that of mode by gun point..!.

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      Sinhalese Buddhist Fascists like you , many descended from recently migrated Indian Tamil immigrants are now busy destroying ancient Tamil Hindu and Buddhist historical artefacts and ruins in the island , especially in the north and east , or falsely claiming them as Sinhalese Buddhist, and creating new stories and myths about the history of the island. There is definite historical evidence as well modern DNA proof that it is the Sinhalese and not the Sri Lankan Tamils, who are largely descended from Indian Tamil immigrants and invaders, from ancient to modern, and that Sri Lankan Tamils have a higher percentage of North Indian origin than the Sinhalese , who claim an exclusive North Indian origin. 30% compared to the Sinhalese 25%. It is the Sinhalese and the Sri Lankan Muslims , the former claiming an Aryan North Indian origin and the later an Arab/Moorish origin , are in fact really largely descended from Dravidian South Indian Tamil immigrants.

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    Ten years on,many Tamils have lost faith in the UNHRC, which is stymied by the need for majority support for any action..Srilanka has been adept in winning diplomatic support and stalling for Time, secure in the knowledge that the world will soon move on to the next crisis.

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    Majority Tamil political Parties leaders are very friendly with Gun Point politics. They wish do politics Barbaric way that ideology closed of Tribalism of primitive society. The UNHRC is just used as means of achieve Tamil Eealm regime in Lanka.
    The Tamils politics parties as well as leaders ever-never respect or regards of any of that UNO or its organization by deeds. Even Tamils never recognized that Human Rights in their political life?

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    The Global Tamil Terrorist Forum (GTTF) is nothing but a useless outfit. Exhibiting pictures from South Americas warring counties cannot work well for too long. Once this parayah UNP MF-ing government is defeated and a proper lion is in place as the head of state, all this bull s*it will be over and UNHRC and those MF-ing dogs that bark for GTTF . Sri Lanka will remain as it did throughout its history.

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